Microscada System Configuration: 1Mrs751248-Men
Microscada System Configuration: 1Mrs751248-Men
Microscada System Configuration: 1Mrs751248-Men
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Notice 2
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Additional information such as Release Notes and Last Minute Remarks can be found
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Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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LONWORKS is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation.
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
All Microsoft products referenced in this document are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpo-
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Configuration Manual
The following MicroSCADA technology manuals are published with this software
Connecting LONWORKS Devices to MicroSCADA 1MRS751249-MEN
System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
System Objects 1MRS751252-MEN
Application Objects 1MRS751253-MEN
Programming Language SCIL 1MRS751250-MEN
Status Codes 1MRS751251-MEN
ABB Automation
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual
1 Introduction .................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Description..............................................................................1
1.2 Configuration Principles .......................................................................6
5 Base Systems............................................................................... 29
5.1 Configuring a Base System ...............................................................29
5.2 Communicating Applications..............................................................33
6 MicroSCADA Networks................................................................ 39
6.1 Global Definitions...............................................................................39
6.2 Object Numbering..............................................................................41
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MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Configuration Manual
10 Peripherals.................................................................................... 67
10.1 Printers.............................................................................................. 67
10.2 Other Peripherals .............................................................................. 73
11 Configuring Stations.................................................................... 77
11.1 General Principles ............................................................................. 77
11.2 Stations Using ANSI X3.28 Protocol.................................................. 79
11.2.1 MicroSCADA Configuration......................................................... 79
11.2.2 SRIO Configuration..................................................................... 86
11.3 S.P.I.D.E.R. and Collector RTUs ....................................................... 89
11.3.1 MicroSCADA Configuration......................................................... 89
11.3.2 RTU Configuration ...................................................................... 93
11.4 Stations in the LONWORKS Network................................................ 93
13 Miscellaneous............................................................................. 121
13.1 System Message Handling.............................................................. 121
13.2 Auto-dialing ..................................................................................... 124
13.3 Time Synchronisation ...................................................................... 126
13.4 Storing the Event History................................................................. 128
13.4.1 History Database ...................................................................... 128
13.4.2 Event Log.................................................................................. 129
ABB Automation
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Configuration Manual
Customer Feedback
ABB Automation
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
This manual gives you information on the various configuration settings that you have
to make in order to take your MicroSCADA system in use. It also describes how to
use the configuration tools, which are available in current release.
This chapter introduces the MicroSCADA system concepts and the system configura-
tion principles:
1.1 The first section provides a summary of the MicroSCADA system with empha-
sise on the concepts which are essential when configuring MicroSCADA: the
base systems, the process data communication system, the connection of de-
vices to a distributed network, etc.
Base Systems
The MicroSCADA base systems are control centres that contain the supervisory con-
trol and monitoring functions of MicroSCADA. The tasks of a base system are to
collect all process-related data from the stations into the process database, distribute
the information and to send control commands via the NET communication units.
Each base system is composed of a base system computer including base system soft-
ware. The base system computer is a standard PC running the Windows NT™i oper-
ating system. The MicroSCADA base system software comprises the MicroSCADA
kernel, a number of facility programs, engineering and system handling tools, con-
figuration software and application software.
The MicroSCADA kernel, as well as most of the engineering and system handling
tools, is the same in all base systems independently of the application area and the
extent of use.
The configuration software is specified for the base system in question and adapted to
the device configuration of the entire MicroSCADA system.
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MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
1 Introduction Configuration Manual
A base system may contain one or more applications. An application includes appli-
cation software and databases. The application software specifies the functions of the
MicroSCADA base system as a supervisory control system. The application software
is adapted for a certain process and for the user’s needs regarding the level of infor-
mation, user interface, control operations, and so on. A base system can run several
applications in parallel.
The process communication system connects the application software in the base
systems with the process stations, which gather the process data, and performs the
control commands. In addition, it may interconnect several base systems as well as
base systems and printers.
LANs may be used for connecting base systems with other base systems, base systems
with frontends, and base systems with workstations.
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Configuration Manual 1 Introduction
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1 Introduction Configuration Manual
The workstations are connected via LAN or via remote connections, which use the
operating system feature RAS.
The printers are connected to the base system computers, to a LAN via printer servers,
or to the process communication system.
Radio clocks for external clock synchronisation may be connected to the base sys-
tems, to NETs, and to the frontends.
MicroSCADA Networks
4 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 1 Introduction
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1 Introduction Configuration Manual
stance, all applications can intercommunicate. Communication between the base sys-
tems 2 and 3 requires some special arrangements in base system 1.
The connected devices - printers, workstations and process units - can be shared by
several base systems in the network. The workstations connected to a LAN, for exam-
ple, can be used by all base systems connected to the same LAN. Likewise, the sta-
tions and printers connected to NETs can be used by all base systems connected to the
same network of interconnected NETs. A frontend can recognise up to four base sys-
In the network in Figure 2, for example, all applications in base systems 1 and 3 can
utilise the workstations on the LAN. The PCs running X software can be connected to
several base systems and applications simultaneously. Application 5 can use both
printers 1 and 2. A redirection of printout can be done during operation.
For a MicroSCADA system to operate properly, it must be configured for the special
environment in which it is operating. MicroSCADA contains configuration software
in the form of objects and data files. The configuration software defines:
• Nodes.
• Applications.
• Device connections.
• Communication properties.
• Memory capacities, destination addresses, etc.
The System Configuration Tool manages the configuration of the base system and the
PC-NET. In the current version, the following base system and system objects can be
created and configured:
• Integrated link to the PC-NET.
• LonTalk (LON), IEC, RP570, RP571, LCU500, DNP 3.0, Modbus and SPA pro-
tocol Lines.
• REX, LMK, IEC, SPI, LCU500, DNP, PLC, and SPA Stations.
• LON Clock Master and LON Star Coupler.
Configuration Software
The MicroSCADA configuration software is composed of objects and data that reside
in the base systems, communication units (NETs) and communication frontends, see
Figure 3:
• Each base system contains a set of base system objects that specify the base sys-
tem itself and its environment. During operation, the base system objects reside in
the primary memory of the base system computer. The base system objects are
6 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 1 Introduction
created with SCIL commands when the MicroSCADA base system is started.
They can be added and modified during operation.
• Each communication unit contains a set of system objects that specify the unit it-
self and its environment. During operation, the system objects reside in the mem-
ory of the communication boards (DCP-NETs) or PC (PC-NETs). The NET pro-
grams contain a preconfiguration, which gives the system objects default values.
The system objects can be added and modified during system operation.
• The communication frontends contain data files, which specify the frontend con-
figuration and the parameters for the communication with the base system.
The process units (stations) contain their own configuration definitions that must be
regarded in the MicroSCADA configuration. For some station types, the configuration
can be built in MicroSCADA and downloaded to the stations.
The MicroSCADA system configuration can be changed any time, though in some
cases a shut-down and restart is required for the changes to become valid.
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1 Introduction Configuration Manual
The communication server COM 500 is described in the COM 500 Engineering man-
8 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 2 Base System Object Definitions
Each base system has a set of base system objects which specify the base system and
its environment, the hardware and software of the base system, the physical and logi-
cal connections of the base system and its applications. A base system is completely
configured by the following base system objects:
• A SYS object for the base system itself.
• An APL object for each application residing in the base system ("local applica-
tions") and an APL object for each communicating application residing in con-
nected base systems ("external applications").
• A MON object for each MicroSCADA monitor that will be opened to supervise
an application in the base system in question.
• A LIN object for each connection link. A LIN object is not needed for peripher-
als, nor for workstations.
• A NOD object for each directly or indirectly connected base system and NET unit
(optionally also for each communication frontend).
• A PRI object for each printer, including both real printers and pseudo-printers for
sending the printout to files, which will be used by the base system.
• A STA object for each connected station (connected through one or more NETs)
(recommended in all cases, though not always required).
The base system object definitions and attributes, which are required for various in-
stallations, are detailed later in this manual.
Generally, the base system objects are defined in the file SYS_BASCON.COM. The
file is read and the commands in it are executed each time the base system is started.
With a few limitations, the base system objects can also be created and modified dur-
ing MicroSCADA operation with SCIL and tool pictures.
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2 Base System Object Definitions Configuration Manual
Base system objects are created using the SCIL command #CREATE. The principles
for creating a base system object with SCIL is as follows:
#CREATE object = LIST(attribute = value, attribute = value,...)
‘object’ The object to be created specified using the base system object notation
without attributes and index numbers
After a base system object has been created, its attributes (provided that writing is en-
abled) can be changed with the #SET command. The objects cannot be modified with
the #MODIFY command nor can they be deleted with the #DELETE command.
To learn more about the SCIL commands, refer to the Programming Language SCIL
manual, chapter 7. For more information on the base system object notation, refer to
the System Objects manual, chapter 2.
! Please, notice that SCIL programming is not needed when system objects are created
with the System Configuration tool.
If the MicroSCADA base system revision 8.4.2 or subsequent is used together with
applications that were created with earlier revisions of the base system, e.g. using LIB
4.0.1, the revision compatibility switch NO_ALIAS_CHECKING should be turned
on. This is done by adding “NO_ALIAS_CHECKING” to the RC attribute of the ap-
plication in SYS_BASCON.COM.
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Configuration Manual 2 Base System Object Definitions
RC =
;File: Sys_bascon.com
;Desription: Standard Base system configuration file
; Version 8.4.2
;Communication Links
;NOTE! Use the system configuration tool to create a link for the PC-NET!
;Node objects (NET's and SYS's)
;NOTE! Use the system configuration tool to create nodes for the PC-NET!
LI = 1,- ;Link number
SA = 201) ;Station address: 0..255
#CREATE NOD:V = LIST(- ;Node for LAN frontend or SYS
LI = 2,-
SA = 202)
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2 Base System Object Definitions Configuration Manual
The SCIL language uses the semicolon character to mark the beginning of a comment.
The comment ends at the end of the commented line. If the line defining the base
system object is commented the object is not created when the system is started. By
removing the semicolon from the beginning of the line the base system object is cre-
ated. This mechanism allows the person who configures the system easily to take into
use or to prevent the creation of a system object.
On-line Modifications
Most base system object attributes can be modified on-line with the Base System tool
and with SCIL. These changes are not persistent and will be lost when the system is
shut down. If the changes are to be persistent they should be included in the
12 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 3 Communication System Object
This chapter describes the definition of the communication system objects. It contains
the following three sections:
3.1 An overview of the communication system objects and the alternatives for
defining communication system objects.
3.2 Configuring NETs off-line: the preconfiguration of the DCP-NETs and the
initialization file of the PC-NETs.
3.3 Configuring NETs on-line: the principles for defining and modifying
communication system objects with SCIL, defining communication system
objects in the SYS_NETCON.COM configuration file and configuring NET
The communication system objects and their attributes are detailed in the System
Objects manual.
3.1 Overview
Each communication unit contains a set of system objects which specify the unit it-
self, the line properties and connected devices, etc. A NET unit is completely config-
ured by the following system objects:
• A NET object for the definition of the NET unit itself.
• A NET object for each directly or indirectly connected base system and NET unit.
• NET line definitions such as line protocol, data transmission rates, etc.
• An APL object for each application in the connected base systems.
• A PRI object for each directly connected printer.
• A STA object for each directly and indirectly connected station.
The communication system objects can be defined both off-line (the NET is out of
operation) and on-line (NET in operation).
The on-line configuration can be done with SCIL or tool pictures as follows:
• The SYS_NETCON.COM executed at each base system start-up may contain
SCIL statements for defining communication system objects.
• The communication system objects can be changed with SCIL programs started
automatically or manually.
• The objects can also be changed with tool pictures.
The on-line configuration can be read into the System Configuration Tool by selecting
Configuration - Open On-line. Reading the on-line configuration sets the tool into On-
line mode.
The System Configuration Tool configures the LIN and NOD base system objects
needed for the PC-NET. All configurable attributes of the LIN:B object and NOD:B
object can be changed from the tool. The initialisation file pc_net.cf1 is updated
Preconfiguration in DCP-NETs
The DCP-NET communication program which runs in the board based communica-
tion units contains what is called a "preconfiguration". The preconfiguration is a set-
up of system objects and attributes which functions as a default configuration. Each
time the NET unit is loaded and started the preconfiguration becomes valid.
The preconfiguration can be viewed, edited and documented off-line with a program
called NETCONF which runs in the DOS environment or during operation from the
base system by means of a preconfiguration tool picture.
Changes made in the preconfiguration come into force when the communication pro-
gram is next time loaded into the communication unit.
When a PC-NET configuration is created with the System Configuration Tool, the
tool produces two data files: sysconf.ini and signals.ini. When the system is started, it
reads the mentioned files and creates a pc_net.cf1 file automatically.
14 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 3 Communication System Object
To create system objects the System Configuration Tool creates automatically the file
sys_base.scl, which is executed at system start-up.
After the PC-NET has started the system executes the file sys_net.scl to configure the
PC-NET. The file is automatically created by the System Configuration Tool.
When the PC-NET program is started, it reads the initial configuration file
PC_NET.CF1, which is a text file located in the SYS_ directory. It defines the basic
communication nodes and addresses to enable the communication to an application
that will download the total configuration. The initial configuration file is composed
of a number of lines, each of which specify an attribute, see below. The attributes are
referred to with the notation:
In case the PC_NET.CF1 file is missing when the PC-NET is started, a default con-
figuration becomes valid.
All line and station configuration of the PC NET, as well as the definition of other
nodes and applications can be done with the System Configuration Tool (with User-
Defined Programs, if not supported by the tool yet). The usage of the tool is de-
scribed in the manual Connecting LONWORKS Devices to MicroSCADA.
The on-line changes take effect immediately. However, if the NET unit is stopped and
restarted, the on-line changes are lost and the preconfiguration is restored. On-line
changes which need to be permanent, and are not made in the preconfiguration,
should therefore be included in a command procedure which is executed each time the
NET unit has been restarted.
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3 Communication System Object Configuration Manual
Most attributes can be both read and written on-line with SCIL commands. The at-
tributes are accessed with the object notation according to the format:
’nn’ Object number (device number)
The attributes are written with the #SET command according to the format:
The line attributes can be changed with the SCIL command #SET:
When a new line or device is created on-line, its attributes get the default values given
in the System Objects manual.
By changing attributes, it is possible to define new devices (create new system ob-
jects), switch over a device from one line to another, and even redefine a line for an-
other protocol.
16 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 3 Communication System Object
Changing the line protocol on-line requires that the line is first removed then added
again with the new protocol. A line is removed from the configuration by setting its
PO attribute to 0. First the line must be taken out of use as described below. In addi-
tion, all devices on the concerned line must be removed by setting the attributes which
create them to "D". A line is removed from the configuration by setting its PO attrib-
ute to 0. A new line is created by setting the PO attribute of the line to the line proto-
col value (System objects, section 13.2). See examples 3 and 4 below.
Changing the line attributes on-line generally requires that the actual line is taken out
of use, i.e. setting IU = 0, while the change is performed. After the modification, the
line is restarted by setting the IU attribute to 1. See Example 2 below.
Example 1
Changing the printer type of PRI2:
#SET PRI2:SIU = 0 ;The printer is taken out of use.
#SET PRI2:SPT = 7 ;The printer is changed to a pixel-based colorprinter.
#SET PRI2:SIU = 1 ;The printer is taken into use.
Example 2
Changing the transmission rate on line 1 of NET1:
#SET NET:SIU1 = 0 ;The line is taken out of use.
#SET NET:SBR1 = 1200 ;The baud rate is changed.
#SET NET:SIU1 = 1 ;The line is taken into use.
Example 3
Removing line 2 of NET1, when two stations (STA1 and STA2) are connected to the
#SET SAT2:SIU = 0 ;The station is taken out of use.
#SET NET1:SIU2 = 0 ;The line is taken out of use.
#SET NET1:SST1 = “D”
#SET NET1:SST2 = “D” ;The stations are deleted.
#SET NET1:SPO2 = 0 ;The lines are deleted.
Example 4
Adding a printer on line 2 of NET1:
#SET NET1:SPO2 = 4 ;Line number 2 is created as a printer line.
#SET NET1:SIU2 = 1 ;The line is taken into use.
#SET NET1:SPR4 = 2 ;Printer number 4 is connected to line 2.
Example 5
Adding three stations of type S.P.I.D.E.R. (STA1, STA2 and STA3) on line 4 of
#LOOP WITH NR = 1 .. 3
#SET NET1:SRT’NR’ = 4 ;Station number ‘NR’ is connected to line 4.
#SET STA’NR’:SSA = %NR ;The station address of the station.
The base system recognizes and executes a file called SYS_NETCON.COM, which is
a text file containing SCIL commands. The file is executed each time the base system
is started. Normally, the file contains only commands for starting possible internal
frontends by means of the SCIL function LOAD_DCP (see the manual The Program-
ming Language SCIL, section 8.10). However, it can also contain statements for re-
ABB Automation 17
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3 Communication System Object Configuration Manual
configuration of NET objects provided that there is a time delay of at least 5 seconds
(achieved with the #PAUSE command) between the start-up of an internal frontend
and the subsequent configuration statements.
The SYS_NETCON.COM file can be edited with a text editor in Windows NT envi-
ronment e.g., Notepad or with the MicroSCADA SCIL Program Editor (see Pro-
gramming Language SCIL, chapter 12). The SYS_NETCON.COM file must be stored
in ASCII format.
The System Configuration tool creates procedures for automatic start-up and configu-
ration of the PC-NET. The automatic starting/configuration can be switched on or
off. Manual starting/stopping of the PC-NET can be done in on-line mode.
The automatic starting and configuration of the PC-NET works in the following way:
• A command procedure SYS_INIT_1:C is connected to the event channel
APL_INIT_1:A as the first secondary object. If the list of the secondary objects
is full the last one is removed and a warning is generated (notify window, log
18 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 3 Communication System Object
ABB Automation 19
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual 4 Configuration Data Files
4.1 The general rules for the configuration data files of the communication
frontends. The data files are illustrated by an example.
Contained Parameters
As mentioned above, the configuration parameters of the workstations are listed and
described in the workstation manuals. The parameters of the communication frontend
are described in section 4.2. below. All the listed parameters need not be included in
the configuration data files. Some parameters are mandatory only for certain configu-
rations and some represent optional features. Many configuration parameters have de-
fault values (see the parameter lists) which are valid if no other values are given for
the parameters in the configuration data file. If the default values are correct, the pa-
rameters need not be included in the data files. The values given in the data files re-
place the default values.
