Copper Slag - Phase 1
Copper Slag - Phase 1
Copper Slag - Phase 1
Certified that the phase one project work entitled “Performance of copper slag on strength
property as partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete” carried out by SHREEDHAR
DARSHAN B C[1JV16CV009] are bonafide students of Jnanavikas Institute of Technology in
partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering of
the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2020-21. It is certified that all
corrections / suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been incorporated in the report
deposited in the department library. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirement in respect of project work prescribed for the said degree.
Date: 29/10/2020
Place: Bidadi
MOHAN S [1JV16CV027]
I would like to thank to my Family and Friends for their unforgettable support and
MOHAN S [1JV16CV027]
1.1 General 1
1.2 Concrete 1
1.3 Copper slag 2
1.3.1 Background of copper slag 2
1.3.2 Production of copper slag 3
1.3.3 Advantages of copper slag 3
1.3.4 Use of copper slag in various fields 3
1.4 Objectives 3
1.4.1 Scopes of studies 4
1.4.2 Structure of Thesis 4
2.1 General 5
2.2 Papers reviewed 5
3.1 Test on Cement 10
3.2 Test on fine aggregate 10
3.3 Test on course aggregate 10
Concrete is by far, the most important building material and its consumption is increasing in
all countries and regions in our globe. The reasons are multiple, its components are available
everywhere and relatively inexpensive, its production may be relatively simple, its
application covers large variety of building and civil infrastructure works. The utilization of
industrial waste or secondary materials has encouraged the production of cement and
concrete in construction field.
New by-products and waste materials are being generated by various industries. Dumping or
disposal of waste materials causes environmental and health problems. Therefore, recycling
of waste materials is a great potential in concrete industry. For many years, by-products such
as fly ash, silica fume and slag were considered as waste materials. Concrete prepared with
such materials showed improvement in workability and durability compared to normal
concrete and has been used in the construction of power, chemical plants and under-water
Concrete is a composite construction material made primarily with aggregate, cement and
water. There are many formulations of concrete, which provide varied properties. Concrete is
the most – used man – made product in the world. It is a mixture of cement, fine aggregates,
course aggregates and water. Concrete is widely used in building, runway, bridges, reservoirs
etc, Concrete is a durable and versatile construction material. It is not only Strong,
economical and takes the shape of the form in which it is placed, but it is also aesthetically
satisfying. However experience has shown that concrete is vulnerable to deterioration, unless
precautionary measures are taken during the design and production.
Over recent decades, intensive research studies have been carried out to explore all possible
reuse methods. Construction waste, blast furnace, steel slag, coal fly ash and bottom ash have
been accepted in many places as alternative aggregates in embankment, roads, pavements,
foundation and building construction, raw material in the manufacture of ordinary Portland
cement pointed out by Teik thye luin et al (2006).
This slag is currently being used for many purposes. It is a glassy granular material with high
specific gravity particle sizes. The size of the particle is of the order of sand and can be used
as a fine aggregate in concrete. To reduce the accumulation of copper slag and also to provide
an alternative material for sand and cement, an approach has been done to investigate the use
of copper slag in concrete for the partial replacement of sand and cement.
The proposed objectives are as follows
i. To find the optimum proportion of copper slag that can be used as a replacement
(substitute material for cement and) for fine aggregate.
ii. To study the effect of copper slag (optimum replacement to fine aggregates) on
strength parameters of concrete using Portland slag cement.
Sakthieswaran N, Ganesan K (2013), “The flexural behavior of reinforced concrete
beams comprised of copper slag.”
Copper slag is used as replacement materials for cement and sand were added to provide
additional reinforcement of the beams. From the flexural test conducted on 26 cast beam
specimens, it was found that beam specimen S7, 50% copper slag, possessed a flexural
toughness value that was 35.4% greater than that of the control specimen. With respect to
ductility, specimen S12, 50% copper slag, showed a ductility factor 1.69 times greater than
the optimum content of copper slag. These results indicated that these components have a
profound influence on the strength and ductility of flexural beams.
