Chpater1 Language: Concepts and Precepts: There Are Three General Views On Language
Chpater1 Language: Concepts and Precepts: There Are Three General Views On Language
Chpater1 Language: Concepts and Precepts: There Are Three General Views On Language
Language is a set of signs. We call each sign a form and a purpose that conveys
meaning. Man by communicating Interacts and talks with others. Traffic light is
a good example of understanding the relationship between Meaning and Form
It is form and meaning. When the light turns red, it means you should not
move. Now the same meaning when with forms coming together will have
different meanings
Language as an Ideology
This view points out that language is beyond communication and
should be viewed as one Look at the ideological and philosophical
nature. Man uses language to express all his ideas, but there are times
when he himself the category of language becomes a debatable
ideology and nature. Ideology is a deeper and more pervasive concept
than discourse
A linguist who studied language from the first approach; That is, it examined it
as a purposeful system. Chomsky has a number of important theories about
:language, including
The three Halliday, Austin, and Hymes were among Chomsky's most
famous critics, who argued that language is an innate knowledge of
individuals. Michael Halliday stated that language, in addition to what
Chomsky says, is a means of interacting and communicating with others.
Hence, he stated three types of applications for the language or
: Metafuntion, which are
We will be able to communicate with others through language
Text in Michael Halliday's third Metafunction refers to all the different
forms of language, including writing, speech, and voice, that enable a
person to complete and implement the second Metafuntion, Interpersonal
Michael Halliday defines language as Meaning Potential Concept. What
?does it mean
After Halliday, it was the turn of the philosopher and linguist Austin, who in
1692 wrote a book called How to do things with words. In this book he
asked an important question: What do we do with language that was
answered by Speech Acts and then he explained it throughout the book
According to Austin, each Speech Act has three types. 1) Locution= Anything
we say or write. 2) Illocution= Our purpose in speaking or writing it and
3)Perlocution= The effect that our words or writing have on the
environment or people. Take Open the Window, for example
Locution: Open the Illocution: We want the window to be Perlocution: Somebody opens
Window opened
After Austin, it was Dell Hymes' turn to challenge Chomsky's theories of
Competence by raising the issue.
Competence (Chomsky) : Underlying knowledge of language
Competence (Hymes) : Underlying knowledge of language + ability to use it.
Performance: Actual use of language.
Communicative Competence:
Knowledge of not only if something is formally possible in a language, but also
it is feasible, appropriate, or done in a particular speech community (Ability to
speak correctly in the community). This includes:
Procedural Knowledge knowledge about how to use language