File Format
The parameter definition lines of the data files can be arranged in any order. Each line
in the files has the following structure, see Figure 4:
• The first six character positions of a line are reserved for the parameter name.
• After the parameter a comment may follow, indicated with a starting semicolon
C haract
S pace
ABB Automation 21
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4 Configuration Data Files Configuration Manual
The data files can be changed with a text editor (DOS format). They can not be
changed while the workstation or frontend is in operation, because a modification re-
quires that the actual workstation or frontend (including the communication units) is
Frontend Parameters
The station address of the communication frontend must be unique among all nodes
(base systems, communication units and ont-ends) in the entire MicroSCADA net-
work, see "Station Addresses" in section 5.1.
Value: 1 ... 32
MFL sends cyclically diagnostic commands to the base systems when there is no
other communication. This parameter specifies the time interval between the com-
Type: Integer
Default value: 15
22 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 4 Configuration Data Files
The station addresses of the base systems to which the frontend is connected. This
parameter is the value of SYS:BSA in the connected base system, see the System
Objects manual, chapter 4.
Value: 1 ... 32
PROT Protocol
The link layer protocol used in the communication with the base system.
Default value: 0
NET Parameters
Default value: 0
ABB Automation 23
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4 Configuration Data Files Configuration Manual
The station address, the AS attribute, of the NET (see System Objects, chapter 12).
This parameter is only needed when a NET unit or base system is connected to a se-
rial line of the NET unit in ques-tion (specified by the index). The parameter name
may occur several times in the configuration file, with different values, if several base
systems or communication units are connected to the same unit.
The node number of the partner NET in a redundant relationship. The parameter has
no meaning if there is no redundancy.
The internet address or host name of the base system computer given either as host
name/alias name or with dot notations. The parameter is valid only for TCP/IP com-
munication, i.e. PROT = 2.
Indexing: Base system sequence number, 1 ... 4 (see the Base system Com-
munication Parameters above)
No index = index 1
24 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 4 Configuration Data Files
The following parameters are meaningful only when the frontend is connected to a
base system through serial lines and a COM port. If a base system is connected on a
COM port, an external clock cannot be connected, see below. Likewise, if an external
clock is connected to a COM port, it is not possible to connect a base system this way.
BR Baud Rate
Recomm.: BR = 9600
The communication port used for serial communication with the base system.
Value: 1 = COM1
2 = COM2
Default value: 1
EN ENQ Limit
Type: Integer
ER Embedded Response
For more information, refer to the MicroSCADA System Objects manual chapter 13.
Value: 0 = No
1 = Yes
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4 Configuration Data Files Configuration Manual
PY Parity
Value: 0 = No parity
1 = Odd parity
2 = Even parity
RE Redundancy
Value: 0 = No redundancy
(1 = CRC, not supported)
2 = BCC
Recomm.: RE = 2
TI Timeout Length
Type: Integer
The following parameters apply when an external clock is connected to a COM port
of the PC:
The number of the COM port (1 or 2) reserved for time synchronization using the
General ASCII protocol. Only one COM port at a time is available for serial commu-
nication (software limitation). Hence, if a COM port is used for time synchronization,
no base system can be connected through a serial line, or, if a base system is con-
nected via a COM port, time synchronization of the frontend is not possible.
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Configuration Manual 4 Configuration Data Files
The type of clock used on the COM port specified by the COMAG parameter.
Values: 1 = COMPUTIME
2 = RCC8000
5 = GPS166
Currently needed only if CLOCK = 6. In that case MODE should be given value 6.
The following parameters are required when the Meinberg radio clock boards PC31
and PC32 are used for clock synchronization:
Time zone dependent correction added to the time received from the radio clock.
Clock read frequency (cycle) in seconds. The parameter determines how often the
time will be read from the PC31/PC32 clock and written to the NET boards. The
value should be an adjusting between the demands for accuracy and the increased
load caused by the readings.
CA Clock address
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Configuration Manual 5 Base Systems
5 Base Systems
Create a SYS:B object with at least the following attributes (see the example in Figure
ND The node number of the base system. The node number must be
unique within the entire MicroSCADA network, see chapter 6.
ER The use of the base system as a routing node, which means that if
routing is enabled in a specific base system it can route messages
addressed to other nodes. See section 4.2.4 in System Objects
DN, DS Default node number and default station type. These attributes
should not be used!
PC, RC Memory cache space attributes, see the headline "Memory Tun-
ing" later in this section.
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5 Base Systems Configuration Manual
CA, CF, CL, TZ Attributes related to an external clock, see chapter 10 or 4.3.2 in
System Objects manual
DU The attribute states whether the DDE server is usable or not. Its
value is 0 if the DDE server has not been started. If the DDE
server has been started, its value is 1 if a user has logged on to the
base system computer, otherwise 0.
The SYS:B object definition must come first in the base system configuration file
SYS_BASCON.COM, otherwise the system will not start.
Links (LIN)
A link is a data transmission line to another base system, a NET unit or a device. Each
link is defined by a LINn:B object (n = 1 ... 20). A base system can have the following
• One link for the LAN. The definition of LAN links is described in chapter seven.
• Two RAM links for internal DCP NETs. The RAM links are described in section
• One Integrated link for a PC NET. (Created by the System Configuration Tool.)
Nodes (NOD)
Nodes are the directly or indirectly connected base systems, communication units, and
communication frontends. The nodes are defined by NODn:B objects (n= 1 ... 99). A
node definition is needed for:
• Communication with another base system. This is described in section 5.2.
• Communication through the communication units. Each NET unit - DCP NETs as
well as PC-NETs - which will be recognized by the base system must be defined
as a node. These node definitions are described in chapter eight.
• Reading and writing the attributes of communication frontends. A node is pri-
marily specified by the used connection link and the station address of the node.
If a node is only indirectly connected to the base system, the link to the node is
the link to the nearest intermediate node. The link object must have been defined
before the node can be defined.
30 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 5 Base Systems
The monitors , printers and stations are defined as MONn:B (n = 1 ... 50), PRIn:B (n
= 1 ... 20) and STAn:B (n = 1 ... 999) objects respectively.
The required MON definitions are described in chapter nine, PRI objects in chapter
10 and STA objects in chapter 11.
A local application is situated in the base system in question, which means that all the
application software is stored in the computer as a directory branch under the appli-
cation directory apl. For example: The application software of the local application
"sample" is stored in the directory \sc\apl\sample.
The application directory branch with its subdirectories must exist before a local
application can be defined in the base system configuration (see the Installation
Figure 5. An example of the fundamental definition of a base system and the defi-
nition of two local applications
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5 Base Systems Configuration Manual
Create an APLn:B object (’n’ = 1 ... 10) and assign it the following attributes (see
System Objects manual, chapter 5):
ST, PR Printer and station mapping. These attributes are generally not
needed, see the headline "Device Mapping" below.
EM, HB, PM History buffer and queue lengths, see the headline "Tuning Mem-
ory Parameters”
The application that is created first in SYS_BASCON.COM will be the default appli-
cation. If no application number is given when opening a MicroSCADA monitor, the
default application is chosen. Likewise, if no application number given when using
the program interface, the default application is addressed.
Device Mapping
Monitors, printers and stations can be mapped for an application, which means that
the application recognises the devices under logical numbers.
32 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 5 Base Systems
The station mapping, for instance, specifies the station numbers under which the ap-
plication will know the stations. The station mapping has the following format:
APLn:BSTi = j
‘i’ The logical station numbers as known to the application and the values
The printer mapping works in a similar way and also the mapping of semi-graphic
workstations. Printers and stations can be mapped for several applications simultane-
ously, while the semi-graphic workstations are reserved for the application when
The printers and stations have a default mapping, which means that each logical ap-
plication recognises them under the real object numbers. Therefore, the printer and
station mapping is needed only if the application for some reason needs to know the
devices under logical numbers. If there are no obstacles, let the logical numbers be the
same as the object numbers (i.e. i = j), i.e. do not change the default values of printer
and station mapping.
The allocation and use of the available RAM memory is affected by the following
base system attributes:
• The SYS:B attributes PC (= Picture Cache Size) and RC (= Report Cache Size),
see the System Objects manual, chapter four.
• The APLn:B attribute HB (= History Buffer), see the System Objects manual,
chapter five.
• The picture cache and report cache memory space is in common to all applica-
tions in the base system. The cache memories contain only objects and pictures
that have been in use, but are not currently running. The maximum cache space is
specified by the PC and RC attributes. When these limits are reached, the least
used objects are removed.
During operation, there should be at least 500 kB free memory. The MF, MS and MU
attributes can be used for reading the occupied and the free memory space, see System
Objects manual, section 4.2.5. If there is not enough free memory, memory is taken
from the picture and report caches.
Communication between applications means that the object data in one application
can be read and written from another one by means of the object notations. Communi-
cation between applications in the same base system, i.e. between two local applica-
tions, is achieved simply by application mapping (the APLn:BAP attribute).
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5 Base Systems Configuration Manual
Communication between applications in separate base systems requires that the base
systems are physically connected to each other, either through direct serial lines,
through LAN or through frontends, see Figure 6. The configuration and communica-
tion principles are the same, independently of the route between the base systems. The
communicating base systems are identified to each other by node numbers and station
addresses and the link to the nearest node. The route through the network need not be
defined. It is not recommended that there are more than three communication units
between two communicating base systems.
Figure 6. Base system 1 can be configured to access the database of the applica-
tions in base systems 2 and 3 as described in section 5.2. A communica-
tion between base system 2 and base system 3 requires that there is an
external application in base system 1, which forwards the data between
the two base system.
Local Applications
Suppose that application ’a’ needs to read and write data in application ’b’ in the same
base system, see figure in chapter 6. Application ’b’ then must be "introduced to" ap-
plication ’a’ by means of the application mapping (see System Objects manual, section
#SET APLa:BAPi = b
’i’ The logical application number under which application ’a’ recognizes
application ’b’
If there are no obstacles, let the logical number be the same as the object number of
the application, i.e., ’i’ = ’b’.
34 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 5 Base Systems
For example, setting #SET APL1:BAP2 == 2 means that APL2 is recognized to APL1
by the logical application number 2. In application 1 it is possible to read object data
in application 2, e.g. with the notation: OBJ:2POV1.
Application 1:
Suppose that application ’a’ in base system 1 needs to read and write data in applica-
tion ’b’ in base system 2. Then the following configurations are required in base sys-
tem 1:
1 Create a LINn:B object for the link to the base system 2 (if not already existing,
see chapters seven and eight). If base system 2 is connected via several
communication units, the link is the link to the nearest unit.
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2 Create a NODn:B object representing base system 2, where ’n’ is the node number
of base system 2. The NODn:B object must be assigned at least the following
LI The number of the link to base system 2 (the LINn:B object
number, see above)
SA Station address of base system 2
In addition, if LAN is used:
NN LAN node name of base system 2 (see chapter seven, "LAN
In some special cases, a routing node must be defined, see the RN attribute in System
Objects manual, section 8.2. This applies the communication between a base system
connected to a communication frontend via LAN or COM port and a base system
connected to a NET unit in the frontend. If no routing node is defined, the communi-
cation must be initiated from the latter base system, e.g. by means of an object nota-
36 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 5 Base Systems
Figure 8. An illustration of the configuration and data communication between two applications situated in
separate base systems
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Configuration Manual 6 MicroSCADA Networks
6 MicroSCADA Networks
6.1 The global definitions in a MicroSCADA network: The node numbers, and the
ACP (MicroPROTOCOL) station addresses.
6.2 The object numbering which is unique within a certain base system or commu-
nication unit.
The node numbers and station addresses can be changed any time. However, if the
network is extensive, a change of node number or station address may require recon-
figuration in several modules. It is therefore recommended to assign the node numbers
and the station addresses fixed and unique values which are regarded as non-editable
In a Local Area Network (LAN), the connected computers - base system, worksta-
tions and frontend computers have a LAN node address which is not to be confused
with the MicroSCADA node numbers. Likewise, if LONWORKS network is used for
process communication, the LONWORKS devices are defined by node numbers. These
have nothing to do with the MicroSCADA nodes.
In the MicroSCADA network, the base systems and communication units (NETs) are
regarded as nodes. Each of them are given a node number which must be unique
throughout the entire MicroSCADA network. Likewise, the communication frontends
are nodes with unique numbers.
The node numbers can take integer values from 1 to 32 (limited by the NET program).
However, for compatibility reasons, it is not recommended to give the NET nodes
numbers above 19. A suitable convention could be to assign the NET units sequential
node numbers from 1 and upwards, and the base systems, likewise, sequential node
numbers starting from a number which is large enough. For instance, if the NET
nodes are less than 8, the base system node numbering could start from 9.
In the base systems, the communicating nodes are defined by NODn:B objects, where
’n’ is the node number. In the communication units, the nodes are defined by NETn:S
objects, where ’n’ is node number.
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Figure 9. The global definitions and the object numbers of a typical MicroSCADA network. The figure in-
cludes also the base system specific link numbers and the NET unit line numbers.
Station Addresses
Each base system and NET unit has an ACP station address which must be unique
40 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 6 MicroSCADA Networks
Devices which never communicate and which are not recognized by the same NET
unit or base system may have the same station address.
The station addresses can take integer values from 1 to 254. A widely used conven-
tion when assigning station addresses is as follows:
Each MicroSCADA monitor, printer, station and application that is included in the
network has an object number. The object numbers of monitors, devices, printers,
stations and applications are unique within the base system that uses them. The print-
ers, stations and applications are also given object numbers, which are unique within
the NET unit that they are directly connected to.
Though the object numbers need not be globally unique, the configuration work is
simplified by keeping them unique as far as possible. This means that a certain device
is assigned the same object number in all base systems and communication units, see
Figure 9. In principle, the object numbers can be changed any time. However, it is
generally not recommended to change the numbers in a working system.
Each connection line has a number which is unique for the base system or NET unit in
question. The numbers of the NET unit lines are identical with the physical numbers
of the lines. In a base system, the links to other base systems, communication units
and workstations are numbered 1 ... 20. Figure 9 includes the NET unit line numbers
and the base system link numbers.
Monitors (MON)
The monitors are symbolized with the object name MON. The MON objects can take
numbers in the range 1 ... 50.
Each monitor that the operator starts to view and supervise a MicroSCADA applica-
tion is regarded as a MicroSCADA monitor. A MicroSCADA monitor can contain
several monitors for supervising one or more applications. All monitors that are avail-
able for the base system must be defined as MON objects.
Printers (PRI)
The printers are notated by PRI object names. The PRI objects can take numbers 1 ...
20 in the base systems and 1 ... 8 in NET.
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Stations (STA)
The stations are notated by the object names STA. They can take numbers 1 ... 2000
in the base systems and 1 ... 255 per station type in the communication units (limited
by the RAM size in NET).
Applications (APL)
The applications are notated by the object names APL. Each base system can contain
up to 99 applications, while each NET unit can recognise up to 32.
42 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 7 Local Area Networks (LANs)
This chapter describes how to configure MicroSCADA for LAN communication. The
chapter does not describe the LAN product specific configuration. To learn about this,
refer to the LAN product manuals.
Create a LINn:B object with the following attributes (see System Objects, chapter
LT = "LAN"
All workstations, base systems and frontends can utilize the same LIN object, i.e.,
only one LIN object definition is required. No LIN object is required for the LAN if
the base system uses LAN only for communication with workstations running X soft-
In each communication frontend the LAN communication is established with the fol-
lowing definitions in the configuration data files:
1 Set the parameter PROT = the LAN protocol used, i.e. TCP/IP.
2 Set the HOST parameter to the LAN node number of the connected base system.
The parameters can be indexed by a base system number for communication with
several base systems, see the parameter descriptions in section 4.2.
LAN Nodes
In the LAN network, each connected base system, workstation and frontend has a
LAN node name or number, see your LAN product manual. The LAN node names are
used in the MicroSCADA configuration to achieve communication between base
systems (see section 5.2), between base systems and workstations and between base
systems and frontends.
The LAN node names are assigned during the installation of the LAN network.
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7 Local Area Networks (LANs) Configuration Manual
44 ABB Automation
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This chapter describes how to configure the process communication units (NETs) and
how to configure networks of interconnected NETs and base systems:
8.1 How to configure a NET unit (NET): the fundamental configuration of DCP-
NETs and PC-NETs, the configuration of applications known to the unit and
some general rules.
8.4 How to configure a communication frontend connected to two base systems via
a LAN.
The configuration measures required for various device connections in NET (stations
and printers) are described in the chapters 10 ...13.
If the RAM size is wrong, the NET unit will not start.
2 Define line 13 (exists in the default configuration) for the common RAM protocol.
3 Define external node for the base system.
LI Line number of the base system; normally 13
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Each DCP-NET has 8 asynchronous serial lines numbered 1 ... 8. In addition, the
communication program recognises a line number 13 for common RAM interface.
This line is used for the communication between an internal NET unit and the base
system, between a NET unit in a communication frontend and a base system con-
nected to the frontend, and between the separate communication units in a communi-
cation frontend.
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The PC-NETs communicate through the serial ports (COM ports) of the host com-
puter and possible PCLTA cards (one or two) or the serial ports of a “RocketPort”.
The COM ports, if used, represent by default NET line numbers 1 to 4, COM1 is line
1, COM2 is line 2, and so on. The NET line numbers of the PCLTA card channels (up
to two per board) can be freely chosen among the free NET line numbers (1 ... 8 if no
COM ports are used). A PC-NET communicates with the base system (kernel)
through line number 13 which is a software link (Integrated link).
A NET unit line is basically defined by assigning it a protocol. This can be done in
the preconfiguration (DCP-NETs) or on-line with the PO attribute.
PC-NETs support the following protocols on the COM lines (lines 1 - 8): ACP, SPA,
LonTalk, RP570 master and slave, RP571 master, IEC 870-5-101 master and slave,
IEC 870-5-103 master and IEC 1107. A COM port is taken into use by assigning line
1 ... 8 one of these protocols. The output channels of the PCLTA cards support only
the LonTalk protocol.
The DCP board based NETs support all protocols supported by MicroSCADA, except
the LonTalk, ALPHA ME, IEC 101 and IEC 103 protocols.
The definition of lines is detailed in the contexts where various installations are de-
Applications (APL)
As a rule, all applications in all base systems directly or indirectly connected to the
communication unit, must be defined to the NET unit as APL objects. The defined
applications can be configured to receive spontaneous messages from the stations and
system messages generated by NET. The default applications of all connected base
systems (see section 5.1) should be defined in the preconfiguration (DCP-NETs).
