SYS500 System Management 844
SYS500 System Management 844
SYS500 System Management 844
System Management
Users Guide
SYS 500
Notice 1
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any error that may occur in this document.
Notice 2
This document complies with the program revision 8.4.4.
Notice 3
Additional information such as Release Notes and Last Minute Remarks can be found on the program distribution media.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. LONWORKS is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All Microsoft products referenced in this document are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
SYS 500
System Management
User s Guide
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
1 Introduction 2 Startup and shutdown 3 System supervision and control 4 File handling 5 Configuring user interface 6 Using test dialog 7 Error handling 8 Data transfer 9 Documentation tool 10 Text Translation Tool 11 Disk Management Tool
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
1. Introduction ...............................................................................1 2. Startup and shutdown ..............................................................3
2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. Overview .......................................................................................3 Starting base systems ...................................................................4 Starting communication frontends .................................................8 Opening MicroSCADA monitors ....................................................9 2.4.1. Automatically opened MicroSCADA monitors ....................9 2.4.2. Opening a MicroSCADA monitor using the program icon ..9 2.4.3. Opening predefined monitors by a customized Icon ........12 2.4.4. Opening predefined monitors from the command line .....12 2.4.5. Displaying MicroSCADA VS local monitors remotely ......13 2.5. System shutdown ........................................................................14 2.6. Configuring automatic startup .....................................................16 2.6.1. Configuring startup and automatic logon for MicroSCADA 16 2.6.2. Defining MicroSCADA monitors .......................................18 2.6.3. Communication frontend ..................................................22 2.7. Programs executed at startup and shutdown ..............................22
SYS 500
System Management
User s Guide
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
9.1. Setting up the ODBC datasource ..............................................133 9.2. Data export ................................................................................135 9.2.1. Selecting different object types ......................................141 9.2.2. Selection profiles ............................................................144 9.3. Document generator .................................................................145 9.3.1. Sorting objects ...............................................................145 9.3.2. Generating documents ...................................................145 9.3.3. Handling a generated report ..........................................146
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
1. Introduction
About this chapter
This chapter introduces SYS 500, operational features and user interface.
SYS 500
The SYS 500 system server is a PC based programmable automation system. The SYS 500 system server contains data acquisition, supervising and controlling functions. It collects all process-related data from the process units through NET units into the process database. Hence, the process database reflects the state of the process. The collected information is then further distributed for display on screens, historical archiving, calculations, printing and further transmission to other systems. In a corresponding way, control commands are sent out to the process units from the process database through NET units. The operator might, for instance, control breakers.
)LJ 7KH RSHUDWRU XVHV WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ WR FRQWURO DQG VXSHUYLVH WKH SURFHVV Operational functions of MicroSCADA are customized for a certain process according to users needs and wishes, regarding the level of information, content of the user interface, control operations, and so on. The application software specifies the user interface and the functionality of SYS 500 system server. The base system runs the application. See Figure 1.-2. The base system runs as a service in Windows NT operating system. All application functions are placed on an application software layer. This layer can be changed and extended without affecting the base system, which executes the application.
SYS 500
1. Introduction
System Management
User s Guide
)LJ /D\HUV LQ 6<6 6\VWHP 6HUYHU The operator can use different picture and dialog types when communicating with the system. The picture and dialog types: Pictures visualizing the controlled process with symbols and colors. Control pictures or dialogs. Pictures or dialogs informing the operator, for example, about alarms and events. Pictures illustrating process data and historical data as tables and graphs. Menus. Tools.
MicroSCADA system
MicroSCADA System can contain for example SYS 500 System Server, a communication frontend, internal NET units, communication equipment, workstations and COM 500, or any combination of them. Communication frontend is a computer especially reserved for remote communication. Internal NET unit is a NET unit placed into the same computer as the base system, for example internal PC-NET unit. Workstation is a computer into which the MicroSCADA monitor is opened. The operator can then use this MicroSCADA monitor and application opened to it for supervising and controlling the process.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
Do not shut down the base system computers simply by switching off the power, because this might damage the MicroSCADA system files.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
After the power has been switched on, the memory is tested and the operating system is started. For more information on these steps, see the respective manuals of the products. MicroSCADA is started either manually or automatically, depending on the configurations made to the system. These options are described here. Windows NTTM. is logged into, either automatically or manually, depending on the configurations made to the system. This is needed only if MicroSCADA monitors need to be opened to the same computer.
)LJ 7KH 0LFUR6&$'$ &RQWURO 3DQHO Click Start. The dialog box shown in Figure 2.2.-2 appears.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
)LJ 7KLV GLDORJ ER[ WHOOV WKDW 0LFUR6&$'$ KDV EHHQ VWDUWHG Click OK. The application defined in the configuration is started and MicroSCADA monitors are opened to the defined workstations.
Logon to Windows NT
Windows NTTM. is logged into, either automatically or manually, depending on the configurations made to the system. Automatic logon means that a user is automatically logged on when the Windows NTTM. is started. Configurations needed for automatic logon are described in Section 2.6.1.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
When running this command line from the command prompt, the working directory should be the same as the files location, which in this case is the sc\prog\exec. Several parameters can be combined into one command line, for example in the following way:
ms_serv -start -no_create_dir -no_info_dialog
In this example the command line starts the base system, prevents the creation of additional directories such as Form and Pic during the startup, and prevents displaying the info dialog box telling if MicroSCADA is started successfully.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide Table 2.2.-1 The parameters of the ms_serv.exe
Parameter: -start -stop -forced_stop -no_create_dir Description:
With this parameter MicroSCADA service is started. With this parameter MicroSCADA service is stopped. With this parameter MicroSCADA service is stopped as forced If this parameter is given, additional directories such as Form and Pic are not created under application directories during service startup. This parameter can only be used with -start. If this parameter is given, info dialog box telling if MicroSCADA is started or stopped successfully is not shown.
The service start and stop access can be granted only for user defined groups and "Users" group. "Power Users", "Backup Operators", "Guests" and "Replicator" groups are not granted access. This is because MiscroSCADA monitor and notify window can only be opened by users belonging to "Administrators" and "Users" groups.
MFL calls MFLOAD_E, which reads the necessary load information from the file MFLOAD_E.SET. If the communication frontend is started before the connected base systems, it displays error messages. This happens because the NET units send diagnostic commands cyclically to all known applications at least until a connection is established.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
Before a remote monitor can be used (X or VS Remote) the X-server must be started on the computer where the MicroSCADA monitor is going to be displayed.
Opening a MicroSCADA monitor using the program icon Opening and defining a MicroSCADA monitor
To open and define a MicroSCADA monitor: Double-click the icon:
Define the Monitor Type, Application #, Application Monitor # and Picture Size shown in Figure 2.4.2.-1. These definitions are described below.
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2. Startup and shutdown
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User s Guide
Click OK. The properties can also be predefined. Opening a predefined monitor is described later in this section.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
VS Printer
Choose the MicroSCADA monitor in the application you want to use. Choose the picture size to be used in the MicroSCADA monitor. The possibilities are "640 by 480 pixels", "960 by 720 pixels", "1280 by 960 pixels" and "1600 by 1200 pixels" (picture size is always 48x80 semigraphic characters and the sizes of the fonts are: 8x10, 12x15, 16x20 and 20x25). The printer for Visual SCIL screen dumps and the output for the Visual SCIL object VS_PRINT_OBJECT. This property is only used with VS Remote monitors. Note that this argument is seen from the side of the MicroSCADA base system. For example the printer LPT1: stands for the local printer using the LPT1: parallel port connected to the MicroSCADA base system computer. You can also give an UNC path to a printer shared on the network. For example the UNC path to the printer shared as MYPRINTER on the computer MYCOMPUTER is: \\MYCOMPUTER\MYPRINTER The MicroSCADA user must have appropriate rights to use the shared printer. The printer defined must be a postscript printer.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
'LVSOD\ This property is only used for VS Remote monitors and X monitors. Give the host name and the number of the screen where you want to display the MicroSCADA monitor. The host name is the name used on a TCP/IP network. The IP address can also be used. The display should be given in the form:
Note that the name above is used by the base system computer. For example localhost: 0 stands for the display that resides on the base system computer given in the MicroSCADA field. This argument can be given as a valid TCP/IP address or as a host name known by the MicroSCADA base system computer.
where computer n
is the name of the base system computer where the predefined monitor is defined, and is the number of the predefined monitor as defined in the monitors.dat file.
means that the predefined monitor number 1 defined on the base system computer mycomp is opened. The settings of the monitor are taken from the monitors.dat file. The 4 possible values correspond to the values of the picture size listbox in the MicroSCADA Monitor dialog. The VS font to be used in the opened monitor can be given from the command line. The options are "-fl font_local" and "-fr font_remote". These parameters are used for changing the default font. The -fl parameter is used for setting the font of a VS local monitor and the -fr parameter of a VS remote monitor.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
For example:
C:\sc\prog\exec\mons.exe -fl "family:MS Sans Serif-size:12"
C:\sc\prog\exec\mons.exe -fr "family:Helvetica-size:12"
The command line parameter "-s number" selects the specified list element from the "Picture Size:" -listbox to be the default picture size. The default value is 1. If given a number greater than the amount that the listbox includes, i.e. 4, the default value is used. The following command opens the MicroSCADA Monitor dialog with the value 1600 by 1200 as picture size:
mons -s 4
When using the command line in the Terminal Server Client command prompt the working directory has to be C:\sc\prog\exec\.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
If the normal MicroSCADA monitor starter, i.e. double clicking the MicroSCADA Monitor -icon, is preferred for opening a monitor on a Terminal Server Client machine: Open the properties dialog box of the MicroSCADA Monitor -icon by right clicking the icon and selecting 3URSHUWLHV. Choose 6KRUWFXW page and add -start_as_logon_user parameter to the directory path in the 7DUJHW text box as shown in Figure 2.4.5.-1. The description of this parameter is in Table 2.6.2-1 on page 21.
For further information of installing and using the Terminal Server Client refer to the equivalent Microsoft documentation.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
Open the MicroSCADA Control Panel and click 6WRS. The dialog box asking Do you really want to stop MicroSCADA service? appears. Click <HV. The dialog box shown in Figure 2.5.-1 appears. Click 2..
)LJ 7KH GLDORJ DSSHDUV ZKHQ WKH DSSOLFDWLRQV KDYH EHHQ FORVHG To stop MicroSCADA, if you do not have a graphical user interface or MicroSCADA monitor open: Open the MicroSCADA Control Panel and click 6WRS. The dialog box asking Do you really want to stop MicroSCADA service? appears. Click <HV.
The MicroSCADA service can run in the background unless it is manually stopped, even though there is no MicroSCADA monitors open.
MicroSCADA can also be stopped using Forced Stop. This function is only to be used when the MicroSCADA system is not stable and has to be ended fast. However when the shutdown sequence has started there is no way of changing the operation. The procedure of closing by force should not take longer than 15 seconds.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
Wait for a message to switch off the computer. Switch off the computer and the display.
2.6. 2.6.1.
Configuring automatic startup Configuring startup and automatic logon for MicroSCADA Selecting automatic startup
Manual startup is chosen by default. Another startup types have to be defined for the base system. The other options are automatic startup and disabled startup. To define the automatic startup: Open the MicroSCADA Control Panel. Click $GPLQ. Click 6HUYLFH. The dialog box shown in Figure 2.6.1.-1 appears. Select $XWRPDWLF startup type.
Disabled startup determines that MicroSCADA cannot be started. Also disabled startup is chosen as described above.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
Type the name and the password. Select $XWRPDWLF /RJRQ (QDEOHG. Click 2..
Using Automatic Logon might compromise the security of the MicroSCADA system
To override Automatic Logon, press the SHIFT-key during Windows NT startup. The user is prompted for username and password. If the user logs on as a different user than was defined for Automatic Logon, the Automatic Logon has to be reenabled from the MicroSCADA Control Panel.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
The monitors.dat file is a text file with a specified format. The default monitors.dat file has the following contents:
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
The comments (lines beginning with ;) can be removed. NOTE no space character is allowed before and after the equal sign The following attributes can be set for the different monitors VS Local Monitor: SCS_MON_TYPE LVS SCS_MS_WINDOWS_APPLICATION 0 - 20 (0 stands for default) SCS_MS_WINDOWS_MONITOR 0 - 50 (0 stands for default) SCS_X_TERMINAL_FONT family:MicroSCADA0810-size:10 family:MicroSCADA1215-size:15 family:MicroSCADA1620-size:20 family:MicroSCADA2025-size:25 FONT family:MS Sans Serif-size:8 (default) DISPLAY (should be empty)
VS Remote Monitor: SCS_MON_TYPE RVS SCS_MS_WINDOWS_APPLICATION 0 - 20 (0 stands for default) SCS_MS_WINDOWS_MONITOR 0 - 50 (0 stands for default)
System Management
User s Guide
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
SCS_X_TERMINAL_FONT -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--15-150-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--25-250-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 FONT family:helvetica-size:12 (default) DISPLAY the name of the display PRINTFILE the name of the printer to send monitor dumps note: the printer "name" must end with a colon
X Monitor: SCS_MON_TYPE XMON SCS_X_TERMINAL_APPLICATION 0 - 20 (0 stands for default) SCS_X_TERMINAL_MONITOR 0 - 50 (0 stands for default) SCS_X_TERMINAL_FONT -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--15-150-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 -abb-scada-medium-r-normal--25-250-75-75-c-100-iso8859-1 DISPLAY the name of the display
The first part of the file is composed of comments. The three blocks in the latter half of the file define three MicroSCADA monitors numbered 1, 2 and 3. MicroSCADA monitor number 1 is of type Local VS and it uses the smallest semi-graphic font (scada810). MicroSCADA monitor number 2 is of type Remote VS. It is also to be shown on the base system. It uses the medium size semi-graphic font (scada1215). All MicroSCADA monitors will be connected to the default application and given default logical monitor numbers. MicroSCADA monitor number 3 is an X type monitor to be shown on the base system screen. It uses the medium size semi-graphic font (scada1215).
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
The monitors.dat file can include for example the following lines (for VS objects): "FONT=family:MS Sans Serif-size:8" . When the user wants to use these definitions from monitors.dat, mons must be started with -d -option.
The predefined monitors numbered 1, 2 and 3 are examples and can be removed from the monitors.dat file.
The command opens the predefined monitor number 4 on the base system computer mycomp. By stating retries with the -r flag the program tries again if the network initialization has not finished when the MicroSCADA monitor is requested. The retries are made every 5 seconds as many times stated after the flag.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
The command opens the predefined monitor number 4 defined on the base system computer mycomp. The -n flag should be used when opening the MicroSCADA monitor from within MicroSCADA. The -fl, -fr and -s parameters cannot be used together with the -d parameter and the -n parameter can only be used with the -d parameter. The X-server program should not be started from within MicroSCADA using OPS_CALL. Use the Startup folder for starting the X-server or start the X-server manually.
The command opens the predefined monitor number 4 on the base system computer mycomp. By stating retries with the -r flag the program tries again if the network initialization has not finished when the MicroSCADA monitor is requested. The retries are made every 5 seconds as many times stated after the flag.
If the MicroSCADA monitor requires the X-server program, the X-server should also be started from the Startup folder.
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
Parameter: -start_serv
Description: If this parameter is given, MicroSCADA service is started automatically during monitor start if service is not already started. The informative dialog box telling if MicroSCADA service is started successfully is not shown when this is used.
If this parameter is given, no directories are created during MicroSCADA serv_create_dir service startup. This means that, for example with current SYS 500 default _disabled installation, directories "Form" and "Pic" are not created under application directories. This parameter can only be used with "-start_serv" parameter. With this parameter the monitor is started as inlogged users context. start_as_logon_ Notice that only VS Local monitors can be started with this parameter. user -default With this parameter a monitor with default properties is opened. Properties are: Monitor Type Application # Application Monitor # Font VS Local 0 0 family: MicroSCADA0810size:10 VS Printer LPT1
Insert the name of the .BAT file into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to execute it.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
The remote communication system is configured and possible internal NET units are started (SYS_NETCON.COM).
SYS 500
2. Startup and shutdown
System Management
User s Guide
The MicroSCADA service is stopped. The shutdown.cin file may be modified by the MicroSCADA administrator. The default shutdown.cin contains commands for setting all applications to cold state and closing all links. Possible errors are displayed on screen and reported to the NT event log. Performed tasks at forced shutdown: Monitor processes are stopped. MicroSCADA processes are stopped. The wserver process is not stopped. The MicroSCADA service is stopped. Forced shutdown should only be used when the MicroSCADA system is unstable and has to be brought down fast.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
3. System supervision and control
3.6 3.7
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System Management
distributed to workplaces using the X-Window mechanism. The functionality of local and remote VS-monitors is the same. Workstations can be connected either via TCP/IP or via a NET unit to a base system. Hence, the following MicroSCADA monitor alternatives are provided: VS Local Monitor VS Remote Monitor X Monitor Visual SCIL monitor, can be started locally on MicroSCADA base system Visual SCIL monitor, can be started on a computer with Exceed X monitor can be started on a computer with Exceed
If screen savers are used on the base system computer, a blank screen saver should be chosen to prevent unnecessary system load.
)LJ 7KH 6\VWHP &RQILJXUDWLRQ SDJH RI WKH 7RRO 0DQDJHU The tools for supervision, controlling and reconfiguring the remote communication are accessed from the System Configuration page of Tool Manager.The System Configuration page is shown in Figure 3.1.-1. Tools for online configuration process communication are shown in Figure 3.3.4.-1.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
3. System supervision and control
Fonts icon
Colors icon
Time/Date icon
NET icon
Opens the Font Setting tool that is used for setting system fonts or user fonts for the monitor. For more information, see Chapter 5. Opens the Color Setting tool that is used to modify colors. These changes can affect to colors that are user, workstation or application specific. For more information, see Chapter 5. Opens the tool that is used for changing MicroSCADA system time. The use of this tool is described in Section 3.3.1. Opens the tool that is used for controlling and supervising base system and its parts, for example applications or input devices. Opens the NET configuration tool that is used for controlling and supervising NET units. For more information the tool, see Section or Chapter 15 in the System Configuration manual. Opens REx config tool that is used for making the necessary system object definitions to the PC-NET for the REx type of protection relay units. For more information, see Chapter 16 in the System Configuration manual. Opens LMK Configuration tool, that is used for making the on-line system object definitions to PC-NET for LMK stations. For more information, see Chapter 17 in the System Configuration manual. Opens System Configuration tool that is used for configuring MicroSCADA and PC-NET unit. This tool should be used when possible. The stations that can be configured by it are SPA, REx, LMK, IEC 870-5-101 US, IEC 870-5-101 BS and IEC 870-5-101 UM.
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System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
3. System supervision and control
Application states
An application can exist in the following three states: COLD WARM HOT The application is out of operation. The databases of the application are not stored in the primary memory. The application is out of operation, but its databases are stored in the primary memory to give a faster startup. The application is in normal operating state and the databases are stored in the primary memory.
The application state can be changed in the Application tool opened from the Base System Configuration tool. Starting up an application means that it is set to "HOT". Closing an application means that it is set to "COLD".
To change the alarm picture queue handling policy: In the Base System Configuration tool click $33/,&$7,216 and select an application from the list. Select one of the mentioned alarm picture queue handling policies in the $/$50 3,&785( 48(8( 32/,&< field. See Figure 3.2.-1.
Each application has a queue for event channels (process event queue). There are 2 queues for printouts. One for printouts activated from the process database and the
SYS 500
System Management
other for printouts activated from SCIL. Objects, which are activated from time channels, for example command procedures or data objects, are normally executed through the time channel queue. Objects, which are activated from process objects or from SCIL, are normally executed through the event queue. Default queues for objects activated from time channels, process objects or SCIL can be changed to be executed through parallel queues. It is done by using PE and PQ attributes. When executing objects using the EXEC_AFTER command, they are executed through the delayed execution queue. The maximum length of these queues is shown at the bottom of Applications tool. See Figure 3.2.-1. The used length is also shown. If there are performance problems, you can get more detailed information on which queue the problem is by viewing these figures. Also each printer has a printer queue for buffering printout commands. The length of this queue can be viewed in the Printer tool.
