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Differences Between OSI and TC

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Differences between OSI and TCP/IP Model.

1. OSI stands for open system interconnection. 1 TCP/IP stands for transmission control
protocol/ Internet Protocol.
2 OSI has seven layers. 2 TCP/IP has four layers.
3 OSI has a presentation and session layer 3 Presentation and session layers are not
which allows ordinary data transport, but present in TCP/IP model.
also enhance useful services.
4 There is a layer called network layer. 4 Internet layer is present in TCP/IP model.
5 The OSI model support both connection 5 Only connectionless communication in the
oriented and connectionless N/W layer is being supported.
communication in the n/w layer.
6 OSI support only connection oriented 6 In TCP/IP model both modes
communication in the transport layer. (connectionless and connection oriented)
are being supported in the transport layer
and gives user a choice.
7 There are two lower level layers called Data 7 There is one low level Layer called Host to
link layer and Physical Layers. network.
8 OSI model clearly distinguish between 8 TCP/IP model did not originally clearly
services, interface and protocols. distinguish b/w services interface and
9 Protocols in OSI model are better hidden. 9 Protocols need not to be hidden in the
TCP/IP layer.
1 Protocols in the OSI model can be replaces 10 In TCP/IP Protocols cannot be replaced
0 easily as the technology changes. Bring able easily as the technology changes.
to make such changes is one of the main
purpose of having layered Protocols in the
first place.
1 OSI Reference model was devised before 11 With the TCP/IP the reverse was true, the
1 the protocols were invented. This ordering protocol come first and the model was
means that the model was not based really just a description of the exiting
towards one particular set of protocols, protocol. The model did not hit any other
which made it quit general. protocol stacks.
1 The designers did not have much 12 There was no problem with the protocol
2 experience with the subject and did not fitting the model. They fit perfectly.
have a good idea of which functionality to
put in which layer.
E. g:- data link layer dealt only with pt. To
pt. n/w and when broadcast network came
around a new sub layer has to be lacked.
1 OSI model guarantee reliable delivery of 13 The transport layer in TCP/IP does not
3 packets at the transport layer. always guarantee reliable delivery of
packets at the transport layer.
1 OSI is reference model. 14 TCP/IP is a implementation of OSI model.
1 OSI is comparatively complex model. 15 TCP/IP is simple model as it has fewer
5 layers.
1 N/w s is not usually built around the OSI 16 It is considered to be a more credible
6 model as it is merely used as a guidance model because TCP/IP protocols are the
tool. standards around which the internet was
1 The session layer permits two parties to 17 In TCP/IP session layer not found and its
7 hold communication called a session across characteristics are provided by TCP
a network. protocol (Transport layer).
1 The representation layer handles data 18 In TCP/IP session layer not found its
8 format information for networked characteristics are provided by TCP.
communication. This can be done by The presentation layer not existing TCP/IP
converting data into generic format that model this function is provided by
could be understood by both sides. application layer. E.g. External data
representation standard (XDR), Mail
extension (MIME), Multipurpose internet.
1 In OSI model commonly used protocols 19 In TCP/IP protocol used in application layer
9 used are DS, FTAM, MHS, and CMIP. are FTP, SMTP, TELNET, and DNS.
2 OSI approach sometime called horizontal 20 TCP/IP approach sometime called vertical
0 approach. approach.
2 In OSI model CLNP protocol is present in 21 TCP/IP has a similar protocol that is IP
1 network layer which accumulate variable protocol in internet layer. IP support 32 bit
length addresses. IP addresses.
2 In OSI model the routing architecture is as 22 In TCP/IP model hosts are the discovery
2 follows:- protocol to obtain the identification of
End system & immediate system are routing gateways & Other hosts attached to the
protocol to disturb the information in their some network.
locally maintained routing information
based. ESO & ISO send and receive these
routing updates and use the information
that they contain to modify their routing
information based.
2 Each layer of OSI model detects and handles 23 In TCP/IP model reliability control is
3 errors and all data transmit in clued concerned as a transport layer.
2 The transport layer of OSI model check 24 In TCP/IP the transport layer handles errors
4 source to destination reliability. detection & recovery it uses checksum,
acknowledgement and time outs to control
transmission for provides end to end
2 Hosts on OSI implementation do not handle 25 TCP/IP hosts participate in most network
5 n/w operations. protocols.
2 Implementation of OSI model provides a 26 TCP/IP model treats reliability as an end to
6 reliable data transfer services. end.
2 OSI model is not widely used because of 27 TCP/IP model is in used because of its
7 complex and costly. simple structure & economic
2 OSI model is used mostly for teaching acts. 28 TCP/IP used for internet & available on
8 virtually every hardware & operating
system platform.
2 There are two layers at low level i.e. data 29 In this subnet layer correspond to two
9 Link &Physical Layer. layers.

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