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Survey of Wireless Geolocation Techniques: A. Roxin, J. Gaber, M. Wack, A. Nait-Sidi-Moh

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Survey of Wireless Geolocation Techniques

A. Roxin, J. Gaber, M. Wack, A. Nait-Sidi-Moh

Laboratoire Systèmes et Transports (SeT)

Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)
90010 Belfort, France

Abstract—Ubiquitous and pervasive networks and applications

include a growing number of research themes. In most use cases,
applications require location information to interpret their
environment and behave accordingly. In this paper, location
algorithms and positioning methods that can be used for wireless
geolocation are presented.

Index Terms—Wireless geolocation, localization technique and

algorithms, AOA, TDOA, OTDOA, UTDOA, RSS, GPS, A-GPS, Figure 1. A wireless geolocation system
pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing.
Two categories of localization techniques have been isolated:
ƒ Dedicated techniques - methods using a dedicated
Locating mobile devices has always been a critical infrastructure (IR, RF, etc.)
problem. It becomes even more critical today, as the number
ƒ Non dedicated techniques - methods using non
of context-aware applications is continuously growing.
dedicated systems
Acquiring the location information of a mobile device allows
providing more value-added applications. Although GPS-
Only non dedicated methods are discussed in this paper,
based location is reliable and accurate for outdoor situations, it
since they suit best for ubiquitous and pervasive environments.
does not provide acceptable performance in indoor and urban
Dedicated methods provide a high degree of accuracy, but
areas. Other technologies have been developed with the aim of
need expensive, energy-consuming and scale-limited
implementing the specificities of ubiquitous and pervasive
equipments. One may found various papers describing
environments. In this report, main algorithms and positioning
existing dedicated methods [1-5].
techniques used for wireless geolocation are presented.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section III,
II. WIRELESS GEOLOCATION SYSTEM localization algorithms are presented. In section IV,
positioning methods are described. A conclusion is given in
A wireless geolocation system has three major components section V. Section VI provides definitions for all the acronyms
(Figure 1): cited in the text.
ƒ The location sensing device that allows determining the
relative position of the mobile device, III. LOCALIZATION ALGORITHMS

ƒ The positioning algorithm that computes the metrics In this section, algorithms used by non-dedicated
reported by the location sensing device, in order to localization techniques are described. To ease the
estimate the position of the mobile device, understanding, first are reviewed fundamental principles
employed by these techniques. Then an introduction to recent
ƒ The display system, which displays the computed position
researches will be made.
of the mobile device.
A. Principles

There are two fundamental principles used in traditional

localization techniques: triangulation and trilateration.
1) Trilateration B. Radio map
This method uses the distance between a BS and the The principle of the radio map is to build a signal strength
mobile device. It requires 3 BSs. The position of the mobile model. The location of the mobile device is estimated by
device is determined using an RF location sensing technique. finding a best match from the signal strength model.
The mobile device is located by the intersection point of 3 This principle comprises two:
circles. Each circle has for radius the distance between the
mobile device and the considered BS as illustrated in Figures ƒ The offline phase when the radio map is built. During
2a and 2b. this phase, RF signals are collected from several
predefined access points.
ƒ The online phase when the mobile device location is
estimated. During this phase, a location algorithm is used
to find a matching location, starting from the measured

Figure 2a. Locating the mobile device by the intersection of

three circles with radii d1, d2 and d3.

Figure 4. Radio map.

During the online phase, a localization algorithm is used to

locate the mobile device. These algorithms are divided into
two categories:
ƒ Algorithms using deterministic techniques.
ƒ Algorithms using probabilistic techniques.