History database
History database consists of history database files each containing events of one day. The files are named according to the date as APL_yymmdd.PHD. For example file APL_980115.PHD contains the events logged on 15-Jan-1998.
Buffer memories
Applications that do not use history database have a history buffer (memory reserved for process events, the base for event lists). The memory space reserved for these buffers and the occupied memory space can be viewed in the Base System Configuration tool. Normally the reserved memory space should not be changed.
3.3. 3.3.1.
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User s Guide
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3. System supervision and control
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System Management
The current date is shown in the 'DWH area. It can be changed using spinners or typing the correct numbers. Click $SSO\ and the changes are made to the system.
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
3. System supervision and control
radio transmitters for clock synchronization, such as DCF 77 in Frankfurt, Germany upper level system, for example a network control system. The external time receivers are connected to a MicroSCADA system either by a serial line or as PC cards.
In systems where extremely high availability is required, the concept of hot standby base systems may be applied. The concept is based on shadowing data stored on disk as well as on RAM memory. The data is shadowed between two base systems. The entity subject to shadowing is the application of MicroSCADA. In case of the base system failure when the application is in hot state, the application receiving the shadowed data in stand-by mode will become hot and the application activities are continued. The stand-by application is an identical copy of the hot application both in respect of disk data and in respect of RAM-resident data. Data is shadowed on event basis, which means that during the run-time only changed data items are shadowed. Temporary disk and RAM resident-data such as picture and report caches, printer spools, execution states and MicroSCADA monitor states are not shadowed. At startup, a complete copy is made from the hot application to the stand-by application. The shadowing is fully symmetric meaning that the application may be shadowed in both directions in turn. Take-overs may also be initiated manually. After a take-over, the shadowing will automatically begin in the reversed direction when the system detects that the failed base system is available. The input data flow from the process is balanced against shadowing. Hence data losses caused by for example buffer overflow are avoided. Each message carrying process data from the NET unit has a transaction number. The transaction number is shadowed with its associated data. The NET communication units are capable of storing a certain number of transactions. After a take-over, the newly started application may retrieve the transactions stored in the NET unit but are not received by shadowing. These are the transactions that occurred during the time period when the original base system failed. The base system supports shadowing of more than one application. However, considerations must be made regarding the computer resources like computing power and memory. The interconnected base systems must always be connected with a TCP/IP link with a bit rate of at least 10 Mb/s. Intermediate bridges or routers reducing the transmission rate below 10 Mb/s will decrease the overall performance of the system, hence they are not recommended. The open interfaces are the same as for single base systems. However, special considerations must be made since the application containing the databases is active
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in either one or the other base system. Only the active application can exchange data externally.
Take over
A take-over can be started manually by setting the running application in the primary base system to COLD. At startup, the first started base system will be the hot base system. If the base systems are started simultaneously, the base system that was running last is the hot base system.
Shadowing Phase
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SYS 500
3. System supervision and control
Shadowing Application Shadowing Application tells the number and name of the application to which the information is sent. Diagnostic Counters The diagnostic counters in the bottom of the dialog tell what ha happened and what is the current situation. When the shadowing starts all the counters have value 0. Ther first four counters start to run first. Next the value of the RAM Dump Time starts to increase. Whent the File Dump Time appears, the shadowing is over. If there is no value in the File Dump Time field of the Hot application or the values in the upper diagnostic counters are not changing, the application should not be set to cold. If the application is cold and the shadowing is one, the state should not be changed to hot.
The cold application can be set to hot only when it is certain that the application is not hot in some other computer and it is certain that it will not become hot automatically.
When the file dump is done, the work of other functionality might slow down, so the users could be informed about the transfer beforehand.
To move an application from a base system computer to another one: Check the state of the shadowing to make certain the application can be moved without losing information. See the instruction in Section Check that nobody is editing the application pictures in the Picture Editor since the changes that are not saved are lost. Click the first white area in the first $SSOLFDWLRQ 6WDWH row of the Shadowing dialog and a list of possible choices appear. Click &2/'. The application in the same computer turns into the cold state and in the other computer into the hot state. The shadowing back to the first computer starts after a while. Wait until the shadowing has finished before you continue to do anything else. After the transfer, check that the stations communicate with the application. See the instructions below.
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Communication frontend
A communication frontend is a computer especially reserved for remote communication. It is connected to a base system, usually via LAN. There can be up to four DCP-NET units in a communication frontend.
DCP-NET unit
DCP-NET unit stands for communication software that runs on a specific ISA bus based card family called DCP from Emulex. The card has own Intel-based processor. In general terms, the task of DCP-NET unit is to convert the external protocols used for communicating with process units such as control terminals, relays and RTUs to the ACP protocol. The ACP protocol is used between the MicroSCADA nodes such as base systems and NET unit communication units. DCP-NET unit also supports a number of slave protocols that may be used for connecting to an upper level system.
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3. System supervision and control
Event and alarm printers may also be connected to DCP-NET unit. DCP-NET unit also includes configuration data on the NET unit itself, the lines and the connected devices. Two DCP-NET communication units can be mounted within the base system computer.
PC-NET unit
PC-NET communication software is similar to DCP-NET unit. It runs on the main processor of a Windows NT computer in parallel with the base system. As communication channels, the PC-NET software may utilize the serial line COM ports of the computer. As a direct communication channel to the LON-based interbay bus, PC-NET unit utilizes an ISA bus card called PCLTA (PC LonTalk Adapter) from Echelon. PC-NET unit is always connected to the base system with an integrated link, therefore a PC-NET unit must always be on the same computer as a base system. In the same way as for DCP-NET unit, the task of PC-NET unit is to convert the external protocols used for communicating with process units such as relays and RTUs to the ACP protocol. ACP is used between PC-NET unit and the MicroSCADA base system. PC-NET unit supports also a number of slave protocols that may be used for connection to an upper level system. PC-NET unit also includes configuration data on the NET unit itself, the lines and the connected devices.
Redundant frontends
The concept of redundant frontends means that two communication frontends, with 1..4 DCP-NET units in each, are configured equally and dedicated for the same tasks. A redundant pair consists of two DCP-NET units, one in each communication frontend PC. One DCP-NET unit is operating on-line and the other one is in standby mode. The secondary DCP-NET unit supervises the primary DCP-NET unit. In case of fault in the primary DCP-NET unit, the secondary DCP-NET unit will make a take-over and control the fall-back switches to its own lines. The switching decision is made by the MicroSCADA application. The redundancy function is symmetric, hence the formerly primary DCP-NET unit will go into stand-by mode once repaired and running. During operation some event data for RTUs using the RP570 protocol is transferred between the two DCP-NET units on event basis. A standard application software package is available for managing the redundant frontends. The package supports switching either all DCP-NET units or one DCPNET unit pair at a time. In the two redundant communication frontends, each DCP-NET unit must be interconnected for transmission of event data via a communication line. The hardware and software requirements of the redundant frontends are the same as for communication frontends.
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Switch over
To switch the operations from hot NET unit to stand-by NET unit: Check the states of the redundant NET units. If the connection to the stand-by NET unit is working, the switch over can be performed. Click the 6ZLWFK RYHU. The hot and receive texts should change places in the picture. Click 6WDWLRQV in the Base System Configuration tool and then the station rows in the appearing dialog to check that the node numbers of stations correspond to the NET number of the hot NET unit.
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LOOP CONTROL STATUS should then be INITIAL, BUILD UP or BREAK DOWN. However, if the AUTOMATIC RECONFIG is DISABLED, the LOOP CONTROL STATUS may be IDLE also in a fault situation. The automatic reconfiguration is disabled by the system when an automatic reconfiguration did not succeed. The situation may require manual reconfiguration or fault reparation measures. These procedures require specialists and are therefore not described here.
To view the attributes of stations: In the Net Configuration tool click the name of the station you want to view. For example: STA = SPACOM Allen-Bradley, Westronic RTU = S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs PCL = Procontrol SIN = Sindac SPA = SPACOM Choose a station by entering station number or browsing through the stations with the arrow keys. As for lines, the stations can be taken out of use as a safety measure when a serious fault occurs. In that way, unnecessary system messages, an unnecessary loading of the communication as well as other possible uncertainty factors are avoided. Take the station out of use or in use with the IN USE (IU) attribute. If the station is situated on a communication loop, take the station out of use or into use again by selecting 12<(6 for ,1 6(59,&( in the LOOP SUPERVISION tool.
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Printout types
The printout is realized on program level (invisible to the user) either as a transfer of MicroSCADA pictures to the printer (picture based printout), as a transfer of printer data, control codes and printer commands to the printer (SCIL defined or "transparent" printout), or using a Visual SCIL object. In the second case the printout is specified by a SCIL function (PRINT_TRANSPARENT). The picture based printout is limited to the semigraphic parts of the printed picture, while the SCIL defined printout allows the printout of any characters, formatting, graphics and colors supported by the printer. In Visual SCIL there is a VS_PRINT_OBJECT, which can be used for printing while using Visual SCIL. A VS_PRINT_OBJECT enables the user to setup a printer or print specified dialogs or text to a default printer. The method _SETUP_PRINTER opens a platform dependent printer setup dialog on a VS Local monitor. On a VS remote monitor the _SETUP_PRINTER method does not open a printer setup dialog as such dialogs are not supported on the X platform. The method _PRINT_TEXT_VECTOR prints text vector to a default printer according to the default margins. For more information, see the Visual SCIL Objects manual. When printing with the SCIL Editor tool or VS_PRINT_OBJECT object from a VS Local monitor, the Windows print manager is used. Also the _PRINT method of VS_DIALOG and VS_MAIN_DIALOG objects use the Windows print manager. Printout with the F3 function key from a VS Local monitor uses the Windows print manager. Printing dialogs with the VS_PRINT_OBJECT or the F3 function key from a VS Remote monitor may not succeed if more than 256 colors is defined in Windows NT. Printing dialogs from a X-monitor using the F3 function key may not succeed if more than 256 colors is defined in Windows NT.
When using Windows print manager while printing from MicroSCADA, printers have to be defined as local printers in Windows. When printing Visual SCIL dialogs in the local monitor the following option must be disabled in the printer properties page of the system "Print" or "Print setup" dialog: "Metafile spooling". Enabling of this option can produce incorrect printout.
Local printers are: Printers connected directly to computer's serial or parallel port. Network printers defined as local port. The procedure how to define a network printer as local port is described in Section Setup a network printer as local port later in this chapter. There are four different types of picture based printout: Character-based, black-and-white printout. The characters in the printed picture are printed as complete ASCII characters. Graphical characters (other than ASCII) are printed as + and # signs. Pixel-based, black-and-white printout (requires EPSON FX-80 compatible printers). The printout is sent to the printer pixel by pixel. This type gives a
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complete copy of the printed picture (except for the full graphics), though without color. Extended character-based, black-and-white printout. This type is identical with the first type, except that graphical characters are substituted with similar printer characters according to a configurable conversion table to make the printout look more like the printed picture. Pixel-based color printout (requires EPSON JX-80 compatible printers). This printout is an exact copy of the printed picture, except that the full graphics are not included. Hence, in all, there are six different printout types. The printout type obtained from a printer depends on the printer hardware, the printer connection, and the printer configuration. Regarding the picture based printout, type 1 above (character-based, black and white printout) is the only possibility for printers connected directly to the base system computer or to a LAN. Printers connected to communication frontends can produce any type of printout supported by the printer. For instance, pixel printers can be used for character based printout, but character printers cannot be used for pixel based printout. SCIL defined printout can be obtained on any printer, independently of the connection and printer hardware, provided that the printer is configured as "transparent" and that the printout is defined in the application (with the SCIL function PRINT_TRANSPARENT). Printers configured as "transparent" are not able to produce picture based printout.
Printer numbers
Each printer has a unique printer number, which can be assigned to certain tasks, for example alarm and event printout, hardcopy (with SCIL), historical reports and documentation. The printer numbers used for alarm and event printout are selected individually for each object in the process database or with the printout SCIL command. Each application can use at maximum 20 printers (hardcopy devices not included).
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Select 0\ &RPSXWHU radio button, click 1H[W. Click $GG 3RUW. In 3ULQWHU 3RUWV dialog select /RFDO 3RUW and click 1HZ 3RUW button. In 3RUW 1DPH dialog give the UNC path to your network printer, for example \\Printerserver\Printername, click 2.. Close the Printer Ports dialog. Now there should be new Local port that you gave in the available ports list. The check box on that port should be checked. Click 1H[W. A list of available printer makes and models opens. Select the manufacturer and model of your printer, click 1H[W. Give the name of the printer and select the <HV radio button to use printer as windows default printer, click 1H[W. Select if you want the printer to be additionally shared from your computer ("Not shared" is preferred), click 1H[W. Select if you want to print a test page. Click )LQLVK. Give the path to media of printer drivers. (Windows NT installation CD). Click 2.. Windows NT installs the printer driver into your computer. Now the printer should be in printers list.
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)LJ 7KH WRRO WKDW RSHQV ZKHQ \RX FOLFN 3ULQWHU $WWULEXWHV LQ WKH 1(7 2QOLQH FRQILJXUDWLRQ WRRO Type the printer number. Take the printer out of use by clicking ,1 86(. Click 35,17(5 7<3( and select a printer type. Numbers 1, 3, 5 and 7 correspond to the types 1, 2, 3 and 4 mentioned before. See Printout types on page 43.
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Printer log
If a printer has printer log, all printouts sent to that printer are copied to printer log files on a disk. The selection of printer log for a printer and the printer log directory are specified by base system parameters. To view the printer log definitions: Open the Base System Configuration tool from the 6\VWHP &RQILJXUDWLRQ page of the Tool Manager. Click 35,17(56. Select a printer from the list. The OUTPUT DESTINATION field specifies whether the printout is sent to a printer (PRINTER) or to a printer log on disk (LOG), or both (BOTH). If the printer has printer log, the log directory is specified.
Printout header
The header on each page of the event printout is defined in the base system configuration. To view or edit the header (picture based printout): Open the Base System Configuration tool. Click 35,17(56, and select a printer from the list.
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Click 35,17(5 +($'(5 and a window appears. In it the header text can be viewed and edited. The number character (#) stands for a SCIL expression defined in the same window. %PN means the page number. The printout header for SCIL defined printout is defined in the window accessed by clicking PRINTER CONTROL.
Redirecting printout
The printout sent to a printer can be redirected to another one, for example at shift of location for the personnel on duty. It can be done manually or automatically. To redirect the printout manually: Open the Base System Configuration tool. Click 35,17(56. Select a printer from the list. Click 35,17(5 &21752/ and type the number of the printer to which the printout will be redirected. All printout tasks in the printer queue, and all subsequent printout commands are sent to the new printer.
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(printing) (waiting for the printer, for example, when the printer buffer or NET unit buffer is full) (PAUSE PRINTER selected) (STOP PRINTER selected).
The window allows the following printer control operations: Stop Printer Stops the printer as soon as it has completed its current task. All queued printout tasks are lost. Restart by setting TT to LOCAL. Reset The current job and all queued printouts are canceled. Cancel Current Job The current job is canceled. Reprint Current Job Restart printing the current job. Pause Printer/Start PrinterPauses printout until it is clicked again.
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carried out by these processes and the SCIL programs are performed by the MicroSCADA user. The MicroSCADA user belongs to the Administrators group and has the special right to start a program as service. The MicroSCADA user is a user defined to the Windows NT operating system and should not be confused with the users defined in the LIB 500. The MicroSCADA user is created when the MicroSCADA software package is installed. If the user already exists due to a previously installed package. the user name and password are left unchanged. Due to the nature of the MicroSCADA user the user name should not be used for any other purpose than for MicroSCADA internal use. It is recommended that system administration is done with another user name belonging to the Administrators group and that all other usage is done with a user not having administrator privileges. All processed started or used by the MicroSCADA run with the privileges of the MicroSCADA user. Hence allowing ordinary users to start arbitrary programs from within MicroSCADA compromises the security of the system.
Resources, such as files and printers, shared by other computers are accessible to MicroSCADA if the resources are accessible from the base system computer and the MicroSCADA user has proper access rights to the resources. If the resource should be shared exclusively to the MicroSCADA system and no one else, the MicroSCADA user has to be defined on the computer sharing the resource. Also the proper rights to access the resource should be given only to the MicroSCADA user. The MicroSCADA user, in this case, does not need to belong to the Administrators group. It is sufficient that the MicroSCADA user exists and that the password of the MicroSCADA user on the computer sharing the resources is the same as on the MicroSCADA base system computer. The password should be the same because at run-time the MicroSCADA system cannot prompt the user for a new password. The reason for this is that the resource might be accessed when no user is logged on or it is used in a situation not involving HMI. The MicroSCADA system refers to an external resource by using a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path. The UNC path enables MicroSCADA to refer to files and printers without using a network drive letter or a printer port name. The path specifies where the file or printer is located and the name of the file or printer. For example: \\MYCOMPUTER\MYDIR\MYFILE.TXT specifies a file named MYFILE.TXT located on the computer named MYCOMPUTER in a folder shared as MYDIR. MicroSCADA is not aware of the personal settings used by the user currently logged on. This means for example that MicroSCADA does not know the network connections and network printers used by the user working on the base system computer. The properties of the MicroSCADA user should not be changed. The password should be changed from the MicroSCADA Control Panel.
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The user MicroSCADA should not be used by MicroSCADA HMI users. It is used internally by the MicroSCADA system. Do not remove or change the properties of the MicroSCADA user.
Users that are going to use the MicroSCADA HMI should belong to the group Users.
Examples concerning MicroSCADA notification window, MicroSCADA monitors and shared resources
Examples to clarify the usage of the MicroSCADA user, ordinary users, passwords and shared resources are shown below. In the examples the computer name is shown in the upper right corner. The important processes are shown as ovals. The defined users are shown in the white box. The box includes the user name, the user group and the password. The user logged in, if any, is marked with an asterisk (*). ([DPSOH Computers: MicroSCADA base system (network node name SYS). MicroSCADA workstation (network node name WST). The task is to start a MicroSCADA monitor (of type X) on the workstation.
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The user user1 with password pswd1 is logged on WST. The user is defined on SYS. The password defined for the user is pswd2. When requesting a MicroSCADA monitor the user will not be served due to the incorrect password. The user has to identify himself by giving the password pswd2. ([DPSOH Computers: MicroSCADA base system (network node name SYS). MicroSCADA workstation (network node name WST). The task is to use a resource shared by another computer. In this example the file MYFILE.TXT is located in the directory DIR on volume C: on the computer WST. The directory is shared as MYDIR.
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For MicroSCADA to be able to use the shared resource, the resource has to be accessible for the MicroSCADA system and the MicroSCADA user on that system. If the MicroSCADA user is defined on the computer sharing the resource, the password has to be the same as on the base system computer, which is the case in this example. As mentioned, the MicroSCADA user can belong to any user group on the computer sharing the resource. In this case the MicroSCADA user belongs to the Users group on the computer WST. ([DPSOH Computers: MicroSCADA base system (network node name SYS). MicroSCADA workstation (network node name WST). The task is to open a MicroSCADA Notify Window on the workstation.
As previously described, the user must have user rights on the MicroSCADA base system computer. In this example the user is not defined on the base system computer and hence has no right to open the MicroSCADA Notification Window. ([DPSOH Computers: MicroSCADA base system 1 (network node name SYS1). MicroSCADA base system 2 (network node name SYS2). MicroSCADA workstation (network node name WST1). MicroSCADA workstation (network node name WST2).
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The task is to access the shared directory RES1 from base system SYS1 and RES2 from SYS2. RES1 should not be accessible from SYS2 and RES2 from SYS1. To accomplish this task we use different password on the base system computers. By matching the password on SYS1 and WST1 and SYS2 and WST2 we can prevent the resources from being shared to the wrong base system computer. The operating system sets a restrictions on resource sharing: Only one user can request resources from the requesting "computer". This means that care should be taken so the MicroSCADA system and user logged on the base system computer do not request resources from the same computer.
