Paradoxical Intention
Paradoxical Intention
Paradoxical Intention
Paradoxical Therapy
Revised Edition
Edited by
Gerald R. Weeks, P h . D.
Copyright © 2013 International Psychotherapy Institute (1991 Gerald
C on tribu tors...........................................................................................vii
P refa ce....................................................................................................... ix
Part O ne Introduction
v ii
*A few participants of this study did not wish to be identified. The author
gratefully acknowledges the cooperation of all the participants, including: Phi
lippe Caille, Gina Abies, Y. L'amontagne, David Keith, Jeffery Brandsma, Susan
McDonald, Lynn Hoffman, Rachel Hare-Mustin, Seymour Radin, Joseph Lisiecki,
Bradford Keeney, d in t Phillips, L. Michael Ascher, Phoebe Prosky, Paul Dell,
Richard Rabin, Donald S. Williamson, Steve de Shazer, Arthur M. Bodin, Carlos
E. Sluzki, Brian Ackerman, Luciano L'Abate, and Gerald R. Weeks.
The research instrum ent used in this study was the question
naire, which was sent to a panel of experts considered knowl
edgeable about paradox in therapy.
Data Collection
The data collection followed these procedures:
1. Fifty-five persons who had published on paradox in therapy
or who were known to use paradox as a meaningful therapeutic
approach were sent a letter describing the study and its purpose
and inviting them to participate. A stamped postcard was in
cluded which those interested in being on the panel were asked to
return to the researcher. Thirty-seven persons responded to the
invitation. O f these, 26 said yes to participation, 7 said no, and 4
dropped out after the first round. All 26 respondents who re
turned the card saying yes were sent each round of the question
naire. Participation was not consistent over the length of the
study period. Som e members responded to Round O ne and not
to Round Two; some did not respond until Round Two; some
answered certain portions of the questionnaire and not others;
and some wrote letters sharing their views in depth.
Panel members were given a choice in Rounds Two and Three
of responding either by mail or telephone. Six experts who were
contacted by phone shared their views orally, an alternative that
proved viable for persons with time constraints.
2. The process of sending the first round of questionnaires, re
ceiving the responses, and analyzing and form ulating the com
posites from the first set of answers is referred to as Round O ne.
[Round One]
Each panel m ember was asked to provide a brief definition (no
more than five or six sentences) in his/her own words of what
constitutes a paradoxical intervention. Ten days after the first
questionnaires were sent to the panel m embers, follow-up re
minders were mailed.
3. Representative definitions of paradoxical intervention were
formulated by the researcher based on the definitions found in
the existing literature.
Definitions obtained from this round were read by the re
searcher and com posite definitions were created based on those
received from the panel members and on the representatives from
the literature. The com posites were formulated by conducting a
conceptual analysis of the data.
[Round Two]
4. A second questionnaire, containing the com posites drawn
from the first round, was sent to the panel. M em bers were asked
to respond to the new information, and to make any changes,
additions, and/or deletions that m ight make the com posites more
acceptable to them.
The actual choices presented consisted of several com posite
definitions, derived from analysis of Round O ne questionnaire re
sponses. Care was taken to ask the questions in a way that re
spected the individual characteristics of original answers.
Panel m em bers' responses to Round Two were returned to the
researcher and read. A second round of com posites was then con
structed by conducting a conceptual analysis of these responses.
[Round Three]
5. These com posites were sent to the panel m embers in a
Round Three questionnaire for final additions, changes, or dele
tions. After the second set of responses was received, final defini
tions were form ulated. These were sent to the panel members
who were asked to select their single favorite response to the defi
nitional question.
[Round Four]
The entire paper was sent to panel m embers with requests for
their com m ents. These responses com pose Round Four.
A stepwise format for conducting conceptual analysis of verbal
qualitative data, as elucidated by Tesch (1980) in Phenomenological
and Transformative Research: What They Are and How to Do Them was
used to analyze the data. We will present a brief sum m ary of the
steps in this type of analysis to give the reader an overview of the
process before we elaborate on the actual findings.
Step 2. Each them e was studied to determ ine what the panel
members were saying about paradoxical intervention. Som e help
ful study questions suggested by Tesch include:
Which comments seem to express the same idea or opinion about
the theme? What is this idea or opinion, in your own words? Is
there unity about the theme (i.e., most people say something simi
lar), or is there controversy? What is the nature of the difference of
opinions, and how many people take the one or the other stance?
Is the language passionate, strong, personal, or matter-of-fact, un
involved, general? The answers to these questions are recorded in
the form of a summary of the theme substance. (Tesch, 1980, p. 32)
Step 3. The them es were com pared with each other to see if any
were sufficiently alike to be grouped together. For exam ple, the
answers to the question about operational definitions of paradoxi
cal intervention produced several different them es, some of which
were com bined due to similarity; a few distinctly different them es
evolved from the experts' responses to this question.
Step 4. The m ajor them es culled from the initial analysis were
compiled in a second round questionnaire and sent to the panel
members, who were asked to read them and select the one that
they thought came closest to their own definition. (Panel m em
bers were also asked to make com m ents, additions, or sugges
tions for possible deletions that would bring the definition closer
to their own ideas.)
The experts analyzed the responses to the them es (presented to
Round One
Round Two
The second m ost favored definition from the literature was 9, with
nine respondents choosing it. This definition reads as follows:
A paradoxical order is one which, if correctly executed, is dis
obeyed; if disobeyed, it is obeyed.
A paradoxical intervention then, is any intervention, command,
prediction, request that, if followed or accepted, will accomplish
the very opposite of what it is seemingly intended to accomplish. It
is dialectics as applied to psychotherapy, consisting of seemingly
self-contradictory and sometimes absurd therapeutic interventions
which are always constructively rationalizable, although sometimes
very challenging, and which join rather than oppose symptomatic
behavior, leading to increased social interest. (The notion of dialec
tical thinking can be summarized in the idea that things are not
what they seem.) The success of the paradoxical intervention de
pends on the family's defying the therapist's instructions or follow
ing them to the point of absurdity and then recoiling. "If a family
continually defies compliance-based interventions, it can be safely
assumed there is some hidden interaction in the system that under
mines their usefulness—some secret alliance, contest, or coalition
that the family is reluctant to reveal or change. The target of the
systemic paradox is this hidden interaction that expresses itself in a
symptom." (Papp, 1980, p. 46)
The third most favored definition, with six panel m embers choos
ing it, was 5, which reads:
Paradoxical intervention refers to any intervention designed to pro
duce what Watzlawick et al. (1974) called second-order change as
opposed to first-order change. (Second-order change refers to
change in the system itself, e.g., the rules of the system, and is
called paradoxical change.) (Weeks, 1979, p. 62)
Round Three
Step 5. The favored responses from Round Two plus three of the
new definitions were presented to the panel of experts in the
Round Three section containing operational definitions of para
doxical intervention. Panel members were again asked to choose
which definition came closest to their own (choosing only one defi
nition each). In addition, three definitions from the literature,
which were favored in Round Two, were presented and each m em
ber was asked to choose one which best fit his/her own definition.
Paul Dell (1981) m entioned in a recent article that any attem pt to
define paradox either as an entity or as a therapeutic intervention
leads to further conceptual confusion. Giving credence to this
statem ent, we can proceed to "m ak e sen se" of the wide variety of
responses to the first question in this study—how to define para
doxical intervention. W hat seem s even more perplexing is attem pt
ing to define an intervention in which paradox is either sponta
neously or purposively used in com m unications with clients, or is
at least recognized as being present in such com m unications. It is
helpful to keep in mind that the term paradoxical intervention is very
new in the literature of therapeutic com m unication.
The rationale for seeking a definition was that by first learning
about the operational definitions of panel m em bers, the re
searcher would be able to grasp more of the m eanings in re
sponses to another question: W hat are the criteria in deciding to
" u s e " or not to " u s e " paradoxical interventions?
The final analysis of the various definitions for paradoxical in
tervention showed that experts used several conceptual categories
in thinking about paradoxical interventions. We will discuss these
categories, starting with the more general and abstract concep
tualizations and proceeding to the more specific and concrete
ones. As one m ight well imagine, the categories were not cut-and-
dried. Rather, several of the conceptualizations overlapped. In
addition, som e panel members defined paradoxical intervention
with differing em phases. The three m ajor areas of em phasis con
sisted of m essage com ponents, process com ponents, and more
theoretical aspects.
There were seven m ajor approaches to defining w hat was
Round Four
The entire study, including results from three rounds of ques
tioning, was sent to the 26 panel members who had participated.
Each was asked to com m ent on the study and com m ents were
incorporated in Round Four. Responses were received from 23
persons. O f these 23, 17 responded with favorable com m ents
about the study process with remarks such as "w ell done," "c o n
gratulations," and "favorably im pressed." The remaining re
sponses were cards accepting acknowledgm ent for participation
in the study. Eight panel members sent articles or references to
articles they had written on related topics. Five participants con
tributed additional com m ents based on the entire study. O ne
panel m ember suggested adding three relevant experimental
studies (which he would send references for). A nother stated that
he was shocked by the negative argum ents of other participants
regarding ethics and paradox in therapy. In disagreeing with
them , he suggested that with many destructive and repetitive epi
sodes (such as truancy or excessive drinking) one framework
would be that of planning a "p rob ab le" relapse. For example, one
m ight say to the client, "W h en do you think the relapse will hap
pen this time? W ho will say what so that you will relapse again?
W hat will you be doing before you have your next relapse?" This
probable plan approach does not prescribe the destructive behav
iors; it calls attention to the patterns involved and the feelings
connected with such behaviors.
A third participant described her own experience of working
paradoxically. She stated, " I d o n 't know how I do it. Cases do not
becom e clear to me until I have a m etaphor for th em ." This expert
noted that paradox in therapy seemed very similar to drawing a
picture. Citing the book, Drawing on the R ight Side o f the Brain
(1979) by Betty Edwards, this respondent noted that w hat is nec
essary is to so confuse the left brain that it shuts off. For example,
w hen one draws a hand with the left brain one draws the symbol
of a hand. W hen the left brain is shut off and the right brain is
functioning (the right brain being able to flow freely with details),
the picture really looks like a hand and not merely a symbol. Sec
ond, this panel member agreed with com m ents made by another
participant—that the problem of glibness of attitude regarding
paradox does seem to exist. She noted that this seem s to be the
case with therapists in the learning stage, and less so with more
seasoned therapists. Last, this expert posed an im portant ques
tion: Can paradox really be taught? O r is it somehow absorbed
There are several areas that are relevant to furthering the re
search on paradox in psychotherapy. A broader historical per
spective on paradox is needed. M uch has been written on the an
cient use of koans as ways fostering "enligh ten m en t." Western
therapists know little about the artful use of these koans and how
their process relates to paradox; an in-depth historical elucidation
is needed. Clearer understanding of the relationship betw een
conscious manipulation and hum an caring w ithin the therapeutic
relationship is urgently needed as is more in-depth study of the
short- versus long-term value of using paradoxes for change.
Phenomenological studies of clients who have experienced para
dox in their therapy relationships are needed; these could lend
invaluable insights into w hat is useful and m eaningful about
paradox in the therapy process. The use o f paradox in therapy
needs to be studied and m easured with respect to its potency and
usefulness. Carl W hitaker (1982), in a personal com m unication,
highlighted this issue with, "O n e of the great paradoxes is long,
continued therapy with the assum ption of change that is not tak
ing place. Ten years of therapy with no effective change is by itself
a powerful paradox" (personal communication). Last, the process-
research m ethod itself needs refining; its usefulness is becom ing
more apparent as more and more clinicians/researchers grapple
with the fluctuating elem ents involved in change.
Several observations from a more general perspective are rele
vant. First, the m eanings inherent in the differing definitions are
im portant. It would be easy to assum e that all clinicians speak the
same language and that each has the same definitions of term s,
concepts, and m ethods. But such an assum ption would be wholly
unrealistic. People bring their own associations, ideas, memories
to a term or concept: so it is with the defining of paradoxical inter
Ideally, our therapeutic double binds are mild quandaries that pro
vide the patient with an opportunity for growth. These quandaries
are indirect hypnotic forms insofar as they tend to block or disrupt
the patient's habitual attitudes and frames of reference so that choice
is not easily made on a conscious, voluntary level. In this sense a
double bind may be operative whenever one's usual frames of refer
ence cannot cope and one is forced to another level of functioning.
Bateson (1975) has commented that this other level can be "a higher
level of abstraction which may be more wise, more psychotic, more
humorous, more religious, etc." We simply add that this other level
can also be more autonomous or involuntary in its functioning; that
is, outside the person's usual range of self-direction and -control.
Thus we find that the therapeutic double bind can lead one to experi
ence those altered states we characterize as trance so that previously
unrealized potentials may become manifest.
In actual practice, there is an infinite range of situations that may
or may not function as binds or double binds. What is or is not a
double bind will depend very much on how it is received by the
listener. What is a bind or double bind for one person may not be
one for another.. . . Humans are too complex and individual differ
ences are simply too great to expect that the same words or situa
tion will produce the same effect in everyone. Well-trained hypno
therapists have available many possible approaches to hypnotic ex
perience. They offer them one after another to the patient and care
Bateson, G. Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine, 1972.
Dalkey, N. The Delphi methods: An experimental study of group opinion.
Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corporation (RM-588-PR), 1969.
Dell, P. Paradox redux. Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy. 1981, 7.
Edwards, B. Drawing on the right side of the brain. Los Angeles: J. P.
Tarcher, 1979.
Erickson, M., Rossi, E., & Rossi, S. Hypnotic realities. New York:
Irvington Publishers, 1976.
Hoffman, L. Foundations of family therapy. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
Madanes, C. Strategic family therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1981.
Palazzoli, M., Bascolo, L., Cecchin, G., & Prata, G. Paradox and counter
paradox. New York: Jason Aronson, 1978.
Papp, P. The Greek chorus and other techniques of family therapy.
Family Process, 1980, 19.
"It's time for you to answer now," the Queen said, looking a t her
watch: "open your mouth a little wider when you speak, a nd always
say 'your Majesty.” '
"I only w anted to see what the garden was like, your Majesty—''
"That's right," said the Queen, patting her on the head, which
Alice d id n't like a t all: "though, when you say 'g a rd e n '—I've seen
gardens, com pared with which this would be a wilderness."
Alice d id n't dare to argue the point, but went on . .a n d I
thought I'd try and find my way to the top of that hill—"
"When you say 'hill,'" the Queen interrupted, ” 1 could show you
hills in comparison with which you'd call that a valley."
"No I shouldn't," said Alice, surprised into contradicting her a t
last: "a hill ca n 't be a valley, you know. That would be nonsense—"
The Red Queen shook her head. "You may call it 'nonsense' if you
like," she said, "but I've heard nonsense, com pared with which that
would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
A colleague and I were once asked by Lynn Hoffm an how we had
arrived at our Marx Brothers style of therapy. M y answer was that I
was on the road to Damascus w hen a green book called Strategies o f
Psychotherapy fell out of the sky and hit m e. As is probably true of
many in our field, it is hard to overestimate the influence of Jay
Haley on my professional development, not the least of which was
his introduction to me of the work of M ilton H. Erickson (Haley,
1963, 1973). The other m ajor influences on my development have
been the work of the Brief Therapy Centre, M .R .I., California
(Watzlawick et al., 1967,1974; Weakland et al., 1974), and the work
of Mara Selvini Palazzoli and her colleagues at the then Centro per
lo Studio della Famiglia, Milan (Palazzoli et al., 1975,1978). During
recent years, I have also developed a growing fascination with the
indefinable and unpredictable work of Carl W hitaker (see Neil &
Kniskem , 1982).
M y early interpretations of Haley's work led me to construe
therapy as a kind of contest in which paradoxical techniques were
power tactics that could be used to prevent a client or family from
using symptomatic behaviour to control and define their relation
ships with me. Later, pardoxical work becam e more of an intellec
tual exercise, a kind of chess game. A ttem pts would be made,
meticulously, to construct interventions with all potential loop
holes blocked, thus forcing the client or family to move outside of
the rule-governed "sym ptom atic game without end, which up to
that moment, had no meta rules for the change of its own ru les"
(Watzlawick et al., 1967, p. 237).
At this time, m uch effort was devoted to trying to answer the
question, " Is this a true paradox?" and interventions were
measured against external yardsticks from the fields of m athem at
ics and logic. However, it becam e increasingly clear to my col
leagues and me that a central ingredient in our "paradoxical"
work was the unexpectedness of the position taken by the thera
pist (or therapy team) or of the interventions given. We began to
talk less and less about paradoxes (Is it? Isn 't it?) and more about
introducing difference or new information into system s through
unpredictability. As Palazzoli has declared, "P eo p le are most in
fluenced w hen they expect a certain m essage and receive instead
a m essage at a totally different le v e l.. . .anything predictable is
therapeutically inefficient" (1981, p. 45).
Interventions began to be designed and measured by yard
sticks more integral to the process of therapy. More time was
spent attempting to ascertain how the client or family were ex
M uch has been written about the use of paradoxical techniques
by a single therapist. This chapter will concentrate on a team ap
proach to therapy in which one m em ber acts as therapist while
the others observe from behind a one-w ay mirror. The observers
can intervene in a variety of ways: by telephoning in, calling the
therapist out, sending m essages via the therapist, and occasion
ally entering the room (see Breunlin & Cade, 1981; Speed et al.,
O ur use of team s evolved partly from our training programs,
through which we discovered the potential richness of live consul
tation as a way of increasing therapist maneuverability and stimu
lating creativity. The team approach was also particularly helpful
with those individuals and families adept at incorporating a thera
pist into their system s—of both thought and action—thus quickly
rendering him im potent. A family could achieve this end by rais
ing the therapist's level of anxiety; making him increasingly angry
or frustrated; making him care for or overprotect them ; making
him competitive (either with them or other involved profes
sionals, past or present); uncritically "co op eratin g " with him but
therapy, through the medium of the screen, had become more com
plex again. Therapeutic change was increasingly conceived as a
phenomenon that grew out of the evolving nature of the relation
ship between therapist, team and family, and the "definition" of
each only "existed" in terms of each element's "ideas" about the
nature of the others and of the relationship between them. Varia
tion in any one element could bring about change in the other two.
(Cade & Cornwell, 1983, p. 78)
We began to experiment with changing the reality of the
therapy context. Thus it becam e much more difficult for families
to define the rules of the "gam e." Information, opinions, news of
events in the team, shifting alliances, criticisms or approval, and
so on could be transm itted to the family in a variety of ways. "As
with Alice's mirror in Through the Looking Glass, a new world of
possibilities, sometimes vivid, simetimes strange or illogical, had
unfolded. Though never invited to pass, like Alice, through the
mirror, such families could be offered glim pses which, com bined
with what each family m ember m ight project from his or her own
beliefs, could begin to disrupt their habitual patterns of thought
and behaviour" (Cade & Cornwell, 1983, p. 78). It was during
these team experiences that I found m yself concerned more with
the unexpected and unpredictable than with the "paradoxical,"
seeing the latter as one aspect or class of the former.
Karl Pribram (1976) of the Stanford Medical School has pro
posed that the brain works along holographic principles. Before
considering the implications of this theory for therapy, I will
briefly describe holography.
In 1947 Denis Gabor invented a new photographic process for
which he received a Nobel prize in 1971. A photographic plate is
exposed to two sources of light, one reaching it directly from a
source, the other reflected off the object(s) to be photographed.
The resultant interference pattern caused by the m eeting of the
two light sources is recorded on the plate. W hen, subsequently,
the plate is exposed to a light source of equal intensity to, and
from exactly the same direction as, the original direct source, a
three-dim ensional image of the object(s) is "recovered" and ap
pears, floating in space in the position of the original object(s).
Unlike the normal photographic negative, there is no direct cor
respondence betw een the shape of the object(s) and the image on
the holographic plate, which appears as an apparently m eaning
less pattern of swirls. Each part of the plate carries inform ation
about every part of the object(s) and therefore each part can be
used separately to form an image of the whole object(s) by shin
ing a light onto it (though it will lack som e of the sharpness of
detail that can be recovered from the whole plate).
A nother im portant feature of the holographic plate is that it can
be used to store a vast num ber of different im ages. Changing the
frequency of the light source and the direction of the beam will
allow a different image to be laid down and subsequently recov
ered by a recreation of the original conditions (i.e., frequency and
direction of beam ). Also, if the two light sources are reflected si
m ultaneously from two different objects (rather than one source
reaching the plate directly), the interference pattern laid down
will relate to both and reilluminating the plate with light reflected
from either one of the objects will recover the image of the other.
Each image will be perm anently "associated ” with the other.
Thus, the hologram represents a sophisticated inform ation stor
age system , second only to the hum an brain. Recreating the origi
nal conditions will recover any image or group of im ages.
O ne im portant feature of "stu ck n ess" in any context is the pre
dictability of responses on the part of the participants. Obviously,
a degree of predictability is im portant in any context. O nly thus
can we negotiate and establish the m any patterns that m ust go
into the form ing of any stable relationship or set of relationships.
