LAB Report #5: Title
LAB Report #5: Title
LAB Report #5: Title
LAB Report #5
To Perform Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
The 100 kHz quadrature carriers come from the MASTER SIGNALS module. Note that
these do not need to be in precise quadrature relationship; errors of a few degrees
make negligible difference to the performance of the system as a whole - transmitter,
channel, and receiver. It is at the demodulator that precision is required - here it is
necessary that the local carriers match exactly the phase difference at the
transmitter. The two independent analog messages come from an audio oscillator
and the master signals module (2 kHz).
Setting up is simple. Choose a frequency in the range say 300 to 3000 Hz for the
audio oscillator (message ‘A’). Confirm there are DSBSC at the output of each
multiplier. Adjust their amplitudes to be equal at the output of the ADDER, by using
the ADDER gain controls (remove the ‘A’ input when adjusting ‘g’, and the ‘B’ input
when adjusting ‘G’). Since the QAM signal will (in later experiments) be the input to
an analog channel, its amplitude should be at about the TIMS ANALOG REFERENCE
LEVEL of 4-volt peak-to peak.
The 100 kHz carrier (sinωt or cosωt) comes from master signals. This is a ‘stolen’
carrier. In commercial practice the carrier information must be derived directly from
the received signal. Remember to set the on-board switch SW1 of the phase shifter
to the HI range.
The 3 kHz LPF in the headphone amplifier can be used if the messages are restricted
to this bandwidth. Observe the output from this filter with the oscilloscope on CH2-
A. Since message A is already displayed on CH1-A, an immediate comparison can be
made. Probably both messages will be appearing at the filter output, although of
different amplitudes. Being on different frequencies the display will not be stationary.
Now slowly rotate the coarse control of the phase shifter. The output waveform
should slowly approach the shape of message A (if not, flip the 180 front panel
toggle switch). Note that the phase adjustment is not used to maximize the
amplitude of the wanted message but to minimize the amplitude of the unwanted
After performing this lab we were able to do frequency modulation and
demodulation of QAM on tims and on matlab and Simulink.