Funtool - Function Calculator: Syntax
Funtool - Function Calculator: Syntax
Funtool - Function Calculator: Syntax
funtool is a visual function calculator that manipulates and displays functions of one variable.
At the click of a button, for example, funtool draws a graph representing the sum, product,
difference, or ratio of two functions that you specify. funtool includes a function memory that
allows you to store functions for later retrieval.
At startup, funtool displays graphs of a pair of functions, f(x) = x and g(x) = 1. The graphs
plot the functions over the domain [-2*pi, 2*pi]. funtool also displays a control panel that
lets you save, retrieve, redefine, combine, and transform f and g.
Text Fields
The top of the control panel contains a group of editable text fields.
funtool redraws f and g to reflect any changes you make to the contents of the control panel's
text fields.
Control Buttons
The bottom part of the control panel contains an array of buttons that transform f and perform
other operations.
df/dx Derivative of f
int f Integral of f
simple Simplified form of f, if possible
num f Numerator of f
den f Denominator of f
1/f Reciprocal of f
finv Inverse of f
The operators intf and finv may fail if the corresponding symbolic expressions do not exist in
closed form.
The second row of buttons translates and scales f and the domain of f by a constant factor. To
specify the factor, enter its value in the field labeled a= on the calculator control panel. The
operations are
The first four buttons of the third row replace f with a combination of f and g.
The first three buttons in the fourth row allow you to store and retrieve functions from the
calculator's function memory.
The other four buttons on the fourth row perform miscellaneous functions: