Warm-Up Activity Categories Responses
Warm-Up Activity Categories Responses
Warm-Up Activity Categories Responses
Categories Responses
Significance 1. Nursing is a practice that has a complex structured environment with a high
competing demand, hence, needs an effective work within the clinical
environment. Nursing research is significant in maintaining and improving
the quality of care, thus, expanding nurses’ knowledge through the creative
approaches of evidence- based practice to different health problems.
Purpose 1. To provide evidence- based answers in solving the questions/problems
related to nursing profession.
2. To increase the knowledge of nurses in their practice.
3. To find solutions in current problems of nurses in the health care
4. To enhance the nurses’ abilities particularly in utilizing evidence-based
5. To review the effectiveness of nursing interventions.
6. To study the response of the general population of clients regarding nursing
7. To achieve diverged explanations in nursing problems.
8. To identify outcomes in the treatment of existing health problem situation.
9. To link research findings with evidence-based practice.
10. To provide guidelines in the proper treatment of patients.
Activity 1
Activity 2
Wrap-up Activity
Categories Responses
Significance of nursing research 1. The significance of nursing research is to use evidence-
based nursing that the best evidence for deciding patient
care that is clinically relevant, cost-effective, and lead to
favorable patient outcomes and provide optimum and
holistic patient care.
2. Adopt in different clinical settings an evidence-based
Purpose of nursing research 1. To promote quality nursing education with the use of the
best knowledge and strategies that can solve educational
problems and improve teaching-learning practices.
2. To generate more reliable evidence in nursing research
itself relevant to nursing education and clinical practice.
3. To address questions or solve problems of importance to
4. Specific purposes of nursing research include
identification, description, exploration, explanation, and
prediction/control, considering a descriptive/explanatory
5. The purpose of qualitative research is to identify or name
or adequately define the phenomenon clearly. On the
other hand, quantitative research starts with a
phenomenon previously described or studied.
6. The purposes of research concerning on EBP focus on
therapy, treatment, or intervention; diagnosis and
assessment; prognosis; etiology (causation) and harm;
and meaning and processes.