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ATM-025/ATM-100 Asphalt Mix Performance Tester: Compliance and Strength Where 100 KN Capacity Is Specified

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GCTS is committed to designing accurate testing systems

by integrating innovative software engineering with

  advanced hardware. GCTS systems perform at the highest
levels of reliability, providing efficient systems that satisfy
customer needs and expectations.

Asphalt Mix Performance Tester

 Advanced testing for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
The GCTS ATM-025/ATM-100 Equipment is a modular system that
 Dynamic complex modulus, flow number, flow can be configured to test asphalt in a variety of modes. Two
time, indirect tension, beam flexural fatigue, standard models are offered with the only difference being the load
and resilient modulus tests capacity. The ATM-025 is limited to 25 kN dynamic loads and
offers an excellent dynamic accuracy for testing softer specimens
 Electro-Hydraulic Digital Servo Control (i.e. HMA at elevated temperatures) while the ATM-100 is also able
 25 kN (ATM-025) or 100 kN (ATM-100) to perform strength tests as required by AAASHTO-322 Creep
dynamic load capacity Compliance and Strength where 100 kN capacity is specified.
GCTS also offers a combination system with a dual actuators
 Frequencies up to 70 Hz (25 kN & 100 kN) for improved dynamic performance at low
 Modular design with accurate and easy to use dynamic loads and fully capable of performing tests to specimen
software and electronics failure.

 Meets the newest AASHTO (Superpave), ASTM, Both systems can be supplied with an environmental chamber
and European (EN-12697-24,25,26) standards which houses the optional accessories required to perform
dynamic complex modulus, flow number, flow time, indirect
 Complete “turn-key” systems
tension, beam flexural fatigue, and resilient modulus tests. The
GCTS environmental chamber is a high quality stainless steel
6103 S. Maple Av. Tempe AZ 85283 U.S.A. Tel: (480) 456-0110 gcts.com
  chamber with a full size front window and a dual temperature PID channels (28 inputs and 8 control outputs with optional SCON-
control loops
  of both heating and cooling. Chamber
  temperature is 2000). All signal conditioning, as well as high speed data acquisition
directly controlled through GCTS application software providing and control functions are done by the GCTS SCON unit and
efficient and precise temperature control typically better than 0.2 °C. controlled by the user through CATS, the GCTS windows-based
This system can either control the chamber air temperature or the servo control software running on a standard PC.
internal temperature of any instrumented dummy sample to ensure
that test specimens have reached the desired temperature The fully Integrated Digital Servo Controller has an embedded
throughout. A temperature sensor that can be embedded inside a microprocessor capable of performing all test functions even if the
dummy sample is also provided. The ATM-025/ATM-100 includes a Windows computer is turned off. It provides automatic dynamic
sliding drawer to easily remove/install test specimens minimizing the control mode switching between any connected transducer or
time the environmental door is open. calculated parameter. This controller also conditions all transducers
used in the ATM-025 system. This digital controller is capable of
GCTS has conducted extensive verification of these systems, updating the control loop at up to 6 kHz as is required for high
comparing the results for the full temperature range against frequency dynamic tests. The GCTS controller has several adaptive
Witczak’s predictive model as well as test data on multiple replicates compensation techniques to improve the control precision without
obtained at a leading research university. user intervention. Adaptive control allows the system to precisely
p y
match the desired cyclic stress amplitudes throughout the tests.

Unlike other systems, the GCTS SCON is fully integrated with the
sensor signal conditioning, servo controller and test software into a
single component. At the same time, the SCON offers a modular
Measured  E* (ksi)

University Data approach with easy to install expansion boards to accommodate

future needs. The GCTS SCON can directly interface with load

100 cells, pressure transducers, LVDTs, strain gages, thermocouples,

etc. The user is free to connect sensors to any universal input
channel from any manufacturer without requiring the purchase of
expensive normalizing electronics. This universal digital signal
10 100 1000 10000 conditioning includes automatic sensor recognition and software
management of excitation, offset, gain, and linearization settings
Witczak's Predictive Equation E* (ksi)

