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The Programmer's Model

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2 The Programmer’s Model

All microprocessors have a set of features that programmers use. In most instances,
a programmer will not need an understanding of how the processor is actually con-
structed, meaning that the wires, transistors, and/or logic boards that were used to
build the machine are not typically known. From a programmer’s perspective, what
is necessary is a model of the device, something that describes not only the way the
processor is controlled but also the features available to you from a high level, such
as where data can be stored, what happens when you give the machine an invalid
instruction, where your registers are stacked during an exception, and so forth. This
description is called the programmer’s model. We’ll begin by examining the basic
parts of the ARM7TDMI and Cortex-M4 programmer’s models, but come back to
certain elements of them again in Chapters 8, 13, 14, and 15, where we cover branch-
ing, stacks, and exceptions in more detail. For now, a brief treatment of the topic will
provide some definition, just enough to let us begin writing programs.


Data in machines is represented as binary digits, or bits, where one binary digit can
be seen as either on or off, a one or a zero. A collection of bits are often grouped
together into units of eight, called bytes, or larger units whose sizes depend on the
maker of the device, oddly enough. For example, a 16-bit data value for a proces-
sor such as the Intel 8086 or MC68040 is called a word, where a 32-bit data value
is a word for the ARM cores. When describing both instructions and data, nor-
mally the length is factored in, so that we often speak of 16-bit instructions or 32-bit
instructions, 8-bit data or 16-bit data, etc. Specifically for data, the ARM7TDMI and
Cortex-M4 processors support the following data types:

Byte, or 8 bits
Halfword, or 16 bits
Word, or 32 bits

For the moment, the length of the instructions is immaterial, but we’ll see later than
they can be either 16 or 32 bits long, so you will need two bytes to create a Thumb
instruction and four bytes to create either an ARM instruction or a Thumb-2 instruc-
tion. For the ARM7TDMI, when reading or writing data, halfwords must be aligned
to two-byte boundaries, which means that the address in memory must end in an
even number. Words must be aligned to four-byte boundaries, i.e., addresses ending

34 ARM Assembly Language

in 0, 4, 8, or C. The Cortex-M4 allows unaligned accesses under certain conditions,

so it is actually possible to read or write a word of data located at an odd address.
Don’t worry, we’ll cover memory accesses in much more detail when we get to
addressing modes in Chapter 5. Most data operations, e.g., ADD, are performed on
word quantities, but we’ll also work with smaller, 16-bit values later on.

The motivation behind examining an older programmer’s model is to show its
similarity to the more advanced cores—the Cortex-A and Cortex-R processors, for
example, look very much like the ARM7TDMI, only with myriad new features and
more modes, but everything here applies. Even though the ARM7TDMI appears
simple (only three stages in its pipeline) when compared against the brobdingnagian
Cortex-A15 (highly out-of-order pipeline with fifteen stages), there are still enough
details to warrant a more cautious introduction to modes and exceptions, omitting
some details for now. It is also noteworthy to point out features that are common to
all ARM processors but differ by number, use, and limitations, for example, the size
of the integer register file on the Cortex-M4. The registers look and act the same as
those on an ARM7TDMI, but there are just fewer of them. Our tour of the program-
mer’s model starts with the processor modes.

2.3.1 Processor Modes
Version 4T cores support seven processor modes: User, FIQ, IRQ, Supervisor, Abort,
Undefined, and System, as shown in Figure 2.1. It is possible to make mode changes
under software control, but most are normally caused by external conditions or
exceptions. Most application programs will execute in User mode. The other modes
are known as privileged modes, and they provide a way to service exceptions or
to access protected resources, such as bits that disable sections of the core, e.g., a
branch predictor or the caches, should the processor have either of these.

Mode Description
Supervisor Entered on reset and when a Software Interrupt (SWI)
(SVC) instruction is executed
Exception modes

FIQ Entered when a high priority (fast) interrupt is

IRQ Entered when a low priority (normal) interrupt is modes
Abort Used to handle memory access violations
Undef Used to handle undefined instructions
System Privileged mode using the same registers as User
User Mode under which most applications/OS tasks run Unprivileged

FIGURE 2.1  Processor modes.

