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115C and 117C: True-Rms Multimeters

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115C and 117C

True-rms Multimeters

Users Manual

PN 2538695
July 2006
© 2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in China
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
This Fluke product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for three
years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable bat-
teries, or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnor-
mal conditions of operation or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any
other warranty on Fluke’s behalf. To obtain service during the warranty period, contact
your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information,
then send the product to that Service Center with a description of the problem.
some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty
or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to

Fluke Corporation Shanghai Shilu Instrument Co., Ltd.

P.O. Box 9090 #139, 2638 Nong, Hongmei Nanlu
Everett, WA 98206-9090 Shanghai 201108
U.S.A. Biao Zhun Hao: Q/SXAV 1-2002
True-rms Multimeters
Introduction Unsafe Voltage
The Fluke Model 115C, and Model 117C are battery- To alert you to the presence of a potentially
powered, true-rms multimeters (hereafter "the Meter") hazardous voltage, the Y symbol is displayed when
with a 6000-count display and a bar graph. This manual the Meter measures a voltage ≥ 30 V or a voltage
applies to both models. All figures show the Model overload (OL) condition. When making frequency
117C. measurements >1 kHz, the Y symbol is unspecified.
These meters meet CAT III IEC 61010-1 2nd Edition
standards. The IEC 61010-1 2nd Edition safety standard Test Lead Alert
defines four measurement categories (CAT I to IV) XWWarning
based on the magnitude of danger from transient Personal injury or damage to the
impulses. CAT III meters are designed to protect Meter can occur if you attempt to
against transients in fixed-equipment installations at the make a measurement with a lead in an
distribution level. incorrect terminal.
Contacting Fluke To remind you to check that the test leads are in the
correct terminals, LEAd is briefly displayed and an
To contact Fluke, call: audible beep sounds when you move the rotary
USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853) switch to or from any A (Amps) position.
China: 010-65123435
Europe: +31 402-675-200
Japan: +81-3-3434-0181
Singapore +65-738-5655
Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500
Visit Fluke's web site at www.fluke.com.
Register your Meter at register.fluke.com.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

Safety Information
A "XWWarning" statement identifies hazardous conditions and actions that could cause bodily harm or death.
A "WCaution" statement identifies conditions and actions that could damage the Meter or the equipment under test.
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, follow these guidelines:
• Use the Meter only as specified in this manual or the protection provided by the Meter might
be impaired.
• Do not use the Meter or test leads if they appear damaged, or if the Meter is not operating
• Always use proper terminals, switch position, and range for measurements.
• Verify the Meter's operation by measuring a known voltage. If in doubt, have the Meter
• Do not apply more than the rated voltage, as marked on Meter, between terminals or
between any terminal and earth ground.
• Use caution with voltages above 30 V ac rms, 42 V ac peak, or 60 V dc. These voltages pose
a shock hazard.
• Disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before testing
resistance, continuity, diodes, or capacitance.
• Do not use the Meter around explosive gas or vapor.
• When using test leads or probes, keep your fingers behind the finger guards.
• Remove test leads from Meter before opening the battery door or Meter case.
• Comply with local and national safety requirements when working in hazardous locations.

True-rms Multimeters
Safety Information

• Use proper protective equipment, as required by local or national authorities when working
in hazardous areas.
• Avoid working alone.
• Use only the replacement fuse specified or the protection may be impaired.
• Check the test leads for continuity before use. Do not use if the readings are high or noisy.
B AC (Alternating Current) I Fuse
F DC (Direct Current) T Double Insulated
X Hazardous voltage W Important Information; Refer to manual
N Battery (Low battery when shown on the
J Earth ground

~ Do not dispose of this product as unsorted

municipal waste. Contact Fluke or a
qualified recycler for disposal.

115C and 117C
Users Manual


7 9

3 11

2 12
16 14 13
15 17 18


No. Symbol Meaning Model

A w The Meter is in the VoltAlert™ non-contact voltage detect mode. 117C
B s The Meter function is set to Continuity. 115C & 117C
C R The Meter function is set to Diode Test 115C & 117C
D O Input is a negative value. 115C & 117C
E Y X Unsafe voltage. Measured input voltage ≥30 V, or voltage
overload condition (OL). 115C & 117C