Figure 2b. Locating the mobile device by performing a TDOA. These two categories will be presented in the rest of this

2) Triangulation 1) Deterministic techniques

This method is based on the estimation of the direction of Deterministic techniques use scalar values of measured
arrival of a signal from the mobile device that has to be RSS from Access Points (AP). The measured values are
located. AoA (presented in section 4.1.4.) is an example of a averaged into a given location, which is associated to the
positioning method that uses triangulation. location of the considered mobile device.

a) Nearest Neighbor in Signal Space (NNSS)

This method computes the distance between the RSS

measured by the mobile device and all the other RSS in the
radio map. Mobile device location is estimated as the minimal
distance computed, which is the smallest Euclidean distance.

b) Nearest Neighbor in Signal Space – Average (NNSS-

Figure 3. Estimation of the distance between a mobile device and the
BS, using AOA. This method is similar to the NNSS method. Instead of
choosing only one neighbour, it picks several nearest
neighbours in signal space. The idea is to choose k nearest
neighbours and compute the mobile device location by
averaging the coordinates of the k neighbours.

Figure 7. Overview of the APIT algorithm.

Figure 5. NNSS-AVG method

c) Smallest polygon

This method is similar to the NNSS-AVG method, but

instead of using the signal domain, it uses the space domain. Figure 8. (a) A node is inside the triangle. (b) A node is outside the
Several nearest neighbours are selected (using various
methods), and various polygons are formed. The area of each
polygon is then estimated. The algorithm selects the polygon
with the smallest area. The location of the mobile device is
then estimated as the centre of the previously selected

Figure 6. Smallest polygon method – candidate locations (A, B, C

Figure 9. Using SCAN approach to execute APIT aggregation.
and D) form various triangles. The centre of ∆ABC is the estimated
location, since it has the smallest area.
2) Probabilistic techniques

d) Approximate Point-In-Triangulation (APIT) Probabilistic techniques use RSS distributions received

from every Access Point (AP). RSS are values that vary in
This algorithm is often applied to wireless sensor time, as they depend on environments factors [8-11].
environments. Anchors are selected among the sensing nodes
The main idea is to assume that RSS distributions are
of a wireless sensor network.
similar to Gaussian probability distributions. During the
Each anchor broadcasts beacons with location information offline phase, for each AP, a mean and a variance value are
about the anchor position. A node receives beacons from a set computed for the received RSS distribution. Probabilities are
of N audible anchors. It then builds triangles from the N then computed for each predefined location, according to the
audible anchors. The mobile device tests whether it is inside or radio map. The most probable location is estimated as the
outside each triangle. This step is called the APIT testing. The location of the considered mobile device.
area where the most triangles overlap is the most probable
area for the location of the mobile device. This is the APIT
aggregation [6]. A SCAN approach is used to determine the
maximum area where the mobile device is located. Once this
area is determined, its centre of gravity is calculated and
considered as the estimated location of the mobile device.
D. Path loss

Path-loss models allow calculating the distance between a

mobile device and 3 APs, with known locations. Various path-
loss models exist. Generally, path-loss models use trilateration
to determine the location of the mobile device [12, 13].


Now that the main algorithms have been presented, a

rundown of the most popular methods of position location will
be made. Conventional positioning techniques rely on the
Figure 10. The RSS values received from access point at a fixed
location vary with time.
angle of arrival (AOA), received signal strength (RSS), the
time of arrival (TOA) and the time difference of arrival
(TDOA) measurements [14].
C. Reference point
Each technique has its own merits and drawbacks, under
This algorithm allows locating a mobile device in a real- given cost and complexity constraints. In this section,
time environment. Several studies have shown that RSS from conventional positioning techniques are presented, starting
a given fixed location vary over time [8-11]. Radio maps store with network-based techniques and moving into handset-based
RSS values obtained during the offline phase, and with methods.
varying RSS values, computed location may be false.
A. Network-based methods
The reference point method uses reference tags, or RFID
tags. There are two types of active RFID tags: 1) CellID (CID)

