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Comparison Between MQTT and Websocket Protocols For Iot Applications Using Esp8266

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Comparison Between MQTT and WebSocket

Protocols for IoT Applications Using ESP8266

Guilherme M. B. Oliveira, Danielly C. M. Costa, Ricardo J. B. V. M. Cavalcanti, Josiel P. P. Oliveira,
Diego R. C. Silva, Marcelo B. Nogueira and Marconi C. Rodrigues
Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte 59078-275
Emails: guimatheus@ufrn.edu.br, daniellycmcosta@gmail.com, ricavalcanti@bct.ect.ufrn.br, patricio@bct.ect.ufrn.br
diego@ect.ufrn.br, marcelonogueira@ect.ufrn.br, marconicamara@ect.ufrn.br

Abstract—As the Internet of Things becomes more popular,

applications development using this concept are turning more and
more common and accessible. Besides that, high performance and
real-time applications require a low latency protocol. Taking these
aspects into account, this work aims to compare the application
layer network protocols: Message Queue Telemetry Transport
and WebSocket, using ESP8266 (SoC with IEEE 802.11) and
Node.js servers for data exchange, using the most popular
protocol implementation found in Github, considering topics like
documentation, round-trip time of packages using local network
and memory allocated in a device. Experimental tests were Figure 1. Wemos D1 mini, source: wiki.wemos.cc
performed to measure latency by calculating the time difference
of packets exchanged between a server and an ESP8266 using
both protocols. It has been found that the use of WebSocket is Transfer Protocol (HTTP), that has shown to be efficient when
more appropriate than MQTT in applications with RTT of at the sending data interval is known and when this interval is not
least 1 millisecond according to the data and contexts presented
in that article. small, as an example in water consumption data transmission,
that could be sent hourly.
I. I NTRODUCTION Otherwise, when the application requires a small transmis-
sion interval (below 500 milliseconds), using this protocol
As the internet presence grows in people’s lives, the devel-
increases significantly latency rates, network traffic, and data
opment of intelligent products, able to make web connection
package size, thus making the application unviable [4].
and exchange information between the users or others devices,
Considering low latency applications, new protocols like
are becoming even more common and accessible. This may
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and WebSocket
change our living standards as they offer possibilities of
were developed which are going to be compared in this
measurement, inference, and comprehension of environment
article. These two protocols have differences, but can be used
indicators [1]. This technology, named Internet of Things
depending on the application with the same purpose. For the
(IoT), can be explored in several areas and purposes, that cov-
comparison, were analyzed topics as: qualitative aspects of
ers base industries, transport, health, and safety departments,
each protocol; latency in different situations; and amount of
reaching the final users [2].
microcontroller programming memory occupied by the library
Into IoT projects development, it is necessary:
that implements the communication protocol. The last one is
• A hardware, made up of sensors, actuators, and embedded a fundamental factor because IoT used microcontrollers may
communication hardware; have a low memory yet, on the order of kilobytes, increasing
• A middleware for data analytics and storage; to few megabytes in modern models. For the comparison was
• An accessible interface, adapted to different platforms [1]. used each protocol implementation, found on Github [5], a
Referring to the first and second topics, this article used repositories site.
a Wemos D1 mini (Figure 1), a prototyping board for IoT
applications, that have as positive aspects, besides the low A. Similar Works
cost: A direct USB connection; WebSocket, MQTT and others The Comparing Application Layer Protocols for the Internet
protocols compatibility as well as compatibility with most of of Things via Experimentation also suggests a comparison of
Arduino libraries because of existing frameworks [3]. protocols within an IoT scenario. Using the microcontroller
As a result of the IoT versatility, the client-server data STM32F411RE and ESP8266 only as a wireless module. They
exchange methods was diversified to serve various purposes. compare CoAP, WebSocket and MQTT protocols performance
Among these methods, the most traditional is the Hypertext using RTT algorithm and a created coefficient named ”effi-