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groups. Hence the user can have different authorization levels for different functionality of the system. If a picture function does not have authorization group defined or the group is not included in authorization definitions, then authorization level from GENERAL group is used. This is the reason why the GENERAL group cannot be removed. The used authorization levels: View (0) = Not authorized to make operations. Control (1) = Authorized to make operations. Engineering (2) = All rights, but user definition. System manager (5) = All rights.
The modifications are not taken into use until they are saved in the User Management picture.
Main switch
The system manager can disable the whole login mechanism by changing the User management and Authorization mechanism to Off state. Then at startup the login dialog box is not shown and the picture defined as the first picture in the Application Settings is opened automatically. In that case all authorization rights are granted.
Main view
The user levels of the selected user are displayed in the Main View. The levels can be directly modified. Note that the system managers GENERAL level cannot be changed. Valid values are 0 (View), 1 (Control) and 2 (Engineering). The language for the user can be chosen, default is 0 (= English). The Save Changes button saves definitions made in picture or any subdialog. The Cancel button cancels all unsaved changes. The following dialogs can be reached from the Tools menu: Add User, Remove User, Add Authorization Group, Remove Authorization Group, Define View Monitor, Change Password.
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The groupname must not include special characters and must not consist of two characters followed by a number. Also the name cannot begin with a number. If the user levels are not copied from another group, then all users have view rights (0 level) by default. You cannot copy from GENERAL group. The system manager can remove authorization groups with Remove Authorization Group dialog box. All standard picture functions configured to the group will start automatically using the GENERAL definitions. The selected authorization group is removed. The GENERAL group cannot be removed.
Changing password
All users can change their own password in Change Password dialog box. If the old password is correctly given, then the password is changed to the new one.
License management
Some software products need a license certificate to run properly. Software license certificates are registered by means of the License Management Tool (LMT). See Figure 3.6.-1. The license certificate information can either be entered manually or imported from a Product Authorization File (PAF). License certificate information must be entered carefully because all fields are case sensitive and must match exactly. To register a license certificate: Open the License Management tool by double-clicking the /LFHQVH icon in the 0LVFHOODQHRXV page of the Tool Manager. Enter the information in the fields or import from a file by clicking ,PSRUW. Click $SSO\ or 2.. If the license information was correctly entered, a message "License information updated successfully! The system should now be restarted to run without limitations!" appears. This means that MicroSCADA should be stopped and started again for the license to affect the system. If erroneous license information is entered, a message "License information could not be updated..." is shown. The Licenses are read and displayed in Product License: drop-down combo box. As items are selected from the 'Produc License:' combo box corresponding license attributes are read and displayed in the text boxes below the combo box. If there are no active licenses, the Product License: combo box displays MAIN_LICENSE as default and the text boxes below are empty. If the system is currently running a test license, MAIN_LICENSE_TEST, the installing of a new license is prevented.
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)LJ 7KH /LFHQVH 0DQDJHPHQW WRRO Information about the current license can also be found in the About dialog box under the Help menu, see Figure 3.6.-2. The Help menu can be found in all the tools and in the tool manager. In addition to the license information the dialog gives other general system and tool information as shown in Figure 3.6.-2.
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At MicroSCADA startup, the possible warning messages related to license information are output to the notification window.
)LJ )ORZ VFKHPH RI WKH 2SHUDWLQJ 6\VWHP (YHQW +DQGOHU Operating System Event Handler is Windows-based. It is started when MicroSCADA service is started and it is stopped when MicroSCADA is stopped (shutdown). Operating System Event Handler monitors each of the three Windows NT event logs for new messages. Every time new message is inserted to NT event log,
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Operating System Event Handler reads it. After that Operating System Event Handler polls for the current configuration information from MicroSCADA. If MicroSCADA is configured to accept this particular event, the Operating System Event Handler puts the information of the event to the OS_EVENT event channel.
When a NT event occurs, Operating System Event Handler reads it and sends the information in form of a context with variables to the OS_EVENT event channel. The following variables (and MicroSCADA variable types) are included in the context: RECORD_NR (integer) RT (time) EVENT (integer) TYPE (text) "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFORMATION" "AUDIT_SUCCES" "AUDIT_FAILURE". Source specific subcategory. Active user (if possible to define) at the time event was logged. Name of the computer that generated the event. Domain name of the computer that generated the event. Name of the source (application, service, driver, subsystem) that generated the entry. Log type can be one of the following: APPLICATION SYSTEM SECURITY Source specific message string. Each line of the message is in different elements of the vector. If the line is longer than 255 characters, it is cut to 255 characters. Running record number, of which NT keeps count. Time, when the event happened. Source specific event id, which together with SOURCE identifies the message. Specifies the type of the event, which can be one of the following:
CATEGORY (integer) USER (text) COMPUTER (text) DOMAIN (text) SOURCE (text) LOG (text)
Configuration information
Configuration information is stored in SYS base system objects. Attribute OE (type: integer, default value: 0 (False)) contains information whether the Operating System Event Handler is enabled or not. Attribute OT (type: vector[3], default value: (0,0,0)) contains information about which event types is to be passed on to MicroSCADA. Before an application can receive events, attribute EE of the base system application object must be set to 1.
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The first element of the OT contains application log information, the second element system log information and the third element security log information. Values of the vector elements are bit masked the following way, so (combined) values can be used masking off or on certain event types: ERROR WARNING INFORMATION AUDIT_SUCCES AUDIT_FAILURE = 00000001 (1) = 00000010 (2) = 00000100 (4) = 00001000 (8) = 00010000 (16)
Attribute OE can be set only when MicroSCADA is started (in SYS_BASCON.COM) but attribute OT can be set and read without limitation.
OE = 1)
An event channel named OS_EVENT has to be created. Use the Application Object Navigator to create the event channel. See the Application Objects manual. The event channel may be used to activate a command procedure, data object or a time channel. The variables passed on to MicroSCADA by the Operating System Event Handler are available. An example of a command procedure that writes variables of the events to the MicroSCADA Notification Window is listed below. The command procedure is activated by the OS_EVENT event channel. Example command procedure:
@time = clock @s = console_output("OS_EVENT: time: time") @s = console_output("record_nr: record_nr rt: rt") @s = console_output("event: event type: type")
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@s = console_output("category: category user: user") @s = console_output("computer: computer domain: domain") @s = console_output("source: source log: log") #loop_with i=1..length(%message) @message2=%message(%i) @message3=unpack_str(%message2) @temp=select(%message3,"==ascii(9)") #if length(%temp)>0 #then #block @message4=spread(%message3,%temp,ascii(32)) @message1=pack_str(%message4,"text") #block_end #else @message1=%message2 #if %i==1 #then #block @s = console_output("message: message1") #block_end #else @s=console_output(" message1") #loop_end
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4. File handling
File handling
About this chapter
This chapter describes: 4.1 4.2 General file handling concepts: files and folders, default directory, path, path definition and taking backup copies. The MicroSCADA base system software on folder level: the folders, the "four letter rule" and various types of files.
File access
By default, MircoSCADA has full access on all files. The access restrictions are handled in MicroSCADA by creating users with different access level. However, read-only files are also supported. For example read-only pictures (.PIC files) can be displayed or loaded into picture editor. The modification of the access attribute must be done outside MicroSCADA and preferably when MicroSCADA is not running. Please note that in HSB systems, the read-only attribute is not shadowed, and thus no access restrictions should be used at all.
Default directory
There is always a folder in the filesystem regarded as default directory. This is the folder, from where the operating system begins to search a file. In each folder the operating system recognizes only the files or folders stored in it (unless path is given). For instance, in the SC folder the operating system recognizes the PROG, LAN, APL and SYS folders. In the APL folder the operating system can find the TUTOR folder but not ACTIVE or FORM folders.
Operating a file in a folder other than the default directory requires that a path is given. Path is the imaginary route that the operating system follows to find the file. A path is specified by a slash / following the name of each folder that the operating system has to "pass" to find a file when it begins from the default directory. Also the path can always be given beginning from the root, for example /sc/...etc. Example: In the tutor folder, the file PICTURE.PIC placed in the folder PICT is called: pict/picture.pic The file is always found with the path:
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File chooser
File Chooser is a dialog for selecting file or path names. It has standard Windows look-and-feel and it replaces and extends the possibilities of the VS_FILE_CHOOSER object. File chooser can be called from different MicroSCADA tools.
)LJ 0LFUR6&$'$ )LOH &KRRVHU 00'$7 ILOH LV EHLQJ RSHQHG LQ 5HDGRQO\ IRUPDW File Chooser supports all the four path modes in MicroSCADA: Operating system paths (absolute paths). The path representation is in the format that is used by the operating system, e.g. "C:\sc\apl\tutor\pict". MicroSCADA relative paths. The path representation is in the MicroSCADA path format, relative to the MicroSCADA root directory, e.g. "/apl/tutor/pict/". Application relative paths. The path representation is in the MicroSCADA path format, relative to the MicroSCADA application home directory, e.g. "pict/". Logical paths. The path representation is in the MicroSCADA logical path format, e.g. "PICT".
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Usually a system backup is taken after the application is made ready. An application backup is also taken at the same time. This application backup should be taken again when changes are made to the application, for example if pictures or databases are edited or new pictures are added. The system backup should be taken again when some changes are made to the MicroSCADA system, for example when driver configuration or network setup is changed. There should be at least two system backup copies and two application backup copies. A new backup is copied over the oldest backup. The Administrative Tools of Windows NT contains a tool, which can be used when taking backup copies. Some MicroSCADA systems are also supplied with automatic backup facility. The MicroSCADA service needs to be stopped when the backup copies are made. In the hot stand by systems the backup copies are taken from the stand-by base system, hence only the service in the stand-by base system needs to be stopped. When the backup should be restored, contact first ABB personnel. Use the last backup for the system to restoration.
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Application pictures are stored in the folders PICT, FORM and APL_. The name of the file is the picture name with the .PIC extension. For example, the picture STATION1 is stored in the file STATION1.PIC.
Library Representations
The library representations are stored in libraries, which are files with the suffix .PIR.
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4. File handling
Report database
The report database is stored in the APL_ folder, in one to 400 different files. The files are named the following way: APL_REPORT.000 APL_REPORT.001 . . . APL_REPORT.399 These files contain sampled and calculated data stored in data objects and control programs stored in command procedures. Definitions for automatic time and event activation are stored as time channels and event channels respectively. Time channels and event channels are stored in APL_REPORT.000. Data objects and command procedures are stored in the files specified in the object definitions by the HN attribute. The data included in event lists and alarm lists are not stored in the report database. The obsolete format files APL_REPORT.F00 ... APL_REPORT.F99 are automatically converted to current format when the application is started by the latest revision of MicroSCADA for the first time. Upgrade from even older revisions is also possible; the old database (consisting of APL_REPORT.ROC, ROD, ROS etc.) is converted to the new format automatically.
Process database
The process database (process objects, scales and free type objects) is stored in the APL_ folder in the file named APL_PROCES.PRD. The obsolete database file APL_PROCES.PDB is automatically converted to current format (if the file APL_PROCES.PRD does not exist) when the application is started by the latest revision of MicroSCADA for the first time.
The PROG folder contains the MicroSCADA main program and some other programs. For example, the other programs contain information related to MicroSCADA monitors and Windows NT related libraries.
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yearly log
Text files
Like other files, text files are stored and accessed according to the "four letter rule".
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5. Configuring user interface
Tool manager
The primary use of the Tool Manager is to start tools of various categories. The Tool Manager is divided into several pages with tool icons. The user is allowed to add both pages and tools. The geometry of the Tool Manager is saved at the end of a session. From an application, the Tool Manager is opened by choosing Tool Manager from the Engineering menu.
The toolbar
The toolbar has the functions listed in Figure 5.1.1.-1.
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Tool pages
Tool pages can be added to the Tool Manager by choosing Insert Tool Page from the Edit menu. Tool pages cannot be deleted before all tools are removed from the page. The tool page title can be changed by choosing Tool Page Properties from the Edit menu.
This section describes how to manage tools made using Visual SCIL. The pictures are managed the same way, except adding pictures is done differently. The procedure on how to add pictures is described on page 75.
Adding tools
To add tools: Choose ,QVHUW 7RRO from the (GLW menu.
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The list shown in the dialog box is retrieved from the tool registry. Select the tool you want to add. Unregistered tools are added by clicking the 8VHU 'HILQHG button. Click 2..
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To add user defined tools: In the General page enter the tool title and its associated Visual SCIL Object resource filename. Use the browse facility if needed. Following the same procedure you can add an icon referring to a picture anywhere in the file system. Enter picture title and complete filename or use the Browse PIC-button to locate the picture file. In the Tool Options page type additional information like the Tool Type (service, sys or obj, default=sys), Dialog name (default=MAIN), Method to run when loading the dialog (default=none), Exclusive state (0 or 1, default=0) and the Default Path for the tool. If the VSO contains a VS_IMAGE named PRODUCT_ICON_M, it is shown as the icon by default. The specified method can also have parameters for example: MyMethod(PAGEVIEW, 5) Here the method is MyMethod and it passes two parameters: PAGEVIEW as argument 1 and number 5 as argument 2. The Exclusive state is used to control whether the tool allows other tools to be active simultaneously in the same Tool Manager session. If this is set to 1 (TRUE), the tool does not allow other tools to run at the same time. The default path must be specified as a logical path. Click 2..
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Tool properties
The tool properties can be edited. To edit: Choose 7RRO 3URSHUWLHV from the (GLW menu.
The dialog box shown in Figure 5.1.2.-5 appears, containing three pages. Type Product Id and associated Tool Registry file for the tool in the *HQHUDO page. Tool Manager locates tools by their product ids from either the Sys_Tool or Cmd_Tool logical paths. The settings file contains detailed information about the tool.
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The Tool Settings File page shows information from the tools settings file. See Figure 5.1.2.-6. These settings cannot be changed from the Tool Manager.
The 8VHU 6HWWLQJV page has the same text boxes as in the Insert Tool dialog box. See Figure 5.1.2.-7. In the 8VHU 6HWWLQJV page of this dialog, it is possible to override the settings in the tools settings file. For example, it is possible to override the Exclusive state by setting it to its opposite value. Change the settings if needed. Click 2..
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Deleting a tool
Tools can be deleted by choosing Delete Tool from the Edit menu. Deleting a tool does not affect the Tool Manager registry of installed tools, only the active users tool collection.
Adding a picture icon into the Tool Manager: Choose ,QVHUW 7RRO from the (GLW menu. Click 8VHU 'HILQHG button. Click %URZVH 3LF. Select a file from the list of picture files. Click 2. in the 7RRO 3URSHUWLHV dialog. Otherwise, pictures are handled in the Tool Manager the same way as tools made using Visual SCIL. For more information on managing, see Section 5.1.2.
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Font Setting tool provides the following functions: Displaying of active M- and U-scope fonts in current monitor. Converting of old format application and workstation specific font settings to the format that the tool uses. Modifying of font settings used in MicroSCADA monitors for local applications. Saving of settings to ASCII files. The Font Setting Tool provides possibilities to select the handled fonts according to the following categories: M- and U-Scope fonts. Different sizes. Different font setting levels: system, application and workstation. By VSX, X and VS monitors.
The fonts can be common for a monitor size and type in the whole system or the fonts can be workstation or application specific. However, it is recommended to edit the U-type fonts only, as the M-scope fonts are used by LIB5xx. The font concept is shown in Figure 5.2.1.-1.
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Active fonts
Font Setting tool displays the information about active fonts in the Active page. It shows read-only information about the fonts that are currently in use in the current monitor. All the M- and U-scope fonts that are defined for the monitor are shown (max. 20 of each). The fonts are not always the same that were configured for the monitor, because configured fonts that are not available for the system are mapped to the nearest comparable font available on that monitor. Font scope is selected from the drop-down list. See Figure 5.2.2.-1. M-scope is for the system fonts that are used by LIB5xx, for example. U-scope is for user-defined fonts. Font name is e.g. M1 or M2 for M-scope font and U1 for U-scope font. All the active fonts from the selected scope are displayed in a list with two columns. Font scope and number are shown in the Font column and descriptive text related to the font in the Comment column. For each listed font, also a text sample is displayed in the sample area beside the list. If a font is selected from the list, the font sample is highlighted and correspondingly, if a font sample is selected, the list item is highlighted. Further information about the font is displayed in the status bar. See Figure 5.2.2.-1.
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6WDWXV EDU shows the following information: Sample font type: Font family, face and point size. Pixel size: Key figures describing the font size in pixels. Maximum width maximum height of the font. Ascent is the part of the font that is above the font base line. Descent is the part of the font that is below the font base line. See Figure 5.2.2.-2 SCIL size: Maximum width maximum height of the font. Key figures describing the font size in SCIL coordinates. SCIL coordinates are related to SCIL pictures: regardless of the monitor size the SCIL coordinate space stays the same in a picture. Ascent is the part of the font that is above the font base line. Descent is the part of the font that is below the font base line. See Figure 5.2.2.-2.
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Active fonts that are removed from the configuration files but still exist as active fonts in the base system are displayed with comment text <Temporary> in the Active page. See Figure 5.2.2.-3. Temporary fonts are removed from the base system when the monitor is closed and opened again.
Font configuration
In the Configuration page, it is possible to change the M- and U-scope fonts that are used in MicroSCADA monitors in local applications. The font configuration can be done in three levels: Workstation, Application and System. See Figure 5.2.3.-1. The configuration can be saved in ASCII files from where they are applied as Mand U-scope fonts at monitor start-up. The system, each application and each workstation can contain definitions for maximum of 20 M-scope and 20 U-scope fonts for each monitor type and size. Start the font configuration by defining the configuration level. Configuration level is selected from the Level drop-down list. See Figure 5.2.3.-1. At application level configuration includes possibility to make application specific definitions and in workstation level workstation specific definitions. Definitions made on system level are common for all applications. :RUNVWDWLRQ OHYHO Workstation level defines the workstation specific fonts that are used in monitors of certain size and type. Every workstation in the system can have different font definitions. If a font is defined at workstation level, it is used in all
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application monitors of the certain size and type that are opened to a specific workstation. Workstation level font definitions override possible application or system level definitions. For example, font U1 can be defined to be "Courier New, bold modern, 12" in all VS_REMOTE monitors of size 640 x 480 that are opened to workstation WS-2. $SSOLFDWLRQ OHYHO Application level defines the application specific fonts used in monitors of certain size and type. The definitions can be different for each application in the system. Application level font definition is taken into use if there is no workstation specific definition for the same font. If a font is defined at application level, it is used in specific application monitors of certain size and type. For example font U1 can be "Courier New, bold modern, 12" in all application TUTOR VS_REMOTE monitors of size 640 x 480. 6\VWHP OHYHO System level defines the fonts that are used in monitors of certain size and type, if there are no workstation level or application level definitions. For example, if there are no workstation or application level definitions for font U1 in VS_REMOTE monitors of size 640 x 480, the possible system level definition is used.
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Monitor criteria defines the monitors, whose font definitions are displayed in the font table below the Monitor criteria area. The available Monitor criteria are dependent on the selected configuration level. When the configuration level is System, available criteria are Monitor Size and Monitor Type. If the level is Application or Workstation, there is also Application name or Workstation name criterion available. All local applications in the system + possible other application names in the font definition files + userdefined applications. Workstation: All workstations that are available in the font definition files + user-defined workstations. Monitor Size: "640 x 480", "960 x 720", "1280 x 960" and "1600 x 1200". Monitor Type: "VS_LOCAL", "VS_REMOTE" and "X_REMOTE". "VS_LOCAL" criterion is not available at Workstation level, if a non-local workstation name is selected. New application names and workstation names can be added by choosing Edit > Add Workstation or Edit > Add Application from the menu bar and entering the name in the dialog that opens. Define Scope from the drop-down list. Application:
Font table
The fonts are displayed in a font table, if not more than one of the available monitor criteria are unselected. If there is one unselected criterion, the table displays the alternatives for that criterion as column headers. If all available criteria are selected, the table displays only one font column, whose header is the selected monitor-size criterion.