Comparison Study reducing the possibility of accidentally or inadvertently changing or

using the wrong sensor calibration. Linearization of each sensor is
At the core of the GCTS ATM-025/ATM-100 is our application performed in real-time using high order polynomials automatically
software. GCTS has developed the most advanced software for calculated for every input range. These are essential time and
performing dynamic modulus, indirect tension, fatigue, resilient money saving features for asphalt testing systems to accommodate
modulus and several other tests for HMA. Our software offers the different sensor configuration and ranges specified for each
advice to the user on how to conduct each test and in some cases different test mode.
even provides real time comparisons of tests results with published
predicted values. 1400

Axial Load
Def 1
300 180

Φ/ ω Strain

Def 2 Stress
1200 295
Def 3 2.95


Every aspect of the test is software controlled, from turning on the

1000 290

120 2.90

hydraulic pump and monitoring the oil level and temperature to

Axial Deformation (μm)

800 285
Stress, kPa
Load, N


μ Strain

executing the test with a simple mouse click. All standard test
600 280 80

60 2.80

procedures are pre-programmed, but the CATS software is flexible

400 275

σo• sin(ωt)

and powerful enough to allow custom test procedures as well.

200 270

Єo• sin(ωt‐Φ)
0 265
0 2.70
9.8 9.85 9.9 9.95 10 10.05 10.1
9.80 9.85 9.90 9.95 10.00 10.05 10.10
Time, sec Time, seconds

Raw Data & Real-Time calculated data output

The GCTS software has simplified the operation of our instruments

allowing the user to directly program test calculated parameters in
the units of interest (stress, strain, etc.) based on the specimen
geometry and size. These parameters are calculated in real time
and are available for display, graph and/or control in any desired unit
system. In addition, dynamic parameters such as stress and strain
amplitude as well as phase shift are also calculated at the end of
each cycle. These parameters are calculated using sophisticated
regression analysis including all data points within each cycle.
ATM-025 / ATM-100 Frequency Response Curve Curve fitting of waveform regression is the most accurate technique
as systems that only use the maximum and minimum waveform
Behind GCTS CATS software is the SCON-1500 digital servo values may introduce significant errors for small amplitudes where
controller that can be configured with up to 8 universal sensor input the signal-to-noise ratio is also significant. Using the mathematical
channels, two dedicated temperature inputs and 3 control output functions to calculate phase shift is the only way of ensuring
  accurate results. This is especially important when testing at colder specifications. The axial deformation device is mounted to the
  temperatures where the cyclic deformations
  could be very small and specimen on pre-glued gauge points with predetermined gauge
the sensor variability may introduce a significant error in the length. The GCTS GPF-100 Automatic Positioning Fixture was
calculation of the cycle amplitude and phase shift. designed for easy and accurate extensometer holder positioning on
the cylindrical asphalt specimens used in Dynamic Modulus tests.
The base system offers all of the above generic functions and specific Alignment and secure fastening of the extensometers is essential in
solutions are offered as options allowing the user to configure the running a successful test. With the GPF-100 along with the specially
system with only the required fixtures. Each one of the test fixtures designed extensometer holding pins the need for labor intensive
includes solution software modules that are pre-programmed to effort is eliminated and the preparation time is reduced to a fraction
automatically perform the required test and reduce the data according of the time required otherwise.
to the listed specifications. This makes the GCTS ATM-025/ATM-100
a complete custom-made solution for the customer.