978-1-5386-2497-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

ciency”. In order to obtain the RTT, an approach similar to the B. MQTT protocol
algorithm used in the present work is used, however, the results
MQTT is an exchange messaging protocol that uses the
do not match due to differences in hardware architecture and
publish-subscribe standard for transporting messages between
network topology. Another difference observed is that the
a server and clients. It runs over TCP/IP and can be run on net-
libraries that implement such protocols are not analyzed [6].
work protocols that provide ordered, lossless and bidirectional
connections. It is standardized by a technical committee of the
II. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards. MQTT becomes a good candidate to be used
A. WebSocket protocol for Machine-to-Machine communication and IoT contexts,
designed to be lightweight, open and easy to implement,
WebSocket protocol was developed to meet constant data especially in contexts where the internet can be expensive, has
exchange between client and server not supported earlier from low bandwidth, is not secure or when utilizing an embedded
HTTP [7]. The protocol consists in a complete bidirectional device with limited memory resources or processing [10].
communication channel that works through a single socket [8], In publish-subscribe pattern used at the MQTT, the mas-
as well as having an asynchronous communication (in contrast sages exchange between different clients is through of a
with HTTP protocol), in other words, both sides can send data server, called the broker. The broker filters the messages
anytime while the connection is established. and distributes them to the clients according to the topic -
The protocol is divided into two parts: handshake and data an identifier each message has. The client can be an IoT
transfer. In the handshake, basically the client and the server device, Web application, mobile application among others.
establish initial communication using HTTP and a port, 80 Those who publish a message to the broker with a topic
is the default. In this first communication, the client requests are called publishers and those who subscribe one or more
a communication type update that once verified, the request topics for reading specific messages are called subscribers.
is validated and the data exchange can be done using the The subscribers can receive messages from a number of
WebSocket protocol (Fig. 2). publishers and can send them to others subscribers, a client
For communication, disregarding IP, TCP, and TLS framing can be both publisher and subscriber. All the clients establish
overhead, a single HTTP request could carry an additional the connection with the broker. The publishers do not know
500-800 bytes of metadata plus cookies. In contrast, Web- the destination of messages sent and the subscribers do not
Socket protocol uses a custom binary framing format that know the origin of messages received. [11] An example of
divides each message into one or more frames. When these architecture using this pattern is shown in Fig. 3.
frames reach a destination they are joined and the sender is
notified that the entire message has been received. Each frame
header can be 2 to 10 bytes in size if sent by the server and 6
to 14 bytes if sent by the client (a client must add a masking
key to prevent cache poisoning attacks). WebSocket is also
considered one of the most versatile data transport methods
available, because of the customization capabilities through
of Application Programming Interfaces (API’s), extensions
and sub-protocols, an example of this is the compression and Figure 3. Publish/subscribe architecture example
multiplexing extensions [9].
The format for a control packet of a message using the
protocol is divided between fixed header, variable header and
payload. The fixed header has the size of two bytes and the
variable header and payload size can range from zero to N
MQTT has three Quality of Services (QoS) levels to mes-
sage delivery:
• QoS 0 (At most once delivery) Messages are delivered at
most once or no, is not stored by either party and there
is no acknowledgment of delivery on the network.
• QoS 1 (At least once delivery) Messages must be deliv-
ered at least once, the sender stores and tries to send a
message until it receives a confirmation, so the receiver
can receive and process a message several times.
Figure 2. HTTP and WebSocket protocols communication flow, source: • QoS 2 (Exactly once delivery) Messages are delivered
hpbn.co (modified) exactly once, the message is stored in the sender and

receiver until both parties receive confirmation that the Because of the memory limitation of the ESP8266, RTT
message has been delivered exactly once to the receiver. measurements were divided into five thousand samples, total-
The levels of QoS can be used according to requirements of ing twenty thousand for each test, sufficient to obtain results,
applications and have different times for delivery [12]. without risk of stack overflow.