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NET supervises all its application connections by reading cyclically the DS attribute
of all known applications at the interval calculated from the SU attribute. If an appli-
cation does not reply, an error message is produced and the application is suspended.
This happens when the base system is closed, when the application has been set to
"COLD", the application does not exist or the connection is faulty or disturbed, or the
communication does not work. When an application has been suspended, the
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs connected to that application are not polled until the communica-
tion with the application has been re-established.
Memory Allocations
The total RAM size of the DCP boards is 1024 kB (512 kB for DCP/MUXi). A part of
this memory space is reserved by the NET program itself, its fixed data areas and
stacks. The rest is allocated for external connections. The amount of free memory in a
unit may restrict the connection of devices to the unit. In order to learn the amount of
free memory space:
1 Start the NET unit for operation and read the existing amount of free memory with
the NETn:SFM attribute or by means of the configuration picture NET SYSTEM
The NET lines and the connected devices (system objects) allocate memory space as
Lines: About 1 kB per line + 0.33 kB per buffer
External nodes: About 2 kB/node
Stations: About 0.5 kB + memory areas (ANSI stations)
Printers: About 0.5 kB/printer
SPACOM: 1 kB per station + 50 byte/SPA point +
50 byte/event updated SPA point
STA memory areas: About 32 bytes per area
The memory allocation in NET is basically static in a run-time environment. Memory
is allocated and released only at configuration changes.
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Configuration Manual 8 Process Communication System
The buffer pool sizes should be set according to the following principles:
• The pool size of a base system connection should be considerably larger than the
pool sizes of other lines. Recommended value: 50 ... 100.
• For other lines, the pool size should not be larger than necessary. Especially the
total pool size for all printer lines should be much less than the pool size for an
individual base system connection.
See also the recommendations in the System Objects manual, chapter 13.
The general rule in NET is that one buffer is allocated for each message from a pool
of the destination line. For SCIL configuration commands, the buffer is reserved from
the base system line, since the command is handled within NET. For communication
commands, i.e., control commands, setpoint commands, printout commands, etc., an
additional buffer is reserved for the reply message. The buffers are always returned to
their home pools after use.
An internal NET is a DCP-NET placed within a base system computer and connected
to this base system through the common RAM interface. The NET unit can be con-
nected to other base systems and communication units through its serial lines. A base
system computer can house up to two internal NETs.
This section describes the configuration of a base system and an internal NET end.
The configuration is illustrated with an example in Figure 11.
In order to use an internal NET, configure the base system which will house the NET
as follows:
1 Create a LINn:B base system object for the RAM interface (’n’ = 1 ... 20) and
assign it the following attributes (see the System Objects manual, chapter seven:
SD Device name, "RM00" or "RM01" (see the Installation man-
ual, chapter 5)
EN Enquiry limit (rec.: 3)
NA NAK limit (rec.: 3)
RE Redundancy check: "NONE" or "BCC" (recommended)
TI Time-out length in seconds (recomm. 1 ... 2 seconds)
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The EN, NA, RE and TI attributes specify the communication properties and should
have the same values as the corresponding parameters in the communication unit, see
the line definition under the headline "Communication Unit Configuration" below.
2 Create a NODn:B object for the communication unit, where ’n’ is the node number
of the communication unit. Assign it the following NODn:B attributes (see the
System Objects manual, chapter eight):
LI Link number (= LINn:B object number)
SA ACP station address of the communication unit
Concerning node number and station address of NET, see the configuration of the
NET unit below and chapter five.
Figure 11. An example of a configuration with a base system and an internal NET
The example includes only the definitions which are of importance for this particular
50 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 8 Process Communication System
Application 5:
………………………;See fig. In chapter 5
3 Define an "External node", a NET object, for the base system connected to line 13:
Device type NOD
Device number The node number of the base system
Line number (LI) 13
Station address (SA) Station address of the base system
4 Define an application, an APL object, for each application in the base system as
described in section 8.1.
A PC-NET is a communication program which runs in the processor of the base sys-
tem computer. As communication lines it utilizes the COM port of the PC or the
channels of the PCLTA card(s) or the ports of a “RocketPort”.
The configuration of a base system and a PC-NET is done with the System Configu-
ration Tool. The configuration is illustrated with an example in Figure 11.
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During the configuration work, the configuration data is read from permanent con-
figuration file using the off-line reading mechanism, or from the MicroSCADA sys-
tem (SYS 500 or COM 500) using the on-line reading mechanism. After reading
mechanism the current configuration is displayed inside the tool.
The System Configuration tool includes a function that checks the attribute limits. In
the case of an invalid attribute value it returns a string that requests the user to enter a
valid value. The tool also suggests default values for the attributes.
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Configuration Manual 8 Process Communication System
PC-NET Configuration
The tool configures the LIN and NOD base system objects needed for the PC-NET.
Also the PC-NET initialisation file pc_net.cf1 is updated automatically.
All configurable attributes of the LIN:B object and the NOD:B object can be changed
from the Tool.
The tool creates procedures for automatic start-up and configuration of the PC-NET.
The automatic starting/configuration can be switched on or off. Manual start-
ing/stopping of the PC-NET can be done in on-line mode.
NET Nodes can contain user-defined SCIL programs. Each program receives its envi-
ronment as an input parameter, which in NET Node level is the NET Number.
A communication frontend is a PC/DOS computer containing up to four communica-
tion units. The communication units communicate directly with one to four base sys-
tems. For communication the units uses the common RAM interface, and the LAN or
the serial port COM1 or COM2.
This section describes how to build a configuration composed of base systems and a
communication frontend. The described configuration is illustrated with an example
in Figure 13.
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1 Create a LINn:B base system object for the LAN connection, see chapter seven.
Only one LAN link per base system is needed, so if a LAN link already exists, you
need not create any new LAN link.
2 Create a NODn:B base system object, where ’n’ is node number, for each of the
communication units in the LAN frontend, and assign it the following NODn:B
LI The link number of the LAN link (the LINn:B object num-
ber). All units use the same link.
SA ACP address. Each of the communication units must have a
unique station address, see chapter six.
Create a NOD object for the communication frontend if its attributes should be ac-
cessed from the base system, e.g. if the NETs in the frontend should be restarted from
the base system.
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Configuration Manual 8 Process Communication System
5 Define each of the other communication units as an "External Node" (NET object)
situated on line 13:
Line 13
Device type NOD
Device number Node number of the other communication unit
SA Station address of the other communication unit
1 Check the following parameters for each of the base system connections and edit if
SRC The station address of the frontend
SRCNOD The node number of the frontend
PROT The LAN protocol used on the frontend - base sys-
tem communication: DECnet or TCP/IP
DST1 … 4 Station addresses of the base systems connected to
the frontend via LAN or the COM port
DI1 … DI4 Base system diagnostic interval
NOD1 … NOD4 Base system node numbers
If TCP/IP is used:
HOST1 ... HOST4 TCP/IPhost names or internet addresses of the base
If a COM port is used:
COM Serial communication port number, serial
communication attributes (BR, RE, PY, etc.)
CSRCn Station address of the NET connected via DCP-NET
card on a logical COM port
The index ´n´ in CSRCn depends on the IRQ of the
DCP-NET card in the frontend computer, see Figure
14 and section 4.2
Figure 13 shows a configuration where a communication frontend is used by two base
systems on LAN. The system configuration of base system 1, NET unit 1 and the
frontend are listed below. Base system 2 is configured analogously as base system 1,
and NET unit 2 analogously as NET unit 1.
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The example includes only definitions, which are of importance for this particular
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Configuration Manual 8 Process Communication System
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Application 1:
………………….See chapter 5
Application 2:
……………………See chapter 6
This section describes how to connect the NETs and base systems into a network.
This means that several communication units - DCP-NETs and PC-NETs - may be
connected in series. For performance reasons, generally, there should not be more
than three communication units in series between a base system and a communicating
device - base system, workstation, printer or RTU. When communication units and
base systems are connected to a network, each NET unit and each base system in the
network must be defined as a node in each other NET unit and base system.
The configuration described in this section is illustrated with an example in Figure 14.
In order to connect two communication units through serial lines (e.g., NET unit 2
and 3 in Figure 14) make the following definitions in each of the unit:
1 Select a line for the connection and define it with the ACP protocol as follows:
PO 1
MS System message application, see section 13.1
MI System message object address, see section 13.1
BR Baud rate
PY Parity
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Configuration Manual 8 Process Communication System
2 Define an "External node", a NET object, on the ACP line for the connected
communication unit:
Device type NOD
Device number The node number of the connected communication unit
LI, Line number The number of the selected line
SA Station address of the connected communication unit
Though two communication units are connected indirectly via another unit (e.g.
communication units 1 and 3 in Figure 14, they must be defined to each other. Make
the following definitions in each of the units:
3 Define an "External node" (NET object) connected to the line to the nearest
communication unit:
Device type OD
Device number The node number of the indirectly connected communica-
tion unit
LI, Line number The line to the nearest NET unit in the series
SA Station address of the indirectly connected communication
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Correspondingly, each base system connected to a NET unit indirectly via other units
must be defined to the NET unit as a node (e.g., base system 1 and NET 3 in Figure
2 Define an "External node" (NET object) on the line to the nearest communication
Device type NOD
Device number The node number of the indirectly connected base system
LI, Line number The line to the nearest communication unit in the series
SA Station address of the indirectly connected base system
3 Define an application for each application in the indirectly connected base system
as described in section 8.1.
Figure 14 shows an example of a network of two communicating NETs and two base
systems. The table below shows the configuration of the NETs and base systems. The
example includes only the definitions which are of importance for this particular con-
figuration and which have not been described in the previous sections.
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Configuration Manual 9 Operator Workstations
9 Operator Workstations
This chapter describes how to configure the MicroSCADA operator workstations: the
base system operator workstations and the remote workstations that are based on X
software or Windows NT Terminal Server.
When the operator wishes to supervise an application on his monitor screen, he opens
a MicroSCADA monitor. The operator can open the monitor using a standard dialog
or a customised icon, or monitors can be opened automatically at application start-up.
When opening a monitor using the standard icon, the operator can select the Micro-
SCADA monitor number, the application number and picture size. He can also select
the base system he wishes to view. The same parameters are chosen when opening a
monitor with a command.
A display can show several monitors connected to one or more MicroSCADA appli-
cations in the same or in separate base systems.
Each MicroSCADA monitor must be defined as a MON object in the connected base
system. In addition, the MON objects must be mapped for the applications, which will
use them. The monitor objects are defined equally whether they will be opened on the
base system monitor or on a workstation. Figure 15 shows an example of a worksta-
tion with three MicroSCADA monitors opened to three applications in two separate
base systems.
1 Create MONn:B objects, one for each MicroSCADA application monitor that will
be opened on the base system monitor or on connected workstations, see chapter 6.
Assign the MON objects the following attributes:
DT = “VS” or “X”.
Define the monitor as “VS” type, unless it should be able to
show Motif widgets.
You can create up to 50 MON objects per base system.
2 Define monitor numbers for each application, by setting the APLn:BMO attribute
to -1 using freely chosen monitor numbers as indexes.
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APL1:BMO(1..5) = (-1,-1,-1,-1,-1)
means that the monitor numbers 1 ... 5 can be opened to view application 1.
Basesystem 1 Basesystem 2
Monitors: Monitors:
Application 1: Application 3:
@MON_MAP(1..20) = -1 @MON_MAP(1..20) = -1
.....see figure 6-1 .....see figure 6-1
.... ....
Application 2: Application 4:
@MON_MAP(1..20) = -1 @MON_MAP(1..20) = -1
.....see figure 6-1 .....see figure 6-1
.... ....
Figure 15. An example of a workstation that is connected to two base systems and
four applications
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10 Peripherals
This chapter describes how to configure MicroSCADA for various peripheral equip-
10.1 Printers
On the application level, the printing can be accomplished according to two different
principles which determines the appearance of the printout:
• Semi-graphic picture based printing.
• Full graphic SCIL defined printing ("transparent" printing).
The full-graphic printout may contain any characters supported by the printer. The
last mentioned type is specified by the SCIL function PRINT_TRANSPARENT.
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printers connected to a NET. The “transparent” printout can be obtained on any print-
Each base system and each application is able to recognize and use up to 20 printers.
It is possible to configure “virtual printers” without real physical correspondence for
logging in a file on disk. When a printer is defined for printer logging, all printout
sent to the printer is stored on disk. This is useful when configuring an "event log",
i.e., a disk copy of the event list, see section 13.5. A physical printer may also be
given more than one printer object definitions to enable several different types of
printout to the same printer.
The printer operation can be supervised and controlled, e.g. temporarily stopped and
restarted, or the printout can be redirected to another printer, by means of the ST and
CL attributes, see System Objects, section 10.2.
1 Create a PRIn:B base system object, with at least the following attributes (see
System Objects, section 12.6.):
LP Lines per page, this should be > = the number set on the
QM Printer queue length
OD Output destination: "PRINTER", "LOG" (disk files) or
LD, LL, LF Printer log attributes, specify the management of log files
The attributes are meaningful if OD = "LOG" or "BOTH”
OJ Open on Job Basis, set value to 1
The printer is opened before each print job and closed when
the job is completed
2 If needed, map the printer for an application with the APLn:BPR attribute, see the
headline "Device Mapping" in section 5.1. The printer mapping is required only if
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you want to use a logical printer number, which is other than the printer object
Only the printers mapped with the logical printer numbers 1 ... 15 can be used as
alarm and event printers; printer 15 is reserved for event lists.
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Include the following definitions in each base system which will use the printer:
1 Create a PRIn:B base system object with at least the following attributes:
ND The node number of the NET unit to which the printer is
directly connected
TN The device number of the printer in the NET unit to
which it is directly connected
Select "NORMAL", if the printer will be used exclu-
sively for black-and-white character-based printout.
Select "COLOR" for all other types of picture based
printout. Even if the printout will be black-and-white,
"COLOR" is preferable as this mode provides a more
picture resembling printout by exchanging graphical
characters to printer specific characters.
Select "TRANSPARENT", if the printout will be SCIL
For more information on the attributes of the PRI object, see the System Objects
manual, section 10.2.
2 If needed, map the printer for an application with the APLn:BPR attribute, see the
headline "Device Mapping" in section 5.1. The printer mapping is required only if
you want to use a logical printer number which is another than the printer object
Only the printers mapped with the logical printer numbers 1 ... 15 can be used as
alarm and event printers; printer 15 is reserved for event lists.
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Include the following definitions in the NET unit to which the printer is directly con-
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3 Select a line for the printer and define the line with the ASCII protocol:
PO 4
IU 1
LT 0
MS, MI System message handling, see Chapter 15
PS Buffer pool sizes, see section 8.1
BR Baud rate (rec. 2400)
PY 0
RD 8
SB 1
TD 8
OS Output synchronisation, see System Objects manual,
chapter 13
4 Define a printer (a PRI object) on the selected printer line with the attributes:
In some cases, the printout from a printer connected to frontends can be improved
with some system object attributes. These attributes can be applied during operation,
not in the reconfiguration:
• If the printer is color and pixel based, the colors can be converted from screen
colors to printer colors with the PRIn:SCC attribute.
• If the printer is of type 5 (PT = 5), the MicroSCADA characters can be exchanged
to appropriate printer characters by means of the PRIn:SCT attribute.
• For pixel printers, each character can be specified separately by a bit pattern with
the PRIn:SPX attribute.
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The three attributes mentioned can be found in System Objects manual, Chapter 15.
When a base system is started, its default application (the application created first in
SYS_BASCON.COM) sends a message to the printers (form feed). Therefore, make
sure that these applications are defined in the NETs.
Alarm Units
To use an alarm unit for audio-visual alarms:
1 Set the SYS:BAA attribute in the base system configuration to any value <> 0, e.g.
#CREATE SYS:V.......
2 Set the SYS:BAD attribute in the base system configuration to be either “NUDAQ
PCI-7250” or “Advantech PCI-1760”. This attribute is necessary only for the PCI
based alarm panel, when using the ISA based panel, it can be omitted. For more
information about the SYS:BAA and SYS:BAD attributes see Chapter 4 in the
System Objects manual.
The alarm unit works only for process objects with a logical printer connection (de-
fined in the process database, see Application Objects manual, Chapter 3).
Enables setting alarms on or off manually when using the ISA based Flytech card and
the compatible alarm panel.
'on | off' Alarm(s) can be set on or off and if neither of these values is
given, alarm(s) will be set off by default
Audio_set can be called using ops_call, ops_process or it can be called directly from
the command line (or called from batch file). The caller receives a return value from
ABB Automation 73
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audio_set, which can be used to determine whether the command was successful or
not. Return value 0 means that the execution was successful and any other value
means that an error happened during the execution. When audio_set is run from the
command line, possible error messages are shown in the workstation. These are of
course not seen if ops_call or ops_process are used.
The user should notice that when ops_call and ops_process are used, the commands
should be given so that they wait that the execution of audio_set is finished. If they do
not wait, they cannot get the return value returned by audio_set. More details from
using these SCIL commands can be found from "Programming Language SCIL" man-
ual. The user should also notice that when audio_set is used from the command line,
the user should take care of the return value of audio_set (it cannot be seen automati-
; Set alarm 1 on from SCIL
@a = ops_call("c:\sc\prog\exec\audio_set 1 on")
; This is given from the command line and it sets alarm 1 off
audio_set 1
External Clocks
To use a Meinberg PC31 radio clock in the base system:
1 Set the SYS:BCL attribute to "PC31" and the CA attribute to any value <> 0, e.g.
2 Specify the following parameters in the MFLCONF.DAT file (see section 4.2):
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Configuration Manual 11 Configuring Stations
11 Configuring Stations
This chapter describes the general principles for configuring stations in MicroSCADA
and provides some system configuration notes related to certain station types. The
chapter contains the following sections:
11.2 Configuration notes for stationes using the ANSI X3.28/A-B protocol:
SRIO, Allen Bradley PLC and SLC-500, Westronic D20, DTU, etc.
The configuration is illustrated with an example. Configuration of SRIO
from MicroSCADA: SRIO system parameters for affecting the behavior
of SRIO, e.g., the spontaneous transmission of data, polling interval and
data format, and SRIO object parameters for the definition and
modification of SRIO objects. The description is valid also for SPSC500,
though this station type is mentioned only where it differs from SRIO.
Please note, that the following instructions are not valid when using the System Con-
figuration Tool, which is decribed in chapter 14.
All process devices that will exchange information with MicroSCADA are regarded
as stations and must be defined as station objects both in the process communication
system (NETs) and in the base systems. The concept station comprises RTUs, PLCs
and bay units of various types. It also comprises procol converters and control centres
which are connected to the NET for data transfer between MicroSCADA and external
devices. However, it does not comprise e.g. the star couplers situated in the
LONWORKS network, as they have no direct data communication with MicroSCADA.
