(Autoridad Marítima de Panamá) (Dirección General de Marina Mercante) (Departamento de Control Y Cumplimiento)
(Autoridad Marítima de Panamá) (Dirección General de Marina Mercante) (Departamento de Control Y Cumplimiento)
(Autoridad Marítima de Panamá) (Dirección General de Marina Mercante) (Departamento de Control Y Cumplimiento)
Subject: Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Certification Process- MLC, 2006
1. That through Executive Decree No. 86 of February 22, 2013, the National Legislation on the Maritime Labour
Convention, MLC, 2006 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) was adopted and extensively discussed in tripartite
sessions where representatives of seafarers, shipowners and the Panama Maritime Authority participated.
2. The purpose of this circular is to inform users of the Panamanian Registry that the International Technical Offices of
SEGUMAR issues free of charge, the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I, (DMLC-Part I) in electronic format
where the national regulations required to certificate the vessel in accordance to the guidelines of the Maritime Labour
Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC).
3. Vessels with a gross tonnage of 500 GT or more, engaged in international voyages, and those with a gross tonnage
equal or over 500 GT flying the Panamanian flag and operating from a port, or between ports from another country, must
have on board and in a visible place a copy of the Maritime Labour Convention and the Maritime Labour Certificate
complemented with the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance, which consists of two parts, DMLC-Part I and DMLC-
Part II.
4. In accordance with the MLC 2006, the term “international voyage” refers to a voyage from a country to a port located
outside such country, that is, outside the jurisdictional waters of the Republic of Panama.
5. Vessels with a gross tonnage from 200 GT to 499 GT engaged in international voyages or voyages between ports, may
voluntarily request the Maritime Labour Certificate, for which compliance with all national regulations shall be required.
6. The DMLC Part I should only be requested when the vessel is going to start the inspection process in accordance with
Regulation 5.1.3 and Standard A5.1.3 of the MLC.
7. If the vessel is going to make a single voyage, the shipowner, operator, RO or legal representative must request
authorization for such purposes and attach a copy of the two valid financial securities according to the requirements of
the Circulars MMC 336 and MMC 352.
8. In order to obtain the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I, using the following link:
9. For your convenience our Segumar Offices are on the capacity to issue the DMLC Part I, please make sure to select the
SEGUMAR Office of your convenience.
Once the DMLC Part I is issued, the shipowner shall complete the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II
(DMLC-Part II), indicating the actions taken in order to ensure permanent compliance with the national requirements
during the periods between surveys, as well as the measures proposed for guaranteeing continuous improvement of the
aspects subject to survey.
10. That a recognized organization (RO) authorized by the Panama Maritime Authority, shall endorse the Declaration of
Maritime Labour Compliance Part II (DMLC-Part II), once the full initial and renewal inspection has ended in accordance to
the requirements of the MLC, 2006; and shall proceed to issue the Maritime Labour Certificate valid for five (5) years from
the date of completion of the inspection on which this certificate is based, in accordance to the MLC, 2006.
11. The shipowners to whose vessels were conducted a full inspection, as per Regulation 5.1.3 of the Maritime Labour
Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), at the time of publication of this circular, are entitled to request the DMLC, Part I; proceed
with the corresponding processing and use the inspection report to immediately issue the certificate valid for five (5)
years from the date of completion of the inspection which shall be issued by a recognized organization authorized by the
Panama Maritime Authority.
12. If a vessel maintains a current DMLC Part I and changes the name of the vessel, change shipowner, change operator,
change RO or change GT needs the reissue of the DMLC Part I.
When the vessel changes its name, gross tonnage (GT), shipowner or other, the navigation statutory registry or patent
must be updated to be reflected in the platform (E-SEGUMAR APPLICATION).
The shipowner, operator, legal representative of the vessel, recognized organization or others, may cancel the DMLC Part
I automatically in the system by entering the link indicated in Paragraph 8, and apply for the new DMLC Part I.
If the address of the operator or shipowner changes, they must coordinate with the RO the update of the DMLC Part II
and the maritime labour certificate. The DMLC Part I remains the same.
13. The DMLC Part II must include the vessel name, the IMO number and the gross tonnage in accordance to the draft of
this administration.
14. There shall only be one DMLC Part I template for all vessel categories under the Panama Ships Registry.
15. The recognized organizations authorized shall only act in accordance to the guidelines provided by the Resolution,
which authorizes them in matters related to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, (MLC, 2006).
16. The interim maritime labour certificate may be issued for a period not exceeding six months (A5.1.3.6/ A5.1.3.8 of the
A DMLC (Part I and II) need not be issued for the period of validity of the interim certificate (A5.1.3.8).
17. If at the time of carrying out the initial inspection required in Standard A5.1.3.1 of the MLC, it is not possible for the
RO authorized and listed in the MMC-255 to immediately produce a the new MLC certificate on board the ship, may be
issued a Short Term/Provisional MLC Certificate and placed on board. The validity of this Short Term/Provisional
Certificate should not exceed five (5) months. The five months of validity of the Short Term/Provisional Certificate shall be
counted from the date of completion of the initial inspection and included within the five years period of validity of the
Maritime Labor Certificate. This certificate must be identified with the nomenclature "Short Term/Provisional Certificate".
18. Intermediate Inspection: During a RO change the validity of MLC certificate should not be affected, provide that the
correspondent intermediate inspection has been carried out within its due date, therefore expire date of the MLC
Certificate will remain the same. In this cases after satisfactory results of the intermediate inspection a Short Term or
Provisional Certificate shall be issued, as a transitional measure until the correspondent Full Term Certificate is issued and
placed on board. The validity of this Short Term or Provisional Certificate must not exceed five (5) months. This process
does not require for any authorization.