For the comparison, qualitative aspects were considered
and quantitative tests were made for WebSocket and MQTT
The quantitative tests were conducted at the Laboratório
de Informática Industrial (LII), located in Núcleo de Pesquisa
e Inovação em Tecnologia da Informação (nPITI), with an
ESP8266 device and a computer to be the server, the only
ones connected to the local network, created by the router
TP-Link TL WR 741 ND (Wireless Router N 150Mbps).
The computer, which was used as a server, was the model:
Samsung NP270E4E, with Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1007U
and 4Gb of RAM and operating system Ubuntu 17.10.
The servers were written in Javascript programming lan-
guage using the Node.js, an asynchronous event-driven
JavaScript runtime designed to build scalable network applica-
tions. [13] It was necessary to develop different files for each
of the protocols, however, maintaining the same algorithm. For
the tests using the WebSocket protocol the library called ws
[14] was used and for the tests with the MQTT protocol, it
was used the broker called Mosca [15].
For the present comparative the one-way delay estimation Figure 4. Algorithm used for RTT measurement
method chosen was the round-trip time (RTT), also called
round-trip delay, that is, the time elapsed between sending The libraries used were searched on the source code host-
data and receive a delivered message acknowledgment [16]. ing platform GitHub, from July 28 to December 20, 2018,
The packets RTT in the local network was measured us- considering the compatibility with ESP8266, popularity in the
ing each protocol and both following cases were tested: by community, and implementation of methods of connecting to
varying the payload size and keeping it constant. For tests the server and sending and receiving data.
using payload size variation, one side acted passively, only The chosen libraries was PubSubClient [17] for MQTT
responding with packets without payload, and the other one and arduinoWebSockets [18] for WebSocket. Furthermore,
sent the packets with the payload varying in size. In this case, the analyzed parameters were divided onto qualitative and
both the server acting as passive and the device were tested. quantitative ones. The qualitative are:
The algorithm used for RTT measurement were executed on • Documentation;
both the server and the ESP8266 device using the functions • Usage difficulty and support;
”process.hrtime”, of Node.js, and ”micros”, native to the • Source reliability.
ESP8266 core for Arduino, respectively. A greater uncer- The quantitative aspects are:
tainty was observed on the measurements made at the server, • Round-trip time;
compared to the measurement in the device, considering the • Memory consumption in the device;
standard deviation of the mean of the samples. Therefore, the • Max payload size found.
ESP8266 was chosen to calculate packets round trip time and
send the data to the server at the end of the calculations.
On the test algorithm, two parameters were used: the A. Qualitative Analysis
number of samples and payload of packages, both were set 1) WebSocket: There are a few WebSocket protocol li-
before the test starts. For each sample, a package is sent by braries compatible with the ESP8266 which have the pa-
the sender to the receiver and the sender wait for a response rameters evaluated, even though there are more than 100
from the receiver through another package; the elapsed time repositories, between new and projects forks directed to this
between these is added to a vector in the device. This process is implementation, few were functional.
repeated until the number of samples is reached, that triggered Considering the forks and stars quantity, arduinoWebSockets
the sent of time array to the server for posterior processing library was the most popular for microcontroller projects in the
(Fig. 4). search period and therefore was chosen for testing.

As for documentation chosen as representative of the proto-
col, the library has documentation that shows some methods,
protocol features supported, limitations and supported hard-

The library can also be considered easy to use and has exam-
ples code. It is important to highlight that arduinoWebSockets
repository supports not only client side but server side too,
allowing the users choose which one will be used in its project.

2) MQTT: There are at least ten MQTT libraries available

that are compatible with the ESP8266, some such as esp mqtt
[19] and async-mqtt-client [20] implement the entire protocol
specification and features, such as all levels of quality of

The PubSubClient library implements some methods, such Figure 5. RTT measurements using WebSocket, with microcontroller as
passive, as a function of payload size
as connect, subscribe, publish, and setCallback that is called
when new messages arrive at the client. It has a documentation
with the description of all the methods of the library and the
limitations, as well as the hardware compatible and description
of versions. Moreover, have at least 15 contributors and is
known in the community having at least 600 forks, but it is not
updated frequently by the main author. One of the limitations Table I
is that to publish a message only QoS 0 is possible and to S TATISTICS ABOUT RTT MEASUREMENTS USING W EB S OCKET WITH
subscribe to the topic only QoS 0 or 1. MICROCONTROLLER AS PASSIVE (F IG . 5)

Round Trip Time

Regarding ease of implementation, the PubSubClient could Payload size
Mean Std. Deviation Median Min. Max.
be used with some ease, respecting the limitations reported 5 0.198 0.032 0.193 0.168 0.817
in the documentation, and can be configured according to the 25 0.202 0.047 0.194 0.165 1.002
50 0.206 0.059 0.194 0.168 0.938
application. 100 0.215 0.075 0.195 0.169 0.876
200 0.260 0.093 0.224 0.199 1.049

B. Quantitative tests

Figures 5 and 6 show box plots for values sampled ac-

cording to the measurement methodology previously described
when the server sends messages with payload sizes 5, 25, 50,
100, and 200 bytes, and the ESP8266 acts passively. Tables I
and II show measurement statistics of this context with payload
size in bytes and RTT in milliseconds.

