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Substation Automation System

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Substation Automation System

Substation Automation System

PCS-9700 is a state-of-the-art automation solution for

substations, generations and industrials with many advanced
The PCS-9700 helps customers to realize the automation of technologies and patents. It can be applied for substations
local operations and collection, evaluation and forwarding starting from distribution level up to extra high voltage level.
of data, and provides the remote control and monitoring of It integrates the application of protection, control, Ethernet,
power system operation status. It is suitable for the following IT and communication technology based on the international
applications: standard and it is fully compatible with IEC 61850 standard.
The system adopts the layered distributed architecture with
RCS-9700 helps the customers to realize the automation of bay-oriented and object-oriented structure, which is more
local operations and the collection, evaluation and forwarding reliable and easy to extend and maintain.
of data, and provides the remote control and monitoring
functions for power system status. It is suitable for the following
• Transmission and distribution substations, generation and bus. Compared to traditional substation, the process bus based
industrial electrical system optical fiber is used to replace cable connection between IEDs.
It will significantly reduce the construction work and cost.
• Utilities, power plants and industries
• New constructed substations and retrofit substations Process Bus Solution
• Gas and air isolated switchgear The process bus is one of the focus points to realize smart
• Subway system, light-rail system, and electrified railway substation. The process bus with GOOSE and IEC 61850-9-
system 2 is adopted in NR’s smart substation solution. It realizes the
transmission of sampled values, state information, tripping/
closing commands and interlocking command.
IEC 61850 Compatibility
NR’s substation automation system is fully compatible with IEC NR’s innovative smart substation solution aims at realizing
61850 standard and has passed the IEC 61850 conformance the modern substation operation modes by using a fiber optic
test and obtained the level A certification issued by KEMA. NR network instead of the conventional cable wiring and thereby
sets up its own IEC 61850 level B test laboratory to confirm the reducing the workload and extending the substations operational
standard compliance for all product portfolio. period. NR’s smart substation solutions include process level
equipment such as electronic fiber CT/PT, merging units, circuit
The IEC 61850 standard provides an internationally recognized breaker controller and local control panels. It also includes the
method targeted for interoperability between IED from different PCS series protection and control devices like protective relays,
venders. The IEC 61850 has built-in capability for high-speed disturbance recorders, automation systems, remote control
control and data sharing over the network, eliminating most systems and protection information systems.
dedicated control wirings. It is also easy to follow the future The merging unit is suitable for traditional CT/VT and electronic
communication technology, which should save the long-term CT/VT. It distributes the digitalized data of current/voltage to
upgrade investment for the customer. various IEDs in bay level via process bus or point-to-point
optical fiber.
NR protection relays, bay control units and substation
automation systems are completely compatible with IEC • Electronic CT/VT digitalizes the current/voltage signals and
61850. We also provide solutions that allow the migration from transmit them to various IEDs (protections, control units,
the conventional substation automation system to the new metering and disturbance recorders) via optical fiber.
standard. The PCS series protection and bay control units • Merging Unit gathers digitalized data of current/voltage and
support the IEC 61850-9-2 and GOOSE message for process distribute it to various IEDs via process bus.
bus. The sampled value, interlocking, real-time tripping/closing, • Circuit Breaker Controller collects state information of
interlocking and state information are transported via process breaker, transmit them to various IEDs via process bus,

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receive the tripping/closing commands via process bus and locally. The information subsystem provides a powerful fault
implement these commands. analysis tool. When fault occurs, the information subsystem
• Local control panel realizes the local installation of can transmit protection operation information and fault report
protection and control devices to dispatching center quickly, helping dispatchers to get correct
fault information, make rapid and correct fault analysis as well
• Gigabit switch guarantees the real-time transmission of
as decision on fault clearance.
information in process bus.

