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BS 1184

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Copper and copper

alloy traps

UDC 696.129:669.3
BS 1184:1976

Co-operating organizations

The Sanitary Appliances Standards Committee, under whose supervision this

British Standard was prepared, consists of representatives from the following
Government departments and scientific and industrial organizations:

British Bath Manufacturers’ Association*

British Plastics Federation
Council of British Ceramic Sanitaryware Manufacturers*
Department of the Environment*
Environmental Health Officers’ Association
Greater London Council*
Institute of Plumbing*
Institution of Heating and Ventilation Engineers
Institution of Municipal Engineers*
Institution of Public Health Engineers
Metal Sink Manufacturers’ Association
Ministry of Defence
National Brassfoundry Association*
National Federation of Builders’ and Plumbers’ Merchants*
National Water Council
Royal Institute of British Architects*
Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene
Royal Society of Health*
Water Companies’ Association

The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together with the
following, were directly represented on the committee entrusted with the
preparation of this British Standard:

British Lead Manufacturers’ Association

British Non-Ferrous Metals Technology Centre
Copper Development Association
Copper Tube Fittings Manufacturers Association
Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Plumbing Union
This British Standard, having Institute of British Foundrymen
been prepared under the
direction of the Sanitary
Lead Tap Manufacturers
Appliances Standards National Federation of Building Trades Employers
Committee, was published
under the authority of the Individual experts
Executive Board on
31 March 1976

© BSI 10-1999

First published December 1944 Amendments issued since publication

First revision June 1951
Second revision September 1961
Third revision March 1976
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference SAB/4
Draft for comment 73/11196 DC

ISBN 0 580 08579 1

BS 1184:1976


Co-operating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword iii
Section 1. General
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Nominal size 1
5 Marking 1
6 Ordering 1
Section 2. Tubular (solid drawn) traps
7 Materials 1
8 Workmanship 2
9 Design and construction 2
10 Sizes and dimensions 2
11 Tolerances 3
Section 3. Cast traps
12 Materials 3
13 Workmanship 3
14 Design and construction 3
15 Sizes and dimensions 4
16 Tolerances 5
Section 4. Associated components
17 Tail pipes 5
18 Screw plugs and washers 5
19 Choice of materials for associated components 5
Figure 1 — Two-piece “P” trap with plain outlet 6
Figure 2 — One-piece “P” trap with plain outlet 7
Figure 3 — Two-piece “S” trap with plain outlet 8
Figure 4 — One-piece “S” trap with plain outlet 9
Figure 5 — One-piece tubular (solid drawn) “P” trap for baths
(with overflow connection) 10
Figure 6 — Two-piece tubular (solid drawn) “P” trap for baths
(with plain outlet and overflow connection) 11
Figure 7 — Cast “P” trap with externally screwed outlet 12
Figure 8 — Cast “P” trap with plain outlet 13
Figure 9 — Cast “S” trap with externally screwed outlet 14
Figure 10 — Cast “S” trap with plain outlet 15
Figure 11 — Cast bath traps: “P” trap with externally screwed outlet 16
Figure 12 — Section Y-Y through overflow connection 16
Figure 13 — Cast bath traps: “P” trap with plain outlet and
overflow connection 17
Figure 14 — Blank cap for bath traps 17
Figure 15 — Tail pipe with screwed end 18
Figure 16 — Bent tail pipe (“bent lining”) 19
Figure 17 — Collar on inlet of trap 20
Figure 18 — Section of screw plug 21

© BSI 10-1999 i
BS 1184:1976

Table 1 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) two-piece “P”
traps with plain outlet 6
Table 2 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) one-piece “P” traps
with plain outlet 7
Table 3 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) two-piece “S” traps
with plain outlet 8
Table 4 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) one-piece “S” traps
with plain outlet 9
Table 5 — Dimensions of one-piece tubular (solid drawn) bath traps
with plain outlet and overflow connection 10
Table 6 — Dimensions of two-piece tubular (solid drawn) bath traps
with plain outlet and overflow connection 11
Table 7 — Dimensions of cast “P” traps with externally
screwed outlet 12
Table 8 — Dimensions of cast “P” traps with plain outlet 13
Table 9 — Dimensions of cast “S” traps with externally screwed outlet 14
Table 10 — Dimensions of cast “S” traps with plain outlet 15
Table 11 — Dimensions of cast bath traps with externally screwed
outlet and overflow connection 16
Table 12 — Dimensions of cast bath traps with plain outlet and
overflow connection 17
Table 13 — Dimensions of screwed tail pipes 18
Table 14 — Dimensions of bent tail pipes 19
Table 15 — Dimensions of collars on inlets 20
Table 16 — Dimensions of screw plugs 21
Publications referred to Inside back cover

