Acar 2018
Acar 2018
Acar 2018
Dermatologica Sinica
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer with several clinical and histopathological
Received: Apr 9, 2017 subtypes. Trauma and scar tissue have been implicated as possible etiological causes of BCC. Here, we
Revised: Jan 8, 2018 report a case of a 37-year-old man with BCC arising on a longstanding cicatricial plaque with nearly 30
Accepted: Apr 19, 2018
years' duration. Intractable pruritus, which had started two months ago and gradually intensified, was
the patient's main complaint upon admission. The lesion presented as a linear, erythematous, excoriated
cicatricial plaque in the left supraclavicular region. Pearly borders and the mildly atrophic center of the
plaque, that were recognized upon close examination, were notable features and may indicate BCC. We
Basal cell carcinoma
believe that a detailed patient history and meticulous clinical examination are essential for diagnosing
Malignancy BCC arising in longstanding scars.
BCC Copyright © 2018, Taiwanese Dermatological Association.
Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Introduction patient had developed intense pruritus that was localized to this
area, and had started two months prior to his presentation and had
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer in the continued to increase in severity. He stated that the scar had been
world. BCC is generally a slow- growing tumor that rarely metas- present for nearly 30 years, but he could not provide a detailed
tasizes; however, it can cause significant morbidity due to local history about the cause and progression of the scar. He denied any
destruction and disfigurement.1,2 Light skin color, intermittent and surgical procedure, burn, radiotherapy, or any other trauma and
intense sun exposure, ionizing radiation, arsenic exposure, immu- gave no history of chemical exposure, radiation, or immunosup-
nosuppression, and HIV seropositivity are well-known risk factors pression. He also did not have a family history of BCC or BCC related
for the development of BCC.1 Trauma and scar tissue have also been syndromes.
implicated in the etiology; nevertheless, the pathophysiology of the Physical examination showed a linear, cicatricial, erythematous-
development of BCC arising from scar tissue has not yet been fully purple-colored plaque (7 1 cm) with crusts caused by excoria-
elucidated.3,4 Moreover, Requena described a separate variant of tions. Upon close examination, a slight elevation on the border that
BCC in 1996, reporting two cases that morphologically resembled was formed by multiple orange/skin-colored millimetric papules
keloids, and proposed the term “keloidal BCC”.5 Herein, we report a and a mildly atrophic center were observed (Fig. 1AeB). He had no
case of BCC arising on a longstanding linear scar located in the lymphadenopathy and no other significant cutaneous findings.
supraclavicular region of a 37-year- old man. A punch biopsy was performed in the vicinity of the border with
a provisional diagnosis of granulomatous skin disease, dermatofi-
Case report brosarcoma protuberans, and keloid. Microscopic examination
revealed fibrillar, thickened, prominent collagen bundles arranged
A 37-year-old male patient presented to our outpatient clinic with a parallel to the skin surface forming nodular structures and an
cicatricial-keloidal plaque in the left supraclavicular region. The increased number of blood vessels with perivascular lymphocyte
and plasmocyte infiltration, consistent with a hypertrophic scar.
* Corresponding author. Many basaloid palisading cell aggregations of BCC that were of
E-mail address: (E.M. Acar).
1027-8117/Copyright © 2018, Taiwanese Dermatological Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Please cite this article in press as: Acar EM, et al., Basal cell carcinoma presenting as an excoriated cicatricial plaque: A case report,
Dermatologica Sinica (2018),
2 E.M. Acar et al. / Dermatologica Sinica xxx (2018) 1e3
Fig. 1 Clinical images of the patient (A) Linear excoriated cicatricial plaque in the left supraclavicular region. (B) Pearly border of the plaque and crusts on close examination.
