Generalized Assignment Method: Assign Seed Points For Each Route
Generalized Assignment Method: Assign Seed Points For Each Route
Generalized Assignment Method: Assign Seed Points For Each Route
The generalized assignment method is more sophisticated than the savings matrix method and
usually results in better solutions when there are few delivery constraints to be satisfied. The
procedure for routing and sequencing of vehicles consists of the following steps:
The first three steps result in customers being assigned to a vehicle, and the fourth step
identifies a route for each vehicle to minimize the distance traveled. We discuss each step in
greater detail in the context of the delivery decision at Peapod.
The goal of this step is to determine a seed point corresponding to the center of the trip taken
by each vehicle using the following procedure:
1. Divide the total load to be shipped to all customers by the number of trucks to obtain
Lseed, the average load allocated to each seed point.
2. Starting at any customer, use a ray starting at the DC to sweep clockwise to obtain cones
assigned to each seed point. Each cone is assigned a load of Lseed.
3. Within each cone, the seed point is located in the middle (in terms of angle) at a distance
equal to that of the customer (with a partial or complete load allocated to the cone)
farthest from the DC.
The manager at Peapod uses the procedure described earlier to obtain seed points for the
deliveries described in Table 1. Given four vehicles and a total delivery load across all customers
of 666 units, the manager obtains an average load per vehicle of Lseed = 666 / 4 = 166.5 units.
The next step is to sweep clockwise with a ray emanating from the DC to obtain four cones,
one for each vehicle, including all customers. The first step in defining the cones is to obtain the
angular position of each customer. The angular position ( i) of customer i with coordinates (xi, yi)
is the angle made relative to the x axis by the line joining the customer i to the origin (DC), as
shown in Figure 6.
Y axis
(xi, yi)
X axis
The angular position of each customer is obtained as the inverse tangent of the ratio of its y
coordinate to the x coordinate.
xi . (3)
tan1 yi
The inverse tangent can be evaluated using the Excel function ATAN() as
i = ATAN(yi/xi). (4)
The angular position of each customer is obtained using Equation 4, as shown in Table 6.
The next step is to sweep clockwise and order the customers as encountered. For Peapod, a
clockwise sweep encounters customers in the order 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 10, 8, 12, and 9. Starting
with Customer 1, four cones, each representing a load of Lseed = 166.5 units, are formed.
Customers 1 and 3 combine to load 91 units on the truck. Customer 4 is encountered next in the
sweep. Adding the entire load for Customer 4 would result in a load of 183, which is larger than
Lseed = 166.5. To get a load of 166.5, only 166.5 – 91 = 75.5 units of the load should be included.
Thus, the first cone extends to a point that is 75.5 / 92 of the angle between Customers 3 and 4.
Customer 3 has an angular position of 1.13 and Customer 4 has an angular position of 0.93,
resulting in an angle between them of 1.13 – 0.93 = 0.20. The first cone thus extends to an angle
(75.5 / 92) 0.20 beyond Customer 3 with a resulting angle of 1.13 – (75.5 / 92) 0.20 = 0.97.
The first cone thus has one end at Customer 1 (angle of 1.57) and the other at an angle of 0.97, as
shown in Figure 7.
Seed 1
The seed point is then located at an angle 1 = (0.97 + 1.57) / 2 = 1.27 in the middle of the
cone at a distance equal to that of the farthest customer included. Customer 3, at a distance d1 =
(70)2 = 17, is the farthest customer in the first cone. Given the distance d1, the
(X1, Y1) of the Seed Point 1 are thus given by:
The second cone starts at the angle 0.97 and includes 92 – 75.5 = 16.5 units of the Customer
4 load. On sweeping clockwise, Customers 2, 5, 6, and 7 are encountered before a load of 166.5 is
exceeded. To get a load of exactly 166.5, only 41/56 of Customer 7 load is needed. The angular
position of the end of the cone is thus 41/56 between Customers 6 and 7. Customer 6 is at angle
of 0.00 and Customer 7 is at the angle of –0.12. The second cone thus ends at an angle of 0.00 –
0.12 (41 / 56) = –0.09. The second cone has one end at an angle of 0.33 and the other at an
angle of –0.09. The seed point is thus located at an angle 2 in the middle of the cone; that is, 2
= (0.33 – 0.09) / 2 = 0.12. The distance d2 of the seed point for the second cone is the same as
Customer 6, the farthest customer in the cone. This corresponds to a distance of d2 = 20 (see
Table 2). The coordinates (X2, Y2) of the Seed Point 2 are thus given by:
Proceeding in the same manner, the Peapod manager forms four cones to determine the four
seed points, as shown in Table 8.
For each Seed Point Sk and Customer i, the insertion cost cik is the extra distance that would
be traveled if the customer is inserted into a trip from the DC to the seed point and back and is
given by:
where the Dist() function is evaluated as in Equation 1. For Customer 1 and Seed Point 1, the
insertion cost is given by:
The Peapod manager evaluates all insertion costs cik, as shown in Table 9.
Table 9: Insertion Costs for Peapod Deliveries for Each Customer and Seed Point
Customer Seed Point 1 Seed Point 2 Seed Point 3 Seed Point 4
1 2 14 18 23
2 2 2 5 11
3 2 15 21 30
4 4 10 15 25
5 15 0 4 21
6 25 2 5 29
7 22 2 1 22
8 11 2 0 3
9 12 7 4 3
10 24 5 0 19
11 32 10 4 29
12 20 8 4 8
13 30 20 15 18
The manager next assigns customers to each of the four vehicles to minimize total insertion
cost while respecting vehicle capacity constraints. The assignment problem is formulated as an
integer program and requires the following input:
subject to:
yik 1, i 1,...,n,
k 1
ai yik bk , k 1,...,K,
yi = 0 or 1, for all i and k.
For Peapod, the order size for each customer is given in Table 1, the insertion cost cik is
obtained from Table 9, and the capacity of each vehicle is 200 units. The manager at Peapod
solves the integer program using the Solver tool in Excel to obtain the assignment of customers to
vehicles as shown in Table 10 and Figure 8. The sequencing of customers within each trip is
obtained using the route sequencing and route improvement procedures discussed earlier. The
total distance traveled for the delivery schedule is 159.
1 4
8 10