ii © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976


This British Standard has been prepared under the authority of the Sanitary
Appliances Standards Committee and is essentially a metricated version of
BS 1184:1961.
This standard involves only minor changes in the technical requirements of
the 1961 version, but the opportunity has been taken to integrate into the text the
requirements for tubular (solid drawn) traps for baths, which were the subject of
amendment no. 1 to that standard. The section covering hot formed traps has
been omitted, it being considered that there is no longer any demand for these
articles. The order of clauses, figures and tables has also been changed to provide
a more logical sequence, and all details concerning collars and screw plugs have
been transferred into a new section in view of the fact that these associated
components are common to all types of trap with which this standard is
Information relating to screwed tail pipes and bent tail pipes, which formerly was
included in BS 3380 “Wastes for sanitary appliances and overflows for baths”, has
now been included in this standard and deleted from BS 3380. It is considered
more logical to include these items here in view of their essential relationship
with the traps rather than with the wastes. The specification for these items is
given in section 4.
The old referencing system has been abandoned as it was a numerological system
based on inch-fractions, which would be likely in future to cause more confusion
than help as the numbers would be liable to be mistaken for millimetre
dimensions. Instead the referencing system in this standard reverts to use of the
nominal size expressed in inches or fractions thereof. This fits in with the use of
the same system in BS 3380 and avoids the possibility of confusion which might
otherwise arise if the metric system of describing tube sizes by outside diameter
were to be adopted.
Pipe threads also continue to be described in imperial units in accordance with
BS 2779 “Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads”.
With these two exceptions all metric values are given in SI units. For further
information reference should be made to BS 3763 “The International System of
units (SI)”.
The traps covered by this standard are essentially suitable for use with the
following British Standards:
BS 1188, Ceramic wash basins and pedestals.
BS 1189, Cast iron baths for domestic purposes.
BS 1206, Fireclay sinks. Dimensions and workmanship.
BS 1244, Metal sinks for domestic purposes.
BS 1329, Metal hand rinse basins.
BS 1390, Sheet steel baths for domestic purposes.
BS 4135, Sinks for domestic purposes made from cast acrylic sheet.
BS 4305, Baths for domestic purposes made from cast acrylic sheet.
Unlike BS 1184:1961 this edition makes no provision for “Q” traps.
Certification. Attention is drawn to the certification facilities described on the
inside back cover of this standard.

© BSI 10-1999 iii

BS 1184:1976

A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

iv © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Section 1. General 5 Marking

All traps that comply with the requirements of this
1 Scope British Standard shall be marked or labelled in any
This British Standard covers copper and copper suitable position with the following information:
alloy traps of “S” and “P” types with nominal sizes1) a) the manufacturer’s name or mark;
of G1!, G1" and G2 for use with baths, basins,
b) the number of this British Standard,
sinks, washtubs, tub and sink sets and similar
i.e. BS 1184.
appliances. The nominal size of the trap is taken as
being the size of the BSP inlet coupling nut and the
waste to which it connects.
6 Ordering
When ordering traps to this specification it is
2 References necessary to state the following:
The titles of the British Standards and code of a) the nominal size. In determining the size of
practice referred to in this standard are listed on the trap to use with a particular sanitary appliance,
inside back cover. reference should be made to CP 304;
b) the class, viz. tubular (solid drawn,
3 Definitions see section 2) or cast (see section 3);
For the purposes of this British Standard the c) “S” or “P”;
following definitions apply. d) the depth of seal (see 10.4 and 15.4);
3.1 e) the type of outlet (see 9.3 and 14.3);
trap f) whether cleaning eyes are required (see 9.5.1
a tubular device designed to prevent by means of a for tubular (solid drawn) traps);
water seal the passage of foul gases from a waste g) the external finish (see 8.2 and 13.2);
pipe into a building
h) in the case of bath traps, whether overflow
3.2 connection and a blank cap or two blank caps are
“S” trap required.
a trap with the inlet vertical and the outlet parallel
to but not in alignment with the inlet Section 2. Tubular (solid drawn) traps
3.3 7 Materials
“P” trap
7.1 General. Tubes from which solid drawn traps
a trap with the inlet vertical and the outlet inclined
are manufactured shall be made of copper
below the horizontal within the limits specified in
complying with the requirements of BS 1172:1964
this standard
(type C 106) or BS 1174:1964 (type C 107).
7.2 Associated components
water seal
7.2.1 Castings. Where used, castings shall be of
the depth of water in a trap that acts as a barrier to
copper alloy complying with the requirements of
the passage of air through the trap
BS 1400:1973, either type SCB1, SCB3, DCB1,
3.5 DCB3, LG1, LG2 or PCB1, or of any other copper
associated components alloy not less suitable.
tail pipes, coupling nuts, and screw plugs and 7.2.2 Pressings. Where used, pressings shall be of
sleeves brass complying with the requirements of
BS 2872:1969, CZ 122, or of any other copper alloy
4 Nominal size not less suitable.
Traps shall be designated by their nominal size and
shall comply in all respects with the requirements of
this standard in relation to those nominal sizes.