The Programmer’s Model 35

A simple way to look at this is to view a mode as an indication of what the pro-
cessor is actually doing. Under normal circumstances, the machine will probably
be in either User mode or Supervisor mode, happily executing code. Consider a
device such as a cell phone, where not much happens (aside from polling) until
either a signal comes in or the user has pressed a key. Until that time, the proces-
sor has probably powered itself down to some degree, waiting for an event to wake
it again, and these external events could be seen as interrupts. Processors gener-
ally have differing numbers of interrupts, but the ARM7TDMI has two types: a
fast interrupt and a lower priority interrupt. Consequently, there are two modes to
reflect activities around them: FIQ mode and IRQ mode. Think of the fast inter-
rupt as one that might be used to indicate that the machine is about to lose power
in a few milliseconds! Lower priority interrupts might be used for indicating that
a peripheral needs to be serviced, a user has touched a screen, or a mouse has
been moved.
Abort mode allows the processor to recover from exceptional conditions such as
a memory access to an address that doesn’t physically exist, for either an instruc-
tion or data. This mode can also be used to support virtual memory systems, often
a requirement of operating systems such as Linux. The processor will switch to
Undefined mode when it sees an instruction in the pipeline that it does not recognize;
it is now the programmer’s (or the operating system’s) responsibility to determine
how the machine should recover from such as error. Historically, this mode could be
used to support valid floating-point instructions on machines without actual floating-
point hardware; however, modern systems rarely rely on Undefined mode for such
support, if at all. For the most part, our efforts will focus on working in either User
mode or Supervisor mode, with special attention paid to interrupts and other excep-
tions in Chapter 14.

2.3.2  Registers
The register is the most fundamental storage area on the chip. You can put most
anything you like in one—data values, such as a timer value, a counter, or a coeffi-
cient for an FIR filter; or addresses, such as the address of a list, a table, or a stack in
memory. Some registers are used for specific purposes. The ARM7TDMI processor
has a total of 37 registers, shown in Figure 2.2. They include

• 30 general-purpose registers, i.e., registers which can hold any value

• 6 status registers
• A Program Counter register

The general-purpose registers are 32 bits wide, and are named r0, r1, etc. The
registers are arranged in partially overlapping banks, meaning that you as a pro-
grammer see a different register bank for each processor mode. This is a source of
confusion sometimes, but it shouldn’t be. At any one time, 15 general-purpose regis-
ters (r0 to r14), one or two status registers, and the Program Counter (PC or r15) are
visible. You always call the registers the same thing, but depending on which mode
you are in, you are simply looking at different registers. Looking at Figure 2.2, you
36 ARM Assembly Language

User/System Supervisor Abort Undefined Interrupt Fast interrupt
R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0
R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2
R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3
R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4
R5 R5 R5 R5 R5 R5
R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6
R7 R7 R7 R7 R7 R7
R8 R8 R8 R8 R8 R8_FIQ
R9 R9 R9 R9 R9 R9_FIQ
R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10_FIQ
R11 R11 R11 R11 R11 R11_FIQ
R12 R12 R12 R12 R12 R12_FIQ



= banked register

FIGURE 2.2  Register organization.

can see that in User/System mode, you have registers r0 to r14, a Program Counter,
and a Current Program Status Register (CPSR) available to you. If the processor
were to suddenly change to Abort mode for whatever reason, it would swap, or bank
out, registers r13 and r14 with different r13 and r14 registers. Notice that the largest
number of registers swapped occurs when the processor changes to FIQ mode. The
reason becomes apparent when you consider what the processor is trying to do very
quickly: save the state of the machine. During an interrupt, it is normally necessary
to drop everything you’re doing and begin to work on one task: namely, saving the
state of the machine and transition to handling the interrupt code quickly. Rather
than moving data from all the registers on the processor to external memory, the
machine simply swaps certain registers with new ones to allow the programmer
access to fresh registers. This may seem a bit unusual until we come to the chapter
on exception handling. The banked registers are shaded in the diagram.
While most of the registers can be used for any purpose, there are a few registers
that are normally reserved for special uses. Register r13 (the stack pointer or SP)
holds the address of the stack in memory, and a unique stack pointer exists in each
mode (except System mode which shares the User mode stack pointer). We’ll exam-
ine this register much more in Chapter 13. Register r14 (the Link Register or LR) is
The Programmer’s Model 37


