Absin, Karen A. Evaldez, Genny Leigh Fernandez, James Perez, Ainel Taneo, Sherrybeth Tolibao, Via
Absin, Karen A. Evaldez, Genny Leigh Fernandez, James Perez, Ainel Taneo, Sherrybeth Tolibao, Via
Absin, Karen A. Evaldez, Genny Leigh Fernandez, James Perez, Ainel Taneo, Sherrybeth Tolibao, Via
Absin, Karen A.
Fernandez, James
Perez, Ainel
Taneo, Sherrybeth
Tolibao, Via
English 2
Learning techniques:
Quarter: 4th
Content: Pronouns
- Personal Pronoun
-Pronoun “I”
Jane: Akisha is
Wow! Very good. Thank you Akisha our classroom
No one is absent
today Teacher.
We are all
B. Motivation Last meeting, we discussed about noun and Via: Noun is a part of
its types. Ok then who can define what is speech and refer to
noun? Via? the individual name
of name, place or a
things .
Can you please list down example of nouns
in the board? As many as you can
10 students wrote
correct pronouns
Very good, those are samples of nouns. on the board.
What are those again?
Very good!
James: Theresa
Jane: James
C.Presentation I will pick a name that you wrote on
the board. I will pick Karen because
that’s my name and use it in a
Class: Pronoun
Very good!
Let’s take
this example
When you change your name you will use Keith: My name is
pronoun “I”. Keith. I have four
cute dogs.
Can you give me an example? Keith: Keith teacher
How many time you will clap your hands 3 times maam
and stamp your feet?
Again, we will clap our hand and stamp our “I” ma’am
feet when we hear the pronoun…
4. live in Japan.
a. Me b. I c. us
5. Ashley and loves dancing and singing.
a. we b. You c. I
6. This is my toys, so will put it on the toy shelf.
a. I b. us c. me
7. like to learn about the universe
a. me b. I c. us
8. Are you okay? Can help you?
a. me b. you c. I
9. Could you please help me? have a problem.
a. me b. I c. you
10. am going to market
a. you b. I c. me