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Revised Learning Plan: (Be Systematic in Checking The Attendance)

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Basilio A. Ballos Jr.


Revised Learning Plan

Grade 10 Lesson Plan

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Formulate claims of fact, policy, and claim of value.


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

 Define claim of fact, claim of policy & claim of value

 Identify claim of fact, claim of policy & claim of value.
 Construct sentences expressing claim of fact, policy & claim of value.

Subject Matter

Topic: Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value

Reference: ENGLISH MELCs Deped

Materials: Visual Aids, Sportsmanship and teamwork

III. Procedure
Teacher Activity Student Activity

a. Prayer

Before we start our lesson, may I call a. The students will stand up and pray
everybody to stand for our opening prayer?

b. Greetings
b. Greetings
Goodmorning class
Goodmorning teacher (different responses)
c. Attendance
c. Attendance
Raise your hand if your name is called (Be
No absent sir.
systematic in checking the attendance).
Yes Sir!
So shall we proceed to our lesson this
A. Motivation
Drill Student Activity

Possible answer:

Okey class! I have here 3 sentences and I

want you to analyze the given sentences. I
will give you 3minutes to analyze the Okey Sir..
sentence on the board. After that, I am going
to choose 3 students to answer! Okey? So let's

Mr. Ballos, as the label “Drill”, it pertains Sentence no1. Student C. answer that the
to an activity that the students have sentence state a fact information. Because
already learned, but as I understood basing Indeed, that Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.
on the presented objectives , the concepts
you are presenting here are new to the
students. In other words, this is not an Sentence no 2. Student B. answer that the
appropriate activity for the DRILL. It sentence referring to a policy of the school.
should be a review lesson. Therefore, it is policy.
Sentences you are presenting HERE,
should be part of the PRESENTATION!
Look for another activity to be used for the
Sentence 3. Student A. answer that the
Sentence no 1. The capital of Ukraine is sentence something that arguably statement
Kiev/Kyiv. because there are people claims that this milk
taste good and others dislike or disagree. So
Use examples that are familiar my answer is claim of value.
to the students.
State directly to the point. Students’ answer
Sentence no 2. Students in Heartland’s district Thank you!
should do their first two years there before
transferring to a two year school.

Sentence no 3. This milk tastes good. Possible answer:

Student E. Our lesson sir this morning all

about " Fact, the Policy and claim of value.
Okey thanks for the three of you for your
cooperation. You have the correct Answer.

So. Now class I want to ask you, what do you

think is our topic this morning based on the
answer of your classmates? Raise your hand if
want to answer.

Okey! You got the correct answer! Very

good! Thank you.

B. Presentation
So. This morning our topic is all about" claim
of fact, policy and claim of value.

PRESENTATION does not mean that you

are going to present the objectives only;
you need to present the concepts to be
learned by students. You can use the
sentences you have presented in the

At the end of the lesson, the students are

expected to:

 Define claim of fact, claim of policy

& claim of value

 Identify claim of fact, claim of

policy & claim of value.

 Construct sentences expressing claim

of fact, policy & claim of value.

C. Discussion – Analysis & Discusssion

Teachers Activity Students activity

Ask the students regarding the sentences

you have presented. Example:
Students F. answer claim of fact tells the
Students in The College of Maasin should existed, or will exist information that relies on
wear their IDs. factual information for support.

In this particular statement, what does this

imply? (Assume that the students cannot
answer, ask another question, like) Does the
statement imply policy or request?

Okey student, do you have any idea what is

Claim of Fact? policy and claim of value. So,
who wants to answer about claim of fact?

What is Claim of fact?

Okey! Thank you for your answer.

So, Claim of Fact!

Fact claim is statement about something that

can be proved or disproved with factual
evidence. A fact claim is not a fact; it only
claims to be a fact. What makes it arguable is
that the speaker has no direct way of
establishing the truth of the claim.

For example, "The Earth is round" is a fact

claim. But on the other hand people are
discriminated against the speaker.
Students B. answer the claim of policy referring
to policies or courses of action because problems
have arisen that call for solution.

How about claim of policy?

So, a claim of policy argues that certain

conditions should exist, or that something
should or should not be done, in order to Students G. answer that claim of value express
solve a problem. approval or disapproval.

Example: The city’s board of education

should institute an honors program not only
for high school students, but for elementary
and junior high school students as well.

And lastly, the claim of value ?

Okey, Thank you for our answer.

So, a claim of value argues that something is

good or bad, or that one thing is better than
another thing.
Example: iPhone product is the best ever.

I love vegetables.

D. Generalization
Teachers Activity Students activity

The teacher should ask question that will lead the

students to form their generalization.
So. Class, in our discussion a while ago, I am The students will raise their hand(s) and go to
going to ask you. Who can give at list five(5) the board and write the sentence then it will
sentences for claim of fact, policy & claim of check by the teacher.
value on the board.

Since your lesson centers on the different

claims, ask question that will sum up with
the process questions you have asked in

When can you say that it is a claim of fact?

A claim of policy or a claim of value? What
word/ s give you a clue that it is a claim

E. Valuing – you may not include this part (not part in the
Teachers Activity Students activity

Teacher(s) ask question to his/her students. Possible answer

Okey class, now you know the claim of Fact,
Policy and claim of Value. The question is, Student A answer the question.
why it is important to study this lesson (the Answe: it is important to study this lesson to
claim of fact, policy & claim of value)? understand the sentence or statement either it
is fact, a policy & claim of Value.

F. Application

Teacher Activity Student’s activity

The teacher ask his/her students to get 1/2

crosswise then they are going to write 5
sentences for claim of Fact, Policy and Claim
of Value.
For the application, you need to give first
different statements showing the types of
claims. Let the students identify. The
APPLICATION should be easier than the



IV. Evaluation
Okey class get one-fourth sheet of paper because we will have a quiz.( DELETE)
Identity (CHECK THE SPELLING) the sentence either claim of fact, policy and claim of

1. Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and insulin resistance.

2. The basic keys to success are perseverance and discipline.

3. Studies have shown that exposure to violent media is a risk factor for violent behaviors.
4. The Career Support Network is an excellent resource for people who are considering a
mid-life career change.
5. In order to insure that graduates are competitive for top jobs in their fields, the college
must put additional resources into its career services office and internship programs.
6. The International Astronomical Union announced that Pluto is not actually a planet,
experts disagree on what characteristics define a planet.
7. Increased investments in solar power will benefit national security by reducing
dependence on fossil fuels.
8. Parents should not only be aware of how their children are using social media, but also
understand the potential positive and negative impacts of social media use.
9. Advances in computer modeling have made it possible to create completely new types of
architectural structures.
10. Football causes too many injuries and ought to be banned.


Okay Class, I want you to advance study about " Critique a Literary
Section base on the following approach:

 Structuralist/Formalist
 Moralist
 Feminist
 Historical-Reading-Response.

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