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The row headers in the font table are the M-scope or U-scope font names ranging from 1 to 20, depending on the scope selection. See Figure A single cell in the font table displays information about a font, whose scope, font number, monitor size, monitor type and possible application or workstation are defined by the selected configuration criterion, monitor criteria/criterion, scope and the row and column headers of the selected cell. If the cell is empty, it means that no font for that scope, font number and monitor is defined. If one of the available Monitor criteria is unselected, the table displays alternatives for that criterion as column headers. If all Monitor criteria are defined, the table shows the selected Monitor size criterion as the column header. The selected criteria and the font table can be cleared by clicking the Clear Criteria button. The fonts that are shown in the font table depend on the selected level: Workstation: Workstation level font is displayed if it is available, otherwise corresponding system level font is displayed. The table shows the fonts used for workstation, excluding possible application specific fonts. Application level font is displayed if it is available, otherwise corresponding system level font is displayed. The table shows the fonts used for applications, excluding possible workstation specific fonts. The fonts displayed in the table are all system level fonts, i.e. the fonts that are used if no workstation or application level definitions are made.
The fonts that are not of the selected configuration level are displayed with grey foreground color. ([DPSOH Configuration Level = APPLICATION Configuration Scope = M Application Name = TUTOR Monitor Size = no defined criteria Monitor Type = VS_LOCAL The result is a table with 20 rows, where row headers are from M1 to M20 and column headers are the monitor size alternatives. Now e.g. a cell from row M5 and column "640 x 480" contains font definition for scope "M", font number five, application TUTOR, monitors of size 640 x 480 and type VS_LOCAL.
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([DPSOH Level: Workstation: Monitor size: Monitor type: Workstation WS_1(not local) 640x480 Not defined
In this case, the following monitors are checked and, if they are not converted already, the conversion will be done: X_REMOTE_640X480_TUTOR_WS_1 VS_REMOTE_640X480_TUTOR_WS_1 The converted fonts are saved into the font setting files and displayed in the font table.
Font chooser
To define the font that you want to use in the defined monitor, click the desired cell in the font table and from the menu bar, choose Edit > Edit Font (or just double-click the cell). The Font chooser dialog opens. See Figure
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)LJ )RQW FKRRVHU GLDORJ The font definition includes font family, face and point-size for VS_LOCAL monitors and font name in ISO8859-1 format for VS_REMOTE and X_REMOTE monitors. In case of a VS_REMOTE or X_REMOTE font, the font is transferred to ISO8859-1 form before it is shown in the font table. To apply the definitions to the selected cell in the font table, click OK or Apply. OK also closes the Font definition dialog. The selected cell and all the criteria can be changed while the Font chooser dialog is open. This enables the setting of several fonts without closing and re-opening the Font chooser.
Editing fonts
System level M-scope fonts are not editable. This is indicated in the table by grey background. Comment and Info texts for these fonts are common for all monitor types and sizes. These texts are displayed in the two leftmost columns of the table. All other than system level M-scope fonts can be edited in the table (displayed with white background color). Comment and Info texts for these fonts are font specific and editable. The texts are displayed and edited in the text fields below the table. The Configuration level field shows in which level the selected font is specified. See Figure In addition, if the font is not defined in the currently selected configuration level, it is displayed with grey text in the table.
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Monitor start-up
At monitor start up the font definition files made by the font setting tool are read and M- and U-scope fonts are set at monitor start-up using following rules: If a workstation level definition is found for the font (e.g U1) and workstation name, monitor type and monitor size are matching, it is applied. If workstation level definition is not found, the application level definition will be used. If an application level definition is found for the font and application name, monitor type and monitor size are matching, it is applied. If application level definition is not found, the system level definition will be used. If a system level definition is found for the font, and monitor type and monitor size are matching, it is applied. If system level definition is not found, the font is not defined for the monitor. When a monitor is opened for the first time to a system that contains the new font setting tool, the existing font definition (that was made by the old font setting tool) in Application or Workstation level must be taken into use. This includes reading the old workstation and monitor specific definition files and converting them to the new tool format. When the files are read and converted, they are not used on monitor start-up any more. After this, the definitions in the new font files (containing also the previous definitions) are applied.
Color settings
The color of most common elements in library based applications are standardised. These colors can be modified any time using Color Setting tool. The upper part of the tool page is a control area, which illustrates the standardised color elements and the selected color settings. The lower part is used for modifying the colors using RGB numbers.
Setting colors
To open the Color Setting tool, double-click the &RORUV icon in the 6\VWHP &RQILJXUDWLRQ page in the MicroSCADA Tool Manager. Select a color by clicking the &RORU field and clicking a color name in the list, or by browsing through the color names.
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Adjust the desired color by increasing and decreasing the red, green and blue hues in the color. The RGB numbers range from zero to 255. If all three colors have the value 0, the result is black. If they all have the value 255, the result is white. The arrow keys change the values with a few units and the small buttons above the arrow keys change them one unit at a time. Select 6KDGRZV $XWRPDWLFDOO\ to get the shadow colors of function keys and windows automatically.
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Select the color element for definition from the Drag to change the setting drop-down list
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Table 5.3.-1 List of color element types which are available from the dropdown list (System colors)
1 - Normal background 2 Function keys 3 Lowered fields 4 Background for dynamics 5 Background for dialogs 6 Lowered fields in dialogs 7 - Pressed function keys 8 - Top shadow 9 - Bottom shadow 10 - Top shadow, function keys 11 - Bottom shadow, function keys 12 - Top shadow, dialogs 13 - bottom shadow, dialogs 14 - Foreground, normal 15 - Foreground, dynamics 16 - Alarm 17 - Warning 18 - Border, motif 19 - Highlight, motif
20 - Trough, motif 21 - Process 1 22 - Process 2 23 - Process 3 24 - Process 4 25 - Dimmed on keys 26 - Dimmed on normal 27 - Selected object 28 - Control blocked 29 - Manually entered 30 - Not updating 31 - Historical data 32 - Normal, dynamics 33 - Dynamic line color, Passive 34 - Dynamic line color, Grounded 35 - Dynamic line color, Feeder 36 - Dynamic line color, Active 37 - Dynamic line color, Unknown 38 - Substituted
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Test Dialog is used for testing purposes, to examine data structures, find out values of variables or to execute short programs. Figure 6.-1 shows the Test Dialog. It is composed of menu bar at the top and two sections. The size of the Test Dialog is 640 x 480 pixels, but it can be resized. Test Dialog has several notebook pages. By selecting different pages it is possible to execute SCIL command lines (Commands), to find out values for variables (Fields), to find out values for vector variables and lists (Multifields and Examine). You can also type some procedures and start them from Test Dialog (Programs). The context hierarchy of Visual SCIL objects can be observed in the Objects page. Some pages consist of parallel pages, where different pages (Fields, Multifields, Examine) can be shown simultaneously (Combined). When an error appears in Test Dialog, the status codes and messages are displayed in the status line, which is located at the bottom of Test Dialog. It also shows how many variables are being updated and how many programs are being executed within a specified time.
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To find out a variable value, type the variable name in the field, which is located in the right side of Inspect button. After clicking Inspect button, the value of variable is shown under the variable name. The type of the variable is shown under the Inspect button. The number of fields is shown in the beginning of every line. When the check box in front of the Inspect button has a cross (Update function), the variable value and type will be updated every second. When a variable type is text, bit_string, byte_string, vector or list, the length of variable value is displayed in the status line. When a variable type is vector, the elements are separated with commas. If the vector contains more than 255
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characters, only the first 255 characters are displayed. When a variable type is list, its values are displayed in the Examine page. The SCIL commands can also be typed in Combined page, which contains command lines and fields. It is located in the upper part of Test Dialog.
To find out the values of multivariable, type the variable name in the field, which is located in the right side of Inspect button. After pressing Inspect button, the value of variable is shown under the variable name. The type of the variable is shown on the right side of the variable field. The number of field is shown in the beginning of every line. When the check box in front of the Inspect button has a cross (Update function), the variable value and type will be updated every second. Note that when the size of multivariable value is very large, the update function will become ineffective and the update interval will increase. The element column contains a vector element number. The value column contains a vector value with specified element. The status column contains a number or text string, which displays the validity information about vector value. Possible status codes are for example OK_STATUS (0) and NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS (10). When a byte string variable is displayed the element column contains the character numbers thus that one value column line displays 255 byte string characters. To read history values of a data object, enter the name with indices. Index 1 is the oldest registration, for example DATA:DOV(1..32) where DATA is the name of the objects and OV indicates that the object value will be read.
Generating procedures and executing them be done in Programs page. The number of program is shown in the beginning of every line. The comments column contains fields for comments, hence it is easier to remember the program code, which is located behind the Edit button. The Program Editor for specified program line can be started by clicking Edit. When the program code has been generated or modified, the Program Editor is closed and program updated by choosing Exit from the File menu. The generated or modified program can be executed by clicking Do Once button. The Interval/s column contains values for sequential program executions. This loopwise program execution will be started by pressing Do Loops button. There can be at most 6 programs doing loop-wise operation simultaneously. When a program is being executed loop-wise, the status line shows an informative field Executing 1 program(s) and blinks a black rectangle in front of that field. Programs are generated and modified within Programs page using SCIL Program Editor. Six SCIL Program Editors can be open at the same time.
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Vector and list type variables are displayed as nodes in text box. Nodes can consists of other datatypes. Variables in the lowest levels are leafs. The leafs cannot consist of other datatypes. The index of a leaf in vector is displayed in brackets, for example [2]. When an empty list or vector node is encountered then the text Empty List / Empty Vector is displayed. The nodes can be expanded by double-clicking the node icon on selected row. It is possible to expand a node, when there is a sign before the node icon. The contents of selected variable appears. The nodes can be collapsed by double-clicking the node icon. It is possible to collapse a node, when there is a sign before the node icon. The Examine page also displays simple variable types, like integer, real, text, bit_string, byte_string and boolean. The first row of text box displays the type as a icon and value of variable. The icons in Figure 6.1.-1 will be used as indicating the data type of variable.
)LJ 'DWD W\SH LFRQV Some examples on commands which can be used while examining: FETCH(0,"P","SN3_01") FETCH(0,"P","SN3_01",12) %ANSWER SYS:BSV7 Fetches all common attributes of the process object group. Fetches attributes of that process object. Displays all attributes of variable object. what you get in the test picture program. Displays programs to create full graphic figures, which has been saved in system variable.
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Fields - fields
To find out a variable value, type the variable name in the field, which is located in the right side of Inspect button. After pressing Enter or clicking Inspect button, the type and value of variable is shown below the Inspect button and variable name. The number of field is shown in the beginning of every line. When the check box in front of the Inspect button has a cross (Update function) the variable value and type will be updated every second. When a variable type is text, bit_string, byte_string, list or vector, the length of variable value is also displayed. When a variable type is list an informative text is displayed in status line.
Multifields - multifields
To find out a multivariable values, type the variable name in the field, which is located in the right side of Inspect button. After pressing Enter or clicking Inspect button, the type of variable is shown below the Inspect button. When the check box in front of the Inspect button has a cross (Update function) the variable value and type will be updated every second. Note that when the size of multivariable value is very large, the update function will become ineffective and the update interval will increase. The element column contains a vector element number. The value column contains a vector value with specified element. When a byte string variable is displayed the element column contains the character numbers thus that one value column line displays 255 byte string characters.
Examine - examine
It is possible to examine every data structure in the Examine page. A variable name will be typed into field in the right side of Inspect button. After pressing Enter or clicking Inspect button, the type and value of the variable will be shown below Inspect button and variable field. The type of variable will be shown on the first row of this text box. Vector and list type variables are displayed as nodes in text box. Nodes can consists of other datatypes. Variables in the lowest levels are leafs. The leafs cannot consist of other datatypes. The index of leaf in vector is displayed in brackets, like [2]. When an empty list or vector node is encountered then the text Empty List / Empty Vector is displayed in the row. The nodes can be expanded by double-clicking the node icon on selected row. Its possible to expand a node, when there is a sign before the node icon. The contents of selected variable appears. The nodes can be collapsed by double-clicking the node icon on selected row. Its possible to collapse a node, when there is a sign before the node icon.
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This page shows SCIL context hierarchy in current window system. Test Dialog itself with its variables, including its child objects and their userdefined and predefined attributes, are removed from the tree structure. For each Visual SCIL object, the object name and object type is displayed. When a certain object includes child objects, it can be expanded by double-clicking the item. After expanding the item, the predefined and userdefined attributes are displayed. Navigating in the tree structure is done by expanding and collapsing nodes.
Using menubar
Test Dialog menubar includes )LOH, (GLW, 9LHZ, 6HWWLQJV, 7RROV and +HOS menus.
File menu
The File menu includes 1HZ, 2SHQ, 6DYH, 6DYH $V and ([LW commands. 1HZ saves the current outlook file and clears all fields and programs in Test Dialog. 2SHQ opens a file chooser. The default path for Test Dialog file chooser is \SC\APL\Application Name\PAR\DEFAULT\ also the logical path USER_PAR. After choosing Open from the File menu, the outlook file will be loaded and its contents will be set into Test Dialog. The programs will be loaded and fields will be updated and latest notebook pages will become active. 6DYH saves the current outlook file with current file name. 6DYH $V opens a file chooser. The default path for Test Dialog file chooser is \SC\APL\Application Name\PAR\DEFAULT. The default extension for outlook files is .out. The outlook file name should begin with letters TEST. After choosing Save from the File menu, the Test Dialog outlook will be saved into the file. The programs, fields and latest notebook pages will be saved. The initialization file TestDlg.ini contains the file name of current outlook file, which will be loaded during startup of Test Dialog. This file is located in \SC\APL\Application Name\PAR\DEFAULT.
Edit menu
The Edit menu includes &XW, &RS\, 3DVWH and &OHDU commands. These Cut, Copy and Paste allow text cutting, copying and pasting in Test Dialog. Clear item removes text in Command Lines, Examine, Fields, Multifields and Programs notebook pages. These pages will be cleared, only if they have been selected. For example when upper Command Lines notebook page has been selected and Clear and Command Lines has been chosen from the Edit menu, only text in the command lines, which are located in Commands notebook page will be cleared.
View Menu
9DULDEOHV command opens the Insert SCIL Variables & Attributes dialog box shown in Figure 6.2.-1. From this dialog box SCIL variables and object attributes can be inserted for example to the Test Dialog for examination. The dialog box also displays the memory usage of variables and object attributes in bytes.
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)LJ 7KH ,QVHUW 6&,/ 9DULDEOHV $WWULEXWHV GLDORJ ER[ VKRZLQJ YDULDEOHV DQG WKHLU PHPRU\ XVDJH LQ E\WHV &RPPDQGV command opens the Insert SCIL Commands, Functions & Objects dialog box shown in Figure 6.2.-2. From this dialog box SCIL commands, functions and objects can be inserted to the test dialog.
6WDWXV &RGHV command opens the Status Codes dialog box shown in Figure 6.2.3. The Status Codes dialog box is used for viewing the status messages of different status codes.
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)LJ 7KH 6WDWXV &RGHV 'LDORJ ER[ 7UDFH )LOH command opens the trace file including the SCIL command lines recorded with the Trace On function in the Test Dialog. See more information on the Trace On function from Section Settings menu. The trace file is opened in the SCIL Editor as shown in Figure 6.2.-4. To get the trace file in a file tree format according to the method calling sequence, refer to Section Tools menu or Section 6.5.
Settings menu
7UDFH 2Q command begins to record every SCIL command line into a trace file. The trace operation can be stopped by unselecting the Trace. The checkmark disappears. The trace operation is also stopped when Test Dialog is closed. 7RROEDU 9LVLEOH command displays or hides the toolbar, shown in Figure 6.2.-5. The command buttons in the toolbar, from the left, are: Exit, New, Open, Save, Cut, Copy, Paste and an access button to the Insert SCIL Commands, Functions & Objects dialog box.
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)LJ 7KH WRROEDU LQ WKH 7HVW 'LDORJ ZLQGRZ The (QYLURQPHQW command opens an Environment dialog box, which is shown in Figure 6.2.-6. The settings in the Environment Dialog are: Multifield Status Codes refers to multifields Status column. It is possible to choose whether these Status Codes will be returned as number or string. For example, if a vector has a status NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS, an integer value 10 will be returned as a number and string NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS as string. Auto-update during startup determines should the variable be updated during startup of Test Dialog. Status Line messages are error messages or informative text descriptions for user, which will appear in status line, in bottom of Test Dialog. Status line message interval can be modified to be 0 - 8 seconds. When message interval has been set to 0 second, the messages will stay in status line until a new message appears. Any other interval time between 1 and 8 determines how many seconds after displaying a message it will be cleared. Default is 3. Program Tracing generates a trace file, which records every SCIL command into specified trace file. The trace file will be specified with the field trace file. The default trace file is TRACE.TXT. The default location for trace file is \SC\APL\Application Name\PAR\DEFAULT\. This file is an ordinary text file, which can be read using a text editor, for example SCIL Program Editor or the Trace Viewer. It is also possible to append a new trace file into an old one. A portion of a tracefile without timestamps is included below. More information about tracing is found in the Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 8.
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When the SCIL program jumps into another procedure, the name of that procedure has been written with ;BEGIN: levelnumber and the end of a procedure (method) is marked ;END: levelnumber. The beginning of LOOP_WITH clauses is written with ;LOOP:. Note that it is important to stop tracing by unselecting Trace in the Options menu, because the continuous usage of Trace operation will decrease the operating speed. Save Outlook on Exit determines whether outlook file is automatically saved when exiting from the Test Dialog. By default the saving of the outlook while exiting is not selected. )RQW, command opens the Font Chooser for selecting which fonts are to be used in the Test Dialog tabs. Specific fonts are stored for Test Dialogs opened both from local and remote monitors. Fonts are stored as user specific.
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6. Using test dialog
Tools menu
The Tools menu includes Compact Test Dialog, Logical Definitions and Trace Viewer. By choosing Compact Test Dialog, a compact Test Dialog will be opened. By using the Compact Test Dialog it is possible to execute MicroSCADA command lines and inspect the variables of simple data type, for example Integer, Real, Text, Bit_String, Byte_String and Boolean. For more information on Compact Test Dialog, see Compact test dialog on page 104. The Trace Viewer command opens the Trace Viewer program for viewing tracefiles. See page 106.
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)LJ 3DWK 5HSB/LE 9LHZHU ZLQGRZ ZKHUH SDWKV DQG GLUHFWRULHV FDQ EH DGGHG Using the Logical Definitions it is possible to find out paths, which are used in MicroSCADA. These paths can be system and application specific. You can also add a new path and folder into MicroSCADA. See Figure 6.2.-7.
Help menu
$ERXW 7HVW 'LDORJ opens a dialog box informing about the product name, version, identification and vendor. The icon of the tool is also displayed. Test Dialog initialization file Test Dialog outlook file TestDlg.ini file with .out extension
Both Test Dialog files are application specific and located in the folder \SC\APL\Application Name\PAR\DEFAULT\ and also under logical path USER_PAR.
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)LJ 7KH ILOH FKRRVHU RSHQV LI )LOH ! 2SHQ LV VHOHFWHG IURP WKH PHQX EDU The outlook files are application specific. The Test Dialog outlook file consists of following fields in predefined order: The contents of Commands page consisting of multiple MicroSCADA command lines. Fields page consisting variable names and the state of tracing. Upper Combined page consisting of multiple MicroSCADA command lines. Combined lower fields in left column with their state of tracing. Upper Combined page consisting of multiple variable names and their state of tracing. The program names, interval times, program codes and SCIL Program Editor location coordinates for every definition in Program page. Combined lower fields in right column with their state of tracing. Examine variable names, combined lower multifields in left column with their state of tracing, combined lower examine page in left column, combined lower multifields in right column with their state of tracing and combined lower examine page in right column. Multifields page consisting variable names and the state of tracing.