However, adaptability to changing circum stances requires the
possibility of renegotiating reality, of responding in an unpredict
able way; that unpredictability m ust then lead to a renegotiation
of how we view ourselves, our relationships, and the m eaning of
This process of creating "realities" can be represented in a cir
cular fashion as shown on the following page.
As with any circle, this process has no beginning or end. It
should be possible for change to be elicted by a significant variation
at any point in the process. O f course, w hat will represent a signifi
cant variation will change enorm ously from situation to situation,
as will the location in the circle of the point at which introduction of
a variation m ight be m ost influential. The im portant factors will be
(a) the nature and flexibility of the various attitudes and belief sy s-
tem s being focused onto the situation, and (b) the num ber of differ
ent systems or themes that can be seen as having influence on, or
investment in, the continuation of how things have been. Any con
text can include variables involving repetitive patterns among sig
nificant participants that limit the ease with which an individual or
group can change behaviours and belief frameworks. Such limita
tions on change can occur where, for example, parental overin
volvement im pedes an adolescent's ability to differentiate; a heavy
investment in their immediate extended families makes it difficult
for a couple to negotiate an improved marital relationship; and a
family with children deemed "a t risk " remains under constant sur
veillance by relatives, neighbors or professional agencies, in spite
of its attempts to change. Feelings of im potence and inadequacy
are thus perpetuated—the same feelings that may have led to the
emergence of the original problem.
As suggested earlier, symptoms can be seen as arising from the
rigid application of reified frameworks for defining and respond
ing to reality. In such frameworks, there will be a high level of
predictability with respect to the ways participants focus upon
and respond to the problems. As shown in the earlier case exam
ple, therapy became stuck w hen the therapist becam e predictable
in his approach to the problem. Through a reciprocal process of
“Unpredictable” Therapy
Over the door of the Pasteur Institute in Paris is the inscription,
"L u ck Com es to the Prepared M ind." To be creatively but rele
vantly unpredictable requires that a num ber of areas be suffi
Team Interventions
A num ber of papers have addressed the use of team s in ther
apy and have elaborated on a variety of techniques, m any based
on the transm ission of "ex p ert" opinions, or the utilization of the
potentials for triangulation inherent in the approach (Breunlin &
Cade, 1981; Cade, 1980; Cade & Cornwell, 1983; de Shazer,
1982[a], 1983; Hoffm an, 1981; Palazzoli et al., 1978; Papp, 1980;
Speed et al., 1982). In this section, I will concentrate on those in
terventions in which the team reports or dem onstrates changes in
its position or dynam ics, with the therapist usually adopting a
neutral position or, on some occasions, identifying with the cli
ent's or family's position. A reality is projected, as it were,
through the one-way mirror, which in part mirrors facets of a
client's/family's beliefs or processes, and often addresses aspects
of the therapy process.
A woman sought help with her fifteen-year-old daughter who
she said was out of control and an inveterate liar. The m other
claimed to hate the daughter who, in turn, claimed to hate her
mother. The only thing both could agree upon was that the
m other's cohabitant of some four years duration and a younger,
thirteen-year-old daughter were in no way involved in the prob
lem and should in no way be involved in the therapy
In the first interview, the couple fought bitterly and viciously
over every issue, often screaming at each other, leaving the thera
pist confused and, unable to steer the interview into a more con
structive channel, feeling totally im potent. The therapist vainly
sought some positives in the relationship, but to no avail: The
couple often ignored her attem pts to calm things down and to
seek further information.
After about one-half hour the team called the therapist out for a
consultation and evolved the following intervention. The therapist
returned looking angry and confused, slam ming the interview
room door behind her. She apologized for com ing back feeling
somewhat "ra tty " and reported that the consultation had been
m ost unhelpful because there had been a lot of disagreement
among the team.
Some of my team feel that I have not listened carefully enough
to you nor understood the depth of feeling going on between you,
and how deep-seated the feelings of hatred are. They feel I've been
trying to look for positive feelings between you where they, in fact,
nearly every night and often caused havoc. The family lived in
considerable fear that he m ight harm one of the children because
of his extreme jealousy of the attention they received from Enid.
The hospital claimed they could not restrain him because he was a
voluntary patient (though they sent a burly orderly with him for
the first two therapy sessions " in case he were to becom e vio
le n t"). A lodger also lived in the house, a 50-year-old subnormal
m an who was suspected of having some sexual contact with the
children, but was otherw ise seen as "qu iet and harm less."
The social worker had m anaged, thus far, to keep this chaotic
family together, despite considerable opinion that the children
should be removed from the house for their physical and moral
Though in the initial sessions reasonable contact was made
with the various members of this family, the therapy hour was
always chaotic. The noise level was high and increased dramati
cally whenever an intervention was attem pted, family members
often arguing together and occasionally striking out at each other.
The team learned gradually that Enid's older sister had been
very close to their father and that her brother had been their
mother's favorite, in spite of the trouble he caused her through his
aggressive behaviour. Enid had, in many ways, been the Cinderella
of the family; she had worked hard to care for them all, yet had
never been or felt recognized or loved. The father had died many
years earlier, at which point Joanna had begun drinking more and
more heavily. The m other had died two and one-half years earlier,
at which point Enid had becom e increasingly symptomatic.
The family's attitude towards therapy alternated rapidly be
tween anger that so many professionals were attem pting to inter
fere and tell them how to run their lives, and desperate appeals—
particularly by Enid—for som eone to help. The social worker
would receive frequent em ergency telephone calls from or about
the family: Upon arriving at their house, she would find them
resistant or puzzled as to why she was there.
At the end of the fourth consultation session with the family, I
entered the room after a period of consultation with my col
leagues. I looked distressed and reported that my team had had a
big argument. O ne side had asserted that the family members
were doing quite well and did not need the continual interference
of so m any social agencies. The other side felt that Enid particu
larly needed considerable help to carry out an im portant task she
had undertaken on behalf of the whole family since the death of
her mother. Enid had recognized how m uch the family needed
and m issed her m other (who herself had rarely gone out of the
they have had little effect. It is as though the potency of the inter
ventions arises out of the experiences of deadlock from which the
team derives the necessary, and perhaps often unconscious, infor
mation for their construction.
Som e of the basic "u n exp ected " m aneuvers upon w hich such
interventions can be devised and built have been elaborated else
where (Cade & Cornwell, 1985). Briefly, they include:
a. The criticisms by the team of som e aspect(s) of the therapist's
behaviours, and/or apparent beliefs and attitudes that can be
seen as underpinning his/her approach to the family. Such
criticisms will reflect and express directly, or by analogy, as
pects of the family's more resistant responses to and apparent
feelings about the therapy. Thus, development of a symmetri
cal struggle betw een family and therapist can be diverted or
blocked and the interview often moved in a more constructive
direction, the family's position having been understood and
also powerfully expressed by the team.
b. The reporting by the therapist of opinions, advice, cautions,
and so on sent through by the team about which s/he remains
neutral, by claiming, for example, incom prehension, puzzle
m ent, or total confusion. The therapist can, in this way, avoid
being pulled into a struggle over the content of an interven
tion. S/he can claim to be unable to explain the m essage, yet
remain sym pathetic to the fam ily's struggles to understand
and deal with what has been said.
c. A declaration of im potence by the therapist or by the team.
No blame m ust be attached—either directly or by implica
tion—to family m em bers, and no hint of challenge, disap
proval, or sarcasm m ust be betrayed.
M aneuvers such as these tend to reverse the flow of a session
in which the therapist's previous approach has been recovering
increasing levels of resistance to the incorporation of new infor
mation on the part of the family or particular family m embers.
There will always be critics for w hom such techniques will be
seen as manipulative, controlling, and dishonest, particularly the
presentation of m anufactured realities, as described above. How
ever, this framework raises an interesting ethical issue. If stuckness
in families and therapy can be seen, in part, as a function of a
reified diagnostic framework repeatedly focused on the situation,
so that the same associations and responses continue to be recov
Although, throughout this chapter, I have been using principles
from holography as a metaphor to help consider the processes of
Bohm, D., Wholeness and the implicate order. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul, 1980.
Breunlin, D. C., & Cade, B. W. Intervening in family systems using
observer messages. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1981, 7,
Breunlin, D. C., Cornwell, M., & Cade, B. W. International trade in
family therapy: Parallels between societal and therapeutic values. In
C. J. Falico’v (Ed.), Cultural perspectives in family therapy. M d.: Aspen
Systems Corp. 1983.
Cade, B. W. Resolving therapeutic deadlocks using a contrived team
conflict. International Journal of Family Therapy, 1980, 2, 253-262.
Cade, B. W., & Cornwell, M. The evolution of the one-way screen. The
Australian Journal of Family Therapy, 1983, 4, 73-80.
Cade, B. W., & Cornwell, M. New realities for old: Some uses of teams
and one-way screens in therapy. In D. Campbell & R. Draper
(Eds.), Applications of systemic family therapy. London: Academic
Press, 1984.
de Bono, E. The mechanism of mind. Middlesex, Eng.: Pelican Books,
de Shazer, S. Patterns o f brief family therapy: An ecosystemic approach.
New York: Guilford Press, 1982. (a)
de Shazer, S. Som e conceptual distinctions are more useful than
others. Family Process, 1982, 21, 71-84. (b)
de Shazer, S. Som e bonuses of using a team approach to family
therapy. In L. R. Wolberg & M. L. Aronson (Eds.), Group and
Family Therapy, 1982. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1983.
Erickson, M. H ., & Rossi, E. L. Hypnotherapy: An exploratory casebook.
New York: Irvington Publishers, 1979.
Fisher, L., Anderson, A ., & Jones, J. E. Types of paradoxical
intervention and indications and contraindications for use in clinical
practice. Fam ily Process, 1981, 20, 2 5 -3 5 .
Now this going with the wind or the current, plus the intelligence
pattern of the human organism, is the whole art of sailing—of
keeping wind in your sails while tacking in a contrary direction.
Alan Watts
M uch has been thought and written about paradoxes—indeed a
whole type of therapy has been named after it. In my opinion, so
much has now been written about therapeutic paradoxes that I
get the feeling I am dealing with a "gnaw ed and old b o n e" about
the state of which there is very little left to write. The m ost impor
tant articles and books have already been written (for detailed bib
liographical notes, see Weeks & L'Abate, 1982).
The question is then: W hat is there left to say?
C. Conclusions
Room for confusion remains: an autonom ous subsystem (e.g.,
member of family) is not identical with the higher autonomous
system (e.g., family) of which it is a constituent subprocess. Even
if we allow the possibility of transcendence, both types of process
m ust be kept separate to avoid confusion. At the same time the
following can be said of paradoxes in the classical sense:
1. The system that includes itself as a subprocess is by definition
autonom ous. Such system s are the rule rather than the excep
tion in the field of living processes. System s which do not
have this recursiveness are "d ead ." System s which are in ad
dition self-productive or self-m aintaining are called autopoietic
by Maturana and Valera.
W hen several autopoietic system s com bine to form higher
level system s, we can speak of self-organizing system s (see
Jantsch, 1982).
2. If we then place the autopoietic system and self-organization
of several such system s at the same level, we confuse the de
fined hypothetical differentiation limits betw een at least two
system levels, which is useful in encouraging meditative exer
cises, induction of trance or, ecstatic states. O n the other
The Recursive Contextuallzatlon of Natural Processes*
Systemic Any 3-person (or more)
process level system
4 process extensions:
systemic (1: ABC)
relational (3: AB, BC, CA)
psychological (3: A, B, C)
somatic (3: A', B', C ’)
examples: family or couple
"As distinct from the synchronic Illustration of the recursive co n te xtu a llza tlo n (see
Figure 1), the d ia c h ro n ic illustration considers tim e a n d s p a c e additionally. This
means that the recursion model is extended to form a m u ltip le helix.
I call this helix the p e rso n -sp ace -tim e-m od e t (PST) or co-relational-space-tim e-
m odel of an ongoing self-organizing human system. The a d v a n ta g e of this m odel Is
that it allows specification of system ic e ffe c t p a ttern s (which form a certain com mu
nication). s p a c e (where this com munication takes p lace), a n d tim e (when this com
munication Is enacted). These variables a re considered necessary to define a hu
m an system.
cise. Moreover, she has to get the theft bag. Finally, she has
to put the m oney in the bag.
The stealing is redefined and by implication desirable.
The boy either steals the prescribed am ount of a maximum two
marks and is then rewarded by the m other with an additional
two marks or he takes the m oney and forgoes the additional
pocket m oney from his m other by rewarding him self for
M other and son report at the next m eeting that the son has taken
no more than two marks per week and has regularly received two
marks pocket money. At the same time, the son reports that it is no
longer fun to take the money. In the next m eeting, m other and son
report that stealing is no longer an issue. They agreed in front of
the therapist that the boy would get two m arks a week pocket
m oney and that the other two marks would be put into a savings
account for larger purchases (for example, a bicycle). Thus this
relationship betw een m other and son, with the therapist part of the
therapeutic system , showed relational autonom y by parent and
child deciding among themselves that the boy would no longer
steal from his mother. Moreover, with the therapist's help m other
and son found a new definition of their relationship.
This brief example describes a systemic process in which three
persons are involved: mother, son, and therapist (see Figure 1).
The therapist utilizes the relational process betw een m other and
son by:
Accepting their definition of their relationship.
Prescribing symptomatic behavior, thus defining the relational
process betw een m other and son as desirable, so that stealing
is still described as such, but by implication a new definition
of the relationship betw een m other and son is created.
In this way the son's sym ptom is utilized to redefine the relation
ship between m other and son. This is done by putting the m other
in a benevolent, affirmative role towards her son, which allows
him to do that which was previously forbidden or for which he
was punished. This "p erm issio n " removes the son's opportunity
to protest by stealing, and an opportunity to protest against this
redefinition of the relationship is given by stopping the child from
stealing. Through this therapeutic process, individual, sym pto
matic behavior is extended to a relational recursive context.
The m ost frequently-used term for this process is reframing. I
prefer to call it recontextualization, since this term can be defined
more precisely (see below).
The systemic utilization technique is com posed of:
E. Summary
1. Effective interventions always seem paradoxical w hen:
a. Different contextual extensions are confused and thus we
cannot differentiate betw een them .
b. The behavior defined as a problem and the interventions
aimed at this behavior are explained without considering
c. The recursiveness of the different contextual extensions
and thus their respective relative autonom y are disre
garded; in other words, interventions seem paradoxical
when linear explanatory models are used.
2. Systemic utilization provides an alternative. In the process, it is
taken into account that sym ptom s and hum an behavior in
general can be described on identical levels. From a thera
peutic point of view, this involves choosing a process level for
intervention which will m ost readily trigger an autonom ous
solution to the problem . These may range from habitual cog
nitive patterns of an individual to system ic effect patterns of a
multiperson system . Thus possible interventions range from
indirect hypnotherapy (see Erickson, 1980) to those m ethods
derived from system ic family therapy (see Selvini-Palazzoli et
al., 1978, 1980; Hoffman, 1981; Penn, 1982; de Shazer, 1982).
It is the therapist's duty to accept the person-space-tim e con
tinuum of which he has becom e a part and the subprocess to
which it belongs—to learn to understand its essential systemic
patterns. Using these ongoing processes in such a way that
they can remove or solve them selves, the therapist or the ther
apy team contributes to the autosystemic transformation of the
family (see Deissler & Gester, 1983).
3. Thus the purpose of system ic utilization is to allow the group
F. Final Metaphor
In situations in which parents push their children away, the
children are particularly apt to cling to them . If parents, however,
reciprocate (to excess) to the clinging of their children, the child
will remember that it does not want to be clung to. S/he will strive
to be free. Parents who love their children and value their own
and their children's autonomy, give a little counterpressure at the
right time or let them free themselves.
A. Therapeutic Framework
The Institut fur Familientherapie M arburg is a private institu
tion not financed by any public body. It is thus free from regula
tions or restrictions that could hinder its therapeutic m ethods.
The Institut's aims consist of: (1) investigating "problem -form ing
systemic effect pattern s" in naturally occurring hum an groups—
w hether fam ilies, com m unes, groups of residents, or other
groups—in order to develop and apply the m ost efficient, appro
priate, therapeutic strategies to these natural form s of hum an self
organization; and (2) examining these strategies for short- and
long-term effects.
The therapeutic process is as follows: All the basic data for the
problem group are available before the first interview; these data
are noted during the first telephone contact with a m em ber of the
problem group (see basic data form, Appendix I).
All therapy m eetings are prepared via team work and con
ducted under live supervision. A fter a m inim um of 45 m inutes,
the therapeutic session is interrupted for further deliberation by
the team. These interim deliberations take at least 15 m inutes, but
in difficult cases last up to 90 m inutes. During these interim delib
erations, we attem pt to develop a hypothetical explanatory model
of the problem -form ing effect pattern and, as far as possible,
evolve an appropriate intervention. If, following the interim delib
eration, the team does not agree about the problem -form ing effect
patterns, further explorations are made according to the different
hypotheses or the family is asked without explanation to come
back for the next session.
If the therapeutic team agrees on the problem -form ing effect
patterns, the family is asked to return to the next session and the
intervention is applied immediately or disclosed as a written proc
ess diagnosis with or without prescription within the following
days. A nother possibility is for the therapeutic team to announce
its conclusions at the end of the following session (this form of
intervention gives the family an opportunity to m ake its own deci
sions about the internal search processes and possibly to prescribe
som ething itself). The interventions are planned and carried out
based on the system ic utilization technique. At the end of the ses
sion the therapeutic team discusses the anticipated effects with a
'in this case the therapeutic team consisted of: Klaus G. Deissler, therapist;
Peter W. Gester, live supervisor; and Dorle Engel, minute taker. Therapeutic in
terventions are always a result of joint efforts.
lem from the partners to their parental families; that is, to make
the problem one of their need to sever them selves from their
parental families. Thus we implicitly gave the problem of mar
riage—which was of primary im portance to the couple—a secon
dary position.
In addition, we accepted M arie-Ann's desire to get married as
the "official" problem and finally, we gave consideration to the
fact that Lars frequently discussed his problem s with his parental
family. To avoid antagonizing the partners, we decided to give
them a task which would take both parts into consideration. Thus
we were able to prescribe the problem -form ing effect pattern. This
session was concluded with the following intervention:
A few weeks later, Marie-Ann called us and said they didn't need
to keep their next appointment; the problem had been solved. Som e
family turbulence had led to Lars severing himself more from his
mother and his ex-wife and becoming closer to Marie-Ann. They
were both happy with the result: Marie-Ann didn't want to marry
Lars now that she realized he was closer to her.
We asked both partners to let us know about reactions to the
letter. We have copies of Lars's and M arie-Ann's letter as well as the
replies. Together, they constitute 20 handw ritten pages. This is the
text of the letter that M arie-Ann and Lars sent to their relatives:
You will certainly be surprised to get a letter from us. We are
writing you to ask your advice on a problem that has been bother
ing us for some time.
Marie-Ann wants to get married and Lars doesn't.
This is Marie-Ann's point of view:
I am convinced tht Lars is the "right" man for me. I am also for
marriage because it's an official and recognized step for living to
gether. I also think that marriage puts the seal on growing up be
cause children finally leave their parental family in order to found a
new one. I think the ceremony of marriage is important and neces
sary in this context.
Lars rejects marriage for the following reasons:
I don't see why the state should give its O.K. to our relationship
and I don't want the state's and attendant expectations and rules
associated with it.
I don't think that marriage would bring about the changes
Marie-Ann wants—also regarding her own family. What's more, I
don't want to make the mistake again of saying "yes" out of con
sideration to a step which I can't stand by.
Many discussions have not helped us to find a solution or to
come to an agreement. So we would like to ask you to write to us
b y . . .with your advice. As we would like to hear your own point of
view, please write without consulting other people. We are looking
forward to hearing from you.
The answers—as you can im agine—were varied. I will present
only the gist of the responses here to give the reader an im pres
sion of the "system ic effects" of the letter:
Lars's m other wrote two letters in quick succession: She told
Lars that she could understand his doubts, suggested separa
tion, and added that each should look for a new partner. In a
further letter, she supported marriage suggesting sterilization
for one partner to facilitate a com prom ise of " n o family."
'T h e letter is very hard to read and contains many orthographical and gram
matical mistakes. To make it easier to understand, a corrected version is repro
duced here.
Deissler, live supervisor; and Andrea Bohnke, Dieter Heim, and Hilde Krott, minute
grades there too. Between the ages of 7 and 13, we took Berthold to
the education advice centre, then to the schools' psychologist in R.
(conversations with the therapist helped us the parents, and work
ing in the group helped Berthold a lot).
Berthold's school results got better and he became more open
towards others.
A year ago, the group work finished. At the same time he got a
new teacher. Berthold related well to this teacher, a motherly, but
determined woman who understood him. The new teacher, young,
energetic, strict—and the class was reorganized (few old class
mates)—this put a lot of pressure on Berthold.
During the next school holidays I took my boys on a cycling trip
and noticed some strange behavior in Berthold: before going to bed
he would fold his trousers over and over again to get them into a
particular position. Before, when eating, he would sometimes
make movements with his hands as if to lift the food through the
gaps. When he felt he wasn't being watched, he made head move
ments as if he wanted to pull up an object. When he got on his
bicycle and rode off it looked as if he wanted to pull the object
behind him. After a lot of asking, Berthold said he had built up
little walls.