For explanation as to why these sizes are not expressed in metric terms, see the foreword.

© BSI 10-1999 1
BS 1184:1976

7.3 Washers. Vulcanized fibre washers, if used, c) prepared with an integral capillary,
shall comply with the requirements of compression or other end suitable for use with
BS 1737:1951, section 2. tube complying with the requirements of
7.4 Solder. Solder shall be as detailed in Table 1 of BS 2871-1;
BS 219:1959 and shall be of grade A, B or C. d) prepared for use with a capillary or
7.5 Brazing alloys. Brazing alloys shall comply compression fitting suitable for use with tube
with the requirements of BS 1845:1966, type CP1. complying with BS 2871-1, when the length of
straight pipe at the outlet of “P” traps shall be not
8 Workmanship less than that specified in 10.6 of this standard.
8.1 General. The walls of the completed trap shall 9.4 Coupling nut. Coupling nuts shall comply with
be free from cracks and splits and shall be the requirements of BS 3380-1. When assembled
without washers, coupling nuts shall have a
watertight. The bore shall be reasonably uniform
minimum engagement of three full threads.
and smooth throughout the trap.
8.2 External finish. The external surfaces of traps 9.5 Inspection, cleaning and overflow
and associated components shall have one of the openings
following finishes: 9.5.1 Cleaning eye. Two-piece traps, and one-piece
a) self-coloured, free from grease and tool marks; traps so constructed as to be readily dismantled or
removable, may be fitted with cleaning eyes at the
b) polished;
request of the purchaser. All other traps shall be
c) chromium plated. Plating shall comply with fitted with a cleaning eye, which shall be fitted with
the requirements of BS 1224:1970, service a screw plug. No part of the cleaning eye shall
condition no. 2 (classification Cu/Ni10b Cr r). obstruct the waterway.
9.5.2 Screw plug and washer. These shall be as
9 Design and construction specified in clauses 18 and 19.
9.1 General. Tubular (solid drawn) traps shall 9.5.3 Overflow openings. Traps for baths may be
conform to the appropriate figures and tables as provided with an overflow and/or cleaning eye
follows. connection at the request of the purchaser. The
overflow connection shall be entirely within the
Description To conform to water seal of the trap, and in form shall be identical
dimensions sizes as with that of the cleaning eye specified in 10.7.
Trap Outlet as specified specified in
NOTE If a standard trap and a standard overflow fitting form
in figure no. table no.
part of a complete unit connected in some other way, any slight
Two-piece “P” Plain Figure 1 Table 1 modification required to accommodate the connecting pipe and
the necessary fittings should be regarded as complying with the
One-piece “P” Plain Figure 2 Table 2 specification provided that the bore is not reduced below the
Two-piece “S” Plain Figure 3 Table 3 minimum internal diameter specified in this standard.
One-piece “S” Plain Figure 4 Table 4
10 Sizes and dimensions
One-piece “P” — Figure 5 Table 5
for baths 10.1 General. Sizes and dimensions of tubular
(solid drawn) traps shall be as set out in the table
Two-piece “P” Plain with Figure 6 Table 6
appropriate to the trap concerned (see 9.1).
for baths overflow
connection 10.2 Thickness of metal. The thickness of the
walls of the tube shall be not less than 1.0 mm
9.2 Inlet. Traps shall have a coupling nut on the before bending.
inlet to couple to the waste. 10.3 Inlet. The collar on the inlet of every tubular
The collar shall comply with the requirements (solid drawn) trap shall conform to Figure 17 and
of 10.3. with sizes as given in Figure 15.
9.3 Outlet. The outlet of every trap shall be one of 10.4 Depth of seal. The minimum depth of water
the following: seal shall be either 38 mm or 76 mm as ordered.
a) a plain end (see Figure 1 to Figure 6); 10.5 Rake of outlet. In “P” traps the outlet shall
b) fitted with a class B external BSP fastening have a rake of 1!° minimum and 5° maximum
thread complying with all the requirements of below the horizontal when the axis of the inlet is
BS 2779, except those regarding the length of vertical.

