Trigonometric Formulas - Handy Summary Sheet: 1 0 0 0 Cos Sin
Trigonometric Formulas - Handy Summary Sheet: 1 0 0 0 Cos Sin
Trigonometric Formulas - Handy Summary Sheet: 1 0 0 0 Cos Sin
Also, be able to draw accurate graphs of the sine and cosine functions
If you forget these, draw a circle and use symmetry and common sense.
A mnemonic: "All Students Take Calculus". A = all are + in Q1; S = sine is + in Q2; T
= tangent is + in Q3; C = cosine is + in Q4.
sin x cos x cos x sin x (shift identities)
2 2
sin(-x) = -sin(x), tan(-x) = -tan(x) (sine and tangent are odd functions)
Right Triangles:
Lower case a, b, c are always sides, Capital A, B, C are angles. A is opposite a, etc.
Find the side opposite the largest given angle first, if possible. Beware of ambiguous
Law of Sines: