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PS 1 Unit Wise Imp Question-2 PDF

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Sr. No. Question Year/ Marks

1 The generating station has following daily load cycle: , draw the load curve and find (i) Unit May 17, 6
generated per day, (ii) Average Load, (iii) Load factor
Time (Hrs.) Load (MW)
0-6 40
6-10 50
10-12 60
12-16 50
16-20 70
20-24 80
2 Explain Various objectives and characteristics of tariff. May 17, 6
3 Explain in brief, what is base load and peak load plant hence explain advantages of May 18, 6
interconnected grid system.
4 The maximum demand of consumer is 20 A at 230 V and his total energy consumption is May 18, 6
8760 kWh. If the energy is charged at Rs. 3 per unit for 400 Hrs of maximum demand per
annum plus Rs. 6.5 per unit for additional units, calculate annual annual bill.
5 The tariff is Rs. 120 per kVA of maximum demand and 10 paisa per unit consumed. If the Nov 17, 6
load factor is 30%, find the overall cost per unit at : (i) Unity p.f. and (ii) 0.8 p.f.
6 Explain what are base loads and peak loads hence explain various features of base load and Nov 17, 6
peak load power stations.
7 A generating station supplies the following loads : 15000 kW, 12000 kW , 8500 kW, 6000 Nov 18, 6
kW, and 450 kW. The maximum demand is 22000 kW. The annual load factor of the station
is 48 %. Calculate number of units supplied annually, diversity factor, demand factor.
8 Write short note on the following types of tariffs: (i) Time of the day tariff, (ii) Interruptible Nov 18, 6

Sr. No. Question Year/ Marks
1 Explain function and operation of the following power plant equipment in brief : (i) PLCC May 17, 6
equipment and (ii) Isolators
2 Explain various methods of improving string efficiency. May 18, 6
3 With neat diagram, explain the construction and advantage of following types of insulators May 18, 6
Pin Insulator and String Insulator.
4 With necessary diagram, derive the expression for string efficiency of string insulators May 17, 6
consisting of four discs.
5 Explain in brief what is the need of equalization of potential over insulator string hence Nov 17, 6
explain various methods to improve string efficiency of suspension insulators.
6 A suspension string has 3 units each unit can withstand a max. voltage of 11 kV. The Nov 17, 6
capacitance of each joint & metal work is 20% of capacitance of each disc. Find :
(i) Maximum line voltage for which the string can be used.
(ii) String efficiency.
7 Define string efficiency. Derive the expression for string efficiency of a suspension insulator Nov 18, 6
consisting of four discs.
8 Explain in brief function and working of the following equipments used in substation. I) Nov 18, 6
Relays, ii) PLCC Equipment.
Sr. No. Question Year/ Marks
1 Explain XLPE cable along with its advantage over other type of cable. May 17, 6
2 Diameter of conductor of transmission line is 1.3 cm. Maximum permissible sag with a horizontal May 18, 7
wind pressure per meter length of 1.6 kg and with ice loading per meter of 1.1 kg is 5.4 m.
Calculate permissible span between two supports at the same level. Braking stress of conductor
= 4300 kg/cm2. Weight of conductor per meter length = 1.2 kg, factor of safety = 2.5.
3 A test result for 1 km of 3 phase metal sheathed cable gave a measured capacitance of 0.7 May 17, 6
microfarad between one conductor and other two conductors bunched together with sheath and
1.2 microfarad measured between the three bunched conductors and the sheath. Find capacitance
between the two conductors and charging current when cable is connected to 11 kV, 50 Hz
4 A single core 5 km long cable core diameter of 0.9 cm and insulation of relative permittivity of May 18, 7
4.2 and 1.1 cm thickness, is connected to 33 kV, 50 Hz supply. Find capacitance of cable also
find the maximum and minimum stress in insulation.
5 Derive an expression for insulation resistance of single core cable hence determine insulation Nov 17, 6
resistance of single core cable of length 3 km long having conductor diameter 25 mm, insulation
thickness 10 mm and specific resistance of insulation of 5 x10^12 ohm- m.
6 An overhead transmission line conductor having a cross-sectional area of 2.5 cm2. Calculate the Nov 17, 7
vertical sag for a span of 300 meters where the other parameters are given below : Weight of the
conductor = 2 kg/m, Ultimate strength = 8000 kg/cm2, Wind pressure = 37 kg/cm2 of projected
area, Safety factor = 3
7 The weight of the overhead line conductor is 700 kg/km. The ultimate strength is 3000 kg If Nov 18, 7
safety factor is 2 and span length is 250 m. find sag and height above which conductor should be
supported if ground clearance required is 8 m.
8 Derive the expression for capacitance of single core cable. Nov 18, 6

