Assessment of Science Inquiry by George E. Hein and Sabra Lee
Assessment of Science Inquiry by George E. Hein and Sabra Lee
Assessment of Science Inquiry by George E. Hein and Sabra Lee
All teachers assess what their students know, where they need help,
and what they should do next. Teachers do this informally countless
times each day, and more formally after completing a topic, or at a
fixed time, such as at the end of a marking period or semester, or the
end of a unit.
Uses of Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment 3/7
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Comparative Assessment
At this level, problems of sampling also come to the fore. Since any
one test can ask only a limited number of questions, the results may
not accurately reflect what a particular student knows or can do. But
a teacher has available a more complete, if informal, knowledge of
the student's abilities and skills. Assessment results that are
strikingly different from what a student usually does can be modified
by including additional information, reassessing, clarifying what is
expected, or providing specific instruction. 5/7
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Assessment Challenges
References 6/7
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