His school results deteriorated, his behavior was strange there
too: when he sat down or stood up, he would swing his legs over
the back of the chair as if he had to climb over a wall.
On his way home from school, Berthold walked as if on a
marked line. After many talks with Berthold and the teacher, who
takes a lot of trouble over him, and who we get on well with, he
gave this habit up, or substituted another one: the doors to rooms
had to be closed, open doors bothered him—and washing his
hands, 5-6 times in succession isn't unusual. You have to be insis
tent to stop him.
His interests: intense playing with Lego, building bridges, aerial
railways, gears, reading, asking questions about something that
has aroused his interest—in detail and intensively.
Esteemed Mr. Gester, I shall stop now, until our appointment
on ___
With best wishes, Helmut W.
In principle, this letter gives enough information about the
family to enable the team to work out an intervention from it,
although the father's description is centered strongly on the
sym ptom s of the son Berthold.
In the preliminary interview, the letter and the inform ation it
contained were used to establish investigative directions that
would lead to concrete information. The interview revealed the
following analogical information:
1. The father answ ers nearly all the questions, including those
not directed at him.
2. The m other is extremely retiring, almost shy. Sh e leaves it to
the father to answer the questions—including those directed
at her—by claiming to have forgotten som ething.
3. Berthold hardly answers any questions; Uwe answ ers but of
ten indirectly hands things over to the father.
4. Berthold som etim es acts as if he h asn 't even heard the ques
tions he is being asked; he stares ahead or looks blank.
5. The m other seem s to be suffering and the father becom es
6. During the interview, Berthold makes several imaginary
m ovements, as if to carry out certain actions.
The interview produced the following additional inform ation:
1. Berthold had undergone play therapy for three years—from
1979 on—but his sym ptom s were still present. His father ex
plained the imaginary actions: Berthold wanted to build a
protective wall around him self.
2. The parents married relatively late (he 32, she 28), because the
wife didn't want to leave hom e—about 70 kilom eters from her
parents' hom e. (She was very attached to her parents.)
3. According to the father, M rs. W. got on better with Berthold
in the past than now. Mr. W. is equally fond of both sons.
4. Four years ago M rs. W .'s father died. M rs. W .'s m other then
lost the will to live: Her children and grandchildren couldn't
com fort her after her loss.
5. According to Mr. W., his wife suffered the m ost during her
father's illness; she worried that if he died she would go mad.
was sent five days after the session. The letter is reproduced here
verbatim, after which the elem ents of the systemic utilization
technique used for this intervention are summarized. The ele
m ents can be further resolved with the aid of the checklist (see
Appendix III).
First we gave instructions with written interventions including
how, when, and by whom the letter should be read. O ur instruc
tions were as follows:
Dear Mr. W.,
As promised we are sending you our diagnosis for your family.
We ask you to proceed as follows: wait until Saturday evening
before handing each member of the family the sealed, individually
addressed envelopes. This should be done shortly before supper
when the whole family has gathered to eat. Only then should the
envelopes be opened. This applies to yours as well.
As soon as each member of the family has taken their letter out
of the envelope, read your letter aloud, slowly. Please make sure
that you are not interrupted. After reading the letter you can have
your supper.
Yours sincerely,
Peter W. Gester, for the therapy team
About a week later, the colleague who had sent the family to us
called and said that Mr. W. had been to see her and had shown
h er our letter. He had told her that the family was com pletely con
fused by it, especially Berthold. For example, Berthold was asking
if he was mad and would have to go into a m ental hospital. Mr.
W. was also surprised that only the parents should attend the
next session.
In our colleague's opinion we had hit the nail on the head. She
had had the sam e hypothesis for years but had been unable to
com m unicate it to the family. Sh e said she had asked Mr. W. not
to talk to her about the content of the letter, but only to us.
A s previously agreed, the couple came to the second session
alone. They didn't seem at all confused; on the contrary they
were rather balanced. Possibly the weeks in betw een had lessened
the effect of the letter. Their spoken contributions were more
evenly distributed. W ithout being asked directly, Mr. W. m en
tioned that Berthold had calm ed down, w asn 't fidgeting or
"m essing around" anymore (imaginary actions). The grand
mother, whom they were visiting at the time, had noticed this
too. However, Berthold was shocked that, according to the letter,
he was behaving like his grandfather, and asked on occasion
w hether he was mad.
M rs. W. confirm ed her husband's observations, but pointed out
that the improvements could be due to the present school holidays
and that Berthold's behavior could occur again w hen school
reopened. But, she concluded, Berthold really had becom e quieter.
Mr. W. added that he thought his wife had been shocked by
the letter too. M rs. W. confirmed this; the word mad had been so
"o d d ." Further them es of the session were: (1) how the partners
had got to know each other; (2) their present relationship to Mrs.
W/s m other; and (3) their sexual relationship.
The interview didn't bring any im portant new inform ation to
light: The hypotheses were confirm ed that M rs. W. was still sad
about leaving hom e. Mr. W. continued trying to ease his wife's
separation from her parents at considerable cost to his own psy
chological well-being, and they were virtually unable to discuss
their sexual relationship.
After the second session, the family received a further interven
tion. It was similar to the first, but em phasized more directly M rs.
W/s com forting function for her mother, as well as Berthold's for
his. In addition, relapses were predicted for Berthold. The family
w as also advised to discuss this letter with the school psycholo
gist and ask for advice.
The children were invited to attend the next session at which
time the effects elicited by the first letter were confirm ed. Therapy
ended after the fourth session. The school psychologist reported
further improvement in Berthold's behavior, w hich was con
firmed by several of his teachers.
In drawing a conclusion from this therapy, we can assume that
the first intervention released system ic confusion (compare the
school psychologist's reports). The therapy team further hypothe
sized that the confusion was started by an autonomous reorganizing o f
the patterns which effect in the family (autosystem ic transform ation).
In 1978 I carried out an investigation in a school, the object of
which was a quantitative check of paradoxical interventions on
speech anxiety before classm ates. For various reasons, I have yet
to publish the results, the m ost im portant being that to a certain
extent I concluded that quantitative investigatory m ethods are
com pletely unsuited to the precise evaluation of the system ic ef
fects of therapy. To explain this further, I should first like to sum
marize the m ost im portant conclusions that I, personally, have
drawn from the results:
1. Quantitative tests for m easuring gradual differences in the de
gree of fear param eters are easy to construct and, w hen well
prepared, provide accurate results.
2. Standardized paradoxical procedures used with groups of
people assem bled based on quantitative criteria (using statisti
cal parameters of comparable control groups) cannot be more
precisely analyzed because of their qualitative effects. The
quantitative effects of these standardized procedures deviate
widely, but do not show any significant mean differences.
Am ong other things, they do not take into consideration the
relevant qualitative conditions of the test persons, but merely
the degree of certain parameters.
3. Inexperienced therapists, even if they have been taught indi
vidual techniques and had several practice lessons in using
them , are not able to com pensate for the standardization ef
fect (see no. 2 above). O n the one hand, these therapists are
tied to the standard procedure, and on the other they are un
able to estimate the effect of other possible positive influences
that they m ight use constructively.
4. The m ost significant disadvantage of standardized paradoxical
procedures is the fact that the relational or system ic context is
A. Planning of Therapy
1. Formal Data
a. Date.
b. Name of the family.
c. W hich people were required to attend.
d. M em bers of the therapy team present.
2. New Information before the Session
3. Hypotheses
a. System ic—the entire defined problem -bearing system .
b. Relational—various relationships within the system .
c. Psychological—the individuals.
d. Som atic—the individuals.
4. Therapeutic Measures
a. Joining.
b. Recursive creation of information.
c. Intervention at end of session.
B. Therapeutic Procedures
5. Formal Data
a. Date.
b. M em bers of family present/absent.
c. Length of session.
d. Video—audio—live.
6. Effects Triggered by the Therapeutic Intervention o f the Previous
Session—Observed or Reported
a. System ic (see above).
b. Relational.
c. Psychological.
d. Som atic.
7. How Is the Therapeutic System (Including Therapist) Tuned during
the Session?
a. System ic (see above).
b. Relational.
c. Psychological.
d. Som atic.
Bateson, G. The birth of the double bind. In M. Berger (Ed.) Beyond the
double bind. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1972.
Bateson, G. Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine, 1972. (b)
Bateson, G., Jackson, D. D., Haley, J., & Weakland, J. Toward a theory
of schizophrenia. Behavioral Science, 1956, 1, 251-264.
Berger, M. M. (Ed.). Beyond the double bind: Communication and family
systems, theories, and techniques with schizophrenics. New York:
Brunner/Mazel, 1978.
Deissler, K. G. Anmerkungen zur okosystemischen Sichtweise der
Psychotherapie. Familiendynamik, 1981, 6, 158-175.
Deissler, K. G. Die rekursive Kontextualisierung naturlicher Prozesse.
Familiendynamik, 1983, 8, 139-165. (a)
Deissler, K. G. Rekursive Informationsschopfung. Regeln zur
Entwicklung problemrelevanter Fragen im kokreativen ProzeB der
systemischen familientherapie. In preparation, 1983. (b)
Deissler, K. G., & Gester, P. W. Autosystemic transformation: Trance
phenomena, systemic transformation or utilization in family
therapy. Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress on
Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. Phoenix,
Ariz., November 30-December 4, 1983.
Dell, P. F. Beyond Homeostasis: Toward a concept of coherence. Family
Process, 1982, 21, 21-41.
de Shazer, S. Patterns of brief family therapy: An ecosystemic
approach. New York: Guilford, 1982.
Erickson, M. H. The confusion technique in hypnosis. American Journal
of Clinical Hypnosis, 1964, 6, 183-207.
Erickson, M. H., & Rossi, E. L. Varieties of double bind. American
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1975, 17, 143-157.
In order to unhinge all the vicious circles discussed, the first thing to do
is take the wind out of the anticipatory anxieties underlying them, and
this is precisely the work of paradoxical intention. It may be defined as a
procedure in whose framework patients are encouraged to do, or wish for,
the very things they fear—albeit with tongue in cheek. In fact, an integral
element in paradoxical intention is the deliberate evocation of humor, as
Lazarus (1971) justifiably points out. After all, a sense of humor is one of
the specifically human capacities, namely, the capacity of "self-detachm
ent" (Frankl, 1966). No other animal is capable of laughter.2
2Hand et al. (1974), who treated chronic agoraphobia patients in groups, observed
that they spontaneously used humor as an impressive coping device: "When the whole
group was frightened, somebody would break the ice with a joke, which would be
greeted with the laughter of relief" (pp. 588-602). One might say these patients
reinvented paradoxical intention.
from hom e in sealed pouches, and only w hen she had thoroughly
cleansed and prepared the area. Her time outside of work was
spent mostly in her apartm ent with a few close friends or her par
ents. She never perm itted anybody to enter her apartm ent, and
never wore clothes in her hom e that she had worn outside; these
"contam in ated " articles were kept in a special closet. Sh e con
sulted a therapist w hen she began carrying a sheet which she
used to cover any chair she sat on outside of her apartm ent. Fi
nally, the client was encouraged to remove her gloves, throw the
sheet upon which she was sitting into a corner, and try to "ca tch "
herpes. The therapist m odeled and the client initiated "h erp es-
catching" behavior, that is, sitting on all chairs, touching various
places in the office (desks and various places on the floor), touch
ing her face and body with her ungloved, "co n tam in ated " hands.
Throughout the session, which was quite lengthy, the therapist
and eventually the client joked about their activities, about the
client's concern regarding catching herpes, and about herpes in
general (it was quite funny; the reader should have been there).
Naturally, the client was reluctant to participate at the beginning
of the exercise, but by its conclusion modeling was unnecessary
for she was initiating the required behavior. At the conclusion of
the session, the therapist suggested that the client continue to try
to "c a tc h " herpes throughout the next week. That is, she was not
to use her gloves or sheet; she was to wear the "contam in ated "
clothes throughout her apartm ent, use public lavatories whenever
possible, eat lunch with her friends in local restaurants, and in
general, do everything possible to "c a tc h " the disease. U pon her
return the following week, she reported that she had carried out
the therapist's instructions and felt a good deal better, but was
" s a d " to report that she had not contracted herpes. In fact, she
still had periods of discom fort and retained som e ritualistic behav
ior. However, she was com pletely com fortable in the therapist's
office and further "contam in ation" there was unnecessary. She
w as instructed to continue to try to catch herpes during the week
prior to her third session. W hen she returned, she reported that
she felt better than she had in m any years and that no rituals re
mained. Therapy continued with a focus on other issues; her con
cerns regarding contracting genital herpes did not reappear at a
one-year follow up.
Paradoxical intention may be effective even in severe cases. Let
us turn to an illustrative case history:
Frankl, V. E. Zur medikamentosen Unterstutzung der Psychotherapie
bei Neurosen. Schweizer Archiv fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 1939,
Frankl, V. E. Arztliche Seelsorge. Vienna: Deuticke, 1946.
Frankl, V. E. Die Psychotherapie in der Praxis. Vienna: Deuticke, 1947.
Frankl, V. E. The pleasure principle and sexual neurosis. International
Journal of Sexology, 1952, 5.
Frankl, V. E. Angst und Zwang. Acta Psychotherapeutica, 1953, 1,
111 - 120 .
Frankl, V. E. The doctor and the soul: From psychotherapy to logotherapy.
New York: Knopf, 1955.
Frankl, V. E. Paradoxical intention: A logotherapeutic technique.
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1960, 14, 520-535.
Frankl, V. E. Man's search for meaning: An introduction to logotherapy.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1962.
Frankl, V. E. Logotherapy and existential analysis: A review. American
Journal of Psychotherapy, 1966, 20, 552-560.
Frankl, V. E. Paradoxical intention and dereflection. Psychotherapy:
Theory, Research and Practice, 1975, 12.
Frankl, V. E. The unheard cry for meaning: Psychotherapy and humanism.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.
Hand, I., Lamontagne, Y., & Marks, I. M. Group exposure in vivo for
agoraphobics. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1974, 14.
Ko, Byung-Hak. Application in Korea. The International Forum for
Logotherapy, 1981, 4, 89-93.
Lazarus, A. A. Behavior therapy and beyond. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Solyom, L., Garza-Perez, J., Ledwidge, B. L., & Solyom, C.
Paradoxical intention in the treatment of obsessive thoughts: A
pilot study. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1972, 13.
Paradoxical Techniques:
One Level of Abstraction in
Family Therapy
by Luciano L'Abate, Ph.D.
The m ajor em phasis in a paradoxical approach to therapy stems
from a variety of sources (L'Abate, 1969). Those who have most
influenced a circular approach (in this context, circular is synony
mous with paradoxical) are Dewey and Bentley (1949), Ruesch and
Bateson1 (1951), and von Bertalanffy (1968). Incidentally, Rychlak
1 I consider J. Ruesch and A. F. Bentley the two unsung pioneers of how general
systems theory preceded family therapy theory. Perhaps someone will someday trace
their contribution more fully than I can.
The therapeutic paradox consists of (a) a variety of ways of in
tervening without appearing to intervene and of helping (without
appearing to control) a family learn to control what they are do
ing; and (b) contradicting a family's ideologies and mythologies
without appearing to contradict. The paradox, understood to be a
contradiction, lies in the therapist's contradicting what the family
does without appearing to contradict (lest the family feel dis
The three styles in intim ate in terp erson al relationship s
(L'Abate, in preparation 1983 [b]) pertain to apathy (A), reactivity (R), and
conductivity (Q ).
Apathy consists of all kinds of behaviors that pertain to
abuses—atrophied, aggressive, avoidant, aversive—that is, de
structive relationships. Reactive relationships represent the polari
ties of negative complementarity, in which the dialectic is same-
opposite and of which repetition is the m ain characteristic: yes-
no, black-white, true-false, right-wrong—immediate reactions of
one individual to w hat another says or does. Reactive styles
characterize a great m any husband/wife, parent/child intimate
(close and prolonged) transactions. O ne individual reacts to the
other. Then, because the second individual reacts to the first,
counterreactions and escalations ensue.
The conductive style represents com m itm ent to constructive
change through change of self. It represents the ability to delay
reacting until m uch more inform ation (both internal and external)
is obtained and processed and a response can be constructive and
positive. Clearly, psychopathology is present in all abusive, apa
thetic, avoidant relationships. A slightly lesser degree of pathol
ogy (but still dysfunctionality) is present in reactive relationships,
while "h e a lth " is found in conductive relationships.
Interpersonal relationships can be represented through a circu
lar inform ation-processing model based on five com ponents:
Emotionality, Rationality, Activity, Awareness, and Context.
These five term s stand for, in traditional psychological language,
structure, process, outcome, correction m echanism , and context.
In inform ation-processing language, these com ponents would be
called input, throughput, output, feedback, and context. These
five com ponents perform a variety of classificatory and diagnostic
functions, which have been elucidated elsewhere (L'Abate, 1981;
L'Abate & Frey, 1981; L'Abate et al., 1982; Ulrici et al., 1981).
This model indicates that, for health, all five com ponents need
to be present on an equal basis. Pathology represents an overre
liance on one of the five at the expense of the others. For instance,
an overreliance on em otionality may bring about a decrease in ra
tionality, producing a sequence that goes from em otionality to ac
tivity, thereby bypassing and short-circuiting rationality. By the
The third aspect of this theory consists of levels and patterns of
congruence in functioning (discussed in greater detail in L'Abate,
1964, 1976, 1983 [a]). There are two levels of interpretation—the
descriptive and the explanatory. The descriptive level is com posed
of two sublevels: The self-presentational, which refers to the fa
cade or public image; and the phenotypical, which describes how
we actually behave in our more private m om ents. The explanatory
level also consists of two sublevels: the genotypical, which refers
to the underlying, attributionally inferred, abstract constructs that
we use to explain (redundantly, one might add) individual or sys
temic behavior (e.g., anxiety, guilt, self-esteem ); and the histori
cal, which is the generational, life-cycle view of how behavior
came to be. Health represents a certain degree of consistency
among all levels; that is, one level is not overemphasized at the
expense of another.
Theory of Personality
Health and pathology are based on the differentiation of rela
tionships. Change and growth result from our ability to be con
ductive. Change is based on three multiplicative requisites: (a) do
ing som ething positive and constructive, (b) doing som ething new
and different from what one has done in the past, and (c) doing it
frequently or intensely enough for it to withstand the impulse to
maintain the status quo. The three requisites of change, then, are
positivity, differentness, and strength. We fail to grow w hen we
behave abusively or reactively; that is, w hen we continue to do
either the same as or the opposite of the other persons in the fam
ily. In conductive relationships, two pluses equal a multiplication
(growth) in the relationship. In reactive relationships, there is one
plus and one minus (sam e-opposite), which equal zero and thus
repetition of the same relationship over time. In abusive relation
ships, two m inuses divide or split energy to the point of destruc
tion (L'Abate, 1976).
More helpful than the view of health and pathology as a con
tinuum is the bell-shaped curve view. That is, health is in the mid
dle of the curve with pathology on both its sides (one side being
too much and the other too little; one too frequent and the other
too infrequent; one too intense and the other not intense
enough). Health thus represents the middle of the road on the
four com ponents previously described (L'Abate, 1964, 1976;
L'Abate & Kochalka, in press).
Health is properly represented by the whole concept of conduc
tivity; it is our ability to be com m itted to change, to be creative
and constructive. Normalcy would be properly represented by
reactivity because, if we consider normalcy just a statistical con
cept of frequency, it appears that m ost hum an relationships are
reactive. Normal, however, would be neither health nor dysfunc
tion; dysfunction is represented by the apathetic relationships al
ready described.
Sym ptom s are usually produced by generational patterns in
which an inability to express hurt in conductive, appropriate, con
structive ways brings about pathology (L'Abate, 1977; L'Abate et
al., 1979). Sym ptom s then are produced by our inability to ex
press properly, constructively, and conductively our genotypic
feelings of hurt, despair, grief, loneliness, inadequacy, helpless
Change occurs w hen the sym ptom is restructured in a positive
context. W hen reframing is strong and frequent enough, the fam
ily can successfully work as a system . The m ost im portant condi
tion in the process of change is a cognitive restructuring—a re
framing of the sym ptom from a negative to a positive context.
the beginning and filled in during the course of therapy. Tasks are
used to check on the degree of functionality of the family system .
If a family is able to comply directly with structural changes and
complete homework assignm ents, there is no need to go on to a
circular or a metaphoric approach.
If tasks are not completed or not even undertaken, a more cir
cular approach may be necessary. W hich kind of intervention is
decided strictly on the basis of cooperation or inability to cooper
ate. Cooperation suggests use of structural and linear approaches;
lack of cooperation or inadequate cooperation suggests use of cir
cular or metaphoric approaches.
