Anal II 2019 Post
Anal II 2019 Post
Anal II 2019 Post
Keith Ball
Chapter 1. Continuous Functions
f : A → B.
f : A → B.
Examples are
At each point of the domain there are essentially three types of problem
that can occur. In each of the cases below, the function is discontin-
uous at 0 (but continuous elsewhere).
0 0
The first two are fairly straightforward. In the first case the function
has a value at zero that doesn’t “match” the rest of the function. In
the second case, the function jumps in value as we pass through 0.
In the third situation f (x) oscillates infinitely often over a wide range
as x approaches 0.
c-δ c c+δ
The picture shows the situation. The number ε specifies a band around
the value f (c). You want to be able to guarantee that f (x) falls into
that band as long as x is close enough to c.
Example (Continuity of x 7→ x). The function x 7→ x is continuous at
every point of the real line.
Proof Let f (x) = x2, let c ∈ R and ε > 0. We want to guarantee that
There are a number of ways to do this but in view of what you already
know about limits there is a particularly simple approach which depends
upon rewriting the continuity property in terms of limits of sequences.
Theorem (Sequential continuity). Let f : I → R be defined on the
interval I and suppose that c ∈ I. Then f is continuous at c if and
only if for every sequence (xn) of points in I which converges to c,
f (xn) → f (c) as n → ∞.
|f (x) − f (c)| ≥ ε.
1. f + g is continuous at c
2. f.g is continuous at c
But we know that f (xn) → f (c) and g(xn) → g(c) so we can apply
the properties of limits of sequences to conclude that f (xn) + g(xn) →
f (c) + g(c).
Proof Exercise.
To complete the continuity machine we need to know that we can
compose continuous functions. The statement looks a bit complicated
but the idea is as simple as for the algebraic properties.
This section is devoted to a principle which has many uses and which
you may have met at school. Roughly it says that if a continuous
function crosses from below zero to above zero then there must be a
point where it is equal to zero: it cannot jump across zero.
Proof Assume that f (a) < u < f (b) and let A be the set
a s b
Suppose that we have f (s) < u.
s-δ s s+δ
Suppose f (s) < u.
as long as |x − s| < δ.
s-δ s s+δ
Suppose f (s) > u.
Note that s 6= a because f (a) < u. If we put = f (s) − u then for some
as long as |x − s| < δ.
We used the two different properties of the least upper bound respec-
tively for these two checks. This is a common feature of arguments
using least upper bounds.
The IVT has many uses. The most obvious is that it guarantees the
existence of solutions to equations.
You already saw that each positive number has a positive square root
(found as a limit). We can now deduce this very simply from the IVT.
f (R + 1) = R2 + 2R + 1 > R.
To see that R is unique we observe that if 0 < x < y then x2 < y 2
and so two distinct positive numbers cannot have the same square.
{f (x) : x ∈ A}.
Proof If x and y are in the range then by the IVT so is any point
between x and y. So the range is an interval.
Theorem (Existence of inverses). Let f : [a, b] → R be continuous
and strictly increasing. Then f has an inverse defined on its range and
f −1 is continuous.
The picture says it all. If you want to end up within ε of x = g(y) then
make sure you start between f (x − ε) and f (x + ε).
x-ϵ x x+ϵ
Proof Let f (a) = c and f (b) = d. Since f is increasing all its values lie
between c and d. So the range of f is exactly the interval [c, d].
If y is one of the end points then the argument is the same but with
one of f (x − ε) and f (x + ε) replaced by the corresponding end point
of [c, d].
Corollary (Existence of roots). For each positive x and natural num-
ber n there is an unique positive nth root x1/n. The map
x 7→ x1/n
is continuous.
Then f is continuous on R.
Boundedness and Attainment of Bounds
Then we know that f (xnk ) → f (x) but this can’t happen since the
values f (xnk ) are becoming arbitrarily large.
