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FILE - 20201025 - 100720 - CHP-Steam Turbine

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Combined Heat and Power Technology

Fact Sheet Series

Steam Turbines
Steam turbines are a mature technology and have been
used since the 1880s for electricity production. Most of the
electricity generated in the United States is produced by
steam turbines integrated in central station power plants.
In addition to central station power, steam turbines are also
commonly used for combined heat and power (CHP) instal-
lations (see Table 1 for summary of CHP attributes).

Based on data from the CHP Installation Database,1 there are
699 sites in the United States that are using steam turbines for
CHP operation. These steam turbine CHP installations have an
average capacity of 37 MW and a combined capacity of 26 GW,
representing 32% of the installed CHP capacity in the United
Steam turbine CHP installation at an industrial facility in New York.
States.2 The majority of these CHP steam turbines are used at Photo courtesy of Recycled Energy Development
industrial plants (e.g., paper, chemicals, and food), commercial
buildings with high thermal loads
(e.g., hospitals), and district
heating sites (e.g., universities).
Steam turbines are well suited to
Table 1. Summary of Steam Turbine Attributes for CHP
medium- and large-scale indus- Size range Steam turbines are available in sizes from under 100 kW to over 250 MW.
trial and institional applications
where inexpensive fuels such as Thermal output CHP configurations use backpressure or extraction steam turbines to
coal, biomass, solid wastes and generate power and thermal energy. Backpressure steam turbines
byproducts (e.g., wood chips), produce low pressure steam while extraction turbines deliver both low
refinery residual oil, and refinery pressure and medium pressure steam.
off gases are available.
Part-load Steam turbines have relatively good part-load performance, but
operation efficiency does decline as power output is reduced.
Description Fuel Boilers are commonly used to generate steam required for steam
A steam turbine is driven with turbines, and boilers can utilize a wide range of fuels, including natural
high pressure steam produced by gas, oil, coal, and biomass. For CHP applications, steam turbines are
a boiler or heat recovery steam often implemented when there is access to a low cost opportunity fuel
generator (HRSG). Unlike gas that can be combusted in a boiler to generate steam.
turbines or microturbines, steam
turbines do not directly consume Reliability Steam turbines are a mature technology with excellent durability and
fuel. Rather, the fuel driving the reliability.
process is the fired boiler or plant
Other Steam turbines are typically designed to deliver relatively large
equipment that produces heat for
amounts of thermal energy with electricity generated as a byproduct
the HRSG (e.g., a gas turbine).
of heat generation. Overall CHP efficiencies can reach or exceed 80%.

1 U.S. DOE Combined Heat and Power Installation Database, data compiled through
December 31, 2015.
2 These statistics only include steam turbines integrated with boilers. The statistics do
not include steam turbines driven by steam produced from heat recovery steam genera-
tors used in combined cycle CHP systems.



Steam turbines operate

on the Rankine cycle (see
Figure 1). In this thermo-
dynamic cycle, water is
pumped to high pressure
and then heated to generate
high pressure steam. The
high pressure steam is then
expanded through a steam
turbine where steam energy
is converted to mechanical
power that drives an electri-
cal generator. For CHP
configurations, low pressure
steam that exits the steam
turbine is then available to
satisfy on-site thermal needs.
Condensed liquid is then
Figure 1. Components of a boiler/steam turbine.
returned to the pump, and Figure courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy
the cycle is repeated.

Steam turbines for CHP

applications are classified as either non-condensing or extraction.
A non-condensing turbine, also referred to as a backpressure
turbine (see Figure 2), exhausts steam directly to an industrial
process or to a steam distribution system. In a backpressure
turbine, common pressure levels are 50, 150, and 250 psig, with
lower pressures often used in district heating systems; higher
pressures are more typical for industrial processes.

An extraction turbine has one or more openings in its casing to

extract steam at an intermediate pressure. The extracted steam
is then used in CHP configurations that require steam pressures
higher than pressures available from backpressure steam turbines.