Intermediate inspection, do not require of a new DMLC Part I and II to be issued, unless a RO change is taking place at the
same time of this intermediate inspection, then the DMLC Part II, is subject to endorsement by the inspecting RO.
The maritime labor certificate must be endorsed at the end of the intermediate inspection according to the Standard
A5.1.3 of the MLC.
19. When the DMLC Part I is requested by the legal representatives these should be the same that mentioned in the
patent or ship registry of the vessel. The RO that requested the DMLC Part I shall be responsible to issue the maritime
labor certificate of the vessel.
If a RO requests the DMLC Part I and another RO issues the Maritime Labour Certificate the first RO incurred in bad
20. When the initial, intermediate or renewal inspection are not completed within the periods correspondence should
request authorization to the e-mail mlc@segumar.com to issue a conditional certificate and indicated the reasons for not
carry out on the date indicated and should send copy of the maritime labor certificate and the two MLC financial
securities updated.
21. When the vessel is detained by the PSC, the RO´s can request an authorization from mlc@segumar.com to carry out
the additional inspection and send the maritime labour certificate in force, the two financial securities updated and the
PSC report.
22. From January 8, 2019, the ROs listed in the Circular MMC-255 may extend the validity of the Maritime Labor
Certificate for a period not exceeding five months after the expiry date of the existing certificate, provided that the
renewal inspection has been carried out according to standard of the MLC (A5.1.3.4. The format to be followed by the
RO´s will be the same as that found in the Appendix A5–II of the Convention and will be added to the maritime labor
certificate and be available to the competent authorities.
23. When the shipowner or operator intend to carry out the renewal in advance of the maritime labour inspection
without change or transfer Class or RO.
The Class or RO it is obliged to report the certificate to this administration as per our MMC-159.
When the shipowner or operator intend to carry out the renewal in advance of the maritime labour inspection, and the
change or transfer from Class or RO will take place and the procedures established in our MMC-309 regarding Procedures
for Transfer of Statutory and Class Certification should be followed.
In both cases it will not be necessary to request authorization for this Administration.
24. This Administration inform all Recognized Organizations listed in the Circular MMC-255, that will not be necessary
request an authorization to carry out the additional inspection or audit for the following cases:
The RO shall re-issue the full or interim maritime labor certificate with same expiry date of the previous certificate.
25. When the seafarer accommodations and recreational facilities on a vessel has been substantially altered according of
the Standards or Guidelines of the MLC, will proceed in accordance with the provisions of the circular MMC-302.
26. This Merchant Marine Circular revokes Merchant Marine Circulars MMC-248, MMC-254, MMC-256 and MMC-280.
27 The RO´s authorized in the Circular MMC-255 may issue the interim and full maritime labour certificate, and DMLC Part
II, in accordance to Regulation 5.1.2 of the Maritime Labour Convention and the Resolution No. 106-118-DGMM of
November, 2012. Any other must be previously authorized by the Segumar Office in mlc@segumar.com
The RO´s will notify the invalidation the maritime labour certificate (interim or full) to the accounts mlc@segumar.com
and withdraws@segumar.com
The MLC Section will proceed to cancel the DMLC Part I in force.
28. For purposes of the MLC the shipowner is not always the person indicated in the patent or registry of the vessel,
DMLC Part II, maritime labour certificate, financial securities, DOC, others. According to the National Legislation of
Panama, Executive Decree No. 86 on February 2013, whereby the Maritime Labour Convention is regulated, Shipowner is
any natural person or legal entity who owns a ship, or any other organization, as for example the manager, the agent or
bareboat charterer, who for the purposes of exploiting the ship has undertaken the responsibilities that concern the
owner or another entity or person, and who, upon doing it, has accepted to comply with all the duties and responsibilities
that correspond to Shipowners by virtue of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended regardless of the
organization or person who performs some of the duties or responsibilities on behalf of the Shipowner.
April 07, 2020- Modifications of Paragraphs 12, 21, 24 and 27 and inclusion of new paragraph 25.
March 02 2020- Modification of paragraphs 2 and 12 and inclusion of new paragraph 27.
February 13, 2020- Modification of paragraphs 9 and 12.
September 2019- Modification of Paragraphs 18, 21 and 24.
June 2019 - Modification of Paragraph 20 and paragraph 23 is deleted
January 2019 - Modification of Paragraph 22 and included the news Paragraph 25
October 2018 - Modification of Paragraph 16 and inclusion of new Paragraphs 17 and 22.
August 2018 - Included the news Paragraphs 6, 7 and 21 and modified the Paragraph 12.
May 2018. Modification Paragraphs 1, 4, 8, 14, 15 and addition new paragraph 21.
May 2018. Modification on Point 10.
October 2017. Addition of new paragraph (19)
August 2017 – Modification of Point 18.
August 2017- Addition of new paragraph (18)
October 2016 - Modification of point 14
October 2016- Modification of point 6 and elimination the paragraphs 3, 17 and 18.
September 2016- Addition of new paragraph
Jun 2016- Modification of point 17 and addition of a two new paragraph (15 and 19)
Aug 2015- Modification of point 17 and addition of new paragraph.
March 2015- Modification of point 17
July 2014- Addition of new email address for Busan
July 2013- Correction of email address in point 15 (Piraeus, Greece)
April 2013- New point 16 and elimination of second paragraph on point 2.
March 2013.
Inquiries concerning the subject of this Circular or any request should be directed to:
SEGUMAR - Panama
Maritime Labour Section
Directorate General of Merchant Marine
Panama Maritime Authority
PanCanal Building
Albrook, Panama City
Republic of Panama
Tel: (507) 501-5355 mmc@amp.gob.pa