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Descriptive Study On Newborn Care: October 2014

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Descriptive Study on Newborn Care

Article · October 2014

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3 authors:

Mr Vinod Vinod Bagilkar

Jimma University Jimma University


Anuchithra Sadayappan



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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 4(4): October-December 2014

www.anvpublication.org ISSN-2231-1149 (Print)

2349-2996 (Online)

Descriptive Study on Newborn Care

Mr. Vinod V. Bagilkar1, Dr. S. Anuchithra2
Assistant Professor, P.D. Bharatesh College of Nursing, Halaga, Belgaum, Karnataka
Vice-Principal, P.D. Bharatesh College of Nursing, Halaga, Belgaum, Karnataka.
*Corresponding Author Email: vinod85bgm@gmail.com

Neonatal care is highly cost effective because saving the life of a newborn baby is associated with survival and
productivity for over 5 decades as same to intensive care of adults with cancer and the degenerative disorders which is
associated with an average survival for 2-5years .The world bank has estimated that the burden of disease contributed
by perinatal courses in India accounts for 25% of the global disability adjusted life years (DALYs) last to the
society.(Current Status And Challenge Of Perinatal Services In India;2004)

A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge on newborn care among primi mother in the selected civil
maternity hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge on newborn care among primi mother and to associate the knowledge on
newborn care of primi mother with selected demographic variables.
Method: Descriptive approach and non- experimental design was used in this study. The setting of the study was civil
maternity hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka. The sampling technique used was convenient and purposive sampling. A
sample size of 50 primi mother were selected for the study.
Major Findings: Majority of respondents (70%) were in the age group of 20-22 years, (14%) of mother were
employed ,(56%) of mother belongs to middle income group (Rs3001-4000/-) , (90%) were educated ,(38%) were
lived as joint family ,(82%) of respondents were from urban community majority of samples ,(82%) practiced from
Hindu religious , only (6%) of mother has history of medical illness and (2%) of mother has surgical history and (66%)
of sample delivered normally. The mean knowledge value on newborn care of primi mother was 67.2. This indicates
that the mother who is primi have moderately adequate knowledge. Chi – square test revealed that there is a significant
association between knowledge on newborn care and selected demographic variables such as education. But there is no
significant association between other variables likes age, area of residence, employment status, economic status,
religion and type of family.

Newborn babies constitute the foundation of a nation and Neonatal care is highly cost effective because saving the
no sensible government can afford to neglect their needs life of a newborn baby is associated with survival and
and rights. Healthy and sturdy babies are likely to evolve as productivity for over 5 decades as apposed to intensive care
physically and mentally strong adults with enhanced quality of adults with cancer and the degenerative disorders which
of human resource development. Neonatal deaths account is associated with an average survival for 2-5years .The
for 64% of all infants’ deaths in India optimal perinatal care world bank has estimated that the burden of disease
with improved survival of infant is essential for effective contributed by perinatal courses in India accounts for 25%
fertility control and stabilization of population dynamic. of the global disability adjusted life years (DALYs) last to
the society.(Current Status And Challenge Of Perinatal
Services In India;2004)

Received on 05.06.2014 Modified on 28.06.2014

Accepted on 25.08.2014 © A&V Publication all right reserved
Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 4(4): Oct.- Dec., 2014; Page 383-387

Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 4(4): October-December 2014

BACKGROUND OF STUDY: Review of Literature

According to study done in 2000 previously in India there Studies related to care of newborn in primi mother
are 140 million children born each year in the world, 90%
are in the third world. Although the chances of survival of RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:
these newborn has improved by 50% in last 20 years, the Research Approach and Design:
first few hours, days and months of their lives are still an Descriptive approach and non-experimental design was
race. From the time of birth, 20-30% of babies are under used in this study to assess the knowledge on newborn care
weight .That makes them vulnerable to infection and primi mothers in selected civil hospital at Belgaum,
Disease. About 50% of total infant mortality occurs in the Karnataka.
first month of life.
Setting of the Study:
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study was conducted in the selected, civil maternity
In India, 50-60% of all infants deaths occur within the first hospital in Belgaum, Karnataka.
month of life .Of these, more than half may die during the
first week of birth. This is because the newborn has to adapt Variables:
itself rapidly and successfully to an alien external Independent Variables: Age, employment status,
environment. The risk of death is the greatest during first economic status, education, type of family, area of
week after birth due to poor knowledge in the mother on residence, religion, past medical and surgical illness, mode
newborn care. of delivery.

