Vapor Power Cycles
Vapor Power Cycles
Vapor Power Cycles
The cycle that results is the Rankine cycle, which is the ideal cycle for vapor power plants.
The ideal Rankine cycle does not involve any internal irreversibilities.
Increase the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the working fluid in the
boiler, or decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working fluid
in the condenser.
3) Increasing the Boiler Pressure (Increases Thigh,avg)
Today many modern steam power
For a fixed turbine inlet temperature, the cycle shifts to the plants operate at supercritical
left and the moisture content of steam at the turbine exit pressures (P > 22.06 MPa) and
increases. This side effect can be corrected by reheating have thermal efficiencies of about
the steam. 40% for fossil-fuel plants and
34% for nuclear plants.
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The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle
How can we take advantage of the increased efficiencies at higher boiler pressures without
facing the problem of excessive moisture at the final stages of the turbine?
1. Superheat the steam to very high temperatures. It is limited metallurgically.
2. Expand the steam in the turbine in two stages, and reheat it in between (reheat)
The average temperature during the reheat process can be increased by
The single reheat in a modern power plant improves the cycle efficiency
In steam power plants, steam is extracted from the turbine at various points.
This steam, which could have produced more work by expanding further in
the turbine, is used to heat the feedwater instead. The device where the
feedwater is heated by regeneration is called a regenerator, or a feedwater
heater (FWH).
Open Feedwater Heaters
An open (or direct-contact) feedwater heater is basically
a mixing chamber, where the steam extracted from the
turbine mixes with the feedwater exiting the pump. Ideally,
the mixture leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at the
heater pressure.