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SteamTurbineanalysisms KumanaIETC20173 27 17

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Jimmy D Kumana, CEO, Kumana & Associates, Houston, Texas, USA
Presented at
39th Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans (June 20-23, 2017)

Steam turbines are a valuable component of
process plant utility systems for optimizing steam There are four generic operating modes for
supply reliability as well as sitewide energy steam turbines (see Figures 2a-d):
effciency. Although they are most common in the oil
refining, ammonia/urea, methanol, ethlylene, and • Back-pressure or “let-down” steam turbines
pulp/paper industries (generally in the size range of (BPSTs), where the exhaust low pressure
10-60 MW), they can also have good economics in steam is used for one or more process heating
smaller sizes as low as 3 MW, which would be more duties. The usual objective is to provide the
suitable for the food processing industries. process with the steam that it needs, with the
The economics of any application depend upon generated power being a corollary benefit that
two factors – choosing the right type and size of mainly reduces the need for purchased power.
machine, and integrating it correctly with the process • Condensing steam turbines (CSTs), where the
thermal demand. exhaust steam is let down to the lowest
This article reviews the thermodynamic relation- possible pressure at which it can be condensed
ships and design equations that link steam flow with the available cooling utility, or alterna-
conditions to power output, which are useful not only tively vented to the atmosphere. In locations
for estimating preliminary economics, but also for where there is a ready supply of water, the
performance analysis of existing units. cooling medium is usually a CW closed loop
criculated through a cooling tower. In arid
INTRODUCTION regions such as the middle-east, north Africa,
Any device that converts the chemical energy or the US southwest, fin-fan air cooling may
contained in the fuel, via combustion, into be more economical.
mechanical energy (also known as shaftwork) is
called a Heat Engine. There are many kinds of Heat • Extraction/condensing turbines (ECTs), from
Engines, generally classified according to the which some steam is extracted at a high-
thermodynamic cycle that they follow, the most enough pressure for process heating
common being: (cogeneration mode), and the balance is
condensed against a utility for extra power
Cycle name Heat engine type generation (non-cogeneration mode).
Otto Internal combustion (recip) • Induction turbines, which are supplied with
Rankine Steam turbine two sources of inlet steam at different
Brayton Gas turbine pressures and exhaust to a single pressure.
This usually happens when the process has
The Rankine cycle is most commonly used in excess heat which is used to generate LP
fossil-fuel-fired utility-scale power generation steam in a “WASTED heat boiler”, or WHB.
plants, but it also finds major application in smaller In the version shown, some of the HP steam
scale installations at industrial manufacturing may bypass the turbine and go straight to the
facilities that seek to generate on-site power for process, while the rest is condensed against a
reasons of reliability (in the event of interruptions in cooling utility for extra power generation
grid power supply) or for better economics. (non-cogeneration mode). Many other
variations are possible)
Although both steam and gas turbines can play
Pure BPSTs are rarely, if ever, used in power
an important role in the economic optimization of the
plants, but are very common in industrial facilities
combined heat and power (CHP) utilities at industrial
where there is almost always a need for steam at
manufacturing plants, this article will focus on steam
above-atmospheric pressure to drive the process, in
turbines only.
addition to electric power.
Figure 1. Multistage steam turbine schematic [accessed on Internet]

Figure 2. From top, left to right (a) Pure back-pressure turbine in cogeneration mode, (b) Pure power
generation mode, (c) Extraction turbine in hydrid mode, (d) Induction turbine in hydrid mode.
They are ideal for continuous processes where The role of the steam turbine in Rankine cycle
the energy demands are relatively stable 24/7. The power generation is best understood by plotting the
typical size range is 3 to 60 MW. thermodynamics of the process on the water/steam
PV diagram (Figure 3).
Because BPSTs produce two energy products –
steam and power, this mode of operation is called The expansion process that occurs in the turbine
cogeneration, with an effective heat rate in the range is essentially an adiabatic process. In effect, the
of 4,500-5,500 Btu/kwh, which is about 2-3 times enthalpy difference between the inlet and exhaust
better efficiency than the condensing mode, even steam is almost fully converted (neglecting frictional
after taking into account both boiler and turbine losses) into mechanical energy (shaftwork), which
energy losses. can then be used to drive a pump or compressor, or
an electric generator. This process is more conven-
The condensing type of turbine is used exclu- iently followed on the enthalpy-entropy (H-S)
sively by pure Rankine Cycle power plants where version of the Mollier diagram.
there is no demand for LP steam for process heating,
and the goal is to generate the maximum amount of Figure 4 tracks the expansion of superheated 600
power for a given amount of fuel. Typical sizes are in psig steam at 700oF as is passes through the turbine.
excess of 100 MW, with heat rates ranging from Two cases are shown. In the first case, the cogenera-
11,000 to 16,000 Btu/kwh depending on factors such tion mode, the exhaust pressure is 50 psig, which is a
as the pressure and temperature of the inlet steam, the typical steam header pressure level used in many
temperature of the cooling medium, and the turbine chemical plants, pulp/paper mills, oil refineries, and
isentropic efficiency. food processing companies.