PC PC FETCH Instruction fetched from memory

PC-4 PC-2 DECODE Decoding of registers used in instruction

Register(s) read from Register Bank

PC-8 PC-4 EXECUTE Shift and ALU operation
Write register(s) back to Register Bank

FIGURE 2.3  ARM7TDMI pipeline diagram.

used to hold subroutine and exception return addresses. As with the stack pointers,
a unique r14 exists in all modes (except System mode which shares the User mode
r14). In Chapters 8 and 13, we will begin to work with branches and subroutines, and
this register will hold the address to which we need to return should our program
jump to a small routine or a new address in memory. Register r15 holds the Program
Counter (PC). The ARM7TDMI is a pipelined architecture, as shown in Figure 2.3,
meaning that while one instruction is being fetched, another is being decoded, and
yet another is being executed. The address of the instruction that is being fetched (not
the one being executed) is contained in the Program Counter. This register is not nor-
mally accessed by the programmer unless certain specific actions are needed, such
as jumping long distances in memory or recovering from an exception. You can read
a thorough treatment of pipelined architectures in Patterson and Hennessy (2007).
The Current Program Status Register (CPSR) can be seen as the state of the
machine, allowing programs to recover from exceptions or branch on the results
of an operation. It contains condition code flags, interrupt enable flags, the current
mode, and the current state (more on the differences between ARM and Thumb
state is discussed in Chapter 17). Each privileged mode (except System mode) has
a Saved Program Status Register (SPSR) that is used to preserve the value of the
CPSR when an exception occurs. Since User mode and System mode are not entered
on any exception, they do not have an SPSR, and a register to preserve the CPSR is
not required. In User mode or System mode, if you attempt to read the SPSR, you
will get an unpredictable value back, meaning the data cannot be used in any further
operations. If you attempt to write to the SPSR in one of these modes, the data will
be ignored.
The format of the Current Program Status Register and the Saved Program Status
Register is shown in Figure 2.4. You can see that it contains four bits at the top,

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
N Z C V Do not modify/Read as zero I F T
4 3 2 1 0

FIGURE 2.4  Format of the program status registers.

38 ARM Assembly Language

The Mode Bits
xPSR[4:0] Mode
10000 User mode
10001 FIQ mode
10010 IRQ mode
10011 Supervisor mode
10111 Abort mode
11011 Undefined mode
11111 System mode

collectively known as the condition code flags, and eight bits at the bottom. The con-
dition code flags in the CPSR can be altered by arithmetic and logical instructions,
such as subtractions, logical shifts, and rotations. Furthermore, by allowing these
bits to be used with all the instructions on the ARM7TDMI, the processor can con-
ditionally execute an instruction, providing improvements in code density and speed.
Conditional execution and branching are covered in detail in Chapter 8.
The bottom eight bits of a status register (the mode bits M[4:0], I, F, and T) are
known as the control bits. The I and F bits are the interrupt disable bits, which dis-
able interrupts in the processor if they are set. The I bit controls the IRQ interrupts,
and the F bit controls the FIQ interrupts. The T bit is a status bit, meant only to
indicate the state of the machine, so as a programmer you would only read this bit,
not write to it. If the bit is set to 1, the core is executing Thumb code, which consists
of 16-bit instructions. The processor changes between ARM and Thumb state via a
special instruction that we’ll examine much later on. Note that these control bits can
be altered by software only when the processor is in a privileged mode.
Table 2.1 shows the interpretation of the least significant bits in the PSRs, which
determine the mode in which the processor operates. Note that while there are five
bits that determine the processor’s mode, not all of the configurations are valid
(there’s a historical reason behind this). If any value not listed here is programmed
into the mode bits, the result is unpredictable, which by ARM’s definition means that
the fields do not contain valid data, and a value may vary from moment to moment,
instruction to instruction, and implementation to implementation.