2 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

10.6 Length of outlet of “P” traps. For outlets 13 Workmanship

prepared for use with capillary or compression
13.1 General. Castings shall be in all respects
fittings as specified in 9.3 d), the sizes given in
sound and good, free from laps, blow-holes and sand
column 7 of Table 1, Table 2, Table 5 and Table 6
pitting, and both the external and the internal
shall apply.
surfaces shall be clean, smooth and free from sand.
For plain end outlets the sizes given in column 6 of They shall be neatly dressed and no casting shall be
Table 1, Table 2, Table 5 and Table 6 shall apply. plugged, burned, stopped or patched.
10.7 Cleaning eye. Cleaning eyes shall be screwed 13.2 External finish. The external surfaces of
internally with a + in Whitworth S thread2) traps and associated components shall be one of the
conforming to Table 13 of BS 84:1956 and following finishes:
having 20 threads per inch. Alternatively, cleaning
eyes shall be screwed internally with a ) in BSP2) a) self-coloured, free from grease and tool marks;
complying with the requirements of BS 2779. b) polished;
10.8 Overflow connection. The minimum bore of c) chromium plates. Plating shall comply with the
any overflow connection shall be 20 mm. requirements of BS 1224:1970, service condition
no. 2 (classification Cu/Ni10b CR r).
11 Tolerances
14 Design and construction
Except where otherwise stated in this standard, the
deviations permitted from the sizes given in 14.1 General. Cast traps shall conform to the
clause 10 are as follows. appropriate figures and tables as follows.
11.1 Collar on inlets. This shall be as given in Description To conform to
column 4 of Table 1, Table 2, Table 5 and Table 6. dimensions sizes as
11.2 Plain end outlets. These shall be as given Trap Outlet as specified specified in
in columns 6 and 7 of Table 1, Table 2, Table 5 and in figure no. table no.
Table 6. “P” Externally Figure 7 Table 7
11.3 Associated components. Straight tail pipes screwed
shall conform to BS 3380-1 and screwed tail pipes “P” Plain Figure 8 Table 8
shall conform to Table 13 of this standard. “S” Externally Figure 9 Table 9
11.4 Centre-line of inlet to end of outlet of “P” screwed
traps. For individual orders of “P” traps having the “S” Plain Figure 10 Table 10
same type of outlet end, the “centre of inlet to end of
“P” for baths Externally Figure 11 Table 11
outlet” dimensions shall not vary by more
screwed with and
than 3 mm.
overflow Figure 12
Section 3. Cast traps
“P” for baths Plain with Figure 13 Table 12
12 Materials overflow
12.1 Castings. Castings shall be made of copper
alloy complying with the requirements of 14.2 Inlet. The inlet of every trap shall be fitted
BS 1400:1973, either type SCB1 SCB3, DCB3, LG1, with a tail pipe and a coupling nut. The coupling nut
LG2 or PCB 1, or of any other copper alloy not less shall be so arranged as to fall below the collar when
suitable. unscrewed.
12.2 Associated components. Pressings, where 14.3 Outlet. The outlet of every trap shall be one of
used, shall be of brass complying with the the following:
requirements of BS 2872:1969, CZ 122, or of any a) a plain end, suitable for connection to a lead
other copper alloy not less suitable. pipe (see Figure 8, Figure 10 and Figure 13);
12.3 Washers. Vulcanized fibre washers, if used, b) an external BSP fastening thread complying
shall comply with the requirements of with all the requirements of BS 2779:1973,
BS 1737:1951, section 2. class B, except those regarding length of
engagement (see Figure 7, Figure 9 and
Figure 11);

For explanation as to why this size is not expressed in metric terms, see the foreword.

