Chapter 1 Current Views On Assesment
Chapter 1 Current Views On Assesment
Chapter 1 Current Views On Assesment
on Assessment
Science for All
Science Inquiry
Changing Assessment Practices
Science for All
The emphasis on science education in previous decades that
resulted in the development of curriculum materials
provided a framework on which the 1990s’ efforts built.
However, the 1990s differed from prior curricular reform
movements in that they were geared toward scientific
literacy for all students (National Research Council, 1999),
not just better science education for future scientists.
Such literacy is critical if the general public is to have a basis
for making informed decisions about issues like nuclear
power, personal health, the environment, reproduction
(Loucks-Horsley, Brooks, Carlson, Kuerbis, Marsh, Padilla,
Pratt, & Smith, 1990), and stem cell research.
Science Inquiry
“Science for all” is not the only theme emerging in
science education.
One can also track the development of an emphasis on
science inquiry. The National Science Teachers
Association (Texley & Wild, 1997, p. 62) notes that the
National Science Education Standards marks a move
“away from presenting information to encouraging
student discovery.” Tobin, Kahle, and Fraser supported
this move away from content presentation to a more
inquiry based approach.
Science Inquiry cont.
The National Standards document also argues that students must do
science (National ResearchCouncil, 1999, p. 2).
Summative Assessments
Used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic
achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period-
typically at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, program,
or school year.
Assessment cont.
Assessment for learning
*coined by Black and Wiliam (1998), characterize this
enhancing of student performance assessment process
as “assessment for learning”
*when “they assess for learning, teachers use classroom
assessment and the continuous flow of information
about student achievement that it provides to advance,
not merely check on, student learning.” Such assessment
for learning is assessment that helps students identify
the strengths and weaknesses of their performance so
that they can improve their achievement.
Assessment cont.
Assessment of learning
*Simply provides a means of rating students, or
comparing them to one another. Assessment of
learning, unlike assessment for learning, does not
focus on feedback for improvement.
Evaluation is a strategy used to collect information
based on evidence to modify the system of learning.
Evaluation includes repeated assessment. It is done by
the teacher, senior teacher and the supervisor at the
end of the term or the whole year. It includes all the
classroom components, course content, learners'
activities and the teacher's strategy.
Evaluation focuses on grades and may reflect
classroom components other than course content and
mastery level.
Assessment vs Evaluation
Assessment vs Evaluation cont.
Classroom Assessment Cycle
This cycle outlines an assessment process that focuses
on improving student performance.
1) Clarifying learning targets
2) Gathering evidence in a variety of ways
3) Analyzing assessment data
4) Modifying instruction
Classroom Assessment Cycle Cont.
Does scenario one conforms to each step in the Classroom
Assessment Cycle?
If yes, cite parts that conforms.
If no, explain why.
Scenario Two provides a classroom exemplar
of this assessment cycle in action.
Scenario two cont.