This section presents the general configuration reuquirements for connecting stations
to MicroSCADA.
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2 If needed, map the station for the application which will use it with the APLn:BST
attribute. Station mapping is necessary only if the logical number will be another
than the STAn:B object number, which is the default mapping. The logical station
number is the Unit Number (the UN attribute) of the process objects defined for
the station. See the System Objects manual, chapter five.
Communication Unit Configuration
Perform the configuration definitions described below in the communication unit to
which the station is directly connected. The station address (SA for the others and SX
for ANSI X3.28 stations) of this unit should be the same as the "destination address"
defined in the station. It is assumed that the NET unit has been defined to the base
system as a NODn:B object, and that the base system has been defined to the NET
unit as an external node, see chapter 8. Define the station to the NET unit as follows
(see the example in Figure 19):
1 Select a line for the station and define it with the protocol that will be used on the
PO Number of line protocol
If the NET is a PC-NET, the COM ports (1...4) or the “RocketPort” ports (1...8) (NET
lines 1...4 and 1 ... 8) can be used for process communication using the SPA, IEC870-
5-101 master and slave, IEC870-5-103 master, IEC1107, ADLP80 slave, RP570 mas-
ter and slave, RP571 master and LCU 500 protocols. When assigning one of the lines
1 ... 8 any of these protocols, the lines will be reserved for process communication.
The used NET line number cannot be used for LONWORKS communication.
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If needed, map the station for the application which will use it with the APLn:BST
attribute. Station mapping is necessary only if the logical number will be another than
the STAn:B object number, which is the default mapping. The logical station number
is the Unit Number (the UN attribute) of the process objects defined for the station
(System Objects manual, section 15.2).
Define the station to the NET unit as follows (see the example in Figure 19):
1 Select a line for the station and define it with the ANSI X3.28 full duplex (possible
for communication with Allen-Bradley, Westronic, SRIO) or half duplex protocol:
If ANSI X3.28 full duplex is used:
PO 1
LT 0 (RS232), 1 (modem line), 6 or 7
IU 1
EN Enquiry limit
TI Timeout length in seconds
ER Embedded response, see section 4.2.4 in System Objects
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NA NAK limit
The following attributes apply to both ANSI X3.28 Full and Half Duplex:
BR Baud Rate
This must be the same as the baud rateset in the station
PY Parity
0 = None
1 = Odd
2 = Even
This must be the same as the parity in the station
RD 8
SB 1
TD 8
RE Redundancy (0 = None, 1 = CRC, 2 = BCC)
2 Make sure that the application which will receive the spontaneous messages from
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the station (the station attribute AS) is defined as an APL object. See chapter eight.
3 Define a station of type STA connected to the ANSI line:
Device type: STA or 3
LI Selected line
AL 1
AS The number of the connected application
IU 1
MS System message application, see section 13.1
MI System message identification; use as a process
object address, see section 13.1
SA ANSI station address = the address given in the station
DE Type of diagnostic commands (0 = none)
DI Diagnostic interval in seconds
FS Type of commands allowed during suspension (0 = none)
RT Reply timeout in seconds
SP Message split, see below
ST 1 for all types except for SLC-500 which is = 4
SU Suspension time in seconds
If more stations are connected to the same line, they are defined in the same way and
with the same line number.
4 Define the memory areas in the NET unit and Message Split if needed, see
"Memory Area Definition" and "Message Split" below. In the preconfiguration,
these features are found under the "Memory Rung", where up to 80 memory areas
can be defined. If the preconfiguration tool is used, the memory area definitions of
a STA can be collectively copied to other STAs and then possibly edited. If there
are many stations, the memory area definitions are most conveniently added on-
line with SCIL command procedures using the MR or MC attributes, see the
example in Figure 19 and the System Objects manual, section 4.3.6. By means of
the MC attribute the memory area definitions can be copied collectively on-line
from a station to another.
The SX attribute of the NET must be given as the destination address for spontane-
ous messages in the station configuration.
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Each memory area is identified by a number, 1 ... 30, and defined by the following at-
tributes (System Objects, section 4.3.6):
DT Data type of the area
AD Start address of the area
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For SRIO 1000M (V6.0 or newer) the EV data must be defined as a separate memory
area. The recommended start address for this area is 750 decimal. Thus the DO area is
shorter than in SPSC 500M.
Figure 19 shows an example of an ANSI station connected to line 1 of NET3. The ta-
ble below lists the configuration of the NET and the base system.
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Table 2. The memory area definitions needed for SRIO and SPSC500
Area Type, Address, AD Lengt Cod- Access Bloc Time
No. DT h, LE ing , AT k, BF Stamping
, CO , TS
Dec oct
Message Split
It is often desired that spontaneous messages from the process stations are sent to sev-
eral applications in one or several base systems. This can be established with the
Message Split feature. Message Split means that a copy of the message is sent not
only to the application defined by the AS attribute, but also to other applications. The
message split feature is memory area specific, i.e., the feature must be defined indi-
vidually for each memory area.
Message Split concerns exclusively the spontaneous messages from the stations. It
does not cause the copying of responses to read messages. Thus, if the Micro-
SCADA databases are continuously updated by getting the data from the stations
(with the #GET command), there is no use with Message Split.
In these cases, each application must get the data from the stations or read it from an-
other application (communicating applications, see section 5.2).
1 Make sure that all applications to which the spontaneous messages will be sent
have been defined in the NET unit by APL objects, see chapter eight.
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2 Set the SP attribute of the station to 1, 2 or 3, see System Objects, section 14.3.7.
Select receiving applications (up to five) by setting the SL attribute for the memory
area to the desired application numbers. In the preconfiguration the SL attribute is
given as a number of five digits. Therefore, only applications number 1 ... 9 can be
selected as receiving applications. In order to set the attribute on-line with SCIL, see
System Objects, section 14.3.7 and the example below. In the preconfiguration, the
SL attribute is found under "Memory Rung".
Taking Message Split into use on-line:
#SET STA2:SSL101=2050
#SET STA2:SSL303=2049
The SPLIT function is activated. An error message is produced if the base system de-
fined in the station does not answer. The messages connected to memory area 1 are
sent also to APL2. Messages connected to memory area 3 are sent also to APL1.
Below are some examples of system parameters, each of which occupies one word.
For further information about SRIO system parameters, refer to the SRIO manuals.
1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled
0 = No meaning
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0 = 32 bit integer
1 = 3-digit BCD
2 = 6-digit BCD
#SET STA1:SME3001=0
Disable spontaneous process data transmission
#SET STA1:SME3002=1
#SET STA1:SME3003=1
The start address of object parameters is 5000 in the default configuration. SRIO can
contain up to 500 objects.
For each data item the following attributes are defined (start address means the start
address within the object parameter area, i.e. add 5000 to each address):
Attribute Start address
ANSI address 0
Busnumber 500
SPACOM address 1500
Data type / format 4500
Delta value / bit mask (32 bits) 5500
Status word (16 bits) 6500
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A SCIL command procedure for the creation of an AI type SRIO object:
Defining Variables:
@OBJ_IND ;Object nr (index) in the SRIO database
@ANSI_A ;Object address in the MIcroSCADA database
@BUS ;Bus number
@SPA_A ;SPA address as a 6 word vector (see the SRIO manuals)
@DTYPE ;Data type
@DFORM ;Data format
@DELTA ;Delta value
@STATUS ;Status word as an integer
Defining Constants:
Creating Object:
#SET STA1:SME(%D_T_F_ADR..(%D_T_F_ADR + 1))=%DATA_T_F (1..2)
A data group may consist of 10 data items, and there may be up to 100 data groups.
The data group definition tells the ordinal numbers of the data items in the group. The
data group definitions are found from the address (7000 + object parameter area start
address). Above is an example of a SCIL command procedure which defines a data
The event data polling may comprise up to 300 SPA bus slave units (100 slaves/bus).
In the address range starting from 8000 + object parameter area start address. The
following features of each object to be event polled are defined:
• Bus number.
• Unit number.
• Unit type.
• Status.
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Creating a SRIO Data Group with SCIL
Defining variables:
@GROUPNR ;Number of the group to be created
@MEMBERS ;Vector containing the ordinal numbers of the group members in the
;SRIO 1000M database.
Defining Constants:
@ENTRYNR ;Nr of the event data poll list entry
@DEF ;@DEF(1)=%BUS
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The STAn:B object definition is not necessary if the default station type defined by
SYS:BDS is "RTU" and the default node defined by SYS:BDN is the NET unit to
which the RTU is connected and the mapping is direct. However, if no STAn:B object
is defined, the station can not be handled by the MicroSCADA tool pictures.
2 If needed, map the station for the application which will use it with the APLn:BST
attribute. Station mapping is necessary only if the logical number will be another
than the STAn:B object number, which is the default mapping. The logical station
number is the Unit Number (the UN attribute) of the process objects defined for
the station. (System Objects, chapter five).
Perform the configuration definitions described below in the NET unit to which the
station is directly connected. It is assumed that the NET unit has been defined to the
base system as a NODn:B object, and that the base system has been defined to the
NET unit as an external node, see chapter eight.
1 Select a line for the station (several RTUs can be connected to the same line) and
define it with the RP570 protocol:
PO 7
LT 0 (RS232) or 1 (modem line)
IU 1
MS The application receiving system messages
MI The object receiving system messages, see section 13.1
BR Baud rate, should be the same as in the RTU
PY 2
RD 8
TD 8
SB 1
PS Buffer pool size, see section 8.1
DE CTS delay in milliseconds
EN Enquiry limit time in milliseconds
PD Poll delay in milliseconds
PP Polling of suspended stations
RP Number of consecutive polls
TI Timeout length in seconds
HT Timeout in milliseconds for start of response
reception (default = 700 ms)
RI Time delay in milliseconds before enabling a line
after a message. Default = 0. A time delay must be
used if NET’s transmission echoes back into the receiver.
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The NET unit will recognise an automatically created "station", STA0, as "broadcast
station". The broadcast station notates all S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs connected to the same
4 Synchronize the RTU200 clock with the clock of the NET unit at start-up by
setting the SY attribute, e.g. #SET STAn:SSY (supposing that the NET clock has
been synchronized before). By using the broadcast station number, all RTUs
connected to one NET can be synchronized simultaneously.
5 If needed, change the AW attribute of the RP570 line, see the System Objects
manual, section 13.5. This is normally not necessary.
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In order to register the data in the process database, define bit stream type process
objects with the following object addresses:
Byte 5 : STATUS with time quality etc., copied from RP570 telegram
Bbyte 4 : STATUS with time quality etc., copied from RP570 telegram
The coding of each field, when not explicitly described above, follows the RP570
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The RTU configuration can be performed independently of MicroSCADA, which
means that the MicroSCADA process object definition is built separately with no help
from the RTU configuration files. Alternatively, the RTU configuration can be built
via MicroSCADA, which means that the MicroSCADA engineer can utilise the con-
figuration in the process object definitions. Changes in the MicroSCADA process
database can then be loaded down to the RTUs.
The MicroSCADA base system communicates with a LONWORKS device through the
PC-NET and a LONWORKS network interface card. The interface card can be a
PCLTA card, for example. PC-NET is a communication software, that runs on the
main processor of a Windows NT computer in parallel with the base system. As
communication channels, the PC-NET software may utilise the serial line COM ports
of the PC and the optical lines of the PCLTA card.
Station Types
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LMK An LMK station comprises all types of devices, except SPA and
REx devices, connected to the LONWORKS network using the stan-
dard LONWORKS interface (e.g. an LSG device or a Weidmüller I/O
For device configuration, please refer to the specific device configuration manuals
and the LNT 505 manuals.
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12 Redundancy Configurations
This chapter describes three special configurations which all serve the same purpose -
to raise the operation security and availability of a running MicroSCADA system:
All three configurations can be used combined. The engineering and maintenance of
the configurations are facilitated by tools and application software packages.
The concept ’Hot Stand-by Base systems’ means that two base system computers are
interconnected via a LAN in a redundant relationship where one or both base systems
are prepared for fast take-over at system break-down in the other base system. An ap-
plication in one base system operates as the hot application, while an identical appli-
cation in the other base system is a stand-by application. The stand-by application is
maintained by a continuous shadowing (copying) of data from the hot application.
When a fault occurs in the primary base system (the base system containing the hot
application), the shadowing application in the stand-by base system is started and
takes over all operational functions. After recovery and restart of the former primary
base system, it can either be used as stand-by base system, whereby the former stand-
by base system is the primary base system, or the base systems can be returned to
their original tasks.
During normal operation, the two base systems may function independently, each of
them running one or more applications, e.g. electrical energy distribution and district
heating. Alternatively, one base system may be reserved exclusively for stand-by
duty. Both base systems may contain several applications connected with an applica-
tion in the other base system in a shadowing relationship. In the following description,
it is for simplicity assumed that the base systems contain only one shadowing appli-
cation pair, but the same principles apply to systems with several shadowing applica-
System Architecture
Two base systems, based on the same or different hardware, are interconnected via a
LAN. The redundant base systems can share the same communication frontends, or
the communication frontends may be doubled as well.
Minimum configuration:
• Two complete base systems connected to a LAN, each including at least two ap-
plications - one main application, which is a part in the hot stand-by relation, and
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one watchdog application which is dedicated for monitoring the main application
and performing a switch-over when needed.
• One or two communication frontends connected to the LAN.
• A standard watchdog application software package in each of the base systems.
The watchdog software package contains command procedures and data objects
for monitoring the operation and reconfiguring at switch-over.
• Printers connected via the communication frontends.
• Additional applications in both base systems.
• Operator workstations.
The most reliable Hot Stand-by configuration is obtained with stations of type
Functional Description
During normal operation, the running application in the primary base system sends
continuously shadowing data to an identical application in the stand-by base system.
Shadowing means that the following data is copied from the running application to
the stand-by application:
• All updating, including deletions, on disk under the application subdirectories
(APL_, PICT, FORM, MLIB, etc.), e.g. the process and report databases, the
picture database, text files and RTU configuration files. File handling on operat-
ing system level is not copied.
• Updating of application data stored in RAM, e.g., process and report data, history
buffer and alarm buffer. Updating of cache memories, monitor states, printer
spool and execution queues are not copied.
• Last transaction number, i.e., the number of the last RP570 or SPACOM event
message transferred from NET.
The whole SYS_ folder is not shadowed. So, if customisations are done to parts that
are not shadowed, they are lost at the take over.
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Besides the shadowing data messages, the hot application sends cyclically diagnostic
commands and time synchronisation commands to the stand-by application. If it re-
ceives no acknowledgement to the messages, the connection to the stand-by applica-
tion is regarded as broken, and the shadowing halts until the connection is re-
The watchdog application in the stand-by base system monitors the diagnostic com-
mands and messages from the hot application, and starts an event channel if no mes-
sage nor any diagnostic command is received within a specified time. The event
channel starts a command procedure, which examines the situation and performs a
switch-over if needed.
Switch-over means that the former stand-by application is switched to hot application.
When the stand-by application is set to HOT, an event channel APL_INIT_H is
started (instead of APL_INIT_1 and 2), which may be used, e.g., for reconfigurations
and updating (e.g. updating of the last transactions on RP570 and SPA lines). As de-
part from an ordinary application start-up, no process data is copied from disk to
RAM. The watchdog application in the new primary base system tries to establish
contact with the former hot application (which is now regarded as stand-by applica-
tion) cyclically with a specified time interval. At switch-over, the full graphic work-
stations must be handled by application programs, or manually.
When the former primary computer is restarted after recovery, all files under the re-
dundant application directory are automatically deleted and the application files are
copied from the running application ("file dump"). Likewise, all application data of
the running application stored in RAM (e.g. process object data) is copied to the re-
dundant application in the recovered computer ("RAM dump"). While the RAM data
is copied, which may take some seconds depending on the application, the running
application is out of operation. The recovered computer continues as stand-by com-
puter. A new switch-over is obtained by a simulated error, e.g. by setting the primary
main application to cold.
ABB Automation 97
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
12 Redundancy Configurations Configuration Manual
1 Edit the variables in the upper part of the file. See the SYS_BASCON.HSB file
SYSTEMS System node names for both base systems in the hot stand-by
THIS_IS The node name of the base system in question. Note that this num-
ber is different in the other hot stand-by base system configuration.
APL_NAME The name of the main application. Give the main applications the
same name in both base systems.
APL_NUMS = The numbers of the main and watchdog application and the main
and watchdog applications in the partner base system
98 ABB Automation
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual 12 Redundancy Configurations
Other variables define the used links (marked by an asterisk) and the total number of
stations. The default stations defined in SYS_BASCON.HSB are of type S.P.I.D.E.R.
RTU ("RTU") and connected to node 1.
2 Define the base system as a SYS:B object with the Shadowing attribute SH = 1.
3 If the system contains other than default types of stations, or stations connected to
other nodes edit the STA block. If there are several types of stations, or stations
connected to different nodes, copy the STA block and edit the copied block.
You may also want to check the application definitions. The configurations below are
the default values that can often be used as such.
• The local watchdog application, an APLn:B object with:
Shadowing State SS = "NONE"
Application State AS = "HOT"
• The external applications, APLn:B, for the main (partner) and watchdog applica-
tions in the redundant base system. For more information see Chapter 5.
• The main application, an APLn:B object. The following shadowing attributes are
Application State AS "COLD"
Application Mapping AP
Both the watchdog application and the external appli-
cations are mapped to the application
Monitor Mapping MO
The monitors (windows) are mapped for the applica-
Shadowing Number SN
The logical application number of the shadowing ap-
plication according to the AP attribute
Shadowing Watchdog SW
The logical application number of the watchdog ap-
plication according to the AP attribute
ABB Automation 99
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
12 Redundancy Configurations Configuration Manual
This base system configuration means that both main applications will be COLD
when the base systems are started, only the watchdog applications are running.
The principles for the initial configuration of Hot Stand-by base systems in
SYS_BASCON.HSB are also shown in Figure 20.
Table 3. Startup configurations for two redundant base systems. The example il-
lustrates only the attributes and parameters that are significant for hot
Configuration of base system 1: Configuration of base system 2:
Base system: Base system:
SH=1 SH=1
1 Define an APL object for the main application in the primary base system, see
section 8.1.
2 Define an APL object for each of the watchdog applications in both base systems,
see section 8.1.
3 Set the Message Application (MS) attribute to the APL number of the main
application and the System Message Enable (SE) attribute to 2.