• PLC function based on IEC61131

Programmable control function is designed based on IEC61131
Functions standard. It can complete logic latching of individual device
sequential control, group control as well as station-wide control.
• Real-time data acquisition and processing
The system makes acquisition and processing of real-time data • SAS software package (HMI)
of supervisory and control units installed in bay level. The system provides powerful and friendly human machine
interfaces software package including:
• Control operation, synchronism checking and interlocking
The system can make sequential operations on circuit breakers, - Setup and maintenance of data base
motor-driven isolators, transformer tap changer, reactive - Reactive power and voltage automatic regulation
power device group, etc. PCS-9705 and RCS-970x bay control - Configurable Alarm processing
units carry out control operations, synchronous checking and - Sequence of events record and post-fault review
electrical interlocking functions. Interlocking software is used - Configuration and displaying of graph and chart
mainly for implementation of edition, compilation and download - On-line calculation and reports preparing
of interlocking logic. - Operation management
- Electricity processing
• Communication with control center
- Self-diagnosis and self-restoration
Communication with control center is independent to local
HMI. Control command can be transmitted directly from control
center. It supports IEC standard protocols and other standard
protocols such as DNP3.0 and 1801 as well. Features
• Time synchronization • Optimized design scheme
The system receives GPS standard time signal for clock The PCS-9700 system is considered for various functions of
synchronism. The absolute time are broadcasted through protection, local supervisory, control, reactive power and voltage
network. The second or minute pulse signal is inputted to regulation, interlocking, selective ground fault protection of
equipments by RS-485 port or potential free contact. The IRIG-B an ineffectively grounded system, as well as management of
signal (AC or DC) is also supported. equipments, operations and information of protection and fault
recorder information, etc.
• Interfaces with third-party IEDs
Protocol converters complied with IEC 61850 is provided for the • Powerful and flexible communication facilities
integration of third-party IEDs. It can convert non-IEC 61850 The station bus uses 100M Ethernet while the bay level uses
protocol to IEC 61850 and realize the full automation of all IEDs dual 100M Ethernet as redundancy. A powerful communication
in substation. platform is thus formed by these facilities together with network
communication equipments such as 100Mbps Switches and
• Protection and fault information management. gateways. The process bus uses redundant Gigabit or 100M
The system can acquire protection information, fault Ethernet based on optical fiber. It will guarantee the real-time
information, power system stability control and other automation transmission of important information, such as tripping/closing
equipments, and make display, analysis and processing commands.

The system uses IEC 60870-5-103 standard protocol for

communication with protection relays and other IEDs. The
RCS-9794A/B communication unit of multiple CPU structure
is equipped as protocol converter. It provides various standard
ports and the system can be connected with equipments made
by other manufactures. So the user has the flexibility to select
various kinds of products.

• Open HMI software in substation level

The software of the system is developed based upon Windows
and UNIX operation system. SQL server (companied with
Windows) or ORACLE (companied with UNIX) is selected as
the database management software. Based on softbus and
network technology, Software package is an open system which
greatly enhances the availability of internal information of the
whole station.
Figure 1 Intelligent Control Panel

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• Direct data transmission to control center • Network level
Functions of external communication and internal The network level supports single or dual network based
communication are independent to each other. Information on distributed or ring structure. Balance flow control is
can be acquired directly from bay level and transmitted to used for duplicated network, so the reliability and the real-
dispatching centers. Communication bottleneck problem of time performance can be ensured. This network level can
the traditional RTU scheme can be solved so that reliability of communicate smoothly with equipments produced by other
information transmission can be greatly enhanced in PCS-9700 manufacturers using IEC standard communication protocol
system. or private communication protocol. Optical links is used as
a transmission medium with sever EMC immunity. Time
• Object-oriented information structure synchronization can be realized by a GPS interface conveniently
The information structure is object-oriented. Each logic devices and correctly.
in database is associated with a physical device. Influence of
single item change is limited in related part of corresponding • Bay level
logic device only. It is thus easy to be extended. The bay level consists of bay control units, various protection,
disturbance recorders and other IEDs. All these IEDs from NR
Attribution of information is self-described. It supports on-line support IEC 61850-8-1 for station bus and redundant Ethernet
configuration and real-time check functions of the equipments. ports. These equipments can operate with long-term stability
in severe environments, for example, high temperature, high
• Secure and reliable bay control unit humidity or high electro-magnetic disturbance.
The bay control unit is based on 32 bits CPU and DSP hardware
platform. It adopts real-time multitasks operation system with • Process Level (Optional)
powerful processing ability and well suits the requirements of The process level consists of process bus and intelligent
data acquisition and processing of bay level. devices including electronic CT/VT, merging unit, icircuit breaker
controller and local control panel. Merging unit can be applied
for traditional CT/VT. It receives the current/voltage via cables,

System Architecture converts them into digital information and distributes them to
various IEDs in bay level. Gigabit switch is supplied for process
bus to realize the real-time information transmission. Process
• System Architecture bus can be configured as redundant Ethernet based on optical
The system comprises three or four levels in hierarchical fiber.
structure: Station Level, Network Level, Bay Level and optional
Process Level. • Typical structure description
• Station level consists of host, operator station and engineer
• Station Level station. Several computers or single computer configuration
The station level is a distributed system comprising a single can be adopted.
computer host or several hosts. It provides supervisory, control
• Windows or UNIX can be used as the operation system.
and management functions for operators in the substation. Man-
machine interface is friendly and easy to handle. The structure • T he gateway can adopt RCS-9698G/H device, channel
makes it flexible to be extended and reliable to be operated. switching equipment and channel interface.
By applying the component technology, “plug-and-play” can
• RCS-9785 can be used as the GPS receiver.
be realized for software functions. It can communicate with
dispatching centers or other concentrated control stations using • PCS and RCS series protection equipments can connect
different standard protocols such as IEC-60870-5-101 and IEC- with station level directly by two 100M Ethernet ports or by
60870-5-104. two RS-485 ports through protocol converter.

