Decades of Slang: Sitting in The Hot Seat-In A Highly Uncomfortable or Embarrassing Situation
Decades of Slang: Sitting in The Hot Seat-In A Highly Uncomfortable or Embarrassing Situation
Decades of Slang: Sitting in The Hot Seat-In A Highly Uncomfortable or Embarrassing Situation
I’ll be a monkey’s uncle-sign of disbelief; I don’t believe it!
Gig-a job
Cool- excellent; clever; sophisticated; fashionable; or enjoyable
Sitting in the hot seat- in a highly uncomfortable or embarrassing situation
Big brother is watching you- someone of authority is monitoring your actions
Hipster- an innovative and trendy person
Groovy- cool; hip; excellent
The man- a person of authority; a group in power
Catch you on the flip side- see you later
Dig it- to like or understand something
Chillin’- relaxing
Gag me with a spoon- disgusting
My bad- my mistake
Wassup? - What’s up; how are you?
Newbie- a newcomer; someone who is inexperienced
Peeps- friends; people
Sweet- beyond cool