In the diagnostic assessm ent of a family, the theoretical frame
work presented earlier through the models of Apathy-Reactivity-
Conductivity (A-R-C), Emotionality-Rationality-Activity-Awareness-
Context (E-R-A-Aw-C), and power sharing and negotiation are all
used. The framework is diagnostic as well as therapeutic. The lev
els of abstraction in therapy serve as a framework for specific
treatment guidelines. Go structural if possible; if not, go linear; if
linear does not work, go circular; and if circular does not work,
try metaphorical. Som etim es, one reasons quickly and intuitively
that the metaphorical might be used. These are not absolute
guidelines; it is very difficult to give any guidelines that could not
be contradicted (see Weeks & L'Abate, 1982, for contraindications
for the use of paradox).
The paradox in and of itself is just one approach, and it has to
be mixed with all the other approaches. The more techniques and
methods the therapist knows, the more flexible and better off the
therapist is in meeting the various needs of families. Thus the
therapist shifts always from one level of abstraction to another.
The level of abstraction and flexibility of the therapist in meeting
the family's demands could range across all four different levels.
There is no one treatment of choice: In certain cases, paradox may
be the only treatment of choice; in some cases, it is never the
treatment of choice. There should be as many ways to meet fam i
lies as will allow us and them to succeed.
Paradoxical techniques should be organized as follows: (a )
"Things are gonna get worse before they get b etter"; (b) " I'm not
sure this is gonna work, but let's try it and s e e "; (c) positive re
framing through prescription of the sym ptom , which is (d) ritual
istically and (e) systemically linked for the whole family.
I continue to rely on written (I believe very strongly that letters
can be used with children) as well as verbal com m unications, and
I believe that more linear techniques should be developed before
one goes on to the paradox. If there are any com m on errors in the
use of these techniques, they lie in using them too stereotypically
and generally, without considering the specific case and the spe
cific context of specific families. Using paradox rigidly and uncriti
cally will, I think, produce severe disappointm ents for both fami
lies and therapists (L'Abate, 1977; Wagner et al., 1980).
Som e uses of the paradox in an inpatient children's setting
have been reported by Jessee and L'Abate (1980) and in other pub
lications (L'Abate & Farr, 1981; L'Abate & Sam ples, 1982; Soper &
L'Abate, 1977; Weeks & L'Abate, 1982). This section will describe
isolated cases in which I consulted on a one-shot basis and stayed
in touch with the therapist about the long-range results of the
In one case, treated by Don Laird, I consulted over a period of
three years. A young man of 22 had a long history of hospitaliza
tion and incarceration for sudden, seemingly unprovoked and ex
plosive temper tantrums that ended in destructive or aggressive
outbursts against property and people, especially members of his
family. During previous hospitalizations, he had at various times
been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic and given other, simi
lar labels. He was seen in the fourth session during a treatm ent
that spanned three years. The aggressive outbursts were ex
plained to him as his way of expressing him self. As positives,
they were accepted as part of his style. Perhaps he m ight want to
achieve control over these outbursts (he did). But it would be very
difficult, if not impossible, not to have them because he used
them, instead of emotionality (which he avoided diligently), as
his mode of self-expression.
Consequently, a plan was laid out: He should have aggressive
outbursts at specific times with specific family m embers with
whom he was involved and in w hose presence he was in the habit
having temper tantrum s. He was also told to call the therapist
after each outburst to describe the outcome for the family; he
called to indicate that he did not feel like having a tem per tantrum
but that he would try again. The therapist expressed amazement
at his inability to follow instructions, especially in view of his long
history of aggressive outbursts. He was told to try again at the
specified times. He should have them in the houses of both his
grandmother and his parents. He did have one or two minor half
hearted, half-baked aggressive outbursts.
Eventually, the outbursts disappeared completely. He was able
from then on to start writing letters to members of the opposite
sex, with whom until then he had been unable to establish any
relationship. Ultimately, he was able to apply for a job, which for
the first time he maintained for longer than one year. He is now
contemplating marrying the girl he has dated for more than a
year, and he has kept his current job for two years.
The next case, which also concerns tem per tantrum s, was a 10-
year-old boy, from an abusive, incestuous family, who had been
farmed out to a foster family for possible adoption. Therapy was
conducted by Dr. M argarett S. Baggett; I was again the one-shot
consultant. The boy's tem per tantrum s were quite explosive and
threatening, especially to the foster m other; he also exhibited
them in school. The tantrum s were positively reframed as his own
method of expression. A specific place was chosen where he was
encouraged to have his tantrum s on a regular basis. The principle
here is that the undesirable, symptomatic behavior should be made to
occur zvhen and where it does not naturally or spontaneously occur
(L'Abate & Kearns, submitted for publication). In this case, a
basem ent room (which contained only empty boxes) was desig
nated for the tem per tantrum s. The foster father was encouraged
to get a couple of old inner tubes, fill them , and ask the child to
go to the basem ent on a regular basis to have his tantrum . We
agreed that Saturday morning, w hen the foster father would also
be present, would be the best time. The boy was then to have a
tantrum for at least 15 m inutes. He was to report back to the ther
apist w hen h e had finished his assignm ent. The foster parents
were to encourage him to have the tem per tantrum from 10 A.M.
to 10:15 A.M. every Saturday m orning. The child reported to the
therapist (Dr. B .) that he had failed to do the assignm ent and that
he was not planning to have any more tem per tantrum s. The
therapist expressed surprise at his inability and unw illingness to
carry out the assignm ent and also noted that Dr. L. would proba
bly be very disappointed that he had not carried it out: He was
encouraged to continue having tem per tantrum s, especially at the
time and place specified. This case was followed up after a few
m onths, during which time the tem per tantrum s, especially at
hom e, had subsided to zero, even though the boy still had a few
tantrum s at school. Unfortuantely, however, the foster parents
changed their m inds about adopting the child because of the
stress he seem ed to place on their marriage. To decrease the pain
of loss w hen the boy left, Dr. Baggett organized a farewell party
to make the leavetaking a joyous occasion.
In spite of his considerable improvement and exem plary behav
ior, this child did continue to exhibit occasional fits of opposi
tional behavior, which displeased his foster parents a great deal.
Consequently, plans were made for his return to his family of ori
gin, who, in the meantime, had received therapy and counseling
from another therapist. Although the battle of the tem per tan
trums was won, the war—to keep this child in the foster hom e
and be adopted—was lost. N evertheless, the child did show con
siderable improvement in his self-control, even upon returning to
his family of origin.
A nother case was a couple, married for 25 years, referred to us
(Dr. L and M rs. L) by their son, who was concerned that they
stayed at hom e all the time. During those 25 years, the m other
had developed a com plete phobia about housew ork. The father
was employed full time but had learned to cook and do the
household chores, while the wife went shopping and spent her
time in nonproductive activities. She had becom e com pletely pho
bic about going outside (except for shopping) and enjoying life.
Theirs was a rather miserable existence, with no friends, no
travel, no vacation—all because of the wife's continuous need to
control all situations. Eventually, she was verbally congratulated
for the way she had achieved control over everybody (without, of
course, having appeared to achieve control) and for how m uch
she cared for the whole family, especially the husband. She kept
him busy all the time to help him (a refugee and victim of the
holocaust) avoid dealing with his depression and his own hurt.
After receiving this interpretation, the couple reported having
gone on a work-vacation holiday (the first in years). She had be
gun to do housew ork and cook (in spite of the husband's resist
ance!). They discontinued treatm ent after the seventh session be
cause they had not gotten anything out of therapy. I agreed with
them and offered to refund their money, an offer they refused.
Paradoxical techniques are but one level of abstraction in at
least four levels of therapy They are especially relevant in the ini
tial phase of therapy to induce sym ptom atic relief and reduce
stress and emotionality. These techniques are not the end of ther
apy but rather, the beginning. To achieve success, a therapist
needs a variety of linear approaches that will help families attain
greater intimacy and learn to negotiate problematic issues.
Alexander, J., & Parsons, B. V. Functional family therapy. Monterey,
Calif.: Brooks/Cole, 1982.
Bertalanffy, L. von. General systems theory. New York: Braziller, 1968.
de Shazer, S. Patterns of brief family therapy: An ecosystemic approach.
New York: Guilford Press, 1982.
Dewey, J., & Bentley, A. F. Knowing and the known. Boston: Beacon
Press, 1949.
Haley, J. Problem-solving therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1976.
Hansen, J. C., & L'Abate, L. Approaches to family therapy. New York:
Macmillan, 1982.
Jessee, E., & L'Abate, L. The use of paradox with children in an
inpatient setting. Family Process, 1980, 19, 59-64.
Kempler, W. Existential family therapy. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass,
L'Abate, L. Principles of clinical psychology. New York: Grune & Stratton,
L'Abate, L. A communication-information model. In L. L'Abate (Ed.),
Models of clinical psychology. Atlanta, Ga.: Georgia State College
School of Arts and Sciences Research Papers, No. 22, 1969. 65-73.
summer; day makes way for night; the moon sets and the sun
rises; we can get angry and later be more loving; we can decide
affirmatively and negatively about the same incident in a matter of
years, m onths, even shorter periods. Each of us recognizes these
truths to contain a certain natural reminder, but we often fail to
put the wisdom of that knowledge into practical application. Para
doxically, it is true that the moon rises so that we can enjoy sun
light, winter comes so that summer will find us, and so on.
We will take a short tangent to illustrate this point. Part of the
value of this natural wisdom is the colloquial (day-to-day) applica
tion of its principle. For instance, we often hesitate to act on a
decision to follow an impulse until we examine that impulse from
other perspectives or otherwise think it over, give some time to
find out how we feel about it over time, and so on. Each of us has
hesitated on a purchase, held back som ething we might have said
prematurely, restrained our vocal tone, gone som ewhere to "th in k
over" a concern, and so on. Such behavior is preventative prob
lem solving, and often preventative mental health. As a case in
point, Fritz Peris introduced a Gestalt therapy exercise that con
sisted of examining the exact opposite of one's urge, wish, im
pulse, fantasy, feeling. In so doing, the individual learned to
maintain a "creative precom m itm ent." "T h e ability to achieve and
maintain an interested impartiality betw een imagined opposites,
however absurd one side may seem, is essential for any new crea
tive solution of problem s" (Peris et al., 1951, p. 53).
But in the case where a problem already exists, the application
of the principle of cycles comes too late (or was preem pted by the
problem). In these cases, the logic of restraint, acting in an oppo
site way, or tapping an opposite goal has not already been consid
ered. The application of the principle finds value in that doing the
same thing to get the opposite result has not usually been consid
ered. The paradox introduces this consideration by appealing to
an understanding (no matter how well developed) of this wis
dom. Jung wrote: "And just as the conscious mind can put the
question, 'W hy is there this frightful conflict betw een good and
evil?' so the unconscious can reply, 'Look closer! Each needs the
o th e r'" (1959, p. 153). The paradox then is one of the symbols of
this wisdom. Alan Watts stated that paradox is the truth standing
on its head to attract attention (Watts, 1953).
If, however, the paradox does not express profound truth, it
can at least be expected to capture attention and provoke thought.
Parmenides of Elea (515 B.C.) and his student, Zeno (490-85 B.C.)
were among those intrigued by the complexities of paradox.
Plato, in his Dialogue o f Parmenides, referred to Parmenides and
O ur synthesis of the personality consists of a redundant or re
curring blend of perceptions, expectations, and urges, all of
which combine to produce particular affects. Consciousness and
deliberate thought in imagery occur secondary to this otherwise
primary process and only in varying degrees do individuals exer
cise the ability to inhibit, direct, or modify the impact of these
affective states voluntarily and experimentally. More often, the so
cial system is created to exert control in cases where the individ
ual has not.
There is predictability to a personality even though it operates
dynamically within a living and changing person. An individual,
until s/he changes, continues to expect a finite variety of experi
ences in the world (e.g., the postm an will be anonym ous, the fish
store personnel will be friendly, Sally will be eager, our son will
like this and that, etc.). This colloquially noticed personality is of
course a result of the predictability gained by the redundant oc
currence of relatively similar urges, expectations, perceptions,
and subsequent states of affect.
In the absence of conditioned responses to paradox (a highly
unconditioned stimulus), the person has no established map to
follow from previous learning and will consequently respond with
searching behavior designed to produce an appropriate response.
The person attem pts to construct a new map to guide behavior,
affect, and expectations regarding likely consequences for both self
and others. Specific indicators of such internal searching are flat
tened cheeks, decreased movement, slowed reflexes (breathing,
blinking swallowing), pupil dilation, eye scanning, and increased
pallor. These search phenom ena are considered to be signs of light
trance in that the person's attention is at least temporarily inter
nally concentrated.
To the extent that searching for a logical map to follow is not
successful, the person can be expected to becom e increasingly re
ceptive to external direction from the therapist which stimulates
the co-construction of a map containing and detailing new op
tions. Working from an Ericksonian approach to treatm ent, we
find that deepening the naturalistic trance initiated by the paradox
and then presenting m etaphors to the client provides him or her
an opportunity to entertain novel experiences in a nonthreatening
way, examine them as possible options, evaluate them from a per
sonal perspective, and expand the map to include those m eta
phors judged personally relevant by the individual.
Though what will be personally relevant to the individual is
Recognizing that there are many and varied ways to intervene
paradoxically, we offer the following elem ents of paradox as flexi
ble guidelines for therapists to use in initially formulating and de
livering paradoxical interventions, as well as in examining why a
particular paradoxical intervention was not effective. We do not
imply that all of these elem ents m ust be evident in any effective
paradoxical intervention, but that each elem ent is im portant to
consider and address in some way, though not necessarily in an
obvious fashion or in the order in which they are discussed here.
Attitude Restructuring
Central to any lasting therapeutic growth are changes in per
ception and in the belief system , at the very least in those percep
tions and beliefs that supported the problem . Change is often
facilitated by helping the client alter the priority of perceptions
and the weight or cognitive interpretation given to perceptions.
This includes changes in the client's assum ptions which may have
been used previously to justify or make predictions about the
problem and its continuation.
Attitude restructuring is necessary w hether the problem is pri
marily somatic or more overtly interpersonal in nature. Believing
that a skin condition is genetic and therefore incurable is an atti
tude that needs to be changed to enable the person to congru-
ently retrieve and apply the personal abilities that m ight result in
cure. And, changing that attitude enables the client to look for
and find evidence of the expected change. W ith respect to the cli
ent to be discussed in this chapter, his limiting belief was that
success or winning were only possible through superiority or re
bellion against authority. Here the attitude change indicated was
one that allowed the client to com fortably incorporate and utilize
the new behaviors and affects addressed by the other m etaphors.
der he wishes" (Erickson & Rossi, 1979, pp. 113, 115). W ith the
same woman, who expressed her love for her husband by worry
ing over him, Erickson shared a personal anecdote, that he (also
handicapped) encouraged his wife to show her love for him by
enjoying herself since there was no real need to w aste time being
concerned: " I'm just in a wheelchair. That's all! I want her to put
her energy toward enjoying th ings" (Erickson & Rossi, 1979, p.
109). At the end of their session, he em phasized this learning
again: "And neither of you need to be concerned about the other.
You need to enjoy knowing each other. And enjoying what you can
do as meaningful to you" (Erickson & Rossi, 1979, p. 119).
We have covered various elem ents of paradox that illustrate its
significance and im portance. We now want to turn to examples of
actual interventions and their effects. We discuss their selection
and the design of a treatm ent plan in which they can be thought
fully delivered. Since much of the literature about paradox ad
dresses sym ptom prescription in the context of strategic family
therapy, we will focus on Erickson's style involving the use of
lesser noted forms of paradox in other therapeutic contexts. We
are em phasizing the use of paradox for both interview m anage
m ent and therapeutic outcom e. Specific interventions include
binds, confusion techniques, indirect suggestion, and especially
therapeutic metaphor. Ericksonian hypnotherapy is a therapeutic
modality particularly well suited to illustrate both variety and fre
quency of these interventions while carefully exam ining the cli
ent's response to them . For this reason, we have selected a case
for analysis in which hypnosis was the primary modality.
Frank (male, age 29, married) requested treatm ent to solve his
problem with "authority." He said that he had difficulty taking
orders and following rules, and could not accept feedback, even
constructive feedback from his wife. As a professional therapist
him self, he was aware that this situation was not appropriate. He
needed to be com fortable with criticism and he realized that his
reflexive rebellion was out of his control. He revealed that he had
a num ber of traffic and parking tickets which he had not paid,
had served a brief jail sentence in this regard, had broken mari
juana laws and been caught, and had argum ents w ith his wife,
a person to learn from him self and so I hope that you succeed in
rebelling to the proper extent against those suggestions we give
so as to make certain that you only follow those suggestions that
are relevant for you to follow." W hat is paradoxical about the sug
gestion is o f course best illustrated by studying the options availa
ble to Frank at that point. Frank could follow the suggestion and
have his own thoughts rather than ours or he could rebel against
the suggestion that he have his own thoughts (not follow our sug
gestion) and therefore be thinking a thought of his own. This par
adoxical sym ptom prescription is a bit like the classical paradox:
"Everything I say is a lie." But better, the latter sentence is ex
tremely personal to Frank and he is bound to consider it.
How is this therapeutically useful for Frank? Perhaps it is not
useful to him therapeutically, but it is useful to the therapeutic
process as a device for interview m anagem ent. We have ad
dressed Frank at several levels. Consciously, we have increased
rapport to the extent that he recognizes the acceptance of his re
bellious behavior. We have reduced his need to be defensive and
encouraged him to continue his defensive behavior; we have al
lowed him to protect him self if he deem s it necessary to so do.
Below the level of consciousness, we have accom plished at least
two things. We have stym ied his m ost familiar m anner of resisting
feedback from others by the logical overload on his conscious as
sociation process and thus encouraged unconscious search. In a
subtle manner, we have focused his aw areness on our words and
his personal reaction. We have defined the area of experience to
w hich attention m ust be given: W hether he rebels or complies
with our instruction, he can only determ ine the difference by
noticing our words and his reaction. Thus we have helped him
accom plish several things that will deepen his trance experience:
intensified rapport, accom plished fixation of his attention, and in
tensified concentration on internal experience.
To effect the paradoxical nature of the induction then we asked
him to "fail to succeed at not going into tran ce" at his own speed,
to "su cceed in rebelling," to "e n jo y the freedom of having pre
cisely his own thoughts," and to "try to keep your eyes open
throughout the entire trance." Intim ately tied to the paradoxical
nature of the instructions was the construction o f and effects
created by indirection, confusion, and the therapeutic bind aspect
of the com m unication.
Som e other features of the induction, although not paradoxical,
are worthy of attention if for no other reason than to underscore
th e point that the use of paradox does not singularly constitute a
treatm ent. Rather, paradox is a tool that m ust be considered
C: Seven, 6.
S: Maybe your hand is going to feel lighter as it raises halfway to your
face or maybe a quarter of the way to your face. Maybe it's going to
get heavier and fall down to the side of the chair.
C: And that would be another interesting adaptation, another interest
ing way to follow your own rule, 4, 3.
S: And perhaps it's going to stay where it is. So we're just going to
have to find out.
In this segm ent the typical alterations of initial trance are ob
served and described to the client: heartbeat alterations, cheeks
flattening, lack of movement, deeper breathing, and relaxation.
Following this summary of obvious occurrences, we began deep
ening trance by suggesting more uncom m on trance phenom ena.
Since Frank was oppositional, we continued to use paradoxical
behavior prescriptions, challenging him to deepen his trance. This
is found in the lines "Fin d out that you're failing to go into trance
by increm ents"; "You're failing to have one of your hands get
ligh ter"; and finally, "At least one of your hands is going to fail to
raise up to your face." Again, the paradoxical elem ent lies in the
binding quality of the situation. We have appealed to the com m on
motivational relationship that his father created with him —chal
lenge. Thus we have appealed to his transference need to both
please and rebel against us. If he rebels he will have achieved a
deepening by creating the trance phenom ena. If, contrary to our
expectation of failure, he does fail, then he has followed our sug
gestion. Following our suggestion will thus lead to deepening be
cause we subsequently suggest that he doubt his ability to not
raise a hand, not go deeper, and that he dissociate further. The
sentences used for this are: "Y ou're failing to know that one of
your hands can get ligh ter"; and "H ow can you really be sure?"
"T h ere are a num ber of varieties of ways in which you can fail to
let one of your hands." "You can fail to notice one of your hands
getting lighter." And finally, a series of all possible alternatives of
the above was suggested ending with "Your hand can fail to get
lighter and you can fail to notice."
S: And you don't need to listen to the things a hypnotist says. You have
a lot of your own thoughts.
C: Your conscious mind may be interested in analyzing the structure of
what we say and w h y ...
S: And your thoughts are worth examining.
C: .. .but that has nothing to do with your true purpose in coming and
presenting that difficulty...
S: Slowly, still lighter, and thoroughly.
S: He came to therapy perplexed with the idea that he had had a num
ber of affairs for a number of years which were no difficulty to him
emotionally, so it was incomprehensible to him that when he de
cided firmly and resolutely to stop the affairs, he felt guilty.
C: He knew the game was up. He wasn't going to have the affairs but
he didn't want to have the guilt.
S: So he came to psychotherapy after he decided he had been punished
long enough and it wasn't going to go away. He came for our help. It
was a good reason to see him for therapy. We accepted the case. We
asked him to go into trance.