True-rms Multimeters

F K Display hold enabled. Display freezes present reading. 115C & 117C
G M MIN MAX AVG mode enabled.
115C & 117C
VWX Maximum, minimum, average or present reading displayed
H (Red LED) Voltage presence through the non-contact VoltAlert sensor 117C
I LoZ The Meter is measuring voltage or capacitiance with a low input
impedance. 115C & 117C
J nµF mVµA
Measurement units. 115C & 117C
MkΩ kHz
K DC AC Direct current or alternating current 115C & 117C
L N Battery low warning. 115C & 117C
M 610000 mV Indicates the Meter’s range selection. 115C & 117C
N (Bar graph) Analog display. 115C & 117C
O Auto Volts The Meter is in the Auto Volts function. 117C
Auto Auto ranging. The Meter selects the range for best resolution. 115C & 117C
Manual Manual ranging. User sets the Meter’s range. 115C & 117C
P + Bar graph polarity 115C & 117C
Q 0L W The input is too large for the selected range. 115C & 117C
R LEAd W Test lead alert. Briefly displayed whenever the Meter’s
function switch is rotated to or from any A position. 115C & 117C

115C and 117C
Users Manual


1 V

10 A


No. Description Model

Input terminal for measuring ac and dc current to 10 A, or to 20 A overload
A 115C & 117C
for 30 seconds maximum.
B Common (return) terminal for all measurements. 115C & 117C
Input terminal for measuring voltage, continuity, resistance, capacitance,
C 115C & 117C
frequency and testing diodes.

Error Messages
bAtt Battery must be replaced before the Meter will operate.
CAL Err Calibration required. Meter calibration is required before the Meter will operate.
EEPr Err Internal error. The Meter must be repaired before it will operate.
F11/ Err Internal error. The Meter must be repaired before it will operate.

True-rms Multimeters
Rotary Switch Positions

Rotary Switch Positions

Switch Measurement Function Model
Automatically selects ac or dc volts based on the sensed input with a low 117C
x impedance input.
B AC voltage from 0.06 mV to 600 V. 115C & 117C
Hz (button) Frequency from 5 Hz to 50 kHz. 115C & 117C
D DC voltage from .001 V to 600 V. 115C & 117C
l AC voltage from 6.0 to 600 mV, dc-coupled. DC voltage from 0.1 to 600 mV. 115C & 117C
Ω Ohms from 0.1 Ω to 40 MΩ. 115C & 117C
s Continuity beeper turns on at <20 Ω and turns off at >250 Ω. 115C & 117C
R Diode Test. Displays OL above 2.0 V. 115C & 117C
S Farads from 1 nF to 9999 µF. 115C & 117C
J AC current from 0.1 to 10 A (20 A overload for 30 seconds maximum). >10.00 115C & 117C
A display flashes. >20 A, OL is displayed.
Hz (button) Frequency from 45 Hz to 5 kHz.
DC current from 0.001 A to 10 A. (20 A overload for 30 seconds maximum.) 115C & 117C
I >10.00 A display flashes. >20 A, OL is displayed.
w Non-contact sensing of ac voltage. 117C
Note: All ac functions and Auto-V LoZ are true-rms. AC voltage is ac-coupled. Auto-V LoZ, AC mV and AC
amps are dc coupled.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

Battery Saver ("Sleep Mode") • To exit and erase stored readings, press p for at
The Meter automatically enters "Sleep mode" and blanks least one second or turn the rotary switch.
the display if there is no function change, range change, or
button press for 20 minutes. Pressing any button or Display HOLD
turning the rotary switch awakens the Meter. To disable the XWWarning
Sleep mode, hold down the g button while turning the To avoid electric shock, when Display
Meter on. The Sleep mode is always disabled in the MIN HOLD is activated, be aware that the
MAX AVG mode. display will not change when you
apply a different voltage.
MIN MAX AVG Recording Mode
In the Display HOLD mode, the Meter freezes the display.
The MIN MAX AVG recording mode captures the minimum
and maximum input values (ignoring overloads), and • Press fto activate Display HOLD. (K is
calculates a running average of all readings. When a new displayed.)
high or low is detected, the Meter beeps.
• To exit and return to normal operation, press f or
• Put the Meter in the desired measurement function and turn the rotary switch.
• Press p to enter MIN MAX AVG mode. Backlight
• Mand MAX are displayed and the highest
reading detected since entering MIN MAX AVG is Press Q to toggle the backlight on and off. The backlight
displayed. automatically turns off after 40 seconds. To disable
backlight auto-off, hold down Q while turning the Meter
• Press p to step through the low (MIN), average on.
(AVG), and present readings.
• To pause MIN MAX AVG recording without erasing Manual and Autoranging
stored values, press f. K is displayed. The Meter has both Manual and Autorange modes.
• To resume MIN MAX AVG recording, press fagain. • In the Autorange mode, the Meter selects the range with
the best resolution.