The watchdog application software package handles the following procedures for all
hot stand-by applications within the base system:
• When a base system is started, it checks which main application was operating
last and sets the state of the application to "HOT_SEND".
• During the operation, it monitors the messages sent from the hot application. If no
messages are received in a specified time defined by the Shadowing Receive
Timeout (SR) attribute a switch-over is started and the stand-by application is set
to "HOT" and "HOT_SEND".
• If the hot system does not get acknowledgments from the stand-by system, it re-
gards the connection as broken, and the shadowing ceases (SS = "NONE"). The
watchdog application then checks the connection by sending commands cyclically
(with an interval of a few minutes) to the stand-by system, and starts shadowing
(SS = "HOT_SEND") when the connection has been re-established.
1 Enter the Base System Configuration tool from the Tool Manager.
2 Select SYSTEM.
3 Click the OBJECT MANAGEMENT...in the SHADOWING text area.
1 Click APPLICATIONS. The watchdog applications are shown in the middle of the
dialog that appears.
2 Click the field below the text EXTERNAL WATCH-DOG APPL, next to the
watchdog application whose pair you are about to define.
3 Type the application number of the external watchdog application.
4 Repeat the steps 2-4 if you have several watchdog applications.
5 Change the HSB field from OFF to ON for a watchdog application to enable
starting the main application.
6 Wait while the main application becomes hot.
After the HSB has been enabled for both of the watchdog applications, the file dump
and shadowing starts.
Take over should not be done before the file dump is completed.
The file dump is completed when the File dump time appears to the Shadowing dia-
log, which is opened from the Applications dialog in the Base System Configuration
tool. For more information on supervising and controlling hot stand-by systems, see
Chapter 3 in the System Management manual.
The watchdog application package contains command procedures, which are de-
scribed below. Following command procedures can be freely customised meanwhile
the others should not be edited. Note that while editing the command procedures the
first parts of the files should be left as they are, and the modifications are added to the
end of the file.
SHADUSR The generation of alarms and events in the following situa-
tions: when the hot stand-by transmission starts, when the
file and RAM dump is ready, when the connection is lost to
the receiver (in the stand-by system), when a takeover starts,
or when a change of state occurs in the partner application.
SHADMAPMON The shifting of monitors at takeover, e.g. mapping monitors
for the main application, or opening application windows
using the SCIL function OPS_CALL and the mons.exe
command. See the example in System Management manual,
section 2.6.
When a monitor is mapped for an application, an event
channel MON_EVENT is activated. This can also be util-
ized for registering the SD attribute of an X terminal, e.g., in
the Instruction (IN) attribute of a command procedure. At
switch-over, the SD attribute can be used for opening a win-
dow in the same terminal.
SHADMAPNET Reconfiguration of the communication units at takeover.
The following NET reconfiguration should be done at take-
- Check of active NET if redundant frontends
- Redefinition of the APL object in NET corresponding to
the main application, see the example in the figure in
Chapter 14
- Retransmission of the last RP570 and SPA transactions
by writing to the NETn:SLT attribute of the NET (up to
30 transactions are stored in NET)
The reconfiguration can also be done in a command proce-
dure started by the event channel APL_INIT_H which is
executed when the stand-by application is set to HOT (in-
stead of APL_INIT_1 and 2).
SHADGOHOT Specifies whether the main application is allowed to become
HOT when a connection lost has been discovered. The
command procedure may contain a check of the error, e.g.,
if the communication disturbance is due to a communication
fault on the LAN connection to the stand-by system, no
switch over should be performed. Default: the application is
set to HOT.
SHADREMHOT Specifies whether the main application is allowed to remain
HOT when also the stand-by application is HOT. Such a
Shadusr Example
In this example the shadusr is used for programming functionality related to the event
list. The texts that should appear in the event list in the following situations transmis-
sion starts, dump done, connection lost to receiver and takeover are specified. Below
this, the texts for different state changes are specified. In the end of the command pro-
cedure different actions are specified for the hot application appearing when the state
changes and in the other events.
#WHEN 1 @TOX ="APL ’APL_NM’ Copying is started "
#WHEN 2 @TOX ="APL ’APL_NM’ Copying is finished "
#WHEN 3 @TOX ="APL ’APL_NM’ Connection is lost "
#WHEN 4 @TOX ="APL ’APL_NM’ The application is started "
@TOX_AS="EXT APL ADJ_’APL_NM’ The state changed "
An example of base system configuration for a hot stand-by system is given here. The
system is shown in Figure 21. This example shows the content of the command pro-
cedures that were listed above in this particular configuration. Also it shows the Sys-
bascon.com and monitors.dat files made for this system.
Figure 21. A MicroSCADA system where is 2 SYS 500 System Servers and 4 COM
510 or 530 Communication frontend
In this example configuration there is no modifications made to the Shadusr. So, hot
stand-by functionality related events and alarms are not generated and shown to the
ZT = 98-11-26 11:13:37, EP = 255, SE = 0, TC = "", PE = 0, PQ = 0,
HN = 0, MO = 1, IN =
; OS == 0 => AVAILABLE,
; OS == 10 => NOT AVAILABLE,
; OV == 0 => COLD,
; OV == 1 => WARM,
; OV == 2 => HOT)
In this example configuration the monitors that are opened at takeover are specified.
The first part of the command procedure ending with the text
is ready made. The text after this is the project specific part made by the project engi-
In case the base system with the node number 21 becomes hot at the take over, 3 pre-
defined monitors of number 4 and 3 predefined monitors of number 5 are opened with
the ops call to the computer named JSE_SYS1. When base system with the node
number 22 becomes hot at the take over, 3 predefined monitors of number 4 and 3
predefined monitors of number 5 are opened to the computer named JSE_SYS2. For
more information on opening predefined monitor and monitors.dat file, see the Chap-
ter 2 in the System Management.
ZT = 99-04-14 13:05:25, EP = 255, SE = 0, TC = "", PE = 0, PQ = 0,
HN = 0, MO = 1, IN =
#Error Continue
#WHEN 21 #LOOP_WITH I=1..3
#WHEN 22 #LOOP_WITH I=1..3
In this example configuration the monitors that are opened at takeover are specified.
The first part of the command procedure ending with the text
is ready made. The text after this is the project specific part made by the project engi-
First the time is specified, during which something should have been received from
the NET. Then the numbers of the NETs, applications and base systems in the appli-
cation named JSE are specified. Then there are programs that translate:
IU = 1, ZT = 99-03-15 01:11:02, EP = 255, SE = 0, TC = "", PE = 0,
PQ = 0, HN = 0, MO = 1, IN =
@My_Nod = SYS:BND
@APLS=( 5, 6, 7, 8)
#LOOP_WITH I = 1 .. LENGTH(%NETS) ; Switch the NET units
#If Nodes:P’NET’ == 1 #Then #Block
@a = Console_output("’T’ Shadmapnet NET=’net’ My_Nod = ’my_nod’")
#set Net’NET’:SSY1=(%My_Nod,1)
ZT = 99-03-03 18:28:32, EP = 255, SE = 0, TC = "", PE = 0, PQ = 0,
HN = 0, MO = 1, IN =
@A = Console_Output("SHADGOHOT:C Begin")
@a = Timeout(500)
@New_Node = (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,18,17)
#Loop_With J = 1 .. Length(%New_Node)
#error Continue
@Know = status
#If %Know == 0 #Then @Counter = %Counter + 1
#Error Continue
ZT = 99-03-10 13:48:51, EP = 255, SE = 0, TC = "", PE = 0, PQ = 0,
HN = 0, MO = 1, IN =
@A = Console_Output("SHADREMHOT:C Begin")
@a = Timeout(500)
@NET_CNT = 0
@New_Node = (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,18,17)
#Loop_With J = 1 .. Length(%New_Node)
#Error Continue
@NET_NRO = %New_Node(%J)
#If %STS==0 #Then #Block
ZT = 98-11-26 11:16:49, EP = 255, SE = 0, TC = "", PE = 0, PQ = 0,
HN = 0, MO = 1, IN =
The concept ’Redundant Frontends’ means that two communication frontends are
dedicated for the same tasks. One communication frontend is operating, the hot fron-
tend, and the other one is a reserve communication frontend, secondary or stand-by
frontend. The stand-by frontend is not operating but running and ready to take over at
malfunction in the hot one. When take-over occurs, the former stand-by frontend be-
comes the hot one and takes over the communication on all lines. Normally, the com-
munication frontends are equal and the stand-by frontend can be shifted to hot fron-
tend and vice versa.
During operation some RP570 information is transferred between the two frontends
on event basis. Redundant frontends including transfer of event data between the
communication frontends are only supported with S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs and the RP570
protocol. If other protocols are used, a switch-over between communication frontends
is possible, but such RTU information, which cannot be obtained with a general inter-
rogation may be lost.
In most cases Redundant Frontends are combined with Redundant MicroSCADA ap-
plications, see section 12.1, although these are two independent functions. They can
also be used with communication loops as described in section 12.3. The data transfer
between the communication frontends may slow down the RTU polling compared
with single frontends.
System Architecture
The two frontends must be interconnected for transmission of event data, either via a
COM port or a NET line. If a COM port is occupied for a base system connection, the
communication frontends are connected via a NET line.
Functional Description
The frontend switching can be initiated by the operator from the NET configuration
tool picture, e.g. for testing purposes.
During normal operation, the hot NET sends the following data cyclically to the
stand-by NET:
• RTU event information and RP570 line status.
• Communication loop configuration data.
Table 4. Information transferred from the running NET to the standby NET
At event reception Event sequence number
When RTU device status changes RTU device status
At line status change Line status of line , comm.. loop data of line if
comm. loop configured on line.
At communication loop configuration Communication loop data of a line
At communication loop build-up Communication loop data of a line substatus
application, the MS attribute, see section 8.1) telling that the hot NET has failed. The
application decides whether to execute a takeover, and performs it when needed.
If a NET loses its connection to the message application, it will report this as a failure
to the other NET, which tries to inform the application about the failure.
NET Configuration
The NET programs of the both redundant communication units have the same precon-
figuration, except for the node number, ACP station address and system message han-
dling attributes. Both NETs are basically defined as described in section 8.1. The
NETs must know each other as nodes residing on the redundant connection line, i.e.
either a NET line or a serial line via a COM port. Regarding connected stations and
applications, both NETs must have exactly the same configuration.
To build two redundant frontends, configure each of the NETs as follows in the pre-
configuration of the NET programs:
1 Define the fundamental configuration of the NET as described in section 8.1. Use
the default MI values for system message addresses. If there are ANSI stations, the
SX attribute must be the same in both NETs. Define NET system message enabled
attribute SE to value 2.
2 Check that line 13 is defined for the common RAM interface.
3 If the redundancy information will be sent via a NET line, define the line as an
ACP line with the following attributes:
PO Protocol : 00001
IU In Use : 00001
PY Parity : 00002
RE Redundancy : 00002
CN Connection : [Ign]
4 Define the redundant partner NET as an external node, either on line 13 (if the
COM port is used), or on the NET line reserved for the redundant communication.
5 Define the same STA objects and APL objects in both NETs, see chapters 11 – 13.
All STA definitions in both NETs must also be defined as STA objects in the base
To restore the preconfiguration of the running NETs, restart them by setting the RS
attribute of the communication frontend to 3.
Frontend Configuration
Figure 22. An example of two redundant frontends, when the redundancy information is transferred via a
NET line.
Table 5. An example configuration of two redundant frontends when the redundancy information is trans-
ferred via a NET line. If the base systems are doubled, both base systems contain the same con-
figuration regarding the frontends and the RTU:s.
Configuration of NET1 Configuration of NET4
This Node: This Node:
RAM Size (kB): 512 RAM Size (kB): 512
Device Number: 1 Device Number: 4
MI Message Ident.: 6001 MI Message Ident.: 6004
MS Message 1 MS Message 3
Application: Application:
SA Station Addr. 201 SA Station Addr. 204
(dec.): (dec.):
SE System Message 1 SE System Message 1
Enabled: Enabled:
Line 13 (=RAM Interface) Line 13 (=RAM Interface)
PO Protocol: 3 PO Protocol: 3
IU In Use: 1 IU In Use: 1
MS Message 5 MS Message 5
Applications: Applications:
MI Message Ident.: 6113 MI Message Ident.: 6113
RE Redundancy: 2 RE Redundancy: 2
TI Time-out Length: 2 TI Time-out Length: 2
NA NAK Limit: 3 NA NAK Limit: 3
NE ENQ Limit: 3 NE ENQ Limit: 3
PS Buffer Pool Size: 50 PS Buffer Pool Size: 50
The standard application software for redundant frontends controls the communica-
tion between the redundant frontends. It receives system messages from the frontends
and control the frontend modes using the Running Mode (RM) and Shadowing (SH)
attributes of NET. When a communication frontend is started, the initial redundancy
mode is defined by the CMOD parameter in the frontend configuration file, see
If the stand-by NET detects a severe failure in the hot frontend, it sends a system mes-
sage containing a switch-over request to a MicroSCADA application (e.g. the watch-
dog application if hot stand-by). On the basis of the system messages, and possibly
further conditions, the application decides whether to perform a switch-over or not.
The switch-over is executed by the command procedures included in the standard re-
dundant frontend software package. These procedures executes, e.g., the following
• Changes the stand-by NET to HOT, by setting its RM attribute to 1 and the SH
attribute to 1.
• Takes the RTU lines in use by setting the IU attribute to 1. When a line is taken
into use, DTR is automatically activated and the NET takes hold of the lines.
• Redefines the stations in the base system with the NET node number, e.g. #SET
STAn:BND = 4.
• Commands the new hot NET to send an SCI (status request) to all RTUs using the
SC attribute.
• Takes the RTUs into use by setting the IU attribute = 1.
The MicroSCADA tool software contains a tool pictures (SYSORF_ADM) for in-
stalling and taking into use the standard application software package for redundant
frontends. To take the software package into use:
1 Enter the application which will contain the application software, and enter the
2 Press the INSTALL RF OBJECTS key, which will install command procedures,
datalogs, time channels and event objects into your system. The names of the
created objects start with letters RF_.
3 Press the CREATE/VIEW NET PAIRS key to select the redundant NET pairs.
Type in the group numbers and the node numbers of the NETs. For each redundant
frontend you must use a unique group number. Press the INSTALL key to save
your settings.
4 Press CHOOSE/VIEW RF LINES key. Type in the node number of the NETs and
mark the numbers of the NET lines which are operated by the RF procedures.
5 Press CREATE LIST OF OBJECTS key. This will search your base system
configuration for STA and PRI objects and then it will create two vector variables
into RF_U_BOBJ:C command procedure. RF_STAOBJ variable contains the
numbers of base system station objects that are controlled by RF procedures.
RF_PRIOBJ contains the numbers of base system printer objects that are
controlled by RF procedures. The command procedure can be modified manually
to add or remove objects from the list or it can be created again with the CREATE
6 If you have a combination of redundant frontend and hot-standby base system, you
should press the INSTALL OBJECTS FOR HSB APL key. This will create a
RF_U_WD:C command procedure into your WD application.
This command procedure is used to store an array of base system STA and PRI
objects which are controlled by RF procedures. This is done with two vector vari-
This procedure can be done manually or from the tool with CREATE LIST OF
• Checks that the system messages enable attribute (SE) in NET is 1, if not it is
changed to 1.
• Checks that the NET pairs are not in the same running state (both standby or
hot), if they are in the same state the switch over procedure is started.
Sets a line of the new hot net in use on switchover. This command procedure is
executed by the switch over procedures for all the NET lines which have been
chosen in the tool picture. This procedure can be used in most applications without
any modifications.
NET system message handling for application specific purposes. This command
procedure receives the three different types of NET system messages (General,
APL diagnostic, NET diagnostic). As a default this procedure is used for following
• When the main application connection of the hot NET is restored, this proce-
dure is used to map the base system objects to that NET. This is done by exe-
cuting the RF_BOBJ_SB:C command procedure.
• When the main application connection of any NET is restored, this procedure
is used to start the online configuration of the NET, executes the
Sets the stations in use and makes station specific actions on switchover.
A communication loop means that several RTUs are connected on the same line in a
loop to two NET lines in the same or separate communication units, situated in the
same or separate frontends, see Figure 23. The purpose is to secure the contact be-
tween the base system and the RTUs even if the loop line physically is broken in one
The communication between the base system and the RTUs can go in any loop direc-
tion, but only in one direction at a time. The communication can be redirected with
SCIL. The RTUs also changes the communication direction automatically if they are
not polled within a certain point of time. A loop reconfiguration normally lasts several
minutes and during that time all RTUs are not accessible. The performance of a com-
munication loop line is somewhat slower than normal modem lines, because typically
the telegrams have to pass through several modems on the way.
System Architecture
Hardware requirements:
• A Loop control unit DSTC3002 or equivalent and two modems at each RTU.
Software requirements:
• DCP-NET or PC-NET software, rev. 8.2 or 8.4.
• MicroSCADA base system base product software rev. 8.2 or 8.4.
• RTU200 or RTU210 software rel. 2. including loop support.
• Communication loop application software package.
Each RTU is equipped with a loop reversal unit and two modems. The ends of a
communication loop can either be connected to two lines of the same NET unit or to
two lines of different NETs (as in the example configuration of fig. 1). The maximum
number of RTUs per loop is 16. Branched communication loop lines are not sup-
Functional Description
The loop has a logical breakpoint, normally near the midpoint of the loop. All RTUs
on one side of the breakpoint are polled from that direction and the RTUs on the other
side are polled from the other direction. The breakpoint can be moved to any loop
segment, thus, all the RTUs can even be polled from the same direction.
Each RTU controls its own loop reversal unit and can change the listening direction
by opening or closing its loop reversal unit. The breakpoint is formed where two adja-
cent RTUs are linked to different directions. A NET can command an RTU to change
the state of its loop reversal unit with an RP570 command. If the RTU is not polled
from the current direction with other telegrams than SCI for a certain time, the loop
reversal time, it will automatically turn its loop reversal unit and listen in the other di-
rection. Consequently, under all circumstances, all RTUs must be polled within this
time, otherwise, some RTU may turn to the wrong direction.
The loop reversal time-out is configured in the RTU, and can be set with an FTAB
command. The loop reconfiguration time depends on the number of RTUs in the loop
and the loop reversal unit turn time-out in the RTUs. An automatic reconfiguration of
a loop with 16 RTUs may take a few minutes.