ƒ Reference tags - Reference tags are the active RFID tags Cell Identification (CID) is the process of using network's
used for calibrating environmental parameters. knowledge of the mobile device, within the controlling cell
site and communicating the sector information. The
ƒ Tracking tags - RFID tags associated to tracked objects. geographical centre of this area provides a rough estimate of
In order to estimate the distance between a transmitter (i.e., the location of the caller (Figure 12).
tagged object or reference tag) and a receiver (i.e., RFID CID operates in GSM, GPRS and UMTS networks. It
reader), several methods exist, going from Euclidean distance requires the network to identify the BTS to which the cell
calculus to probabilistic models using log-distance path loss phone is communicating and the location of that BTS.
The accuracy of this method depends on the cell size, and
In [7] Yun et al. present a triangulation technique that uses can be very poor in many cases (the GSM cell diameter is
regression. Starting from RFID signals and pre-computed between 2 Km to 20 Km).
regression equations, the estimated distances from the tracking
tag to the RFID readers, l1, l2 and l3, are obtained. The
estimated distances from the regressive equations of three
readers allow computing the estimated location (u, v) of the

Figure 12. CID principle.

2) Received Signal Strength (RSS)

The distance between two nodes can be estimated by
measuring the energy of the received signal at one end. This
distance-based technique requires at least three reference
nodes to determine the two-dimensional location of a given
node. This technique uses a triangulation approach to
determine the location of the mobile unit, as depicted in Figure
Figure 11. Tag’s location using triangulation [7].
13. The dashed circles indicate errors in RSS measurements,
straight lines that connect the node and two reference nodes,
as shown in Figure 15 [25].

Figure 13. Illustration of positioning via the triangulation of three Figure 15. Angle Of Arrival
RSS measurements from nodes A, B and C.

This method uses multiple antennas at a BS to determine

RSS systems are very interesting for urban and indoor
the incident angle of an arriving signal. If a handset
geolocation systems, given that this technique is already
transmitting a signal is within LOS, the antenna array can
available for cellular and WLAN networks, without any
determine what direction the signal is coming from. A second
further changes.
BS with the same technology must also locate the mobile
But, a direct measurement of the distance from the RSS device and compare the obtained position with data from the
cannot be reliable, since the value of the RSS mainly depends first BS [15, 16].
on the path-loss model that has been considered. Besides, RSS
AOA systems must be designed to account for multipath
measurements depend on the channel characteristics.
signals, since they may confuse the location of the handset.
Therefore, RSS-based positioning algorithms are sensitive to
Also, installing and aligning antenna arrays on BSs can be a
channel parameters estimation.
sensitive and costly process [14, 26].
3) Multipath/Fingerprint
5) Time Of Arrival (TOA)
A wireless signal bounces off a variety of solid objects on
Time-based positioning techniques rely on measurements
the way to its destination, causing multipath interference. The
of signal travel times between nodes. TOA is a technique that
same signal is received multiple times due to the delay caused
allows locating a mobile device by calculating the time of
by bouncing off objects and taking different paths to the
arrival of the signal from the mobile to more than one BS [14].
destination (Figure 14).
The TOA can be estimated either by measuring the phase
of the received narrowband carrier signal or by direct
measurement of the arrival time of a wideband narrow pulse
[26]. The first solution cannot provide an accurate estimation
of location in heavy multipath environments. For those
environments, the second solution is best suited. Indeed, the
second solution allows lowering the distance measurement
error when increasing bandwidth. This means that for a UWB
environment the distance error caused by erroneous estimates
of the TOA will be quite insignificant, if using a direct
measurement for a wideband narrow pulse.
Figure 14. Multipath / Fingerprint – the sum of all signals creates a
« fingerprint » signal that is stored and indexed. If two nodes have a common clock, the node receiving the
signal can estimate the TOA of the incoming signal, which is
time-stamped by the reference node. Therefore, this method
Multipath fingerprinting takes advantage of this
requires the cellular network to be synchronized.
characteristic to describe signals that are received from certain
locations. To employ this system, an operator must send test TOA is a more accurate technique than CID. Still the cost
units around to various locations so the BSs can record the and overhaul of a network, required to implement TOA may
fingerprints and create a database for comparison later on. Of be disproportionate in relation to the resulting accuracy
course, if new construction occurs in an area, the fingerprint enhancement, unless service providers supply their own
will change and must be re-recorded. overlay service to attach to a network [26].
4) Angle Of Arrival (AOA) 6) Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA)
An AOA-based positioning technique involves measuring The TDOA technique can be employed when there is no
angles of the node seen by reference nodes [14]. In order to synchronization between a given node and the reference
determine the location of a mobile device in a two- nodes, but there is synchronization between reference nodes
dimensional space, it is sufficient to measure the angles of the [14, 26].
The TDOA of two signals travelling between the given installed at the operator's BTSs (Figure 18). Accuracy is
node and two reference nodes is estimated [17]. This determined by the network layout and deployment density of
determines the location of the given node on a hyperbola with LMUs to BTSs.
foci at the two reference nodes. A third reference node is
U-TDOA technology works very well in urban, suburban
needed to triangulate the position of the mobile unit (Figure
and indoor environments — suffering only in extreme rural
16). To achieve accurate positioning, the reference nodes must
conditions [21].
be synchronized in time. If there isn’t a common clock
between the nodes, RTT between two transceiver nodes can be
measured to estimate the distance between nodes [19, 20].

