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Unit 6 - Week
Week 5 : Assignment 5
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Week 1 1) In what type of pin, data pin of DHT sensor should be connected? 1 point
b. digital pin
Week 3
c. any one of (a) and (b)
Week 4
d. None of this
Week 5 No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Lecture 21 :
Interoperability Accepted Answers:
in Internet of b. digital pin
2) Why interoperability is required? 1 point
Lecture 22 :
Introduction to
Arduino- I a. Heterogeneous wireless communication protocols
Lecture 24 :
d. All of the above
Integration of
No, the answer is incorrect.
Sensors and
Actuators with Score: 0
Arduino- I Accepted Answers:
Lecture 25 : d. All of the above
Integration of
3) What type of Arduino pin is used to give command to Servo motor? 1 point
Sensors and
Actuators with
Arduino- II a. Analog pin
a. 5V only
Week 7
b. 3.3 V only
Week 8
c. 9 V only
Week 9 d. 5V, 3.3V
d. 14
6) 1 point
b. Prints the value from the sensor to console every 100 miliseconds
c. Prints the value from the sensor to console if it is more than 1000, every 100 miliseconds
d. Prints the value from the sensor to console if it is delayed by 1000 seconds
7) What is the servo library command to move the shaft of Servo motor back and forth across 1 point
180 degree?
a. Knob()
b. Sweep()
c. write()
d. detach()
c. Both A and B
d. None
9) Which of the following library functions can be used to generate a random number in 1 point
a. randomize()
b. ran()
c. rand()
d. random()
10)Which pin of Arduino should be connected with the pin 3 of the 4-pin DHT sensor? 1 point
a. Pint 5V
b. Pin 3.3V
c. Pin GND