Dependent Variables: Newborn care and knowledge of

A study to assess the knowledge about newborn care among
the primi mothers at civil hospital in Belgaum Karnataka. Population:
The target population of the study was postnatal mothers in
OBJECTIVES: selected civil maternity hospitals at Belgaum, Karnataka.
1. To assess the knowledge on newborn care among primi
mother. Sample Size:
2. To find out the association of knowledge on newborn Total enumerated sample of 50 primi mothers in selected
care of primi mother with demographic variable civil maternity hospitals at Belgaum Karnataka.

Operation Definition: Method of Sample Selection:

Newborn: In this study it refers to the babies aged from 0- Convenient and purposive method of sample selection was
28 days. used for the investigation.

Knowledge on newborn care: In this study it refers to the Development and Description of Tool:
awareness of the primi mother on the meaning, immediate The data was collected by using the following tools:
care, vaccination, breast feeding, skin and umbilical care Structured knowledge assessment questionnaire on newborn
and newborn care. care.

Primi mother: In this study it refers to mother who has Description:

given birth to her first baby and whose age of baby is in Structured knowledge assessment questionnaire on newborn
between 0-28 days care

Assumptions: SECTION A: Comprised demographic data of primi

1. Primi mother will possess some knowledge on mothers.
newborn care.
2. Primi mother are capable of doing needed care for SECTION B: questionnaire to assess knowledge on
newborn. newborn care, which comprised of 20 questions with
multiple choices. The total score of questions is 20.The
Delimitations: correct response will be given score1.
The study is delimited to
1. 50 Primi mothers who are admitted in Civil hospital MAJOR FINDING OF THE STUDY:
Belgaum Regarding their age, 35 (70%) primi mothers belong to the
2. Those who are having new born babies of age 0-28 age group 20-22 years and only 15 (30%) belong the age
days group of 18-20years.(Fig.1). With regard to employment
3. Those who understand and know to read and write status, 43(86%) of primi mothers are unemployed and
Marathi, Kannada and English and willing to 7(14%) of them are employed.(Fig.2). Regarding their
participate economic status 28(56%) of primi mothers monthly income
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 4(4): October-December 2014

is Rs 3001-4000/, 16(32%) earns about Rs 2001-3000/, and 10 10

6(12%) are lies in categories of above Rs 4001
income.(Fig.3). With regard to education 29(58%) had
secondary education, 11(22%) had primary education,
5(10%) were collegiate and 5(10%) were uneducated Illiterate
(Fig.4). 28(56%) of primi mothers belong to nuclear type of Primary
family and 19(38%) are of joint family and 3(6%) are of 58 Secondary
extended family. (Fig.5). With regard to area of residence Collegiate
34(68%) of primi mothers belongs to rural area and FIGURE-4 Percentage Distribution of Education of
16(32%) are of urban area. (Fig.6). While considering their Primi Mothers
religion 42(84%) of primi mothers were Hindu, 7(14%)
were Muslim, 1(2%) were jain. (Fig.7). With regard to the
past medical illness, 47(94%) of primi mother were not
suffering from medical illness and 3(6%) were suffering
from medical illness. (Fig.8). With regard to the past
surgical illness, 49(98%) of primi mother were not suffering
from surgical illness and 1(2%) were suffering from 38
56 Nuclear
surgical illness. (Fig.9). While considering their mode of
delivery 33(66%) were normal delivery, 17(34%) were
caesarean delivery. (Fig.10)
FIGURE-5 Percentage Distribution of Type of Family
of Primi Mothers

70 32
18-20 years
20-22 years
FIGURE-1 Percentage Distribution of Age
of Primi Mothers