© BSI 10-1999 3
BS 1184:1976

NOTE For dimension of recess to take spigot of tail pipe, 14.7 Overflow openings
see Figure 1d and Table 1 of BS 3380-1:1961.
14.7.1 General. Traps for baths shall be provided
c) an internal BSP fastening thread complying
with two branches in the positions shown in
with all the requirements of BS 2779, except
Figure 11. Each branch shall be screwed externally
those regarding the length of engagement;
with 1 in class B3), BSP fastening threads complying
d) an integral compression end or capillary end with all the requirements of BS 2779, except those
suitable for use with tube complying with the regarding the length of engagement.
requirements of BS 2871-1;
One branch shall be fitted with a blank cap,
e) prepared for use with a compression fitting or complete with a washer, and the other branch shall,
a capillary fitting suitable for use with tube at the option of the purchaser, be fitted either with
complying with the requirements of BS 2871-1, a bent tail pipe and union nut for connection to the
when the length of straight pipe at the outlet bath overflow (as shown in Figure 11 to Figure 13)
of “P” traps shall be not less than that shown in or with a blank cap.
column 7 of Table 1 of this standard.
14.7.2 Blank cap. The blank cap shall be a casting or
14.4 Tail pipes. Straight tail pipes shall conform to pressing conforming to the dimensions shown in
Figure 15 and Table 13 of this standard. Figure 14. It shall be interchangeable with the bent
Bent tail pipes, when used for bath trap overflow tail pipe and union nut.
connections, shall conform to Figure 16 and 14.7.3 Union nut. The union nut shall be a coupling
Table 14 of this standard. nut conforming to Table 6, type reference no. 51, of
14.5 Coupling nuts. Coupling nuts for straight tail BS 3380-1:1961 and shall be interchangeable with
pipes shall conform to Figure 5 and Table 6 of the blank cap.
BS 3380-1:1961. When assembled without washers, 14.7.4 Washers. One washer shall be provided for
coupling nuts shall have a minimum engagement of the blank cap and another washer shall be provided
three full threads. either for the bent tail pipe and union nut or for the
The coupling nut shall be so arranged as to fall second blank cap. Washers shall render watertight
below the collar when unscrewed. the cap(s) and the bent tail pipe connection to the
14.6 Access for inspection and cleaning trap.
NOTE 1 Where local bye-laws require a bath overflow to be
14.6.1 General. Every trap of the types shown in arranged as a warning pipe, or where the overflow is not required
Figure 7 to Figure 10 shall be fitted with a cleaning to be connected to the trap, two blank caps should be fitted to the
eye. trap.
NOTE 2 If a standard trap and a standard overflow fitting form
14.6.2 Cleaning eye. The cleaning eye shall be in the part of a complete unit connected in some other way, any slight
positions shown in Figure 7 to Figure 10 and shall modification required to accommodate the connecting pipe and
be screwed internally either with a + in Whitworth the necessary fittings should be regarded as complying with the
specification, provided that the bore is not reduced below the
S thread3) having 20 threads per inch or, minimum internal diameter specified in clauses 15 and 16.
alternatively, with a ) in BSP thread3) complying
with the requirements of BS 2779. No part of the 15 Sizes and dimensions
cleaning eye shall obstruct the waterway.
15.1 General. Sizes and dimensions of cast traps
14.6.3 Screw plug and washer. Every trap of the shall be as set out in the table appropriate to the
types shown in Figure 7 to Figure 10 shall be fitted type of trap concerned (see 14.1).
with a screw plug and washer as specified in
clauses 18 and 19.

For explanation as to why this size is not expressed in metric terms, see the foreword.

4 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

15.2 Thickness of metal. The average thickness of 17.2 Screwed tail pipes. Screwed tail pipes are
the wall of the trap shall be not less than 2.0 mm intended to be soldered (by the trap manufacturer)
and at no point shall the thickness be less into the inlet of cast traps and shall conform to
than 1.5 mm. Figure 15 and Table 13. They shall be screwed
15.3 Inlet. The sizes of the collar on the inlet of externally, at the end distant from the collar, with a
every cast trap shall be as given in column 4 of thread of Whitworth form having 26 threads per
Table 1, Table 2, Table 5 and Table 6. inch4). The soldered end shall have a minimum
engagement of 8 mm with the trap body.
15.4 Depth of seal. The minimum depth of the
water seal shall be either 38 mm or 76 mm as 17.3 Bent tail pipes (“bent linings”). Bent tail
ordered. pipes are for connecting a bath overflow pipe to a
trap and shall conform to Figure 16 and Table 14.
15.5 Rake of outlet. In “P” type traps, the outlet
shall have a rake of 1!° minimum and 5° maximum
18 Screw plugs and washers
below the horizontal when the axis of the inlet is
vertical. Variation is permissible when so ordered 18.1 Screw plugs. Screw plugs shall be of copper
(see the foreword). alloy and shall conform to the details given in
15.6 Blank cap. Blank caps shall conform to the Figure 18 and Table 16. They shall not obstruct the
sizes given in Figure 14. waterway and shall present a minimal recess to the
interior of the trap.
15.7 Bent tail pipe. The sizes of a bent tail pipe
shall conform to Figure 16 and Table 14. 18.2 Washers. A washer, which when in position
will make the plug watertight, shall be supplied
15.8 Branches for cleaning and overflow with every screw plug.
connection of bath traps. The minimum internal
bore of the cleaning and overflow branches of bath 19 Choice of materials for associated
traps shall be 25 mm. The external screw threads on
each branch shall be 1 in BSP class B threads4)
complying with all the requirements of BS 2779, 19.1 General. Except for the washers the materials
except those regarding the length of engagement. to be used shall comply with the following
requirements, according to the process of
16 Tolerances manufacture adopted:
The sizes given in clause 15 shall be subject to the components with tubular (solid drawn) clause 7
permissible deviations given in Table 7 to Table 12. traps
The sizes given in Figure 14 shall be subject to a components with cast traps 12.2
permissible deviation of ± 0.25 mm. 19.2 Washers. Washers shall comply with the
requirements of 7.3 or 12.3.
Section 4. Associated components
17 Tail pipes
17.1 General. Copper alloy tail pipes for use with
copper alloy traps may be cast, pressed, tubular
drawn or sheet stamped. Collars shall be as given in
column 4 of Table 1, Table 2, Table 5 and Table 6.