Figure 2. Double-Star Ethernet Structure of PCS-9700 Automation Figure 3. Ring Ethernet Structure of PCS-9700 Automation System
System Complied with IEC61850 Complied with IEC61850

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Technical data
AC power supply 380 V/220 V, 50 Hz, 60 Hz
DC power supply 250V/220 V/125V/110 V
Secondary current of TA 5 A/1 A
Secondary voltage of TV 100 V/31/2, 110V/31/2
Pulse input: potential free contact, 40 ms min.
Digital input: potential free contact, DC 250V/220 V/125V/110 V
Digital output: potential free contact, 8 A

Electromagnetic compatibility
Electrostatic discharge IEC 61000-4-2, class 4
Radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field IEC 61000-4-3, class 3
Electrical fast transient/burst IEC 61000-4-4, class 4
Surge IEC 61000-4-5, class 3
Conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields IEC 61000-4-6, class 3
Power frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8, class 4
Pulse magnetic field IEC 61000-4-9, class 5
Damped oscillatory magnetic field IEC 61000-4-10, class 5
Oscillatory waves IEC 61000-4-12, class 2
Maximum capacity
Telesignal 65535
Telemetering 65535
Telecounting 65535
Telecontrol 65535
Teleregulation 65535
Total number of stations can be comprised in system of a controlling

Resolution of A/D conversion 14 bits
GPS clock synchronism ≤ 1 ms
GPS clock synchronism ≤ 2 ms
Total error of analog quantity measurement
Voltage and current ≤ 0.2%
Active and reactive power ≤ 0.5%
Power frequency ≤ ±0.01 Hz

Refreshing cycle
Telemetering, from acquisition input to communication interface output ≤ 3 sec
Telesignal, from change of state input to communication interface output ≤ 3 sec
Telecontrol, from command creation to communication interface output ≤ 1 sec
Updating period of analog quantities on chart ≤ 3 sec
Updating period of change of state on chart ≤ 2 sec
Switch over time of standby hosts ≤20s

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Characteristic Glass optical fiber
Optical fiber type Multi-mode
Connector type ST
Wave length 820nm
Minimum transmission power -25dBm
Margin Min. +3.0dB

- Clock Synchronization Port

Type RS-485
Transmission distance <500m
Maximal capacity 32
Timing standard PPS, IRIG-B
Safety level Isolation to ELV level
Type test
- Environmental tests
Dry cold test Per IEC60068-2-1:2007
Dry heat test Per IEC60068-2-2:2007
Damp heat test, cyclic Per IEC60068-2-30:2005

- Mechanical tests
Vibration Per IEC 60255-21-1:1988 Class I
Shock and bump Per IEC 60255-21-2:1988 Class I

- Electrical tests
Standard IEC 60255-27:2005
Dielectric tests Test voltage 2kV, 50Hz, 1min
Standard IEC 60255-5:2000
Impulse voltage tests Test voltage 5kV
Overvoltage category III
Insulation resistance measurements Isolation resistance >100MΩ@500VDC

- Electromagnetic Compatibility
Per IEC 60255-22-1:2007
1MHz burst disturbance test Common mode: class III 2.5kV
Differential mode: class III 1.0kV
Per IEC60255-22-2:2008 class IV
Electrostatic discharge test For contact discharge: 8kV
For air discharge: 15kV
Radio frequency interference tests Per IEC 60255-22-3:2007 class III
Frequency sweep
- Radiated amplitude-modulated 10V/m(rms), f=80…1000MHz
Spot frequency
- Radiated amplitude-modulated 10Vm(rms), f=80MHz/160MHz/450MHz/900MHz
- Radiated pulse-modulated 10Vm(rms), f=900MHz
Per IEC 60255-22-4:2008
Fast transient disturbance tests Power supply, I/O, Earth: class IV, 4kV, 2.5kHz, 5/50ns
Communication terminals: class IV, 2kV, 5kHz, 5/50ns
Per IEC 60255-22-5:2008
Power supply, AC input, I/O port: class IV, 1.2/50us
Surge immunity test Common mode: 4kV
Differential mode: 2kV
Per IEC 60255-22-6:2001
Conducted RF Electromagnetic Disturbance
Power supply, AC, I/O, Comm. Terminal: Class III, 10Vrms, 150 kHz~80MHz
Per IEC 61000-4-8:2001
Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity
class V, 100A/m for 1min, 1000A/m for 3s
Per IEC 61000-4-9:2001
Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity
class V, 6.4/16μs, 1000A/m for 3s
IEC 61000-4-10:2001
Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity
class V, 100kHz & 1MHz–100A/m
IEC60255-11: 2008
Auxiliary power supply performance Voltage dips: Up to 300ms for dips to 40% of rated voltage without reset
Voltage short interruptions: 100ms for interruption without rebooting

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