Minecraft Lesson Plans
Minecraft Lesson Plans
Minecraft Lesson Plans
By Alison Wild & Taylor Pickett
Lesson 1:
Link to Minecraft world: https://education.minecraft.net/lessons/minecraft-money
Specific Outcome(s) SLO 1: Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by:
● 2s, 5s and 10s, forward and backward, using starting points that are multiples of
2, 5 and 10 respectively
SLO 4: Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
SLO 10: Apply mental mathematics strategies for basic addition facts and related
subtraction facts to 18.
3) Minecraft
4) Exit Slip
I would begin the pre-assessment by showing students real-life versions of a penny, Real coins
nickel, dime, quarters, dollar, and toonie - students will pass these coins around the
I would write a monetary value on the white board (e.g. 35 cents) and students would Dry erase
be randomly selected to come up and stick magnetic money to each value (e.g. 10 markers
¢, 10 ¢ , 10 ¢
, and 5 ¢
Another student would then be selected to show a different way to make 35 cents Money
(e.g. 25 ¢ + 10 ¢)
As a class we would count the money aloud (e.g. 10, 20, 30, 35).
With a partner, students will play 3 rounds of “count your coins” using the plastic
“Count your
Coins” sheet
- Paper clip
- Pencil
- Plastic
- Dry erase
- Plastic
Dry erase
Prior to starting Minecraft, I will draw and label the coloured blocks on the whiteboard markers
with the value and coin type (e.g. blue box = 25 cents = a quarter). I will also write
down the navigation keys.
On personal devices, students will navigate through the “Minecraft Money” world and
follow along with the chart - identifying which block combinations they used for each Laptops/Com
problem in the world and how these blocks equate to real coins. puter set
Students will put a tally count under each block type that they used for each problem
Problems . . . .
25 cents I Pencil/eraser
39 cents III I IIII
After exploring minecraft, students will create their own “Classroom Coffee Shop”
menu with assigned prices (max. 2 dollars per item) using the provided template.
Food and
Drinks Menu
Students will include 2-3 items under each category (starters, main courses,
desserts, cold drinks, and hot drinks).
Students must identify - if possible - at least 2 combinations of coins that can be
added together to buy each item. Students will write these combinations under each
Students will work in groups of 4 to buy items from eachothers’ menu using plastic
● $5 spending limit for each student - each student will have a different
combination of coins to make up the $5
5 minutes CLOSING
1) What were some difficulties you faced when navigating through Minecraft?
2) How did Minecraft help you understand the value of money?
3) What was something you learned today?
4) What is your favourite item on your personal menu?
I will provide each student with an exit slip where they will circle the correct amount
of money shown in the image Exit Slips
I would base the exit slip on the sample below (using Canadian rather than American
Outcome(s) Unit A: Biological Diversity (Social and Environmental Emphasis)
GLO 1: Investigate and interpret diversity among species and within species, and
describe how diversity contributes to species survival.
GLO 2: Investigate the nature of reproductive processes and their role in transmitting
species characteristics.
GLO 4: Identify impacts of human action on species survival and variation within
species, and analyze related issues for personal and public decision making.
Specific Outcome(s)
● SLO: 2.4: distinguish those characteristics that are heritable from those that are
not heritable, and identify.
characteristics for which heredity and environment may both play a role
● SLO: 4.2: describe ongoing changes in biological diversity through extinction
and extirpation of native species, and investigate the role of environmental
factors in causing these changes.
● SLO: 4.4: investigate and describe the use of biotechnology in environmental,
agricultural or forest management; and identify potential impacts and issues.
Prior to ● Students will have developed an Resources ● Performance task outline and
Lesson: understanding of what biodiversity to Bring: rubric
is and how living things pass on ● KWL charts
their different characteristics to ● Exit slip questions
future generations. ● Pencils
● Laptop/Ipad
● Species Journal
● I will go over today's task and write an agenda on the board
Lesson Agenda:
1. FIll out a KWL Chart
2. Play “Extinction! Safari” Minecraft World
3. Go over performance task instructions, expectations and rubric
4. Start working on assignment by researching an extinct animal
10-15 Activity One: KWL Chart KWL Chart
minutes Once all students have arrived, the first activity they will do is completing a KWL
chart. Students will fill in what they Know about extinction and what they Want to
learn about extinction.
The species journal is a formative assessment tracker that allows students to keep
track of the species they learned about.