If an RTU polled from one direction is suspended, a system message is sent to the
message application of the RTU in question. The application waits for a while. If one
or more RTUs are still suspended, a loop reconfiguration starts. The breakpoint can
be moved, e.g., so that all suspended RTUs, and all RTUs situated between them on
the loop, are polled from the other direction. During the reconfiguration, the loop re-
versal units of the RTUs are turned according to the physical order of the RTUs on
the loop, and the loop is thus extended step by step.
When a NET starts to poll an RTU which has been shifted from the other direction, it
always starts with a status check (SCI). This means that the latest indication and
measured values are transmitted by the RTU. Events, pulse counter messages and
other queued data (from the four last telegrams if found) is automatically retransmit-
ted by the RTU. Therefore, no RTU information gets lost.
The communication loop configuration is built on-line. The standard loop application
software loads the communication loop configuration each time the NETs have been
restarted. If the NETs controlling the loop have redundant NETs the configuration
commands are forwarded to the stand-by NET. Information is forwarded several times
during a loop reconfiguration procedure.
NET Configuration
5 Define the loop line in both NETs. The line is configured as an ordinary RP570
line, see section 11.1.
6 Define all RTUs in both NETs. The RTUs in the loop are not in use (IU = 0).
The MicroSCADA tool software package includes two tool pictures for communica-
tion loop handling, one for the installation and administration of the loop software
(SYSOLOOCON), and one for supervision of the loop operation (SYSOLOOSUP).
freely chosen name, the STA object number, listening direction, and loop switch
7 When the loop is ready, build the application command procedures by clicking on
The function keys CHANGE DIRECTION, OPEN/CLOSE, and SET BREAK do not
affect the configuration of the loop.
13 Miscellaneous
System messages are generated by the communication units at the appearance and
disappearance of abnormal situations or events in the communication with connected
stations, printers and applications (STA, PRI and APL objects) or on the communica-
tion lines (NET lines). A system message is always related to a certain object or a line
and indicates:
• A malfunction in the object or line, e.g. an RTU is not responding.
• A recovery after a malfunction.
• An event, e.g. a S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU is restarted.
The system message contains a code, which describes the state of the device or line
The status code 0 indicates OK status. A status code larger than 0 does not necessarily
indicate an error. The codes are listed in the manual Status Codes. The codes related
to system objects are 0 and the codes larger than 10 000. (The explanation can be read
in the Windows NT command prompt window with the command: STATUS ‘error
The system messages can be sent to an application in a base system, where the codes
can be updated in a process object and used for alarm or printout generation, activa-
tion of control operations, etc.
The NET unit itself can cause system messages containing the status codes 0, 10 000
... 12 099 and 16 600 ... 20176. System messages are generated, e.g., in the following
• The communication program has started: code 10001. This message is sent to all
applications defined in the unit.
• The Mail Update Identification (MU) attribute has been updated: code 16633. See
the manual System Objects, section 12.7.
The application connection supervision in the NET unit can cause messages with
some special codes in the following situations:
• When the application communication is suspended: the application number. The
message is sent to the application defined by the Message Application (MS) at-
tribute of NET, or to the first application which is responding. See the Applica-
tion Suspension Time (SU) attribute in the manual System Objects, section 12.4.
• When the application communication is recovered: 1000 + application number.
The message is sent both to the recovering application and to the application
which received the suspension message.
NET lines, independent of protocol, can cause system messages with the status codes
0 or 14001 ... 16099 and some of the codes 16101 ... 16599 and 16700 ... 17999 de-
pending on the protocol defined. The lines cause system messages, e.g., in the fol-
lowing situations:
• Various situations on communication lines: protocol dependent codes. E.g. if no
ACK is received on ANSI X3.28 Full Duplex lines, a message with the code
16101 is generated.
• Various situations on dial-up lines: see section 13.2.
• The line is taken into use (IU = 1). This however, does not concern all protocols.
• The NET-NET communication is lost: Peer NET number.
• The NET-NET communication is started: 1000+Peer NET number.
Stations using the ANSI X3.28 protocol (STA) can cause messages with the status
codes 0 or 12301 ... 12399. The stations cause generate messages, e.g., in the follow-
ing situations:
• The station is put into suspended state because it does not respond to poll packets
or messages: codes 12334, 12336, 12337, or 12386.
• The In Use (IU) attribute of the station has been set to 0: code 12339.
• The connection to a station, supervised by the DCD signal, has been lost: code
• The station connection recovers after a disturbance: code 0.
The S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs (RTU) can cause messages containing the status codes 0 and
12601 ... 12749. Some situations cause codes which are a running number, 0 ... 999,
kept be the communication unit. The system messages are generated, e.g., in the fol-
lowing situations:
• The station is suspended: code 12602.
• The station recovers from suspension: code 0.
• The station is stopped or restarted: codes 12604 or 12605 respectively.
• Transparent data received: code 12683.
• Terminal status received: codes 12701 .. 12789.
• Terminal message received: codes 0 ... 999.
• Terminal event received: codes 0 ... 999.
A PRI object can cause messages with the status codes 0 and 13101 .. 13100. System
messages are generated, e.g., in the following situations:
• The printer is switched off: code 13119.
• The printer is off line or it has been busy for more than 10 seconds: code 13103.
The printer accepts data again after any of the above situations: code 0.
See the Status Codes manual for specific ranges of system messages.
1 Set the Message Application (MS) attribute of the system object to the number of
the receiving application.
2 Set the Message Identification (MI) attribute of the system object to the value of
object address of the receiving object. The MI attribute has object dependent
default values which are also the recommended values, and should generally not be
changed. The default value is used when the system object is defined on-line and
the MI attribute is not explicitly set, or if the MI attribute is set to 0 in the
preconfiguration. The default values are shown in Table 6.
The transmission of system messages from individual objects can be enabled or dis-
abled by the System Message Enabled (SE) attribute of the objects. The system mes-
sage generation should only be disabled in special cases, e.g. if the base system appli-
cation program often executes commands, which cause undesirable system messages.
Application Requirements
1 Create a fictitious process object of type ANSI analog input and set the Unit
Number (UN) attribute to 0. The system message codes of the device will be
registered as the object value of this object.
2 Set the objects Object Address (OA) attribute equal to the Message Identification
(MI) attribute and set Switch State (SS) attribute to Auto.
3 Select direct scale (1-1).
Define the consequential operations by means of event, alarm and printout attributes.
See the manual Application Objects, sections 3.2.6 and 3.2.7 for alarm generation,
3.2.8 for activation of event channel and automatic updating in pictures, 3.2.10 for
printout activation and 3.2.9 for including in the event list.
13.2 Auto-dialing
Auto-dialing can be used on all NET serial lines defined for the ANSI X3.28 Half
Duplex or Full Duplex protocols, ACP (MicroPROTOCOL), Modbus, IEC 1107 or
the RP570 protocol. Auto-dialing is for example useful:
• For the connection of remote stations with infrequent data transfer.
• For the connection of home terminals.
• For taking into use a reserve line.
Auto-dialing is possible in both directions.
The auto-dialing line can be defined in the preconfiguration. However, the auto-
dialing feature can not be preconfigured, it must be configured and taken into use on-
Create the line in the preconfiguration or on-line. Depending on the device(s) con-
nected to the line set the Protocol (PO) attribute to 1 for the ANSI X3.28 Full Duplex
protocol, 2 for the ANSI X3.28 Half Duplex protocol, 1 for the MicroPROTOCOL
protocol, 25 for Modbus RTU mode master protocol and 26 for the IEC 1107 proto-
The auto-dialing feature for a line can be added using a tool or SCIL. The dial-up mo-
dem has to be connected in to the line while defining the auto-dialing feature.
1 Take the line out of use by setting the In Use (IU) attribute of the line to 0, e.g.:
#SET NET1:SIU5 = 0
2 Set the ACE (AC) attribute of the line to 1, e.g.:
#SET NET1:SAC5 = 1
3 If the NET unit is supposed to answer incoming calls which is always the case on
RP570 lines, set the Remote Calls Enabled (RC) attribute to 1, e.g.:
#SET NET1:SRC5 = 1
4 iIf an automatic break of the connection after a specified time is desired, set the
Connection Time Limited (CL) and Connection Time (CT) attributes, e.g.:
#SET NET1:SCL5 = 1
#SET NET1:SCT5 = 500
which means that the connection is broken automatically after 500 seconds.
5 If needed, set the Radio Disconnection Delay (DD), Pulse Dialing (PU), Radio
Connection Wait Time (RW) and ACE AT S Register (SR).attributes See the
manual System Objects, section 13.6.
6 Set the In Use (IU) attribute of the line to 1, e.g.:
#SET NET1:SIU5 = 1
Dialing Procedures
When NET is dialing, system messages with codes 16107, 16208 or 16825, depending
on the protocol, are generated. If a station is dialing, the codes 16108, 16209 or 16826
are generated. A failed dial-up generates the code 16704.
Dialing a MicroTERMINAL:
#SET NET1:SCN5 = "1234567"
Dialing station 11 (STA11):
#SET NET1:SCN5 = "1234567S11"
Breaking the connection:
#SET NET1:SCN5 = ""
For exact and reliable operation, the whole chain between the process and the Micro-
SCADA databases must be synchronised: the stations, the communication units and
the base systems.
The MicroSCADA base system works according to the operating system clock, which
is regularly set according to the physical clock of the base system computer. If an ex-
ternal time synchronisation source such as a radio clock or a GPS clock is used, it sets
the physical clock, and the operating system clock regularly. The operator can also set
the system time, whereby both the operating system clock and the physical clock are
set simultaneously. However, if the computer uses an external time synchronisation
source, the manual time setting will have a temporary effect only, as the time is set
regularly by the external time synchronisation source. An external time synchronisa-
tion source of type radio clock can also be connected to a frontend and a NET unit.
If the base system uses an external time synchronisation source, not only the base
system itself, but also possible internal frontends are synchronized automatically.
Likewise, if a communication frontend contains a radio clock, all communication
units within the frontend are synchronised automatically. In both cases, the accuracy
is about 10 ms. Hence, if both the base system and the communication frontends are
equipped with radio clocks, no procedures for synchronising these are required, only
the stations must be synchronised from the connected NETs.
If the base system, but not the communication frontend, uses a external time synchro-
nisation source, the NET units of the frontend must be synchronised, either by syn-
chronising the units individually, or by synchronising the frontend, whereby all com-
munication units are synchronised as well. The former method may be preferable, as
the accuracy of the NET units is 20 ... 30 ms, while the accuracy of the frontend PC is
about 60 ms. On the other hand, if the units are synchronised via the frontend, the dif-
ference between the NET units will be small (<<= 10 ms). If the frontend, but not the
base system, contains an external time synchronisation source, the base system must
be synchronised from a NET unit within the frontend.
The base system time can be read and written on millisecond level, with an accuracy
of 10 milliseconds, with the SCIL functions HR_CLOCK and SET_CLOCK. For
more information on the functions, see the Programming Language SCIL manual,
section 8.3.
The time of the communication units and frontends can be read and written with the
NETn:STM attribute.
The time of the stations (S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs and ANSI stations) are synchronised by
means of the Clock Synchronization (SY) attribute. SPACOM units are synchronised
The communication units can be manually synchronised from the base system using
tion key SYNC NET FROM SYS. The time synchronisation program regards the de-
lays caused by the transmission and execution of the command. To build an automatic
regular synchronisation of a NET from a base system:
When started, the frontend time is set to the time of the PC clock. To synchronise a
communication frontend from a base system, include at least the following commands
in a SCIL program:
This does not regard the transmission and execution delays. Regarding these requires
a more extensive procedure.
This procedure does not regard the time delay required for executing the command
and communicating with NET.
Synchronising Stations
To synchronise NET and a S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU200 or ANSI station, set the Clock Syn-
chronisation (SY) attribute of the station, e.g. #SET STAn:SSY. For S.P.I.D.E.R.
RTUs, all RTUs connected to one NET can be synchronised simultaneously by using
the broadcast station number. ANSI stations must be synchronised individually.
The time synchronisation accuracy on SPA and RP570 lines varies from +-5 to +-50
milliseconds, and on ANSI lines from +-10 to 1000 ms, depending on the station type,
the location of the station and the location of the external time synchronisation
History database consists of history database files each containing events of one day.
The files are named according to the date as APL_yymmdd.PHD. For example file
APL_980115.PHD contains the events logged on 15-Jan-1998.
For fast access in time stamp order, there is an index file corresponding each data file.
The name extension of the index file is PHI. The history database is the basis for
event lists made by LIB 500 version 4.0.2.
The maximum size of the file is 32 MB. If database file gets full, the files are re-
named. File extension PHD is renamed to PHX and PHI is renamed to PHZ. New
empty files with extension PHD and PHI are created and the logging continues to
these new files. If PHX or PHZ already exists, the contents of PHD and PHI are lost.
The application is informed by generating an APL_EVENT with the following argu-
event "FULL"
Each event in the history database contains all the attributes of the process object, ex-
cept for CX attribute. Additionally, it contains extra attributes listed in Table 7.
For more information about these attributes, see chapter three in the Application Ob-
jects manual.
An event log is a disk backup of the event buffer. The events included in the log are
specified on process object basis. Each time an event occurs in a process object de-
fined for the event log, its attributes are written to the log as a text line. The history
buffer or the history log is the basis for event lists made by LIB 500 version 4.0.1 or
earlier versions of application libraries.
Note that event log supports names that contain 10 characters and values of IX < 999
or OA < 99999. If longer names are used, the names will be shortened and the object
name with the following warning is written in Notification Window “WARNING:
Long text has been truncated during event logging.” If longer numerical values are
used, the value is changed to zero and a similar warning is created. For more informa-
tion on logging, see the Application Objects manual section 3.2.9.
To build an event log on disk, create a PRIn:B base system object with the following
For detailed information on the attributes, see the MicroASCADA System Objects
manual, chapter 10.
The event log files are not destroyed by MicroSCADA, but should be deleted manu-
ally when no longer needed.
1 If needed, map the printer to be known to the application by another number. The
printer must not be used for other printout purposes. If the event list is built with
MicroLIBRARY, the printer should be mapped to logical printer number 15.
2 Set the History Log Number (HL) attribute of each process object that will be
included in the event log. The number is given as a bit mask. For more information
on the HL attribute, see the Application Objects manual.
This chapter describes the System Configuration tool that is situated in the Micro-
SCADA Tool Manager System Configuration page.
During the configuration, the configuration data is read from the permanent configu-
ration file using the offline reading mechanism, or from the MicroSCADA system
(SYS 500 or COM 500) using the online reading mechanism. The tool does not dis-
tinguish between the two methods of reading the data. After the data has been read,
the current configuration is displayed in the tool.
System Configuration tool includes a function which checks the attribute limits. If
there is an invalid attribute value, it returns a string, which requests the user to enter a
valid value. The tool also suggests default values for the attributes.
Debug Support
For debug support, System Configuration tool provides a mechanism to view the in-
terpreted command lines, which are constructed from the configuration view.
In the case of invalid configuration interpretation, possible SCIL errors are echoed in
the MicroSCADA Notification window. SCIL errors are also saved in a log file.
To start the System Configuration tool, double-click the System Conf tool icon in the
MicroSCADA Tool Manager System Configuration page. See Figure 24.
Figure 24. System Configuration tool in MicroSCADA Tool Manager System Con-
figuration page
The System Configuration tool page includes a menu bar and a tool bar, which can be
selected from the Settings > Toolbar Visible menu. Below the tool bar, there is an
object tree on the left, an attribute tree in the middle and an attribute editing area on
the right hand side. In addition, there is an information text bar and a status bar at the
bottom of the page.
Figure 25. Menu bar, tool bar, object tree and attribute tree in the System Configu-
ration tool
When an object is selected from the object tree, all attributes linked to it are shown in
the attribute tree (if All Attributes is selected as the View option). See Figure 25. The
working order is from left to right: after selecting an object in the object tree, an at-
tribute can be selected in the attribute tree and the selected attribute can be edited in
the attribute editing area.
A tree can be expanded by clicking the + sign on the left or double-clicking the text
area on the right. Likewise, the tree can be collapsed by clicking the - sign or double-
clicking the text area. The - sign means that the branch of the tree cannot be expanded
any further.
The whole attribute tree can be expanded and collapsed using the + and - buttons that
are situated below the tree. See Figure 26.
Figure 26. Expand and collapse buttons for the attribute tree
If a configuration from a former MicroSCADA release is read into the System Con-
figuration tool, it can be saved with the Configuration > Save Active command. It will
be saved in the default files Sysconf.ini and Signals.ini.
This command opens a configuration that is delivered with the System Configuration
tool. It includes an Object tree with Link 3 (INTEGRATED) and Node 3 (NET). See
Figure 25.
If there is a configuration open in the tool already, all the configuration data is cleared
from the tool and the contents of the Object tree is replaced with the default configu-
ration. To save the open configuration first, the Sysconf.ini and Signals.ini files in the
sys/active/sys_ folder should be copied or renamed.
1 From the object tree, select a parent object for the new object.
After you have selected a parent object, there are three ways of adding objects to the
• Use the menu bar command Object - New. See Figure 28.
Figure 28. A new object is added by using the menu bar command.
4 Enter the object number in the text box and click OK. See Figure 30.
Figure 30. Number five is entered for the new line object
The default configuration is loaded in the tool. The tool is opened in offline mode,
which is shown in the status bar.
This command saves the configuration currently open in the tool as the default con-
figuration in the Sysconf.ini file. The configuration can be saved at any time and this
can be done in both online and offline mode.
! In online mode, only the objects that are In Use are saved with Configuration > Save
Active command.
To load the current MicroSCADA system configuration in the tool, choose Con-
figuration > Open Online.
Under MicroSCADA Configuration node there is a node called Station Type Defini-
tions. See Figure 31. This object includes all different station types and it appears,
when MicroSCADA Configuration node is expanded. Deletion of this object is not
If the online configuration is saved using the command Configuration > Save Active,
the following notification dialog appears:
! If the menu bar command Configuration > Save Active is selected, the configuration
must include a Link object and a NET Node object related to the Link.
If the Link object and/or the NET Node object are not present, the PC-NET will not
start up successfully. Therefore it is not possible to save this kind of invalid configu-
ration with the Save > Active command.
When an object is selected from the configuration tree, all attributes linked to that
object are shown in the attribute tree (if All Attributes is selected as the View option).
The attribute tree consists of attribute groups, which can be expanded to show all the
attributes in the group. The attribute tree can be expanded and collapsed using the +
and - buttons that are situated below the tree. The attributes are illustrated by an icon,
a two-letter abbreviation, name and the valid value.
Figure 32. Some of the MicroSCADA Configuration item attributes in the expanded
attribute tree
The attributes are given default values by the tool. Most of the values can be changed.