Figure 16. TDOA – Comparing time differences (T1 – T2, T2 – T3, T1

– T3) locates the mobile unit. Figure 18. U-TDOA technique

B. MS-based methods
7) Observed Time Difference Of Arrival (OTDOA)
OTDOA operates only on UMTS networks. The OTDOA 1) Global Positioning System (GPS)
LS estimates the position of a mobile device by referencing Largely considered the most accurate location technology,
signal reception time at the MS/UE from a minimum of 3 GPS uses satellites to fix the position of a mobile unit. The
Node B stations. The mobile’s position is at the intersection of mobile unit needs special hardware and software for receiving
at least two hyperbolas defined by the OTDAs of the UMTS GPS signals [24].
frames from multiple Node B stations, as shown in Figure 17.
The GPS has 3 parts:
ƒ The space segment, which consists of 24 satellites.
ƒ The user segment, which consists of receivers.
ƒ The control segment, which consists of monitor stations
that make sure the satellites are working properly.
Satellites are equipped with very precise clocks that keep
accurate time to within 3 ns (nanoseconds). Precision timing is
important because the receiver must determine exactly how
long it takes for signals to travel from each GPS satellite.
The added cost of components in the handset has made this
a less desirable option in the past, but prices are coming down
to make it more attractive for lower-end handsets. GPS also
suffers from a relatively long delay (sometimes more than a
Figure 17. OTDOA technique minute) to get an initial fix on the location of a mobile unit.
2) Assisted GPS (A-GPS)
8) U-TDOA (Uplink Time Difference of Arrival)
A-GPS systems are set up to resolve the long delay that
U-TDOA is a positioning method developed by
can occur in locating a mobile unit when using GPS. Data
TruePosition [22], and which relies upon multi-lateration. As
about the mobile unit is transmitted through the network of
it is completely network-based, no additional chip or software
BSs to speed up the location process, bringing it down to only
needs to be installed into the mobile device.
a few seconds. This occurs when obstructions block the view
U-TDOA determines a mobile phone's location by from a handset to a GPS satellite [23].
comparing the times at which a cell signal reached the LMUs
Wireless A-GPS operates on GSM, GPRS and UMTS provide location information, and this information must be
networks. Like GPS, A-GPS uses satellites in space as updated constantly [22].
reference points to determine location.
A-GPS can be accurate up to 10 meters.
A-GPS provides better accuracy than CID, E-OTD or
OTDOA, and operates on asynchronous or synchronous
networks without the need for LMUs (although LMU
information can be used if it is available) [21].

Figure 20. E-OTD Principle.