Students will:
1. Write down each species name,
2. List some key physical characteristics of them
3. Draw an illustration of what the species look like.
Species Journal:
Name of Key Features: Illustration:
To start the class discussion, I will ask students to think about two things they have
learned about biodiversity and extinction, after they have come up with that, they will
turn to their elbow partner and share, then do the same in a group setting (4-5
people). This will act as a formative assessment tool and a review strategy that will
help students in their performance task. Laptop/
Rest of class Ipad
time Activity Four: Performance Task
I will spend the first 5 minutes going over what the performance task entails, how
students will be graded and answer any questions students may have.
The activity will focus on the knowledge students gained from the Minecraft world.
Students will be required to pick one of the species they learned about and conduct
research on the species.
● Some guiding research questions include:
A. What does the species look like?
B. Why is the species extinct?
C. What type of food this species used to eat?
D. Where did this species live?
Students will have plenty of class time to work on their research projects. They can
complete this assignment in partners if they wish. If students decide to do it in
partners they will need to make a list of who did what and submit it with their finished
Part one:
Performance Task Planning Outline (Mandatory):
Once students have filled in the performance task planning guide and showed me,
they can move on to the next portion of the assignment.
The second part of the task is to create a powerpoint, brochure, infographic, poster
or comic strip based on the research students conducted. If students have another
option in how they want to represent their findings, they can come ask me and I will
approve it. (I will provide students with previous work so give them some ideas
and examples).
Sample of Rubric:
Rubric retrieved from: ation.txstate.edu
5 minutes Conclusion: KWL Chart
Students will complete an exit slip before leaving the classroom and fill out the ‘L’
(what they learned) in the KWL chart:
Outcome(s) GLO:2: Students will understand impacts of, and reactions to, liberalism.
Specific Outcome(s) ● SLO: 2.6: examine the impacts of liberal thought on 19th century society
(laissez-faire capitalism, industrialization, class system, limited government)
● Kahoot Game:
○ At the end of the lesson students will
play a short 4 question quiz to review
and reflect upon the information they
have learned regarding the Industrial
Focus Questions:
● What is the Industrial Revolution?
● How did the Industrial Revolution make life easier for people?
● How did the Industrial Revolution affect agriculture?
● What were the technology, social and economic changes that arose from the
Industrial Revolution?
● What were the key events in the Industrial Revolution?
Lesson Agenda:
1. Question of the day (impacts of technology)
2. Concept maps
3. Minecraft activity ‘Farming Industrial Revolution’
4. Inventions of the Industrial Revolution project
5. Kahoot Quiz
10 minutes Introduction:
● The lesson will begin with students discussing the question of:
How technology has impacted our lives today
● I will pass out sticky notes and students will write down 2 reasons regarding Sticky notes
the effects of technology then stick it on the whiteboard.
20 minutes Activity One: Concept Map Design: Ipads
After students have finished discussing the impact of technology, we will move onto
generating a concept map outlining key elements of the Industrial Revolution. Concept
Students may work collaboratively to discuss and research information about the Map
Industrial Revolution (class Ipads will be passed out). Templates
Students will watch this short YouTube video (4.34) to help them fill out their
concept maps:
Once students have finished, we will review the information as a class to ensure
everyone has the key points needed before partaking in the Minecraft activity.
Students have the option to write out their concept map or do it digitally. If students
decide to do it digitally, here are some link they may use:
1. Popplet: https://www.popplet.com
2. Creately: h ttps://creately.com/lp/concept-map-maker/
3. Lucidchart:
30 Minutes
Activity Two: ‘Farming Industrial Revolution’
After students have completed their concept maps, they will move on to exploring
and engaging in the Minecraft world.
This Minecraft world will immerse students back into the time when the Industrial
Revolution first began. Students will initially begin in a pre-industrial revolution
where they will construct a farm and find work. After completing that quest they will
move on to the Industrial Revolution period where they can see the difference in the Compare
economy, society and within technology. and Contrast
While students are partaking in this Minecraft World, they will fill out a compare and
contrast chart that depicts the difference in the pre-industrial era versus the
post-industrial era.
Throughout the students' journey in the Minecraft world, they would have gotten
some ideas regarding different inventions. They will use that information, plus
research extra information to design three advertisement brochures, collages,
videos, infographics, etc on three inventions that came out of the Industrial
Part One:
Students will fill out an inventions planning guide to ensure they have all the
information needed to complete the assignment, then show me and once they get
approved they can move onto part two.
Part Two:
After students have completed the planning guide worksheet and showed me,
they can move onto the designing portion.
Students will create three different advertisements for each invention. The
advertisements can be in the form of a poster, video, PowerPoint, brochure, etc.
Students will be given plenty of class time to work on the project and it will be due in
2 weeks.
5 Minutes Conclusion:
Students will do a Kahoot Quiz as a formative assessment marker to see what they Kahoot Link
have learned from today's lesson. Laptop/Ipad
● Kahoot Link: