What Is Physical Activity
What Is Physical Activity
What Is Physical Activity
• Regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle as • Refers to the kind of activity you perform or method of
it improves our health and helps lower risks of illnesses. training to use.
• Aerobic exercise makes your heart , lungs, and blood First, determine the target heart rate by getting the maximum
vessels more efficient and capable of moving more heart rate and the recommended heart rate range. This will then
oxygen- carrying blood in every single pump throughout tell how hard we should exercise during our training
the body thereby improving not only the cardiovascular
system but also muscle and bone fitness. Time
Why aerobic? What are examples of Aerobic activities? More time spent doing aerobic exercises means more calories
burned and an increase in endurance. We can at least do 20
• Aerobic exercises are accessible, it is efficient in terms minutes per session at first, then gradually increase it to 60
of cost and space, offers convenience, and does not minutes.
require expensive equipment. With a little creativity and
a right formula, you can put together a fitness routine Type
that includes a wide range of fun and effective aerobic
exercises to build muscle , burn calories, and feel better. Running, jogging, swimming and playing contact sports are some
activities that we can do to improve our heart rate. It is also
• Walking, jogging, dancing, stair climbing, riding your important to try different exercises and activities to avoid
bicycle, playing sports or even doing household chores boredom.
are some of the few moderate to vigorous aerobic
activities that you can enjoy