Ductility factor is a non-dimensional term used to quantify the ductility of a flexural
specimen. It can be a ratio between the deflections experienced by the beam at the ultimate
stage to that of deflection at the yield stage (Hadi MNS; Rashid, M.A., M.A. Mansur, 2005;
Shukla, M., 2011). From the values of ductility factors, it is inferred that specimen S12 50%
copper slag, has a ductility factor value 1.69 times greater than that of the control specimen.
S5 (40% copper slag), S3 (50% copper slag), and S9 (50% copper slag,) were found to be
1.69, 1.51, 1.43, and 1.42 times greater than that of the control specimen, respectively. Based
on these findings, the presence of lower modulus seems to influence the ductility value
AS Alnuaimi(2012) “Effects of copper slag as a replacement for fine aggregate on the
behavior and ultimate strength of reinforced concrete slender columns”
Use of copper slag (CS) as a replacement for fine aggregate (FA) in RC slender columns was
experimentally investigated in this study. Twenty columns measuring 150 mm x 150 mm x
2500 mm were tested for monotonic axial compression load until failure. The concrete
mixture included ordinary Portland cement (OPC) cement, fine aggregate, 10 mm coarse
aggregate, and CS.
The results showed that the replacement of up to 40% of the fine aggregate with CS caused
no major changes in concrete strength, column failure load, or measured flexural stiffness
(EI). Further increasing the percentage reduced the concrete strength, column failure load,
and flexural stiffness (EI), and increased concrete slump and lateral and vertical deflections
of the column. The maximum difference in concrete strength between the mixes of 0% CS
and 100% CS was 29%, with the difference between the measured control failure loads
between the columns with 0 and 100% CS was 20% the maximum difference in the measured
EI between the columns with 0 and 100% CS was 25%. The measured to calculate failure
loads of all specimens varied between 91 and -100.02%. The measured steel strains were
proportional to the failure loads. It was noted that columns with high percentages of CS
(60%) experienced buckling at earlier stages of loading than those with lower percentages
of CS.
Al-Jabri et al (2011) “investigated the effect of using copper slag as a fine aggregate on
the properties of cement mortars and concrete.”
Various mortar and concrete mixtures were prepared with different proportions of copper slag
ranging from 0% (for the control mixture) to 100% as fine aggregates replacement. Cement
mortar mixtures were evaluated for compressive strength, whereas concrete mixtures were
evaluated for workability, density, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength
and durability. The results obtained for cement mortars revealed that all mixtures with
different copper slag proportions yielded comparable or higher compressive strength than that
of the control mixture. There was more than 70% improvement in the compressive strength
of mortars with 50% copper slag substitution in comparison with the control mixture. The
results obtained for concrete indicated that there is a slight increase in density of nearly 5% as
copper slag content increases.
D. Brindha , Baskaran. T and S. Nagan(2011) “Assessment of corrosion and Durability
studies on copper slag admixed concrete, This paper presents the results of an
experimental study”
On various corrosion and durability tests on concrete containing copper slag as partial
replacement of sand and cement. For this research work, M20 grade concrete was used and
tests were conducted for various proportions of copper slag replacement with sand of 0 to
60%, cement of 0 to 20% in concrete. The obtained results were compared with those of
control concrete made with ordinary Portland cement and sand. Conclusions were drawn
from this study are;
i. The utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete provides additional
environmental as well as technical benefits for all related industries.
ii. Replacement of copper slag in both fine aggregates and cement replacement
reduces the cost of making concrete.
iii. When copper slag replaced with cement, use of hydrated lime by 1.5% to the
weight of cement gives improvement in rate of strength gain.
iv. Replacement of copper slag increases the self weight of concrete specimens to the
maximum of 15 to 20%.
v. For higher replacement of copper slag in cement (greater than 20%) and sand
(greater than 50%) the compressive and split tensile strength decreases due to an
increase of free water content in the mix.
vi. The results of compressive, split tensile strength test have indicated that the
strength of concrete increases with respect to the percentage of slag added by
weight of fine aggregate up to 40% of additions and 15% of cement.
Meenakshi Sudarvizhi. S, Ilangovan R (2011) “Performance of Copper slag and ferrous
slag as partial replacement of sand in Concrete”.
