355 MAY 15 2020 Min
355 MAY 15 2020 Min
355 MAY 15 2020 Min
Reference: a) FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2 - Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates, of 20 April 2016.
b) Merchant Marine Circular No.347 - Online Certificates Verification.
c) Merchant Marine Circular No.193 - Optional and Voluntary System for Electronic Books on board of
Panamanian Flagged Vessels.
1.1. The purpose of this Merchant Marine Circular is to inform that the Republic of Panama has welcomed the use of the
Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates, adopted by the International Maritime Organization by the
Facilitation Committee for the use of electronic certificates through the FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2 of 20 April 2016, in order
to facilitate the use and acceptance of electronic certificates on board.
1.2. Furthermore, to inform the stakeholder on the List of Certificates that has been already issued by this Administration
as Electronic Certificates, as well as to inform the list of Recognized Organizations authorized on the issuance of
Electronic Certificates a per the delegation of authority approved by the Republic of Panama.
2.1. Considering that signed paper certificates issued by our Administration and Recognized Organizations authorized to
act on our behalf have been the traditional means of documenting compliance with International Maritime
Organization requirements, as well as ships have experienced instances of Port State Control actions because a
traditional paper certificate has been issued but has not arrived on the ship, or the traditional paper certificate has
been damaged or lost.
2.2. The use and acceptance of electronic statutory certificates, including printed versions of electronic certificates is an
initiative well supported by the Panama Maritime Authority, in order to reduce the instances of Port State Control
authorities denying the validity of these certificates, resulting in a burden to the master and crew, ship owner or
operator, Port State Control authorities, Administration, and other stakeholders.
2.3.1.Certificate means a document issued by the Administration or its representatives that is used to show
compliance with IMO requirements and used to describe operating conditions, crewing requirements, and ship
equipment carriage requirements. The term "certificate" does not include publications, manuals, instructions or
ships' logs used to record ongoing operations; (for the use of electronic books please see our MMC-193).
2.3.3.Electronic signature means data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other
electronic data to serve as a method of authentication of the issuer and contents of the electronic data;
2.3.4.Printed version of electronic certificate means a paper printout produced from the electronic certificate;
2.3.5.Unique tracking number (UTN) means a string of numbers, letters or symbols used as an identifier to distinguish
an electronic certificate issued by an Administration or its representative from any other electronic certificate
issued by the same Administration or its representative; and
2.3.6.Verifying means a reliable, secure and continuously available process to confirm the authenticity and validity of
an electronic certificate using the unique tracking number.
2.4. The use electronic certificates should include the following features:
2.4.1.validity and consistency with the format and content required by the relevant international convention or
instrument, as applicable;
2.4.2.protected from edits, modifications or revisions other than those authorized by the issuer or the Administration;
2.4.3.a unique tracking number used for verification as defined in 2.4.5 and 2.4.6; and
2.4.4.a printable and visible symbol that confirms the source of issuance.
2.4.5.instructions for verifying the information contained in the certificate, including confirmation of periodic
endorsements, when necessary, should be available on board the ship.
3.1. Following the initiative of the International Maritime Organization and being aware of the technology advantages, the
Panama Maritime Authority has implemented among the Certificates issued as prerogative of this Administration the
following Electronic Certificates:
3.2.1.QR Code: by scanning the QR Code in your Mobile Device, your certificate is immediately verified.
3.2.2.Verification System: though the following link http://certificates.amp.gob.pa/certificates, the selecting the
option “Verification System” and inserting the UNT displayed at the bottom of the Electronic Certificate.
3.2.3.Certificates Query: verification instructions for using the option “Certificates Query” through the following link
http://certificates.amp.gob.pa/certificates is available in our MMC-347.
3.2.4.A user-friendly manual has been prepared that as well is annexed to this Merchant Marine Circular.
4.1. As per the information presented to this Administration and the correspondent delegation of authority, the following
Class Societies/Recognized Organizations has been approved for the issuance of electronic Statutory Certificates to
Panama registered ships:
2) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
3) Bureau Veritas
4) Indian Register of Shipping
5) Isthmus Bureau of Shipping
6) American Bureau of Shipping
7) China Classification Society
8) Korean Register of Shipping
9) RINA Services S.p.A.
10) Lloyd’s Register
11) Overseas Marine Certification Services
12) International Register of Shipping (Panama) Inc.
13) Dromon Bureau of Shipping
4.2. Verification instructions for the Statutory Electronic Certificates have been given through the web services provided
by each Organization.
5.1. Flag state inspectors (FSI) should accept electronic certificates containing the features identified in paragraphs 2.4 and
2.5. The FSI may request the master to demonstrate the validity of the electronic certificate following the
instructions available on board the ship (also refer to MMC-347) or by using the QR Code or the Verification System.
5.2. If the master does not succeed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FSI that an electronic certificate is meeting
the requirements, the FSI is advised to consult with this Administration, in order to review any inconvenience with
the system or the Class/RO system.
May 2020 – Inclusion of Dromon Bureau of Shipping in paragraph 4.1 and Deletion Certificate in paragraph 3.1
April 2020 – Inclusion of International Register of Shipping (Panama) Inc.
March 2020 – Inclusion of the Certificate of Registry (Patente) (in all its forms) and the Ships Radio License (in all its forms)
in paragraph 3.1 (documents in alphabetical order), and minor correction in paragraph 3.2.4.
January 2020 – Inclusion of Overseas Marine Certification Services.
November 2019 – Inclusion of Lloyd’s Register, paragraph 4.
July 2019 – Inclusion of RINA Services S.p.A., paragraph 4.
December 2018 – Inclusion of MSM, ITC69 duplicates, NTC, BCC, PAL and WRC due to electronic version available.
October 2018 – Inclusion of Korean Register of Shipping in paragraph 4.
May 2018 – Inclusion of American Bureau of Shipping and China Classification Society in paragraph 4.
March 2018 – Inclusion of Isthmus Bureau of Shipping and Indian Register of Shipping in paragraph 4.
February, 2018 – Inclusion of Bureau Veritas in paragraph 4.
August, 2017.
Inquiries concerning the subject of this Circular or any request should be directed to:
Directorate General of Merchant Marine
Panama Maritime Authority
PanCanal Building
Albrook, Panama City
Republic of Panama
Tel: (507) 501-5355 mmc@amp.gob.pa