Type of drill : MEDEVAC Drill : Medical Evacuation
1. Objective
- To find out capabilities of each person involved and emergency communication system (emergency
- To know the response of DSS Limited internal evacuation team, HDEC ERT
- To familiarize all employees of DSS, HDEC in responding at the time incident
- To find out the exact time needed to transfer IP from incident location at site toHDEC Clinic.
- To familiarize first aid team to treat the IP and handle the medivac.
2. Scenario
IP doing dismantling sheet pile work on area sea (sea water intake area) and suddenly IP is passed out head
bumping materials . His co-worker calling person from on sea area to notify the watch man then inform to his
supervisor and DSS Safety Officer in charge at the area.
DSS Safety office area inform to DSS rescue team/ first aider and HDEC ERT coordinator. DSS HSE Officer
dial emergency number and request to mobilize ambulance to scene of in line 48.
Rescue Team retrieve IP from sea (SWI area) using speed boat. Once IP been evacuated from speedboat
and bring IP go to line 48 using speed boat, first aider handling during the trip go to line 48 while waiting for
HDEC doctor and ambulance. Rescue team move IP from spedboat to ambulance pick up point while other
team manage the traffic to give insufficient access to ambulance Ambulance arrive and immediately transfer
IP to ambulance stretcher. Ambulance to mobilize to HDEC clinic.
3. Response
No. Sequences Plan Actual
1 IP Passed out in sea and supervisor notify to his DSS Safety officer 30 Seconds
2 DSS safety officer inform to rescue team and first aider 30 Seconds
3 Rescue team mobilize rescue stretcher and rescue the IP from
5 Minutes
inside SWI
4 DSS Safety officer/ site supervisor dial Emergency number and
request to mobilize ambulance to scene of incident and notify and 30 Seconds
HDEC ERT coordinator.
5 First aider arrived at incident location 30Seconds
6 Waiting the ambulance while first aider handling the IP 3 Minutes
7 Move the IP from SWI down to emergency pick up point using
2 Minutes
8 Transfer IP from stretcher to ambulance stretcher and handling to
1 Minutes
the ambulance
9 Ambulance mobilize to HDEC Clinic 3 Minutes
Total Time Required 16 Minutes
4. Observer COMPANY
1. Asis HDEC
2. AhmadMulyadi HDEC
3. Agus Santoso HDEC
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6. Attachment
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