Blockchain White Paper PDF
Blockchain White Paper PDF
Blockchain White Paper PDF
2.2.3 From performance prospective, the demand for Cross-chain and high
2.2.4 From the consensus prospective, the consensus mechanism evolved from a
2.2.5 From smart contracts prospective, pluggability, usability and security have
3.1 Various countries are competing to lay out Blockchain and occupy the
3.2 The Integration of Blockchain and Real Economy Proves to Be the Theme. ........... 27
3.3 The Innovation of Blockchain Technology Is Becoming More and More Dynamic.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.1 Guide the public to learn Blockchain objectively and rationally .................................. 42
1 The Concept and Characteristics of Blockchain
1.1 Concept of Blockchain
Consortium Blockchain: According to a certain feature to select the nodes that can participate in and
make transaction, and the consensus process is controlled by the pre-selected node blockchain.
Private Blockchain: Write permissions are in the hands of an organization, and blockchain access
permissions may be restricted.
Public Blockchain: Anyone can read the blockchain information, send the transaction for confirmation,
participate in the consensus process. It is the actual decentralized blockchain, and the bitcoin blockchain is
the best representative of the public blockchain.
Users can delete or update local data, but it does not affect the data consistency after the network
3 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
Firstly, application scenario from the needs of the database. The blockchain
is essentially a new type of time-stamped database. From the perspective
of reaching the organization's requirement of real, effective, unforgeable,
and tamper-proof data, they have a new starting point and new demands
compared to traditional databases. Secondly, it needs to be a cross-
subject, multi-party application scenario. The maintenance of the books
by multiple entities is often caused by the fact that the data is not shared,
and the business logic is not uniform, resulting in the phenomenon of
4 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
2.1.1 Infrastructure
The infrastructure layer provides physical resources and drivers for the
upper layers and is the base support for the blockchain system. The
infrastructure layer provides the operating environment and hardware such
as Physical Machine, Cloud, etc. required for the blockchain system to
function properly. It provides network resources (Network Cards, Switches,
Routers, etc.), storage resources (Hard Disks and Cloud Storage, etc.) and
computing resources (CPU, GPU, ASIC, etc.) for upper layers.
2.1.2 Utility
1) Network discovery
The blockchain system consists of a number of nodes connected by a
network. Especially in public blockchain systems, the number of nodes
tends to be very large. Each node needs to discover neighbor nodes through
the network discovery protocol and establish links with neighbor nodes.
For the consortium blockchain, the network discovery protocol also needs
to verify the identity of the node to prevent various network attacks.
3) Password library
Multiple links in the blockchain use cryptographic algorithms. The
cryptographic library provides basic cryptographic algorithm supporting
the upper layer components, including commonly used encoding
algorithms, hash algorithms, signature algorithms, privacy protection
algorithms, etc. Furthermore, the password library also covers functions
such as the maintenance and storage of private keys.
4) Data storage
Depending on the data type and system architecture design, the data in the
blockchain system uses different data storage modes. Storage modes
8 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
5) Message notification
The message notification module provides a message notification service
between different components in the blockchain and between different
nodes. After the transaction is successful, the client typically needs to track
the records during the execution of the transaction and obtain the results of
the execution of the transaction. The message notification module can
complete the generation, distribution, storage, and other functions of the
message to meet the demand of the blockchain system.
2.1.3 Ledger
There are two ways of recording data at the ledger layer, which are based
on assets and based on accounts respectively. In the asset-based model,
the asset is the core for model establishment, and then the ownership of
the asset is recorded, that is, ownership is a field of the asset. In the
account-based model, an account is created as an object of assets and
transactions, and an asset is a field under the account. In contrast, an
account-based data model makes it easier to record and query account-
related information, and an asset-based data model can better adapt to the
concurrent environment. In order to obtain high concurrent processing
performance and timely query status information of the account, multiple
9 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
Asset-based Account-based
Judgement dependency
Suitable Query Easy to fetch transaction status Easy to fetch account balance
2.1.4 Consensus
consistency of data records of all nodes in the whole network. The data in
the blockchain system is stored independently by all nodes. With the
coordination of the consensus mechanism, the consensus layer
synchronizes the books of each node, thereby implementing functions such
as node election, data consistency verification and data synchronization
control. Data synchronization and consistency coordination make the
blockchain system with feature of transparent and data-sharing.