C: It was a pleasurable activity to go into trance even with concerns on
your mind.
S: And to develop the depth of trance you think you want or may want
is an easy matter in the therapist's office.
C: And the last client we put into trance didn't realize how fully he was
in trance until we asked him to come out of it.
This opening metaphor sets the stage for Frank to begin the
process of questioning his prevailing attitude about com petition.
It also contains six m ajor points of interest with regard to para
dox. First, "O n ly a fool would fail in such a way so as to f a i l ...
but a wise man fails in such a way as to succeed," defines the
story as paradoxical in nature. The com m ent about how a "fo o l"
fails should hook Frank's need to rebel w hen challenged. If he is
hooked, we have furthered the trance by facilitating his fixated
attention and internal concentration. We have increased the likeli
hood that Frank will becom e interested in the story in order to
determine his position on the issue of foolishness, success, fail
ure, and rule breaking. The key elem ent in such a "bull's ey e"
story is the contradiction of succeeding by failing—hence the
metaphoric paradox.
Second, "Fred couldn't be more clear about this fact at forty
years old," challenges Frank to understand or admit he is still
"yo u n g ." O r perhaps Frank will be motivated to "b e a t" Fred by
learning whatever it was that Fred learned (which is yet to be re
vealed) much faster than it was learned in the story.
Third, "T h e more deeply he went into trance, the more deeply
we put him into trance," denies our control of the hypnotic situa
tion. This is a paradoxical bind for trance m aintenance. If he
rebels he gives us control; if he complies, then he follows sugges
tions and definitions created by us and hence he goes into trance
more deeply.
Next, "H e had a good deal of bad deals" is an oxym oron—a
com bination of contradictory or incongruous words. As such, it
will subtly stimulate a new examination of what really constitutes
S: Now you're in trance yourself. You probably wonder why your un
conscious doesn't know anything about moving your fingers up off
your lap.
C: And that's an interesting thought. You know that you know how to
lift your fingers up off your lap. You've known all along, even before
you knew that hand belonged to you. You knew how to raise it up to
your face and transport that rattle to your mouth.
S: But the fact that your hand fails to demonstrate that rapid response
doesn't mean it won't do it in its own good time as your hand is
lifting up toward your face even as I speak.
C: And it's important to do it in your own way. You knew that.
S: Your arm is resting slightly on your thigh, your wrist is demonstrat
ing that jerky movement because your unconscious moves isolated
muscle groups.
C: Minute muscle movements.
S: Elbows, and soon a finger will probably demonstrate the jerky move
ment because unconscious ideas of a finger will tend to stimulate a
movement in the muscle of that area cortex and you'll be pleased to
find out whether or not you're going to do that.
C: And on the same subject, we reminded Phil of that experience that
most midwestern children have had at summer camp or on vacation,
the idea of going on a canoe trip. You can have any fantasy you like
out on the freedom of that river.
S: You can feel the alteration in the tension of the index finger which
began to relax, and still lighter, that's right. And soon your thumb
will rest more lightly on the pants.
C: Nothing to remind you that you are in this time or this place but you
can be anywhere. Your own thoughts and imagining can be real.
And when two boys go on a canoe ride together, there is always the
question of who's going to sit in the front of the boat and who's
going to ride in the back. Now everybody knows that the person
sitting in the back has ultimate control about just which direction the
canoe will take. . .
S: But the conscious mind can notice the extreme slow speed of that
right hand raising off of your lap doesn't prevent your unconscious
mind from knowing that you learn to use your fingers in a variety of
ways as a child.
C: .. .how fast the canoe is going to slide through the water, and yet
only a fool would want to ride in the back of the canoe all the time
because the vantage point from the front of the canoe is so much
more conducive to your own imagination. The view is much better
and it's a pleasure to just relax in the front of the boat. . .
S: You may call it manual dexterity or you may call it good with your
hands but the conscious mind can be proud of the fact that you ac
cept yourself. You learn to stand in a certain posture to button your
shirts, or select which notch you use in your belt.
C: . . . and leave all of that steering and all of that effort up to someone
else. And that way when the canoe gets snagged in low branches
you can joke to the one in the back "you idiot, why did you steer us
into the branches." You can be proud knowing that you could have
done a better job but you can still enjoy allowing someone else to
enjoy making their own mistakes, giving you a free ride.
S: And how many people realize as grown men that when you fasten
your belt buckle your conscious mind feels proud of the notch in
which you are able to get your belt to buckle but your unconscious
mind has allowed you to have that feeling of your pride moving your
C: And you have a lot of pride. Your conscious mind frets because you
notice your hand and wonder whether or not it's gotten off of your
leg or whether it ever will. Sooner or later it will.
S: Now another matter is your fingerprint.
C: And just what depth of trance have you reached and what's impor
tant to notice about that?
S: You couldn't look at your fingers and find out but you are as unique
as your fingerprint and you can't change your fingerprint.
C: Your fingerprint has a right to be here and you have a right to be
attached to it.
S: And so you should enjoy always being y ou .. . . And so Phil had no
idea about why we were speaking about those things in the context
of dealing with that stomach ulcer.
C: He knew he enjoyed it when we spoke about ball games and those
teams on which most boys have had a chance to play at some time or
another in their life.
S: . . .you can hardly care what you're seeing on the movie screen...
C: . . .having your own thoughts...
S: . . .is a common experience that he had had before, up toward your
fa ce ...
C: . . . much like the feeling that your hand experiences whether it's rais
ing up or pressing down, it's doing something separate and apart
from what you're doing.
S: It's nice to know when a conscious mind is confused...
C: . . . and up and down. . .
S: .. .you can do a lot of things that you didn't consciously know. You
had a right hand moving up to your face. Again soon, the confusion
of the conscious mind.
S: And we asked him to realize that he could see a movie with an itch
and he wouldn't feel an itch in his body.
C: And on the other hand, if you're not interested in that movie, you
don't even notice what's going on there because you're having your
own thoughts and they are so much more interesting.
S: Somebody could be crying in the movie and you could be laughing. I
know it's the context that makes a difference. When I saw Night of the
Living Dead at the drive-in, I left twice. It was too scary for me to see
then, but when I saw it in graduate school we all laughed at the
monsters and I could deal with that.
C: Meanwhile, the people on the screen were still very frightened. It
was no laughing matter to them.
S: Likewise, you could watch somebody having a love scene on televi
sion and you're not interested in that.
C: So you can have your own reactions no matter what the characters
on the screen have or know.
In the segm ent above, the stuffed fish was m entioned as a ludi
crous image to appeal to Frank's sense of "m aking fun o f" or be
ing "o n e u p " on others. How easy to get his conscious mind
engaged by jerking him to an image as laughable as a stuffed fish!
In the segm ent to follow, we continued to appeal to this need to
be "o n e u p " by expanding that even a sheep farm er could picture
himself. We could have further insured that he would picture
him self by using paradoxical intention as well, by saying som e
thing like: "T h ere is an interesting way in which you will fail to
make a clear image of yourself." However, we expected we could
satisfactorily elicit his visualization at this point by relying on his
need to be superior.
S: You could imagine yourself sleeping, riding a bicycle, speaking with
your parents, and all the while your unconscious allows you to have
your o w n ... Sitting here in the chair, you're relaxed, shoulders
down, hand on your thigh for n ow ...
C: .. .face muscles smoothed out, your eyes are closed. There's no need
to do anything. But we asked Bill to do something very complex,
despite being naive and despite not having a father that he could
S: See himself with his father but even though he had had no father
who had developed good feelings in him as a child, he could picture
himself interacting with what he would imagine to be a father.
C: He was quite able, even a sheep farmer could picture himself and
picture that father that we described.
S: We reminded him that as a grown man we didn't need to remind him
what it would be like had his father said "I'm proud of you." We
didn't have to tell him what it was like to have a father say, "You've
worked very hard. You deserve a rest."
C: And he didn't know how, but he responded in a way that we didn't
have to explain when we told him that a father could say, "That's
alright son, that's an interesting mistake. What can you learn from
that mistake?"
In this segm ent, the interaction with a father constitutes a
learning for Frank but in a context in which we denied that we
were in any way educating him (or the protagonist). This was ac
com plished with statem ents that denied an aspect of responsibil
ity of the com m unication (Haley, 1963, p. 31), such as: "W e didn't
need to remind him ," "W e didn't have to tell him ," and "W e
didn't have to explain." In this manner, Frank could take credit
for knowing the parenting information (which in som e way, he
m ost certainly did) and for applying it to him self, without rebel
ling against our authoritative knowledge. Finally, we made the
decisive point that framed m istakes as opportunities for learning
difficult at all the way that Bill was able to imagine it, though it had
never happened he had the experience [Client coughs again.] and it
choked him up. [Client's stomach muscles visibly shake.] He visibly
shook. A tear came out of his eye.
S: And his conscious mind didn't even know what we were talking
about, wasn't even interested, because Bill's ability to develop a dis
sociation let his unconscious learn a great deal or [Client coughs again
and raises hand to cover mouth—noticeably becoming increasingly uncom
fortable.] maybe changed his mind. And that's not the only way you
know you can raise your hand to your face.
At this point, we had obtained the parasym pathetic clues that in
dicated success in getting Frank's response for tenderness, risk-
taking feelings, and dependency.
To briefly restate our goal regarding these feelings, we saw
Frank's authority and rebellion problem being rooted in an inabil
ity to accept his dependency needs. Since he did not feel com fort
able with his dependency, Frank had not learned to trust. Instead
of having learned to ask for help, he had learned to com pete. He
had not learned to take advice about his feelings of weakness, but
rather to project those feelings and condem n others. Therefore,
we regarded Frank's coming to terms with his dependency needs
as the foundation for change in the area he presented to us and
contracted with us to change.
C: But then another bump in the road and he'd shake his head and try
to shake the image thinking again, those damn Lanktons, what do
they have me doing and why?
S: They think I'm going to stare at that image of myself in the window
and see myself.
C: I know what they're up to but it's not going to work.
S: And he was only half right because his conscious mind was ques
tioning the suggestions but his unconscious was still learning some
thing else.
C: And despite that conscious thought once again another background
emerged and there he was with his boss. . .
S: Chest was relaxed, stomach was relaxed, breathing was quite
relaxed ...
C: . . . the chief psychiatrist and he was being criticized constructively
for failure to succeed completely with a patient.
S: And he was smiling incongruently because he was smiling at the
thought that the Lanktons have got me picturing myself relaxed here
on this bus and I can't move a muscle but the face was quite relaxed.
C: And then he found to his surprise that in the image of himself in
teracting with the boss, he was smiling there while receiving criti-
let us know until he was 40 years old the meaning of that phrase he
had heard in therapy, "Only a damn fool would fail in such a way
that he fails. It takes a wise person to fail in such a way that he
succeeds." We had explained in great detail that it's an absolute rule of
social contract, that you define your behavior and when you operate
outside of that. . .
C: .. .guilt is an automatic result...
S: . . . definition of yourself you feel guilt.
C: .. .and you can't help but have guilt. It's a rule.
S: So we explained in great detail that you operate within your self
system and have the feelings you think you're entitled to and the
expression of guilt is merely the understanding that when you oper
ate out of your defined and accepted roles you feel an unusual feel
ing called guilt and it's simply the rule. We explained very carefully
and it was the only thing he remembered when he left the office until
that child was bom and then it dawned on h im ...
C: He'd had his own way of doing things. He had managed to break the
rules by following the rules without having any guilt. It wasn't nec
essary in his case.
S: He wasn't having any affairs, but he had broken the rules and he
was free of the guilt and that was a very wise way to prove that any
fool can fail by failing but it takes a wise man to succeed by failing.
C: And it was his own way of failing in such a way as to succeed.
In the final segm ent, the client was also referred to his next
logical stage of family or social development. In this case, we
m entioned children, stimulating Frank to think about m aking this
likely change in his family structure. (He had indicated to us in
the interview that he and his wife did hope to have children at
som e point in the future.) We did so, keeping in mind the impor
tance for Frank of paradoxical intention. By suggesting that the
protagonist didn't com e to realize the point until the birth of his
first child, we encourage Frank to take exception and conclude
som ething like: " I can figure it out now. I d o n 't have to wait until
m y first child."
In other words, Frank will attem pt to com pete with the protag
onist in term s of achieving the understanding more quickly and in
this story more quickly is m easured against the time necessary to
have a child. Thus Frank will be less inclined to challenge the act
of having a child and will begin to consider the possibility o f fa
thering children and com fortably expanding the roles that he can
imagine him self filling. These few references to fathering are only
a beginning. But this beginning is a very tidy addition to the ther
apy. It is the generative change, the future change, that will sup
port the larger changes Frank has learned to make.
S: But I do know that you can come out of trance suddenly or gradually
as I count by increments, 1, 2, 3 . . .
C: . . .or whether you'll be completely out just because you managed to
open your eyes or maybe you'll be out of trance even before you
open your eyes.
S: Four , a little more, 7, 8.
C: Ten, 12.
S: You might want to have yourself remove from trance slowly enough
to let your arm come up again and demonstrate your ability to use an
unconscious learning outside your own awareness even if it's not
spoken about again.
C: Fourteen, 16, and just roll those ideas around and allow them to set
tle comfortably in a fabric of your own design, your own choosing.
S: Seventeen, 18.
C: Nineteen and 20.
his father." He also reported that shortly after the session he grew
a beard, som ething he had hesitated to do for some time. The
result of this symbolic action was that Frank changed his self-im
age in a way apparent to him each time he looked into a mirror.
He stated that he "feels older and much more sexually m ature"
which seemed to us to be indication of changes in Frank's self-
image and age appropriate intimacy. He summarized that others
now seemed to perceive and respond to him as a man rather than
a boy. Though he tended to attribute this change to the presence
of his beard, we concluded that he actually evoked such differ
ences in response by the use of different behaviors that were
shaped with metaphoric detailing.
The act of growing a beard probably would not by itself have
resulted in the feelings Frank reported; these were more likely the
result of the metaphoric guidance he received in areas of affect.
The beard did, as we m entioned, illustrate Frank's increased at
tention to the social characteristics of his self-image in a way that
is consistent with the self-image thinking metaphor. And as a
symbolic representation of trance learnings, his beard seem ed to
provide a daily stimulus for Frank to associate to all of those
learnings and act in ways consistent and appropriate for someone
who is "older," "m ore sexually m ature" and no longer " a b o y "
even though he did so without conscious insight or awareness of
this unconscious aspect of association.
We attributed Frank's am nesia and lack of resistance to change
to the use of sym ptom prescription and the paradoxically confus
ing structure of his trance. More importantly, we observed evi
dence in his self-report of the impact created by the coordinated,
sim ultaneous, and concurrent use of thoughtfuly planned meta
phors which indirectly stim ulated a controlled elaboration of his
experiential resources.
Since our goal was to illustrate the planning and therapy with
lesser used form s of paradoxical intervention, we used a tran
script from a hypnosis session. We expect that readers will be able
to recognize how many of these interventions can be applied in
their own work even if that work is not done in hypnotic trance.
We have offered an assessm ent and treatm ent planning format as
a framework that will translate directly to the work of marital,
family, group, or gestalt therapists who do not use hypnotherapy
per se in treatm ent. In so doing, we hope to stimulate an in
creased understanding of how a variety of Ericksonian styles of
paradoxical intervention can be beneficially em ployed—even in
non-Ericksonian treatm ent approaches.
Aristotle. Rhetoric and poetics of Aristotle. New York: Modern Library,
1954. (Originally published, 1459.)
Bateson, G. Steps to ecology of mind. New York: Random House, 1972.
Erickson, M. H. Personal communication. August 7, 1977.
Erickson, M. H. The application of hypnosis to psychiatry. In E. Rossi
(Ed.), The collected papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis (Vol. 4).
New York: Irvington, 1980.
Erickson, M. H., & Rossi, E. L. Hypnotherapy: An exploratory casebook.
New York: Irvington, 1979.
Erickson, M. H., & Rossi, E. L. Experiencing hypnosis: Therapeutic
approaches to altered states. New York: Irvington, 1981.
Fisch, R. Personal communication. December 2, 1982.
Haley, J. Strategies of psychotherapy. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1963.
Jung, C. The relations between the ego and the unconscious. In V.
DeLaszlo (Ed.), The basic writings of C. G. Jung, New York: Modem
Library, 1959.
Lankton, S., & Lankton, C. The answer within: A clinical framework of
Ericksonian hypnotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1983.
Lankton, S., & Lankton, C. Multiple embedded metaphor and generative
change (Audio tape # M323-37C). Phoenix: Milton H. Erickson
Foundation, 1982.
Lao Tsu. The tao te ching; The writings of Chuang-Tzu; The thai-shang.
(J. Legge, Ed. and trans.). Taipei: Ch'Eng-Wen, 1976.
Lustig, H. S. The artistry of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. (a videotape).
Haverford, PA: Herbert S. Lustig, M.D., Ltd., 1975.
Peris, F., Hefferline, R., & Goodman, P. Gestalt therapy: Excitement and
growth in the human personality. New York: Dell, 1951.
Weakland, J., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. Brief therapy:
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Webster, M. Webster's third new international dictionary of the English
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Yalom, I. The theory and practice of group psychotherapy. New York: Basic
Books, 1970.
Paradox in Context*
by Howard Tennen, Ph.D.
Joseph B. Eron, Psy.D.
Michael Rohrbaugh, Ph.D.
*The authors wish to thank Laurie Pearlman, who reviewed earlier versions of
the manuscript.
moved from their original contexts. For exam ple, Frankl's para
doxical intention technique, used originally to help patients gain
perspective on their existential pain, was adopted by pragmatic
behavior therapists who discarded the existential framework. Be-
haviorists have dem onstrated that such techniques can be useful
with specific sym ptom s such as insom nia (Ascher & Turner,
1979), urinary retention (Ascher, 1979), blushing (Lamontagne,
1978), obsessional thought processes (Solyom et al., 1972), and
school attendance (Kolko & Milan, 1983). But downplaying theory
in a framework of technical eclecticism offers a limited and limit
ing vision, not only of paradox, but of possibilities for interven
tion generally. A similar trend can be seen in the family therapy
literature, where paradoxical techniques are being described and I
or explained apart from the models in w hich they were originally
developed (Fisher et al., 1981).
Taking paradoxical intention as a point of departure, we can
begin to recontextualize paradox in the framework of a systemic
theory of behavior and a strategic orientation to intervention and
technique. Explanations of paradoxical intention in the behavior
therapy literature suggest that the intervention works because it
interrupts an "exacerbation cy cle" through which a sym ptom is
maintained and exaggerated. In cybernetic term s, an exacerbation
cycle is a simple positive feedback loop cycling at the level of the
individual (e.g., the more the person tries to go to sleep the more
s/he stays awake). The circularity implicit in the idea of exacerba
tion cycle em bodies the system ic view that the way a problem is
maintained is more relevant to therapy than is the way it started
(Weakland et al., 1974; Sluzki, 1981).
Still, localizing problem m aintenance at the level of the individ
ual overlooks the possibility that similar feedback loops may be
operating at the level of the patient's interaction with other peo
p le -fa m ily m embers, friends, or even therapists. This highlights
a second im portant system s idea—that the social context of a
problem is highly relevant to understanding and changing it.
Thus in all but the first vignette at the beginning of this chapter,
intervention was targeted at relationships as well as sym ptom s.
W hen the conceptual problem unit is larger than an individual
therapy m ust address people other than, or in addition to, the
identified patient.
With respect to strategy or technique, paradoxical intention
raises the question of w hose intention is (or should be) paradoxi
cal—patient's or therapist's? As Frankl used paradoxical intention
(and as m ost behaviorists use it), the "in ten tio n " referred to is
clearly the patient's. That is, if the patient can adopt the paradoxi
cal attitude of trying to bring on a sym ptom deliberately, s/he may
lose it by attem pting to keep it. The therapist's intention is not
paradoxical: S/he w ants the patient to do (or at least attem pt to
do) what s/he says. But in other paradoxical approaches (Exam
ples, 2, 5-8), the therapist expects the patient (or family) to do the
opposite of w hat is proposed, and in this sense it is the therapist's
intention that is paradoxical.
The distinction betw een what the patient expects and what the
therapist expects—betw een patient strategy and therapist strat
egy—is fundam ental to the strategic orientation. The strategic
therapist usually does not explain his/her strategy to the patient
and, following Erickson's principle of accepting w hat the patient
brings, attem pts to use the patient's strategy (attem pted solu
tions) as a fulcrum for therapeutic leverage. For greater impact,
suggestions and directives may be framed in a m anner consistent
(or deliberately inconsistent) with a patient's own idiosyncratic
"lan g u age" (Weakland et al., 1974; Watzlawick et al., 1974).