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The attributes are explained below: latest_file Specifies the file location used including its path in the last session with Test Dialog. auto_update Specifies the state of updating all fields during startup of Test Dialog. Value TRUE means update all fields, value false no auto-update during startup. auto_save_enabled When the Test Dialog is closed, the outlook file is saved automatically. If no file name has been defined, the default file name TestDef.out has been used. Otherwise the specified file name is used. No auto-save when value is 0. interval_time Specifies the time in seconds the messages should be displayed in the status line. Messages are not cleared from status line when value is 0.
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and field names are copied from it. The Compact Test Dialog can also be launched from the Error Dialog, which is started when a SCIL error occurs. When an error occurs while executing command line, the generated error message is displayed in status line in Compact Test Dialog with SCIL status code. The message is automatically cleared from the status line within 5 seconds.
The Fields page in the Compact Test Dialog is similar to the Fields page in the Test Dialog. A variable value is found by typing the variable name in the field, which is located in the right side of Inspect button and clicking Inspect button. When the check box in front of the Inspect button has a cross (Update function), the variable value and type will be updated every second.
The command lines are copied directly from main Test Dialog if the Compact Test Dialog is started from there. The Compact Test Dialog provides more possibilities for the user to move this dialog into his screen and perhaps minimize the main Test Dialog. The SCIL commands can be typed in command lines. To execute command lines, click Execute button in front of them. The number of command line is shown in the beginning of it.
The Compact Test Dialog provides more possibilities for the user to move the dialog onto user screen and perhaps minimize the Test Dialog. The error messages will be displayed in the status line of Compact Test Dialog. The SCIL commands can also be typed in the Combined page. It is located in the Compact Test Dialog and divided between command lines and fields. A command line is executed by pressing Enter or clicking Execute button. The number of a command line is shown in the beginning of it. When the check box in front of the Inspect button has a cross (Update function), the variable value and type will be updated every second.
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)LJ 7KH 7UDFH9LHZHU 1RWLFH WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ ILHOG DW WKH ERWWRP RI WKH GLDORJ VKRZLQJ WLPH WDJV RSWLRQ FUHDWLRQ GDWH QXPEHU RI OLQHV LQ VHOHFWHG PHWKRG PHWKRG QXPEHU REMHFWQDPH DQG PHWKRG GHSWK 7KH QRGH QDPHG 3DUHQW KDV OHYHO It is possible to navigate in the Trace Viewer with the following arrow and shortcut keys in addition to the mouse: CTRL + S Swapping between the method tree window and the window showing the commands executed in the method.
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Moves to the next node up in the method tree, or moves the cursor upwards in the trace window. Moves to the next node down in the method tree, or moves the cursor downwards in the trace window. Expands the selected node in the method tree. Collapses the selected node in the method tree.
Choose 2SHQ on the )LOH menu. Select the tracefile to be viewed in the dialog. Click 2SHQ.
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Choose 7UDFH 2Q from the 6HWWLQJV menu. This setting traces commands executed in the Test Dialog. To include time tags into the trace file, check the Include time tags option under (QYLURQPHQW on the 6HWWLQJV menu. Choose 7UDFH 9LHZHU from the 7RROV menu. This views the default tracefile (\par\trace.txt).
To search the trace file: Choose )LQG from the (GLW menu. If there is a selection in the trace file, the first line of the selection is taken as text string to search for. Type a text to search for in the "Find what:" field. If a selection was made before invoking the Find command, that selection is placed in the "Find what:" field. Check :KROH ILOH or &XUUHQW PHWKRG under "Scope:". Option :KROH ILOH will extend the search to the entire file while option &XUUHQW PHWKRG will limit the search to the method that was selected prior to invoking the search command. Click )LQG )LUVW, the caption of the button changes to )LQG 1H[W if the search string is found. 1HZ 6HDUFK cancels the search, type a new string to search for. &ORVH exits the Find dialog.
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to appear deliberately at a certain point in the program. From the Error Dialog the Test Dialog is opened and traceviewer is launched. How to inspect variable values when a program has been stopped or crashed: Assuming the (UURU 'LDORJ has appeared. Select the $QDO\VH tab. Click the 7HVW 'LDORJ button. Select the ([DPLQH tab and place the insertion point in the inspection field. Choose 7UDFH 9LHZHU from the Tools menu Choose 2SHQ from the )LOH menu. Select the tracefile. Select (mark) the variable name that is to be inspected. Switch to the Test Dialog. The variable name has been pasted at the insertion point. Click the inspect button to view the value of the variable.
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7. Error handling
Error handling
About this chapter
This chapter describes: 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 The status codes, which constitute the basis for the error indications in MicroSCADA. Handling of data communication errors: error indications and recommended actions. Recognition and handling of fatal errors. Using Error Viewer to view error messages generated in Visual SCIL dialogs. Using Notification Window. Reporting Errors.
Status codes
The handling of error situations and system events in SCIL is based on status codes. They are positive integers, which are identified by descriptive names. The status code is the value of STATUS function. For more information on it, see the Programming Language SCIL manual. They inform about errors that occur during the execution of SCIL programs and expressions. They show the reliability of calculated data and process data. They are included in the system messages that the NETs (communication units) send to the application when an event occurs in the process communication system.
SCIL errors
A SCIL error is usually caused by a program syntax error, but it may also be caused by database error or a communication error during the execution of a SCIL program. Depending on the error handling policy, the error status may cause an error message or activation of an error handling program (CONTINUE, STOP), an immediate stop of the program execution (STOP, EVENT) or nothing at all (IGNORE). For more information see the #ERROR command in the Programming Language SCIL manual, Section 7.3. An error handling program allows you to build procedures handling error messages. If the error handling policy is CONTINUE or STOP, a SCIL error generates a standard error message unless defined otherwise in an error handling program. Errors in Visual SCIL dialogs are shown in the Error Viewer by default. The status codes are shown in the Error Viewer with detailed information on the error. When the pictures are shown on screen, the status codes are part of standard error messages written on the top line of the screen or application window. This is done unless no other ways to handle error messages are defined in the named program called ERROR_HANDLER. These error messages have the following format:ode1 code2SCIL STATEMENT OR EXPRESSION
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The code1 states roughly in which circumstances the error occurred. This code is always a picture handling code (801 . . 999). The code2 specifies the error more accurately. The SCIL statement or expression that caused the error message is usually (not always) shown and the error is marked to help to correct it. A status code may also appear in a message shown in Notification windows. Usually the message refers to errors encountered from SCIL procedures running in the background. In some cases it is the result of errors in the report database, the process database, the file handling or the operating system interface. Normally, the message in the Notification window has the following format:
Table 7.1.-1
STATUS = code
The message is displayed in all active MicroSCADA Notification Windows connected to the base system that generates the message. The message is also stored in a file on the base system computer. The file is located in the \SC\SYS\ACTIVE\SYS_ directory and is called SYS_ERROR.LOG.
Reliability of data
In SCIL each evaluated expressions has a status code, which indicates the reliability of the value. As a rule, the status code is the most unreliable operator included in the expression. Data written by the programmer or entered by the user always get OK status (status code 0). An unreliable status code may be caused by a process object or data object value with a bad status (OS attribute). It may also be caused by some operators when the operands do not match and by some SCIL functions. The status code of an application object value is the value of the OS attribute of the object. For process and data objects the code indicates the reliability of the OV attribute. For command procedures it indicates the success of the last program execution. The OS attribute of a process object is updated at each updating of the OV value in the process database. Process objects can be assigned the status codes 0, 1, 2, 3 and 10. The OS attribute is updated by the base system, which determines the status code based on the system messages sent by NET. The OS attribute can also be updated using SCIL. The status code of a process object affects the status codes of those data object that use the process object value in expression. If the logging function is DIRECT, the status code of the process object is copied to the status code of the data object. The status code of an expression can be read with the SCIL function GET_STATUS and written with the function SET_STATUS. The status code of a vector can be used in tabular reports (exceptions in windows containing multifield).
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Using certain communication system object attributes (MS, MI), the system messages can be directed to chosen applications and process objects. By defining process objects for receiving the system messages, the programmer can define various consequental actions to be activated at certain system message codes. The base system assigns the OS value 2 to all process objects belonging to a station if it receives system messages indicating that the connection with that station has been broken. Consequently, also a event channel named APL_EVENT is activated.
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12401 ... 12450 ... 12501 ... 12601 ... 12701 ... 12801 ... 12851 ... 12901 ... 12950 ... 13001 ... 13101 ... 13201 ... 13302 ... 13311 ... 13401 ... 13450 ... 13501 ... 13551 ... 13601 ... 13651 ... 13751 ... 13800 ... 13851 ... 13901 ... 14001 ... 16001 ... 16101 ... 16201 ... 16250 ... 16270 ... 16280 ... 16301 ... 16311 ... 16320 ... 16600 ... 16700 ... 16750 ... 16801 ... 16851 ... 16901 ... 16950 ...
12410 12487 12585 12693 12789 12831 12873 12910 12999 13023 13126 13258 13306 13371 13444 13495 13504 13553 13636 13679 13762 13831 13881 13944 14088 16046 16109 16213 16252 16272 16282 16303 16313 16327 16650 16735 16759 16827 16861 16901 16956
ANSI Station Message SPLIT Status Codes SINDAC ADLP180 Status Codes SINDAC Status Codes RTU 200 Status Codes RTU 200 Terminal Status Codes PROCONTROL 214 Status Codes SAT Device Status Codes BAG Device Status Codes LCU Device Status Codes PAC Device Status Codes Printer Status Codes SPA Device Status Codes Bit Pad One (BPO) Device Status Codes REX Device Status Codes LMK Device Status Codes RP570 Slave Status Codes Monitor Status Codes ADE Device Status Codes PCO Device Status Codes WESC Device Status Codes ATR Device Status Codes PLC Device Status Codes IEC Device Status Codes Status codes for DNP devices NET Network Layer Status Codes Common NET Link Layer Status Codes Full Duplex Protocol Status Codes Half Duplex Protocol Status Codes ADLP-80 Protocol Status Codes ADLP-180 Protocol Status Codes RP570 Slave Protocol Status Codes RAM Protocol Status Codes Integrated Link Status Codes LN protocol status codes On Line Configuration Errors Detected by NETC Modules Auto-Dialling Status Codes CO Protocol Errors in NET SRC 570 Protocol Status Codes P214 Protocol Status Codes TC57 Protocol Status Codes IS Prrotocol Status Codes
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17001 ... 17004 CL Protocol Status Codes 17101 ... 17113 LC Protocol Status Codes 17151 ... 17158 AM Protocol Status Codes 17201 ... 17233 SP Protocol Status Codes 17251 ... 17260 AG Protocol Status Codes 17301 ... 17327 PC Protocol Status Codes 17351 ... 17354 WE Protocol Status Codes 17401 ... 17410 AT Protocol Status Codes 17450 ... 17458 IE Protocol Status Codes 17500 ... 17509 PG Protocol Status Codes 17550 ... 17556 LO Protocol Status Codes 17600 ... 17620 IEC Protocol Status Codes 17650 ... 17700 DNP Protocol Status Codes 17750 ... 17752 LN protocol status codes 20000 ... 20002 PLC Related Status Codes 20016 ... 20176 PLC Status Codes 2SHUDWLQJ 6\VWHP 6WDWXV &RGHV 0 ... 999 Win32 Error Codes 'DWD 7UDQVIHU 6WDWXV &RGHV 0 ... 20483 DDE Status Codes -1 ... 99 ODBC Status Codes 6WDWXV &RGHV 7UDQVPLWWHG E\ 1(7 WR ([WHUQDO 'HYLFHV 0H 0E0H
Reporting errors
The reporting of communication errors is partly application dependent, hence it may deviate from application to application and even between different types of errors. Generally, the operator gets the following error indications: The error messages. Alarms, including all possible alarm functions. The system faults, which can generate alarms, are faults in the remote communication, for example in the
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communication with RTUs and printers. The alarm handling is application dependent and based on the system messages. Automatic printout on event printer. Automatic printout can be produced by faults in the remote communication. The printout is also application dependent and based on system messages. Obsolete marking of process objects. If a fault occurs in the communication between a NET and a station, the NET marks all process objects updated from the station by status code 2. If a fault occurs in the communication between a base system and a NET, all process objects that are updated via the NET are marked by status code 2 (provided that node diagnostics is in use). As a general rule, write down possible error messages and check the status codes.
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Reset all counters clicking RESET to facilitate the follow-up of the development (not necessary). The time passed since the last reset is shown above the counters. Store the picture as an icon. This way you save the selection of NET unit and line as well as stored data. Perform ordinary operations in other tools. Produce the diagnostic counter picture again (restore the icon) and read the diagnostic counters. The diagnostic counters are interpreted by comparing the number of successful and unsuccessful data transfers.
)LJ 7RRO IRU OLQH GLDJQRVWLFV When a line communication fault has been noted: Check the connections, the modems, the radio links and so on. At serious faults, take the line out of use during the reparation.
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Enter a DIAGNOSTIC TIME INTERVAL (for example 60 seconds). Number 0 implies that there is no node diagnostics. At the bottom of the window that appears after a node has been selected, you can read the NODE TYPE. If it is UNKNOWN (although the node diagnostics is in use), the communication between the base system and the node is probably broken. If the node is a NET, a broken communication can also be noted as obsolete markings (status code 2) of all process objects updated from the NET in question. However, if there are no node diagnostics (DIAGNOSTIC TIME INTERVAL = 0) for the NET, the process objects are not marked. If a NET unit break-down has been noted, write down possible error codes and restart the communication unit.
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polling ceases or is performed more rarely. The NET unit sends a system message and the process objects of the suspended station get status code 2. If a fault has been noted in an RTU: Try to restart the RTU. If this does not succeed, take the station out of use and check it according to the RTU manual.
Error indications
The following indications may be related to a fatal error: An alarm is generated to the watchdog indicator of the audiovisual alarm unit. The updating in the picture ceases without valid reason (such as an on-going data entry or picture program execution). The function keys do not work. The MicroSCADA processes disappear from the list of processes under execution. The processes under execution in the base system can be viewed using Task Manager of Windows NT.
Do not shut down the base system computers simply by switching off the power, because this might damage the files. In Windows NT, the data kept in the main memory at the moment of a fatal error is placed into drwtsn32.log file. It is placed in the system folder, for example Winnt. Analyze and copy the data in it. Restart the system.
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Report the program break-down together with possible MicroSCADA error messages and the information from drwtsn32. log file to the MicroSCADA supplier.
Database errors
The MicroSCADA provides SCIL function KEYED_FILE_MANAGER for handling database errors and problems. For example the function can save corrupted files. For more information on it, see Chapter 8 in the Programming Language SCIL manual.
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)LJ $Q H[DPSOH RI D 6&,/ HUURU VKRZQ LQ WKH (UURU 9LHZHU The Environment page contains information of the application and product that was used when the error occurred. See Figure 7.4.-2.
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To see more information on the used paths, click Paths and Rep_libs.... The dialog box shown in Figure 7.4.-5 appears. In it you can also add paths, directories and files to be used by MicroSCADA system or a specific application. However, changing the definitions is not recommended because it can cause problems for other tools.
The button Test Dialog opens the Test Dialog. You can use this facility instead of opening the Test Dialog from the Tool Manager. An important advantage of opening Test Dialog from the Errorn Viewer is that it is opened in the SCIL context of the tool in which the error occurred. This means, for example, that variables of the tool can be examined. For more information on using Test Dialog, see Chapter 6. To write the error log file, click Write Error Log.... The Log Error dialog box shown in Figure 7.4.-6 appears. The same information as was shown in the Error page is shown in it. The log file can be chosen by typing its name and path in the Log File row or by clicking Browse... and selecting the file from the list that is shown. In the Comments text box you can type additional information, for example the situation in which the error occurred in details. To write all the information to the chosen log file, click OK or Apply. Afterwards you can view the error log. In some cases it might be useful to send the information of the error to the MicroSCADA supplier.
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or start the program from a command line by giving the name of the program file (notify.exe). The Notification Window is shown in Figure 7.5.-1.
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tries to connect to the base system located on the computer named mycomp. It is also possible to open a Notification Window onto a screen. A base system supports at maximum 8 simultaneous notification windows. To ensure that also the first messages will be shown, open the notification window before you start the MicroSCADA service. The MicroSCADA Notifications Window keeps track of the notification sent by the base system and received by the program. If a notification is lost, an error message is displayed. The notification is not sent again. However, all the notifications are stored in the SYS_ERROR.LOG file.
If the connection to the base system computer is lost, due to network problems or the fact that the MicroSCADA system is not currently running, the program tries to establish a connection every two seconds. This is also the case if the program, when started, cannot establish the connection. The MicroSCADA Notification Window has a capacity of displaying up to 1000 notifications. If more notifications are to be displayed, the 100 oldest notifications are removed and a message informing the user of the removal is displayed. The user of the MicroSCADA Notification Window must be defined as a user belonging to the Users group on the base system computer. If the user is not defined to belong to it, the program will ask for a new user name and password. There is a SCIL function, CONSOLE_OUTPUT, for sending information to all open MicroSCADA Notification Windows and for writing the message into the SYS_ERROR.LOG file. In a hot-stand-by systems the MicroSCADA Notification Window can be utilised for viewing messages from both base systems by stating the names of the base system computers as command line arguments to the MicroSCADA Notification Window. The command line:
notify sys hsb
starts the MicroSCADA Notification Window. The program tries to establish connections the base system computers named sys and hsb. If no LAN network is used on base system computer a dot . can be used for the computer name.
Reporting errors
Possible errors in MicroSCADA products can be reported as customer feedback. Further details of giving customer feedback is in the Customer Feedback chapter in the end of this manual.
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8. Data transfer
Data transfer
About this chapter
This chapter describes: 8.1 In this section the ODBC inteface, the components and SCIL SQL functions are discussed. Some guidelines and an example are given on using the Open Database Connectivity. The DDE, its components, programming examples and NetDDE are discussed in this section. In it are also given references to other manuals that contain information related to the subject.
The MicroSCADA Kernel performs processing and calls ODBC API functions to submit SQL statements and retrieve results. To use ODBC from MicroSCADA, you need ODBC driver, ODBC driver manager and possible database specific clientserver software. See Figure 8.1.-1. The ODBC driver has to be 32 bit NT driver, which is specific to each database. The driver has to support ODBC specification 2.5 or newer version. The driver includes own setup program. It is recommended to use ODBC drivers made by Intersolv, because they have been tested and found reliable. The ODBC driver manager comes with ODBC driver. It is automatically installed into Windows NT during ODBC driver installation. The possible database specific client-server software is obtained from the database vendor. Note that there is no 32 bit NT ODBC drivers for old versions of some databases. Also some databases may lack 32 bit NT ODBC driver totally.
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SQL is widely used language for managing databases. It is based on relational database stucture.
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)LJ $Q H[DPSOH RI XVLQJ 2'%& When an application is connecting to some data source, most of the applications need to know a data source name, a user name and a password. When the connection is open, you can execute SQL statements with SQL_EXECUTE function. For example, to create a table, first you execute create statement, then you execute the statement that inserts the data into it. Free the statements, if you do not need the results after the execution. The connection is closed with SQL_DISCONNECT function. Remember to disconnect when you do not need the connection anymore.