The Dynamic Complex Modulus is an important property of HMA

mixtures. It is used to determine both the linear viscoelastic and
elastic properties of pavement materials. The dynamic modulus |E*|,
the absolute value of the complex modulus, is used to predict the
permanent deformation (rutting) potential of HMA. The GCTS
systems can perform this test with ease, in both unconfined and Automatic Positioning Fixture & Pin Holder
confined condition, and automatically obtain the master curve.
The pin holder front face includes a recess to avoid squeezing the
GCTS Dynamic Complex Modulus (E*) software allows for automatic epoxy out while it pressed against the sample. A rigid support is
test execution for one or multiple tests. Each individual test can be essential to eliminate errors from sensor friction or spring resistance
programmed for different temperatures and frequencies as well as at both low and high temperatures. These pins together with the
number of replicates at each temperature and frequency pair. This GPF-100 fixture provides the most accurate method of affixing the
program includes a function solver to obtain the Master Curve from axial strain measurement sensors for Dynamic Testing
test data according to AASHTO or Witczak functions
In this case the gauge lengths are fixed by locking the device in one
of several preset positions during installation and releasing it prior to
testing. Asphalt specimens can be placed on the platens with
membranes and axial deformation mounting points outside the cell
while another test is running inside the cell. When the test is
complete, the first specimen is removed from the cell and the
deformation device transferred to the new specimen, which is simply
set into position inside the cell
AASHTO TP-62 & EN-12697-25 Fixtures

The GCTS WIN-UDMA Software for obtaining the Dynamic Modulus

of Asphalt Materials includes automated test control and report
generation to perform AASHTO TP 62-07, ASTM D3497-2003, and
EN 12697-25 specifications as well as user definable test procedures.

Master Curve Solver

Dynamic Modulus (E*) Test Software BEAM FLEXURAL FATIGUE

The apparatus includes small range deformation sensors that can be Fatigue or alligator cracking is one of the principal modes of Hot Mix
configured for multiple ranges to achieve the precision required by the Asphalt (HMA) pavement failure. Fatigue life of the HMA layer is
  determined by lower stresses than in the other modes of failure,
meaning that in many cases the fatigue properties of the HMA
determine how long the pavement will be functional. The GCTS
Beam Flexural Fatigue apparatus is designed to perform flexural
tests on the HMA beam specimen, in a controlled environment, in
order to determine their fatigue properties and estimate the
pavement life. GCTS offers the Beam Flexural Fatigue as a stand-
alone unit and as a fixture for the ATM Asphalt Testing Systems.

Indirect Tension Software

GCTS WIN-IDT-MR Software includes automated test control and

report generation to perform SHRP-P07, ASTM D4123-95,
EN12697-24, EN12697-26 and NCHRP 1-28 specifications as well
as user definable test procedures.


Beam Flexural Fatigue The Resilient Modulus is an indicator of the stiffness of the soil and
the aggregate materials that are found in the subgrade and base
GCTS Beam Flexural Fatigue software allows for automatic layers. The structural integrity of a pavement depends on this
execution and control of a long term fatigue test with relative ease parameter. The GCTS Resilient Modulus Testing System is
and flexibility. The fatigue test on the asphalt beam can be specifically designed for this test; however all of the ATM Asphalt
conducted in two modes: constant strain/deflection or constant Testing Systems can perform this test with the optional triaxial cell.
stress/load. GCTS WIN-FBA includes automated test control and
report generation to perform AASHTO T 321-07, SHRP M009, EN
12697-24 and EN 12697-26 specifications as well as user
definable test procedures.


The tensile strength of the HMA is a major predictor of the

serviceable life of the pavement. The cracking potential of the
HMA is directly related to its tensile strength. The higher the
tensile force or tensile strain at failure, the longer the life of the
pavement will be. In combination with the ATM Asphalt Testing
Systems, the Indirect Tension Test module can be used to conduct
tests at different temperature conditions.

Resilient Modulus for Unbound Material

GCTS Resilient Modulus software allows the user to either select

from one of the standard resilient modulus test programs, or allows
the user to setup a user defined test program (up to 30 sequences)
with selections for cell pressure, cyclic stress and contact stress for
each sequence. The user has complete control over how many
cycles are applied in pre-conditioning and normal loading stages.
Indirect Tension Fixtures GCTS WIN-TRX-MR Software includes automated test control and
report generation according to AASHTO T-274, AASHTO T 307,
The Indirect Tension software module allows the user to perform SHRP P46, and NCHRP 1-28, EN 13286-7 as well as user
Creep Compliance, Fatigue, Resilient (Stiffness) Modulus and definable test procedures.
Tensile Strength using the Indirect Tension apparatus (either
American or European standard/apparatus). While the user can
configure/setup the test to be done according to one standard the
software will also calculate and display the results of the other
available standards of the Modulus test

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