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Week 5 & 6 : Steam Power Plant

I. Introduction
Boiler or steam generators are an integrated assembly of several essential components.
The function of a boiler is to convert water into steam at a predetermined pressure and
temperature. Commonly it is a constant pressure process. A complete unit consist of (1)
pressure parts; (2) enclosure, or setting; (3)combustion equipment; (4)auxiliaries.

The pressure parts are (1) the boiler heating surface with attached drums or shell
storage of water and steam and (2) the super heater surface, which is simply more heating
surface through which the steam must pass after leaving the boiler if a final super heated is
desired. In reheating cycle plants an additional superheating surface is provided but with this
difference- the reheater carries steam at much lower pressure than the superheater

The chimneys, fans and blowers are accessories to the success of the steam generating
units. This are included in this topic

II. Objectives
After completion of the course the student should be able to:

1. Objective 1
2. Objective 3
3. Objective 4

III. a.Boiler or Steam Generators(Topic)


W (h 2−h1 )
1. Boiler horse power=

W = steam generated by boiler tubes,

economizer, superheater, lb/hr.

h1 = enthalpy of water entering, Btu/lb.

h2 = enthalpy of steam leaving boiler, Btu/lb.

2. Factor of evaporation , f
3. Equivalent Evaporation

Eq . evap=fW
4. Boiler Rating
Bo. Hp X 10
Bo. Rating=
Boiler Heating Surface

Heat transfer Area , Ft 2

5. Rated Bo . Hp=
10 .
Bo. hp
Example # 10

Determine the factor of evaporation, equivalent evaporation, boiler horse power, and the boiler

Steam output ------------------------- 8,000 lb./hr.

Steam pressure ----------------------- 135 psia.

Moisture ------------------------------- 1 %

Feed water temperature ----------- 120°F

Surface ---------------------------------- 1330 ft 2


Let us solve first the boiler horsepower.


W (h 2−h1 )
1. Boiler horse power=

W = 8,000 lb./hr

h1 =hf @ 120°F =88 Btu/lb

h2 = hf + xhfg, @135 psia & x =99%

hf =322.08, hfg = 871.1 Btu/lb

h2 =322.08 + o.99(871.1) = 1184.469 Btu/lb.

Substituting values to the formula

Boiler horse power =8,000lb/hr ( 1184.469−88 ) Btu /lb¿ ¿ =261.84

Now let us solve for the factor of evaporation, f
f= =1.13
Then we can now solve the equivalent evaporation

Eq. Evap =fW = 1.13(8,000) = 9040.25 lb/hr.

Solving for the Boiler rating

261.84 X 10
Bo. Rating= =1.97∨197 %

III. b. Chimneys(Topic)
Formulas:S.I. Units
1. Density of air, da
2. Density of flue gas, dg

dg=P/ RgTg
3. Draft head, hw

hw= H (da – dg), kPa

hw =ha + hf


H = height oh chimney

ha = actual draft

hf = frictional draft

4. Volume flow of gas, Qg

M g Rg T g
=Area X Actual Velocity = 𝛑D2V/4

5. Theoretical Velocity, V

2 ghw
√ dg

P = atmospheric Pressure, kPaa

R = gas constant of air, kJ/kg-K

T = absolute temp. of air,K

Rg = gas constant of Flue gas, kJ/kg-K

Tg = absolute temp. of flu gas

Mg = mass of the gas, kg.

g = acceleration due to gravity, m/sec 2

English Units:


6. Barometric Pressure, B

B = 30.1- [0.1in Hg/100ft elv.](Elevation, Ft.), in. Hg

7. Velocity Pressure, PV

Pv =T g ¿ ¿


PV = velocity Pressure

W = gas flow, lb./hr.

Tg =absolute gas temperature, °R

B = Barometric Pressure, in. Hg

D = stack diameter, ft.

C = 0.85 to 0.95

8. Theoretical Pressure Differential or Draft, Pt

1 1
Pt =0.256 BH [ − ]
Ta T g
Pt =Pf + P v


Pt = theoretical pressure differential

Ta and Tg = average absolute air and gas temperatures, °R

fH P v
9. Pf = =fHB ¿ ¿

Pf = stack friction loss, in. of water

F = dimensionless friction factor

H = stack height above centerline of gas inlet, ft.

10. t g=t a +C (t ' g− y a )


tg = average gas temperature, °F

t’g = gas temperature leaving boiler, °F

ta = air temperature, °F

C = empirical constant, ranging from 0.85 to 0.95 for chimney height and diameters normally used for
power plants

Fans & Blowers Formulas:

cfm x P s
11. Static Air Horse power=
cfm X Pt
12. Power output =
Static air hp
13. Static efficiency =Es =
shaft hp
power output
14. Mechanical efficiency=Et =
shaft hp
15. Pt = ps + pv
rpm1 Q 1 p 3 hp1
16. = = 1=
rpm2 Q 2 p2 √ √

Cfm = cubic ft. per min.