Using the WebSocket protocol, the values have been con-

centrated below 1 millisecond and fall into two groups,
one above and one below 0.4 milliseconds. Moreover, using
MQTT, the values are concentrated below 2 milliseconds, Figure 6. RTT measurements using MQTT, with microcontroller as passive,
especially for data with a payload size of 200 bytes. as a function of payload size

Table II

Round Trip Time

Payload size
Mean Std. Deviation Median Min. Max.
5 0.212 0.033 0.208 0.183 2.484
25 0.317 0.048 0.311 0.273 4.452
50 0.448 0.250 0.439 0.394 35.195
100 0.705 0.062 0.693 0.63 1.306
200 1.232 0.107 1.216 1.102 8.357

Figures 7 and 8 also present box plots for values sampled

using WebSocket and MQTT protocols respectively, but with
the server acting passively and the device sending data with
payloads 5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200 and 1440 bytes.
Tables III and IV show measurement statistics of this context
with payload size in bytes and RTT in milliseconds. Figure 8. RTT measurements using MQTT with microcontroller as active as
a function of payload size
After the test, it was observed that using both protocols,
the values are concentrated below 1 millisecond, even for data
with the larger payload size tested. Table IV

Round Trip Time

Payload size
Mean Std. Deviation Median Min. Max.
5 0.186 0.046 0.182 0.164 5.334
25 0.186 0.028 0.182 0.160 0.975
50 0.187 0.092 0.182 0.166 12.583
100 0.215 0.029 0.182 0.166 1.339
200 0.260 0.055 0.182 0.160 6.596
400 0.187 0.025 0.184 0.163 1.037
800 0.188 0.036 0.185 0.159 2.954
1200 0.190 0.090 0.186 0.160 12.123
1440 0.189 0.049 0.184 0.163 5.860

For measurements with the ESP8266 acting passively, it was

only possible to obtain data up to 200 bytes because there were
sudden disconnections during the measurement process from
this value, thus affecting to obtain results. For measurements
with the server acting as passive, the default value for a
message in PubSubClient was changed to different sizes and
Figure 7. RTT measurements using WebSocket, with the microcontroller as
active, as a function of payload size
the maximum experimentally value found to send data to the
server was 1440 bytes, consequently limiting data acquisition.
The library for WebSocket did not have the same limitation
and it was possible to send data with the default maximum
size for the payload, 15360 bytes.
Table III Regarding the memory occupied by the libraries used in the
S TATISTICS ABOUT RTT MEASUREMENTS USING W EB S OCKET WITH THE tests, it was 6% of the total available for PubSubClient and
7% of the total for arduinoWebSockets.
Round Trip Time
Payload size V. C ONCLUSIONS
Mean Std. Deviation Median Min. Max.
5 0.168 0.025 0.166 0.138 0.769
25 0.168 0.025 0.166 0.141 0.705 The present study compared application layer protocols,
50 0.167 0.022 0.165 0.141 0.768 MQTT and WebSocket, used with the ESP8266 device, an-
100 0.168 0.022 0.166 0.141 0.705 alyzing quantitative and qualitative aspects of each protocol
200 0.167 0.023 0.165 0.145 0.726
400 0.170 0.025 0.169 0.145 0.800
most popular implementation available on Github. The ana-
800 0.168 0.023 0.165 0.141 0.892 lyzed aspects included, for example, documentation and RTT.
1200 0.170 0.027 0.166 0.142 0.781 Both implementations are promising to be used in IoT
1440 0.213 0.124 0.214 0.164 8.401 projects, even with observed limitations. ArduinoWebSocket

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all means and medians values presented in tables IV and III
are below 1 millisecond in both protocols, allowing using them
in applications in the context that requires this RTT statistical
values presented in tables. The datasets obtained from tests
with constants payload size have a small standard deviation.
This show consistency and reliability of the protocols used
since they do not cause abrupt changes on the network RTT.
The authors would like to thank Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and Núcleo de Pesquisa e
Inovação em Tecnologia da Informação (nPITI), for the ceded
structure, as well as laboratory mates and professors for the
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