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program that has access to data that may be useful to other Windows programs. A DDE client is the program that obtains this data from the server. When using DDE, MicroSCADA can act as a server or as a client. When connecting to MicroSCADA from another Window application, MicroSCADA is a DDE server. When connecting from MicroSCADA to an external application, MicroSCADA is acting as a DDE client. The DDE client functions establish a DDE link between MicroSCADA and other Windows applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Visual Basic. The server application must also be running when the connection is opened. When MicroSCADA is used as a DDE server, the external applicationss own DDE syntax is used. Note that MicroSCADA can act as a server only if SYS:BDE = 1. When accessing a MicroSCADA application the following definitions and meanings are used: Service Topic Item, data REQUEST: POKE: EXECUTE: MicroSCADA MicroSCADA application number (APL object number, see the System Configuration) Item and data depends on the DDE transaction as follows: item SCIL expression item SCIL object notation data SCIL expression item SCIL statement
For more information on using SCIL in External Applications, see the Programming Language SCIL manual, Section 2.1.1.
Programming examples
The following examples are valid for Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0. This example illustrates how to request data from MicroSCADA when a Visual Basic Form is loaded. The requested data is the first element of the vector SYS:BUV. The data is placed in the Visual Basic TextBox named Text1. The value of the LinkMode variable specifies different states of the DDE interaction.
Sub Form_Load () Text1.LinkMode = NONE Text1.LinkTopic = "MicroSCADA|1" Text1.LinkItem = "SYS:BUV1" Text1.LinkMode = MANUAL Text1.LinkRequest Text1.LinkMode = NONE End Sub
The link between the Visual Basic application and MicroSCADA is closed each time the LinkMode variable is set to NONE. If you are requesting multiple data items using the same topic you save a considerable amount of time by not setting the LinkMode to NONE between the requests. This example illustrates how to set an attribute of a SCIL object in MicroSCADA when the user clicks the button named Command1 on a Visual Basic form. The result is shown in a dialog.
Sub Command1_Click ()
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ch = DDEInitiate("microscada", "1") ms = DDERequest(ch, "sys:bnn") MsgBox ms(1) End Sub
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No additional software components are needed when using DDE. However, if DDE Server program is not in the same computer than DDE Client program, the use of NetDDE is needed.
By using the concept of Network DDE MicroSCADA gives a remote user in a Microsoft Windows Workgroup access to data in the MicroSCADA base system. Network DDE provides security through DDE shares. A DDE share works similarly to a file share by setting security permission levels to protect resources from unauthorized access. A Network DDE share gives the user password-protected access to applications and data on the remote system. Note that a user with access privileges can cause damage to the system. To add a DDE share: Start NetDDE with ddeshare.exe from the System32 folder. The NetDDE shares are configured with this program. Choose DDE Shares from the Shares menu. In the dialog box that appears click Add a Share. The DDE Share Properties dialog box shown in Figure 8.2.-1 appears. In the Share Name text box type the name of the share that should be used by remote applications. In the Static text box for Application Name, type MicroSCADA. In the Static text box for Topic Name, type the number of the application you want to share. Select is service option. Select Grant access to all items option. Click Permissions and define the access types in the DDE Share Name Permissions dialog box. Accept the choices you have made.
This instruction is made referencing a tool made by Microsoft, hence ABB assumes no responsibility for errors or changes that may appear.
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)LJ 7KH ''( 6KDUH 3URSHUWLHV :LQGRZ When you are using NetDDE, the service and topic names in DDE Client application have to be: Service Topic \\Computername\NDDE$ Share Name defined in DDE share
For example the SCIL DDE client function is used like this with DDE
whereas there has to be a DDE Share with the Share Name "MicroSCADAobject". There always has to be a user logged into DDE Server computer. If user logs out from DDE Server computer while there are active DDE connections, these connections may be blocked
DDE protocol
The DDE protocol is supported by several applications. The DDE client functions are explained in more details in the Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 8. The DDE server support functions are explained in Chapter 8 in the Programming Language SCIL manual.
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9. Documentation tool
Documentation tool
The Documentation Tool is a general Data Export Tool for MicroSCADA and a Documentation Generator which, based on the exported data, generates application documentation. The data export tool provides an efficient data selection function by means of which the wanted amount and type of data can be selected for export. It is possible to export the data into a relational database by means of ODBC/SQL, to ASCII-files and textually directly to a printer (unformatted). The relational database serves as a general base for further refinement and for application documentation. The documentation generator generates documentation based on the information stored in the database, which includes easily modifiable document templates. The corresponding ODBC driver is always located on the MicroSCADA PC. The database location is on the same PC or on another PC on the network. It is possible to select between append and overwrite when exporting. If overwrite is selected the data in database of the same category is first deleted. The external data storage is a Microsoft Access database, which is accessed through the ODBC/SQL interface. The database schema is created from the Data Export Tool by running a SQL script.
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In the same directory, select the file named &RS\ RI 'RF*HQPGE. Click )LOH_5HQDPH. Enter a filename(*.mdb) and press (QWHU. Procedure for creating data source: Open Windows &RQWURO 3DQHO. Double-click the 2'%&-icon. Select the 6\VWHP '61 tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Click the $GG button to the right in the dialog. Select 0LFURVRIW $FFHVV 'ULYHU PGE from the listbox. Click )LQLVK. Insert the name of the data source in the 'DWD 6RXUFH 1DPH textfield, that is DocGen.mdb or the name of the copy if the database template was copied. The data source name can be any valid data source name accepted by Windows NT operating system. The name of the data source is not dependent on the name of the database (e.g. DocGen.mdb or AnyData.mdb) it is referring to. Insert an optional description in the 'HVFULSWLRQ textfield. Click the 6HOHFW button under 'DWDEDVH. Select the previously copied database(*.mdb) in the Select Database dialog. Click 2.. Check the 'DWDEDVH: option under 6\VWHP 'DWDEDVH. This needs to be specified if different permissions of groups in a workgroup is used. * Click System Database button under System Database. * Select the file V\VWHPPGD in your Microsoft Access installation directory. Click 2.. * Click the $GYDQFHG button for password protection of the data source. ** Insert a Login name and a Password under Default Authorization. ** Under 2SWLRQV, click 'HIDXOW'LU. Insert the path to the database file. Click 2.. ** Click 2. in the Setup dialog. Click 2. in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Steps marked with * and ** are optional.
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9. Documentation tool
Data export
The tool is launched from the Object Navigator or from the Tool Manager and provides the possibility to export objects selected in the Object Navigator or to export objects according to a defined selection profile. If the Data Export Tool is opened from the Tool Manager it can only export objects according to a selection profile.
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Text file
Insert data source name in the 'DWD VRXUFH QDPH: textfield Insert user name in the 8VHU QDPH: textfield Insert password in the 3DVVZRUG: textfield Check/uncheck the (PSW\ GDWDEDVH EHIRUH H[SRUW option.
Enter path\filename in the )LOH QDPH: textfield or click the Browse button to select a file. Check/uncheck the (PSW\ ILOH EHIRUH H[SRUW option. Printer Click the &RQILJXUH button to set up the printer. Click ([SRUW. After completing these steps the export begins. A progressbar indicates the state of the export. As the progressbar has disappeared the export is complete.
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To further specify attributes to export, click the 6HW GDWD ILOWHU button. Select the target for the export under ([SRUW GHVWLQDWLRQ: 'DWD 6RXUFH: (for export to MS Access database) - Insert data source name in the 'DWD VRXUFH QDPH: textfield - Insert user name in the 8VHU QDPH: textfield - Insert password in the 3DVVZRUG: textfield - Check/uncheck the (PSW\ GDWDEDVH EHIRUH H[SRUW option. Text file - Enter path\filename in the )LOH QDPH: textfield or click the %URZVH button to select a file. - Check/uncheck the (PSW\ ILOH EHIRUH H[SRUW option. Printer - Click the &RQILJXUH button to set up the printer. Click ([SRUW. Click &ORVH to exit the tool. No specific selection of objects is done in the Object Navigator. Choose ([SRUW on the 'DWD menu. The 'DWD ([SRUW 7RRO dialog opens. Select a selection profile from the Selection profile: list. To create a selection profile, see "Create a selection profile" below. Select an application from the $SSOLFDWLRQ: list. The current application is selected by default. Select the target for the export under ([SRUW GHVWLQDWLRQ:. Data Source: (for export to MS Access database) - Insert data source name in the 'DWD VRXUFH QDPH: textfield - Insert user name in the 8VHU QDPH: textfield - Insert password in the 3DVVZRUG: textfield - Check/uncheck the (PSW\ GDWDEDVH EHIRUH H[SRUW option. Text file - Enter path\filename in the )LOH QDPe: textfield or click the %URZVH button to select a file. - Check/uncheck the (PSW\ ILOH EHIRUH H[SRUW option. Printer - Click the &RQILJXUH button to set up the printer. Click ([SRUW. Click &ORVH to exit the tool.
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)LJ 3URILOH GLDORJ RI WKH 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ 7RRO ZKHUH GLIIHUHQW REMHFWV DUH VHOHFWHG IRU H[SRUW Select 'HIDXOW SURILOH or (PSW\ SURILOH and click 2.. The dialog box, shown in Figure 9.2.-2, appears. Default profile gives the default settings for the new profile, whereas Empty profile gives an almost empty profile dialog box. Check categories to be included in the selection profile. For more specific selection1, select )LOWHU from the (GLW menu. The dialog box, shown in Figure 9.2.-3, appears.
1. for more specific selection of the Pictures, Library representations and VSO files in the Filter dialog box, see Section 9.2.1
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Select the tab of the category to be specified. The tabs for the categories checked in step 4, are active. Enter a SCIL condition in the Filter: textfield to distinguish the attributes included in the profile. Ex. (LN == "P*") AND (GC == "A*") Condition for processgroups whose name starts with a P and whose group comment start with an A. Check the type of attributes, to be included in the selection profile, in the Attributes field. Click the 'HWDLOV button to include/exclude attributes to export. In the Select attributes to export dialog box, select individual attributes from the list. Click 2..
)LJ 7KH )LOWHU GLDORJ ER[ IRU FUHDWLQJPRGLI\LQJ D VHOHFWLRQ SURILOH 7KH 6HOHFW DWWULEXWHV WR H[SRUW GLDORJER[ DOVR VKRZQ DOORZV VHOHFWLRQ RI LQGLYLGXDO DWWULEXWHV Click 2. in the Filter dialog box. Choose 6DYH DV from the 3URILOH menu to save the profile. Enter a name for the profile in the 6DYH DV dialog box and click 2..
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Choose &ORVH from 3URILOH menu to close the dialog and return to the Data Export Tool dialog box. The created selection profile is now selected in ([SRUW data field.
The general information is always exported. For the other types it is possible to include/exclude the type and to specify a type specific filter based on which the objects are selected. Selection of individual objects is not done in the Data Export Tool but in the Object Navigator.
General information
The following licensing information is always exported: Customer. Site. System revision. System ID.
Process objects
It is possible to select the attributes that are to be exported. Only attributes that describe the configuration of the object are selectable, not the attributes describing the state of the object. Any number of attributes (1...all) and any combination of attributes may be selected.
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If the process object is connected to an event channel, also the objects activated from the event channel is exported with both name and type stated. If an object activated by the event channel is a time channel, all objects activated by that time channel are exported with both name and type. Object selection is done by means of the Application Object Navigator. The selection profile mechanism however also supports the object selection filter.
It is possible to select the attributes that are to be exported. Any number of attributes (1...all) and any combination of attributes may be selected.
Data objects
It is possible to select which attributes that should be exported. Only attributes that describe the configuration of the object are selectable, not the attributes describing the stored data and its status. Any number of attributes (1...all) and any combination of attributes is selectable.
Command procedures
It is possible to select which attributes that should be exported. Only attributes that describe the configuration of the object are selectable, not RT and OS. Any number of attributes (1...all) and any combination of attributes is selectable.
Time channels
It is possible to select which attributes that should be exported. Only attributes that describe the configuration of the object are selectable, not RT. Any number of attributes (1...all) and any combination of attributes is selectable. Also activated objects are possible to export.
Event channels
It is possible to select which attributes are exported. Any number of attributes (1...all) and any combination of attributes is selectable. Also process objects activating this event channel is exported, including the activation criteria.
It is possible to select a physical directory from which pictures are searched. A new directory can be selected by means of a file chooser. The default directory is ./APL/ application_name/PICT. No graphics are exported, only in the form of SCIL programs. It is possible to select which picture components should be exported as follows: programs (background, draw, start, update, named): include/exclude
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picture functions: exclude/brief/full windows: exclude/brief/full function keys: exclude/brief/full Filtering based on the file name is possible e.g. file name = "A*". All files have the extension ".PIC". The filter is entered in a freely editable text field.
Picture functions
Picture function information can be either briefly or fully exported. Brief format: - name - standard function -x -y - all available information but following the filters given for programs/windows/function keys
Full format:
Window information can be either briefly or fully exported: Brief format: - name - type: internal/representation type picture/picture name library/library representation name
Full format:
Function keys
Function key information can be either briefly or fully exported: Brief format: -x -y - width - height - type - all available information
Full format:
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from can also be specified. This is done either by typing it in a freely editable text field, or by clicking the browse button ( ) and selecting the directory from the operating system relative file chooser dialog box.
Library representations
It is possible to select a library representation file (.PIR) from which representations are searched. A new file can be selected by means of a file chooser. The default library representation file is ./APL/application_name/APL_/APL_STAND.PIR Filtering based on the name and type is possible e.g. file name = "A*" and type = figure. All information in form of SCIL programs can be exported.
Selection profiles
It is possible to store the data selection profile for later reuse. Selection profiles in an application are saved to an application specific file \apl\apl_name\par\apl\Exptprof.ini. This is done through clicking Edit selection profile, changing the selection profile and choosing 6DYH or 6DYH $V from the 3URILOH menu. These selection profiles are seen as items in the list under "Selection profile:" in the Data Export Tool. Selection profiles can be exported for transfer from one application to another with the export command. By export the selection profiles are saved as text files with the extension .spf. A selection profile saved in this way can be imported into another application with the import command on the 3URILOH menu. A free number of profiles can be defined by the Data Export Tool and stored. The selection profile includes the following information: Comment. included object types (defined in the Data section). object type specific selection filters: process objectsSCIL condition (group, index separately) scales SCIL condition data objects SCIL condition command procedures SCIL condition time channels SCIL condition event channels SCIL condition pictures directory, mask VSO files directory, mask representations library path, representation type data to include per object as defined by the Data section. The selection profiles are represented by a logical name (free text) in the tool. The selection profiles are stored in two parameter files. One file contains standard profiles developed by ABB and these profiles cannot be changed. The other file is created by the tool if user defined profiles are created. These profiles are saved in the file \APLPAR\Exptprof.ini.
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9. Documentation tool
Document generator
The Document Generator is based on Microsoft Access 97. The Document Generator includes easily modifiable document frames (e.g. headers, footers, etc.) and a ready made document template which can be used directly to produce documents.
Sorting objects
Different type of objects can be sorted in the document according to the following criteria one at a time. Attributes are given within parenthesis. Process Objects: - object type (PT) - logical name (LN) and index (IX) - unit number (UN) and object address (OA) - object identifier (OI) - logical name (LN) - scaling algorithm (SA) - logical name (LN) - time channel (TC) - execution priority (EP) - queue number (PQ) - logical name (LN) - time channel (TC) - execution priority (EP) - queue number (PQ) - logical name (LN) - execution cycle (CY(2)) - logical name (LN) - picture name - name - type - file name
Data Objects:
Command Procedures:
Time Channels: Event Channels: Pictures: Library Representations: Visual SCIL Object Files:
Generating documents
After application data has been exported to a MS Access database, documents can be generated from reports or with the help of a wizard. The database template contains a set of reports for each type of objects or files. The wizard is made up of a dialog where the user checks a category of objects to be documented.
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Check the type of report to be generated and click the 1H[W button. If process objects were checked, the user is asked to select a type of process object report. Check an alternative and click 1H[W. If Pictures were checked, the user is asked to select what type of report is to be generated (general or brief). In the next dialog the user is asked to choose how the data is to be sorted. Check an alternative and click 1H[W. If there is nothing to document a dialog informs that table is empty otherwise a document containing the selected application data is generated.
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The generated reports can be saved/exported in different formats. Saving the document in rich text format (*.rtf) allows the data to be inserted into text documents. A generated report can be saved as a separate database.
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10. Text Translation Tool
File formats
The tool is used to translate texts stored in files. The tool supports the following file formats: Files exported from VSO files. VSO files. LIB 5xx texts - list format. LIB 5xx texts - variable format. LIB 5xx texts - SPACOM module event texts. LIB 5xx texts - text profile format (RED module event texts). LIB 5xx - help files (ASCII text files). LIB 5xx menu configuration files. Base System tools Windows Initialisation file format. Base System tools text file format for language dependent texts.
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)LJ 7KH 7H[W 7UDQVODWLRQ 7RRO E\ ZKLFK WH[WV LQ YVR ILOHV /,% WH[W ILOHV IRU ODQJXDJH GHSHQGHQW WH[WV DQG :LQGRZV ,QLWLDOLVDWLRQ ILOHV FDQ EH WUDQVODWHG WR RWKHU ODQJXDJHV The buttons in the Text Translation Tool toolbar, from the left, are: Exit. Open. Save. Initialise. Move to next line. Import texts. Export texts. Compare. Add language. Delete edited language. Use keywords. Dictionary settings. Edit keywords.
The following mnemonics make it more convenient to use the main window (in Figure 10.3.-1) controls: ALT + R ALT + I ALT + S ALT + X Moves the focus inside the dialog box to the Reference Language combo box. Moves the focus inside the dialog box to the Edited Language combo box. Moves the focus inside the dialog box to the list box containing the language texts. Moves the focus inside the dialog box to the Edit text box.
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To exit, choose ([LW from the )LOH menu, click the leftmost button on the tool bar or click the rightmost button in the upper right corner of the dialog box.
File selection
The tool provides fast navigation to standard directories from which the files can be chosen. The navigation is done in a tree structure, which reflects the directory structure. The tree shows the directories starting from the SC directory. When a new directory or file is added after first time use of the Text Translation Tool, the file or directory will not be visible in the file navigator until the Refresh button is pressed in the dialog. To open a file in standard directories: Choose 2SHQ from the )LOH menu. Navigate the tree structure and select a file. Click the 2SHQ button.
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The editing of the texts in the (GLWHG /DQJXDJH column can be started.
Adding languages
To add a new language: Choose $GG from the /DQJXDJH menu. Enter a new language code following ISO 639 standard or select a language from the list. Click 2. or $SSO\ if several languages are to be added. Select the language from the Edited Language drop-down list box in the Text Translation Tool.
Editing texts
To edit the text: In the Edited Language column, click the cell you want to edit. Type the correct text in the (GLW WH[W: field. Select the next cell.
Long texts
The Warn about long texts -option in the Texts menu of the TTT warns when the edited text is longer that the reference text. This option can be disabled by clicking on it, the default is enabled.
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Font setting
Different fonts can be used in the TTT. To set a font: Choose 6HW )RQW from the 7H[WV menu. The Font Setting Tool appears. Select a font and click 2..
Saving file
The edited texts can be saved. To save: Choose 6DYH from the )LOH menu.
Compressing file
Files can be compressed in TTT. The original as well as the new size is shown in a dialog box after the operation. The compression removes unnecessary data from the file, so it is useful to compress a file, for example after deleting an edited language. To compress a file: Select &RPSUHVV )LOH from the 7RROV menu.
Exporting Texts
The texts in the edited language can be exported to a text file. All texts in the chosen edited language in the whole VSO file are exported. Different languages in the same VSO file can be exported to the same file. Texts of a VSO file can be exported into a separate text file and later imported back, for example into a newer version of the VSO file with language dependent text. The export operation can also be done at the same time to all the VSO files in a selected folder and its subfolders.
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To export a single VSO file: Choose 2SHQ from the )LOH menu. When exporting a single file, the file needs to be opened to the TTT first. Choose 962 ([SRUW from the 7H[WV menu. The Select Export Options dialog box, shown in Figure 10.3.13.-1, appears.