Ps = static pressure

Pt = total pressure

Pf Ti
17. Pf =Pi ( )
PiT f
Pf Ti
18. hp f =hpi ( )
PiT f

P = pressure, psia

T = absolute temperature, °R

Subscript i indicate condition before correction, and the subscript f indicates the
condition after correction.

Example # 11

A boiler burns 1 ton per hour of carbon county, Montana, coal with 50% excess air. The plant
elevation is 2,500 Ft. and the flue gas temperature entering the brick stack is expected to be
420°F. Find the stack Diameter and height for an average velocity of 15 fps, a draft of 1.15 in. of
water plus the velocity pressure, and 80°F air temperature.

Given: Required:

Mass of Coal = 2000 lb./hr. Stack dia. and height

Excess air =50%

From table 5-1 pp 172 Power Plant Theory & Design by Potter

The Ultimate analysis of coal is

S = 1.13

H2 = 5.58

C = 59.77

N2 = 1.29

O2 = 21.02

HHV = 10,525 Btu/lb.

A = 11.21


Solving for Barometric Pressure

B = 30.1- [0.1in Hg/100ft elv. ](2,500 Ft.) =27.51 in. Hg. X 0.4898psi/in.Hg

B = 13.4755 psia.

Solving for theoretical air Wta

W ta =11.53 C +34.36 H 2−
8 )
+ 4.32 S eq .5−7 Potter

Substituting values

0.2102 lb air
W ta =11.53 ( 0.5977 ) +34.36 0.0558−
8 )
+4.32 ( 0.0113 )=7.955
lb coal
Weight of actual air, Waa = (1.5) (7.955) = 11.93 lb. air/lb. coal

Flue Gas weight = Waa + 1 lb. coal – ash

= 11.93 + 1 – 0.1121 = 12.82 lb. / lb. coal

Total flue gas, W = 12.82 X 2,000 lb./hr. = 25,640 lb./hr.

t’g = 420°F

Solving for the specific volume of the gas:

RT lb 880° R ft 3
v= =53.3 ft . .° R X 2
P lb lb lb.
144 ¿ 2 X 13.4755 2
ft ¿
Total volume of gas,

Q = 25,640 lb./hr. X 24.1714 = 10,329.26 cfm

From Flow = Area X Velocity ( Q = AV )

π D2V 4Q
, D=
πV √
Substituting values, we have

ft 3

√ 4(10,329.26

π ( 15 ft /sec ) (60
min .
min .

=3.823 ft
Solving for velocity pressure, PV using eq. 7-7 pp. 306 Potter

Pv =T g ¿ ¿

tg = ta + c(t’g – ta

tg = 80 + 0.9(420 – 80) = 386°F

Tg = 386 + 460 = 846°R

Substituting values

Pv =846 ¿ ¿
Pt =Pf + P v
Pt =1.15+0.0268=1.1768∈. W . G.

Using eq. 7-4

1 1
Pt =0.256 BH [ − ]
Ta T g

Substituting values and solve for H

1 1
1.1768=0.256 ( 27.51 ) H [ − ]
540 846
H = 249.5 ft.

H = 249.5 ft. answer

Example # 12

The overall draft loss of steam generating unit is 400 mm water. Air enters at 101.325 kPa, 26°C
and the average flue gas temperature is found to be 250°C. If no draft fans are to be installed,
what is the height of the chimney? Assume Rg = 0.277kJ/kg-K.


d a −d g
solving for total draft , hw
h w =height x density
1000 kg
h w =0.2178 m x 3
=217.8 kg/m 2
solving for densities of air∧gas
P 101.325
da= = =1.18 kg /m3
R a T a 0.287(26+273)

P 101.325
d g= = =0.784 kg/m 3
R g T g 0.287(177+273)

then ;
H= =550 m answer
Example # 13

A fan develops 4.6 in. static pressure and 0.85 in. velocity head when delivering 11,200 cfm of
85°F air. Static efficiency is 71%. Find a) static air hp. b) total air hp. c) brake hp. d) efficiency
based on total or dynamic head.

Given: Required:

Ps = 4.6 in. a) static air hp.

Pv = 0.85 b) total air hp.

Cfm = 11,200 c)Bhp

Es =71% d)Et


cfm x P s 11,200 cfm X 4.1∈.

1. Static Air Horse power= = =8.1134
6350 6350
cfm X Pt 11,200 X 5.45
2. Total air hp= = =9.6126
6350 6350
Pt = 4.6 + 0.85 = 5.45

Air hp 8.1134
3. shaft hp= = =11.43
Es 0.71
power output 9.6126
4. Et = = X 100 %=84.1 %
shaft hp 11.43

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