Dream On: BY: Lavenzel Niña A. Ybañez
Dream On: BY: Lavenzel Niña A. Ybañez
Dream On: BY: Lavenzel Niña A. Ybañez
Cast of Characters
Paris: A nursing student who aspires to be a dancer
who can stand on the international stage. She is
a good kid who is very passionate when it comes
to dancing.
The present.
*lights on*
(12-year-old Paris is dancing in her room)
*lights off*
*lights on*
(drops call)
*lights off*
*lights on*
Miss Jones: So, after having your water break, you have
to do it from the top all over again and Paris, guide
them for now because I have an important business to go
(Turns to Paris before leaving.)
Miss Jones: Job well done! I can see you are all
improving! I hope I can still see that in the next
class. You are all dismissed and oh, Paris, I have
something to tell you.
*lights off*
*lights on*
John: You will never have a future when you choose your
passion over your career! You won’t be successful with
just your dancing alone, because the world today
revolves around money. The world today is all about
about practicality! Life isn't so kind as to hand
everything to you
*lights off*
*lights on*
*lights off*
*lights on*
*lights off*
*lights on*
*background music*
Host: Are you ready to see a fiery stage tonight? Well,
this is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Let’s
welcome one of the best international dance groups… the
(confetti in)
(group hug)