True-rms Multimeters
Power-Up Options

• In the Manual Range mode, you override Autorange and

select the range yourself. Button Power-Up Options
When you turn the Meter on, it defaults to Autorange and
Auto is displayed. f Turns on all display segments.
1. To enter the Manual Range mode, press q. Disables beeper. bEEP is displayed when
Manual is displayed.
p enabled.
2. In the Manual Range mode, press qto increment Enables low impedance capacitance
the range. After the highest range, the Meter wraps to
the lowest range.
q measurements. LCAP is displayed when
enabled. See page 14.
Note Disables automatic power-down ("Sleep
g mode"). PoFF is displayed when enabled.
You cannot manually change the range in the
MIN MAX AVG or Display HOLD modes. Disables auto backlight off. LoFF is
If you press qwhile in MIN MAX AVG or
Q displayed when enabled.
Display Hold, the Meter beeps twice, indicating
an invalid operation, and the range does not Making Basic Measurements
change. The figures on the following pages show how to make
3. To exit Manual Range, press q for at least 1 second basic measurements.
or turn the rotary switch. The Meter returns to When connecting the test leads to the circuit or device,
Autorange and Auto is displayed. connect the common (COM) test lead before connecting
the live lead; when removing the test leads, remove the live
Power-Up Options lead before removing the common test lead.
To select a Power-Up Option, hold down the button
indicated in the following table while turning the Meter on.
Power-Up Options are canceled when you turn the Meter
off and when sleep mode is activated.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

Measuring Resistance Testing for Continuity


edy04f.eps Note
The continuity function works best as a fast,
To avoid electric shock, injury, or convenient method to check for opens and
damage to the Meter, disconnect shorts. For maximum accuracy in making
circuit power and discharge all high- resistance measurements, use the Meter’s
voltage capacitors before testing resistance (e) function.
resistance, continuity, diodes, or

True-rms Multimeters
Making Basic Measurements

Measuring AC and DC Voltage Measuring Capacitance

Volts AC Volts DC


Using Auto Volts Selection (117C only)
Measuring AC or DC Current
With the function switch in the x position, the Meter
automatically selects a dc or ac voltage measurement XWWarning
based on the input applied between the V and COM jacks. To avoid personal injury or damage to the
This function also sets the Meter’s input impedance to Meter:
approximately 3 kΩ to reduce the possibility of false
readings due to ghost voltages.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

• Never attempt to make an in-circuit

current measurement when the open- 1
circuit potential to earth is
> 600 V. A
• Check the Meter's fuse before testing.
(See “Testing the Fuse”)
• Use the proper terminals, switch
position, and range for your measure-
ment. 2 3
• Never place the probes in parallel with a
circuit or component when the leads are
plugged into the A (Amps) terminals.


Turn circuit power off, break the circuit, insert the Meter in
series with the circuit and then turn circuit power on.

True-rms Multimeters
Making Basic Measurements

Measuring Current above 10 Amps Measuring Frequency

The millivolt function of the Meter can be used with an XWWarning
optional mV/A output Current Probe to measure currents To avoid electrical shock, disregard the bar
that exceed the rating of the Meter. Make sure the Meter graph for frequencies >1 kHz. If the
has the correct function selected, AC or DC, for your frequency of the measured signal is >1 kHz,
current probe. Refer to a Fluke catalog or contact your the bar graph and Z are unspecified.
local Fluke representative for compatible current clamps.
AC Voltage Frequency AC Current Frequency


V A Hz

The Meter measures the frequency of a signal by counting
the number of times the signal crosses a trigger level each
second. The trigger level is 0 V, 0 A for all ranges.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

• Press g to turn the frequency measurement function To detect the presence of ac voltage, place the top of the
on and off. Frequency works with ac functions only. Meter close to a conductor. The Meter gives an audible as
• In frequency, the bar graph and range annunciator well as visual indication when voltage is detected. There
indicate the ac voltage or current present. are two sensitivity settings. The “Lo” setting can be used
on flush mounted wall sockets, power strips, flush
• Select progressively lower ranges using manual ranging mounted industrial outlets and various power cords. The
for a stable reading. “Hi” setting allows for ac voltage detection on other styles
of recessed power connectors or sockets where the actual
Detecting AC Voltage Presence (117C only) ac voltage is recessed within the connector itself. The
VoltAlert detector works in bare wire applications with
voltages as low as 24 V in the “Hi” setting.
If there is no indication, voltage could
still be present. Do not rely on the
VoltAlert detector with shielded wire.
RANGE Operation may be effected by
Lo differences in socket design,
insulation thickness and type.

