PSO Optimization 8 Bus System
PSO Optimization 8 Bus System
PSO Optimization 8 Bus System
3, JULY 2007
Abstract—The coordination of directional overcurrent relays power networks using digital computers. Traditionally, to solve
(DOCR) is treated in this paper using particle swarm optimization such problem the trail and error approach was used, but it suf-
(PSO), a recently proposed optimizer that utilizes the swarm fered a slow rate of convergence, due to the large number of
behavior in searching for an optimum. PSO gained a lot of in-
terest for its simplicity, robustness, and easy implementation. The iterations needed to reach a suitable relay setting. In a trial to
problem of setting DOCR is a highly constrained optimization minimize the number of iterations needed for the coordination
problem that has been stated and solved as a linear programming process, a technique to break all the loops at the so-called “break
(LP) problem. To deal with such constraints a modification to the points” and locate the starting relays at these points (where the
standard PSO algorithm is introduced. Three case studies are coordination process starts) is suggested. Topological methods,
presented, and the results are compared to those of LP technique
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. including graph theory and functional dependency, are used to
determine the break points [2]–[4]. It is important to mention
Index Terms—Optimal coordination, particle swarm optimiza- that the solution found using topological methods is the best of
tion, power system protection, swarm intelligence.
the alternative settings considered, but not optimal in any strict
sense. In other words the time dial settings of the relays are rel-
atively high. In the year 1988, the coordination of DOCR in the
frame of the optimization theory was reported [5]. The values of
the time dial setting (TDS) have been calculated using LP (sim-
URING the operation of a modern interconnected plex method) for a given values of the pick-up currents .
D power system, abnormal conditions (faults, overload,
over-voltage, under-frequency, etc.) can frequently occur.
Recently, the interest in applying artificial intelligence (AI) in
optimization has grown rapidly. Genetic algorithm [6] and evo-
Such conditions cause interruption of the supply, and may lutionary algorithm [7] have been used in the literature to find
damage the equipments connected to the system, arising the an optimal setting of the protective relays.
importance of designing a reliable protective system. In order In 1995, a new evolutionary computation (EC) technique was
to achieve such reliability, a back-up protective scheme is proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart [8], which they called par-
provided to act as the second line of defense in case of any ticle swarm optimizer (PSO). It was reported as an optimization
failure in the primary protection (the first line of defense). To technique as claimed by its co-founder. Actually, PSO is a new
insure reliability of the protective system, the back-up scheme AI technique that can be considered as a member of the wide
shouldn’t come in to action unless the primary (main) fails to category of swam intelligence [9]. It was used to solve a wide
take the appropriate action. In other words, it should operate variety of optimization problems such as ANN training [10], and
after a certain time delay known as coordination time interval function minimization [11].
(CTI), giving the chance for the primary protection to operate. PSO has been recently adopted by a lot of researchers due to
The forementioned situation leads to the formulation of the its superiority to other evolutionary algorithms (EA) regarding
well-known protective relay setting coordination, that consists its memory, and computational time requirements as it relies on
of the selection of a suitable setting of each relay such that very simple mathematical operations, also it requires very few
lines of computer code to implement [12].
their fundamental protective function is met under the desirable
qualities of protective relaying, namely sensitivity, selectivity, A common feature between PSO and most EA is that it is ini-
reliability, and speed [1]. tialized with a random population, but unlike all EA it doesn’t
In the past four decades, several efforts has been devoted to rely on the famous Darwinian natural selection “survival of
the fittest”, but mainly depends on “constructive co-operation”
the automation of the coordination process of directional over-
current relays (DOCR) and distance relays in interconnected among individuals (agents). Another important difference
between PSO and EA is the ability of PSO to keep track of the
position, and the change in position (velocity) of each particle
Manuscript received June 8, 2005; revised March 27, 2006. Paper no.
(agent), while EA can only keep information regarding the
M. M. Mansour and S. F. Mekhamer are with the Department of Electric position of the members of the population.
Power and Machines, Ain Shams University, Cairo 11517, Egypt (e-mail: This paper presents the solution of the coordination problem; of DOCR using a modified PSO approach. The development and
N. E. El-Kharbawe is with the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5A9, Canada (e-mail: implementation of the proposed algorithm on three case studies
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2007.899259 are given.
0885-8977/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE
A. Repair Algorithm
After position updating of each particle, a position check is
carried out to make sure that none of the particles have flied out
of the search space bounds or violated the constraints, i.e., all
the generated solutions are feasible. If a violation is detected, a
repair algorithm is used to force the violating particle to return
to the feasible region as follows:
When a violating particle is detected, the velocity of this par-
ticle at the kth iteration is reset to zero. Thus, the velocity of the
particle at the iteration is only influenced by the best posi-
tion found so far for that particle and the current best position in
the swarm. The position of the particle is updated just as before
using this new velocity vector. In most cases this new velocity
Fig. 2. Position update operation of agents. vector will point back to a feasible region of the search space.
The result is to have the violated particle move back towards the
feasible region in the next iteration.