Regardless of steam turbine type – backpressure or extraction –

the primary objective of most steam turbine CHP systems is to
deliver relatively large amounts of thermal energy, with electric-
ity generated as a byproduct of heat generation. Therefore, most
steam turbine CHP systems are characterized by low power to Figure 2. Non-condensing (backpressure) steam turbine.
Figure courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy
heat ratios, often below 0.2.

Performance Characteristics
Table 2 shows performance characteristics for three representative
backpressure steam turbines used in CHP applications with electric
power capacities of 500 kW, 3 MW, and 15 MW. As indicated,
all three systems have overall efficiencies near 80%3 and power
to heat ratios of 0.1 or lower. High overall efficiencies and low
power to heat ratios are common characteristics for steam turbines
configured for CHP applications.

Interior view of steam turbine blades.

3 The overall CHP efficiency for a backpressure boiler/steam turbine system is typically
Photo courtesy of Siemens
slightly lower than the boiler efficiency.

Capital and O&M Costs Table 2. Steam Turbine Performance Characteristics

Major subsystems required for a complete
When Integrated with a Natural Gas Boiler
steam turbine CHP plant include a boiler
or HRSG, steam loop, and a steam turbine. System
In addition, a control system is needed Description
and emission reduction hardware may be 1 2 3
required depending on local air quality
Net Electric Power (kW) 500 3,000 15,000
requirements. The steam turbine is just
one cost component in a complete CHP Fuel Input (MMBtu/hr, HHV)4 27.2 208.0 700.1
plant. As an example, for a steam turbine
CHP plant burning solid biomass, the Steam Flow (lbs/hr) 20,050 152,600 494,464
installed cost for the complete CHP plant
will be roughly $5,000/kW or higher. Steam Inlet Pressure (psig) 500 600 700
The installed cost for the steam turbine
Steam Inlet Temperature (°F) 550 575 650
and electrical generator will represent
approximately 15% to 25% of this total Steam Outlet Pressure (psig) 50 150 150
installed cost. These cost estimates are
rough guidelines and are only intended to Steam Outlet Temperature (°F) 298 373 380
offer a perspective on the relative cost for
the turbine/generator components that are Useful Thermal (MMBtu/hr) 20.0 155.5 506.8
integrated into a complete steam turbine
Power to Heat Ratio5 0.086 0.066 0.101
CHP installation.

Table 3 shows capital costs and opera- Electric Efficiency (%, HHV) 6.3% 4.9% 7.3%
tion and maintenance (O&M) costs for
Thermal Efficiency (%, HHV) 73.3% 74.8% 72.4%
three representative backpressure steam
turbines. As indicated, installed costs Overall Efficiency (%, HHV) 79.6% 79.7% 79.7%
for the turbine/generator range from
approximately $670/kW to $1,140/kW, Note: Performance characteristics are average values and are not intended to represent
with costs on a per kW basis declining a specific product.
as capacity increases. The
turbine/generator costs in
Table 3 include the steam Table 3. Steam Turbine Capital and O&M Costs
turbine, generator, and System
generator control system. Description
The costs do not include 1 2 3
the boiler, steam loop, and
controls. Net Electric Power (kW) 500 3,000 15,000

Non-fuel O&M costs range Steam Turbine and Generator ($/kW) $668 $401 $392
from 0.6 to 1.0 ¢/kWh for the
Installation and Balance of Plant ($/kW, not $468 $281 $274
three steam turbines shown
including boiler and steam system)6
in Table 3. Similar to capital
costs, there are economies Total Installed Cost ($/kW) $1,136 $682 $666
of scale, and the O&M costs
decline on a per kWh basis O&M (¢/kWh, steam turbine and generator) 1.0 0.9 0.6
as the steam turbine capacity
increases. The O&M costs
shown in Table 3 are for
the steam turbine/generator subsystem and do not include O&M 4 Manufacturers often express fuel input and efficiency values based on the lower heat-
expenses for the boiler and steam loop. ing value (LHV) of the fuel. All quantities in this fact sheet are expressed based on
higher heating value (HHV) unless noted otherwise. For natural gas, the ratio of LHV
to HHV is approximately 0.9.
5 Power to heat ratio is the electric power output divided by the useful thermal output.
The quantities are expressed in equivalent units, and the ratio is unit-less.
6 Installation and BOP costs estimated at 70% of the turbine/generator capital cost.