Sr. No. Question Year/ Marks
1 Derive an expression for inductance of a 3 phase overhead lines with unsymmetrical spacing. May 17, 7
2 Explain in brief the following effects associated with transmission line (i) Skin Effect , (ii) May 17, 6
Proximity Effect
3 Derive an expression for loop inductance of single phase overhead line May 18, 6
4 Derive the expression for flux linkages i) Due to single current carrying conductor ii) In May 18, 7
parallel current carrying conductors
5 Derive an expression for internal and external flux linkages of conductor. Nov 17, 7
6 Explain in brief what is meant by G.M.R. of conductor hence prove that for overhead Nov 17, 6
transmission line conductor, G.M.R. equals to 0.7788 times radius of conductor.
7 Explain in brief with neat diagram the following effects: (i) Skin effects and (ii) Proximity Nov 18, 6
Effect. Hence state what are the factors responsible for producing these effects and how?
8 3 Phase bundled conductor line consist of 2 sub conductors per phase, conductors are arranged Nov 18, 7
in horizontal plane and are regularly transposed as shown in fig., radius of each conductor is
1.15 cm. Calculate inductance per phase per km.
Sr. No. Question Year/ Marks
1 Derive an expression for capacitance per km of single phase overhead line having a distance May 17, 6
‘D’ meters between the conductors and radius ‘r’ meter of each conductor without considering
the effect of earth. Hence explain how to find charging current from capacitance
2 A 3 phase 110kV, 100 km, 50 Hz overhead line conductors are placed in horizontal plane May 17, 6
with distance between adjacent conductors as 6 m. The conductor diameter is 1.5 cm.
Assuming complete transposition of line: calculate (i) capacitance per phase, (ii) charging
current per phase.
3 Derive an expression for capacitance of three phase transmission line when conductors are May 17, 6
unsymmetrically placed but transposed.
4 A 3 phase double circuit line is shown in figure. May 17, 6
Diameter of each conductor is 2.5 cm.