The inertia weight governs how much of the previous ve-
However, in some cases, resetting the current velocity of the
locity should be retained from the previous time step. In this
particle is just not enough to force it back to the feasible region.
work a linearly decreasing inertia weight is used [16]. The in-
In this situation, the velocity of the particle is assumed to have
ertia weight is set to decrease linearly from 0.9 to 0.4 during the
only the gbest component, i.e., the trust is put in the social com-
course of a simulation. This setting allows the particles to ex-
ponent of the velocity, again the position of the particle is up-
plore a large area at the start of the simulation (when the inertia
dated using this new velocity vector. This assumption is justified
weight is large), and to refine the search later by using a small
by the fact that the essence, or at least an important aspect, of
inertia weight. In addition, damping the oscillations of the par-
intelligence can be phrased by “the mind is social”. According
ticles around gbest is another advantage gained by using a de-
to this viewpoint, individuals learn primarily from the success
creasing inertia weight. These oscillations are recorded when
of their neighbors, we compare ourselves to others and we imi-
a large constant inertial weight is used. Accordingly, damping
tate the behaviors of others who have succeeded with things we
such oscillations assists the particles of the swarm to converge
care about.
to the global optimal solution. This way, the inertia weight can
Unfortunately, in highly constrained optimization problems,
be likened to the temperature parameter encountered in simu-
some particles still fly out of the search space, i.e., neither of
lated annealing [16].
the previously mentioned modifications succeeds in forcing the
It is important to realize that the velocity term models the rate
particle back to the feasible region. In this case the particle is
of change in the position of the particle. Therefore, the changes
moved back to its pbest position found so far, and allowed to
induced by the velocity update equation represent acceleration,
explore the search space again with its velocity set to zero in
which explains the name of acceleration coefficients for the con-
the next iteration in order to fine-tune the search in the neigh-
stants and . The acceleration coefficients can be thought of
borhood of pbest. A pseudocode that concisely summarizes the
as a balance between exploration (searching for a good solu-
repair algorithm is as follows.
tion) and exploitation (taking advantage of someone else’s suc-
cess). Too little exploration and the particles will all converge on
if Violation is Detected for the First Time then
the first good solution encountered, while too little exploitation
and the particles will never converge, i.e., they will just keep
searching. There is another way of looking at this rather than
behaviors (exploration and exploitation). What must be prop-
erly balanced is individuality and sociality, i.e., traits that influ-
ence behavior. Ideally, individuals prefer being individualistic
yet they still like to know what others have achieved so that they elseif violation is detected for the second time then
can learn from.
Fig. 3. Flowchart of the modified PSO algorithm.
iter current iteration;
minimum (initial) inertia weight;
B. Initialization of PSO w maximum (final) inertia weight;
maximum allowable number of iterations.
Recalling that the PSO algorithm is initialized with a random
The PSO parameters used during the simulation are summa-
population in order to start its search, a problem arises when
rized in Table I. Table I shows that the population size used
dealing with large-scale optimization problems, for instance,
during the simulation is five particles, which is a very little
when coordinating DOCR with distance relays or when the con-
swarm size compared to the previously published PSO litera-
straints on the search space of the problem are in conflict, for ture. In addition, the values of and are equally set to 2. In
instance, when coordinating ground relays. In these cases it is what follows, these two points are discussed.
practically impossible to find a random feasible solution to start According to [21], the optimal number of particles per swarm
the algorithm with, so another technique should be used to ini- depends on the function itself. There is no certain method to de-
tialize the algorithm. This obstacle can be handled by using the cide a suitable number of agents. Yet parametric studies have
idea of Phase I of the simplex method [19], where an auxiliary found that a population size of about 30 is optimal for many
problem having an optimal solution feasible to the problem in problems [22]. A smaller population size of around 10 to 20
hand is solved. The solution obtained for the auxiliary problem particles have been effective for engineering problems using the
is then used to initialize the PSO algorithm to solve the orig- UCLA-PSO proposed in [17]. On the contrary, our modified
inal problem. The auxiliary problem is formulated by adding a PSO requires only 5 agents, and yet still converging to a sat-
new dimension to the original problem, a nonnegative variable isfactory result.
known as the artificial variable [20]. A flow chart of the modi- The equal values of and used in this work are the values
fied PSO is shown in Fig. 3. originally suggested by Kennedy and Eberhart [8]. Although
more recent empirical studies of the standard PSO algorithm the TDS variables, as long as they are positive real numbers.
have recommended other values than the standard ones used Accordingly, (21), is reduced to:
here, testing such values during the simulation proved that
no significant improvement in the results could be obtained.
Accordingly, an equal value of the acceleration coefficients is (22)
adopted in a trial to balance the exploration and exploitation
capabilities of the algorithm.