Strategic intervention (of which paradox is a subclass) is de
signed to provoke change irrespective of insight, awareness, or
emotional release. The strategic therapist does not assum e that
change with awareness is more efficient or enduring. In fact, as
M adanes (1980) states, " I f a problem can be solved without the
family knowing how or why, that is satisfactory" (p. 75). The stra
tegic orientation introduces new possibilities for therapeutic inter
vention as well as the occasion for its adherents to view them
selves as m anipulators with potential ethical im plications. As
Watzlawick (1978) notes, the therapist becom es
more a chameleon than a firm rock in a sea of trouble. And it is at
this point that many therapists dig in behind the retort, "Anything
but that," while for others the necessity of ever new adaptations to
the world images of their clients is a fascinating task (p. 141).
the social context. In each, the therapist (or team) intervenes de
liberately, on the basis of a specific plan, to resolve the presenting
problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.
pie, while the structuralists generally adopt a triadic view and the
systemic (Milan-style) therapist looks for broad historically based
patterns of interaction.
W hatever the unit of interaction, problem cycles may be seen
as governed by prem ises, beliefs, labels (epistemologies), and ex
pectations (axiologies). W hether a premise is functional or dys
functional depends on the context in which it is used. W hen
premises are applied rigidly, they are more likely to becom e the
impetus for problem-maintaining patterns of behavior. A few in
terrelated epistemological or axiological assum ptions appear to be
tied repeatedly to problem m aintenance in one way or another.
We will describe four such dim ensions which govern problem cy
cles at both the individual and interactional level.
Perhaps the most pervasive premise involved in problem m ain
tenance is the dim ension of perceived control. Indeed, some thera
pies maintain strict adherence to certain prem ises concerning peo
ple's control and responsibility over their lives (e.g., Peris et al.,
1951). These therapies also assert a correlated expectation about
the way people should control their lives. Sim ply stated, their
epistemological-axiological position can be summarized by the
statem ents: “People are m asters of their fate and they are respon
sible for their behavior. Furtherm ore, people should take responsi
bility for their own behavior." W hile there are som e contents
where premises of m astery and control are adaptive, there are
many in which such prem ises are dysfunctional and problem
O ne class of problems maintained by a premise of m astery and
control is that in which a person tries to be spontaneous. Here a
person tries to produce a state of affairs which, by its very nature,
requires not trying. For example, an erection is som ething that,
for most men, cannot be willed. It just seem s to happen w hen the
time is right (and, embarrassingly, sometimes w hen the time is
wrong). For the man who is having difficulty maintaining an erec
tion, it may seem reasonable to try to create an erection by willing
one. The problem-maintaining premise of course is that there is a
correlation between effort expenditure and intensity of erection.
The harder he tries, the softer he becom es, which is interpreted as
evidence that he is not trying hard enough, and so on.
are labeled mad are not treated in the sam e way as those labeled
bad, the best example being our legal system 's distinction be
tween "g u ilty " and "n o t guilty by reason of insanity."
In the world of hum an relations, labels have distinct effects on
those labeled (Berger & Luckm ann, 1966). W hether mad-bad la
bels are clearly articulated, for exam ple, "y o u are m entally ill" or
merely implied, w hen these labels are part of a problem se
quence, the therapist's task is to shift the m eaning of that behav
ior so that new patterns of interaction em erge.
A n elegant example of reframing mad-to-bad in the sevice of
therapeutic change is provided in Lynn Hoffm an's (1976) descrip
tion of Jay Haley's training tape "Leaving H om e." In this tape,
Haley from the start reframes his work with a hospitalized 24-
year-old as helping him leave hom e. For this man, who had been
in and out of hospitals for eight years, the problem-maintaining
cycle was a familiar one:
After he came back home, he would become threatening and abu
sive; he would then be moved out to an apartment; after that he
would get on drugs, and go out and cause trouble in the commu
nity. The police would find him, the parents would hospitalize
him, and the whole cycle would start again. (Hoffman, p. 515)
tion), lack of depression (Lew insohn et al., 1980; Abram son & Al
loy, 1981) and better adjustm ent to illness and injury (Bulman &
Wortman, 1977; Taylor, 1983; Tennen et al., in press) have been
associated with nonveridical and illogical perceptions and beliefs.
The shift from psyche to system and from reality testing to useful
illusions may represent the m ost significant contributions of the
strategic therapist in his/her use of paradox.
Restraining strategies discourage or caution against change in
some way. The therapist's m essage is "y o u should not change as
m uch as you want to," or "y o u shouldn't change in the way that
you want to," or even, "perhap s you shouldn't change—at all."
This intervention alters the therapist's actual or potential role in
side a problem-maintaining system . For example, w hen a patient
has sought help repeatedly but failed to benefit, or therapy is
stuck after straightforward approaches have failed, the therapist
m ight reverse the cycle by being pessim istic or even advising
against change.
In practice, the prescribing, reframing, and restraining modes
are interwoven: Each may be implicit in any intervention, and
each is an im portant elem ent in therapeutic paradox. Before con
sidering some examples of the use of these interventions in com
bination, we will discuss the use of therapeutic restraint in greater
Paradoxical restraining maneuvers are powerful interventions.
They are also easily misused. Their potential for therapeutic influ
ence is high—but their potential for therapist-induced deteriora
tion effects is equally high. The various restraining interventions
can be arranged along a com pliance-defiance continuum (see Fig
ure 1) based on w hether the therapist desires attem pted com
pliance or outright defiance and based on the therapist's creative
use of "langu age."
Implicit restraints are com pliance-based interventions. They
work because the patient accepts what the therapist tells him/her.
For problems maintained by trying too hard, implicit restraints
can effectively interrupt problem cycles. Implicit restraints allow
the patient to do less of the same. From the very start of therapy,
Soft Restraint
In the class of interventions we call soft restraint, the therapist
either suggests directly or implies that the patient shouldn't change
the very behavior that s/he or others find troublesom e. O ften the
therapist will worry about the dangers of improvement and ex
press the possible unfavorable consequences of change.
The Milan Group (Palazzoli et al., 1978) describes the use of
what appears to be soft restraint in their work with families. In
one case, the identified patient is a six-year-old boy diagnosed as
severely autistic. After assessm ent sessions, and after taking into
consideration the material gathered from those sessions:
We began by praising Lionel (the identified patient) for his great
sensitivity. He had thought that his grandmother, generous as she
was, needed to love only those who weren't loved. Since Uncle
Nicola (grandmother's son) had gotten married six years ago and
was therefore loved by his wife, and no longer needed his mother's
love, Granny was left with no one unloved to love. Thus, ever since
he had been small, he had done everything he could to make him
self unlovable, (pp. 63-64)
Hard Restraint
Hard restraint is the most extreme of the restraining strategies.
It requires, perhaps even more than implicit and soft restraints, a
careful assessm ent of the patient's language and a sensitivity to
his or her plight. Here, the therapist suggests that the patient
probably can 't change. The m essage about the improbability of
change can be strongly assertive or mildly pessim istic; in either
case, it is offered empathically.
Perhaps one of the m ost com m on m istakes of novice therapists
applying paradoxical techniques is to confuse hard restraint with
sarcasm or one upsm anship. They forget that if therapy is to help
a person, that person has to remain in treatm ent long enough to
be helped. Not many people will endure a sarcastic therapist.
In a milder form, hard restraint can focus on the patient's ca
pacity to carry out a therapeutic task. Here the therapist predicts
that the patient w on't be able to do what is required to initiate
change. O f course the therapist m entions exactly what the " i t " is
that the patient can't do, and supports his or her pessimistic out
look with the appropriate use of language—in this case the subtle
utilization of the negative pole of the patient's language. O f
course if the patient ju st happens to engage in the task (which
may be a symptom prescription or behavioral task), s/he is likely
to start the change process.
We can not place the opening vignettes in context. The first is a
simple sym ptom prescription aimed at an intraindividual exacer
bation cycle. The second is a hard restraining maneuver that
breaks a "help-rejecting-com plainer" cycle in which therapists
have repeatedly failed to cure the headaches. Examples 3 and 4
The strategic approach to treatm ent described in this chapter
has now developed to the point where empirical research is both
possible and necessary. There appear to be two m ajor research
tasks (Rohrbaugh & Eron, 1982). O ne is the docum entation and
clarification of the role of interactional-contextual factors in the
development and m aintenance of clinical problem s. The work of
M inuchin, Rosm an, and Baker (1978), W ynne (1978), Coyne
(1976), and M adanes, Dukes, and Harbin (1980) represent signifi
cant first attem pts in this area.
The second research task is to dem onstrate that the strategic
therapies compare favorably to other well-established treatm ents
(see Stanton, 1981 [b]; Gurm an & K niskem , 1981). Brehm and
Brehm (1981) note that m any clinical problem s described in our
previous work as appropriate for com pliance-based strategies
would also seem to be appropriate for treatm ent by systemic de
sensitization (Wolpe, 1959). In view of the strong evidence for the
effectiv en ess o f system ic d esen sitizatio n (e. g. , K azdin &
W ilcoxon, 1976), Brehm and Brehm (1981) believe that it is the
treatm ent of choice for anxiety reduction.
Defiance-based strategies have received few empirical tests;
m ost supportive evidence derives from case studies. Studies by
Ayllon, Allison, and Kandel (unpublished m anuscript) and Kolko
and Milan (1983) used multiple baseline designs. Unfortunately,
these studies involved very small samples of children.
O ne reason for the dearth of empirical research in this field is
that the notion of patterns, which underlies strategic therapies,
presents serious methodological issues (Dell, 1980; Abeles, 1976).
Therefore, research on clinical outcom e may have to advance in
the absence of "b a sic " research. The "e ffe cts" of the strategic
therapies m ust be held up to the same scrutiny as com peting
therapeutic approaches. In a series of studies on procrastination
and depression, Strong and associates (Beck et al., 1982; Feldman
et al., 1982; Lopez & Wambach, 1982; Strong & Clayborn, 1982;
W right & Strong, 1982) test the effectiveness of positive connota
tion, sym ptom prescription, and defiance-based strategies.
These studies are com m endable because they test directly the
efficacy of certain paradoxical interventions. Unfortunately, each
has some serious limitations. Each study uses a no-treatm ent con
trol group rather than a placebo control. In each study, the thera
pists were graduate students and the dependent m easure was
self-report. Subjects received the sam e intervention without con
sideration of language in the service of com pliance regulation. Fi
The question arises: To have a system s orientation is it neces
sary to be strategic and manipulative? Perhaps not, yet system s
by definition are controlled. To a large extent, cybernetics is the
study of reciprocal influence and control. In therapy, therefore,
one cannot not influence, just as one cannot not com m unicate
(Watzlawick et al., 1967). The question is not w hether to influ
ence, but how to do it m ost constructively. N eedless to say, strate
gic m ethods raise im portant ethical questions, such as what is a
reasonable degree of inform ed consent, and should or can it be
obtained from all w hose lives may be touched by an intervention?
Significantly, therapists such as Haley and Palazzoli who pio
neered the use of paradoxical m ethods are now giving them less
em phasis. Indeed, as paradoxical techniques becom e more pop
ular, there is reason for concern about ways in which they can be
m isused. Encouraging a sym ptom or restraining people from
changing can be disastrous if done sarcastically or from a sense of
frustration ("T h ere's the window—go ahead and ju m p !"). Nor
should paradox be used for shock value or to give the therapist a
sense of power (Weeks & L'Abate, 1979). Since strategic work
presents the special risk of making patients objects for dehum an
ized treatm ent by therapists, it is m ost im portant that paradoxical
m ethods be used in a systemic framework that views the therapist
or team as part of the environm ent being modified.
The strategic-paradoxical approach to psychotherapy appears
to raise ethical concerns am ong its practitioners as well as its
critics. We have been w arned against giving prepackaged direc
tives and against m aking strategic interventions without linking
them to the family system (Stanton, 1981 [b]). We have also been
reminded that paradoxical interventions may be manipulative
with respect to concealing treatm ent goals, use of a controlling
m ethod, and absence of inform ed consent (Weeks & L'Abate,
Perhaps the m ost extensive discussion of the ethics of paradoxi
cal interventions is found in the work of Haley (1976), who reminds
us that all therapy is "m anipulative." The psychoanalyst, for exam
ple, decides upon the proper tim ing and depth of an interpreta
Abeles, G. Researching the unresearchable: Experimentation on the
double bind. In C. E. Sluzki & D. C. Ransom (Eds.), Double bind.
New York: Grune & Stratton, 1976.
Abramson, L. Y., & Alloy, L. B. Depression, nondepression, and
cognitive illusions: Reply to Schwartz. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General, 1981, 110, 436-447.
In the first edition of this book, Ascher, Bowers, and Schotte (1985)
reviewed the data of m any of the studies incorporating control— or
some sem blance of control— procedures that were available at that
time. U sing their review as a point of departure, the present
authors aim to discuss research that largely has been undertaken
subsequently. O f course, science moves in a slow and deliberate
fashion, and an updated review on this topic would ordinarily not
have been warranted after the relatively brief interval since the
appearance of Ascher, Bowers, and Schotte's earlier work (1985);
the am ount of additional data do not, on their own m erit, require
a progress report at this tim e. However, as opportunities do not
always arise under optim al circum stances, the present authors
agreed to revise the chapter of Ascher, Bowers, and Schotte (1985)
as sufficient new m aterial was available to perm it at least one ju st
noticeable difference betw een the former and the present chapters.
A ttesting to their popularity, various forms of therapeutic para
Insom nia, the chronic inability to fall asleep w ithin a satisfac
tory period of time and/or to m aintain a satisfactory level of sleep,
has been estim ated to affect 10 to 15 percent of the population in
its m ilder form s and 10 to 15 percent in its more severe form s
(Kales, Bixler, Lee, Healy, & Slye, 1974; W ebb, 1975). Research on
the use of paradoxical intention in the treatment of insom nia dem
onstrates the increasing experim ental sophistication in the inves
tigation of paradoxical techniques.
Early reports were based on uncontrolled case studies (e.g.,
Ascher, 1975), and later progressed to single case, experim ental
designs of varying degrees of sophistication (e.g., A scher & Efran,
1978; Relinger & Bom stein, 1979; Relinger, B om stein, & M ungas,
1978). Recent investigations have com pared paradoxical intention
to placebo and no-treatment control groups (e.g., Ascher & Turner,
1979a), as well as to other more established behavioral treatm ents
(e.g., Lacks, Bertelson, G ans, & K unkel, 1983; Espie, Lindsay,
Brooks, Hood, & Turvey, 1989; Turner & Ascher, 1979, 1982).
The first, em pirically based claim for the effectiveness o f para
doxical intention as a treatm ent for sleep-onset insom nia was
sity of treatm ent com ponents and the higher is the probability of
a successful outcome. This suggests that counterdem and instruc
tions confound treatm ents in paradoxical intention studies. The
continued use of this m ethod of control in such studies should be
accom panied by design m odifications that would serve to rectify
the confusion.
D espite the discrepancies found am ong these studies, the effi
cacy of paradoxical intention as a treatm ent m ethod for prim ary
sleep-onset insom nia appears to be reasonably well supported in
both the single-case (A scher & Efran, 1978; Relinger et al., 1978;
Relinger & Bornstein, 1979) and group experim ental design
(Ascher & Turner, 1979a; Espie et al., 1989; Turner & Ascher, 1979,
1982). The studies further suggest that clinically significant
improvements in sleep complaints can be produced with relatively
m inim al expenditures of therapists' time. The results of these in i
tial reports (although flawed to som e extent) are com parable to
those obtained w ith other established behavioral techniques and
indicate that paradoxical intention, progressive relaxation, and
stim ulus control are all useful procedures in the am elioration of
sleep d isturbances— all producing results superior to those of
credible placebo and no treatm ent control conditions.
Noting that different paradoxical intention instructions have
been utilized under a variety o f circum stances, several investiga
tors have evaluated diverse m ethods for presenting paradoxical
instructions. In the first, "assessm ent" or traditional explanation,
su bjects are instructed to rem ain awake for as long as possible in
order to becom e aware of cognitions to be used in an upcom ing
desensitization procedure. In this approach, individuals are kept
blind to the true nature of the intervention to which they are being
exposed. In the second approach, termed the "veridical" explana
tion, su bjects are inform ed of the relationship betw een perform
ance anxiety and insom nia and are provided w ith relatively
straightforw ard paradoxical instructions aim ed at neutralizing
perform ance anxiety. In the "auth oritarian " explanation (Fisher,
Nietzel, & Lowery, 1985), the im portance of following instructions
in order to obtain the desired results is em phasized, but su bjects
are provided w ith no specific rationale.
Fisher, Nietzel, and Lowery (1985), in an analogue study, inves
tigated the credibility o f these explanations on the effectiveness
of paradoxical intention w ith insom niacs. College students were
presented with veridical, bogus, or authoritarian instructions and
asked to rate their credibility. The authors also included a progres
sive relaxation rationale for insom nia treatm ent. Respondents
found the explanations for paradoxical therapy to be equally cred
It is possible that as m uch as 5 .8 percent of the population of
the United States could be classified as agoraphobic (Barlow, 1988).
A s a result of this prevalence, great effort has been expended in
developing and testing treatm ent m ethods for this clinical popu
lation. Among these is paradoxical intention, the efficacy of w hich
is supported by data from a variety of sources ranging from
uncontrolled case studies (e.g., Frankl, 1955, 1975, 1985; G erz,
1966) to controlled experim ents.
A scher (1981) evaluated the efficacy of paradoxical intention in
alleviating the travel restriction experienced by agoraphobic indi
viduals. Ten agoraphobic clients (nine fem ales, one m ale) were
randomly assigned to two treatment conditions. In the first, clients
were given graded in vivo exposure for six sessions follow ing a
baseline phase, after w hich they received paradoxical intention
instructions. In the second, clients were exposed to six sessions
of paradoxical intention following the baseline phase. Statistical
analysis indicated that individuals reduced travel restriction to a
significantly greater extent in the context of paradoxical intention
as com pared w ith graded exposure.
In a subsequent study, A scher (1983) hypothesized that agora
phobic clients m ight experience more rapid improvement for travel
restrictions if paradoxical instructions were employed earlier in the
course of therapy and if the procedure was to be com plem ented
by supportive, ancillary techniques. Three procedures were com
Obsessive Disorders
Solyom, G arza-Perez, Ledw idge, and Solyom (1972) employed
a quasi-experim ental design in the treatm ent of 10 individuals
w ith obsessional concerns. A fter a pretreatm ent assessm ent con
sisting of several questionnaires and a psychiatric interview, two
obsessions were selected for each su bject. O ne served as the con
trol obsession, w hile the other served as the target obsession.
Subjects were instructed in paradoxical intention and told to asso
ciate this procedure w ith the target obsession. The results of this
study were mixed and, of course, w ithout the n ecessary control
Disorders of Elimination
Both urination and defecation require a complex interaction
betw een social control and autonom ic nervous system activity.
O ne reason for a disruption of this interplay may be one's contin
uous, zealous attem pts to control. This effortful behavior and the
associated performance anxiety m ight serve to inhibit the natural
Analogue Research
Clinical analogue research presents a model representative of
significant aspects of the actual clinical situation, in order to pro
vide an em pirical framework for testing process and outcom e
hypotheses. A nalogue studies are popular because they require
less cost, are generally more quickly and easily executed, and typ
ically involve su bjects w ho are more accessible and plentiful,
w hen com pared w ith actual clinical trials. The m ajor disadvan
tage is that because they are only representative of real clinical
conditions, the data of analogue studies are not entirely gener-
alizable to the clinical setting and therefore often lack clinical util
ity. For exam ple, m any clinical analogue experim ents use
volunteer college students as subjects, who report som e degree
of concern regarding the advertised target sym ptom . The focal
problem has a high probability of occurrence in a college setting
and is less likely to have complicating clinical correlates (e.g., pro
crastination, test anxiety). O ften these su bjects receive rem uner
Wright and Strong (1982), the results suggest that both active-
treatm ent groups exhibited greater im provem ents on self-report
m easures of procrastination frequency and controllability w hen
com pared w ith the no-treatm ent control. However, the nature of
these im provem ents varied greatly betw een treatm ents. In the
paradoxical control condition, five o f the 10 su b jects experienced
an exacerbation of their procrastination behaviors before show ing
sharp decreases in procrastination. Progress in the self-control
condition was of a more even, steady nature, spread out over the
four-week experim ental period. W ith regards to controllability,
su bjects in the self-control situation reported view ing their pro
crastination as controllable by direct effort. S u bjects in the para
doxical condition, despite reporting im provem ents in their
procrastination, did not view their problem as significantly more
controllable. The findings of Wright and Strong (1982) corroborate
this relationship to som e extent. A gain, treatm ent gains due to
therapists' attention cannot be ruled out due to the lack of an
attention control.
Shoham -Salom on, Avner, and N eem an (1989) studied the role
of "reactan ce" in change induced by paradoxical intention and
self-control interventions. The authors defined reactance as "th e
state of mind aroused by a threat to one's perceived legitimate free
dom, m otivating the individual to restore the thw arted freedom "
(p. 590). Their experim ental design m irrors that of Lopez and
Wambach (1982), whereby 58 undergraduates com plaining of pro
crastination were random ly assigned to a paradoxical condition,
a self-control condition, or a no-treatm ent control condition.
Reactance was experimentally m anipulated by having each sub
je ct read two generic descriptions of treatm ents: an attractive
description and a less attractive, but not appalling description.
Both descriptions were appropriate for either treatment condition.
