The Path of the Wild Hunt barbarian sees the world divided into predators and prey. As they hunt, their predatory instincts and skills are heightened. At 3rd level, they gain a cumulative bonus to damage against challenging foes. At 6th level, their tracking abilities are enhanced to hunt powerful creatures. By 10th level, they gain temporary hit points each turn while raging to absorb damage from attacks during the hunt. At 14th level, their fury grants powerful strength effects while raging, such as dealing more damage with versatile weapons wielded in one hand or unarmed strikes.
The Path of the Wild Hunt barbarian sees the world divided into predators and prey. As they hunt, their predatory instincts and skills are heightened. At 3rd level, they gain a cumulative bonus to damage against challenging foes. At 6th level, their tracking abilities are enhanced to hunt powerful creatures. By 10th level, they gain temporary hit points each turn while raging to absorb damage from attacks during the hunt. At 14th level, their fury grants powerful strength effects while raging, such as dealing more damage with versatile weapons wielded in one hand or unarmed strikes.
The Path of the Wild Hunt barbarian sees the world divided into predators and prey. As they hunt, their predatory instincts and skills are heightened. At 3rd level, they gain a cumulative bonus to damage against challenging foes. At 6th level, their tracking abilities are enhanced to hunt powerful creatures. By 10th level, they gain temporary hit points each turn while raging to absorb damage from attacks during the hunt. At 14th level, their fury grants powerful strength effects while raging, such as dealing more damage with versatile weapons wielded in one hand or unarmed strikes.
The Path of the Wild Hunt barbarian sees the world divided into predators and prey. As they hunt, their predatory instincts and skills are heightened. At 3rd level, they gain a cumulative bonus to damage against challenging foes. At 6th level, their tracking abilities are enhanced to hunt powerful creatures. By 10th level, they gain temporary hit points each turn while raging to absorb damage from attacks during the hunt. At 14th level, their fury grants powerful strength effects while raging, such as dealing more damage with versatile weapons wielded in one hand or unarmed strikes.
The Wild Hunt is an ancient tradition stretching further back even than the collective memory of the feywild. Driven by the primal instinct of the beast within, you seek ever more dangerous prey, no matter the risk. There are two types of creatures in this world - Predator, and prey, it is only within the savagery of the hunt that one is separated form the other.
Predator’s Savagery Armor of the Hunt
Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this path your By 10th level, the icy thrill of the hunt deadens your pain predator’s instinct grows stronger with each worthy prey so long as the pursuit continues. While you are raging, you hunt. While you are raging, you gain a Cumulative each time your hit points are reduced by damage from +1 to damage rolls each time you reduce a target with a melee weapon attack, you gain temp hp equal to the a CR of your level or higher to 0 Hit points, up to a damage dealt until the end of your next turn. Damage maximum equal proficiency bonus. absorbed by temporary hit points does not trigger this feature Primal Tracker Frenzied Strength At 6th level, the primal magic of the hunt fuels the most bestial of your senses. You have advantage on checks Upon reaching level 14, the true fury of the wild hunt made to track or locate injured creatures, and may add pulses chill through your veins, making you appear ever twice your proficiency bonus to checks made to track more savage and granting you terrible strength in battle. creatures with a CR of your level of higher. While you are raging, versatile weapons wielded in only one hand use their 2 handed damage dice. In addition, your Unarmed strikes deal your choice of bludgeoning or slashing damage equal to your strength modifier.