Type I Type II
Write order Write first and consent later Consent first and write later
Representat PoW、PoS、DPoS PBFT 、BFT etc.
Consensus Consensus relies on probability Consensus after confirmation
Process Confirmation guaranteed by
engineering structure
Complexity High Computing Complexity High Networking Complexity
Arbitration If there are multiple record Quorum vote to reach
Mechanism nodes after making consensus, agreement via P2P broadcast
forks will occur, and the longest communication between nodes
chain will be kept.
Fork Yes No
Security No more than half of sum of Number of malicious nodes is not
Threshold malicious nodes equity more than one third of total
node number
Node The node number is free to alter, The performance decline as
Number the more node number is, the node number increase and the
more stable system is. number of nodes is not free to alter.
Application Mainly used in Used in Permission Blockchain
Consensus algorithm representatives include: PoW (Proof of Work), PoS (Proof of Stake), DPoS
(Delegated Proof of Stake), PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance), BFT ( Byzantine Fault Tolerance).
11 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
Turing completeness: In computability theory, a system of data-manipulation rules (such as a computer’s
computationally universal if it can be used to simulate any Turing machine. (Gannon, Paul, Colossus:
Bletchley Park's Greatest Secret, London: Atlantic Books, 2006-01-10 [2006], ISBN 978-184-354-330-5)
13 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
with Turing complete have considerable adaptability and can program for
more complex business operations than ones not, but it is possible to run
into an infinite loop. However, Smart contracts with Turing incomplete are
simple, more efficient, and secure despite of incapable of operating
complex business logic.
Currently, the progress of smart contracts landing is still at its early stage,
and smart contracts have become the “hardest hit area” for blockchain
security issue. from the security incidents caused by previous smart
contract vulnerabilities, there are many security vulnerabilities in contracts
writing, which poses great challenges to maintain security. There are
several approaches operated currently for improving the security of smart
contracts: One is the Formal Verification. The rigorous mathematical proof
is used to ensure that the logic expressed by the contract code conforms to
the intent. This law is rigorously logical, but it is difficult to operate.
Generally, it is necessary to entrust a third-party professional organization
to conduct audits. Another method is the smart contract encryption. Smart
contracts cannot be read in plain text by third parties, thereby reducing
smart contracts from being attacked due to logical security breaches. This
method is low-cost but not available for open source applications. Another
method is to strictly regulate the syntax of the contract language. The
14 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
The system management layer is responsible for managing other parts from
the blockchain architecture. It includes two types of functions: rights
management and node management. Rights management is a key part of
blockchain technology, especially for Permissioned chains that have more
requests from data access. Rights management can be achieved in the
following ways: 1) submitting the permission list to the ledger layer and
implementing distributed permission control; 2) using access control list to
implement access control; 3) Using permission controls, such as
ratings/sub-regions. With rights management, you can render certain data
and function calls by corresponding operator.
The core of node management is the node identification, which are usually
implemented using the following technologies: 1) CA 7 authentication:
Centralized issuing of CA certificates to applications in the system, and
identity and authority management are authenticated and confirmed by
these certificates. 2) PKI8 authentication: The identity is confirmed by the
PKI address. 3) Third-party authentication: The identity is confirmed by
the authentication information provided by the third party. Node
management is variated due to the different application scenarios of the
blockchains. Business extensions can interact with authentication and
rights management.
CA: Certificate Authority, also known as the E-Commerce Certification Authority, is the authority
responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates. As a trusted third party in e-commerce
transactions, it assumes the public key in the public key system. The responsibility for the legality test.
PKI: Public Key Infrastructure is a key management platform that adheres to established standards. It
provides cryptographic services such as encryption and digital signatures and the necessary key and
certificate management systems for all network applications.