The development of construction materials have posed problems and challenge that initiated
worldwide research programs and continued conventional and non-conventional applications
leading to ultimate economy. Researchers developed waste management strategies to apply
for advantages for specific needs. The use of Copper Slag (CS) and Ferrous Slag (FS) in
concrete provides environmental as well as economic benefits for all related industries,
particularly in areas where a considerable amount of CS and FS is produced.
Owing to the scarcity of fine aggregate for the preparation of mortar and concrete, partial
replacement of CS and FS with sand have been attempted. CS and FS are byproducts
obtained during matte smelting and refining of CS and FS.This work reports an experimental
procedure to investigate the effect of using CS and FS as partial replacement of sand. The
strength characteristics of conventional concrete and slag concrete such as compressive
strength, tensile strength were found .Six series of concrete mixtures were prepared with
different proportions of CS and FS ranging from 0% to 100%.
Brindha and S. Nagan (2010) “Utilization of Copper Slag as a partial replacement of
fine aggregate in concrete”,
The potential use of granulated copper slag from Sterlite Industries as a replacement for sand
in concrete mixes. The effect of replacing fine aggregate by copper slag on the compressive
strength and split tensile strength are attempted in this work. Leaching studies demonstrate
that granulated copper slag does not pave way for leaching of harmful elements like copper
and iron present in slag. The percentage replacement of sand by granulated copper slag were
0%,5%,10%,15%,20%,30%,40% and 50%.
The compressive strength was observed to increase by about 35-40% and split tensile
strength by 30-35%. The experimental investigation showed that percentage replacement of
sand by copper slag shall be upto 40%.The results of compression & split-tensile test
indicated that the strength of concrete increases with respect to the percentage of slag added
by weight of fine aggregate upto 40% of additions. The recommended percentage
replacement of sand by copper slag is 40%.
For the test data of materials required for design mix, Physical properties of cement, fine
aggregate and coarse aggregate is tested and tests performed are as follows
Gradation of aggregate is done as per code IS383-1970 based on %passing of fine aggregate.
Then based on these values the proportion of concrete that is design mix is prepared as per
code IS 10262-2009, then based on this proportion the quantity of materials is calculated for
different tests. Copper slag were replaced with fine aggregate in concrete in 6 different
percentage like 0%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% , 50% , 55% and 60%. For each percent of copper
slag addition 7cubes, 7cylinders were casted.
1. R R Chavan*1 & D B Kulkarni ()“Performance of copper slag on strength Properties
as partial replace of fine aggregate In concrete mix design”, International Journal of
Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974.
2. Sakthieswaran N, Ganesan K (2013), “ Flexural Performance of Concrete Beams
Containing Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Copper Slag, and Fibres”, Australian Journal of
Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(8): 886-891, 2013 ISSN 1991-8178.
3. AS Alnuaimi (2012), “Effects of Copper Slag as a Replacement for Fine Aggregate
on the Behavior and Ultimate Strength of Reinforced Concrete Slender Columns”,
Sultan Qaboos University, Vol.9,pp.90-102.
4. Al-Jabri et al (2011) “investigated the effect of using copper slag as a fine aggregate
on the properties of cement mortars and concrete.”
5. Brindha D.,Baskaran. T , Nagan.S (2011), “Assessment of Corrosion and Durability
Characteristics of Copper Slag Admixed Concrete”, International Journal Of Civil
And Structural Engineering Vol 1, No 2, pp-192-211.
6. Meenakshi Sudarvizhi. S, Ilangovan. R (2011), “ Performance of Copper slag and
ferrous slag as partial replacement of sand in Concrete”, International Journal Of Civil
And Structural Engineering ,Vol 1, No 4, pp.918-927.
7. D. Brindha and S. Nagan (2010) “Utilization of Copper Slag as a partial replacement
of fine aggregate in concrete”, International Journal Earth Science And Engineering,
ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 03, No. 04, August 2010, pp. 579-585.
8. Arino, A.M. and Mobasher, B. “Effect of copper slag on the strength, and
toughness of cementitious mixtures”, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 96, No. 1,
pp. 68-75, 1999.