For explanation as to why this size is not expressed in metric terms, see the foreword.

© BSI 10-1999 5
BS 1184:1976

Figure 1 — Two-piece “P” trap with plain outlet

Table 1 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) two-piece “P” traps with plain outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal Size of associated Internal Height Water Plain end Straight length of Centre-line
size of compression or diameter over seal (see 10.6) outlet of inlet to
trap capillary outlet (min.) collar (min.) [see 10.6 and 14.3 e)] end of
[see 9.3 c) and d)] outlet
mm mm mm mm mm mm
+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1! 35.0 32.0 12.7 –1.5 38.0 50.0 –0 38.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1! 35.0 32.0 12.7 –1.5 76.0 50.0 –0 38.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0 See 11.4

G1" 42.0 38.0 12.7 –1.5 38.0 57.0 –0 44.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 12.7 –1.5 76.0 57.0 –0 44.0 – 0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G2 54.0 48.5 12.7 –1.5 38.0 63.0 –0 54.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G2 54.0 48.5 12.7 –1.5 76.0 63.0 –0 54.0 –0

6 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 2 — One-piece “P” trap with plain outlet

Table 2 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) two-piece “P” traps with plain outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal Size of associated Internal Height Water Plain end Straight length of Centre-line
size of compression or diameter over seal (see 10.6) outlet of inlet to
trap capillary outlet (min.) collar (min.) (see 10.6) end of
[see 9.3 c) and d)] outlet
mm mm mm mm mm mm
+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1! 35.0 32.0 12.7 –1.5 38.0 50.0 –0 38.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1! 35.0 32.0 12.7 –1.5 76.0 50.0 –0 38.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 12.7 –1.5 38.0 57.0 –0 44.0 –0 See 11.4

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 12.7 –1.5 76.0 57.0 –0 44.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G2 54.0 48.5 12.7 –1.5 38.0 63.0 –0 54.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G2 54.0 48.5 12.7 –1.5 76.0 63.0 –0 54.0 –0

© BSI 10-1999 7
BS 1184:1976

Figure 3 — Two-piece “S” trap with plain outlet

Table 3 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) two-piece “S” traps with plain outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal size of Size of associated compression Internal Height over Water seal C, plain end
trap or capillary outlet diameter collar (min.)
[see 9.3 c) and d)] (min.) (max.)
38.0 mm 76.0 mm
mm mm mm mm mm
G1! 35.0 32.0 22.0 56.0 —
G1! 35.0 32.0 22.0 — 56.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 22.0 62.0 —
G1" 42.0 38.0 22.0 — 62.0
G2 54.0 48.5 22.0 150.0 —
G2 54.0 48.5 22.0 — 150.0

8 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 4 — One-piece “S” trap with plain outlet

Table 4 — Dimensions of tubular (solid drawn) two-piece “S” traps with plain outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal size of Size of associated compression Internal Height over Water seal C, plain end
trap or capillary outlet diameter collar (min.)
[see 9.3 c) and d)] (min.) (max.)
38.0 mm 76.0 mm
mm mm mm mm mm
G1! 35.0 32.0 22.0 56.0 —
G1! 35.0 32.0 22.0 — 56.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 22.0 62.0 —
G1" 42.0 38.0 22.0 — 62.0
G2 54.0 48.5 22.0 150.0 —
G2 54.0 48.5 22.0 — 150.0

© BSI 10-1999 9
BS 1184:1976

Figure 5 — One-piece (solid drawn) “P” trap for baths (with overflow connection)

