The Large Capacity Gas Turbine For Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) Boiler Combined Cycle Power Plant
The Large Capacity Gas Turbine For Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) Boiler Combined Cycle Power Plant
The Large Capacity Gas Turbine For Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) Boiler Combined Cycle Power Plant
The Large Capacity Gas Turbine for Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC)
Boiler Combined Cycle Power Plant
Hitachi, Ltd.
1. Introduction
This paper outlines gas turbines with a focus on the
As the global environment becomes an ever-greater is-
250MWPFBC plant used at the Chugoku Electric Power
sue worldwide, there is a demand for PCF plants to re-
Company Osaki Power Station (power station 1-1 of unit 1),
duce CO2 emissions through more efficient power plants,
in which project the authors participated (see Fig. 2).
and reduce levels of SOx, NOx, and dust in boiler exhaust
through the development of new power generation sys-
tems [2] [3].
PFBC technologies have gained attention as an efficient,
low-pollution technology enabling efficient use with
low-grade coal. Outside Japan, 70 MW-class test and
commercial power plants have been operational since the
early 1990s. Japanese manufacturers are also developing
power plants using PFBC technologies, and have been
operating 70 to 80 MW-class test and commercial power
plants since the late 1990s. Starting in 2000 to 2001, a
succession of 250 and 360 MW plants the worlds high-
Fig.2 The Osaki power station unit 1
est-capacity began commercial operation.
Chugoku Electric Power Kyushu Electric Power Co. Hokkaido Electric Power Co.
Name of facirities Co. Osaki Power Station Karita Power Station Tomato - Atsuma
Power Station
Commencement 2000/11 2001/7 1998/3
of commercial operation
Plant output 250MW 360MW 85MW
ST/GT output 215MW/44MW 290MW/75MW 73.9MW/11.1MW
Steam conditions 16.6MPa 566/593 24.1MPa 566/593 16.6MPa 566/538
Two-stage cyclone + bag Two-stage cyclone + Elec-
Soot & dust removal system Cyclone + Ceramic Filter
filter trostatic precipitator
Desulfurization process Desulfurization of furnace Desulfurization of furnace Desulfurization of furnace
Denitrification process Catalytic + non-catalytic Catalytic denitrification Catalytic denitrification
Gas turbine system Single shaft simple cycle Twin shaft simple cycle Single shaft simple cycle
Plant gross thermal efficiency 41.5 42.5 40.1
Fig. Bird view of gas turbine facilities Fig. Cross section of gas shut-off valve