The Worksheet Number. Click On File - Save As, To Save Your Work On The Desktop With
The Worksheet Number. Click On File - Save As, To Save Your Work On The Desktop With
The Worksheet Number. Click On File - Save As, To Save Your Work On The Desktop With
Assignment 1
Date: 10-01-2020
10 X 3 = 30 Marks
Save the data set Global 2015.xls on your Laptop, extract the file ‘Orders’ and answer
the following questions using Tableau.
Answer each question on a separate worksheet and the question number should match
the worksheet number. Click on File – Save as, to save your work on the desktop with
the filename “Section_Roll No.” Eg: A_191111.
After completion of the exam, save your file and upload it to the DVT 2019-21 ->
4.Assignments - > 1.Assignment1(10-01-2020) -> Section ”X”. Where “X” is your
1. Create a view to show Profit with postal code that ends with Number “01” and sort
the results in Descending order of the Postal code. Screenshot below.
2. List “Country” column across “Market” column whose sum of shipping cost is
atmost(<=) $50. Identify the Market and Country with lowest shipping cost and
annotate with your own comments. Screen shot below.
3. Which are the Top 10 cities, by total sales, in LATAM “Market”?
4. Find the bottom 3 Product Sub-Categories by Sales within each Ship Mode.
5. Find the Market and the Order Priority for which the Shipping cost(Sum) was the
highest(Top 1)?
6. Show the Sum of Number of Records(count of customers) placing orders from all
“Region”? Sort them in Descending order.
8. For the items Ordered, what percentage of sales was Shipped(Ship Date = March
2012) in Medium “Order Priority”.
9. Show a Pie chart of Profit by “Segment” column.
10. Find the Product ID which has highest sales in Central US “Region” column.
Annotate and write your comment saying this is the product ID with highest sales.