However, if the value in the editing area is shown dimmed, no editing is allowed.
2 Click the + button under the attribute tree to expand all the attribute groups.
3 Select the attribute that you want to configure.
4 Change the value in the editing area and press Enter.
In the attribute editing area, the on/off values have a check box. An empty check box
means off (0) and a checked check box means on (1). For integer values, there is a
numeric spinner in the editing area. See Figure 33.
The attribute tree is updated when changes are made in the editing area.
Figure 33. Editing the PS attribute value with the numeric spinner
For communication units, the default SA attribute value is 200 + Node number. If
Node number is set bigger than 55, the default SA attribute value set by System Con-
figuration tool is 255.
When taking LONWORKS lines and stations in use in the PC-NET, it is essential for
the line to be taken in use before any station (on that specific line) is taken in use.
Likewise, all stations must be taken out of use before the line is taken out of use.
To take the configuration in use, you have to change the IU attribute values to In Use
mode in the System Configuration tool:
1 From the menu bar, choose Configuration > Open Active (if it is not open already).
2 In the Object tree, select the line you want to take in use. See Figure 34.
Figure 34. The LON line number five is selected in the Object tree
3 In the Attribute tree double-click the text Basic Line Attributes (or click the + sign
beside the text). See Figure 35.
This will expand the Basic Line Attribute group and show all attributes in it.
4 If the IU (In Use) attribute value is 0 (Not In Use), change it to 1 (In Use) in the
following way:
1. In the Attribute tree, click the IU attribute line.
2. In the attribute editing area, click the IU check box checked (In Use state).
Objects can be deleted from the Object tree by selecting the object and choosing Ob-
ject > Delete from the menu bar (or pressing Ctrl+D on the keyboard).
If the object includes user-defined SCIL programs or signals, those are deleted as
It is possible to cut, copy and paste the already defined objects in the configuration
tree. When Cut operation is chosen the copied object is also deleted from the configu-
ration tree.
During Cut/Copy and Paste operation all the related information is copied and reallo-
cated. This includes attribute values, possible user-defined SCIL programs (stations,
NET Lines and NET Nodes) and signals (REx, LMK and SPA points).
During the Edit-Cut/Copy operation the contents of the signal data for the REx, LMK,
SPA and LON Clock Master devices, as well the data structure, is assigned to the
! Cutting of an object is not possible, if the selected object includes child objects.
1 In the configuration tree, select the parent object for the object on the clipboard.
2 From the menu bar choose Edit > Paste.
The pasted object will be a child object for the selected parent object.
During the Edit > Paste sequence, the possible signal data is taken into use from the
clipboard. (This concerns REx, LMK, SPA and LON Clock Master devices only.)
The System Configuration tool guards against incorrect configuration: It is not possi-
ble to paste a SPA device directly under a LON line (an LMK device is needed) or to
paste an LMK device under a SPA line.
Paste As Range
The configuration object that was copied into the clipboard can be pasted several
times. The paste object number collection is based either on the definition of the
minimum and maximum object numbers (e.g. from 1 to 10) or on the definition of in-
dividual object numbers (e.g. 4, 5, 8, 10). The Paste As Range function can be found
in the Edit menu.
Figure 38. The minimum object number is defined one and the maximum object
number 10
If the copied object includes a set of child objects (e.g. copied LMK station includes
several SPA stations), the pasting of the object (LMK station) does not include past-
ing of the child objects (SPA stations). If there is a need to copy also child objects,
they have to be copied separately.
The contents of a currently open configuration file can be displayed in the tool using
the Preview function. In this function, the data is shown in SCIL clauses.
It is possible to make user-defined SCIL programs for the NET Node, NET Line and
Stations. With these programs it is possible to modify lines and process units with
features, which are not yet supported by the configuration tool. For the NET, you can
create protocols and devices, which are not yet supported for the lines in the System
Configuration tool.
In the status bar of the System Configuration Tool, there is information for user-
defined SCIL programs with the following meanings:
• If an enabled symbol exists, the selected object includes a user-defined SCIL pro-
• If a disabled symbol exists, it is possible to include a user-defined SCIL program
for the selected object, but nothing has been attached yet.
• If no symbol exists, it is not possible to include a user-defined SCIL program for
the selected object.
1 Select the object to be modified.
If the symbol exists in the status bar, you can modify the SCIL program or create a
new one.
2 From the menu bar, choose Program > User-Defined.... See Figure 41.
3 Edit your program using the variables listed in the comments of the program.
This attribute is included in the System Configuration tool, when the tool is used in
online mode.
Figure 43. The General Object Handling Command dialog will be opened
Figure 44. General Object Handling Command dialog with example values
If you enter the same value definitions that you can see in Figure 44 and click Send
(or press ENTER on the keyboard), the following SCIL command is sent to the REx
station number one:
#SET STA1:SGO = (1, 1342, 3, 4, 2, 0, 1)
In the System Configuration tool, choose Settings > System Self Supervision from the
menu bar. The dialog shown in Figure 45 opens.
If no picture function is installed from the LIB500 System Self Supervision package,
when System Configuration Tool is accessed for the first time and this dialog is
opened, the System Self Supervision is in disabled state. Also as default, to remove
supervision routing from all previously included configuration objects, requires set-
ting of that option in the System Self Supervision dialog.
Figure 46. This dialog informs the user that the current SYS_BASCON.COM tem-
plate must be replaced to enable the system self-supervision
When the old SYS_BASCON.COM is used during start-up of MicroSCADA, the ed-
iting of the System Self Supervision dialog is disabled.
Supervision Log
The System Configuration Tool includes also access to Supervision Log. To enter the
Supervision Log dialog, choose Tools > Supervision Log from the menu bar.
The Supervision Log displays all the different events in MicroSCADA and the Win-
dows NT system. See Figure 47. Different log types are: common system messages,
unknown process objects, system events from operating system, security events from
operating system and application events from operating system.
To select the log type, choose the Log from the menu bar and select the appropriate
log type from the menu items. For the events shown in the view, there is possibility to
set a different filter condition, e.g. events from certain station number.
System Configuration tool is integrated to subtools for handling signal information for
devices. For each device type, there exists a corresponding configuration tool for
managing signal information. These subtools can be launched by selecting Tools >
Signal Engineering... from the menu bar. The configuration page that is opened in-
cludes all signal information for the selected station.
The signal information transfer from the subtool is executed by choosing Configura-
tion/File > Update from the subtools menu bar. Information is also transferred to the
System Configuration tool, when Configuration/File > Exit is chosen. In each of the
subtools, there is a possibility to cut, copy and paste signal information.
In the status bar of the System Configuration Tool, there is an indicator for signal in-
formation with the following meanings:
• If an enabled symbol exists, the selected object includes signal information.
• If a disabled symbol exists, it is possible to include signal information for the se-
lected object, but no signals has been created yet.
• If no symbol exists, it is not possible to include signal information for the selected
Figure 48. The indicator shows that the selected object includes signal information
Add / Edit
Add and edit operations open the signal Add/Edit dialog for entering or changing sig-
nal information. The user interface of this dialog depends on the station type.
OK button accepts the entered values into the signal list of the device and closes the
Add/Edit dialog.
Cancel button cancels the add/edit operation and closes the Add/Edit dialog.
Apply button accepts entered values into the signal list without closing the dialog.
• When a device configuration tool is closed, the signals related to the selected de-
vice are transferred to the System Configuration tool. When Configuration - Save
Active is chosen, these signals are saved into the configuration files and they be-
come a part of the configuration data. The device signals are interpreted auto-
matically, when the NET communication is starting.
• SCIL commands which are constructed from the device signals, can be seen by
choosing Configuration - Preview... from the System Configuration tool menu
To edit signal information:
In some stations (PLC, for example), topic configuration is shown in the Advanced
Figure 50. The topic information of a PLC station is shown in the Advanced page of
the System Configuration tool
A new topic item can be added by clicking Add, which opens the Add Topic Item
dialog. See Figure 51. In this dialog, the default topic type is object command or the
type of the last added topic item. The maximum number of topic items for each device
is 100. If the station already includes 100 topic items, the Add button is disabled.
Figure 51. New topic item Object Command is to be added to a PLC station
Existing topic item can be deleted by selecting the appropriate item in the list and
clicking Delete. Before the delete operation is occurred, a notification dialog is dis-
played to the user. Clicking Yes deletes the selected topic item and refreshes the list.
Clicking No cancels the delete operation.
An existing topic item is edited by selecting the appropriate topic item in the list and
clicking Edit... or double-clicking the topic item. The selected topic items are dis-
played in the Topic Configuration Editor with the existing definitions. See Figure 52.
In this dialog, the topic type, allocation, first object address, last object address, base
address, format, interval and deadband are defined.
Note that with indication type, one object address (OA) contains 16 bits and it in-
cludes both single and double indications.
This item specifies if the topic is in use or not. The memory needed for the topic is re-
served when topic is taken to use. Values: Enabled or disabled.
This parameter specifies the first object address used with this topic. Object address
and object type parameters together specify the actual process object address (OA),
where the first item in the topic is stored. Values: 1 … 4096.
The object address of the last item of topic. Values: 1 … 4096. The number of items
reserved by the topic is calculated the following way:
Base Address
The address of first item of topic in the device's memory. Values: 0 … 4096.
The frequency that the data of topic is read from external device. The interval units
are milliseconds. If the interval is 0, the topic is not polled. Values: 0 … 65535.
If the type of topic is an analog value, then the deadband value is used to minimize
amount of updating messages from the PC-NET to the base system. The new analog
value is sent to the base system, when the change or sum (integral) of changes is big-
ger than the deadband. Values: 0 … 65535.
This chapter describes the preconfiguration tool, NETCONF. The tool is used for the
preconfiguration of DCP-NET. The tool runs under the DOS operating system. and
performs the same tasks as the NET PRECONFIGURATION tool.
15.1 Requirements
The NETCONF program requires a PC computer running under the MS-DOS operat-
ing system with 286 processor or later and at least 512 kB memory. Running
NETCONF requires at least 1 MB free disk or diskette memory.
15.2 Installation
The NETCONF tool is applied for viewing, adding, modifying, copying and docu-
menting the preconfiguration parameters stored in the communication programs. It
can also be used for verifying the consistency of communication programs.
The NETCONF tool runs under the DOS operating system. It is therefore convenient
to use NETCONF for the preconfiguration of stand-alone communication units. There
is also a tool for preconfiguration handling during MicroSCADA operation. The tool
performs the same tasks as NETCONF and is to be preferred when internal frontends
are preconfigured. For information on this tool see chapter 15.
The NETCONF tool can recognise and handle two types of files:
• Journal files, which contain only the preconfiguration data, not the entire commu-
nication program. These files are created by NETCONF or the NET
PRECONFIGURATION tool and can be used exclusively by NETCONF and the
NET PRECONFIGURATION tool. The journal files can not be used in a running
communication unit.
• A base buffer containing the configuration data to be modified. This data is called
base data.
The base buffer must always be loaded with a communication program. The extra
buffer can contain a communication program or a journal file.
Menu Selections
The NETCONF program is used through a number of menus: one main menu which
goes horizontally uppermost on screen and a number of sub-menus in the shape of
drop-down menus. The drop down menus in turn can contain other sub-menus. A
menu selection is indicated by a highlighted cursor which is moved by the arrow keys,
Home and End, see below. The Esc key performs a return to the previous level of
Keyboard Keys
Enter Execution. The key executes the option selected by the highlighted
Esc Return. The key exits the current menu and returns to the previous
menu, i.e. the menu one step upwards in the menu hierarchy. In the
main menu this key exits the NETCONF program without storing
the made modifications.
Up/Down Arrow Up/down. In the drop-down menus, the keys move the highlighted
cursor one step up and down respectively.
Left/Right Arrow Left/right. In the main menu, these keys move the highlighted cur-
sor to the left and to the right respectively.
Home First option. The key moves the highlighted cursor to the first op-
tion in the menu.
End Last option. The key moves the highlighted cursor to the last op-
tion in the menu.
F2 , space Direct selection. The key enables a direct selection of another de-
vice of the same type. If you, for example, want to edit line 9 while
you are editing line 3, press F2, type 9 and press Enter. Return to
line 3 by pressing F2, 3 and Enter.
F3, PgDn Next item. The key browses to the next object of the same type.
F4, PgUp Previous item. The key browses to the previous object of the same
F5, Tab This key works only for stations of type Allen-Bradley. The key
displays a window containing the configuration data of the mem-
ory rung of the actual station, starting from memory rung number
The optional argument ’file’ means the name of the file to be loaded to the base buffer.
The file must be a communication program file. The file can also be loaded after the
program has been started.
Before you load a file to the NETCONF tool, make sure you have a backup copy of
the file.
If at the start-up no file name was given, a file must now be loaded into the base
buffer. Load the communication program to be configured, viewed, copied, docu-
mented or verified in the following way:
1 Select "Load".
2 Select "Base NET-Data (and File)" and enter the name of the communication pro-
gram to be loaded into the base buffer. The file name should include the path if the
file is located in another directory than the current one.
While NETCONF loads the file, it verifies the consistency of the file.
When the file has been loaded successfully, the following message is displayed:
If the loading did not succeed, one of the following messages are displayed:
*** Modules Missing***
Frame Checksum ERROR
Can’t access input file: ....
The last error message indicates that the file cannot be found. Check that you have
typed the name of the file correctly.
• By modifying the preconfiguration in the base buffer and storing the new configu-
• By loading the extra buffer with a communication program or a journal file. This
enables you to easily copy the preconfiguration from another file.
The appearance and function of the NETCONF program itself can be changed in the
following way:
1 Select "Options" in the main menu, or press F9. F9 can be pressed any time.
The following options can be selected:
Toggle Screen Colors This item toggles between colour and monochrome display
Disable Field Check Toggles the field check state
Enable Field Check When field check is on, the cursor cannot be moved up and
down with the arrow keys, unless the Enter key has been
Display Format The attribute values can be displayed and entered in three
different ways:
Numeric 5-Dig: The values are displayed with five
digits with leading zeroes
Numeric: Values are displayed numerically
without leading zeroes
Text-format: Values are displayed as texts where
Disable This NET Conf. Normally, it is possible to change the attributes of the cur-
rent NET. By means of this option changes can be disabled.
Enable This NET Conf. Enables attribute changes in the current NET
The "Options" menu also provides means for using DOS without exiting NETCONF,
see "Using DOS Gateway" in this section.
3 Select "Base Data" to get a detailed description of the configuration in the main
4 Select "Extra Data" to get a detailed description of the configuration in the extra
The detailed descriptions have the same appearance and menu structure as the "Mod-
ify" option, except that no changes can be performed. For more information on the
"Modify" option, see below.
1 APL Application
11 PRI Printer
22 SPI S.P.I.D.E.R./RP570
The attributes of the own NET ("This Node") can not be changed if the option "Dis-
able this NET Conf." has been selected.
To delete an object:
3 RM Common RAM
7 SR RP570
9 PR P214
10 AL ADLP180
12 LC LCU500
13 AM ALDP180 Master
15 AG ASCII General
16 RP RP570 Slave
The NETCONF tool can be used to create a text file containing the preconfiguration
in text format. To do this:
4 Enter file name. Recommendation: give the file name the extension .DOC to dis-
tinguish it from the program and journal files.
The configuration can be saved in the communication program, whereby the former
configuration is lost, or it can be saved as a journal file. If the configuration will not
be used directly in a communication program, a journal file is recommended because
the journal files are smaller than the communication files.
2 Select "In NET file" and enter the name of the file.
Recommendation: Give the communication program such a name that the node num-
ber appears from it, e.g., NETnn.84, where ’nn’ is the node number.
1 Select "In Journal File" and enter the name of the file.
This option is found in the "Options" menu. It enables the use of DOS commands
without exiting the NETCONF program:
16 NET Tool
This chapter describes the online preconfiguration tool, which is used for the precon-
figuration of the DCP-NET. The tool is located in the Tool Manager System Configu-
ration page.
The NET tool is applied for viewing, adding, modifying, copying and documenting
the preconfiguration parameters stored in the communication programs. It can also be
used for verifying the consistency of communication programs.
The NET preconfiguration tool can recognize and handle two types of files:
• Communication program files including configuration data.
• Journal files, which contain only the preconfiguration data, not the entire commu-
nication program. These files are created by the NET configuraton tool and can
be used by this tool exclusively. The journal files can not be used in a running
communication unit.
The NET preconfiguration tool uses three buffers. Each of these buffers can be loaded
with a communication program or a journal file.
Function Keys
The NET PRECONFIGURATION tool provides a menu of function keys at the bot-
tom of the screen, see Figure 56.
LOAD Loads the program and journal files into the buffers and
SAVE Allows the user to save the files
VIEW Allows the user to view the configuration of the buffers. The
configurations can be displayed in brief or full format.
MODIFY Allows the user to modify the preconfiguration of selected
COPY Allows the user to copy the complete preconfiguration from
one buffer to another or individual devices of the precon-
1 The NET PRECONFIGURATION tool is opened by clicking the NET icon located
on the System Configuration page of the Tool Manager (Figure 54).
2 Click the NET PRECONFIGURATION button (Figure 55).
The window gets the appearance shown in Figure 56.
Before you load a file to the NET PRECONFIGURATION tool, make sure you have
a backup copy of the file.
Loading Buffers
Load the communication programs or the journal files to be configured, viewed, cop-
ied, documented or verified in the following way:
The last error message indicates that the file can not be found. Check that you have
typed the name of the file correctly.
Display Mode
If desired, the two-letter attribute names can be included in the list of the configura-
tion data. In order to include or exclude the attribute names:
1 Click VIEW.
2 Click SUMMARY to get a summary of the configuration in two buffers.
The detailed descriptions have the same appearance as in the MODIFY option, see
below, except that no changes can be performed.
1 Click MODIFY.
2 Select the buffer if several buffers have been loaded.
3 Click in the window with the text: PRESS HERE TO SELECT DEVICE TYPE!
4 Select the device type:
THIS NODE For modifying the attributes of the current DCP-NET
LINES For adding and modifying the lines
STATION For adding and modifying stations (STA objects)
PRINTER For adding and modifying printers (PRI objects)
APPLICATION For defining applications to NET
EXTERNAL NODE For defining other NETs and base systems (NET objects)
MEMORY RUNGS For modifying the memory rungs of stations of ANSI type
The device type can be changed any time by clicking the text PRESS HERE TO
The tool uses the following names and numbers for the device types:
1 APL = Application
2 NOD = Node: communication unit or base system
3 STA = Stations on ANSI lines
4 RTU = S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs
5 SIN = Stations of type SINDAC using the ADLP80 protocol
6 PCL = Stations of type P214
ABB Automation 167
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
16 NET Tool Configuration Manual
1 Browse to a free device number by clicking on the arrow keys in the upper part of
the window.
