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E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 1

Lecture Notes 19

Energy and Potential

dl θ

+ve charge P 1r E


Due to the fact that an electric charge experiences a force in an electric field, some
amount of work must be done in order to move a charge in an electric field.
The amount of work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to another
point in an electric field is called the potential difference between the two points.
Thus if a unit charge be moved from P to Q when PQ = dl, dl being a small elemental
length along the path P2 to P1, then work done is
dw = - E dl cosθ
= -E . dl

The negative sign has been put it account for the fact that the work has been done against
the electric field; a point charge Q is moved then
dw = - Q E .dl
The total work done in moving a unit charge from P2 to P1 is
W= - ∫P2
E.dl jouks/coulomb or valto
For a point charge Q
W=- ∫
QE.dl valto
Thus the difference in potential φ(P1) - φ (P2) between the points P1 and P2

Is φ (P1) - φ (P2) = - ∫P2
If the point P1 is moved to ∞ then considering that P2 is at zero potential.
φ (P1) = - ∫ P2
QE.dl volts
If the integral is taken along any closed path then limits would be set as P2 – P2 so that for
a unit charge.
∫ E – dl = 0

B. I .Neelgr, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 19

Closed path
∴ Electric potential difference around any closed path is zero.

Expression For The Potential At Any Point Due To A Point Charge Q:

P1 path C

dr = dl cosθ

r1 θ
r + dr 1r
r2 P2

Consider a point charge Q at O and let a unit positive charge be moved along any path C.

From P2 to P1
∴ φ (P1) - φ (P2) = ∫ P2
E= lr
4π ∈ r 2
Dl = dl il
∴ E. dl = dl cosθ
4π ∈ r 2
From ∆ PQR dr = dl cosθ

∴ E.dl = , dr
4π ∈ r 2
P1 dr
∴ φ (P1) - φ (P2) = -
4π ∈
∫ P2 r2
1 1 P
4π ∈ P2 r
∫2 dr

Q 1 1 
=  − 
4π ∈  r1 r2 
When r2 ∞ let φ (P2) = PO

B. I .Neelgr, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 19

∴ φ (P1) = volts
4π ∈ r
In general the potential at any point a distance ‘r’ from a point charge Q is

φ= volts
4π ∈ r
Note: Potential is also denoted by ‘v’ and is a scalar quantity

Electrical Potential of a Charge Distribution:

The electric potential at any point due to several point Q1, Q2, Q3…….Qn is

1  Q1 Q2 Q 
φ (P) =  + + ......... + n 
4π ∈  r1 r2 rn 
If a line charge is present of density Pl c/m then
1 ρl
φ (P) = ∫
4π ∈ l r
dl volts

For a surface charge density ρs c/m2

1 ρs
4π ∈ ∫
φ (P) = ds volt
r s

Only for a volume charge distribution

1 ρV
φ (P) =
4π ∈ ∫V r
dv volt

Gradient N(x, y, z)

N(x+dx, y + dx, z+ dz)

r + dr (a)

B. I .Neelgr, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 19

z ∆

v(x, y, z) = C1

Figure (a) shows two neighboring points M and N of the region in which a scalar function V is
defined. The vector separation is

dr = dx ax + dy ay + dz az

From calculate the change in V from M.T.N is

∂v ∂v ∂v
dv = dx + dy + + dz
∂x ∂y dz
Using ∇ operator ∇r is

∂v ∂v ∂v
∇V = dx + dy + + dz
∂x ∂y dz
 ∂v ∂v ∂v 
dv =  dx + dy + + dz  : (dxax + dyay + dzaz)
 ∂x ∂y dz 
dv = ∇V . dr

The vector ∇V (grad v ) is called gradient of scalar function V. It can be seen that for a
fixed | dr |, the change in V in given direction dr is proportional to projection of ∇V in that
direction. Thus ∇V lies in a direction of maximum increase of function of V.
Let M and N lie on the same equipotential surface v(x, y, z) = C1.
As shown in figure (b). them dv = 0

B. I .Neelgr, ECE, GMRIT.

E M Waves and Transmission Lines Unit 1
Lecture Notes 19

Which implies that ∇V is v to dr but dr is tangential to equipotential surface. Hence ∇V must be

along the surface normal to M. since ∇v is in the direction of increasing V it points from v(x, y,
z) = C1 to v(x, y, z) = c2
When c2 > 1. Thus the gradient of a potential function is a vector field that is everywhere normal
to equipotential surface. The expression for ∇V in the three co-ordinate system ax.
∂v ∂v ∂v
∇V = dx + dy + + dz (Cartesian)
∂x ∂y dz
∂v 1 ∂v ∂v
∇V = ar + dy + dz (cylinder)
∂r r ∂y dz
∂v 1 ∂v 1 ∂v
∇V = − ar + . aθ + + ay (spherical)
∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂y

Relationship between E and V

From the equation
V = - ∫ E .dl
The potential difference between two points separated by a length dl is

dv = - E . dl ---------------(1)
for a Cartesian co-ordinate system,

- E.dl = - (Ex ax + Ey ay + Ez az).(dxaz + dyay + dzaz)

= - (Ex dx + Ey dy + Ez dz ) ----------------(2)
Combining (1) and (2)
dv = - [ Exdx + Eydy +Ezdz ] ----------------(3)
Also by calculate
∂v ∂v ∂v
dv = dx + dy + + dz ----------------(4)
∂x ∂y dz
From (3) and (4)
∂v ∂v ∂v
- Ex = , - Ey = & - Ez = + ---------------(5)
∂x ∂y ∂z
So that
∂v ∂v ∂v
E = - ( dx + dy + + dz )
∂x ∂y dz

Is E = - ∇V

B. I .Neelgr, ECE, GMRIT.

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