Extraction and Induction turbines are less As the HP steam drops in pressure, the volume
common in industry, not only because they are more increases, but the temperature also falls. If the
expensive to buy and maintain, but are more difficult temperature drop is too great, the steam may start to
to control. However, they can be a good choice in condense inside the turbine casing, which can be very
certain special circumstances. dangerous in practice.

P-V Diagram for Water




Rankine Cycle
Pressure, psia

2000 1. BFW pumping

2. Stm gen in Boiler
3. ST expansion
+ power gen
4. Condensation


500 3

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Specific Volume, ft3/lb

Figure 3. Rankine cycle representation on the PV diagram.

Mollier Chart (H-S) for Steam

Pr, psig

1530 Quality, % stm 300

Temp, F 50


1430 800 1.0

1380 700

Enthalpy, Btu/lb






1080 line

92% Quality


930 3'

1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10
Entropy, Btu/lb-F

Figure 4. Turbine expansion process on the H-S Mollier diagram [drawn using SteamTab 4.0].
Point 1 = Turbine Inlet, Point 2 = LP exhaust for process heating, Point 3 = Exhaust to CW condenser.
DESIGN AND RATING CALCULATIONS and empirical constants:
Steam turbines typically rotate at speeds between
η T = W (a + b.W )
3,000 and 15,000 rpm, at which the formation of
water droplets can unbalance the turbine blades, where parameters a and b are functions of W, as in
causing severe damage. Back-pressure turbines can the table below.
normally handle up to 3% moisture (i.e. a minimum
steam quality of 97%), while specially-designed
utility-scale power plant condensing turbines have
been known to handle as much as 10-12% moisture.
However, for process plants, it is prudent to avoid
normal operation at these extreme conditions, and try
to stay slightly above the exhaust steam dew point.
Using these or similar correlations one can
The actual path followed by the steam is
derive the efficiency curves for common BPST and
represented approximately by the line connecting
points 1-2 in Fig 4, but is impossible to determine a CST configurations. In the author’s experience, a
priori. practical optimum steam generating pressure for most
process plants is 600 psig, with about 200-250oF of
So instead, we first determine the total enthalpy superheat (above that, capital costs for the boiler and
change for isentropic expansion down to 150 psig water treatment requirements rise rapidly). A slight
(line 1-2’), and then apply an efficiency factor ηT (the modification of the Varbanov constants (a = 1.26 DT
isentropic efficiency), which is a combined indicator for W<2000 for BPSTs, and a = 3.9.DT – 463 at
of the original machine design and its present W>2000 for CSTs) gives smoother transition values
mechanical condition: at W = 2000 kW.
H1 − H 2
ηT = A turbine efficiency correlation for BPSTs
H1 − H 2 '
derived from the 3 data points in a 2008 EPA report
where H1 = Enthalpy of HP inlet steam, Btu/lb; is compared against the Varbanov values in Figure 5.
H2 = Actual enthalpy of exhaust LP stm, Btu/lb; and The EPA correlation is far more conservative,
H2’ = Enthalpy of exhaust LP steam assuming isen- perhaps reflecting aging, but because it is based on
tropic expansion, Btu/lb. only 3 data points, the Varbanov equations are
considered more reliable, and are recommended in
The adiabatic power output then is the absence of machine-specific measured data.
W/M = (H1 – H2)/3412 = ηT.(H1 – H’2)/3412
There is a second kind of efficiency that is also
where W = work output in kW, and M = mass flow used: the overall or “cycle” energy efficiency, which
rate of steam in lb/h. is calculated as a ratio of the useful energy output as
Although the isentropic efficiency cannot be a fraction of the energy input:
determined a priori either, it can be estimated with 3412.W + M.H
fair accuracy using empirical correlations based on η= 2
historical industry experience with similarly-built M.H
turbines, usually available from the vendors.
Therefore, when purchasing steam turbines it is These same equations can also be used for rating
strongly advisable to require all bidders to provide, purposes, viz. estimating the efficiency of existing
along with their price proposal, such a correlation for turbines. For extraction and induction steam turbines
each machine being offered. the thermodynamic efficiency must be calculated
separately for each stage, and the overall efficiency
Several articles in the literature do list operating derived from the stage-efficiency values.
data points for real turbines, but they rarely disclose
all the critical information necessary to develop The isentropic efficiency is of more practical use
generally applicable efficiency correlations. In the from an operational viewpoint, because it provides a
event, the most convenient correlation seems to be warning of developing mechanical problems. The
the one developed by Varbanov et al [Smith, 2005]. cycle energy efficiency is more useful for design and
The isentropic turbine efficiency ηT has to be decision-making purposes, such as calculating the
estimated iteratively using the following equations energy balance when conducting plant energy audits
or choosing between project alternatives.
Steam Turbine Efficiency vs Size