15 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
2.1.7 Interface
2.1.8 Application
The application layer is the part that is finally presented to the user. The
main function is to call the smart contract layer. The interface adapts to
various application scenarios of blockchain to provide various services and
applications for users. Since blockchains have data validation attribute and
characteristics of value network, now, much of the work from applications
can be resolved by the underlying blockchain platform. In the process of
developing blockchain applications, the preliminary work must be very
cautious. Proper selection from the decentralized public blockchain,
efficient consortium blockchain, and secure private blockchain as the
underlying architecture ensure the core algorithm has no fatal errors during
the design phase. Therefore, proper packaging of the underlying
blockchain technology and providing a one-stop blockchain development
platform will be an inevitable trend in the development of the application
layer. At the same time, the maturity of inter-chain technology allows the
16 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
ment ent;
The operation and maintenance layer are responsible for the daily operation
and maintenance of the blockchain system, including the log library,
monitoring library, management library, and extension library. In the
unified architecture, the mainstream platforms are different according to
their own demand and positioning. The choices of storage modules, data
models, data structures, coding languages, and sandbox environments in
the blockchain system are also different (see Table 6). These variations
bring great challenges to operation and maintenance of blockchain
The Algorand consensus algorithm was proposed by the Turing Award winner, Professor Silvio Micali.
19 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
At this stage, BaaS service providers support the background data storage,
application data analysis, mobile terminals, application launching, and
information identification. Relying on the cloud computing platform,
blockchain developers can focus on applying blockchain technology to
different business scenarios, helping users build blockchain services with
low entry barriers and high efficiency, while promoting the transformation
and upgrading of their own industries to create new products, business and
business models for our customers.
For the first time in the IOTA white paper, the Tangle blockchain is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), but its
architecture is not only a double-spending risk, but also a risk of forging digital signatures. In order to solve
the double-spending problem, Byteball proposed the concept of the Mainchain based on the DAG of IOTA
and realized the mainchain selection algorithm through the witness method, effectively solving the DAG
double-spending problem.
23 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
relies on tokens and its security is fragile, while PoW is non-final and
energy consumption is high. In order to improve efficiency, trade-offs
should be made among safety, reliability, and openness. The blockchain is
showing the trend of switching the consensus mechanism according to the
scenario and will evolve from a single consensus mechanism to a multi-
class hybrid consensus mechanism. The support consensus mechanism is
dynamically configurable during the running process, or the system
automatically selects the consistent consensus according to the current
Table 9: Consensus Mechanism of Scenarios
and verification. Smart contracts will enable quick start time and high
execution efficiency in a lightweight execution environment.
China laid out the frontier of the Blockchain industry and explored the
various applications in advance. In 2016, the Blockchain was first put into
"13th Five-Year" National Informatization Plan which issued by the State
Council of China. In June 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology issued Action Plans for Industrial Internet Development
(2018-2020). It encouraged to promote the application and research of edge
computing, Deep learning, Blockchain and other nascent but cutting-edge
technologies in the industrial Internet. On May 28, 2018, President Xi
Jinping pointed out in his speech at the Congress of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences (CAS) and the Congress of the Chinese Academy of
Engineering (CAE) that, “The new generation of information technology
represented by artificial intelligence, quantum information, mobile
communication, internet of things, and Blockchain accelerate the
breakthrough in application”.
With the innovation and upgrade of Blockchain, its deep integration and
innovation with cloud computing, big data and other cutting-edge
technologies will promote the commercial exploration and application of
Blockchain technology in medical, judicial, industrial, media, games and
other sub-areas. It’s obvious that it will transform Blockchain from
fictitious to real. So far. the eco-industrial chain has taken shape initially,
which is providing help for the high-quality development of the real
economy in many fields.