2.3.3  The Vector Table

There is one last component of the programmer’s model that is common in nearly
all processors—the vector table, shown in Table 2.2. While it is presented here for
reference, there is actually only one part of it that’s needed for the introductory work
in the next few chapters. The exception vector table consists of designated addresses
in external memory that hold information necessary to handle an exception, an inter-
rupt, or other atypical event such as a reset. For example, when an interrupt (IRQ)
comes along, the processor will change the Program Counter to 0x18 and begin
fetching instructions from there. The data values that are located at these addresses
The Programmer’s Model 39

ARM7TDMI Exception Vectors
Exception Type Mode Vector Address
Reset SVC 0x00000000
Undefined instruction UNDEF 0x00000004
Software Interrupt (SVC) SVC 0x00000008
Prefetch abort (instruction fetch memory abort) ABORT 0x0000000C
Data abort (data access memory abort) ABORT 0x00000010
IRQ (interrupt) IRQ 0x00000018
FIQ (fast interrupt) FIQ 0x0000001C

are actual ARM instructions, so the next instruction that the machine will likely
fetch is a branch (B) instruction, assuming the programmer put such an instruction
at address 0x18. Once this branch instruction is executed, the processor will begin
fetching instructions for the interrupt handler that resides at the target address, also
specified with the branch instruction, somewhere in memory. It is worth noting here
that many processors, including the Cortex-M4, have addresses at these vector loca-
tions in memory. The ARM7TDMI processor places instructions here. You can use
the fact that instructions reside at these vectors for a clever shortcut, but it will have
to wait until Chapter 14.
The one exception vector with which we do need to concern ourselves before
writing some code is the Reset exception vector, which is at address 0x0 in memory.
Since the machine will fetch from this address immediately as it comes out of reset,
we either need to provide a reset exception handler (to provide an initialization rou-
tine for turning on parts of the device and setting bits the way we like) or we can
begin coding at this address, assuming we have a rather unusual system with no
errors, exceptions, or interrupts. Many modern development tools provide a startup
file for specific microcontrollers, complete with startup code, initialization rou-
tines, exception vector assignments, etc., so that when we begin programming, the
first instruction in your code isn’t really the first instruction the machine executes.
However, to concentrate on the simpler instructions, we will bend the rules a bit and
ignore exceptional conditions for the time being.

The Cortex-M family differs significantly from earlier ARM designs, but the pro-
grammer’s model is remarkably similar. The cores are very small. They may only
implement a subset of instructions. The memory models are relatively simple. In
some ways the Cortex-M3 and M4 processors resemble much older microcontrollers
used in the 1970s and 1980s, and the nod to these earlier designs is justified by the
markets that they target. These cores are designed to be used in applications that
require 32-bit processors to achieve high code density, fast interrupt response times,
and now even the ability to handle signal processing algorithms, but the final prod-
uct produced by silicon vendors may cost only a few dollars. The line between the
40 ARM Assembly Language

world of microcontrollers and the world of high-end microprocessors is beginning to

blur a bit, as we see features like IEEE floating-point units, real-time operating sys-
tem support, and advanced trace capabilities in an inexpensive device like the Tiva
microcontrollers from TI. There is no substitute for actually writing code, so for now,
we will learn enough detail of the programmer’s model to bring the processor out of
reset, play with some of the registers in the Cortex-M4 and its floating-point unit, and
then stop a simulation. Again, we begin with the processor modes.

2.4.1 Processor Modes
The Cortex-M4 has only two modes: Handler mode and Thread mode. As shown in
Figure 2.5, there are also two access levels to go along with the modes, Privileged
and User, and depending on what the system is doing, it will switch between the
two using a bit in the CONTROL register. For very simple applications, the proces-
sor may only stay in a single access level—there might not be any User-level code
running at all. In situations where you have an embedded operating system, such as
SYS/BIOS controlling everything, security may play a role by partitioning the ker-
nel’s stack memory from any user stack memory to avoid problems. In Chapter 15,
we will examine the way the Cortex-M4 handles exceptions more closely.