5 What do you understand by electric potential? Derive an expression for electric potential at i) May 18, 6
charged single conductor and ii) conductor in a group of charged conductors.
6 A 3 phase 50 Hz, 66 kV overhead line conductors A, B and C are placed in horizontal plane. May 18, 6
Distance between conductor A and B is 2.3 m, B and C is 2.2 m. Diameter of each conductor
is 1.3 cm. If the line length is 125 km. Calculate i) capacitance per phase ii) charging current
per phase. Assume complete transposition of line.
7 Derive an expression for capacitance of 3 phase double circuit line when conductors are May 18, 6
arranged in the form of regular hexagon of side ‘d’ meters.
8 A single phase transmission line has two parallel conductors 2 m apart, the diameter of each May 18, 6
conductor is is 0.7 cm and conductors are placed 8 m above the ground. Calculate line to
neutral capacitance for line length of 100 km i) Neglecting effect of ground , ii) considering
effect of ground.
9 A split phase 132 kV, 50 Hz single phase Nov 17, 7
transmission line is shown in Fig. (1) conductor 1
& 2 in parallel form one path while conductors 1'
& 2' in parallel form return path. The current is
equally shared by the two parallel conductors.
Determine the capacitance and charging current
to neutral per km of the line. The radius of each conductor is 1.2 cm.
10 Derive an expression for capacitance of three phase transmission line when conductors are Nov 17, 6
unsymmetrically spaced but transposed.
11 With neat diagram, derive an expression for capacitance of single phase transmission line Nov 17, 6
considering effect of earth.
12 A 3-phase, 132 kV, 50 Hz transmission line consist of three conductors each of diameter 21 Nov 17, 7
mm. The spacing between conductors is as follows : A–B = 3 m, B–C = 5 m, C–A = 3.6 m.
If the line length is 100 km, find charging current per phase.
13 Explain the concept of “Method of Images” in determining the effect on the capacitance of Nov 18, 6
overhead transmission line.
14 A 3 phase 50 Hz, 110 kV overhead line conductors are placed in horizontal plane. Diameter Nov 18, 6
of each conductor is 1.5 cm. If the line length is 120 km. Calculate i) capacitance per phase
ii) charging current. Assume complete transposition of line.
15 Derive an expression for capacitance of double circuit line when conductors are arranged in Nov 18, 6
the form of regular hexagon of side ‘d’ meters.
16 A single phase 10 km line is 6 m above the ground. The diameter of each conductor is 2 cm Nov 18, 6
and is separated by 4 m horizontally. Find the following: (i) Capacitance between the
conductors with the effect of ground. (ii) Capacitance between the conductor neglecting the
presence of ground . (iii) Charging current when the line is charged at 33 kV, 50 Hz.
Sr. No. Question Year/ Marks
1 With neat diagram and usual notation, prove that for any transmission line with generalised May 17, 6
circuit constants as ABCD, AD- BC = 1.
2 A 3 phase 50 Hz, 150 km line has a resistance, inductive reactance and capacitive shunt May 17, 7
admittance of 0.1 ohm, 0.5 ohm and 3x 10-6 S per km per phase. If the line deliver 50 MW at
110 KV and 0.8 power factor lagging. Determine: sending end voltage, sending end current,
sending end power factor, and Assume nominal Pi method.
3 With neat circuit diagram, derive expression for ABCD constant for short transmission line. May 17, 6
Draw neat phasor diagram hence state properties of short transmission line.
4 The ABCD constants of 3 phase 132 kV transmission line connected to 50 MW, 0.85 May 17, 7
lagging power factor load are: A=D= 0.9531/_0.6 degree, B= 93.75 /_ 78.29 degree ohm,
C= 0.001 /_ 90 degree S. Determine sending end voltage, current, power factor and
efficiency of transmission line using nominal T method.
5 Obtain the relationship between sending end current and voltage in terms of receiving end May 18, 6
current and voltage for medium transmission line nominal ‘T’ method. Draw neat phasor
6 A 3 phase 50 Hz 16 km long overhead line supplies 1000 kW at 11 kV , 0.8 pf lagging. The May 18, 6
line resistance is 0.03 ohm per phase per km and line inductance is 0.7 mH per phase per km.
Calculate sending end voltage and regulation of line.
7 With neat diagram derive expression for ABCD constants of medium transmission line ‘pie’ May 18, 6
model. Hence state properties of medium transmission line.
8 A 3 phase 50 Hz, transmission line delivers 50 MVA at 0.8 pf lagging and at 110 kV. May 18, 7
Generalized constants of line are as follows A=D= 0.98 /_3degree, B= 110 /_75degree S.
Calculate sending end voltage, current and power factor.
9 Express the relationship for sending end voltage and current in terms of receiving end voltage Nov 17, 6
and current for medium length transmission line with nominal pie method of representation.
Draw the phasor diagram.
10 Classify transmission lines based on length, voltage and line constants. Nov 17, 6
11 What do you understand by medium transmission lines? How capacitance effects are taken Nov 17, 6
into account in such lines?
12 With necessary phasor diagram, deduce an expression for sending end voltage of a short Nov 17, 6
transmission line in terms of line parameters.
13 150 km, 3 phase, 100 kV, 50 Hz transmission lines transmit a load of 40 MW at .8 pf lagging Nov 18, 6
at receiving end. Resistance per phase per km = .15 ohm, reactance per phase per km = 0.6
ohm, susceptance/phase/km= 10^-5 S. Determine (i) A, B, C, D constants of line,(ii) Sending
end voltage (line-to-line).
14 Justify the following statements: Nov 18, 6
(i) In case of medium transmission lines, receiving end voltage is greater than sending end
voltage under load.
(ii) With increase in power factor, regulation of transmission line improves.
15 Express the relationship for the sending end voltage and current in terms of receiving end Nov 18, 6
voltage and current for a medium length transmission line with Nominal ‘pie’ method of
representation. Draw the phasor diagram.
16 A 110 kV, 3 phase 50 Hz, transmission line delivers 50 MW at 0.85 pf lagging at receiving Nov 18, 6
end. Generalized constants of line are as follows A=D= 0.95 /_1.4 º, B= 196/_78 º ohm, C=
.0015/_90 º. Determine efficiency of transmission line.

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