This objective function is subject to the following constraints:
B. Relay Current Simulation (23)
The determination of the relay current during fault intervals is (24)
very important for proper relay setting. Usually the fault current
calculation for relay setting is based on 3- and 1- close-in
faults for phase and ground relays respectively. In this work, operating time of the backup relay as a function
commercial packages are used for the calculation of the fault of ;
currents. During the simulation of the system shown in Fig. 8, operating time of the primary (main) relay as a
the two infinite busses are simulated using three single-phase function of ;
ac voltage sources. The pre-fault (load) current is neglected and minimum allowable TDS of the th relay;
the fault inception time is at the start of the simulation, i.e., at maximum allowable TDS of the th relay.
D. Using a More Precise Characteristics
C. Objective Function Used During the Simulation
Equation (4) represents the relay characteristics approxi-
There are different forms of objective functions that can be mately. In some cases, it is required to model the relay with
used in the formulation of the coordination problem. In this a more precise formula. In this case, formulas like (5) can be
paper, the minimized objective function is the sum of the op- used. Doing so a problem arises due to the nonlinearity of
erating times of the primary relays as given by (10). The objec- the characteristics. Referring to (5) and (6), it is clear that the
tive function is usually selected to achieve a certain performance operating time of the relay is a nonlinear function of TDS.
index. The form given by (10) is selected to achieve the objective Accordingly, the coordination problem is no more a LP one.
of minimizing the stress on the relays [5]. This can be justified This problem can be manipulated simply by recognizing that
by realizing that the energy dissipated by an equipment as heat the operating time of the relay can be considered as a linear
is approximately proportional to time, assuming constant cur- function of PTDS as long as the value of is known.
rent magnitude. Therefore, the coordination problem can still be formulated
There is no favor in minimizing the operating times of the as a LP problem. Consequently, the problem is solved first in
relays when operating as primary relays over minimizing their terms of PTDS by minimizing the summation of PTDS, and
operating times when operating as backup relays. The reason stating all the constraints in terms of PTDS instead of the TDS
for this is that for a given relay, if its primary operating time is of the relays. Another important thing that should be beard in
minimized, then its operating time when acting as a backup relay mind is the bounds on the values of PTDS. This range can be
is also minimized. In other words, the operating times of the easily determined by substituting the minimum and maximum
primary relays and those of the backup relays are not in conflict values of TDS in (6). Using these results, the values of TDS can
when considered as separate objectives, and therefore a reduc- be calculated by finding the roots of (6), using any numerical
tion of one leads necessarily to the reduction of the other [5]. method, for instance, Gauss-Seidel or Newton-Raphson. In
As mentioned before, the coordination problem is solved in this work, Maltab is used to find such roots. Obviously, for
terms of TDS, given that values of all the relays are pre- each PTDS, Matlab finds three roots; the required TDS is the
defined. In order to solve the coordination problem in terms of root that lies within the bounds, i.e., the one lies between the
TDS, the relay characteristics given by (4) or (5) should be used. minimum and maximum TDS allowed.
For a predefined values of all relays, the objective function
In order to validate the applicability of the proposed PSO al-
(21) gorithm, the algorithm is used to coordinate the DOCR of three
different systems adopted from previous literature. The simula-
tion results are compared to those of LP obtained using Matlab
optimization toolbox, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
number of the relays to be set; proposed PSO.
coefficient of the ith relay given by (15). A. System-1: 3-Bus System
It should be noted that due to the particular characteristics The proposed PSO is applied to the 3-bus system shown in
of the mathematical formulation of the optimization problem, Fig. 4. This system has been previously adopted to illustrate the
the solution is independent on the values of the coefficients of usage of the LP in calculating the setting of DOCR [5], and is
Fig. 7. Best value of the objective function found during the course of
Optimal coordination of DOCR is presented in this work
using PSO, which is a new optimization technique that still
unpopular in the power engineering community. PSO has been
used before to solve many engineering problems in various
fields. We believe that PSO will gain more popularity in the
upcoming years for its robustness and easiness.
As seen from the simulation results, the proposed PSO suc-
ceeds to converge to the same optimal setting found by the sim-
plex method, as in the first case study. Moreover PSO is capable
Fig. 9. Output of the developed program for setting the phase relays. of finding a feasible setting while the LIPSOL algorithm fails to,
as in the second case study. Regarding the computational speed,
PSO is able to reach a very good result in an acceptable time.
In spite of the fact that most of previously published PSO lit-
erature recommended the use of a population size of about 10 to
20 agents, it has been found during simulation that using only
5 agents is enough to reach a satisfactory result. Consequently,
PSO proposed outperforms the standard PSO in terms of com-
putational speed and memory requirements, as it requires only
25% of the agent recommended by most of the previously pub-
lished PSO literature (5 instead of 20).
There is no attempt made in this work to adjust the parameters
of PSO to the problem in hand. We believe that by doing so, less
execution time and better rate of convergence can be achieved.
Tuning PSO will be a subject of our future work. Another
aspect that will come in our concern is the coordination problem
of a mixed protective scheme, i.e., having other types of relays
along with DOCR. Distance and breaker failure relays are the
Fig. 10. Output of the developed program for setting the ground relays. candidates.
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