2.4.2  Registers
There appear to be far fewer physical registers on a Cortex-M4 than an ARM7TDMI,
as shown in Figure 2.6, but the same 16 registers appear as those in User mode on the
ARM7TDMI. If you have a Cortex-M4 that includes a floating-point unit, there are
actually more. Excluding peripherals, the Cortex-M4 with floating-point hardware
contains the following registers as part of the programmer’s model:

• 17 general purpose registers, i.e., registers than can hold any value
• A status register than can be viewed in its entirety or in three specialized views

Privileged User

Use: Exception
Handler handling
Stack: Main

Use: Applications Use: Applications

mode Stack: Main or Stack: Main or
Process Process

FIGURE 2.5  Cortex-M4 modes.

The Programmer’s Model 41

S0–S31 D0–D15
R0 S2
R1 S3
R2 S4
R3 S5
Low registers
R4 S6
R5 S7
R8 S28
R9 S29
High registers R10 S30
R11 S31
R13 (SP) SP_process SP_main
R14 (LR)
R15 (PC)
Program status register xPSR

FIGURE 2.6  Cortex-M4 with floating-point register organization.

• 3 interrupt mask registers

• A control register
• 32 single-precision floating-point registers (s0–s31) or 16 double-precision
registers (d0–d15) or a mix
• 4 floating-point control registers (although these are memory-mapped, not
physical registers)

As described in the previous section, registers r0 through r12 are general pur-
pose registers, and the registers hold 32-bit values that can be anything you like—
addresses, data, packed data, fractional data values, anything. There are some special
purpose registers, such as register r13, the stack pointer (and there are two of them,
giving you the ability to work with separate stacks); register r14, the Link Register;
and register r15, which is the Program Counter. Like the ARM7TDMI, register r13
(the stack pointer or SP) holds the address of the stack in memory, only there are just
two of them in the Cortex-M4, the Main Stack Pointer (MSP) and the Process Stack
Pointer (PSP). We’ll examine these registers much more in Chapter 15. Register r14
(the Link Register or LR) is used to hold subroutine and exception return addresses.
Unlike the ARM7TDMI, there is only one Link Register. Register r15, the Program
Counter or PC, points to the instruction being fetched, but due to pipelining, there
are enough corner cases to make hard and fast rules about its value difficult, so
details can be safely tabled for now.
The Program Status Register, or xPSR, performs the same function that the
ARM7TDMI’s CPSR does, but with different fields. The entire register can be
accessed all at once, or you can examine it in three different ways, as shown in
42 ARM Assembly Language

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 : 20 19 : 16 15 : 10 9:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FIGURE 2.7  Program status registers on the Cortex-M4.

Figure 2.7. The Application Program Status Register (APSR), the Interrupt Program
Status Register (IPSR), and the Execution Program Status Register (EPSR) are just
three specialized views of the same register. The APSR contains the status flags (N,
C, V, and Z), the Greater Than or Equal flags (used by the SEL instruction), and an
additional “sticky” Q flag used in saturation arithmetic, where sticky in this case
means that the bit can only be cleared by explicitly writing a zero to it. The IPSR
contains only an exception number that is used in handling faults and other types
of exceptions. Two fields contain the IF-THEN instruction status bits overlapped
with the Interrupt-Continuable Instruction (ICI) bits, and when combined with the
Thumb (T) bit, produce the EPSR. The IF-THEN instruction will be seen when we
begin loops and conditional execution in Chapter 8; however, the ICI/IT bits are used
for recovering from exceptions, which will not be covered. See the ARM Cortex-M4
Devices Generic User Guide (ARM 2010b) for more details.
The interrupt mask registers, PRIMASK, FAULTMASK, and BASEPRI are use
to mask certain types of interrupts and exceptions. PRIMASK and FAULTMASK
are actually just single-bit registers. BASEPRI can be up to eight bits wide, and the
value contained in this register sets the priority level of allowable interrupts that the
processor will acknowledge. In Chapter 15, we’ll see examples of interrupt handling,
but for more complex interrupt situations, see Yiu (2014), where the use of interrupt
mask registers is illustrated in more detail.
The last special purpose register is the CONTROL register, which consists of
only three bits. The least significant bit, CONTROL[0], changes the access level
while in Thread mode to either a Privileged or User level. The next most signifi-
cant bit, CONTROL[1], selects which stack the processor is to use, either the Main
Stack Pointer (MSP) or the Process Stack Pointer (PSP). The most significant bit,
CONTROL[2], indicates whether or not to preserve the floating-point state during
exception processing. We’ll work with this register a bit more in Chapter 15.