Making Low Impedance Capacitance

VoltAlert Measurements
For making capacitance measurements on cables with
ghost voltage, hold qwhile turning on the Meter to
switch the Meter into LoZ, (low input impedance)
Capacitance mode. In this mode, capacitance
measurements will have a lower accuracy and lower
edy13f.eps dynamic range. This setting is not saved when the Meter is
turned off or goes into sleep mode.

True-rms Multimeters
Making Basic Measurements

Testing Diodes Using the Bargraph

Good Diode Good Diode The bar graph is like the needle on an analog meter. It has
an overload indicator (>) to the right and a polarity
indicator (+)to the left.
Because the bar graph is much faster than the digital
display, the bar graph is useful for making peak and null
The bar graph is disabled when measuring capacitance. In
frequency, the bar graph and range annunciator indicates
the underlying voltage or current up to 1 kHz.
The number of segments indicates the measured value and
Forward Bias Reverse Bias is relative to the full-scale value of the selected range.
Bad Diode Bad Diode In the 60 V range, for example (see below), the major
divisions on the scale represent 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 V. An
input of −30 V turns on the negative sign and the segments
up to the middle of the scale.

Open and aej11f.eps


115C and 117C
Users Manual

Testing the Fuse • Remove test leads from the Meter

Test fuse as shown below. before opening the case or battery door.
• Use ONLY a fuse with the amperage,
interrupt voltage, and speed ratings
OK specified.


Maintenance of the Meter consists of battery and fuse
replacement, as well as case cleaning.

Replacing the Battery and Fuse Fuse

To avoid shock, injury, or damage to
the Meter:

True-rms Multimeters

To remove the battery door for battery replacement: To open the case for fuse replacement:
1. Remove the test leads from the Meter. 1. Remove the test leads from the Meter
2. Remove the battery door screw. 2. Remove the Meter from its holster.
3. Use the finger recess to lift the door slightly. 3. Remove the battery door.
4. Lift the door straight up to separate it from the case. 4. Remove two screws from the case bottom.
The battery fits inside the battery door, which is then 5. Separate the case bottom from the case top.
inserted into the case, bottom edge first, until it is fully 6. Remove the fuse from its holder and replace it with an
seated. Do not attempt to install the battery directly into the 11 A, 1000 V, FAST fuse having a minimum interrupt
case. rating of 17,000 A. Use only Fluke PN 803293.
5. Install and tighten battery door screw. 7. To re-assemble the Meter, first attach the case bottom
to the case top, then insert the battery door and install
all three screws. Finally, insert the Meter into its holster.

Wipe the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do
not use abrasives or solvents. Dirt or moisture in the
terminals can affect readings.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

General Specifications
Accuracy is specified for 1 year after calibration, at operating temperatures of 18 °C to 28 °C, with
relative humidity at 0 % to 95 %.
Extended specifications are available at www.Fluke.com.
Maximum voltage between any
terminal and earth ground.......................................600 V
Surge Protection ......................................................6 kV peak per IEC 61010-1 600V CAT III,
Pollution Degree 2
W Fuse for A input: .................................................11 A, 1000 V 17 kA FAST Fuse (Fluke PN 803293)
Display ......................................................................Digital: 6,000 counts, updates 4/sec
Bar Graph: 33 segments, updates 32/sec
Temperature .............................................................Operating: -10 °C to + 50 °C
Storage: -40 °C to + 60 °C
Temperature Coefficient ..........................................0.1 x (specified accuracy)/°C (<18 °C or >28 °C)
Operating Altitude....................................................2,000 meters
Battery .......................................................................9 Volt Alkaline, NEDA 1604A / IEC 6LR61
Battery Life ...............................................................Alkaline: 400 hours typical, without backlight
Safety Compliances .................................................Complies with ANSI/ISA 82.02.01 (61010-1) 2004,
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 61010-1-04, UL 6101B (2003)
and IEC/EN 61010-1 2 Edition for measurement
Category III, 600 V, Pollution Degree 2, EMC