2 Click CREATE.
The attributes of the new object get the default values.
The total configuration of one buffer can be copied to another buffer, or individual
devices can be copied between the buffers or within the same buffer.
In order to copy the complete configuration from one buffer to the other:
1 Click COPY.
2 Enter the number of the source buffer and the number of destination buffer.
the destination buffer before copying the configuration to it.
1 Click COPY.
2 Enter the number of the source buffer and the number of the destination buffer.
3 Select the device type by clicking on the type.
4 Enter the number of the device to be copied.
5 Enter the destination device number.
6 Click COPY INFO.
The NET PRECONFIGURATION tool can be used to create an ASCII file containing
the preconfiguration in text format. To document the configuration:
Recommendation: give the file name the extension .DOC to distinguish it from the
program and journal files.
Recommendation: Give the communication program such a name that the node
number appears from it, e.g., NETnn.84, where ’nn’ is the node number.
The REx Configuration tool is used for making the necessary system object defini-
tions to the PC-NET for the REx type of protection relay units. The definitions are
mostly involving LON/SPA communication and parameters related to command han-
dling of the protection relay. Using REx configuration tool is an alternative for the de-
fault PC-NET configuration stored into PC_NET.COM file. REx configuration tool
produces a file with .cfg extension containing the STA object definitions. To utilize
the configuration file the SCIL command line program proc_rex.scl. must be run.
Although the REx Configuration tool still exists in the Tool Manager, it is recom-
mended to use the System Configuration Tool instead!
Figure 57 shows the REx Configuration Tool. It is composed of menu bar at the top,
an area for selecting Device Number and two pages. The pages are named Device At-
tributes and SPA Points.
The menu bar consists of File, Edit, Device and Help menus. The File menu contains
options for file handling and exiting the tool. The Edit menu contains options for
copying and moving. The Device menu contains options for adding, renaming and
deleting devices. In the Help menu you can choose About dialog, which displays in-
formation about the tool.
The REx Configuration tool is used according to the same principles as other Win-
dows based applications. The tool is used for off-line REX station configuration to the
ABB Automation 171
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
17 REx Configuration Tool Configuration Manual
The REx Configuration Tool is opened by clicking the REx Config icon in the System
Configuration page of the Tool Manager.
Opening Files
You can either open a file that already exits or create a new one. To open a file:
1 Choose Open from the File menu. The file chooser appears on the screen.
2 Choose a folder and a file. The default extension for the file is .cfg.
3 Click OK. The configuration file is loaded. If you have not saved changes to the
previous file, you can do it at this point.
Saving Files
To save a file choose Save or Save As from the File menu. The Save option saves the
file with the current name.
The Saves As saves the file with a name user specifies. The default file extension is
.cfg. The default folder and path is \sc\sys\active\sys_. If the specified path does not
exist, a notification appears. If the folder already contains a file with that name, you
are asked if you want to replace the existing file.
Adding Devices
To add a device:
Renaming Devices
Deleting Devices
To delete a device:
Device Attributes
The device attributes are defined in the Define Attributes page. The following attrib-
utes can be defined (for more information on the attributes, see the MicroSCADA
System Objects manual):
Allocation AL
In Use IU
Message Identification MI
This attribute is automatically calculated when a new device
is added. The automatic calculation is based on the formula
(1000 + Device Number).
Node Number NN
SPA Points
The binary output objects of the REX stations are defined in NET as SPA points.
REX commands and SYS process objects are tied together using the SPA point defi-
nition. The main purpose of this definition is to create a cross reference between SPA
items and SYS process object addresses. The purpose of this definition is also to tell
NET how to convert command from SYS to the corresponding SPA command.
The SPA points for REx devices are defined in the SPA Points page. See Figure 58.
One device number can consist several SPA points. To add a new SPA point, click
Add. The point is appended to the end of the list. Enter the following information:
Type 10 (transparent-SPA command def.)
Channel 1 A value between 0...999
Channel 2 A value between 0...999
Data Category The available values are I, O, S, V, M, C, F, T, D, F, T, D,
L, B
Data 1 A value between 1 ... 999999
Data 2 A value between 1 ... 999999
Data Format The available values are bits, hexadecimal, real and longin-
Object Address The base system process object address that is connected to
this SPA point
For more information on the SPA point definition, see the corresponding manual for
the relay.
To modify an existing SPA point, double-click its row in the list or select the row and
click Edit. To delete selected SPA point, click Delete.
Figure 58. The SPA Points page in the REx Configuration Tool
To utilize the definitions a interpreter is used. The interpreter is a SCIL command line
program, which takes as input parameter the configuration file name and the default
net number. The output of the interpreter is a collection of #SET commands, which
are automatically executed.
@rex_test = do(read_text("sys_tool/proc_rex.scl"),"sys_/example.cfg",1)
The interpreter is located in the folder that is referred with logical name sys_tool. The
file name is proc_rex.scl.
We recommend that you use the System Configuration tool instead of the LMK Con-
figuration tool.
The LMK Configuration tool is used for making the necessary on-line system object
definitions to PC-NET for LMK stations.
Figure 59 shows the LMK Configuration Tool. It is composed of menu bar at the top,
an area for selecting Device Number and three pages. The pages are named Device
Attributes, Diagnostic Counters and LON Points.
The menu bar consists of Configuration, Edit, Device, Net and Help menus. The Con-
figuration menu contains options for fetching the attributes of defined LMK stations
and exiting the tool. The Edit menu contains options for copying and moving. The
Device menu contains options for fetching, sending messages, adding, renaming and
deleting devices.The Net menu contains an option for defining NET Properites. In the
Help menu you can choose About dialog, which displays information about the tool.
The LMK Configuration tool is used according to the same principles as other Win-
dows based applications. The tool is used for on-line configuring of LMK station, e.g.
LSG devices connected to LON and LONWORKS devices other than REX type sta-
The LMK Configuration Tool is opened by clicking the LMK Config icon located on
the System Configuration page of the Tool Manager.
Fetching reads the LMK stations from PC-NET. The stations that were found are
listed in ascending order in a device list. If no LMK stations are found, a notification
Fetching Devices
Fetching reads latest information for a selected device from NET. To fetch, select the
device and choose Fetch from the Device menu. The information appears on screen.
Adding Devices
To add devices:
1 Choose Add from the Devices menu.
2 In the dialog box that appears type the number of the device.
3 Click OK. If the device number exists, a notification appears on screen. Click Yes
if you want to replace the previous device with that number. Otherwise click
When a device is added into configuration, it is expected that the corresponding sta-
tion object is already defined in the base system. A notification appears if it is not de-
Renaming Devices
You can change the number of the device by choosing Rename from the Device menu
and typing the new number. Then click OK.
Deleting Devices
You can delete a device by choosing Delete from the Device menu and confirming the
deletion by clicking Yes.
Sending Messages
Using the LMK Configuration Tool you can send a LONTALK message to a selected
device. To send a message:
NET Properties
Using the NET properties you can specify the default NET number. It is used when a
line is changed from on state to off state. The default NET link number is used when
LON stations are added to the NET. When a LON station is added to a different link,
the default link number should be changed before adding.
When a station is selected from the Device list, the latest information for that device
is read from PC- NET.
The device attributes can be defined by using Define Attributes page in the LMK
Configuration Tool. These attributes are specific to every device number. The fol-
lowing attributes can be defined (for more information on the attributes, see the Mi-
croSCADA System Objects manual):
In Use IU
Allocation Enabled AL
Allocation Application AS
Consistency Check Time CT
Diagnostic Interval DI
Link Number LI
When changing the link number, the link line is first
stopped and then started during set operation.
Message Identification MI
The Message Identification is automatically calculated
when a new device is added
Message System MS
Node Number NN
Object Status OS
Reply Timeout RT
Subnet Number SN
Unit Type UT
General Interrogation GI
Diagnostic Counters are used to collect information concerning different counters for
the selected device number. The current diagnostic counter value is displayed under
the label Current Value for the specified counter.
The current values for the diagnostic counters can be stored to a data log. To store,
click Store Data Log. Stored diagnostic counter values are displayed under the label
Stored Value for specified counter. Reset Counters operation resets current diagnostic
counter values. To remove the stored diagnostic counter values from data log, click
Remove Data Log. When a data log is stored for the current device number, the values
from the data log are displayed when you open Diagnostic Counters page.
When Diagnostic Counters page is open, the LMK Configuration Tool reads the
counters from NET after every 2 second.
LON Points for devices can be defined using the LON Points page. One device num-
ber can consist of none, one or multiple LON points. When a new LONWORKS point
is added, it is appended to the end of the list. The valid LON Point definitions are:
• Digital input.
• Aanalog input.
• Digital output.
• Analog output.
• Struct input.
When the selected LON Point definition does not have some of basic attributes (NV
Index, LON Base Type, SD String, SNVT Type, Process Object Address or Dead-
band), it is displayed as dimmed in LON Point definitions dialog.
To modify an existing LON point, double-click its row in the list or select the row and
click Edit. To delete selected LON point, click Delete.
Figure 60. The LON Points page in the LMK Configuration tool
Initialization File
The initialization file of the LMK Configuration tools uses the Windows initializa-
tion file format. The file is read during the starting procedure of the tool. If an attrib-
ute definition does not exist, the default values are used (Default Net Number is 1,
Default Net Link Number is 1). Below is an example of the initialization file:
Default_Net_Link_Number ;Specifies the default net link number used
;when adding or deleting LMK Stations to link object.
#CREATE ............................................................................................................................10
#SET ....................................................................................................................................16
Allen-Bradley PLC...............................................................................................................77
ANSI X3.28 .......................................................................................................................122
ANSI X3.28/A-B protocol ...................................................................................................77
AP ..................................................................................................................................32, 99
APL ..........................................................................................................................31, 42, 47
APLn:BMO ..........................................................................................................................65
Apply button.......................................................................................................................149
AS...................................................................................................................................32, 99
Attribute group ...................................................................................................................138
Attribute Tree .....................................................................................................................138
Auto-dial ............................................................................................................................124
base system.........................................................................................................................1, 2
configuration ..................................................................................................................79
Base System configuration ...................................................................................................29
base system objects ................................................................................................................9
base systems ...........................................................................................................................1
Baud Rate.............................................................................................................................25
BR ........................................................................................................................................25
BREAK TIME ...................................................................................................................119
buffer pool............................................................................................................................49
CA ............................................................................................................................27, 30, 74
Cancel button .....................................................................................................................149
CF...................................................................................................................................27, 30
CLOCK ..........................................................................................................................27, 74
Clock address .......................................................................................................................27
Clock read frequency............................................................................................................27
Clock Type ...........................................................................................................................27
Clock, external .....................................................................................................................74
CMOD..........................................................................................................................23, 112
ABB Automation
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Index Configuration Manual
ER ..................................................................................................................................25, 29
ERMIR .................................................................................................................................91
event log .............................................................................................................................129
external clock .......................................................................................................................26
external node ........................................................................................................................47
front-end configuration.........................................................................................................22
FS .........................................................................................................................................29
FTAB .................................................................................................................................118
General Object Handling Command ..................................................................................144
GPS ....................................................................................................................................126
HB ........................................................................................................................................32
History Database ................................................................................................................128
HL ......................................................................................................................................130
HOST .............................................................................................................................24, 43
HOST1 .................................................................................................................................55
Hot Stand-by ........................................................................................................................95
NET configuration ........................................................................................................101
HOT_SEND .......................................................................................................................101
HP ......................................................................................................................................129
Initial mode of NET .............................................................................................................23
Interconnected NETs............................................................................................................58
internal NET,........................................................................................................................49
interoperability .......................................................................................................................5
IU .................................................................................................................................17, 122
LAN .....................................................................................................................................43
LI..............................................................................................................................36, 50, 54
line..................................................................................................................................46, 47
link .......................................................................................................................................30
Link ....................................................................................................................................133
LONWORKS ...................................................................................................................93
LOAD_DCP .........................................................................................................................17
local application ...................................................................................................................31
log ......................................................................................................................................129
Mapping ...............................................................................................................................32
Memory allocation ...............................................................................................................48
memory area.........................................................................................................................82
Memory tuning .....................................................................................................................33
message split ........................................................................................................................85
ABB Automation
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Index Configuration Manual
Programs ............................................................................................................................143
PROT .......................................................................................................................23, 43, 55
Protection Relay ...................................................................................................................91
Protocol ................................................................................................................................23
PS ...................................................................................................................................51, 54
PU ......................................................................................................................................125
PY ........................................................................................................................................26
QL ........................................................................................................................................32
Radio clock ............................................................................................................................4
RAM size .............................................................................................................................45
RC ........................................................................................................................................29
RE ......................................................................................................................26, 49, 51, 54
redundant base system..........................................................................................................95
Redundant Frontend ...........................................................................................................109
LONWORKS ...................................................................................................................93
RF_PRIOBJ .......................................................................................................................115
RF_STAOBJ ......................................................................................................................115
RF_U_ONLC:C .................................................................................................................116
RN ........................................................................................................................................36
RTU configuration ...............................................................................................................93
RW .....................................................................................................................................125
base system configuration ..............................................................................................89
NET unit configuration...................................................................................................90
SA.................................................................................................................29, 36, 45, 50, 54
Save Active ........................................................................................................................149
SCAN TIME ......................................................................................................................119
SCI .....................................................................................................................................114
SCIL commands .................................................................................................................150
SCIL Editor ........................................................................................................................143
SCIL errors.........................................................................................................................132
SCIL programs ...................................................................................................................143
SD ..................................................................................................................................30, 49
SE .................................................................................................................................46, 123
serial communication............................................................................................................25
SET ......................................................................................................................................10
SET_CLOCK .....................................................................................................................127
SF .............................................................................................................................75, 96, 99
SH ..................................................................................................................................29, 99
SHADGOHOT ...................................................................................................................103
SHADMAPMON ...............................................................................................................103
SHADMAPNET ................................................................................................................103
ABB Automation
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Index Configuration Manual
SHADREMHOT................................................................................................................ 103
SHADUSR......................................................................................................................... 103
SI.......................................................................................................................................... 99
Signal ................................................................................................................................. 148
Signal Engineering
Station level.................................................................................................................. 149
Signal Information .............................................................................................................149
Indicator....................................................................................................................... 148
Signal information transfer ................................................................................................ 148
SLC-500............................................................................................................................... 77
SN ........................................................................................................................................ 99
SP......................................................................................................................................... 30
LONWORKS................................................................................................................... 93
SR ................................................................................................................................ 99, 125
SRC................................................................................................................................ 22, 55
SRCNOD ....................................................................................................................... 22, 55
SRIO .................................................................................................................................... 77
system parameters .......................................................................................................... 86
SS......................................................................................................................................... 99
ST .................................................................................................................................. 32, 68
STA...................................................................................................................................... 42
STAn:BND ........................................................................................................................ 114
connecting ...................................................................................................................... 77
Station ................................................................................................................................ 149
Station Address of Frontend ................................................................................................ 22
Station Addresses of Connected Base Systems.................................................................... 23
Station Type....................................................................................................................... 136
Station Type Definitions .................................................................................................... 136
station types ......................................................................................................................... 77
SU ................................................................................................................................ 48, 122
Subtools ............................................................................................................................. 148
SW ................................................................................................................................. 48, 99
Switch-over .......................................................................................................................... 97
SX ................................................................................................................................ 46, 111
SY .............................................................................................................................. 100, 127
Synchronization Mode ......................................................................................................... 27
synchronize ........................................................................................................................ 127
BAA ................................................................................................................................ 73
SYS:BAD ............................................................................................................................ 73
SYS:BCL ............................................................................................................................. 74
SYS_BASCON.COM...................................................................................................... 9, 10
SYS_BASCON.HSB ........................................................................................................... 98
SYS_NETCON.COM.......................................................................................................... 17
Sysconf.ini ......................................................................................................................... 135
SYSOLOOCON................................................................................................................. 119
system configuration .............................................................................................................. 7
System Configuration tool ................................................................................................. 131
System message ................................................................................................................. 121
system objects ...................................................................................................................... 13
TCP/IP Host Name .............................................................................................................. 24
TCP/IP interface .................................................................................................................. 24
TF ........................................................................................................................................ 30
ABB Automation
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual Index
ABB Automation
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual Customer Feedback
Customer Feedback
This chapter contains information on how to send customer feedback and how to get
technical support from the SA Help Desk.
Customer Feedback is a Lotus Notes database, using which ABB companies can re-
port errors, make improvement proposals and queries related to products manufac-
tured by ABB Substation Automation Oy. Customer Feedback database is connected
to the change management system of ABB Substation Automation Oy, which handles
all error corrections and improvements made to the products.
Please note that the Customer Feedback database is primarily intended for writing re-
ports about released products. If you are using for example a beta release in a pilot
project, this should be clearly stated.
When writing a Customer Feedback report, the following general instructions should
be taken in consideration:
• Write the report in English.
• Write only one error report, query or improvement proposal in a Customer Feed-
back report.
• If you are reporting an error, try to isolate the error as well as possible. Describe
the sequence of events and actions that lead to the error. If any error messages or
other debug information is provided by the system, please write it down. Include
also information of the system, e.g. a system diagram, revision information and
configuration data.
• If you are making an improvement proposal, try to describe how the improved
function should work and avoid providing solutions. Information about the im-
portance of the improvement, e.g. number of projects that require the improve-
ment, helps us to make the decision whether and when the improvement should be
To make a Customer Feedback report, select Feedback Report from the Create menu.
This opens an empty Customer Feedback document. Fill out the fields listed below. A
question mark next to a field provides help for filling out the field.
1 Subject. This should contain a short description of the issue. A more detailed
description can be given in the Description of Feedback field below.
2 Type of Feedback: Comment/Improvement, Query or Complaint/Error.
3 Customer Information.
ABB Automation
MicroSCADA System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
Customer Feedback Configuration Manual
4 Reporting Information. This should contain detailed information of the product the
report is about.
5 The person who you want to send the feedback to and whether you want to get a
reply from that person.
6 Information related to internal handling of the report (not obligatory).
7 Category.
You can issue the report by clicking the Issue Feedback button. This will send the re-
port to the selected person and change its status to “in progress”.
SA Help Desk
ABB Automation
1MRS751248-MEN System Configuration MicroSCADA
Configuration Manual Customer Feedback
ABB Automation