Improving The Reliability of Subsea Valves
Improving The Reliability of Subsea Valves
Improving The Reliability of Subsea Valves
Saidu Mamman, Subsea 7 Arnhall Business Park, Westhill Aberdeen; Jesse A Andrawus and Ibiye Iyalla,
SPE, the Robert Gordon University, a Scottish Charity, registration number SCO 13781, Schoolhill Aberdeen,
AB10 1FR, UK
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 33rd Annual SPE International Introduction
Technical Conference and Exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, August 3-5, 2009.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following
The need to satisfy increasing demand for
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of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum
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presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum
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caused operators to move into deeper waters to
to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. explore oil and gas reserves. The exploitation of
Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for
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development of sea-bed mounted equipment for a
contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was total subsea completion. One of such equipments
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836,
U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. is the wet Christmas tree. Wet Christmas tree also
known as production tree is an assembly of valves
used for the control of fluids or injection of
Abstract chemicals, water or gas from or into a reservoir.
Subsea valves are critical component used for the Thus, subsea valves are critical equipment used
control of fluid flow in sub-sea Oil & Gas (O&G) for the control of flow in subsea oil and gas
production equipment. Subsea Valves are production equipment. Christmas tree is usually
susceptible to early-life failure and, are located on the wellhead and is the primary fluid
increasingly utilised in production equipment due flow control system for subsea completed fields [1,
to the current deep water exploration of O&G. The 2 and 3]. The reliability of the valves is
reliability of valves is indispensable to the indispensable to the availability of the sub-sea
availability of sub-sea production equipment. production equipment. One of the major
Failure of subsea valves can have significant challenges currently facing the offshore oil and
financial, environmental, health and safety gas industry is early-life failures of subsea oil and
consequences. Failure Mode and Effect Criticality gas production equipment [4]. Christmas trees are
Analysis (FMECA) is a technique that permits susceptible to early-life failure. This can have
evaluation of assets functions to predict critical negative impact on the production field economics
failure modes and the resultant consequences in with significant financial, environmental, health
order to determine appropriate maintenance tasks and safety consequences.
for the assets. In this paper, the technique of
FMECA is used to assess the failure Fundamentally, there are three failure patterns
characteristics of sub-sea valves. Common and that describe failure characteristics of mechanical
dominant failure modes of the valves are systems [5]. These include reducing, constant and
identified. The failure consequences are increasing failures as illustrated in Figure 1. The
calculated in financial terms by taking into account figure displays a curve usually referred to as a
production losses, intervention cost, repair and hazard rate curve or most commonly a bath-tub
environmental cleaning costs. Failure Elimination curve. The reducing failure pattern usually known
and Prevention Strategy (FEPS) is designed to as the infant mortality denotes failures that occur
prevent early-life failures and improve the overall at the early-life of equipment and the likelihood of
reliability of subsea valves. occurrence reduces as the age of the equipment
increases. The constant failure pattern represents
failures that are independent of equipment age,
that is, the likelihood of occurrence is invariable
through out the life-cycle of the equipment. Lastly,
2 S. Mamman, J.A. Andrawus and I. Iyalla SPE 128347
the increasing failure pattern commonly referred to the vertical arrangement in the conventional tree.
as wear-out symbolises failures that occur at the Basically, horizontal or conventional Christmas
later life of equipment, that is, the likelihood of trees consist of the following valves. Upper and
occurrence increases with the age of the lower master valves (UMV & LMV) to provide
equipment. The reader is referred to [6] for a more access to bore for wire-line intervention and
detailed study on types of failure pattern. chemical injection. They also serve as primary
safety barriers for the Christmas tree. Wing valves
(WV) which are used for shut-in operations.
Crossover valves (XOV) are linked between the
wing valves to enable the well to be killed from the
annulus bore in the case of a kick. Choke valves
Reducing Constant Increasing
to regulate and control the flow of production fluids
H azard rate
said to have failed at the instant it stops to perform Table 2 shows further sequential breakdown of
its required function. Because of the operational one of the failure modes enumerated in Table 1.
environment of Wet Christmas tree, valve failures Consider as an example the failure mode CT-1-1
can occur either sudden or gradual. The latter type (Upper Master Valve fail to close on command) in
of failures requires comparison of the valves Table 1. The failure mode is logically analysed in
performance and its specification. This task could series of layers (failure mode 2 and 3) as shown in
be difficult as it may not be possible to measure Table 2. Note that the failure mode 3 can be
some certain parameters when the valves are in further assessed to identify the root causes. It is
operation [2]. Some common failure modes of worth noting however that root cause analysis is
complete loss of flow control capability are beyond the scope of this paper.