28 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
15 13
20 8 4 4 3
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
69 United States
125 181 99
United Kingdom
1999 The Russian Federation
383 Canada
652 China
693 Singapore
Japan and South Korea
More and more foreign companies have been involved in the development
and contribution of Blockchain source code. According to the data on
GitHub, the proportion of Blockchain projects in 2010 was less than 1%,
but it ran up to 11% in 2017. And there were lots of open source platforms
or individual collaboration ecosystem coming into being, such as Bitcoin,
Ethereum, Hyperledger and Ripple. At the same time, a number of
international Blockchain industry alliances have emerged, such as the R3
33 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
In terms of open source code, China's code contribution is only 1/3 of that
in the US. As a traditional technological highland, the United States is
leading the technology trend in the global open source community by
cross-chain technology, multi-party trusted computing, trusted oracle,
digital identity, privacy protection, smart contract language and other fields.
There are not many independent technology platforms in China, and over
90% of the Blockchain technology platforms use products or fork version
made by open source technology abroad, such as Hyperledger or Ethereum.
36, 1% 44, 1%
42, 1%
75, 2% 56, 2%
105, 3%
1076, 32%
2002, 58%
University of California 22
Chinese Academy of Sciences 19
French National Research Center 16
Cornell University 15
Danish University of Science and… 13
Porto Institute of Technology, Portugal 13
University of California, Berkeley 12
Paris-Sacré University 12
University of New South Wales, Australia 11
University of London 11
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11
Australian Commonwealth Scientific and… 11
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 12. The charts of Blockchain SCI papers publishing agency. Source:
37 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
The World Economic Forum survey predicts that 10% of global GDP over
the next seven years will be preserve based on the Blockchain technology.
In order to promote the benign development of Blockchain industry, many
international organizations have actively explored the construction of
Blockchain standard system. The ITU-T Standardization Unit (ITU-T)
decided to launch the standard study of F.DLS (Distributed Accounts
Service Requirements) in February 2017. ITU-T FG DLT Focus Group was
giants such as BAT have focused more on it, but more and more traditional
companies have also officially entered the Blockchain industry. At the
same time, because of the low cost and low investment threshold of starting
a business, a large number of start-ups are rushing to enter the market.
However, on the one hand, the immaturity of technology restricts the
commercial application. At present, although there are many kinds of
Blockchain core technologies such as privacy protection algorithm,
consensus mechanism, etc., they are not commercially available. On the
other hand, the application mode of Blockchain is still being explored, and
no real "killer" application has been found. The "irreplaceable" advantage
of Blockchain has not been reflected. Blockchain is not required and cannot
be applied to all fields. Its outstanding features make it more valuable for
risk-free, high-value and easy-to-implement scenarios.
Although Bitcoin and Ethereum have become hot topics, there are still no
clear laws and regulations in this field. The governance, supervision and
standards of Blockchain technology are still not perfect, which mainly
reflects in two aspects: first, the legal subject is not clear. The body of
system maintenance and governance in the Blockchain is not clear. There
is no central organization responsible for the whole system in the
Blockchain system. The lack of centralized legal entities also makes it
difficult for the traditional legal rules to post-accumulate the distributed
ledger system. To carry out supervision, effective supervision must be
promoted with the technical rules in advance. Second, the rules on the
chain are not clear. In the context of Blockchain participants, code is "law",
but law is not code. Unlike the legal rights and obligations, the technical
rules of Blockchain directly determine the security and stability of
Blockchain system, and directly affect the rights and obligations of each
participant. Due to the ambiguity of the rules on the chain, a series of
problems will arise about smart contract vulnerabilities, token issuance
compliance, personal information protection and so on.
42 Blockchain White Paper(2018)
We should actively guide the society and the public to view the value of
Blockchain objectively and rationally. On the one hand, we should fully
recognize the importance of Blockchain technology in building trust
mechanisms, transmit information and value. On the other hand, we should
avoid exaggerating the subversive influence of Blockchain technology on
traditional industries, and be aware of the expansion of bubbles. Attention
should be paid to the impact caused by Blockchain application to
traditional institutional management, business operations and other modes,
as well as operational pitfalls, technology monopoly and other potential
risks. And we should promote the related medias to radically reform their
statements and create a clean and positive atmosphere for the industry to
make an excellent communication environment for subversive
technologies like Blockchain.