Table 5 — Dimensions of one-piece tubular (solid drawn) bath traps with plain
outlet and overflow connection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal Size of associated Internal Height over Water seal Plain end Straight Centre-line
size of trap compression or diameter collar (min.) (see 10.6) length of of inlet to
capillary outlet (min.) outlet end of
[see 9.3 c) and d)] (see 10.6) outlet
mm mm mm mm mm mm

+0 +3.0 +3.0 See 11.4

G1" 42.0 38.0 28.0 –1.5 38.0 57.0 –0 44.0 –0

+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 28.0 –1.5 76.0 57.0 –0 44.0 –0

10 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 6 — Two-piece tubular (solid drawn) “P” trap for baths with plain
outlet and overflow connection
Table 6 — Dimensions of two-piece tubular (solid drawn) bath traps
with plain outlet and overflow connection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Size of associated Straight Centre-line
compression or Height over Water seal Plain end length of of inlet to
Nominal diameter
capillary outlet collar (min.) (see 10.6) outlet end of
size of trap (min.)
[see 9.3 c) and d)] (see 10.6) outlet
mm mm mm mm mm mm
+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 28.0 –1.5 38.0 57.0 –0 44.0 –0
See 11.4
+0 +3.0 +3.0
G1" 42.0 38.0 28.0 –1.5 76.0 57.0 – 0 44.0 –0

© BSI 10-1999 11
BS 1184:1976

Figure 7 — Cast “P” trap with externally screwed outlet

Table 7 — Dimensions of cast “P” traps with externally screwed outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal size of Internal diameter Height over Water seal Outlet with Thread on outlet
trap (min.) collar (min.) externally
(max.) screwed end
mm mm mm mm BSP.F.
G1! 32.0 12.7 38.0 22.0 1!
G1! 32.0 12.7 76.0 22.0 1!
G1" 38.0 12.7 38.0 22.0 1"
G1" 38.0 12.7 76.0 22.0 1"
G2 48.5 12.7 38.0 22.0 2a
G2 48.5 12.7 76.0 22.0 2a
If specially ordered, a larger size BSP thread may be provided.

12 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 8 — Cast “P” trap with plain outlet

Table 8 — Dimensions of cast “P” traps with plain outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal size of Internal diameter Height over collar Water seal Plain end outlet Centre-line of
trap (min.) (max.) (min.) (min.) inlet to end of
mm mm mm mm mm
G1! 32.0 12.7 38.0 50.0 130.0
G1! 32.0 12.7 76.0 50.0 130.0
G1" 38.0 12.7 38.0 57.0 146.0
G1" 38.0 12.7 76.0 57.0 146.0
G2 48.5 12.7 38.0 63.0 170.0
G2 48.5 12.7 76.0 63.0 170.0

© BSI 10-1999 13
BS 1184:1976

Figure 9 — Cast “S” trap with externally screwed outlet

Table 9 — Dimensions of cast “S” traps with externally screwed outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nominal size Internal Height over Water seal Centre of bend to Thread on Length between
of trap diameter collar (min.) end on outlet outlet centres
(min.) (max.) (min.)
mm mm mm mm BSP mm
G1! 32.0 22.0 38.0 105.0 1! 95.0 ± 1.5
G1! 32.0 22.0 76.0 143.0 1! 108.0 ± 1.5
G1" 38.0 22.0 38.0 114.0 1" 108.0 ± 1.5
G1" 38.0 22.0 76.0 152.0 1" 108.0 ± 1.5
G2 48.5 22.0 38.0 133.0 2 133.0 ± 1.5
G2 48.5 22.0 76.0 170.0 2 133.0 ± 1.5

14 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 10 — Cast “S” trap with plain outlet

Table 10 — Dimensions of cast “S” traps with plain outlet
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal size of Internal diameter Height over collar Water seal Centre of bend to Length between
trap (min.) (max.) (min.) end on outlet centres
mm mm mm mm mm
G1! 32.0 22.0 38.0 120.0 95.0 ± 1.5
G1! 32.0 22.0 76.0 159.0 95.0 ± 1.5
G1" 38.0 22.0 38.0 127.0 108.0 ± 1.5
G1" 38.0 22.0 76.0 165.0 108.0 ± 1.5
G2 48.5 22.0 38.0 146.0 133.0 ± 1.5
G2 48.5 22.0 76.0 184.0 133.0 ± 1.5

© BSI 10-1999 15
BS 1184:1976

Figure 11 — Cast bath trap: “P” trap with Figure 12 — Section Y-Y through
externally screwed outlet overflow connection
Table 11 — Dimensions of cast bath traps with externally
screwed outlet and overflow connection
(See also Figure 13)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Nominal Internal Height above Water seal Outlet with Thread on Height to Overflow
size of trap diameter collar (min.) screwed end outlet underside of bore
(min.) (max.) (min.) flange (min.)
mm mm mm mm BSP mm mm
G1" 38.0 28.0 38.0 22.0 1" 133.0 ± 3.0 20.0
G1" 38.0 28.0 76.0 22.0 1" 170.0 ± 3.0 20.0
NOTE Dimension G is based upon the connection of the bath trap to a waste complying with the requirements of BS 3380-1.

