Control System Components 205
Control System Components 205
Control System Components 205
Chapter 12
System Components
C ontrollers
• Direct acting
An increase in sensed temperature (pressure or humid-
ity) is an increase in branch pressure (pneumatic or
• Reverse acting
An increase in temperature, etc., is a decrease in branch
A controller is a proportioning device designed to control
dampers or valves to maintain temperature, humidity, or pres-
sure. Types of controllers are thermostats for temperature, humi-
distats for humidity, pressurestats for pressure, master controllers
to control submaster controllers, and receiver-controllers. A con-
troller may be direct acting (D/A) or reverse acting (R/A). A di-
rect acting controller increases its branch line pressure as the
condition it is sensing increases. A reverse acting controller de-
creases its branch line pressure as the condition it is sensing in-
creases. Some other important terms you’ll need to know are
throttling range and setpoint. Throttling range is the change in the
controlled condition necessary for the controller output to change
206 HVAC Fundamentals