2.4.3  The Vector Table

The Cortex-M4 vector table is probably one of the larger departures from all previ-
ous ARM processor designs. Returning to the idea that addresses are stored in the
vector table, rather than instructions, the Cortex-M model looks very much like older
microcontrollers such as the 8051 and MC6800 in this respect. From Table 2.3, you
can see how the various exception types have their own type number and address in
memory. An important point here, not normally too prominent if you are coding in C,
since a compiler will take care of this issue for you, is that the least significant bit of
these exception vectors (addresses) should be set to a 1. When we cover instructions
The Programmer’s Model 43

Cortex-M4 Exception Vectors
Exception Type Exception No. Vector Address
(Top of Stack) — 0x00000000
Reset 1 0x00000004
NMI 2 0x00000008
Hard fault 3 0x0000000C
Memory management fault 4 0x00000010
Bus fault 5 0x00000014
Usage fault 6 0x00000018
SVcall 11 0x0000002C
Debug monitor 12 0x00000030
PendSV 14 0x00000038
SysTick 15 0x0000003C
Interrupts 16 and above 0x00000040 and above

over the next few chapters, we’ll discover that the Cortex-M4 only executes Thumb-2
instructions, rather than ARM instructions as the ARM7TDMI does, and the proto-
col requires it. This vector table is relocatable after the processor comes out of reset;
however, our focus for now is to write short blocks of code without any exceptions or
errors, covering procedural details first and worrying about all of the variations later.

1. How many modes does the ARM7TDMI processor have? How many states
does it have? How many modes does the Cortex-M4 have?
2. What do you think would happen if the instruction SMULTT (an instruc-
tion that runs fine on a Cortex-M4) were issued to an ARM7TDMI? Which
mode do you think it would be in after this instruction entered the execute
stage of its pipeline?

3. What is the standard use of register r14? Register r13? Register r15?

4. On an ARM7TDMI, in any given mode, how many registers does a pro-

grammer see at one time?

5. Which bits of the ARM7TDMI status registers contain the flags? Which
register on the Cortex-M4 holds the status flags?

6. If an ARM7TDMI processor encounters an undefined instruction, from

what address will it begin fetching instructions after it changes to Undefined
mode? What about a reset?

7. What is the purpose of FIQ mode?

44 ARM Assembly Language

8. Which mode on an ARM7TDMI can assist in supporting operating sys-

tems, especially for supporting virtual memory systems?

9. How do you enable interrupts on the ARM7TDMI?

10. How many stages does the ARM7TDMI pipeline have? Name them.

11. Suppose that the Program Counter, register r15, contained the hex value
0x8000. From what address would an ARM7TDMI fetch an instruction
(assume you are in ARM state)?

12. What is the function of the Saved Program Status Register?

13. On an ARM7TDMI, is it permitted to put the instruction

SUB r0, r2, r3

at address 0x4? How about at address 0x0? Can you put that same bit pat-
tern at address 0x4 in a system using a Cortex-M4?
14. Describe the exception vector table for any other microprocessor. How
does it differ from the ARM7TDMI processor? How does it differ from the

15. Give an example of an instruction that would typically be placed at address

0x0 on an ARM7TDMI. What value is typically placed at address 0x0 on a

16. Explain the current program state of an ARM7TDMI if the CPSR had the
value 0xF00000D3.

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