In your schoolwork you were often asked to find the maximum value of
a function on some interval but probably never addressed the question
of whether a nice function (a continuous one say) really must have a
The function x 7→ x has no maximum on (0, 1). Its least upper bound
is 1 but there is no point in the interval where the function is equal to
1. Again, this situation can’t happen on closed intervals.
Theorem (Attainment of bounds). Let f : [a, b] → R be continuous.
Then f has a maximum and a minimum attained in the interval.
This shows that M − 1/R is an upper bound for the set of values and
contradicts the fact that M is the least upper bound.
This theorem will form the basis of our proof of the so-called Mean
Value Theorem which plays a key role in many applications of the
Chapter 2. Power Series I
or more generally
an (x − x0)n
We want to know the values of x for which a power series 0 an xn
Of course, the answer will depend upon what the an are but there is a
fundamental feature of the answer that is common to all power series.
However we can get around this problem because anxn is not just
smaller than antn but is very much smaller when n is large.
Theorem (Radius of convergence I). Let 0 anxn be a power series
an tn convergent. Then
converges absolutely for all x with |x| < |t|.
an tn converges we know that an tn → 0 as n → ∞ and
Proof Since
so the sequence is bounded. There is some M for which |antn| < M
for all n.
N N n
|anxn| = n
|ant |
0 0 t
N n
X x
≤ M
0 t
∞ n
X x
≤ M
0 t
= M
1 − |x|/|t|
P∞ n
Hence 0 |an x | < ∞ and the series converges absolutely.
P∞ n
Theorem (Radius of convergence II). Let 0 an x be a power series.
One of the following holds.
Otherwise the set might contain some numbers other than 0 but be
bounded. In that case we let
an tn converges}.
R = sup{|t| :
P∞ n
Corollary (Absolute series). Let 0 an x be a powers series with ra-
dius of convergence R. Then 0 |an|xn also has radius of convergence
P∞ n
Example (The geometric series I). The series 0 x has radius of
convergence R = 1.
Proof We know that the series converges if and only if x ∈ (−1, 1).
P∞ n n
Example (The geometric series II). If p is real the series 0 p x
has radius of convergence R = 1/|p|.
P∞ xn
Example (The log series). The series 0 n has radius of conver-
gence R = 1.
Proof From homework we know that the series converges if and only
if x ∈ [−1, 1).
P∞ xn
Example (The log series). The series 0 n has radius of conver-
gence R = 1.
Notice that although we have put in the extra factor 1/n in front of
xn we have not changed the radius of convergence.
However, the extra factor of 1/n does make the series converge at
x = −1 but not absolutely.
Example. The series 0 nxn has radius of convergence R = 1.
Proof From homework we know that the series converges if and only
if x ∈ (−1, 1).
For most interesting power series we can find the radius of convergence
using the ratio test.
As a taste let us look at another example:
1 + x2 + x4 + x6 + · · ·
If x > 1 then the terms do not tend to zero so the series diverges.
1 + x2 + x4 + · · · < 1 + x + x2 + x3 + x4 + · · ·
This means that the series converges if 0 < x < 1 so the radius of
convergence is 1.
We remarked that it is possible to consider power series centred at
points other then 0.
For example
1 1 1 1
= =
1−x 2 − (x + 1) 2 1 − (x + 1)/2
x+1 2 (x + 1)2
1 x+1 1 x+1
= 1+ + + ··· = + + + ··· .
2 2 2 2 4 8
This converges if 2 < 1: in other words if x differs from −1 by at
most 2.
P∞ n with radius of
Theorem (Continuity of power series). Let 0 an x
convergence R. Then the function
x 7→
is continuous on the interval (−R, R).
N +1
Now if |y − x| < T − |x| we will have |y| < T as well as |x| < T .
∞ ∞
|an| |x|n < ε/3 |an| |y|n < ε/3.
N +1 N +1
∞ ∞ ∞ N N ∞
X n− n ≤ n + n− n + n
an y an x an y an y an x an x
0 0 N +1 0 0 N +1
∞ N N ∞
|an| |y|n + an y n − an xn + |an| |x|n < ε.
N +1 0 0 N +1