Subjects were then requested to pick the treatment they would like
based on these descriptions. Since everyone picked the more
attractive description, high-reactance subjects were created by tell
ing one-third of the su bjects that they were being assigned to the
less desired treatm ent, even though they were initially told that
they would be able to choose their desired therapy. A no-reactance
condition was also created by assigning clients to a treatm ent
w ithout indicating that a choice was possible.
Therapy consisted of two, 30-m inute sessions spaced one week
apart, w ith an advanced graduate student therapist. Data con
sisted of study logs com pleted at home and subm itted at the
begin ning of each session and at one- and four-week follow-up
intervals. During the follow-up session, subjects also filled out the
cated that the treatment conditions did not significantly differ from
the control condition. The authors interpreted these results as sug
gesting that therapeutic interventions that direct clients to increase
unwanted sym ptom s are an effective m eans of reducing perform
ance anxiety, regardless of the rationale given. Such a finding con
flicts w ith those of A scher and Turner (1980), w ho dem onstrated
that a rationale defining the directive as a vehicle for change (the
"perform ance an xiety " rationale in both studies) was superior to
a rationale that did not explicitly create this expectation (e.g., the
"aw areness" rationale in the A scher and Turner study, and the
"positive refram ing" rationale in the Boettcher and Dowd study).
T his discrepancy is possibly attributable to the differences
betw een analogue (Boettcher & Dowd, 1988) and clinical studies
(A scher & Turner, 1980) and to the different clinical diagnoses.
Robbins and M ilburn (1990) have also attem pted to account for
the effects of paradoxical interventions. These researchers inves
tigated reattribution, preparatory, reactance, and self-regulatory
reorientation models of paradoxically induced change. A reat
tribution model states that replacing dysfunctional attributions
with more adaptive ones (e.g., a refram ing) results in problem
relief as a result of decreased concern and worry. A preparatory
model postulates that paradoxical procedures serve to prepare the
recipients for arousal, thereby norm alizing the anxiety. The reac
tance model has been discussed in relation to Shoham -Salom on,
Avner, and Neeman (1989). In essence, it states that subjects resist
paradoxical techniques in an attem pt to assert behavioral freedom,
thereby causing abandonm ent of the target behavior. The final
m odel, self-regulatory reorientation, is said to act by disrupting
the client's use of m aladies arousal reduction strategies, thereby
disrupting the perform ance anxiety cycle.
In the first of two experim ents, the authors random ly assigned
122 su bjects reporting high and low test anxiety to one of four
experim ental conditions in a 2 x 2 matrix: positive or neutral
expectations w ith paradoxical or task-focusing instructions. The
prim ary dependent m easure was the num ber of correctly solved
anagram s in an analogue testing situation. A nalysis of the data
indicated that of the subjects who originally reported high anxiety,
those in the paradoxical condition reported lower levels of anxiety
and evidenced better performance than those subjects in the task-
focusing condition, regardless o f their expectancy of success. A n
analysis of subjects' attributions did not support a reattribution
explanation. The authors interpreted that these findings sup
ported a self-regulatory reorientation model rather than a reat
tribution explanation.
Agras, W. S., Syllvester, D., & Oliveau, D. The epidemiology of common
fear and phobia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1 9 6 9 ,1 0 ,151-156.
Anderson, L. T. Desensitization in vivo for men unable to urinate in a
public facility, journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry, 1977, 8, 105-106.
Ascher, L. M. Paradoxical intention as a component in the behavioral
treatment o f sleep onset insomnia: A case study. Paper presented at the
m eeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Decem ber 1975, San Francisco, CA.
Ascher, L. M. Paradoxical intention in the treatment of urinary
retention. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1 9 7 9 ,1 7 , 267.
Ascher, L. M. Em ploying paradoxical intention in the treatm ent of
agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1 9 8 1 ,1 9 , 5 3 3 -5 4 2 .
Ascher, L. M. Enhanced paradoxical intention and the self-recursive anxiety
disorder. Paper presented at the m eeting of the Boston Behavior
Therapy Interest Group, Septem ber 1983, W heaton College.
Ascher, L. M . Therapeutic paradox: A primer. In L .M . A scher (E d .)
Therapeutic Paradox. New York: G uilford Press, 1989a.
Ascher, L. M . Paradoxical intention and recursive anxiety. In L. M .
A scher (E d .) Therapeutic Paradox. New York: G uilford P ress, 1989b.
Ascher, L. M., Bowers, M. R., and Schotte, D. E. A review of data from
controlled case studies and experiments evaluating the clinical
efficacy of paradoxical intention. In G. R. Weeks (Ed.) Prom oting
C han ge Through Paradoxical Therapy. Homewood, 111.: Dow Jones-
Irwin, 1985.
Ascher, L. M., & Efran, J. The use of paradoxical intention in cases of
delayed sleep onset insomnia. Journal o f C on su ltin g and C linical
Psychology, 1978, 8 , 547-550.
Ascher, L. M., & Schotte, D. E. The use of the single case design for
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the puzzles of paradox
and strange loops through the use of a double description of a
case example. The results of this twin explication suggest that we
use Occam's razor to cut through the complexity, and that a more
simple explanation is available.
In the classic murder mystery, the sleuth is surrounded by a
not so bright sidekick (the Watson figure) and not so bright police
(the Lestrade figure). During the course of the story the police
view the crime from a particular point of view which turns out to
be false; they are continually led astray by following red herrings
(clues which when followed too far lead an investigator in the
wrong direction). The sidekick too is led astray by viewing events
from the wrong perspective, although his com m ents sometimes
help to illuminate the problem for the sleuth. After a while, the
sleuth solves the puzzle by considering the same "fa cts " the po
lice and the sidekick did, but from a different perspective—usu
ally "upside-dow n."
The clues, red herrings, and use of the wrong perspective are
all part of the writer's craft, designed to mystify and entertain the
readers: The readers' game is to arrive at the proper solution be
fore the sleuth does. If readers are too quick, they spoil their own
pleasure. Therefore, the successful author needs to be very clever
indeed in the use of clues.
If the field of "m urder m ystery" had com m entators and con-
ceptualizers similar to those in the field of family therapy, the
story might be seen as follows: Each of the suspects and wit
nesses has a perspective (frame) that explains the m eaning of
their behavior and their perceptions, as do the police, sidekick,
and sleuth. Each of the clues, and red herrings is intended to pro
mote framing of the story in a "w rong way." At the end, the
sleuth reframes all prior frames, gets a new understanding (or
new perspective) of all the facts, and designs a counter red her
ring with this new point of view. In the classic final chapter,
which includes a m eeting of all the suspects, the detective uses
his counter red herring to break the old frames that frequently
causes the culprit to confess (some new behavior).
The sleuth then gives a post hoc explanation of how he arrived
at the solution. O ften this explanation is ju st a simple m atter of
redescribing the story from the point of view that inevitably led
him to the real culprit. If a clue pointed the police in one direc
tion, the sleuth saw it point in the exact opposite. O f course, dur
ing the development of the story, the sleuth too m ight have been
led astry now and then, but by the three quarter point, he knows
the proper frame to use to understand the problem.
Read in the spirit of murder m ysteries, the history and devel
opm ent of family therapy seem littered with clues as to the nature
and identity of the agent of change. W ho or what is the real agent
of change? For quite some time, many investigators followed the
clue of "in sig h t." (Som e still pursue it.) Discouraged with their
progress in pursuing that path, many investigators picked up on
the clue of "aw areness." Although awareness seemed more
promising than insight for a time, it soon became apparent to in
vestigators—especially the statistically m inded—that awareness
accounted for very little of the variance in observed change. This
is not to say that the clues offered by insight and awareness
added nothing to the search, for in figure/ground terms, the
study of how insight and awareness related to change provided
some detail for the ground portion of the picture.
Investigators were thus stimulated to seek a new clue to flesh
out the shadowy figure and discern the true identity of the
change agent. Soon this new clue was found—a clue so pervasive
that investigators kept stumbling over it everywhere—paradox. In
The Oxford English Dictionary gives several definitions and ex
am ples of paradox. Am ong them are:
Historical Paradoxes
Zeno of Elea is well known for several paradoxes, am ong them
"Achilles and the Tortoise" and "T h e Flying Arrow." The flying
arrow conundrum goes like this: A n object is at rest w hen it occu
pies a space equal to its own dim ensions. An arrow in flight occu
pies, at any given m om ent, a space equal to its own dim ensions.
Therefore, an arrow in flight is at rest.
The logic here follows from the assum ption that tim e is com
posed of discrete m om ents. If this assum ption is not held, then
Zeno's conclusion will not follow. Zeno's assum ptions further in
cluded the idea that space is infinitely divisible and thus any finite
distance contains an infinite num ber of points: It is im possible to
reach the end of an infinite series in finite time. According to
Zeno's argument involves the assumption that the flying arow is at
rest at any point in its trajectory. But this can be said of every point
in the trajectory and what is at rest at every point does not move at
all. The solution to the paradox is impossible for philosophy until
mathematics, by the development of the differential calculus could
deal with the general problem of velocity at a point. Once the
mathematics is developed, the paradox of the flying arrow may be
considered as one involving a definite velocity for the arrow at
every point of its trajectory. (Nahm, 1964, p. 99)
The Achilles and the tortoise paradox follows: The tortoise,
given a head start, will never be overtaken in a race by the swifter
Achilles, for it is necessary that Achilles should first reach the
point from which the tortoise started, so that necessarily the tor
toise is always som ewhat ahead. By the time Achilles reaches
point two, the tortoise will be at point three and by the time
Achilles reaches point three, the tortoise will have moved on
again, and so on, ad infinitum.
According to Quine,
When we try to make this argument more explicit, the fallacy that
emerges is the mistaken notion that any infinite succession of inter
vals of time has to add up to all eternity. Actually when an infinite
Eastern Paradoxes
Paradoxes of various types have long fascinated man, Eastern
as well as Western. W hile in the West paradoxes have been con
sidered intellectual, philosophical, mathematical puzzles to be
solved, the tradition in the East is different. Here paradoxes are
part of the path to enlightenm ent, particularly in the Zen Bud
dhist tradition. The paradox or koan is accepted as is; the Bud
dhist is mainly interested in the consequences of getting beyond
the conundrum. For instance, in the famous Zen illustration, a
Buddhist monk stood holding a stout stick over the head of his
student. He is reported to have said to his student: " I f you say
this is a stick, I will hit you with it. If you say this is not a stick, I
will hit you with it. Speak: Is it a stick or is it n ot?"
W ithin the Zen tradition, the student is very dependent on the
monk and their relationship is a highly valued one. Part of the
way a student becomes enlightened is by solving these riddles
posed by the monk. In a Western or any either/or context, it looks
as if the student is sure to be hit but in the Zen context, the stu
dent might get beyond the m onk's either/or koan by leaping up,
grabbing the stick, and screaming nonsense.
Perhaps this fascination with paradox is based on the idea that
people like to puzzle themselves (the murder mystery) and con
fuse themselves and each other, or that people like to make the
world problematic. W hile conundrum s can be frustrating, they
can also be fun. Be that as it may, in the field of family therapy
alone, paradox has been part of some of the best, most profound
thinking, and part of some of the most obtuse and confusing
Case Example
A couple was referred for therapy by a drug counselor who
viewed their marital problem s as precluding treatm ent for drug
abuse.1 (The couple was using cocaine three or more times per week; this
had been their pattern for over two years.) The wife Jane (not her real
name) described their situation to the team as one in which their joint
drug use was messing up their marriage; therefore, she wanted to stop the
drugs to save the marriage. The marital problems were, in her view,
symptoms of their drug problem.
Ralph (not his real name) did not see their use of drugs as the
real problem but rather their fights (some of which becam e physi
cal) and their argum ents (some about drugs) as the m ain concern.
He thought the fights and argum ents needed to stop to save their
Up to this point, their dilemma m ight be described as a simple
contradiction, but their situation was not this either/or—even to
them . Interestingly, they also shared the notion that using drugs
prevented boredom (which neither of them handled well) and
that stopping the drugs m ight lead to the breakup of the marriage
they both valued highly because they would have less or maybe
even nothing in com m on.
Plotting this couple's situation onto a double bind map, we see
that this is a relationship in which
Unless they could find some way to step outside the frame, the
couple seem ed destined to remain in a self-perpetuating oscilla
tion, which could well becom e lethal.
The team developed the following intervention m essage, which
was delivered by the therapist (or conductor) at the close of the
'The therapy described in this illustration was done by the team at the Brief
Family Therapy Center (BFTC) which includes, in addition to the authors, Insoo
Berg, Marilyn La Court, Eve Lipchik, and Alex Molnar.
Cronen, Johnson, and Lannam ann (1982) have developed a new
theory of reflexivity in system s of social meaning and action. In
their view, Russell's Theory of Types (and, therefore, the double
bind) was based on an "inappropriate and largely outdated episte
m ology" (p. 91). Their theory considers reflexivity to be a natural
and necessary feature of hum an system s of meaning and rejects
the idea that reflexivity and paradox are coterm inus. Behavior, con
tent, episodes (interactions), relationships, life scripts, and cultural
patterns are all seen hierarchically, mutually defining each other:
Som e loops are problematic and some are not (de Shazer, 1982 [a]).
W hen the meaning of a situation cannot be determ ined by
moving through the hierarchical levels, the situation can be de
scribed as a "strange-loop." According to Hofstadter, a strange
loop can be mapped when, after moving through the hierarchical
levels "W e unexpectedly find ourselves right back where we
started" (1979, p. 10). A "charm ed-loop" can be distinguished
from a strange-loop w hen the natural and normal reflexivity is not
problematic. A mapping technique developed by Karl Tomm
(1982) will be used to illustrate the application of the strange-loop
description of the above case example.
If the couple's situation could be described as a charmed-loop,
then the meaning of the situation could be picked from any of the
2The double bind and counter double bind map was not used for the actual design
of this intervention. Over the past 6 or 7 years we at BFTC have found using this map in
designing interventions to be cumbersome and time consuming, that is, it takes longer
than the 10-12 minutes allotted for intervention design during the hour-long session.
data. Loops are part of the map, not part of the territory. Like any
mapping tool, they are either useful for the observer or they are
not. (The description either fits the observation or it does not.)
O ne reading of the map goes as follows: If one should w ant to
break up the marriage, then one should continue the drugs—but
that might save the marriage: Therefore, one should stop the
drugs. But stopping the drugs m ight break up the marriage;
therefore, one should continue the drugs to save the marriage.
Here is another reading of the map: If one should w ant to save
the marriage, then one should stop the drugs; but this m ight
break up the marriage; therefore, one should continue the drugs
to save the marriage.
The strange-loop map is a figure eight (on its side) which can
be read by starting at any of the four elem ents and then following
the arrows. Clearly this map fits the situation the couple described
and points out that the m eaning of their situation cannot be deter
mined, thus preventing the couple from making any decisions
and taking any actions since they are caught in confusion. There
is no way to resolve this interactional situation.
This strange-loop description of the couple's situation needs to
be placed within the context of therapy. This context includes the
therapist, the team behind the screen, and the videotaping equip
m ent (since the couple can see the camera and gave perm ission to
tape). Furtherm ore, the description also needs to include the
m eanings given to that context since the couple system is now a
subsystem w ithin the therapeutic suprasystem (de Shazer, 1982 [a]
& [b]). The wife came to therapy to stop the drugs in order to save
the marriage. The husband thinks that therapy is nothing but talk
and any advice will be useless. The therapist and the team by defi
nition think that therapy can be useful, but they need to qualify and
modify their views based on the couple's definitions and m ean
ings. That is, for this couple, effective therapy needs to be more than
just talk and needs to exclude useless advice.
The intervention m essage (repeated here for clarity) is an at
tem pt to give new m eanings to the couple's situation.
I suggest that you think about what I just said, and decide what
actions you are going to take.
The team attem pts to redefine the situation as one in which some
unspecified action is necessary, but that action is not stopping the
drugs or not stopping the drugs since neither can save the mar
riage. (The team does, however, imply the need to stop the drugs,
but not because that action will save the marriage.)
The team attempts to define the situation as one in which the
couple needs to "create som ething" in order to save the marriage;
furthermore, they deliberately make the presupposition (in the
last sentence) that the couple is going to take action. Clearly this
intervention can be seen as an attempt to introduce new criteria
about saving the marriage—taking action or doing som ething dif
ferent rather than fighting about stopping or not stopping the
In short, the intervention can be seen as based on the same
strange-loop map. The reframing attem pts to change the meaning
of the arrows, or to disconnect them to break the recursive cycle.
There is some chance that the meaning is slippery enough to
prompt a different response from either husband, wife, or both.
The intervention introduced the possibility of some new behavior
which might make a "different enough difference."
William of Occam is best known for suggesting that we look for
the simplest explanation that fits. This advice is extremely perti
nent to therapists designing interventions. The strange-loop is no better
than the counter double bind map when designing interventions,
although both are useful retrospectively.3 In the everyday world of doing
therapy, there frequently is not enough time to use either map: The
criteria are too complex and both are more suited to post hoc
Typically, w hen a client presents a complaint, some behavior
(i.e., not sleeping) will be seen as a "sym p tom ," and one facet of
the context (i.e., being depressed) will be seen as a "problem ."
The context and the behavior are recursive and inseparable, each
defining the other. W ithin the context of the particular marriage
discussed in this chapter, stopping or not stopping the drugs,
saving or not saving the marriage, are the problem. As O 'H anlon
3 As is the case with the double bind map, the strange loop map is too cumber
puts it: " I f the loop generates itself again and again, we can speak
of the pattern being maintained by the redundant sequence (re
ally itself). At this point, as Bateson says, 'th e pattern is the
th in g '" (1982, p. 27).
If, as Bateson maintains, the breaching of the Theory of Types
is continual and inevitable in hum an com m unication (Bateson et
al., 1956) and if, as Cronen (1982) maintains, this sort of reflexiv
ity is normal and necessary, then we need Occam 's razor to sim
plify the clinical situation in order that effective interventions can
be designed within the usual clinical environment.
Implicit within the double bind and counter double bind expli
cation and the strange loop explication, is the notion that the in
tervention needs to be a mirror image o f the problem. The criteria for
a therapeutic double bind is simply the mirror image of the crite
ria for a pathogenic double bind: Like cures like. The central
premise implied by both the above explications is that therapeutic
interventions can be built on the same description (map) as that
used to describe the interaction.
It is the fit betw een the therapist's description of the pattern
and the form or map of the intervention that seem s central to the
process of initiating therapeutic changing. That is, the couple de
scribes the problematic pattern within a certain context/meaning/
frame, and then the therapeutic intervention is based on the same
pattern, but—im portantly—with a difference. The pattern upon
which the intervention is designed is a mirror image of the cou
ple's pattern. A mirror reflects what is placed in front of it with
one difference—the right-left reversal.
Bateson referred to the double description (1979) of the same
pattern or sequence as the source of "id eas." If two descriptions
of the same sequence are not identical or are simply redundant,
then the com bined descriptions will include some news of differ
ence. Two identical descriptions without any difference are use
less because the com bination includes no news of difference;
therefore, no idea or bonus is possible. However, if two descrip
tions are not isomorphic to a high degree, the difference may be
too great to prompt ideas—almost like two descriptions of two dif
ferent sequences.
This descriptive process has been compared to the way our two
eyes work together to develop depth perception (Maruyama,
1977; Bateson, 1979; de Shazer, 1982 [a] & [b]). Similarly, it is the
difference betw een w hat each eye sees that leads to the bonus of
depth perception, which is unavailable to one eye. If the individ
ual eyes were set too far apart, the degree of isom orphism would
be too low for the brain to com pute the difference and there
would be no depth perception bonus. However, if the views from
each eye were too similar, or we were to use only one eye, there
would be no news of difference and no depth perception.
The information from two descriptive processes with a high de
gree of isomorphism and yet some difference is of a different logi
cal type than that included in one description or m onocular vi
sion. The bonus is only available through the inform ation con
tained in the difference betw een the two descriptions. For
instance, there is more and different inform ation in two descrip
tions of two different chess gam es being played than in either
description by itself. The com parison inform s us of the difference
betw een the two games and the play options. This helps us de
velop an idea of the "gam e of ch ess."
The double bind maps and strange loop m aps of the case illus
tration presented here allow for the use o f O ccam 's razor. Both
descriptions involve m apping the same intervention pattern onto
the map, or describe the problematic pattern. Both include m any
of the same elem ents: There is a high degree of isom orphism be
tween double bind maps and strange-loop m aps. A bonus (or
idea) develops from this double description of the couple's situa
tion and the therapy situation: The intervention, regardless of the
principles behind its design, needs to fit with the client's pattern
in such a way that it becom es a mirror image. This is the sim pler
explanation that follows from the use of Occam 's razor.
Initiating Changing
Maruyama extends the m etaphor of binocular vision to system s
and suggests that system s use polyocular ways to know (1977).
"T h e Japanese think in poly-ocular v isio n . . . and they do not even
bother to find out 'objectivity,' because they can go m uch further
with cross-subjectivity" (Maruyama, 1977, p. 84). That is, the way
hum an system s know is based on the differences betw een the
various views of the members o f that system .