)LJ 7KH 6HOHFW ([SRUW 2SWLRQV GLDORJ ER[ Under ([SRUW 7\SH, click 0DQXDO. The other two options are for exporting several files. Select the language by clicking 6HOHFW. The Add Language dialog box appears. Instructions for using the dialog box are in Section 10.3.4, steps 2-4. Click 2.. The file chooser dialog box appears. Choose the destination folder and type the name of the txt file to the 6DYH DV text box. The default name of the text file is same as the VSO file, with the extension "txt". The default folder is the same as the one that was used in last import or export action. Click SDYH to save the file and close the dialog box, or $SSO\ to just to save the file without closing the dialog box. Apply makes it possible to save the file to several locations without having to repeat the steps 2-6. Exporting several VSO files may take several minutes and load the workstations processor enough to remarkably slower its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this operation while running a process.
To Export several VSO files: Choose VSO Export from the Texts menu. The Select Export Options dialog box, shown in Figure 10.3.13.-1, appears. Click $XWRPDWLF DVN EHIRUH SURFHVVLQJ HDFK ILOH or $XWRPDWLF DVVXPH \HV IRU DOO TXHVWLRQV. The first option stops before processing each file to ask
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whether it is okay to proceed. The second option processes files automatically without asking any questions. Select the language by clicking 6HOHFW. The Add Language dialog box appears. Instructions for using the dialog box are in Section 10.3.4, steps 2-4. Click 2.. The file chooser dialog box appears. Select the export source folder. All the VSO files under that folder and its subfolders are included in the export. A subfolder is created to store the generated text files (*.vtx). The subfolder is created into the original file location folder and is named LangY, where Y is the language number got from the language cross-reference file sc\lib4\base\bbone\use\bgu_lxref.txt. After the export operation of several VSO files has finished, an Export Summary dialog box appears. Information of summary dialog boxes and the reports in them is found in Section 10.3.18.
Importing texts
Texts can be imported from two sources: Another file of the same type, e.g. another version of the same file. Text export/import file (see exporting texts in Section 10.3.11). Texts can be imported in two ways: Manually into one file at a time, by selecting the import source file by means of a file chooser. Automatically into one or several files. Importing texts manually into one file means that texts are imported from a file, which is selected by means of a file chooser, into the file, which is being translated. Importing texts in this way can be done for all file types. The tool gives a warning if the source file name is different from the destination file name. Importing texts automatically into one or several files means that texts are imported into all files selected in the file navigator, from files of same name in another directory. When importing texts automatically the source directory must first be selected. The tool also provides a list of files/texts, which were not found in the source directory. This list can be printed or saved to file. The tool provides the option to break at each file so that the user can check and acknowledge the automatic translation. When importing texts to VSO files automatically, the user can select whether to import from text files or VSO files. When importing from text files, the same file name is assumed, but with the extension TXT or VTX. When importing texts into VSO files or menu configuration files, the language of the source and destination must match. The criterion for importing a text is that Object and Text ID are the same for source and destination. Importing several files may take several minutes and load the workstations processor enough to remarkably slower its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this operation while running a process.
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To import: Choose ,PSRUW from the 7H[WV menu. In the appearing 6HOHFW ,PSRUW 2SWLRQV dialog, check suitable options for the import action. Click 2. to proceed. Choose the text file using the file chooser that appears. The default file name is the same as the VSO file, with the extension "txt". The default folder is the one that was used in last import or export action. A warning is shown if the texts imported were originally exported from a VSO file with another name than the one currently being edited. Click 2.. After the import operation has finished, the Import Summary dialog box shown in Figure 10.3.18.-1 appears.
Exporting to database
Exporting to a database is a mechanism for exporting all files in one folder and all of its subfolders to a single text file, i.e. a database. The database makes it easier to create dictionary files and also makes it possible to edit the language files in, for example Microsoft Access or Excel. The dictionary in described in Section 10.4. The export handles the type of language files listed in Section 10.2. Exporting to a database may take several minutes and load the workstations processor enough to remarkably slower its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this operation while running a process.
To export: Select ([SRUW from the 'DWDEDVH menu, the Database Options dialog box appears. Type the operating system relative path and the folder name to the 6RXUFH text box or click %URZVH, next to the Source text box, in order to select the path and the folder with the file chooser. Type the operating system relative path and the name of the English source folder to the (QJOLVK 6RXUFH text box or click %URZVH, next to the English Source text box, in order to select the path and the folder with the file chooser. Type the operating system relative path and the name of the destination file, i.e. the database, to the 'HVWLQDWLRQ text box or click %URZVH, next to the destination text box, in order to select the path and the file with the file chooser. The destination file is always in .txt format. The file can already exist or it can be a new file that is created during the export operation.
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Choose the separator from the 6HSDUDWRU drop-down list box. The choices are semicolon, tab and fixed. An example of how the semicolon separator looks like in the database is shown in Figure 10.3.16.-1. The tab separator displays a tab instead of the semicolon and the fixed separator displays the unused characters, out of maximum number reserved for the particular file information, as spaces. Select the language by clicking 6HOHFW. The Add Language dialog box appears. Instructions for using the dialog box are in Section 10.3.4, steps 2-4. Under Handle existing file(s), select Overwrite or Append by clicking on the appropriate option button. Overwrite literally overwrites all information in an existing destination file and Append appends all the information that is missing in an existing destination file. Click 2. to start the export operation. After the export operation has finished, an Export Summary dialog box appears. The report in the dialog box shows the following information: File name and text id where the chosen separator was present in contents. Information if any of the file information elements was too long. Information of summary dialog boxes and the reports in them is found in Section 10.3.16.
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)LJ $Q H[DPSOH RI D GDWDEDVH RSHQHG LQ 1RWHSDG ,Q WKLV GDWDEDVH WKH VHPLFRORQ KDV EHHQ FKRVHQ DV D VHSDUDWRU IRU WKH URZ LGV SDWKV ILOHQDPHV HWF The database is in such a format that is possible to import to, for example Microsoft Access or Excel. For this, a header is needed with information about drive, path, language, exported date and time. The header information is 10 lines starting with the character #, as shown in Figure 10.3.16.-1 and Figure 10.3.16.-2. The compatibility of the database with, for example Microsoft Access makes it possible to create mechanisms for such tasks as automatically combining already translated texts with the latest English versions of files containing language dependent texts.
)LJ $Q H[DPSOH RI KRZ D GDWDEDVH ORRNV OLNH ZKHQ LPSRUWHG WR 0LFURVRIW ([FHO DV DQ ([FHO VKHHW Importing from a database may take several minutes and load the workstations processor enough to remarkably slower its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this operation while running a process.
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To import: Select ,PSRUW from the 'DWDEDVH menu, the Database Options dialog box appears. Type the operating system relative path and the database name to the 6RXUFH text box or click %URZVH, next to the Source text box, in order to select the path and the file with the file chooser. Type the operating system relative path and the name of the English source folder to the (QJOLVK 6RXUFH text box or click %URZVH, next to the English Source text box, in order to select the path and the folder with the file chooser. Type the operating system relative path and the destination folder name to the 'HVWLQDWLRQ text box or click %URZVH, next to the destination text box, in order to select the path and the folder with the file chooser. Choose the separator from the 6HSDUDWRU drop-down list box. The choices are semicolon, tab and fixed. An example of how the semicolon separator looks like in the database is shown in Figure 10.3.16.-1. The tab separator displays a tab instead of the semicolon and the fixed separator displays the unused characters, out of maximum number reserved for the particular file information, as spaces. Select the language by clicking 6HOHFW, the Add Language dialog box appears. Instructions for using the dialog box are found in Section 10.3.4, steps 2-4. Under Handle existing ids, select Overwrite all existing text ids or Overwrite only empty text ids by clicking on the appropriate option button. Overwrite all ids literally overwrites all ids in the destination folder and Overwrite only empty ids overwrites all the missing ids in the destination folder. Click OK to start the import operation. A report is shown after an import from the database. The report informs about: Any empty text id in a language that is not empty in the English version. If there is any attribute or file in other languages not present in the English version. Information of summary dialog boxes and the reports in them is found in Section 10.3.18.
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;MODIFYED : 99-07-26 ; ;TTT version 1.6.13 99-01-31 ;DESCRIPTION: This is texts for the event list pictures ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
A report is generated every time an import or export operation has been done. The report shows erroneous and missing Text Ids, see Figure 10.3.18.-1. The status of the text is displayed separately for each language. The header of the error list includes the following information: Time and date when the report was generated. The chosen options. Source and destination directories.
)LJ 7KLV ,PSRUW 6XPPDU\ GLDORJ ER[ LV DQ H[DPSOH RI D UHSRUW IURP DQ LPSRUW RSHUDWLRQ The command buttons in the dialog box in Figure 10.3.18.-1 allow saving and printing the report, as well as closing the dialog box. In Figure 10.3.18.-2 there is an example that includes the following error information: The Text Id MAIN*B_HELP was not translated in the imported file. The Text Id MAIN*L_COMPILED was not found from the imported file. This means that these two Text Ids have to be edited by the TTT. The Status may be: Absent destination Non-empty destination Absent source Empty source The text Id is not found from the destination file. The text was already in the destination file. The Text Id was not found from import file. The Text Id was empty in import file.
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)LJ $Q H[DPSOH RI D WUDQVODWLRQ SURFHVV 7KH QXPEHUV LQ WKH ER[HV UHSUHVHQW GLIIHUHQW YHUVLRQV RI WH[WV EHLQJ WKH ODWHVW YHUVLRQ The summary of differences is a result of language file compare operation. The compare operation can be done between two different versions of files in the same language. In Figure 10.3.19.-1, for example the differences in versions 1.1 and 1.1.2 of English language files are compared in TTT before starting to translate the whole English file version 1.1.2 all over again. From the summary of differences the translator (the person who makes the translations) can see the language dependent texts that have been added to the English file 1.1.2 version. Since the English file version 1.1 has already been translated to another language, the translator only needs to translate the new English texts in the English file version 1.1.2.
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The compare operation may take several minutes and load the workstations processor enough to remarkably slower its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this operation while running a process.
To compare two different version of a file in a selected language: Select &RPSDUH from the 7H[WV menu, the Compare options dialog box appears. Type the operating system relative path and the database name to the )LUVW VRXUFH GLUHFWRU\ text box or click %URZVH, next to the text box, in order to select the path and the file with the file chooser. Type the operating system relative path and the database name to the 6HFRQG VRXUFH GLUHFWRU\ text box or click %URZVH, next to the text box, in order to select the path and the file with the file chooser. Select the language by clicking 6HOHFW, the Add Language dialog box appears. Instructions for using the dialog box are found in Section 10.3.4, steps 2-4. Click &RPSDUH WH[W LG YDOXHV and/or ,QFOXGH VXEGLUHFWRULHV in order to compare also language dependent texts and include subdirectories to the compare operation. Click 2. to start the compare operation. When the compare operation is finished, the summary of differences is displayed. Information of summary dialog boxes and the reports in them is found in Section 10.3.18. Figure 10.3.19.-2 shows a more detailed description of the different phases in the simplified translation operation.
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The tool manages a dictionary, which can contain words and phrases in different languages. This dictionary can be edited by means of the tool. The dictionary can be used to translate individual texts as well as all texts of a file. In this case all words and phrases which are found in the dictionary are translated. The dictionary contains the following functionality: Add a new word. Paste copied text from TTT. Delete a word. Erase all words from one language. Export the words and translations (in one language) to a text file or database. Import the words and translations (in one language) from a text file or database. Search for and replace a word. Sort the dictionary in alphabetic order by each language.
The TTT contains Use Dictionary functionality, by which translations found in the dictionary are used. An English version of a dictionary can be built from a database, after importing all files (i.e. c:\sc\) with language support to a database. For instructions on exporting to a database, see Section 10.3.15. An English version of a dictionary is an empty dictionary, with only the English words. All unique strings from the file (database) should be written to the dictionary when importing from an exported database to a dictionary.
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Edit dictionary
To add or modify the dictionary there is a Dictionary Editor, see Figure 10.4.1.-1, that is accessed from the Text Translation Tool.
)LJ 7KH 'LFWLRQDU\ (GLWRU GLDORJ ER[ The buttons in the Dictionary Editor toolbar, from the left, are: Exit. Import from file. Export to file. Add new word. Delete current word. Move to next cell. Add language. Delete current language.
To use dictionary: Choose 8VH .H\ZRUGV from the 'LFWLRQDU\ menu. All occurrences of referenced language entries in the dictionary imports the corresponding translation into the edited file. If there are two different translations available for a text(s) in the same language the dialog box shown in Figure 10.4.1.-2 appears. In the dialog box select the correct translation for the text(s) from the $OO WUDQVODWLRQV OLVW and click 2.. It is also possible to cancel the translation of a single word and proceed with the
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operation by clicking &DQFHO WKLV XQLW. &DQFHO WUDQVODWLRQ cancels the whole Use Keywords operation.
)LJ 7KH 5HVROYH 7UDQVODWLRQ $PELJXLW\ GLDORJ ER[ To edit dictionary settings: Choose 6HWWLQJV from the 'LFWLRQDU\ menu. The Dictionary Settings dialog box appears. Select suitable options. Click 2.. To find/replace text: Choose )LQG5HSODFH from )LOH menu. The Find/Replace dialog box appears. Before choosing Find/Replace it is also possible to select a just part of the text to be searched. Type the text to be searched to the )LQG ZKDW text box or select an already searched string from the drop-down list. If the found word should also be replaced, type the replacement word to the 5HSODFH ZLWK text box or select an already used replacement string from the drop down list. Select suitable search options below the Replace with: text box. Click )LQG )LUVW or 5HSODFH $OO to replace all matching words right away.
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If Find First was selected in step 5 and a match case found, the matching word can be replaced by clicking 5HSODFH. New Search starts a new search from step 2. To edit dictionary: Choose (GLW .H\ZRUGV from the 'LFWLRQDU\ menu. The Dictionary Editor dialog box appears. To add a language to the dictionary, choose $GG ODQJXDJH from the /DQJXDJH menu. Select desired language from the list. Click OK. To select reference language, choose 6HOHFW 5HIHUHQFH /DQJXDJH submenu from the /DQJXDJH menu. Select an option in the list by clicking. To select edited language, choose 6HOHFW (GLWHG /DQJXDJH submenu from the /DQJXDJH menu. Select an option in the list by clicking. To add a new entry into dictionary, choose $GG 1HZ :RUG from the :RUG menu. An empty cell is selected. Type the new word. To delete an entry in the dictionary, select the cell (row) containing the word to be deleted. Choose 'HOHWH &XUUHQW :RUG from the :RUG menu. To save the dictionary, choose 6DYH 'LFWLRQDU\ from the )LOH menu. If ([LW on the )LOH menu is done without saving, the user is asked to confirm the action. To export a dictionary: Choose (GLW .H\ZRUGV from the 'LFWLRQDU\ menu (In Text Translation Tool). Choose ([SRUW WR ILOH from the )LOH menu. In the 6DYH $V dialog, select appropriate directory and enter a filename without file extension. Click 6DYH button. The file gets extension .dic by default. To import a dictionary: Choose (GLW .H\ZRUGV from the 'LFWLRQDU\ menu. Choose ,PSRUW IURP )LOH from the )LOH menu. Select directory and file (*.dic). Click 2SHQ. Entries of referenced language not found in the edited dictionary are imported. The import from database operation may take several minutes and load the workstations processor enough to remarkably slower its operation. Therefore it is not advisable to perform this operation while running a process
To import from a database: Choose (GLW .H\ZRUGV from the 'LFWLRQDU\ menu.
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Choose Import from 'DWDEDVH from the )LOH menu. The file chooser dialog box appears. Select the database (*.txt) to be imported to the dictionary with the file chooser. Click 2SHQ to save the file and close the dialog box, or $SSO\ to just to save the file without closing the dialog box. Apply makes it possible to import several databases without having to repeat the steps 2-3.
Text of VS objects
Texts of the objects VS_PROGRAM_EDITOR and VS_NOTICE_DIALOG can be translated by translating the texts in the file stdlang.vso, which is located in ../sc/ prog/exec folder. In the stdlang.vso file are texts in English (EN). They are meant to be used only for referencing, so modifying these texts has no effect. If the language in the monitor is English EN, the default texts are used. In the stdlang.vso file are also examples, texts in Finnish (FI) for VS_PROGRAM_EDITOR.
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\SC\STOOL\MISC The User Interface part. USER_PAR DMT appearance settings and file sets. This file does not have to exist. If necessary, it is created automatically with default values and no file sets. The Execution log file. This file is automatically created by the Execution part if necessary.
\SC\STOOL\MISC The source code of command procedures, which make up the Execution Part. These procedures are created on the first startup of UI.
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Table 11.1.-2The base system objects normally created by the User Interface part
Command Procedure The main command procedure of the Execution part. Command Procedure Procedures called from both Execution and User Interface parts to perform specific tasks. They are never activated (IU = 0), but instead, their source code is executed using the function DO. Command Procedure The attribute IN is used to perform the exchange of the various data between the User Interface and the Execution parts. Command Procedure This procedure is generated by the UI part and contains the global settings used by EP, such as the locations of different files. Time Channel Event Channel This time channel is used for periodic activation of the Execution part. The index 1 is activated when EP passes one or more messages to UI.
The User Interface part checks these objects every time it starts up. If any of these objects is missing, or if one of the command procedures is older than the corresponding text file, the Execution part is updated and the user is informed about the update. DMT also modifies the attributes of event channel referenced by B_HDS:PAN10 by inserting and removing DMT_MAIN from the vector of activated objects. The process object itself is not modified. DMT creates the objects listed in Table 11.1.3, if they do not already exist or if one of them is missing.
Table 11.1.-3Objects created by DMT
Object name B_HDS BGU_HDS1_1 BGU_HDS BGU_HDSACT BGU_HDS BGU_HDSACT Object type Process Object Scale Object Description The index 10 is for LIB 500 HD Supervision/ Object to store the free space. Scale Object used to scale the value for the Process Object b_hds (1:1).
Command Procedure Procedure for the LIB 500 Hard Disk Supervision. Command Procedure This procedure is activated when HD size alarm is activated. Time Channel Event Channel Time Channel used for activation of disk space check, default 13:00 and cycle 24 h. Action channel for the LIB 500 Hard Disk Supervision.
The configuration of the User Interface part geometry, toolbar and other appearance settings are saved automatically when UI is closed. Activation settings and file sets are saved on demand of the user by the separate menu command. Activation settings are stored both in the parameter file and in base system objects.
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11.2. 11.2.1.
)LOH menu commands: Save This command saves current activation settings and file sets to the parameter file. Base system objects are updated according to the new activation settings. The leftmost toolbar button also corresponds to this command. This command opens the viewer dialog box to view the log created by the Execution part. Log messages are displayed as plain text, each one on a single line. Messages include date and time stamp, message type (information, caution and critical), and the message text. Information messages are those not requiring immediate attention, such as the number of processed files from
View log
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each file set, the time when the Execution part was started and so on. caution messages are logged when there is an I/O or other no-critical error, but the DMT is able to recover and continue execution. critical messages are logged when there is a critical error, which has caused the Execution part to stop. Note that the log viewer is able to display up to10000 messages of the log, so it is necessary to clear the log periodically. The log file is stored in the language-independent format. When it is viewed in the UI part, messages are translated using the current language. The second toolbar button corresponds to this command. Clear log This command empties the log file and immediately logs a message that the log file was cleared. The third toolbar button also corresponds to this command. Run now This command activates the Execution part immediately, if it is not already running. If there are unsaved changes in file sets or activation settings, the tool prompts whether to save them prior to activating the Execution part. The fourth toolbar button also corresponds to this command. View messages This command shows the dialog box containing recent messages received from the Execution part. The dialog box also opens automatically when a new critical or caution message is received. See Section Execution part messages on page 177 for more detailed description of the message dialog. Exit This command closes the UI dialog box. If there are unsaved changes in file sets or activation settings, the tool prompts whether to save them. $UFKLYH menu commands: Open This command allows the user to view and extract files from archives created by the Execution part. See Section Archive dialog on page 178 for the description of the archive-handling dialog. 2SWLRQV menu commands: Toolbar Visible This option toggles the toolbar state. +HOS menu commands: About This command opens the About information sheet.
