What Is Quality?
What Is Quality?
What Is Quality?
What is quality?
What is TQM?
What is a product?
Two dimensions:
Product features and
Freedom from deficiencies
Product features Refers to the quality of design.
Examples in manufacturing industry
Durability, Ease of use,
Esthetics, etc
Examples in service industry
Friendliness and courtesy,
Knowledge of server, etc.
Freedom from deficiencies Refers to quality of
Higher conformance means fewer complaints and
increased customer satisfaction.
Why Quality?
Product complexity:
As systems have become more complex, the reliability requirements for
suppliers of components have become more
Higher levels of customer satisfaction
Higher customers’ expectations are getting spawned by increasing competition.
Relatively simpler approaches to quality viz. product inspection for quality control
and incorporation of internal cost of poor quality
into the selling price, might not work for today’s complex market environment.
Quality perspectives
Everyone defines Quality based on their own perspective of it. Typical responses
about the definition of quality would include:
Eliminating waste
Speed of delivery
Compliance with policies and procedures
Doing it right the first time
Delighting or pleasing customers
Total customer satisfaction and service
Judgmental perspective
goodness of a product.
User-based perspective
Manufacturing-based perspective
Quality Trilogy
Absolutes of Management
Quality means conformance to requirements not
There is no such thing as quality problem.
There is no such thing as economics of quality
it is always cheaper to do the job right the
first time.
The only performance measurement is the cost of
quality the cost of non-conformance.
Basic Elements of Improvement
Determination (commitment by the top management)
Education (of the employees towards Zero Defects
Implementation (of the organizational processes
towards ZD)
Process Management
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Process management
Seven QC Tools
Flow charts
Check sheets
Pareto diagrams
Cause-and-effect diagrams
Scatter diagrams
Control charts
Kaizen teams
Quality Circles
Quality circles
Kaizen blitz
An intense and rapid improvement process in which
a team or a department throws all its resources
into an improvement project over a short period
of time.
Short time burst rather than long range simmer-
hence the name.
Blitz teams usually comprise of employees from
all areas involved in the process who understand
it and can implement the changes on the spot.
50. Additional process improvement tools
SQM Caveats