Intasc Standards
Intasc Standards
Intasc Standards
Standard #3: Learning Environments. An effective learning environment cannot take place
The teacher works with others to create without safety, trust, and positive management.
environments that support individual Examples of this implementation into my classroom
and collaborative learning, and that can be found in my “Classroom Behavior and
encourage positive social interaction, Management” competency:
active engagement in learning, and self
motivation. behavior-management.html
Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The I have applied what I learn through my course at
teacher understands the central Regent about strategies for teaching content across
concepts, tools of inquiry, and the curriculum in my “Content Knowledge in
structures of the discipline(s) he or she Interdisciplinary Curriculum” competency:
teaches and creates learning
experiences that make the discipline knowledge-in-interdisciplinary-curriculum.html
accessible and meaningful for learners
to assure mastery of the content.
Standard #5: Application of Content. I understood what students needed and how to
The teacher understands how to encourage creative, differing perspectives, and
connect concepts and use differing collaboration as shown in my “Developmentally-
perspectives to engage learners in Appropriate Instruction” competency:
critical thinking, creativity, and
collaborative problem solving related --appropriate-instruction.html
to authentic local and global issues.
Standard #6: Assessment. The teacher I was able to engage students in effective learning by
understands and uses multiple methods using various methods of assessment to aid me in
of assessment to engage learners in designing appropriate instruction. Examples of this
their own growth, to monitor learner can be found in my “Planning, Preparation,
progress, and to guide the teacher’s Instruction, and Assessment” competency:
and learner’s decision making.
Standard #7: Planning for Instruction. I planned for instruction that would support every
The teacher plans instruction that student’s needs using content knowledge and what
supports every student in meeting students understand in various competencies:
rigorous learning goals by drawing
upon knowledge of content areas, preparation-instruction-and-assessment.html
curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills,
and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of knowledge-in-interdisciplinary-curriculum.html
learners and the community context.
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies. I applied several instructional strategies that Regent
The teacher understands and uses a has taught me in my student teaching experience.
variety of instructional strategies to One strategy incorporates using technology to reach
encourage learners to develop deep different learning styles. An example of this can be
understanding of content areas and found:
their connections, and to build skills to
apply knowledge in meaningful ways. technology-and-media-resources.html
Standard #9: Professional Learning I demonstrated professional practice in the way I
and Ethical Practice. The teacher engaged with students, parents, and school personnel
engages in ongoing professional by developing relationships and keeping open
learning and uses evidence to communication. Examples of this can be found here:
continually evaluate his/her practice,
particularly the effects of his/her communication-and-collaboration.html
choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the
community), and adapts practice to
meet the needs of each learner.
Standard #10: Leadership and I always took the opportunity to collaborate with
Collaboration. The teacher seeks others to be a great leader and educator. I especially
appropriate leadership roles and met with colleagues virtually and in person to
opportunities to take responsibility for develop leadership. Examples of this can be found
student learning, to collaborate with here:
learners, families, colleagues, other communication-and-collaboration.html
school professionals, and community
members to ensure learner growth, and
to advance the profession.