various sizes were intermixed with collagen bundles in the scar's Discussion
deep layer (Fig. 2AeB). With these histopathological findings, we
established a diagnosis of BCC arising on a hypertrophic scar. BCC is the most common skin cancer with a predilection for
Subsequently the patient was referred to plastic surgery and total chronically sun-exposed areas, mainly the face and neck, and is
excision of the lesion was performed with 10 mm margins. There most frequently seen in adults aged 40 years or older.6 UV exposure
was no recurrence was after five months. is the predominant environmental risk factor in the etiology of
BCC,1 trauma and scar tissue have also been associated with the
development of BCC, and the period between the onset of trauma
and tumor formation can range from weeks to decades.3,4,6 Noo-
dleman reported that trauma-related BCCs were seen more
frequently in males and at younger age compared with BCCs that
were not related with trauma.3 In line with this, the present case
was a 37-year-old male patient. The exact pathogenesis of the
development of BCC on scar tissue remains unclear. It has been
speculated that cell damage due to UV exposure, skin atrophy,
decreased perfusion, the release of toxins as a result of chronic
irritation, slow initial healing and recurrent ulceration form a
predisposition to the development of malignancy.3,7 In a study
comprising 1774 basal cell carcinomas treated with Mohs surgery,
7.3% of the patients had a prior history of trauma such as burn
injury, sharp trauma, and chicken pox scars.3 Ryeol et al.reported a
case of BCC that presented as a hypertrophic scar in the right
supratip region of a 39 year-old-woman who had acne scars
frequently irritated during wound healing.6 Misago et al. reported a
case of keloidal BCC in the preauricular region after radiotherapy.8
Goder et al. reported another case of keloidal BCC on the mid helix
of the auricle within the scar tissue of ear piercing.9 Case reports
that describe BCCs arising from surgical scars also exist.10,11 In the
present case, the patient could recall no history of surgery, wounds,
burns, or radiotherapy exposure. Nevertheless, the linear shape of
the lesion seemed to indicate some form of trauma. Since the lesion
was already present in childhood, it is also possible that he might
not remember some traumas from his infancy; this could not be
confirmed as the patients' parents were no longer alive. The long
duration of surgical scars has been related to the development of
BCC.4,12 Similarly, in our case, the long-term existence of the scar
(approximately 30 years), might have contributed to the develop-
ment of malignancy. Chronic irritation due to clothes and rubbing
might also be involved in the pathogenesis.4,12
In this case, the lesion presented as an excoriated, erythematous,
cicatricial plaque, that was indistinguishable from scar tissue at first
sight. Upon close examination, a pearly border was formed by
multiple orange/skin-colored millimetric papules and the mildly
Fig. 2 Histopathological examination (A), (B) Basaloid tumor cells in nests and they are atrophic center were recognized; we believe that these features
surrounded by thick collagen bundles haphazardly (H&E, 50). may be indicative of BCC. A diagnosis of BCC arising on a
Please cite this article in press as: Acar EM, et al., Basal cell carcinoma presenting as an excoriated cicatricial plaque: A case report,
Dermatologica Sinica (2018),
E.M. Acar et al. / Dermatologica Sinica xxx (2018) 1e3 3
hypertrophic scar was established with the histopathological scars and malignancies are necessary. We also recommend that the
findings; however, the lesion was not clinically a hypertrophic morphology of cicatricial plaques and accompanying symptoms
plaque. We considered that the scar might have undergone must be carefully evaluated, especially in longstanding lesions.
regression, as most hypertrophic scars regress over time.13 Inter- Since BCCs that evolve in scars may not present as classical types of
estingly, the patient mainly complained of severe, disturbing pru- BCC, clinicians must be aware that this can be overlooked unless
ritus, that had emerged recently on this longstanding plaque. meticulous clinical examination is performed.
Pruritus is a common symptom in hypertrophic scars; nevertheless,
it can also be a symptom of cutaneous malignancies such as basal
Conflict of interest statement
cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.14 In a
study done by Yosipovitch et al., itching was present in 31.9% of all
The authors have no conflict of financial and/or nonfinancial in-
BCCs.14 However, with the possibility that the itch was a common
terest to declare.
symptom of scar tissue in this case, the new-onset and intensifying
severity also raised the suspicion that these characteristics of pru-
ritus could be warning signs for the diagnosis of scar-related BCCs. Acknowledgements
Since there is no study comparing the characteristics of pruritus in
We would like to thank Murat Ozdemir, Serhat ASLAN and Ferhat
scars and BCC in the literature, we were unable to confirm this
suspicion. Histamine released by mast cells plays a role in the SEKMEN for technical assistance.
pruritus pathophysiology in hypertrophic scars and keloids;
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Please cite this article in press as: Acar EM, et al., Basal cell carcinoma presenting as an excoriated cicatricial plaque: A case report,
Dermatologica Sinica (2018),