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The toolbar buttons in the main dialog box have the following functions:
Table 11.2.-1
Corresponds to the Save command in the File menu. Corresponds to the View log command in the File menu. Corresponds to the Clear log command in the File menu. Corresponds to the Run now command in the File menu.
Activation settings
The following activation methods are supported by the DMT: The time-based activation (daily, weekly or monthly). The activation based on LIB 500 disk space alarm. These options are independent of each other, but only one instance of the Execution part may run at a time. Therefore, if the Execution part was triggered by the disk space alarm or manually, and has not finished before the time-based activation has occurred, then the time-based activation is ignored. Setting a daily, weekly or monthly activation in the main dialog box: Select the Activation schedule check box in order to activate the option buttons. See Figure 11.2.1.-1. Click 'DLO\ DW, :HHNO\ DW or 0RQWKO\ DW, depending on which kind of activation is preferred. Type the time of the day for the activation in the freely editable text box next to the option button. The time must be typed in 24 hour format, e.g. 16:30. For the Daily at activation, in addition to the time of the day, also the day of the week has to be selected from the drop-down list box next to the time text box. For the Monthly at activation, in addition to the time of the day, also the date has to be selected from the spin box next to the time text box. The monthly activation will be ignored on months, which do not contain the selected day. For example, the Execution part will not be activated on February, if the 30th day is selected. Setting activation on disk space alarm is done by selecting the $FWLYDWH RQ GLVN VSDFH DODUP check box. The disk space alarm limit can be adjusted with the LI attribute of the process object 10 in the B_HDS process object group, see the Application Objects manual for more detailed information on adjusting the attribute. Changing B_HDS process object group also effects LIB 5xx since it uses the same group. If LIB 5xx is installed after adjusting the LI attribute, the LIB 5xx default value will replace the adjusted value.
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File sets
Each file set consists of the following attributes: Source path This is the directory specification, where source files are located. It can be application-relative or operating system-dependent absolute path. File mask This attribute is the pattern of the file names to operate on. It is also possible to specify several patterns separated by semicolon. The DMT correctly handles file names matching more than one pattern. For example, if A*.* and *.PHD are specified, APL_991004.PHD will be processed only once. Action One of the following actions can be performed by DMT on file sets: Delete Deletes all files matching the pattern and criteria. Move Moves all files matching the pattern and criteria to another location. Compress Places all files matching the pattern and criteria into the archive and deletes original ones if the operation was successful. The archive file name can be a maximum of eight characters long, excluding the extension. The extension can be freely chosen and a maximum of three characters long. Character selection for both the archive name and the extension follow the standard DOS file naming convension. Note that for the compression operation to succeed, the amount of free disk space on the drive where MicroSCADA is installed needs to be more than twice the size of the files to be compressed. Action Destination This attribute is only applied for Move and Compress actions. For Move action, it specifies the directory, where to move the affected files. For the Compress action, it specifies the destination archive file. The archive name can be a maximum of eight characters long, excluding the three character extension, because the destination file name is given as an argument to AR.EXE. Criteria One of the following criteria can be checked by DMT to find out whether to process the file set: Time All files older than the specified time stamp and matching the pattern are processed. Size If the size of any file matching the pattern is greater than the specified limit, the file is processed. Criteria value This is the number of criteria units, selected for the file set. This value must be between 1 and 999. Criteria unit The following units are applied to the Time criteria: day month year
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The following units are applied to the Size criteria: KB Kilobyte, is equivalent to 1 000 bytes. MB Megabyte, is equivalent to 1 000 000 bytes. GB Gigabyte, is equivalent to 1 000 000 000 bytes. File sets are processed by the Execution part in the same order as they are listed in the UI main window. Two buttons, Move up and Move down, allow changing the order.
Status bar
The status bar, on the bottom of the main dialog box, consists of two parts. The status of the UI part is displayed in the leftmost part of the bar. The rightmost part of the status bar displays the state of the Execution part, whether it is running and which version it is.
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The File Set Properties dialog box contains dialog items for all attributes described in the File sets section. Browse buttons ( ) pop up a file chooser allowing selecting the directory or file specification.
Select the appropriate $FWLRQ for processing the files included in the file mask. The drop-down list box gives the options 'HOHWH, &RPSUHVV and 0RYH. For Move and Compress actions also 'HVWLQDWLRQ SDWK has to be defined. Type the path in the freely editable text box or click on the browse button to select the path by file chooser. For Compress action a file name for the archive file needs to be defined in addition to the destination path, for example \sc\temp\ In the &ULWHULD group box, click 2OGHU WKDQ to select time criteria or 2FFXS\ PRUH WKDQ to select space criteria. Select the criteria value from its respective spin box and unit from its respective drop-down list box. Click 2. to accept the settings.
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The OK button propagates the new file set to the main dialog box and then closes the File Set Properties dialog box. The Cancel button abandons any changes and closes the dialog box. If there are unsaved modifications, the tool prompts whether to save them.
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The dialog box shows the message status icon, the time stamp, the message text, and the SCIL status code if any. These messages are not stored permanently. When the main dialog box is closed, they are automatically removed. The Close command button closes the dialog box. The Clear command button removes all messages from the list, but they still remain in the log file. The 2SHQ WKLV GLDORJ XSRQ LQFRPLQJ FULWLFDO DQG FDXWLRQ PHVVDJHV check box allows turning off the dialog box popup. If this option is turned on, then incoming information messages are placed into the list, but the dialog box is not automatically opened. However, the last message sent by the Execution part opens the dialog box regardless of the message status.
Archive dialog
The Archive dialog box handles archives created and updated by the Execution part. It allows deleting compressed file sets and extracting individual files from archives. The appearance of the Archive dialog box is shown in Figure 11.2.3.-1.
The Source file text box shows the name and the path of the currently open archive. The corresponding browse button allows selecting another archive. The leftmost list contains ids of compressed file sets in the first column. Ids are 4digit numbers assigned in the ascending order. The result of the first compression receives the id 0000, the next one has the id 0001, and so on. Other two list columns contain the original and the compressed size of the whole data.
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The rightmost group box displays the following information related to the selected file set: Time stamp, the date/time when the compression was performed. Location, the original location of files. File mask, the file mask of the file set. Condition, the condition used to select files. The list, that shows the name and the original size for each file.
The Reread command button forces the tool to reread the contents of the archive. It is useful to reflect changes made by the recent activation of the Execution part. The Extract files... command button allows to extract all or only selected files from one file set at a time. When this button is clicked, a dialog box appears, which allows changing the destination directory. The Delete file set button allows deleting one or more selected file sets. There is no way to delete individual files from a compressed file set.
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About ........................................................................................................................... 172 About dialog box ........................................................................................................... 57 Action .......................................................................................................................... 174 Action Destination ....................................................................................................... 174 Activate on disk space alarm ....................................................................................... 173 Activating DMT .......................................................................................................... 169 Active fonts ................................................................................................................... 77 Active tab ...................................................................................................................... 77 Adding 3LFWXUHV ................. .................................................................................................... 75 7RROV ...................... .................................................................................................... 70 8VHU 'HILQHG 7RROV .................................................................................................... 71 Adding New File Sets .................................................................................................. 176 Alarm ........................................................................................................................... 119 Alarm count ................................................................................................................... 29 Alarm picture queue ...................................................................................................... 29 APL ............................................................................................................................... 65 APL_INIT_1 ................................................................................................................. 23 APL_INIT_2 ................................................................................................................. 23 Append ........................................................................................................................ 158 Application ..............................................................................................................1, 118 Application Monitor ...................................................................................................... 11 Application software ..................................................................................................... 65 Application states .......................................................................................................... 29 Archive dialog box ...................................................................................................... 178 Automatic Logon ............................................................................................................. 6 Automatic MicroSCADA Startup ................................................................................... 6 Automatic Monitor Startup ............................................................................................ 20 Automatic periodic triggering ..................................................................................... 169 Automatic printout ...................................................................................................... 116 Automatic triggering ................................................................................................... 169 Autostart .......................................................................................................................... 6
Backup ........................................................................................................................... 64 Base System .................................................................................................................... 1 &RQILJXUDWLRQ 7RRO .................................................................................................... 31 Base System Configuration ........................................................................................... 27 Break point .................................................................................................................... 40 Buffer ............................................................................................................................. 48 Buffer memories ............................................................................................................ 30
Carrier Detect .............................................................................................................. 116 Clear log ...................................................................................................................... 172 Clear to Send ............................................................................................................... 116 Closing %DVH 6\VWHP &RPSXWHU ............................................................................................... 15 Cold ............................................................................................................................... 29 Color Setting .................................................................................................................. 86
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Combined ...................................................................................................................... 95 Command Lines ............................................................................................................ 92 Command procedures ................................................................................................... 67 Communication equipment ........................................................................................... 36 Communication frontend .............................................................................................. 36 Communication loop ..................................................................................................... 40 Compact Test Dialog ................................................................................................... 101 Compare ...................................................................................................................... 162 Configuring Disk Management Tool .......................................................................... 169 Control Panel ................................................................................................................... 5 Create a Selection Profile ............................................................................................ 139 Criteria ........................................................................................................................ 174 Criteria unit ................................................................................................................. 174 Criteria value ............................................................................................................... 174
Daily activation ........................................................................................................... 173 Data communication ................................................................................................... 115 Data Export Tool ................................................................................................. 133, 135 Data objects ................................................................................................................... 67 Data Reliability ........................................................................................................... 112 Data Structures .............................................................................................................. 93 Database ...................................................................................................................... 120 ([SRUW ................... .................................................................................................. 157 ,PSRUW ................... .................................................................................................. 158 DCP-NET unit ............................................................................................................... 36 Default Directory .......................................................................................................... 63 Deleting File Sets ........................................................................................................ 175 Deleting Tools ............................................................................................................... 75 Destination Path .......................................................................................................... 174 Diagnostic counters ..................................................................................................... 116 Dialogs ............................................................................................................................ 2 Disk Management Tool ............................................................................................... 169 DMT ............................................................................................................................ 169 Documentation Generator ........................................................................................... 133 Documentation Tool .................................................................................................... 133
Editing Existing File Sets ............................................................................................ 177 Error Handler ...............................................................................................................111 ERROR HANDLING ..................................................................................................111 Error handling policy ...................................................................................................111 Error Log ..................................................................................................................... 123 Error log ...................................................................................................................... 112 Error Viewer ................................................................................................................ 120 Errors ............................................................................................................................111 %DVH 6\VWHP /LQNV . .................................................................................................. 118 &RPPXQLFDWLRQ ..... .................................................................................................. 118 'DWDEDVH ............... .................................................................................................. 120 )DWDO (UURUV .......... .................................................................................................. 119 1(7 OLQHV .............. .................................................................................................. 116 1RGH &RPPLQLFDWLRQ ............................................................................................... 117 5HSRUWLQJ .............. .......................................................................................... 115, 126 Event channels .............................................................................................................. 67
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Fatal error .................................................................................................................... 119 Fields ............................................................................................................................. 92 File ................................................................................................................................. 63 File Access .................................................................................................................... 63 File Chooser .................................................................................................................. 64 File handling .................................................................................................................. 63 File mask ..................................................................................................................... 174 File set order ................................................................................................................ 175 File Set Properties ....................................................................................................... 175 File sets ........................................................................................................................ 174 Folder ............................................................................................................................. 63 Font 0RQLWRU .................. .................................................................................................... 11 Font configuration ......................................................................................................... 79 Font Setting tool ............................................................................................................ 76 Font Setting tool functions ............................................................................................ 76 Font table ....................................................................................................................... 81 FONTS .......................................................................................................................... 65 Forced Stop .................................................................................................................... 15 Four Letters Rule ........................................................................................................... 66 Frontend ......................................................................................................................... 36
GPS ................................................................................................................................ 32
Header ........................................................................................................................... 47 History buffer ................................................................................................................ 30 History Database ........................................................................................................... 30 HMI ............................................................................................................................... 25 Hot ................................................................................................................................. 29 Hot Stand By ................................................................................................................. 33 Human-Machine Interface ............................................................................................. 25
Icon ................................................................................................................................ 20
LAN ............................................................................................................................... 65 LI attribute ................................................................................................................... 173 Library representations .................................................................................................. 66 License information ....................................................................................................... 57 License Management Tool ............................................................................................ 56 Line communication fault ........................................................................................... 117 Logon ............................................................................................................................... 6
Main Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 171 Main program .............................................................................................................. 119
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MAIN_LICENSE .......................................................................................................... 56 Manual triggering ........................................................................................................ 169 Menu commands ......................................................................................................... 171 MetaFrame ................................................................................................................ 9, 13 MI ................................................................................................................................ 113 MicroSCADA font concept .......................................................................................... 76 MicroSCADA User ....................................................................................................... 49 Monitor 3UH 'HILQHG ........... .................................................................................................... 11 6HWWLQJ ................... .................................................................................................... 11 7\SHV ..................... .................................................................................................... 10 96 /RFDO ................ .................................................................................................... 10 96 PRQLWRUV ........... .................................................................................................... 10 96 5HPRWH ............. .................................................................................................... 10 Monitors .......................................................................................................................... 9 ,FRQ ....................... .................................................................................................... 20 Monitors.dat .................................................................................................................. 18 Monthly activation ...................................................................................................... 173 Moving file sets ........................................................................................................... 175 Moving Tools ................................................................................................................ 72 MS ............................................................................................................................... 113 M-Scope ........................................................................................................................ 76 Multifields ..................................................................................................................... 93
Navigation of file sets ................................................................................................. 177 NET lines .................................................................................................................... 116 NET SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................................. 26 NET System Messages ................................................................................................ 112 Network Name .............................................................................................................. 11 Node communication .................................................................................................. 117 Notification Window ................................................................................................... 124 Notify .............................................................................................................................. 6
Object Tools .................................................................................................................. 69 Obsolete marking ........................................................................................................ 116 OK status ..................................................................................................................... 112 Open ............................................................................................................................ 172 OPS_CALL ................................................................................................................... 20 Order of file sets .......................................................................................................... 175 OS ................................................................................................................................ 112 Outlook File ................................................................................................................ 102 OV ............................................................................................................................... 112 Overwrite .................................................................................................................... 158 $OO H[LVWLQJ WH[W LGV .................................................................................................. 160 2QO\ HPSW\ WH[W LGV .................................................................................................. 160
Pages ............................................................................................................................. 70 Passwords ...................................................................................................................... 51 Path ................................................................................................................................ 63 PCL ............................................................................................................................... 41 PC-NET unit ................................................................................................................. 36
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Performance ................................................................................................................. 169 Physical clock ................................................................................................................ 31 Pictures ......................................................................................................................2, 66 Pixel size ........................................................................................................................ 78 Predefined Monitor ........................................................................................................ 18 Printer buffer ................................................................................................................. 48 PRINTER CONTROL .................................................................................................. 48 Printer log ................................................................................................................47, 67 Printer number ............................................................................................................... 44 Printing .......................................................................................................................... 42 %XIIHUV ................... .................................................................................................... 48 +HDGHU ................... .................................................................................................... 47 3ULQWHU &RQILJXUDWLRQV ............................................................................................... 45 3ULQWHU &RQWURO ...... .................................................................................................... 49 3ULQWHU ORJ ............. .................................................................................................... 47 3ULQWHU QXPEHUV .... .................................................................................................... 44 3ULQWHU 6HUYLFHV ..... .................................................................................................... 49 3ULQWHU VWDWHV ......... .................................................................................................... 48 4XHXHV ................... .................................................................................................... 48 5HGLUHFWLQJ ............ .................................................................................................... 48 Printout ............................................................................................................. 43, 44, 48 Process database ......................................................................................................23, 67 Process event queue ....................................................................................................... 29 Processes .................................................................................................................6, 119 Procontrol ...................................................................................................................... 41 Product License ............................................................................................................. 56 PROG ............................................................................................................................ 65 Program Tracing ............................................................................................................ 99 Programs ..................................................................................................................67, 93
Queues $ODUP 3LFWXUH ........ .................................................................................................... 29 'HOD\HG H[HFXWLRQ . .................................................................................................... 30 (YHQW ...................... .................................................................................................... 29 (YHQW FKDQQHOV ...... .................................................................................................... 29 3DUDOOHO .................. .................................................................................................... 30 3ULQWLQJ ................. .................................................................................................... 48 3ULQWRXWV ................ .................................................................................................... 29 7LPH FKDQQHOV ........ .................................................................................................... 29
Radio clock .................................................................................................................... 31 Redundant Frontends ..................................................................................................... 37 Reliability of Data ....................................................................................................... 112 Report database ............................................................................................................. 67 RTU ............................................................................................................................... 41 Run now ...................................................................................................................... 172
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs ......................................................................................................... 41 Sample font type ............................................................................................................ 78 Save ............................................................................................................................. 171 SCIL size ....................................................................................................................... 78
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System Management
User s Guide
Screen savers ................................................................................................................. 26 SCS ................................................................................................................................ 65 Select All ..................................................................................................................... 175 Services ......................................................................................................................... 69 Shadowing ..................................................................................................................... 33 Shared resources ........................................................................................................... 51 Shut-down ................................................................................................................. 4, 14 Shutting Down %DVH 6\VWHP &RPSXWHU .............................................................................................. 15 )URQWHQGV .............. .................................................................................................... 15 SIN ................................................................................................................................ 41 Sindac ............................................................................................................................ 41 Source path .................................................................................................................. 174 SPA ................................................................................................................................ 41 SPACOM ....................................................................................................................... 41 STA ............................................................................................................................... 41 Startup &RPPXQLFDWLRQ )URQWHQGV .......................................................................................... 8 'LVDEOHG ................ .................................................................................................... 16 0DQXDO .................. ...................................................................................................... 5 0DQXDO 0LFUR6&$'$ 6WDUWXS ............................................................................... 5, 16 0LFUR6&$'$ ........ ...................................................................................................... 5 3URFHGXUHV ............ .................................................................................................... 22 7LPH &RQVXPSWLRQ .................................................................................................... 23 Startup Folder ................................................................................................................ 21 Startup Procedure ............................................................................................................ 3 Station ................................................................................................................... 41, 118 Status bar ............................................................................................................... 78, 175 Status codes ..................................................................................................................111 STOOL .......................................................................................................................... 65 Stopping 0LFUR6&$'$ ........ .................................................................................................... 14 Synchronize ................................................................................................................... 32 SYS ............................................................................................................................... 65 SYS_BASCON.COM ................................................................................................... 22 SYS_NETCON.COM ................................................................................................... 23 System information ....................................................................................................... 57 System time ................................................................................................................... 31 System Tools ................................................................................................................. 69
Terminal Server ......................................................................................................... 9, 13 Test Dialog .................................................................................................................... 91 Text files ........................................................................................................................ 68 Text Translation Tool .................................................................................................. 149 Time channels ......................................................................................................... 23, 67 Time Consumption ........................................................................................................ 23 Time format ................................................................................................................... 30 Time/Date Settings Tool ................................................................................................ 32 Tool information ............................................................................................................ 57 Tool Manager ................................................................................................................ 69 Tool Pages ..................................................................................................................... 70 Toolbar ........................................................................................................................ 173 'LFWLRQDU\ (GLWRU .. .................................................................................................. 165 7H[W 7UDQVODWLRQ 7RRO ............................................................................................... 150
System Management
User s Guide
SYS 500
UNC path ....................................................................................................................... 50 U-Scope ......................................................................................................................... 76 User Authorities ............................................................................................................ 54 User Interface .................................................................................................................. 2 User Management .......................................................................................................... 49 Users Group ................................................................................................................... 51 Using Disk Management Tool ..................................................................................... 171
View log ...................................................................................................................... 171 View messages ............................................................................................................ 172 VS Printer ...................................................................................................................... 11
Warm ............................................................................................................................. 29 Weekly activation ........................................................................................................ 173