Isentropic Eff


BPST, 600-150
CST, 600-5"Hg abs
0.3 BPST, EPA (2008)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ln (kW)

Figure 5. Steam turbine efficiency correlations

Since enthalpy cannot be measured directly, it These calculations are most easily performed
must be inferred from pressure and temperature using an electronic spreadsheet linked to a steam
measurements using a steam properties database properties data base, as illustrated in Table 1. Such
an “Add-In” program is well worth the cost (~$250
For the illustrative example of Figure 4, the per license for SteamTabTM) for anyone who has to
isentropic efficiency at a flow rate of 100,000 lb/h work with steam systems.
steam turns out to be 71.3%. So the actual work
output (ref. Table 2) from the turbine would be The cogeneration and power generation
W = M.(isentropic ∆H).ηT /3412 processes are represented as Sankey diagrams in
= 100000*(1350 – 1199)*0.713/3412 = 4.4 MW. Figures 6 and 7, using the data in Table 1, with the
width of the arrows roughly proportional to the
Notice that the steam exhaust condtion (Point 2 energy flows (in the interest of clarity they could not
on Fig 4) lies well above the dew point, so there is be drawn exactly proportional). They are helpful
nothing to fear from condensation inside the turbine constructs to visualize energy flows through a
casing. process or equipment item, making it obvious at a
single glance that the loss of energy from the input
Now let us see what would happen if we do the HP steam (mostly to condensate) is far greater in the
same calculations in condensing mode, with an power generation case than in the cogeneration case.
exhaust pressure of 2.7 psia, and a dew point of
137oF. This is line 1-3’ in Figure 4. The isentropic PART LOAD OPERATION
efficiency per Table 2 is now about 76.6%, and the The final issue to consider is Part-Load
power output calculates out to be 9.3 MW, placing operation. Any one who has ever worked in a plant
the exhaust steam firmly in the wet zone, with 9% knows that plants and equipment never operate at a
moisture content (Point 3 in Fig 4). This is steady rate at or near design conditions; rather, part-
dangerously close even to the higher mositure load operation is the norm, averaging 70-85% o the
tolerance of power plant turbines, and standard design rate in most cases.
industrial turbines of this size would not be able to
handle it. In short, it is not a feasible solution. This person would also know that part-load
efficiencies are almost always lower than the full-rate
Furthermore, the Baumann rule [Olafsson, 2014, (design capacity) operation. Steam turbines are no
citing DiPippo 2007] states that for every 1% in- exception. It is therefore incumbent upon the corpo-
crease in average steam wetness in the turbine, there rate purchasing department to demand part-load
will be a ~1% loss in turbine efficiency. So the actual efficiency data from all vendors, and make sure this
ouput of this machine would be closer to information is stored safely in the company archives,
9.3 x (1 – 0.09) = 8.5 MW and copies are readily available in the libarary.
Table 1. Comparison of Cogeneration and Power generation operating modes.