Emissions Table 4. Boiler/Steam Turbine Emission Characteristics for

Steam turbine emissions
Natural Gas and Coal Combustion7
depend on how the steam
is generated (e.g., boiler or System8
HRSG) and what type of Description
fuel is used to generate the 19 2 3
steam. Table 4 shows NOx,
Power (kW) 500 3,000 15,000
CO, and VOC emissions
based on EPA emission fac- Boiler Fuel Nat Gas Nat Gas Coal Nat Gas Coal
tors for boilers that are fired
with natural gas and coal. A Emissions (ppm @ 3% oxygen)
500 kW steam turbine utiliz-
ing a natural gas fired boiler NOx 26-81 81-226 141-929 81-226 141-929
will have estimated NOx
CO 111 111 23-833 111 23-833
emissions in the range of
26-81 ppm (at 3% oxygen). VOCs 13 13 105-807 13 105-807
A larger 15,000 kW CHP
steam turbine integrated Emissions (lbs/MWh)10
with a natural gas boiler will
have estimated NOx emis- NOx11 1.7-5.3 6.8-19.0 13-88 4.6-12.8 9-59
sions in the range of 81-226
CO12 4.5 5.7 1-48 3.8 1-32
ppm (at 3% oxygen). This
15,000 kW steam turbine, if VOCs13 0.29 0.37 3-27 0.25 2-18
integrated with a coal fired
boiler, will have estimated Carbon Dioxide Emissions (lbs/MWh)
NOx emissions in the range
of 141-929 ppm (at 3% Electricity Only 6,361 8,107 14,604 5,456 9,829
CHP w/Thermal Credit14 530 531 957 519 935
Table 4 shows CO2 emis-
Note: Performance characteristics are average values and are not intended to represent a specific
sions for steam turbine
plants based on the electric
power output and on the
complete CHP system. For the complete CHP system, CO2
emissions are calculated with a thermal credit for fuel that would
otherwise be used by an on-site boiler. With this credit, CO2
emissions range from 519 to 531 lbs/MWh for natural gas boil-
ers, and 935-957 lbs/MWh for coal fired boilers. For compari- 7 NOx, CO, and VOC emission factors are based on EPA AP-42 values.
son, a typical natural gas combined cycle power plant will have 8 Emission factors for System #1 are based on boiler input < 100 MMBtu/hr. Emission
factors for Systems #2 and #3 are based on boiler input > 100 MMBtu/hr.
emissions of 800-900 lbs/MWh, and a coal plant will have CO2
9 System #1 is relatively small and would typically not be integrated with a coal fired
emissions near 2,000 lbs/MWh. boiler. Emissions for System #1 are only shown for natural gas boiler fuel.
10 NOx, CO, and VOC emissions expressed in units of lbs/MWh are based on electric
output and do not include a thermal credit.
11 NOx conversion (natural gas): NOx [lbs/MWh] = NOx [ppm @ 3% O2] / 824 / electri-
cal efficiency [%, HHV] X 3.412. For coal, use factor of 732 instead of 824.
12 CO conversion (natural gas): CO [lbs/MWh] = CO [ppm @ 3% O2] / 1,354 / electrical
efficiency [%, HHV] X 3.412. For coal, use factor of 1,203 instead of 1,354.
13 VOC conversion (natural gas): VOC [lbs/MWh] = VOC [ppm @ 3% O2] / 2,362 /
electrical efficiency [%, HHV] X 3.412. For coal, use factor of 2,099 instead of 2,362.
14 T he CHP CO2 emissions include a thermal credit for avoided fuel that would other-
wise be used by an onsite boiler.

For more information, visit the CHP Deployment Program at energy.gov/chp

or email us at CHP@ee.doe.gov
DOE/EE-1334 • July 2016

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