This line of thinking is at least implied in the various team ap
proaches to family therapy. Team approaches can be described as
using Bateson's double or multiple description (a polyocular view)
to get at the idea of system and understand w hat is going on in
the therapy room (Palazzoli et al., 1978; de Shazer, 1982 [b]). The
fam ily presents (shows) their polyocular description and simulta
4 A team approach (and thus the polyocular view) is the ideal research setting for
this type of comparative study. In addition to being useful for research tasks, a team
approach is also valuable for training purposes. We have found the concept of fit
(isomorphism, double description) to be more teachable and more readily usable for
designing interventions when working than either the double bind map or the strange
loop map because it is less time consuming and less cumbersome. See Footnotes 2 and
The "so lu tio n " to the paradox puzzle suggested by the double
description of the case example helps to clarify how changing is
initiated. Rather than paradox being the agent of change, this
view suggests instead that changing has som ething to do with the
fit between the couple's pattern and the pattern of the interven
tion. The fit between the two is not exact, even though both
descriptions can be mapped onto each other with a high degree of
isomorphism. The difference between the two patterns can be
seen to prompt a bonus, that is, the introduction of something
new or random into the couple's system.
In no way do we mean to imply that the concepts of paradox,
double bind, counter double bind, and strange/charmed-loops are
somehow "w rong ." Each is a good mapping tool, but it is impor
tant to remember the differences between maps and the territories
represented. Paradoxes and loops are part of our descriptive tools
and are useful only to the extent that they promote successful in
tervention. The difficulty arises w hen the concept becom es reified
and paradox is seen as the change agent. This reification can
prove to be a barrier that separates one subsystem from another
in the therapy situation, thus obscuring the interactive, systemic
nature of successful intervention.
We do suggest that the reified concept of paradox/paradoxical
intervention is similar to a red herring in a m urder mystery. Like
the manner in which any witness gives a description, observa
tions are grounded by "facts," and like any such story, observa
tions are made from the observer's point of view—which includes
biases. The paradox clue became a red herring as soon as it led
therapists to think that the concept was somehow real and true
(reification). Therefore, paradox was both the cause of human
problems and the agent of change. This leads to applying para
doxes (as interventions) to problems which can be mapped more
simply in other ways and therefore can use different interven
tions. This line of thinking can clear up the definitional muddle
that Watson (1982) confirmed.
Unlike Sherlock Holmes or any sleuth in a murder mystery, we
are not suggesting that our solution to the puzzle is "tr u e " or the
only one. Instead we suggest that the mirror image concept and
the polyocular view are useful in designing effective interventions
within the context of the usual therapeutic environment, and not
just post hoc explanations. Over the past six years, we have found
these concepts useful with a large num ber of clients with a wide
range of presenting problems or complaints. During this time, we
Because the couple in our case example reported such radically
different behavior than that which they had dem onstrated prior
to our intervention and the follow-up session, we were struck by
the similarity between the intervention and a Zen koan. This con
nection is not a new one (Watts, 1961). In terms of the so-called
pragmatic effects of the intervention (the causal relationship prob
ably is not this simple), the couple did not try to figure out the
message in Western fashion. They responded more in an Eastern
way, similar to the Zen student's new behavior of leaping up,
grabbing the m onk's stick, and screaming "n o n sen se." O ur ex
planation is not very useful as it explains by using the unexplain
able koan. But this is the Zen way of doing things!
Bateson, G., Jackson, D. D., Haley, J., & Weakland, J. H. Toward a
theory of schizophrenia. Behavioral Science, 1956, 1, (4), 251-264.
Bateson, G. Mind and nature: A necessary unity. New York: Dutton,
Christie, A., Sayers, D., Chesterton, G. K., & Certain Other Members
of the Detection Club. The floating admiral. New York: Charter,
Cronen, V., Johnson, K., & Lannamann, J. Paradoxes, double binds,
and reflexive loops: An alternative theoretical perspective, Family
process, 1982, 21, (1).
de Shazer, S. Some conceptual distinctions are more useful than
others. Family Process, 1982, 21, (1), 71-84. (a)
de Shazer, S. Patterns of brief family therapy. New York: Guilford,
1982. (b)
Hofstadter, D. R. Godel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid. New York:
Basic Books, 1979.
Maruyama, M. Heterogenistics: An epistemological restructuring of
biological and social sciences, Cybemetica, 1977, 20, 69-86.
Nahm, M. C. Selections from early Greek philosophy. New York:
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1964.
Psychotherapy has generated a vast array of sophisticated m eth
ods and constructs. Currently, m uch is know n about the prom o
tion of hum an change. Yet pervading the field, there persists a
marked conceptual confusion. Am idst the m otley assortm ent of
ideas and m ethods, there has been little hope for unification. De
spite the current popularity o f "eclecticism ," there are still dog
matic, insular claims by proponents of various theories that their
own model is more "tr u e " than the others. There is also the sense
that what we do as psychotherapists is more an art than a science,
and that we have not yet reached the status of "real doctors"
(Berne, 1966).
This lack of coherence reflects the preparadigmatic phase of sci
ence, as evidenced by: (1) the presence of num erous com peting
perspectives; (2) the sense that the field, like that of physical op
tics before Newton, can be characterized as "som eth in g less than
scien ce" (Kuhn, 1970, p. 13); (3) the continued need to justify
prem ises each tim e a new claim is made rather than take them for
granted (Kuhn, 1970).
*The author wishes to thank Sam Kirschner, Dierdre Kramer, and Karyn Scher
for suggestions and constructive criticisms.
272 CHAPTER 10
wick et al., 1974; Weeks & L'Abate, 1979. See Weeks & L'Abate,
1982, for overview and integration). This reorganization is quite
significant given the field's historical factionalism . Moreover, that
such convergence culm inates in a construct anom alous to conven
tional scientific logic suggests not only the possible em ergence of
a new order of understanding, but also that such a new order
m ay have the potential to integrate diverse theoretical and practi
cal perspectives. This claim gains additional support in light of
the fact that the logic of contradiction, which a dialectical outlook
applies to ontological problem s, is also relevant to epistemological
ones. That is, rather than trying to achieve a singular theoretical
account, the dialectical approach attem pts to synthesize contra
dictions am ong diverse perspectives at a higher level. Theoretical
oppositions persist while a more integrative "tr u th " is forged.
Paradox is not the only concept signaling the increasing rele
vance of dialectical m etatheory in psychotherapy. The following is
an alignment of dialectical concepts with theoretical contributions
in the literature that illustrate their application: (1) the premise of
bidirectional (interactive) or multiple causation (e.g ., Bandura, 1978;
Bertalanffy, 1968; Jung, 1961; Koplowitz, 1978; Langs, 1976, 1978;
Progoff, 1973; Riegel, 1973; Rogers, 1980 [b]; Stanton, 1980); (2)
the concern with organization and related notions o f system, context,
and structure (Boszormenyi-Nagy & Spark, 1973; M inuchin, 1974;
Speck & Attneave, 1973; Stanton, 1980); (3) the prem ise of the
ontological primacy o f directed (i.e., developmental) motion and change
(Boszormenyi-Nagy & Spark, 1973; Haley, 1973; Rogers, 1980 [b];
Weeks & Wright, 1979; (4) the premise of the ontological primacy o f
relations (Boszormenyi-Nagy & Spark, 1973; Esterson, 1970;
Langs, 1976; Rogers, 1980 [b]); and (5) the attention to the integra
tion o f change and stability, coined in dialectical term s, transforma
tion or "movement through form s" (Basseches, 1978, 1980; Watzla
wick et al., 1974; Weeks & L'Abate, 1982).
The goal of this chapter, like that of the study (Bopp, 1983)
from which it has been abstracted, is to attem pt a metatheoretical
clarification in psychotherapy. Its intention is to illustrate how the
psychotherapies m anifest a movement toward an overarching dia
lectical world view. The claim is not that this world view is fully
formed, or that there is a perfect alignm ent betw een theory and
underlying m etatheory in psychotherapy. Rather, this is a pre
liminary effort to achieve some congruence betw een what we do
as therapists and an appropriate, corresponding model of science.
W hile the Bopp study's concern was the presence of an overall
dialectical m etatheory among psychotherapies, the present chap
ter will focus only on those aspects of dialectical m etatheory ger
m ane to paradox, the concern o f this book. Thus we will exclude
The data for this study included a lengthy interview (1 to 2 XA
hours) with a prom inent psychotherapist/theorist from each of
the following four schools: hum anistic, cognitive-behavioral, fam
ily therapy, and psychoanalytic. The interviewees were Carl Rog
ers, P h .D ., Arnold Lazarus, P h .D ., Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy,
M .D ., and Robert Langs, M .D ., respectively.
The interview transcripts were coded using the Dialectical
Schem ata framework (Basseches, 1978, 1980; Bopp & Basseches,
1981). This framework consists o f an inventory of moves in
thought or conceptual strategies which characterize various as
pects of dialectical thinking. It was compiled through a survey of
the types of thinking em ployed by philosophers like Hegel and
Marx, who are clearly associated with the dialectical framework.
Like the experimental approach of Piaget (1967) and Kohlberg
(1971), the procedure involved dem onstrating the logical organi
zation of the subjects' thinking. Like the transform ational gram
mar m ethod (Chomsky, 1968), its intention was to illuminate
"d eep structure" m odes of understanding as they interact with an
array of specific thought contents. It was also similar to the work
of Bandler and Grinder (1975) as it involved generating a model
that cuts across schools of psychotherapeutic practice despite
marked differences at the level of theory. In short, this study con
stituted a preliminary exploratory effort to dem onstrate the pres
ence of a com m on style of understanding based on dialectics.
Each interview was sem istructured and open ended insofar as
it revolved around five core questions chosen to generate discus
sion rather than lead to definitive "an sw ers." The questions were:
1. How do you explain how people change—in general, and by
m eans of psychotherapy?
2. W hat would you say is the goal of psychotherapy? How do
you establish that "c u re " or "su ccessful outcom e" has taken
3. How would you explain psychopathology in nontheoretical,
com m on sense term s? Similarly, how do you understand the
etiology of psychopathology?
The following questions pertained to case material (either hy
276 CHAPTER 10
O ne approach to contradiction in dialectical m etatheory is to
recognize and describe thesis-antithesis-synthesis (T-A-S) movement. In
these terms, a thesis can be an idea, elem ent, or force and its an
tithesis is that which is opposite, excluded from, outside of, apart
from , or contrary to the thesis. The synthesis is an integration of
.. .it means letting myself go, knowing that I can come back to myself.
(P- 19)
Interviewer: . . . So that to the extent that I can empathize with you,
then I am you and I am yet myself.
Rogers: That's right, uh-hm. Buber's I-Thou relationship. (p. 20)
Starting from self, one becom es other ("to try to understand
[your reality] from the in side") and vice versa, and returns to self
with a clarified and enlarged reality. Self and other, in the context
of empathy, become the same while retaining their respective
uniquenesses ("know ing that I can come back to m yself"). Further,
self and other paradoxically becom e more defined as self and other
by virtue of realizing their sam eness. This is the notion of the inter
dependence o f opposites, another aspect of correlativity. Referring to
change in psychotherapy, Rogers states:
Rogers: .. .as I understand you from inside, you become more able to
understand yourself (p. 22)
they have been brought into relation whereas previously they had
been distinct. Such integration is also transform ational. If we re
gard cognitive structure as a form and its “ restructuring" in a pos
itive direction as a movement through form s, then we have an
instance of the metaformal aspect of dialectical thinking through
which the thinker seeks to com prehend transform ation.
The preceding excerpt dem onstrated an attention to contradic
tion and its resolution in Lazarus's thinking about the client's
cognitions. Turning now to the next excerpt, we can observe a
similar m ode of understanding applied to the therapeutic interac
tion. Continuing his discussion of the material cited above, Laz
arus stated that "th ere was an all-or-none that ju st changed into a
whole continuum of time and effort and m eaning and valu e" (p.
49). In response to the interviewer's question of how he as M s. A's
therapist effectuated such progress, Lazarus states:
Lazarus: Challenging all the time, pointing out "Look what you are do
ing again and again and again. What can you do? Let's get the op
tions, let's get the alternatives. There is not one way of viewing it. It is not
either right or wrong. This idea of you are either for me or against me
is ridiculous. There are many, many possibilities. Let's get you to look
at them. What are they?" This was a very important part of the ther
apy, the constructive altemativism, if you will. (p. 49)
Langs: What happens when you secure the frame is that they react now
to the meanings of the secure fram e.. . . What are the problems of the
secure frame? That's what is so fascinating. This is where Freud's use
of the couch came out so beautifully. The secure frame says you have
to be here every time at the appointed hour. So the secure frame en
traps you. The secure frame, which I believe includes the couch says,
"You cannot look at me." So there are interpersonal deprivation and sepa
ration issues. The secure frame creates depressive anxieties because you
have an object loss in not being able to look at the therapist. It creates para
noid and phobic anxiety because you're entrapped and you are restricted and
you’re, again, with someone who is also capable of securing the frame. Pa
tients recognize that. It's a very powerful capacity, and it makes you
very threatening. If you're that strong, you know, will you then turn
against me? (p. 35)
290 CHAPTER 10
* * * * *
Andolfi, M. Paradox in psychotherapy. American Journal of
Psychoanalysis, 1974, 34, 221-228.
Arieti, S. Interpretation of schizophrenia. New York: Robert Brunner,
Aristotle. Metaphysics. In R. M. Hutchins (Ed.), Great books of the
western world. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1952.
Ascher, L. M. Paradoxical intention. In A. Goldstein & E. B. Foa
(Eds.), Handbook of behavioral interventions: A clinical guide. New
York: Wiley, 1980.
Ascher, L. M., & Efran, J. S. Use of paradoxical intention in a
behavioral program for sleep onset insomnia. Journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, 1978, 46, 547-550.
Bandler, R., & Grinder, J. The structure of magic I: A book about language
and therapy. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior Books, 1975.
rather than flee from it. Otherw ise, the therapy would simply sup
port the avoidant behavior of the client. In the psychodynam ic lit
erature, the term for this process is literally called working
through (Singer, 1970).
Through som e type of conditioning procedure, the behaviorist
has the client focus attention on the sym ptom in order to reduce
the anxiety associated with it. Gestalt therapists encourage the cli
ent to stay w ith the feeling. In fact, B eisser (1970) states the heart
of G estalt therapy is a paradoxical theory of change. He asserts
that change occurs w hen one becom es w hat he is, not w hen he
tries to becom e w hat he is not. In long-term analytic therapy, the
therapist assum es that change will occur very slowly and only
after a therapeutic relationship involving transference has
occurred, precipitating greater insight. The underlying m essage
to the client is "D o n 't change quickly and be w ho you a re ."
Seltzer's (1986) two final points deal w ith the paradox of how
the therapist takes responsibility for the client taking responsibil
ity for his or her problem s. In short, the com m on denom inator for
different therapies is that the client learns to exercise self-control.
The therapist m ust convince the client that she or he can learn to
help him - or herself. This task may be accom plished directly or
indirectly. The responsibility for change is always put back on the
client. The therapist provides a framework for this task— not
ready-m ade solutions.
W hen clients accept that they can do som ething to alleviate the
sym ptom atic behavior, they are also forced to accept the fact that
their sym ptom s m ust be under their control. By definition, a
sym ptom is defined by the client as a behavior that is uncontrol
lable, involuntary, and spontaneous. Every system of therapy
seeks to teach the client that sym ptom s are behaviors that are con
trollable, voluntary, and volitional. Every system of therapy rec
ognizes and has techniques to deal w ith clients w ho deny,
disqualify, and externalize responsibility for sym ptom atic behav
ior. O n the contrary, every system has a set of rules w hich allows
the therapist to deny, disqualify, and externalize any responsibil
ity for the occurrence of change. This set of contradictory condi
tions form s a context in w hich the attribution for change m ust
belong to the client.
Weeks and L'Abate (1982) fully recognize this framework. They
ence. From the outset of therapy, the meta-framework has been one
of initiating changes. The fact that clients respond to paradox by
attributing change to themselves serves as evidence of this view,
(p. 246)
1. The therapist presents the desired behavior and insists that the
behavior be ad opted as part of the d efinition of the
2. The therapist com m unicates that change is a result of proc
esses internal to the client and is not in com pliance w ith the
3. The therapist identifies an agent responsible for change that
acts beyond the client's volitional control, (p. 145)
R efram ing. Refram ing is the m ost common strategy used in the
system s therapies as well as in psychotherapy in general. It is fun
damental for psychotherapy because it helps the client change per
spective in such a way that ch an ge is easier to m ake. System s
therapists have referred to this concept as: relabeling (Haley 1973);
refram ing (Watzlawick et al., 1974); content refram ing (Bandler &
Grinder, 1982); redefinition (Andolfi, 1979); seeing the good
(LAbate, 1975); positive connotation (Palazzoli, et al. 1978); ascrib
ing noble intentions (Stanton, Todd, & A ssociates, 1982); non
blam ing (Alexander & Parsons, 1982); and context m arkers
(Bateson, 1979; LAbate, G anahl, & H an sen , 1986; Viaro, 1980).
Watzlawick, W eakland, and Fisch (1984) were am ong the first
to discuss the central role of refram ing in therapy. They defined
refram ing as changing the conceptual and/or em otional m eaning
attributed to a situation. The behavior that is refram ed is the
behavior that has been defined or fram ed as bein g sym ptom atic
by the client.
A refram ing statement is quite different from an interpretation.
A n interpretation carries som e truth value. The therapist actually
believes the statement represents some aspect of reality. Refram ing
statem ents are not intended to have the sam e validity. The theory
of truth w hich is used by the therapist is pragm atic. In the prag
matic theory of truth, that which works is considered true (James,
1907). The therapist attem pts to construct a view of reality that
is more conducive to change, rather than replace the client's faulty
world view w ith one that is correct (Kelly, 1955). Tennen, Eron,
and Rohrbaugh (1985) have stated:
The use of refram ing in the literature usually has two m eanings
(W eeks & L'Abate, 1982). O ne is to change the way in w hich a
sym ptom is defined in term s of som e polarization (such as good
versus bad and crazy versus sane). This use of refram ing stem s
from the various m odels of psychotherapy, including m edical,
moral, psychological, statistical, and personal discom fort. A
sym ptom defined in term s of the moral m odel is w rong, sinful,
or bad. Individuals frequently attribute bad intent to behavior.
This attribution leads to the moral perspective that they are okay
and the behavior is bad. R efram ing can be used to change the
value attributed to the problem . For exam ple, couples usually
believe their fights are exclusively negative behaviors. The fights
have been framed as destructive, negative, and so on and are seen
as representing negative intent. In refram ing the fighting behavior,
the therapist wants to change the attributed m eaning from bad
to good. For instance, the therapist m ight say,
The two of you must care a great deal about each other and yourself,
because you invest so much of your energy in fighting. Couples
who don't care or are indifferent don't fight. Your fighting shows
there is something worth fighting for in spite of the fact that you
may end up appearing to fight against each other.
The second use o f refram ing is to move the focus from the indi
vidual to the system . W hen couples or fam ilies present problems,
there is usually a sym ptom bearer who is carryin g the problem
for the rest of the family. The other m em ber(s) do not see the con
nection betw een their behavior and the behavior of the "sick " one.
In couples, the "h ea lth y " spouse externalizes and/or denies any
responsibility for the problem . The attributional strategy in the
couple is linear, not circular. O ne of the therapeutic tasks is to get
them to see how the problem stem s from their interaction.
Reframing is the method whereby the therapist can move the cou-
312 CHAPTER 11
change, but these are the exceptions. Refram ing sets the stage for
the second phase of therapy, w hich is prescriptive in nature.
Alexander, J., & Parsons, B. Functional family therapy. Monterey, CA:
Brooks, Cole, 1982.
Andolfi, M. Redefinition in family therapy. American Journal of Family
Therapy, 1979, 7, 5-15.
Ascher, M., Bowers, M., & Schotte, D. A review of data from controlled
case studies and experiments indicating the clinical offering of
paradoxical intention. In G. Weeks (Ed.), Promoting change through
paradoxical therapy (pp. 216-251). Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin,
Bandler, R., & Grinder, J. Reframing: Neurolinguistic programming and the
transformation of meaning. Moab, UT: Real People Press, 1982.
Bateson, G. Mind and nature: A necessary unity. NY: Bantam Books, 1979.
Beisser, A. The paradoxical theory of change. In J. Fagan & R. Shepard
(Eds.), Gestalt therapy now (pp. 77-80). NY: Harper & Row, 1970.
Bopp, M., & Weeks, G. Dialectic metatheory in family therapy. Family
Process, 1984, 23, 49-61.
Deissler, K. Beyond paradox and counterparadox. In G. Weeks (Ed.),
Promoting change through paradoxical therapy (pp. 60-99).
Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1985.
Haley, J. Uncommon therapy: The psychiatric techniques of Milton H.
Erickson. New York: Ballantine, 1973.
Haley, J. Problem-solving therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1976.
James, W. Pragmatism. New York: World Publishing, 1907.
Jones, W. Frame cultivation: Helping new meaning take root in families.
American Journal of Family Therapy, 1986,14, 57-68.