16 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 13 — Cast bath trap: “P” trap with NOTE For permissible deviations see clause 16.
plain outlet and overflow connection Figure 14 — Blank cap for bath traps
(See 14.7.2)
Table 12 — Dimensions of cast bath traps with plain outlet and overflow connection
(See Figure 13)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nominal Internal Height above Water seal Outlet with Centre-line of inlet to Height to
size of trap diameter collar (min.) plain end end of plain outlet underside of
(min.) (max.) (min.) flange
mm mm mm mm mm mm
G1" 38.0 28.0 38.0 50.0 140.0 133.0 ± 3.0
G1" 38.0 28.0 76.0 50.0 140.0 170.0 ± 3.0
NOTE Dimension G is based upon the connection of the bath trap in a waste complying with the requirements of BS 3380-1.

© BSI 10-1999 17
BS 1184:1976

Figure 15 — Tail pipe with screwed end

Table 13 — Dimensions of screwed tail pipes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Thickness of
Axial Axial length Length Diameter
Bore Diameter Diameter wall tail after
length of collar of tail of tail
Nominal (min.) of collar of spigot screwing
of spigot (min.) (min.) remaining
size of (min.)
min. max.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
G1! 30 38 38.6 35.5 6 3 25 1 35
G1" 36 43.8 44.5 41.2 6 3 25 1 41.3
G2 46 55.5 56.3 51.5 6 3 25 1 52

18 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 16 — Bent tail pipe (“bent lining”)

Table 14 — Dimensions of bent tail pipes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Length of Offset from Thick-
Axial Straight Root
tail to centre-line ness Diameter Axial Diameter
length Diameter of length of radius
Nominal centre- of inlet to of over
length of
spigot tail
of tail
of bend
size line of outlet wall collar spigot (max.)
collar (min.) (min.)
outlet (min.) (min.)
max. max. min. max.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
G /16
13 63.5 41.3 1 46 2 4.7 6.3 25.1 25.4 19 25.4 12.5

© BSI 10-1999 19
BS 1184:1976

Figure 17 — Collar on inlet of trap

Table 15 — Dimensions of collars on inlets
1 2 3 4 5 6
Outside diameter of collar Maximum diameter of inlet
Length of spigot Axial length of collar
Nominal size G spigot

min. max. K L M
mm mm mm mm mm
G1! 38.0 38.6 6.0 3.0 35.5
G1½ 43.8 44.5 6.0 3.0 41.2
G2 55.5 56.3 6.0 3.0 51.5

20 © BSI 10-1999
BS 1184:1976

Figure 18 — Section of screw plug

Table 16 — Dimensions of screw plug
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
+ × 20 t.p.i. 28.5 17.5 4.5 8.0 16.5 + × 20 t.p.ib 3.0 2.0 1.5 (min.) 5.5
) in BSP 20.5 13.0 3.0 4.75 13.0 ) in BSP 2.25 1.5 1.5 (min.) 3.75
For explanation as to why the sizes are not expressed in metric terms, see the foreword.
Whitworth S conforming to Table 13 of BS 84:1956; tolerance conforming to Table 20 of BS 84:1956.

© BSI 10-1999 21
22 blank
BS 1184:1976

Publications referred to

This standard makes reference to the following British Standards and codes of practice:
BS 84, Parallel screw threads of Whitworth form.
BS 219, Soft solders.
BS 1035-40, 1172-74, 1861, 1954, Raw copper.
BS 1224, Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium.
BS 1400, Copper alloy ingots and copper and copper alloy castings.
BS 1737, Jointing materials and compounds for water, town gas and low-pressure steam installations.
BS 1845, Filler metals for brazing.
BS 2779, Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads.
BS 2871, Copper and copper alloys, tubes.
BS 2871-1, Copper tubes for water, gas and sanitation.
BS 2872, Copper and copper alloys. Forging stock and forgings.
BS 3380, Wastes for sanitary appliances and overflows for baths.
BS 3380-1, Wastes (excluding skeleton sink wastes) and bath overflows.
CP 304, Sanitary pipework above ground.

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BS 1184:1976

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