Figure 6. Sankey Diagram for Cogeneration Case (data of Table 1)

Figure 7. Sankey Diagram for Power generation Case (data of Table 1)

Steam Turbine part load efficiency

Relative Efficiency, %

0 20 40 60 80 100

Relative Power, %

Figure 8. Approximate estimates of Part-Load Efficiencies [Kelhofer, 1997]

In the absence of actual vendor data on part-load thermodynamics of the Rankine cycle were reviewed,
efficiency, the approximate correlation of Figure 8 and illustrative calculations were performed for two
can be used. The value of parameter α in the equation cases – BPST and CST – using both the Mollier
is typically around 3, but can vary from machine to diagram, and an electronic spreadsheet.
machine, and also change over time due to wear.
A reliable methodology for estimating the
Taking expected part-load operating profile into isentropic efficiency of turbines, critical to
account is vital when evaluating the economics of a performing such calculations, was presented. The
proposed steam turbine project. dangers of condensation inside the turbine casing,
and how to avoid them, were explained.
The most common configurations and operating An approximate estimating chart for part-load
modes of steam turbines were described. The efficiencies was provided.
BPSTs are generally to be preferred for 1. Amarnath, K R, J D Kumana and J V Shah,
industrial applications where there is a demand for “Benchmarks for Industrial Energy Efficiency”,
process heating, because they offer superior system presented at Intersociety Energy Conference,
efficiencies, in the 75-80% range. Due to their lower Washington, DC (Aug 1996).
system efficiencies (typically 20-30%), CSTs are to
2. Kelhofer, Rolf, Combined Cycle Gas and Steam
be avoided in industrial plants except in special
Turbine Power Plants, PennWell Publishing Co,
circumstances such as when:
Tulsa, Ok, USA (1997), p226
• The fuel has a negative cost (i.e. it requires
3. Kumana & Associates, “Optimizing Energy
disposal for environmental or other reasons).
Efficiency in the Process Industries” a 3-day
Black Liquor in Kraft pulp mills is an example.
training course ( jkumana@aol.com).
• The process is a highly exothermic, and has the
4. Olafsson, Arni J., “Verification of Design
potential to generate excess steam at high
Models for Geothermal Plants”, MS thesis, Univ.
pressures and temperatures and zero fuel cost.
of Iceland (2014), p13.
Ammonia plants are an example.
5. Rana, A. H., and J. R. Mehta, “Energy and
• The electric grid supply is unreliable, and needs Exergy Analysis of Fully Condensing Steam
to be bolstered against excursions such as Turbine at Various Steam Load Conditions”
voltage sags which could disrupt the ChemTech, Vol 5, no. 2 (April-Jun 2013), pp
manufacturing operation. Remote areas with 957-963.
under-developed infrastructure are an example.
6. Smith, Robin, Chemical Process Design and
• Emergency back-up drives for critical duties, Integration, Ch 23, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, UK,
such as BFW pumps. (2005).
Steam turbines should be an important 7. SteamTabTM 4.0, Add-In software for ExcelTM,
component of every plant energy utility system ChemicaLogic Corp, Carlisle, Mass, USA.
because they offer the opportunity to cogenerate http://www.chemicalogic.com (2016).
electrical power on site at significantly lower cost
than it can be purchased at unsubsidized market 8. US Dept of Energy, Advanced Manufacturing
prices. Office, “Consider Installing High-Pressure
Boilers with Back-Pressure Steam Turbine
Generators”, Steam Tip sheet #22, Document
ABBREVIATIONS number DOE/GO-102012-3394 (Jan 2012).
BFW Boiler Feedwater 9. US Environmental Protection Agency,
“Technology Characterization: Steam Turbines”,
BPST Back-Pressure Steam Turbine
report prepared by Energy and Environmental
Btu British Thermal Unit
Inc. (Dec 2008).
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CST Condensing Steam Turbine 10. US Environmental Protection Agency,
CW Cooling Water “Efficiency Metrics for CHP Systems”,
ECT Extraction-condensing Turbine www.arb.ca.gov/cc/ccei/publications, (2007).
EPA US Environmental Protection
HP High pressure (for steam)
K Thousand
kW Kilowatt
LP Low pressure (for steam)
MM Million
MW Megawatt
WHB Waste(d) Heat Boiler

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