True-rms Multimeters
General Specifications

Certifications ........................................................... UL, P, CSA, TÜV, ; (N10140), VDE

IP Rating (dust and water protection) ......................... IP52 with no vacuum applied
Table 1. Accuracy Specifications

Function Range Resolution ± ([% of Reading] + [Counts]) Model

DC millivolts 600.0 mV 0.1 mV 0.5 % + 2
6.000 V 0.001 V
DC Volts 60.00 V 0.01 V 0.5 % + 2
600.0 V 0.1 V
DC, 45 to 500 Hz 500 Hz to 1 kHz
Auto-V LoZ[1] True-rms 600.0 V 0.1 V 2.0 % + 3 4.0 % + 3 117C
45 to 500 Hz 500 Hz to 1 kHz
AC millivolts True- 1.0 % + 3 115C,
600.0 mV 0.1 mV 2.0 % + 3
rms 117C
6.000 V 0.001 V
1.0 % + 3 115C,
AC Volts True-rms 60.00 V 0.01 V 2.0 % + 3
600.0 V 0.1 V

115C and 117C
Users Manual

Table 1 Accuracy Specifications (cont.)

Function Range Resolution ± ([% of Reading] + [Counts]) Model

Beeper on < 20 Ω, off > 250 Ω;

Continuity 600 Ω 1Ω detects opens or shorts of 115C,
500 µs or longer. 117C

600.0 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.9 % + 2

6.000 kΩ 0.001 kΩ 0.9 % + 1
60.00 kΩ 0.01 kΩ 0.9 % + 1 115C,
600.0 kΩ 0.1 kΩ 0.9 % + 1 117C
6.000 MΩ 0.001 MΩ 0.9 % + 1
40.00 MΩ 0.01 MΩ 1.5 % + 2
Diode test 2.000 V 0.001 V 0.9 % + 2 115C,
Capacitance 1000 nF 1 nF 1.9 % + 2 115C,
10.00 µF 0.01 µF 1.9 % + 2 117C
100.0 µF 0.1 µF 1.9 % + 2
9999 µF 1 µF 100 µF - 1000 µF: 1.9 % + 2
> 1000 µF: 5 % + 20
Lo-Z Capacitance 115C,
1 nF to 500 µF 10% + 2 typical
(Power-up option) 117C

True-rms Multimeters
General Specifications

Table 1 Accuracy Specifications (cont.)

Function Range Resolution ± ([% of Reading] + [Counts]) Model

6.000 A 0.001 A
AC Amps True-rms[1] 10.00 A 0.01 A 115C,
1.5 % + 3
(45 Hz to 500 Hz) 20 A overload for 30 117C
seconds maximm
6.000 A 0.001 A
10.00 A 0.01 A 115C,
DC Amps 1.0 % + 3
20 A for 30 seconds 117C
maximum overload
99.99 Hz 0.01 Hz
999.9 Hz 0.1 Hz 115C,
Hz (V or A input)[2] 0.1 % + 2
9.999 kHz 0.001 kHz 117C
50.00 kHz 0.01 kHz
[1] All ac ranges except Auto-V LoZ are specified from 1 % to 100% of range. Auto-V LoZ is specified from 0 V.
Because inputs below 1 % of range are not specified, it is normal for this and other true-rms meters to display non-
zero readings when the test leads are disconnected from a circuit or are shorted together. For volts, crest factor of
≤3 at 4000 counts, decreasing linearly to 1.5 at full scale. For amps, crest factor of ≤3. AC volts is ac-coupled.
Auto-V LoZ, AC mV, and AC amps are dc-coupled.
[2] AC Volts Hz is ac-coupled and specified from 5 Hz to 50 kHz. AC amps Hz is dc-coupled and specified from 45 Hz
to 5 kHz.

115C and 117C
Users Manual

Table 2. Input Characteristics

Input Impedance Common Mode Rejection Ratio Normal Mode

(Nominal) (1 kΩ Unbalanced) Rejection
Volts AC >5 MΩ <100 pF >60 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz
>10 MΩ <100 pF >100 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz >60 dB at 50 or 60
Volts DC
Auto-V LoZ ~3 kΩ <500 pF >60 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz
Short Circuit
Open Circuit Test Voltage Full Scale Voltage
Ohms <2.7 V dc To 6.0 MΩ 40 MΩ <350 µA
<0.7 V dc <0.9 V dc
Diode Test <2.7 V dc 2.000 V dc <1.2 mA


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