enumerated in the Table 1. For example, actuator
system failure (CT-1-16) due to spring breakage Table 2 Failure Modes for a Wet Christmas
may result in the jamming of the valve gate. Tree
Leakage of valve in the closed position (CT-2-1)
due to erosion in the sealing is an example of a Failure Mode 1 Failure Mode 2 Failure Mode 3
partial failure. This occurs gradually over time
before it escalates to complete failure. Sudden CT-1-1 Upper Master Valve CT-1-1-1 Actuation system failed CT-1-1-1-1 Hydraulic system failure
failure usually occurs without warning and can fail to close on command CT-1-1-1-2 Electrical system failure
CT-1-1-1-3 Design fault
cause complete loss of function with significant
financial, environmental, health and safety CT-1-1-2 Control system failed CT-1-1-2-1 Software failure
consequences. CT-1-1-2-2 Design fault
CT-1-1-2-3 Electrical system failure
Function Functional failure Failure modes CT-1-1-4 Corrosion CT-1-1-4-1 Inadequate maintenance
CT-1-1-4-2 Wear and tear
CT-1-1-4-3 Production fluid
To control CT-1 Complete loss CT-1-1 Upper Master Valve fail to close on command
flow of fluid of flow control CT-1-2 Upper Master Valve fail to open on command CT-1-1-5 Human error CT-1-1-5-1 Wrong specification
CT-1-3 Premature closure of Upper Master Valve CT-1-1-5-2 Installation error
CT-1-4 Lower Master Valve fail to close on command CT-1-1-5-3 Inexperienced personnel
CT-1-5 Lower Master Valve fail to open on command
CT-1-6 Premature closure of lower master valve
Failure Consequences for a Wet Christmas
CT-1-7 Wing Valve fail to close on command
CT-1-8 Wing Valve fail to open on command
Consider a failure of a production master valve
CT-1-9 Premature closure of wing valve
(PMV) of a wet Christmas tree in a well producing
CT-1-10 Cross Over Valve fail to close on command
10,000 bopd. Assume the cost of the PMV is
CT-1-11 Cross Over Valve fail to open on command
about US$9,800. Removing the failed PMV and
CT-1-12 Premature closure of cross over valve installing a new one will require 6 divers to work
CT-1-13 Choke Valve fail to close on command for 18 hours. A diving support vessel (DSV) will be
CT-1-14 Choke Valve fail to open on command required to carry out the replacement of the PMV.
CT-1-15 Premature closure of choke valve The lead time to hire a DSV is about 14 days (2
CT-1-16 Actuation system failure weeks). It will take a day to mobilize the DSV and
CT-1-17 Control system failure a day to demobilize. The cost of hiring the DSV
per day is about US$150,000. The current price of
CT-2 Partial loss of CT-2-1 Leakage through the valve in closed position crude oil is about US$52 per barrel. Thus, the
flow control CT-2-2 Valve leakage to the environment cost of intervention and repair is the product of the
CT-2-3 Valve partially open or closed cost of hiring the DSV per hour and the repair
CT-2-4 Faulty indication period (i.e. the sum of mob, demob & repair time).
CT-2-5 Delayed operation This result in about US$412,500. The cost of down
time is the product of production rate per hour, the
downtime (i.e. the sum of the lead time to hire
DSV, mob, demob & repair time) and the cost of
crude oil per barrel. This result in about
5 Improving the Reliability of Subsea Valves SPE 128347
US$8,710,000. Hence, the consequence of failure Failure elimination and prevention strategy for
of the PMV is the sum of the cost of material Christmas production tree is in this research work
(US$9,800), the cost of intervention and repair divided into two phases; these includes (i) design
(US$412,500) and, the downtime cost and manufacturing phase and, (ii) operation and
(US$8,710,000). This result in about maintenance phase.
US$9,132,300 failure consequences. Indeed, the
crude oil price per barrel has been fluctuation Design and Manufacturing phase. This phase
between US$34 and US$140 for the past 12 primarily deals with design faults which are
months. Figure 3 shows the effect of crude oil responsible for early-life failure. Sharp corners
price per barrel on the downtime cost. The should be avoided in the design of valves. This is
downtime costs at US$34, US$90 and US$140 to prevent stress concentrations which can be
per barrel are about US$5,695,000, developed during manufacturing. Complex shapes
US$15,075,000 and US$23,450,000 respectively. which may cause non-uniform heat treatment of
materials during manufacturing should be avoided.
Down time cost
Design reviews should be carried out by
manufacturers to verify design completeness of all
aspects of valve design and manufacturing. A
20000000 functional prototype of the valve must be built and
subjected to Highly Accelerated Stress Testing
US Dollars
(HALT) to precipitate latent faults. Design
10000000 Verification Testing (DVT) should be carried out
Down time cost before mass production of valves. Design data
and information should be collated, reviewed and
stored electronically. It should be made
compulsory for valve designers to review previous
Cost of Crude Oil/ Barrel (USD) designs and the lessons learnt be incorporated
into new designs.
Figure 3: Down time cost at varying crude oil price Computer-aided manufacturing selection process
should be used to select the best and most cost
Figure 4 shows the effect of crude oil price per effective process. Raw material for the
barrel on the consequences of failure. The manufacturing of valves should be inspected for
consequences of failure at US$40, US$95 and defects before they go into manufacturing. A
US$140 per barrel are about US$7,122,300, continuous in-process control and assessment
US$16,334,800 and US$23,872,300 respectively. with a high burn-in should be performed during the
The erratic crude oil price significantly affects the manufacture of valves. The valve components
consequences of failure must be subjected to Highly Accelerated Stress
Screening (HASS). The valves must be subjected
Failure consequences to Proof of Screen (POS) testing to detect faults
30000000 introduced by the HASS testing process. Valve
components must be stress relieved after casting,
forging and welding. Welded joints of valve
components must be inspected for inclusions and
US Dollars
Integrated asset register and data management End
7 Improving the Reliability of Subsea Valves SPE 128347