Figure 19. A-GPS Principle The message traffic is much greater than that used for A-
GPS or CID. E-OTD uses more network bandwidth than all
An A-GPS implementation has almost negligible impact other technologies. This technology is vulnerable to accuracy
on the infrastructure and can easily support roaming, but degradation from multipath and signal reflections.
requires A-GPS circuitry inside the phone, so legacy handsets
cannot be supported without modification. A-GPS requires V. CONCLUSION
message exchanges with an A-GPS LS in the infrastructure,
but this is handled in a flexible manner and exchanged Each of the above described methods has its own
messages are small-sized [24]. advantages and inconvenients. Due to their high resolution
capacity in the time domain, time-based positioning
3) Enhanced – Observed Time Difference (E-OTD) algorithms are usually preferred to those involving AOA or
RSS measurements. Although these algorithms enable very
This technology has been deployed by Cambridge Position
accurate positioning, they also poses some challenges for
Systems. E-OTD operates only on GSM and GPRS networks.
practical systems (require installation of dedicated hardware).
The cell phone sends a signal to the surrounding cell
The reference point method may provide more accurate
emitters, and the nearest one sends back the signal. The time
positions, without dealing with the above mentioned
taken between sending and receiving the wave is analyzed by
challenges. Moreover, if RSS is taken as a major parameter to
an external server, which calculates the cell phone position in
estimate the position of a mobile device, the localization will
the network
(www.mobileinfo.com/LocationBasedServices/E_OTD.htm). be easy to design, as most adapters provide RSS measurement.

This method includes new technology in the handset to VI. ACRONYMS

assist in locating the unit in a network. Mobile units in an E-
OTD system are set up to support positioning in a network AP – Access Point – The AP is a device that connects wireless
communication devices together to form a wireless network.
where BSs are asynchronous.
APIT - Approximate Point In Triangle Test - APIT employs a novel area-
Theoretically, it takes about 5 seconds to locate a mobile based approach. Anchors divide terrain into triangular regions. A node’s
using the E-OTD technique and the accuracy is about 30 - 50 presence inside or outside of these triangular regions allows a node to narrow
meters. Real-world tests have yielded less accurate the area in which it can potentially reside.
measurements of about 50 - 125 meters [22]. The accuracy of Autonomous - Term typically used in GPS and wireless A-GPS
the E-OTD method is a function of the resolution of the time implementations. A mode of operation in which the MS calculates a position
difference measurements, the geometry of the neighbouring with no aiding from the location server. This mode is also referred to as
“standalone” mode, and is commonly the mode in which conventional GPS
base stations, and the signal environment. receivers operate.
E-OTD solutions offer improved performance relative to A-GPS - Assisted GPS – Aided GPS, or shortened version of Wireless
CID, but require the use of LMUs. This increases the cost and Assisted GPS.
complexity of implementation, as described above. E-OTD AOA - Angle of Arrival - A location technology that uses special antenna
also requires a large number of data messages be exchanged to arrays at BTS sites to determine the angle of arrival of handset signals. At
least two AOA measurements are then combined to identity the position of the OTDOA - Observed Time Difference of Arrival - A location technology
handset. that compares the time a UE signal arrives at different base stations to
determine two-dimensional position (altitude not determined).
BS – Base Station - In the context of external land surveying, a base station is
a GPS receiver at an accurately-known fixed location which is used to derive P-range - Pseudo range - The distance measurement derived from the
correction information for nearby portable GPS receivers. In the area of elapsed travel time of a GPS signal from a GPS satellite to a GPS receiver.
wireless computer networking, a base station is a radio receiver/transmitter
that serves as the hub of the local wireless network, and may also be the RF – Radio Frequency – RF refers to that portion of the electromagnetic
gateway between a wired network and the wireless network. In radio spectrum in which electromagnetic waves can be generated by alternating
communications, a base station is a wireless communications station installed current which is fed to an antenna.
at a fixed location and used to communicate. RFID – Radio Frequency Identification - RFID is an automatic
BTS - Base Transceiver Station - A base station transceiver in the wireless identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using
communications infrastructure. devices called RFID tags or transponders. An RFID tag is an object that can
be attached to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access - A high-capacity digital wireless purpose of identification using radio waves.
communications technology.
RSS – Received Signal Strength – RSS is a measurement of the received
CID – Cell Identification - A location technology that utilizes the location of radio signal strength (energy integral, not the quality).
the BTS to identify caller location.
RTT - Round Trip Time - A technique utilizing the total round-trip time
E-OTD - Enhanced Observed Time Difference - A technique comparing the from an MS to a base station to determine the approximate distance an MS is
time an MS signal arrives at different base stations to determine two- from a base station.
dimensional position (altitude not determined).
SAS - Stand-Alone Assisted GPS SMLC - The UMTS network node that
GMLC - Gateway Mobile Location Center - The infrastructure element in may operate the assisted-GPS location server software.
2G, 2.5G and 3G systems that makes location information available to the
location application. SGSN - Serving GPRS Support Node - The node required in 2.5G and 3G
systems to provide data support in the core network.
GPRS - GSM Packet Radio System - The packet radio version of GSM
communications. SMLC - Serving Mobile Location Centre - The GSM/GPRS network node
that operates the location server software.
GPS - Global Positioning System - A technique utilizing distance
measurements to GPS satellites to determine three-dimensional location SNRC - Serving Network Radio Controller - The UMTS network node that
(includes altitude). may operate the location server software.

GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications - Standard for digital TA - Timing Advance - A technique utilizing the timing advance information
mobile telephony originally developed for pan-European use, but now used applied by the GSM network to determine the approximate distance an MS is
worldwide. from a base station.

IPDL - Idle Period Down Link - A signalling method used with OTDOA TU - Timing Unit - A timing unit required for networks that are not
positioning technology to mitigate the near far problem inherent to UMTS synchronized. Typically uses special GPS receivers to provide absolute
systems. timing.

IR – InfraRed - Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation of a TOA - Time of Arrival - A technique comparing the time an MS signal
wavelength longer than that of visible light, but shorter than that of radio arrives at different base stations to determine two-dimensional position
waves. The name means "below red" (from the Latin “infra”, “below”), red (altitude not determined).
being the colour of visible light with the longest wavelength. Trilateration - A technique used to derive location by determining the
LMU - Location Measurement Unit - A device used with E-OTD to provide intersection of hyperbolas derived from the range measurements between a
precise timing information for asynchronous networks. BTS and handset.

LS - Location Server - The software entity used to calculate position or to TTFF - Time to First Fix - The time elapsed between when a position was
provide assistance data or to participate in the positioning process in some requested and when a position was determined. Most commonly applied to
other way. Different location technologies require different location server GPS and A-GPS technologies, but also applicable for other location
functionality. In report, the LS term will be preceded by a location technology technologies.
description to indicate the LS supports that type of location technology (e.g., UE - User Equipment - The term used in UMTS networks to describe a
an A-GPS LS is a location server that supports A-GPS technology and subscriber’s handset or wireless terminal.
therefore provides assistance data and can calculate a final position).
UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems - UMTS is the
MS - Mobile Station - The term used in GSM and GPRS networks to third generation (3G) evolution from 2G/2.5G networks and since it is based
describe a subscriber’s handset or wireless terminal. on wideband CDMA radio access technology (WCDMA), it is generally
MS-Assisted - Term typically used in wireless assisted GPS implementations. considered synonymous with WCDMA.
A mode of operation in which the MS provides data to the location server to WCDMA - Wideband CDMA - IMT-2000 CDMA direct spread standard
enable the location server to calculated a position. developed by 3GPP.
MS-Based - Term typically used in wireless assisted GPS implementations. A WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network – A WLAN is a wireless local area
mode of operation in which the MS receives aiding data from the location network, which is the linking of two or more computers without using wires.
server to enable the MS to calculate a position.
Yield - The ratio of the number of successfully calculated positions (meeting
MSC - Mobile Switching Center - A primary switching hub in 2G, 2.5G and specified quality criteria) to the number of attempts to determine a position. A
3G wireless network. yield of 100 percent means all position attempts resulted in a position
Multipath fingerprint - A location technology that uses a complex database calculation within the boundaries of the specified quality criteria. 50 percent
of stored communication signal images, or “fingerprints” that are each unique yield means only one of every two attempts resulted in a position calculation.
to locations throughout the user network. Real-time handset signals are then
compared to the stored fingerprints to find a match, which produces a location REFERENCES
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