68 Rural
14 Urban
FIGURE-6 Percentage Distribution of Area of
Residence of Primi Mothers

14 2

86 Employed
FIGURE-2 Percentage Distribution of
Employment Status of Primi Mothers

FIGURE-7 Percentage Distribution of Religion of
12 Primi Mothers

Rs. 3001-4000 Yes
Rs. >4001 t No
FIGURE-3 Percentage Distribution of Economic
Status of Primi Mothers 94
FIGURE-8 Percentage Distribution of Past Medical
Illness of Primi Mothers

Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 4(4): October-December 2014

The primi mother had moderately adequate knowledge on
newborn care. These findings revealed that if the primi
mothers are given adequate and proper knowledge on
newborn care. They may be able to take care of the
newborn babies in any condition.
FIGURE-9 Percentage Distribution of Past Surgical The investigator has drawn the following implications from
Illness of Primi Mothers the study which is of vital concern to the field of nursing
service, nursing administration, nursing education and
nursing research.
The nurse should give adequate health education to the
mother in the community as well as hospital setup on
meaning ,immediate care, vaccination, breast feeding, skin
66 and umbilical cord care and newborn care ,so that mother
Normal will be able to manage the condition
FIGURE-10 Percentage Distribution of Mode of The main focus should be on the education aspect for
Delivery of Primi Mothers mother.

Assessment of knowledge in primi mothers on newborn Very often, the physicians leave the newborn babies and
care. mother under the care of nurses(Midwifes). Therefore
Table 1: Distribution of knowledge on newborn care in primi nurses must be equipped with knowledge and skill to make
mothers. N = 50 accurate decision regarding mother and newborn condition,
Knowledge Number Percentage so stress should be given in nursing curriculum to
Inadequate (1-49) 1 2 strengthen the knowledge and clinical experience of student
Moderately Adequate (50-74) 34 68
Adequate (>75) 15 30
nurses in adequate care of newborn.

Table 1 describes that 1(2%) were having inadequate NURSING ADMINISTRATION:

knowledge, 34 (68%) had moderately adequate knowledge The nursing administrators should focus on health
on newborn care. promotion through home visits, mass health education
programme, etc. health workers can be given training on
newborn care, the nursing administrators should train the
Table 2: Mean and standard deviation of knowledge on newborn
care n = 50 students and staffs in the handling the newborn babies while
Statistics Knowledge Score providing care .
Mean 67.5
Standard deviation 10.11
Further research can be carried out on this aspect to assess
the effectiveness of nursing staffs in handling newborn
The above table explained that the primi mothers scored a
mean knowledge of 67.5 with a standard deviation of 10.11.

Association of Demographic Variables with Knowledge RECOMMENDATIONS:

of Primi Mother on Newborn Care The following studies can be undertaken to strengthen the
The finding says that there is no association between nursing research.
newborn care and demographic variables such as age 1) The same study can be repeated in different regions of
employment status, economic status type of family, area of the state or nation so as to compare the results.
residence, religion past medical and surgical illness and 2) The same study can be repeated on a larger sample so as
mode of delivery. to generalize the results.
3) The short term training programme and its effectiveness
But there is significant association between knowledge and can be analyzed through a pre and post test method.
mother education.

Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 4(4): October-December 2014

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2. Dutta DC. (2004), Textbook of Obestetrics 6th edition, Calcutta:
New Central book agency private limited.
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Appleton and Lange publications.
4. Ladewig, Londan and olds (1994). Essential of maternal Newborn
Nursing 3rd edition, California: Addison Wesley nursing
5. Mrs. Tambulwadkar RS. (1999). Pediatric Nursing 2nd edition
Mumbai : Vora medical publication.
6. Mudaliar and menon’s (2006) clinical obstetrics 10th edition
Chennai : orient longman private limited.
7. Myles (2005). Textbook for Midwies 14th edition, Philadelphia
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8. Omayal Achi College of Nursing (2004). Communicating Nursing
Research 1st Edition Chennai.
9. Piyush Gupta (2004) Essential pediatric Nursing 1st Edition. Delhi
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