Computational and Data Sciences: Faculty
Computational and Data Sciences: Faculty
Computational and Data Sciences: Faculty
Computational Mathematics Group (CMG) Murugesan Venkatapathi, PhD (Purdue)
Associate Professor
Video Analytic Laboratory (VAL)
Assistant Professor
Distributed Research on Emerging Applications and
Computer & Data Systems Study With Us …
The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is the premier deals with the design, implementation and evaluation
research and teaching institute of higher of high performance and scalable computer hardware CDS offers MTech and PhD Programs.
education in India, and consistently ranks among and software systems.
the top 10 small universities globally. IISc is
renowned for its focus on research excellence, Prominent research topics include Big Data Platforms M.Tech. (Computational and Data Science) by
academic freedom and ability to attract high and Applications, Computer Aided Design, VLSI CAD
course work at CDS is a unique two-year inter-
quality students and faculty. applications, Database Systems, Distributed Systems
and Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, disciplinary degree program that brings together
CDS is an interdisciplinary engineering department Image and Video Analytics, Machine Learning, and computational and data science aspects to address
at IISc spanning the research areas of Middleware & Runtime Systems. major scientific problems. It educates and trains
Computational Science & Engineering and Data students to ‘model’ problems or ‘simulate’
Sciences. Besides pursuing cutting edge research,
processes spanning across a wide spectrum of
CDS faculty leads several national and
disciplines in science and engineering.
international initiatives, and provides industrial
consultancy and research services.
Ph.D/M.Tech by Research: Research activities at
Computational Science CDS are broadly categorised into two
deals with the development of computational s t r e a m s : C o m p u t a t i o n a l Science (CD-
models and methods to solve and understand CP) and Computer & Data Systems (CD-CS) and
complex problems using advanced numerical and research interviews are conducted separately for
computing capabilities. Further, efficient each stream.
implementation of the numerical algorithms to
harness the computing capabilities of massively
parallel computers is a key focus.