Economic Development. MODULE 3
Economic Development. MODULE 3
Economic Development. MODULE 3
1. Identify the New Industrialized Economies (NIE) Countries.
For China and India, the immense population of these two countries (each with over
1.2 billion people as of September 2015) means that per capita income will remain low
even if either economy surpasses that of the United States in overall GDP. When GDP per
capita is calculated according to purchasing power parity (PPP), this takes into account the
lower costs of living in each newly industrialized country. GDP per capita typically is an
indicator for living standards in a given country as well.
Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa meet annually with the G8 countries to
discuss financial topics and climate change, due to their economic importance in today's
global market and environmental impact, in a group known as G8+5.